Speech development final lesson senior group. Open lesson on speech development “We are going to look for spring. Exercise “Decipher the name of the tree”

This lesson introduces preschoolers to the nature of the spring season; children become familiar with the signs of early spring, such striking phenomena of Russian nature as the arrival of birds, melting snow, river floods and floods. The lesson includes breathing exercises, working with a mnemonic table and other interesting tasks.

Open lesson on speech development “We are going to look for spring.”


  • consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the signs of the onset of spring;
  • promote the development of speech, memory, expand vocabulary;
  • promote accuracy when performing work.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, today we have an unusual activity. I suggest you go in search of spring.

We walk along the path:

1,2.3,4,5 we are going to look for spring!
Once - the buds are already swollen,
Two - the leaves will bloom,
3 – the bushes turn green in a row of three, look.
The snow melts on the count of 4,
The river is getting wider every hour.
5 – there are exactly 5 dandelions in the flowerbed again.
The sun is shining on the boulevard.
6 – spring is already in full swing.
7 – the day is already longer,
The lilac is blooming.
Behind the seven is the number 8
We'll ask you to line up.
9 – that’s it, game over!
10 – summer is just around the corner!

Guys, while we were walking along the path, did you see spring?

2. Watching the film “Spring Melodies”.

I suggest you look for spring in the cartoon.

3. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

What signs of the onset of spring did you see in the film? And to make your task easier, the cards will help you remember them.

The rooks have arrived.
The sun warms up.
Under the rays of the sun, the snow melts and thawed patches form.
Streams are running.
The buds are swelling on the trees.
The first flowers appear.
Drops sound everywhere.
Insects appear.

Spring struggled for a long time with winter. Winter didn't want to go away. She made her own riddles and gave her difficult tasks. There are many of them; spring alone cannot cope.

Do you want spring to defeat winter and stay with us?

We need to help her. If we complete all the tasks, spring will win, and if not, winter will return, snow will fall again, and it will become cold.

Spring sent its helpers to us - sunbeams, and winter brought a snowball. The sunbeams stopped on our table, each of them had a task.

There are many tasks, which one should you complete first?

A snowball will help us with this. Let's blow on him, which sunbeam he comes running to, then we'll complete the task first.

Blowing on the snow.

Task No. 1. "Drops."

The sunny bunny brought with him a riddle:

She grows upside down
It grows not in summer, but in winter,
But the sun will bake her
She will cry and die.

Spring can be seen in the drops. Many poems have been written about icicles, and the sunny bunny asks to learn one of them.

But first, let’s stretch our tongue so that it becomes obedient:

Spring has come to us.
The kids are dancing ra-ra-ra.
ok-ok-ok the flower has bloomed.

How do I drip droplets from icicles? Drip-drip.

Our poem is called “Drip-drip.” Let’s listen:

Tears are falling from the roof.
White snowflakes are melting.
The sun is jumping on the roof.
And winter sits and cries.
(A. Leontiev, trans. V. Danko)

We speak several times using the mnemonic table.

Why are there so many icicles in spring? (The radiant sun shines brightly and warms.)

Blowing on the snow.

Task No. 2. "Song for the Sun"

The sunny bunny asks you if you love the sun?

How nice it is when it shines, our mood becomes better. Let's give the sun a song.

Children sing the song “The day opened at dawn.”

The day opened at dawn
Golden key
To have it on Earth
A ray of light for each.
To make the palm trees grow
And birches with fir trees,
So that in the spring the nightingales
There was a clicking sound on the branches.
Chorus (2 times):
The sun is shining for everyone,
So that cheerful laughter rings out,
The kids didn't cry.
The sun is shining for everyone,
So that cheerful laughter rings out,
It shines the same.
The day opened at dawn
Golden key
To have it on Earth
A ray of light for each.
So that cheerful laughter rings out,
The kids didn't cry
The sun is shining for everyone,
It shines the same.
Chorus (2 times)

And now the sun has appeared? It's just not fun.

He's missing something. Why? It has no rays. Let's attach rays to it. And with each ray we will name which sun.

  • good - radiant
  • clear - spring
  • funny - hot
  • yellow - joyful

The sun smiled at us. It thanks you for helping it.

Blowing on the snow.

Task No. 3. "Spring Tale".

In spring, different miracles and magic happen.

Where does the magic happen? In fairy tales.

The sunny bunny asks us to compose our own fairy tale. And a golden saucer, a pouring apple, will help us with this.

Oh, my spring, you little freckle.
Because of the dark forests,
Come from across the blue seas,
The sun, illuminate with light.
Enter our fairy tale.
You, magical apple, roll!
Tell us our fairy tale!

Look at the pictures.

Who are they depicting?

Think and name the main character of the fairy tale.

What can you call a fairy tale?

Tell me, with what words do all fairy tales begin? Once upon a time...

And we will begin our fairy tale with these words.

A short story about spring for children.

Blowing on the snow.

Task No. 4. "Spring picture".

– The sunbeam wanted to give a picture to spring, so he began to draw, but for some reason he couldn’t do it.

What did he do wrong?

What's missing in his drawing?

Let's turn this picture into a spring one and paint only what belongs to spring.

Let's do some finger gymnastics with you:

Finger gymnastics “Flowers”.

Our scarlet flowers are pressed to each other, our hands are closed in the shape of a boat.
The petals are opened in front of the face, then opened in the form of a bowl.
The breeze breathes slightly, the brushes make clockwise movements and the Petals sway. counterclockwise.
Our scarlet flowers of the hand bend to the right and left.
The petals close
Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

Children color the picture with pastels.

4. Arrival of a guest.

I am spring - red!
I wake the earth from sleep,
I fill my kidneys with juice,
There is a grove of flowers in the fields,
I drive the ice away from the river,
I make the sunrise bright.
Everywhere: in the field and in the forest,
I bring joy to people.

We've been waiting for you so much, Spring, and we've been looking for you everywhere! And we have prepared drawings for you.

VESNA: Thank you guys for your efforts. You completed all the tasks of the sunbeams and helped me come quickly. For this I will reward you with gifts.

He gives oranges and leaves.

5. Result of the open lesson.

So our walk has come to an end.

Have we met spring? Where?

What did you like most about our walk?

Maltseva N.S.,

The purpose and objectives of this lesson are: Development of speech communication, visual and auditory attention, verbal-logical thinking, phonemic hearing;

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, well-wisher ness improving the skill of writing a descriptive story;strengthening the ability to name and distinguish letters;nurturing love and respect for nature.



Summary of the open final lesson on speech development in the senior group. Topic: “Journey for the sun’s rays”


Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topics “Spring”, “Birds”, “Wild Animals”;

Improving the skill of writing a descriptive story based on

Strengthening the ability to name and distinguish letters

Consolidating the ability to determine the first sound in a word, divide words into syllables;

Strengthening the ability to select related words

Development of speech communication, visual and auditory attention, verbal-logical thinking, phonemic hearing;

Development of general and fine motor skills.

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill,

Independence, responsibility;

Fostering love and respect for nature.


A letter, a flashlight, pictures depicting: clouds, cut clouds - letters, a birdhouse, a starling, insects, a picture with a bear, drawn sun rays; green leaves, a tree without leaves, a “clearing” with one, two and three flowers; blue fabric for the stream,

Progress of the lesson

Guys, look what a wonderful spring morning. Let's greet each other and guests with the words:

Good morning,

Wake up quickly

Smile wider at the sun!

Q: - Someone threw it to me at the window

Look - a letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What's tickling my face?

Letter : Dear guys! I am the spring sun. Sent I to warm the earth with their rays of the sun, but they were lost.

Help me please find them. And a magic light will show you the way.

V.- Guys, what should we do? What can happen if the rays are not found?

(Children's guesses)

Q: Do you want to help the sun?

D: - Yes.

Q: - Then let's go on a journey for the sun's rays!

Part 1

Magic light, help,

Show us the way.

(V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of a thundercloud. Children approach this place.)

Q: - Guess the riddle, what is it about?

She came up and rumbled,
Threw arrows onto the ground.
It seemed to us that she was in trouble,
It turned out that she came with water,
Came up and spilled -
The arable land has drunk enough.(cloud)

Q: What’s dripping from a cloud (rain)

V.: Let's show with sounds how the rain is dripping. Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip.

Guys, let's divide you into two groups, girls and boys. Girls perform the rhythm with clapping, boys with stomping.

Rhythmic pattern: Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip, drip-drip-drip; cap.

Q: - Well done guys, what a rain and thunder we had. We found the first ray, let's move on.

part 2

Magic light, help,

Show us the way.

(V. shines a light on a picture of grass.)

Q: - Guys, what did the sun’s ray warm just now?

D: - grass.

L: - The grass grows quickly under the sun's rays. Look how much grass has grown. Each of you will choose a bunch of grass, collect all its parts together and name a letter (in a group of 3-4 children).

Part 3

Q: - Magic light, help,

Show us the way.

(V. shines on the wavy path on the floor)

Q: - guys, guess what the next ray warmed.

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of a ravine (stream)

D: - stream.

Q: - Give us a gentle name for our stream.

D: - A trickle, a trickle.

Q: - Let's refresh ourselves by the stream and relieve fatigue: (speech with movement)

We all went down to the stream,

They bent down and washed.

One, two, three, four -

That's how nicely refreshed we were.

Q: - Guys, look at the pebble. Shall we play?

Pass the pebble to each other,

What does a spring stream do, name it!

D: - runs, murmurs, rings, makes noise, cheers, refreshes, waters, flows, sparkles.

Q: - Well done, we’ve found another beam, let’s move on.

Part 4

Magic light, help,

Show us the way.

(The teacher shines a flashlight on pictures of insects)

Q: - Who was warmed by the beam?

D: - insects. Look how many insects there are, take one for yourself.

Didactic game “Determine the number of syllables”. Determine the number of syllables in the names of your insects and place them on the lawns (where 1 flower - insects with one syllable, 2 flowers - with 2 syllables, 3 flowers - with 3 syllables).

B: - Well done!

B: - Everyone stand in a circle.

Fizminutka - Massage"Sun"

The sun rose early in the morning. All the kids were petted.

(Raise your arms up, stretch, making “flashlights” with your hands)

Stroking his chest

(Massage the “path” on the chest from bottom to top).

Strokes the neck

(Stroke your neck with your thumbs from top to bottom).

Strokes his nose

(Rub the wings of the nose with your fists).

Strokes the forehead

(Run your fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples).

Strokes ears (rub earlobes)

Strokes hands (rub palms)

Children are sunbathing. Here!(Raise your hands up)

B: - we rested a little, we continue our journey.

Part 5

Magic light, help,

Show us the way.

(V. shines on the picture of a birdhouse)

Q: - guys, who was warmed by the beam in this house?

D: - starling.

Q: - How did you guess?

D: - Because this house is called a birdhouse.

Tell us what you know about this bird (Children describe the bird)

Q: - What other migratory birds do you know?

D: - rook, swallow, swan, etc.

Q: - Well done, we found another beam.

Part 6

Q: - Magic light, help,

Show us the way.

Q: - Guys, if you guess the riddle, you will find out who was warmed and awakened by the beam.

Walks clubfoot in the summer,

And in winter he sucks his paw.

D: - Bear.

Q: What related words do you know?

(Bear, cubs, bear cub, she-bear, little bear, bear, bear, bear)

Spring is good not only for the bear, but for all forest animals. Name them. (Wolf, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, hare, fox, badger).

Ball game “Who are you? Where do you live? Who are your cubs?
Children stand in a circle and follow each other while the teacher speaks.
- Morning comes, the “little animals” are walking.
1,2,3 – little animals, freeze.
Throwing the ball to the child, the teacher asks: Who are you? Where do you live? Who are your cubs?
: I am a squirrel, I live in a hollow, I have baby squirrels.
(Wolf, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, hare, fox, badger)

Q: - Well done, here’s another beam.

Part 7

Magic light, help

Show us the way.

(V. shines on a poster with a picture of trees)

Q: - What did this ray fall on?

D: - On a tree

Q: And look what’s on the tree? Are there any leaves?

D: - No, there are no leaves.

Q: - Guys, should we give our tree green leaves? To do this, we will play the game “Say the other way around”

Didactic game “Say the opposite”

Day - night
Sugar - salt
Cleanliness - dirt
Winter - summer
Ceiling - floor

narrow – wide /skirt/
long – short /dress/
strong – weak /athlete/
cheerful – sad /girl/
tall – short /person/

Laughs - cries /child/
Lying - sitting /man/
Close – open /book/
Takes off - lands /plane/
Puts on - takes off /sweater/

(A word is written on each piece of paper - the children name its opposite and the teacher sticks the piece of paper on the tree)

Q: - Well done, our trees rustled with green leaves, and another ray was found.

Part 8

Guys, what are words made of? From sounds.

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? For vowels and consonants.

How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easily, freely, sing, stretch.

Let's name them. A, O, U, I, Y, E

What obstacles does the air in the mouth encounter when we pronounce consonants?

Name them B C D F G Z, etc.

Now prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine what sound is repeated in all the words?

  • cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy.
  • Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing.
  • Vase, mimosa, birch, thunderstorm, toothpaste, music.

Well done guys, you completed the task!

Q: - Guys, the light is no longer burning, which means we have found all the rays.

What time of year did the rays tell us about? What did you like about our trip?

The sun thanks us all and says “thank you.” For the fact that you have found all the rays, the sun gives you sunbeams (circle stickers for each child)

:- So, our journey is over. Goodbye, see you again!

Someone threw it to me at the window

Look - a letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What's tickling my face?

Letter :

Dear guys! I am the spring sun.

I sent it your sun's rays to the earth

to warm them up, but they got lost.

Help me please find them. A

A magic light will show you the way.

She came up and rumbled,
Threw arrows onto the ground.
It seemed to us that she was in trouble,
It turned out that she came with water,
Came up and spilled -
The arable land has drunk enough.(cloud)


Let's solve joke riddles and check how attentive we are too.

In the thicket I raised my head.
A giraffe howls from hunger.(Wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
A clubfooted brown... wolf.(Bear)

Daughters and sons
An ant teaches you to grunt.(Pig)

Who loves to run through the branches?
Of course, a red... fox.(Squirrel)

The fastest person to run from fear is... the turtle...(Hare)

I walked along a steep mountain,
Overgrown with fur... a crocodile.(Ram)

In your warm puddle
Barmaley croaked loudly.(Little Frog)

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
A cow jumps deftly.(Monkey)

Notebook, pencil, ruler, textbook, eraser, album, paints, brush...

  • Masha loves different games. And offers to play a game“On the contrary” (with the ball).
  • Joyful - sad, sorrowful
    Lighten - darken
    Dry – wet
    Silence is noise
    Often - rarely
    Clear – cloudy
    Freezing - warming up

Didactic game "Bus"

Goal: To develop children's phonemic hearing.

Procedure: Children sit on chairs, the teacher gives them toys (pictures). A big car is driving. Children should put in it toys whose names include the sound they are learning. If the toys are assembled incorrectly, the bus will not move.

Didactic game “Sound Lotto”

Goal: To teach children to find a word with the desired sound from a given series of words.

Procedure: Children are given lotto cards with pictures and small blank cards. The presenter names the sound and asks the players: “Who has a word with the sound...? It is not necessary that this sound be at the beginning of the word; it can be at the end or in the middle.” Children answer and cover the picture with the correctly found sound with a card.


GOAL: to consolidate the general meaning of words.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The teacher starts, and the children continue. “I know many names of animals: hare, bear... flowers: poppy, rose... vegetables: carrots, turnips... insects: mosquito, wasp... etc.

" N A Z O V I L A SK O VO"

GOAL: to teach children to form words using suffixes.

Equipment: ball

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The teacher says a phrase and throws the ball to the child. Invite your child to return the ball to you and change the phrase so that the words in it sound affectionate.


Warm fur coat - warm fur coat

The fox is cunning - the fox is cunning

White hare - little white hare

Boots are clean - boots are clean

Short branch - short branch

Long cone - long cone

Black crow - little black crow

White snow - white snow.

"What happens?"

The essence of the game is to select words - nouns and adjectives, which in their combination characterize any object with similar qualitative characteristics (cold - wind, ice cream, water, battery; wet - clothes, hair, paper, asphalt; cannot swim - brick, earth , screw, etc.). That is, children make up a kind of “train” of words, where the word-cars are connected to each other. For example, the original word is "cat".

What kind of cat is there?

Fluffy, affectionate, colorful...

What else comes in different colors?

Rainbow, dress, TV...

What else could a dress be?

Silk, new, straight...

What else could be direct?

Line, road, look... etc.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: Show parents what children have learned in class.


  1. To promote the development of speech, cognitive interests, mental operations (analysis, synthesis, attention, memory, thinking), creative abilities.
  2. Develop speech, communication, memory. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, distinguish sounds by their quality; ability to compose sentences and diagrams for them.
  3. Foster a desire for knowledge, the ability to work in a team, help a friend, self-control and self-regulation; reflection. To instill in children kindness, responsiveness and interest in their native language.

Equipment: plot pictures on the topic “Masha goes to school”, a drawing of Masha, an audio recording, chips for indicating sounds, sentence diagrams.

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

An audio recording from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” is played. Guys, did you find out where this music comes from? What cartoons about Masha have you watched? Let’s come up with a new series about Masha ourselves and call it, for example, “Masha goes to school.”

And here is our heroine. What is her character like? (Cheerful, funny, restless, mischievous, inquisitive, curious, kind, friendly...)

2. Main part.

1) And then one day Masha decided that it was time for her to go to school. She packed all her school supplies into her bag and hit the road. And the road went through forests, through fields... Oh, all my pictures were scattered, now I’ll mix everything up and won’t be able to tell what happened to Masha next... Guys, can you help me put the pictures in order? (Appendix 1)

Children look at the pictures (one at a time on the tables), then go out and talk first separately about each picture, then arrange them and compose them. story.

2) So Masha got to school. And at school you have to be careful. Let's solve joke riddles with Masha and check how attentive we are too.

In the thicket I raised my head.
A giraffe howls from hunger. (Wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
A clubfooted brown... wolf. (Bear)

Daughters and sons
An ant teaches you to grunt. (Pig)

Who loves to run through the branches?
Of course, a red... fox. (Squirrel)

The fastest person to run from fear is... the turtle... (Hare)

I walked along a steep mountain,
Overgrown with fur... a crocodile. (Ram)

In your warm puddle
Barmaley croaked loudly. (Little Frog)

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
A cow jumps deftly. (Monkey)

3) Well done! What about Masha? She entered the classroom and saw some “bricks” on the board. What is this? Tell Masha. That's right, this is a sentence outline. Our speech consists of proposals. With the help of sentences we communicate, express our thoughts and feelings.

What do the proposals consist of? How many words are there in this sentence? What kind of proposal could this be? Come up with it. If we add one more word to the sentence, how many words will there be in the sentence? Try to come up with such a proposal.

4) Now Masha has learned that these are sentence patterns. Guys, what school supplies should Masha have put in her briefcase when she was getting ready for school? Let's name the words and count them syllables. Prepare your hands for this, we will clap.

Notebook, pencil, ruler, textbook, eraser, album, paints, brush...

5) Masha became sad. Oh, there are so many things she doesn’t know yet! Her mood dropped. Let's make Masha happy again.

Physical education lesson “If you have a good friend...”

6) What are words made of? Tell Masha. From sounds.

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? For vowels and consonants.

How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easily, freely, sing, stretch.

Let's name them. A, O, U, I, Y, E

How many are there?

What obstacles does the air in the mouth encounter when we pronounce consonants?

What are the consonant sounds? Hard and soft.

Let's play the game “You give me - I give you.” I “throw” you a hard sound, you give me back a “soft” one.

What color represents vowel sounds? Are the consonants hard? Are the consonants soft?

Now prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine what sound is repeated in all the words? First name it, then label it with a chip.

  • cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy.
  • Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing.
  • Vase, mimosa, birch, thunderstorm, toothpaste, music.

7) Masha loves different games. And offers to play a game "Vice versa"(with a ball).

Joyful - sad, sorrowful
Lighten - darken
Dry – wet
Silence is noise
Often - rarely
Clear – cloudy
Freezing - warming up

8) Masha and I found an interesting poem, in which there is a lot words-relatives. Can you help me find them?

We danced around snow
Snowy blizzards.
Bullfinches for snowmen
The song was whistled.
U snowy rivers
IN snowy lane
They rush around loudly snowballs,
Cutting ice snow maidens.

Choose related words for the word “bear”.

9) Game “The fourth wheel”

  • Tomato, potato, carrot, apple.
  • Spoon, fork, knife, chair.
  • Aspen, birch, maple, dandelion.
  • Andrey, Stepan, Anton, Svetlana.

Masha realized that she had to learn a lot and learn a lot at school. Let's thank each other for cooperation and interesting work.

I will read a poem, and when you hear the word “boys” or “girls,” you should clap your hands: first all the boys, and then all the girls. So, be careful.

They came running, they came running
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.
Forged, forged
Knives, knives
They came running, they came running
Bunnies, bunnies
Let's clap together
Let's clap together

And now everyone is together: both boys and girls. Applause!!!

Gubina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher 1st category
Educational institution: MBOU "Kindergarten "Belochka"
Locality: With. Manzherok
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Final lesson on speech development "Journey to the land of beautiful speech"
Publication date: 04.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Final lesson on speech development in the senior group: “Travel to the country

Beautiful speech.

To determine the level of children’s mastery of sound analysis (determining the sequence

sounds in words, the ordinal place of sounds in a word, the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of vowels and

consonants, hard and soft consonants, the ability to find a stressed syllable in a word).

Exercise children in syllabic analysis of words.

Reveal children’s ability to compose sentences with a given word, group individual

words into a sentence.

Exercise the ability to select words (from different parts of speech) on a given topic, words with

the opposite meaning.

Continue to teach children to understand the learning task and complete it independently.

Cultivate a desire to learn and be literate.

Progress of the lesson:

Org. moment

Hello my dears! Today our group is bright and cheerful! And the fun is

our bright smiles, because every smile is a little sun, from which

it becomes warm and good. Guys, let's smile at each other, our guests!

And let the good mood not leave us all day! Take each other by

hands and smile at each other, and now turn around and smile at our guests.


Today in class we will go on a trip to the fairyland of the Beautiful

speech. When people find themselves in this fabulous land, they change a little. Want to know how?

Then let's go. Since the country is unusual, we will go on a trip

in an unusual way: with the help of imagination.

What is fantasy? (fantasy is our dreams, when we dream about something,

we invent something that doesn’t actually exist.)

Before we set off on this journey, let's remember the rules:

Our business is the business of secrets.

One hundred questions - one hundred answers.

Answer one at a time and you will learn everything!

A table is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

Sit slim at the table

And behave with dignity.

If a friend began to answer,

Don't rush to interrupt

Do you want to help a friend?

Raise your hand calmly.

So, let's go to the land of Beautiful Speech. (Fairytale music starts)

Please close your eyes. Imagine we are flying in a hot air balloon

through the clouds. From above we see forests, fields, hear the murmur of the river, feel

the smell of fresh air after rain.

Main part.

Here we are.

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you...

But for some reason it's sad? It has no rays.

Evil wizards bewitched its rays.

In order to disenchant the rays, we need to complete tasks

Guys, I have a magic lantern, it will show us the way to the ray

1 task.

“Call me kindly

Monkey, hippopotamus, dog, bull, wild boar, badger, beetle, dog, cat, squirrel, hare,

wolf, fox.

Well done on this task.

Task 2: Trick riddles

In the thicket I raised my head.

A giraffe howls from hunger. (Wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

A clubfooted brown... wolf. (Bear)

Daughters and sons. An ant teaches you to grunt. (Pig)

The fastest one to rush out of fear is... the tortoise.. (Hare)

In your warm puddle

Barmaley croaked loudly. (Little Frog)

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

A cow jumps deftly. (Monkey)

3 task. (pictures)

“Name it in one word”

Sofa, chair, table, bed, wardrobe.

Tomato, cucumber, carrots, beets, onions, peppers.

Mars, Venus, Earth, Pluto, Saturn.

Cook, driver, carpenter, salesman, doctor.

Ficus, oxalis, geranium, violet.

4 task

"Vice versa"

I give you a word, and you tell me the opposite.

Sample words. Big, loud, sad. Tall, open, easy, strong,

warm, clean, wide, white.

5 task.

"Name the signs"

In the land of Beautiful Speech there live amazing words that can call

different signs of objects, find out which ones?

Matryoshka made of wood...

Leather bag...

If the handle is made of plastic, then...

A boy with broad shoulders...

Brick house...

Porcelain saucer…

Now it's time to relax!


Working with cards (vowels and consonants)

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? (For vowels and consonants.)

How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easily, freely, sing, stretch.

And what obstacles does the air in the mouth encounter when we pronounce consonants?

sounds? (lips, teeth, tongue).

Now we will play a game with you and find out where the sound is hidden. But what sound are you

you will guess the riddle.

E then who buzzes angrily,

Zhu-zhu-zhu yes zhu-zhu-zhu,

And flies to the flowers with nectar,

Everyone, scaring them as they go!

Answer: Beetle

So, where is the sound Ж hidden in the word?

Heat, ice cream, hedgehog.

Guys, what did we repeat now, what did we work with? (with sounds)

7 Task “How many syllables are in a word?

Clap how many syllables are in the word cow,

fox, wolf, squirrel, sparrow

8. Game “Distinguish the Sound” R and L

If you hear the sound R - “fish” hand movement

If L, ring the bell.

Pole, birch, red, lion cub, zebra, ants, crawling, screaming, crying,

they are ringing.

Guys, the next task is this: we need to make a story based on the picture.

9 Cat with kittens.

Continued consolidation

Guys, the sun is shining in this wonderful country. What is it like?

Close your eyes and imagine how the rays warm our cheeks, nose, hands,

fingers. It became completely warm, and you yourself became warm and affectionate. Rays

ran through the clouds, through the fields, through the forests, through the flowers and cast a spell on everything except

Evil wizards have mixed up all the fairy tales and now the fairy tale heroes cannot

figure out what comes first and what comes later. We need to help them.

Children arrange the story pictures in order.

Well done, the people of this extraordinary country say to you: “Thank you so much!

And we go home, close our eyes and imagine that we are flying on

hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see forests, fields, hear the murmur

river, we smell the fresh air after the rain. (Music sounds).

So we arrived in the group.

And now I’ll read a poem, and when you hear the word “boys” or

“girls” should clap their hands: first all the boys, and then all the girls.

So, be careful.

They came running, they came running

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.

Forged, forged

Knives, knives.

They came running, they came running

Bunnies, bunnies.

Let's clap together

Let's clap together


And now everyone is together: both boys and girls. Applause!!!

And with this cheerful applause our lesson ended. Thanks everyone!

The picture shows a cat with kittens. The cat is big. She's furry

wool. There are red and black spots on the back. Her eyes are kind. She

looks affectionately at the kittens. The cat lies on the rug and warms itself. Rug

soft. Kittens are small and fluffy. One is red, the second is black,

the third is gray. Mama cat purrs, purr, purr. And the kittens meow

meow. Kittens lap up milk, one kitten plays with a ball and rolls it.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Sun"

Final open lesson on speech development

in the preparatory group

"Masha goes to school"

Compiled by: Teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten “Solnyshko”

Milyukova Olga Mikhailovna

R.p. Muchkapsky 2017

Target. Children's speech development.

Tasks . Strengthen the ability to compose sentences, a story, and the ability to express one’s thoughts; divide words into syllables; name and distinguish the sounds of the Russian language.

Develop speech, attention, memory, cognitive interest, creativity, as well as self-control and self-regulation.

Expand children's vocabulary.

To foster a desire for knowledge, to help a friend, to instill in children kindness, responsiveness and interest in their native language.

Equipment: Masha doll, video recording with cartoon characters, cards for the games “One-many”, “Fourth is odd”, briefcase, book, pen, album, paints, eraser, notebook, pencil, sharpener, ball, doll, typewriter.

Methods and techniques:

Visually – effective (demonstration, illustration);

Verbal (explanation, clarification, telling);

Practical (game).

OOD progress:

1. Introductory part.

Guys! Today we have guests. They came to see how we prepared for school. Guys, please tell me, do you like cartoons? But we'll check it now. I will show you a cartoon character, and you will guess what his name is and what cartoon he is from. (Slide show)

Now what character are we talking about? She is small in stature, with huge blue eyes. She has a big, shaggy friend. That's right, this is Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". Guys, what else can you tell about Masha? What is her character like? (cheerful, inquisitive, mischievous, restless, nimble, curious). And she came to visit us today. I'll go meet her. (I bring Masha along with my briefcase).

2. Main part.

Guys, Masha brought a briefcase with her. After all, she goes to school. Let's see what Masha put there? (book, pen, album, paints, eraser, notebook, pencil, sharpener, ruler, doll, ball, typewriter). Children, do you think she didn’t put anything extra? (children's answers) Why do you think that a ball, a doll and a car are superfluous? (answers) How can this (I show) be called in one word? That's right, school supplies. And this? That's right, toys.

Guys, let’s now come up with a new series about Masha. Well, for example, about how Masha goes to school. Do you agree? Then I will start and you will continue.

(An audio recording from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” sounds.)

Summer is over. It's September 1st. All the children went to school. So Masha took her briefcase and hit the road. And the road went through forests, through fields... and I don’t know what happened next. (The children come up with stories about Masha. They listen to several of them.)

Well done! These are the interesting stories we came up with.

Guys, our Masha is feeling sad. Masha's mood dropped. Let's make Masha happy again. Stand in a circle, hold hands.

Physical education lesson “If you have a good friend...”

The mood has dropped

Things are getting out of hand...

But all is not lost yet,

If you have a good friend.

Let's handle this together,

Let's breathe a sigh of relief -

Let's lift your spirits

And let's shake off the dust!

(They stand facing each other, hands up.

They “throw” their hands down...

They threaten with their index finger.

They clap their hands.

They join hands.

They sigh.

Raise your clasped hands up.

“Shake off” the dust, smile at each other).

Well, now everyone will be in a good mood.

– You already know that Masha is very mischievous and loves different games. And he offers you a game"Vice versa ” (With a ball). I name a word, and you say the opposite.

Joyful - sad

Lighten - darken

Dry – wet

Silence is noise

Often - rarely

Clear – cloudy

Freezing - warming up

Bad - good

Dark – light

Brave - Cowardly

High – low

Light - heavy

Quiet - loud

Wide - narrow

Cold - hot, etc.

Oh, guys, look, they gave us a big letter. What's in it? Interesting...So this is a letter from Mishka! He sent us tasks, probably wants to check whether we can handle it or not. Will we try?

- So, the first task. Prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine which sound is repeated in all the words? Name it.

Ball, noise, bump, car, whisper, Cheburashka.

Cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy.

Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing.

Second task. Game "One - many".

For example, I say ball, and the one who has a lot of balls shows his card and names many balls (ball - balls, house - houses, chicken - chickens, needle - needles, mouse - mice, coat - coat, pencil - pencils and etc.)

And if all the objects disappear, how will we say what is missing? (Needles, saws, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats, pencils, coats.)

Well done! One more task. You need to divide words into syllables. Let's name school supplies and count the syllables in them. Get your hands ready for this, let's clap.

3. Final part.- Well done, I’ll write an answer to Mishka saying that you completed all the tasks. Which tasks did you like the most?

You see how much you need to know and be able to do to go to school. From September 1, you will go to school and I really hope you will study with straight A's and B's.