Traditional Chinese drink. Chinese alcohol or what they drink in China. How to buy original alcohol

Maotai is a subtype of traditional Chinese vodka(baijiu) with a strength of 40-60 degrees. The brand is produced in the city of the same name in Guizhou province; the raw materials for the drink are fermented Chinese sorghum (Kaoliang) and wheat.

The history of Maotai vodka began 2000 years ago: Chinese chronicles of the 2nd century BC. talk about the drink guojiang (low-alcohol rice mash), which, after the invention of distillation, evolved into modern version. The peasants in the north of the country, who worked knee-deep in rice plantations every day, cold water, there was no other choice but to invent strong, warming alcohol.

One day the emperor tried the local “fire water”, and the monarch liked the drink so much that he ordered production to be established in his province. When most of the Celestial Empire was still drinking light mash, moonshine appeared in the north of the country and in Guizhou. Residents of the town of Maotai took the Guojiang recipe as a basis, but over time supplemented it (in particular, they linked production cycles to lunar calendar), and also used sorghum instead of rice, which changed the taste.

Sorghum is a grain that gives Maotai a specific flavor to the sauce.

It is difficult to establish the exact date of the start of production, but the name “Maotai” was assigned to the drink in 1704 by decree of the emperor of the Qing dynasty. In 1915, Chinese vodka (more correctly called moonshine) won a gold medal at an exhibition in San Francisco, and in 1951 received the title of “national alcohol of China.” In total, Maotai has more than 20 victories in major international competitions, not to mention local events.

The brand became the first Chinese alcohol whose production exceeded 170 tons of products per year (today this figure reaches 30 thousand tons). Vodka is an indispensable attribute of all official events in China, is sold in 100 countries around the world and is a significant source of income for the country, since the manufacturing company Kwiechow Moutai Company is owned by the state.

From $130 per 0.5 liter bottle

For a long time, Maotai was the alcohol of the elite, inaccessible to the average consumer - primarily due to the high cost, due to the duration and labor intensity of production. Now the situation has changed, but the cost of Chinese vodka is still high: the price of one bottle starts at $130, and there is no upper threshold - there are cases when the drink was sold at auction for tens of thousands of dollars. Both before and now, the demand for elite vodka significantly exceeds the supply.

Maotai production technology

The basis is equal shares of local wheat and sorghum. Cereals are fermented special sourdough Jiu Tsui, which contains mold fungi (process starch in grain into sugar) and regular yeast. After several distillations, the distillate is kept in ceramic containers for at least 3 years and filtered.

Maotai is aged not in barrels, but in ceramic vessels

Young Maotai is mixed (blended) with older samples. The aging of individual alcohols can reach up to 50 years. The resulting drink is bottled and supplied to the market. Despite the high strength (modern Maotai is sold in two variations: 35 and 53 degrees), Chinese vodka is soft and easy to drink even without a snack.

Real Maotai can only be produced in the village of the same name - the characteristic taste of the drink is due to the combination of local climatic conditions and water from the Chishuihe River. Exact adherence to technology in any other place will not give the desired effect.

The smell of fermenting sorghum is so pungent that the entire city of Maotai literally smells of it, especially since more than half of the residents of this locality work in the production of vodka.

Differences between Maotai and classic vodka

How to drink Maotai

It is correct to drink Maotai from small porcelain bowls, and the “glass” should never remain empty. In a purely male company, the drink is slowly sipped, savoring the taste and aroma, but in the presence of ladies, gentlemen always drink their portion in one gulp, to the bottom.

Often a bottle of Maotai comes with two or three tiny glasses - this is no coincidence; this is the portion that is considered optimal to enjoy the taste but keep a relatively clear head.

In China, even the size of Maotai glasses is standardized

The drink goes well with traditional Chinese dishes, especially spicy ones, but an appetizer is not necessary: ​​true gourmets prefer to experience the pure bouquet, in which experts have counted 155 notes.

Social aspect

A bottle of Maotai is considered an ideal bribe - it is a fairly solid and expensive gift that is not embarrassing to present to officials, although formally, according to local legislation, it does not fall under the definition of a bribe.

A unique local currency

Often people buy Chinese vodka only as an exhibit of their collection or stock it up in case of a trip to higher authorities. There is even a saying in China: those who buy Maotai do not drink it, and those who drink do not buy it.

Thanks to some archaeological finds, Chinese drinking traditions can be called one of the oldest in the world. However, people who know this country only by rumors have a completely different opinion. The myth that Asians get drunk quickly and don’t know how to drink has no good reason, because traditional Chinese drinks are not inferior in strength to the strongest products, such as whiskey or brandy.

How often do the Chinese drink?

The attitude towards alcohol in China is quite peculiar. For example, it is not customary to drink in public places, so many cafes and restaurants have a very meager range of strong drinks. However, despite this, not a single Chinese feast is complete without alcoholic drinks, so in stores you can find an abundance of suitable products in different price ranges. The reasons for drinking in China are the same as in the rest of the world: to relieve stress after work, relax and have fun. In some cases, drinking alcohol is considered a sign of respect for superiors or older generations, so refusing can cost you your job or management's favor.

The Chinese drink a lot and often, but serious libations in the body begin, as a rule, at the first place of work, since the younger generation is quite skeptical about alcohol. It is also forgivable for women to give up strong drinks, as this will emphasize their innocence and modesty. In other cases, alcohol consumption can be carried out almost every day, because there are even more holidays in the Middle Kingdom than in other countries.

How to drink properly in China

Depending on the situation and type of alcoholic drink, the Chinese use different alcoholic traditions. At corporate events, for example, it is customary to make toasts. Each person present must make a toast; refusal is perceived as a sign of disrespect. Toasts do not have to be long, since everyone present at the table must stand during the speech. It is not necessary to make speeches addressed to the entire company throughout the event. You can exchange toasts only with neighbors, however, it is advisable to change them from time to time. After toasting, it is customary to clink glasses, respecting the ranks: when the glasses touch, the boss’s glass should be slightly higher than the subordinate’s. A similar trend applies to the older generation. This habit of clinking glasses speaks of respect, and also that the person understands the situation in which he is.

Drinking rice vodka in China

Clinking glasses is not customary in all cases. For example, rice wine of the first category has own traditions. It is served in traditional containers: the wine itself is in a porcelain vessel with a narrow neck, and it is poured not into glasses, but into ceramic bowls. This wine is first heated in a basin with hot water. They drink this wine holding the bowl with both hands: the right one holds the edge, the left one supports the bottom.

Any alcoholic drink They drink it in one gulp, but some types of traditional Chinese alcohol are quite strong, so not everyone can drink it in one sip. In such cases, it is necessary to apologize to those present and also explain the reason. Otherwise, the drunkard will be laughed at and considered weak-willed.

What drinks are consumed in China?

In addition to imported drinks, China has traditional Chinese alcoholic drinks. They are quite easy to distinguish from the total number, since the taste and smell of the drinks are sharply different from those to which Europeans are accustomed. First of all, this concerns the smell. Traditional Chinese alcohol has a very strong smell. For the Chinese themselves, this smell is pleasant, and the stronger the aroma, the better the drink is considered. However, for tourists, the smell of Chinese alcohol may seem unbearably terrible. Chinese alcoholic drinks are made mainly from rice, corn and some other cereals. The exception is some types of wine and beer. Wine is made not only from grapes, but also from other types of fruits, however, among the Chinese themselves, local grape wine is not highly valued. Beer is made from barley.

All alcoholic drinks in China can be divided into 5 categories, each of which has “jiu” (or “ju” in some types of transcription) in its name:

  • The first category is traditional rice wine of medium strength (up to 20 degrees) - Huang-jiu. Such drinks range in color from white or pale yellow to reddish or brown. On sale you can find both cheaper options in transparent glass containers and ceramic jugs, which in most cases are bought by tourists for souvenirs. In China itself, wines of this category are used for family celebrations and used in cooking. The most popular varieties: Shaoxing, Fujian, Mijiu, Huajiao-jiu. The latter can be equated to liqueurs, often prepared at home for the birth of a daughter and drunk after her marriage.
  • The second category is rice vodka - Baijiu. This term means all strong (up to 60 degrees) drinks of clear or white. The most popular brands of rice vodka are Maotai and Yanhe. This kind of alcohol can be called elite, so the cost per bottle starts at 50 thousand yuan.
  • The third category is strong alcoholic drinks with a minimum cost - Ergotou. The main difference between Ergotou and the first two categories is the cooking technology. The main ingredients for it are corn and chumise. Drinks, as in the second category, are distinguished by high strength (up to 60 degrees), but are more accessible to ordinary people.
  • The fourth category is grape wines - Putai-tszyu. Made in China large number wines from traditional grape varieties. It is produced much more than in France, where winemakers got their technology from. Also included in this category are fruit wines, also called monkey wines, as well as various liqueurs with the presence of snakes or tiger claws in the bottle. Such wines have a rather pleasant aroma, but taste different from ordinary alcoholic drinks, since they often contain various spices. Often, because of the spices, this category is called mixed.
  • The fifth category is beer - Pi Tszyu. Chinese beer differs from European beer only in strength, since despite the stated alcohol content of up to 5 percent, it contains a maximum of 2.5%. Otherwise, both technology and taste are very similar.

“Only teetotalers and ulcer sufferers do not drink,” one of the heroes of the unforgettable Leonid Gaidai used to say. Everyone drinks. In any country in the world. The only difference is in the volume of alcohol consumed per capita annually. And drunkards are everywhere, have been and always will be. And China is far from an exception in this sense.

What can I say, the image of an awkward, always “blue” idiotic Chinese – an unsurpassed karate master has always been a success for the “multidisciplinary” Hong Konger, from film to film.

Then, it seems, the first conversations began in the Union that Asians completely lack even the slightest immunity to strong alcohol - no, they say, they have genes responsible for processing it and that’s it, and that’s why they say, this Asian public “squints” quickly, and that’s why their vodka is not so strong.

In fact, such genes, more precisely, enzymes, two groups of such enzymes - alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase, are responsible for neutralizing ethyl alcohol and the removal of its remnants from the body “exhausted by Narzan” is possible for all people on the planet without exception. And, therefore, with the national biochemistry of the Asian peoples, everything is certainly in order.

The latter circumstance, of course, only benefits the Chinese, and the strength of the local vodka is “their” sovereign matter. And then it suddenly turns out that they drink no less than we do, and the huge range of alcoholic products of the Celestial Empire is even purer - it frankly falls under the definition of “everything that burns”, and even with an admixture of such a pronounced “originality” that inexperienced foreigners and didn’t dream about it at all.

By the way, traditional Chinese alcohol is often much stronger and more potent than the standard “forty turns” of the world-famous Russian vodka, and its strength can only be rivaled by the best examples of the domestic “made-in-home” brand or rocket fuel at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

And very briefly about the local drinking culture. They pour alcohol behind the Great Wall of China almost to the brim, without skimping. And the Chinese drink to the health of the “toasted” and toasting, to the bottom, clinking glasses - when the wide part of the glasses of the younger ones touches the legs of the glasses of the older ones, Rakhmat, they say, for the elderly and all that... And if they are physically unable to reach, then they simply tap their knuckles on the dinner glass table, as if thereby letting others know about myself: hello, I’m still here, and not somewhere there, under the table. For if a Chinese finds himself under the table in a “state of grog”, he will not end up in disgrace.

Having emptied the “container” in one gulp, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire put it upside down - they say, look at it, everything has been drunk to the last drop.

They know how to drink and are very friendly with alcohol - not a single celebration can take place without it, regardless of its, that is, celebration, rank: be it any public holiday or a quiet home feast for “twenty” people on the occasion of the centenary anniversary of a beloved Chinese grandfather.

And the most common national Chinese pastime is to get an expensive overseas guest drunk to the point of insensibility, to the point of falling into disarray. And from the heart, and not for the sake of some kind of joke. And the worst thing is that you can’t refuse to participate in this cute native game, you’ll offend the owners. Just as you can’t refuse to drink with your boss – such a refusal can result in a ruined career. In both the first and second cases, an exception is made only for young females.

However, the Chinese themselves try not to get drunk as much as those “green devils” - it’s indecent.

Let's understand the concepts: what is alcohol called in China?

Alcohol as such, whether strong or not very strong, no matter what, is designated in China by the hieroglyph “ju” - therefore, it is “booze” and “booze” in the Celestial Empire.

What do the Chinese drink - Chinese alcoholic drinks

And upon closer examination, it immediately becomes clear that, like everything else, hospitable Chinese men approach the national drink very thoroughly, again traditionally dividing it into as many as five categories:

  • “Shaoxing-jiu” - they say, racially correct rice booze, Shaoxing rice wine, which tastes like Japanese sake;
  • “Mao-jiu” - no, this is not the favorite booze of Comrade Chairman Mao, but national, again racially correct, rice vodka with a strength of up to 58 “revolutions”;
  • "ergotou" - varieties of strong vodka obtained by distillation of raw materials from the fermentation products of gaoliang (sorghum), chumise or corn, also called na Far East“prude”, in a word – moonshine vulgaris;
  • “putao-jiu” or “putai-jiu” - that is, grape or fruit drinks, grape or fruit wines in general, with the addition of local “exotics” like snakes; and finally
  • “pi-ju” - no, the author is not lying, it’s just what they call light, weak beer in China.

By the way, beer is now gaining more and more popularity in China, and the slanted natives there drink it for their dear souls - a lot and with great pleasure.

Vodka Baiju or Bai Jiu

Strong vodka baijiu - up to 60 revolutions, rice and not so much, grain. In short, real moonshine. They drink it, or rather, it, during feasts in small glasses, but almost non-stop. Features include a spicy aroma that is unusual for Russian people and taste qualities, which appear in the drink as a result of adding various herbs to it.

By the way, the Chinese name of the drink contains the adjective “white” - “bai”: literally, “white booze” - therefore, in our opinion, this is the very “white one” that is dear to us.

Coconut vodka or Coconut wine

If we talk about traditions, then this variety of national Chinese vodka with an alcohol content of no more than 38% is traditionally very popular among foreign tourists; obtained by distilling the fermentation products of coconut milk. Goes through several stages of purification from fusel oils and other harmful impurities. Used as in pure form, and is added to cola or tea - in the American or European style.

An elite variety of ancient “signature” Chinese vodka made from kaoliang, a perennial herb, that stands apart from all the others. The aroma is sharp and rich. Strength from 35 to 53%. Produced in southwest China in the cosmopolitan province of Guizhou in the town of Maotai. A subject of a state monopoly with the official status of a “national drink”. It also goes through several stages of purification and is then aged for five years. As a result, it should be used on especially solemn occasions. For example, at anniversaries and weddings. Or even during diplomatic and social receptions.

A truly popular vodka, the strength of which usually ranges from 38 to 56 revolutions. For some reason, it is especially popular in Beijing and the north of the People's Republic of China. It has a unique taste and aftertaste. Connoisseurs of Chinese national alcohol call it “excellent moonshine” and also report that there is no hangover after it.

Chinese liquor

Another alcoholic drink that is in high demand among foreign guests of the Middle Kingdom - primarily as a souvenir to remember their stay in China. This is explained by the design of the bottle and the colorful gift packaging of this product - the same liqueur in a red bottle. Regardless of the source material, it is classified as a strong alcohol.

Due to its relative high cost, the Chinese themselves buy it extremely rarely - mainly for holidays and various celebrations.

How much does vodka cost in China?

Elite alcohol can be very expensive in China - from 50,000 yuan. That is, for a bottle of such alcohol in the Middle Kingdom you will have to pay from 465,650 rubles. This can be explained very simply by the fact that the demand for such drinks consistently exceeds supply.

Vodkas from the Baijiu family are also expensive, much more expensive than the truly popular ergotou. This circumstance, in turn, is explained by the duration and high quality of cleaning.

“Budget options” can cost between 100-200 rubles. In this case, of course, no one can vouch for the quality of the product.

The entire alcoholic range, the quality of which a priori should not be questioned, is sold in China exclusively in large specialized stores.

Coconut vodka is usually taken as a souvenir of China - as we have already discussed above. A small addition: it can be purchased at the airport, on the day of departure from China, in duty-free stores at a price of 30 yuan or 279 rubles and kopecks, however, there this pleasure will cost three times more than in the city.

The announced ranking of “Top Ten Most Expensive Luxury Brands in the World 2012” includes the famous Chinese vodka brands Maotai and Wuliangye. The Maotai trademark, worth $12 billion, took fourth place in the ranking, which exceeds the cost brands Mercedes and Chanel. Among alcoholic drinks, the cost of Maotai is higher than Hennessy, Moet & Chandon champagne and Remy Martin.

I know the wisdom that wine brings
It opens the soul into vastness.
Li Bo "Drinking Alone Under the Moon"

Among today's traditional Chinese vodkas, Maotai is one of the most famous and ancient, with a historical reputation. In ancient times, artists and poets drew creative strength from maotai.
The absence of fusel spirit and a whole bouquet of aromas is also not so rare - this can be said about “Ulyangye”, “Gotai”, “Ergotou”. But I have never experienced such an aftertaste after drinking any other baijiu - “white wine”, as the Chinese call vodka. It happens that even a day later, from the depths of the stomach, the aroma of yesterday’s feast can suddenly be heard...

Is it surprising that I immediately jumped at the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the Chinese outback - the province of Guizhou, where the drink of the same name is brewed in the ancient town of Maotai? The secret of vodka lies in the special temperature regime, humid climate and soil. That is why the production of special vodka is possible only in a single place. Also, it is not possible to mechanize the production process without spoiling the traditional taste of Maotai.

In China, provinces often boast of some differences: “21 oddities” in Yunnan, “3 absences” in Guizhou... Lack of sun - in five days I really never saw the sun behind the clouds, fogs and rain clouds.
the presence of a plain is perhaps an exaggeration, but the landscape is indeed dominated by mountains, which local residents divide depending on their shape into maiden breasts and dumplings. Lack of money - Guizhou remains a deprived outskirts region from century to century, and is now the poorest in terms of GDP per capita. Timber, tobacco, coal, shale gas and the energy of mountain rivers are all its small wealth. No, not all. There is also a centuries-old tradition of producing baijiu. The purest rivers, mountains covered with virgin forests of acacias, thujas and ficus trees, red-brown soil that filters abundant rainfall, high-quality gaoliang - these components provide local residents with success in the production of various types of vodka, among which the most famous is “Maotai”.

Maotai Vodka is made from sorghum, which is a type of kaoliang.
The dka is slightly yellowish in color, thick in consistency, its taste is refined, subtle and pleasant. Its production includes six stages: malt production, vodka production, storage, mixture production, testing and packaging. The entire production cycle lasts 1 year. On the traditional Duanwu (beginning of summer) holiday, wheat is harvested as a starter, and on the traditional Chongyang (Double Nine Festival) grain is added.

In the process of producing vodka, it is boiled 9 times, fermented 8 times, distilled 7 times, then it is specially stored for some time, and then a mixture is made, after 5 years the vodka can be packaged for sale. The process of making Maotai vodka is unique and has its own characteristics, such as adding grain twice a day for fermentation, fermentation in the solid state, making sourdough at high temperatures, as well as adding grain and distilling at high temperatures.

Among today's traditional Chinese vodkas, Maotai is one of the most famous and ancient, having a historical reputation, as described in the Maotai Museum. The exhibition goes far beyond the thousand-year continuous history of Maotai vodka. Among the cultural monuments excavated in the area where Maotai vodka is produced are many wine accessories dating back to the eras of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. This suggests that in those periods there was already wine in this area. More than 2 thousand years ago, during the reign of the Han Emperor Wudi, vodka was produced in the Maotai area, which was historically called Guojiang vodka.

Essentially, we are talking about the place of the “intoxicating potion” in Chinese civilization: history, literature, calligraphy, military affairs, diplomacy... It turns out that back in the 2nd century BC.
The eminent Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty heard from his ambassador about the delightful properties of the wine that was distilled by the inhabitants of the Yelan state, which existed in the lands of present-day Guizhou and neighboring provinces, and sent messengers there. The Chinese then drank weak wine shuijju (“water”), while the mountaineers from the Miao and Yao tribes already sublimated their “white wine” to about 40 degrees. strong drink appealed not only to warriors, but also to philosophers and writers, helping to quickly achieve “enlightenment.” Without a bottle of gourd filled with wine, it is impossible to imagine the image of Lao Tzu, the founder of the great teaching of Taoism. The giants of Chinese classical poetry Su Dongpo, Bo Juyi, Li Bo became famous not only for their poems, but also for their addiction to the “intoxicating potion”. Apparently, under its influence, Li Bo even left this mortal coil, jumping from a boat into the river to catch the reflection of the Moon...

The wars and revolutions of the last century were not without the “white wine”.
In the 30s, the remnants of the Chinese Red Army, under attacks from Kuomintang troops, retreated into the Guizhou hinterland and ended up in Maotai. Local residents treated the wounds of the fighters with vodka compresses and raised the spirit of the red army with selected “Maotai”. Immediately after the victory of the Communists and the proclamation of the People's Republic of China in October 1949, the question of a solemn banquet arose. In post-war Beijing, there were no stocks of various drinks and “Maotai” was put on banquet tables. Soon, in 1951, it was officially proclaimed “state vodka”. The decision was lobbied by Premier Zhou Enlai, a great connoisseur of this drink. Since then, Maotai has been served at official receptions in Beijing and Chinese embassies around the world. Chinese officials in Guiyang drink 1,200 bottles of Maotai vodka a year.

Statues of Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek with glasses in their hands remind of the agreement concluded in 1936 by the Communist Party and the Kuomintang to jointly fight against the Japanese aggressors. Photo of Zhou Enlai and Richard Nixon clinking glasses mirrored another fateful moment- normalization of Sino-American relations in 1972.

However, Chinese Maotai vodka is an extremely treacherous drink. An inexperienced maotai, even an experienced drinker, needs to calculate his strength in advance, based on the strength of the vodka and the size of the glass. Tactics based on sensitive listening to the body's reactions usually do not work at first acquaintance. Severe intoxication occurs sharply and immediately.

During the Chinese feast, everyone drinks to the health of everyone present in turn, accompanying the drinking instead of the usual “be healthy” for Russians with shouts of “drink to the bottom”, “gan bey!”. Refusing to drink to someone's health means being tactless. As a last resort, it is permissible to turn the empty glass upside down. An inverted glass means that its owner has already reached the “needed condition” and cannot continue the marathon along with everyone else.
The text uses materials from orientalist Yuri Tavrovsky

3 Secrets of production

Maotai is a Chinese vodka of the highest class, which is sure to amaze everyone who hears information about its production. But this process takes as long as 5 years. Each stage of the preparation of this wonderful drink lasts a certain number of months or years. For example, the initial stage lasts about 8-9 months.

Grain is poured into a special container designed for fermentation. It ferments for 30 days, then it is distilled. Such an event must be held 8 times every month. As a result, the resulting mixture is stored in the basement for about 3 years. After this, the production process continues, after which the drink is stored for another year.

Why such a production technology that takes such a long time? Every person will probably ask a similar question. Yes, the production process of Chinese Maotai vodka takes a long time, but thanks to this, the taste of the resulting product is distinguished by its softness, amazing aroma, harmony and extraordinary taste.

Back in 1985 and 1986. An international food conference was held in Paris, at which Chinese Maotai vodka was awarded three gold medals. This product was recognized as a unique alcoholic drink. It was after this conference that the whole world learned what Maotai was. In addition to this high award, Chinese vodka has also been awarded at other international exhibitions and, in total, Maotai has 14 gold medals.

This tincture is produced in Jilin province, but the secret of its production has been kept in deepest secrecy for 5 centuries.

According to doctors, you can only consume this miraculous drink 30 g per day. And the most interesting thing is that after the liquid in the bottle runs out, you can fill all its contents again with regular vodka, and it is recommended to infuse it for a month. This event can be repeated up to 5 times.

According to historical data, Baijiu vodka is already 4000 years old. The main raw material used to prepare this product is sorghum cereal. Wheat, corn, and kaoliang are also used. The main difficulty is purchasing this drink outside of China. Since it has a fairly high strength and a specific smell, European markets are in no hurry to purchase it.

The alcohol culture of a country like China is very diverse. This country has enough to offer wide range alcoholic beverages, but not all products are available outside the Chinese state. But one thing is certain: Chinese vodka is an unusual and magnificent combination of tastes and aromas, and every connoisseur of elite alcoholic beverages should try it.

Attention, TODAY only!

1 Maotai - elite Chinese vodka

Today, this state can boast of a variety of alcohol produced in the country, differing in strength and the use of various preparation technologies. Thus, each Chinese vodka has its own name, its own secret and preparation features.

Although the Chinese themselves have a neutral attitude towards alcohol, and many residents of the Celestial Empire drink this drink in very small quantities, throughout the entire territory of this huge state, in almost every corner of it, you can find alcoholic drinks of completely different strengths. And their prices vary. However, the population of the northern part of the country still drinks alcohol more due to the harsh cold climate.

So, let's look at what varieties of Chinese vodka exist today, what name each of them has, and pay attention to special attention their characteristics.

The most common type of Chinese vodka is Maotai. This vodka is recognized as one of the strongest alcoholic drinks. For its production, a special cereal plant called Gaoliang, and the drink received its name in honor of a small town located in Guizhou province. Currently, the largest company, Kweichow Moutai Company, is located there, which actually produces this drink.

Among all the variety of alcohol that is available in China today, Maotai is the most expensive vodka and its cost can vary within $750 for 1 bottle. But even despite this, the demand for this divine drink is very high. If quite recently only the upper strata of society could afford this alcoholic drink, now ordinary citizens of the country with an average income can afford it.

Maotai is vodka, which is recognized by the Chinese as a national drink and it can be said that not a single special event is complete without it. Whether it's a wedding or a regular banquet, Maotai must be present on the table. The strength of this type of Chinese vodka is 54°, but what is surprising is that the drink does not go to your head or upset your stomach at all. In my own way appearance Maotai is a liquid with a barely noticeable yellowish tint.


Chinese vodka made from Shanlan rice is famous all over the world. Initially, the recipe for its preparation was the property of the Li people. Maotai is prepared from sticky early Shanlan rice, which is specially grown in the vicinity of the village. The rice is ground into powder and then yeast is added. The fermentation of the drink occurs at high temperatures, which distinguishes this type of alcohol from other types of vodka produced at low or average thermometer readings.

Crushed and whole grains are mixed in the required proportion and added in two steps to cauldrons filled with a mixture of rice and yeast. The product is fermented for a month, then distilled. The procedure is repeated eight times, after which the resulting drink is placed in the basement and aged for three years. After this, the ripened young maotai is mixed with older drinks waiting their turn in the storerooms. This is done to minimize differences in taste between different batches of vodka. If maotai is prepared according to all the rules, then the result is 53-proof Chinese vodka with an extraordinary taste, pleasant aroma and exquisite softness.

National treasure

Not a single serious event in China is complete without this alcoholic drink. It has become an almost mandatory element at official government meetings in Beijing and at presentations in other countries. Until recently, Chinese rice vodka was considered an elite drink, inaccessible to mere mortals. However, now it has appeared on the market and is often used, especially on special occasions: weddings, holidays, banquets. Despite the fact that the price of this alcoholic drink is consistently high, maotai is in high demand.

Currently, Chinese bread vodka has begun to appear on the tables of ordinary residents of the Middle Kingdom, whose wealth allows them to sometimes enjoy this wonderful drink.


The main component in the production of vodka is high-quality gaoliang, a type of sorghum. Gaoliang is distinguished by its resistance to cold and early ripening. The ferment used to make Chinese vodka is made from wheat, and the water is drawn from the purest local sources. The process of preparing an alcoholic drink also has no analogues in the world. Eightfold distillation followed by fermentation, each of which lasts about a month, makes the process of producing vodka very painstaking and time-consuming. At each subsequent stage of production, a new starter is added to the drink.

It takes at least eight months to produce each batch of vodka. Maotai is sold after three years of aging. It turns out unusually clean. Despite its exceptional strength, the drink does not hit the head, does not burn the mucous membranes and does not upset the stomach.


Since time immemorial, Chinese vodka, the name of which coincides with the name of the village in which it is produced, has been the favorite drink of creative people in China. There is an opinion that many outstanding minds of the Celestial Empire drew inspiration from this alcoholic drink. The village of Maotai enjoyed the attention of many great people of various dynasties, songs and legends were composed about it.

Maotai has a history of more than 2000 years. It is believed that the prototype of the famous vodka - jujiang - began to be produced back in 135 AD. In 1704, the name "maotai" appeared. At the beginning of the 20th century, towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, the productivity of factories producing this unique drink was approximately 170 tons per year. By merging the three largest distilleries in China in 1951, the state-owned Maotai concern emerged. This event marked the beginning of the modern history of the production of Chinese rice vodka.

The birthplace of vodka

The village of Maotai has a reputation as a unique place with a favorable climate and very high quality water. It is called the birthplace of vodka. Of the seven thousand residents of this urban village, half are employed in the production of the famous alcoholic drink. Other localities also tried to make maotai. However, it turned out that the secret of its unique quality lies in a special combination of temperature, humid climate and fertile soil, which is found only in the vicinity of the village of Maotai. Excessive mechanization of the production of this type of alcohol will lead to the fact that Chinese rice vodka will lose its traditional unique taste.

There is a legend according to which such a strong alcoholic drink was not invented in China by accident. The fact is that local hardworking rice farmers worked in very harsh conditions: in any weather, regardless of dirt and dampness, they went out into the fields. In order to warm up and recover, peasants in different parts of the country drank scalding strong alcoholic drinks. In northern China, they made “hanzhu” from kaoliang. And in Maotai they invented a world famous product.

Drink of Chinese diplomats

Maotai is a Chinese vodka that is one of the three most famous alcoholic drinks in the world. It was used by the statesmen of the Celestial Empire - Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Mao Zedong. On ceremonial events Leaders of states are treated to this alcoholic drink. The Chinese leadership has always highly valued maotai as a national treasure and a tool with the help of which important political problems were resolved. Chinese vodka is included in the list of gifts that diplomats give to leaders of other countries. In addition, Maotai is actively exported abroad and has the highest foreign exchange export rate compared with other Chinese alcoholic beverages.

Awards and prizes

In 1915, this unique product was presented by three of the largest manufacturers to visitors to the Pacific International Exhibition and Fair in Panama. According to legend, during the event several bottles of alcohol were unexpectedly broken. The aroma that spread around captivated the people present, as a result of which Maotai was awarded the highest prize.

International Food Exhibition in Paris in 1985 and 1986. brought this unique product two gold medals. After that, the whole world learned the name of Chinese vodka. In total, the alcoholic drink Maotai has won fourteen gold medals at various international exhibitions.

Maotai in Russia

Back in 2010, Maotai vodka producers reached Russian market. The traditional elite alcoholic drink, familiar to residents of the Middle Kingdom, evokes mixed impressions among Russian consumers. On the one hand, strong Chinese vodka - 56 degrees - does not cause a hangover and has good quality. On the other hand, it has a very high price, a specific aroma and taste, which not all Russians can appreciate.

In addition, despite all its sophistication, maotai has exceptional strength. According to reviews from some customers, severe intoxication from it occurs instantly, so you need to use it carefully, carefully listening to the body’s reactions.

It is known that the shares of the manufacturer “Guizhou Maotai” (“Guizhou Maotai”) increased significantly in price after the PRC Central Television showed a story in which Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2014, on January 17, during a press conference in Sochi twice spoke positively about the famous Chinese vodka.

Snake drink

China produces a lot of alcoholic drinks, sometimes quite exotic. One of them is Chinese vodka with snake. Manufacturers claim that it is not just an alcoholic drink, but a healing tincture that improves the health and well-being of any person. Usually this vodka consists of plants, medicinal herbs and... snakes. She is credited medicinal properties. It is believed that it improves potency, increases vitality, helps treat arthrosis and arthritis, strengthens the immune system, stabilizes brain activity - the list is endless. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say. According to some consumers, this alcoholic drink stands out only for its unusual appearance. It tastes not much different from traditional Russian vodka.


According to one poet of the Celestial Empire, three hundred glasses of wine can rid him of a thousand years of sadness. If this person tasted maotai, a few cups would be enough for him. It is no coincidence that this alcoholic drink is considered the king of all Chinese vodkas. It is impossible to say how well it corresponds to the tastes of Russian consumers. Chinese rice vodka, made according to a traditional recipe in compliance with all necessary conditions, is a great gift for any occasion. It will be interesting for every connoisseur of elite alcoholic products to try it.

Chinese rice vodka

It can only be bought in China. We have never seen her in Russia. This group of drinks is called Baijiu (or BaiJiu or BaiJiu). Its most famous variety, Yanghe, has a recognizable packaging blue. This is one of the most colorful and interesting gifts from China.

Prices for these drinks vary greatly. Yanhe vodka in a beautiful blue package costs from 50 USD. Other varieties can cost $15, it all depends on the manufacturer.

The first thing that distinguishes Baijiu is its strong smell. After opening the bottle, it can be felt at a distance of 3 meters. Europeans are very unfamiliar with this smell and find it terrible. The Chinese like him. It is believed that the intensity of the smell determines the quality of the drink - the stronger the smell, the better.

The taste of this is quite a decent drink, no worse than high-quality Russian vodka. Just pinch your nose so you don't smell it and drink. The strength of Baijiu can vary depending on the brand - from 40 to 60 degrees.

Rice is the most popular raw material for the production of Baijiu, but this alcoholic drink does not necessarily have to be produced from it. Baijiu is made from all types of cereals that are available.

Maotai production technology

The basis is equal shares of local wheat and sorghum. Cereals are fermented using a special sourdough called ju tsui, which contains mold fungi (the starch in the grain is processed into sugar) and regular yeast. After several distillations, the distillate is kept in ceramic containers for at least 3 years and filtered.

Maotai is aged not in barrels, but in ceramic vessels

Young Maotai is mixed (blended) with older samples. The aging of individual alcohols can reach up to 50 years. The resulting drink is bottled and supplied to the market. Despite the high strength (modern Maotai is sold in two variations: 35 and 53 degrees), Chinese vodka is soft and easy to drink even without a snack.

Real Maotai can only be produced in the village of the same name - the characteristic taste of the drink is due to the combination of local climatic conditions and water from the Chishuihe River. Exact adherence to technology in any other place will not give the desired effect.

The smell of fermenting sorghum is so pungent that the entire city of Maotai literally smells of it, especially since more than half of the residents of this locality work in the production of vodka.

Differences between Maotai and classic vodka

How to drink Maotai

It is correct to drink Maotai from small porcelain bowls, and the “glass” should never remain empty. In a purely male company, the drink is slowly sipped, savoring the taste and aroma, but in the presence of ladies, gentlemen always drink their portion in one gulp, to the bottom.

Often a bottle of Maotai comes with two or three tiny glasses - this is no coincidence; this is the portion that is considered optimal to enjoy the taste but keep a relatively clear head.

In China, even the size of Maotai glasses is standardized

The drink goes well with traditional Chinese dishes, especially spicy ones, but an appetizer is not necessary: ​​true gourmets prefer to experience the pure bouquet, in which experts have counted 155 notes.

Social aspect

A bottle of Maotai is considered an ideal bribe - it is a fairly solid and expensive gift that is not embarrassing to present to officials, although formally, according to local legislation, it does not fall under the definition of a bribe.

Often people buy Chinese vodka only as an exhibit of their collection or stock it up in case of a trip to higher authorities. There is even a saying in China: those who buy Maotai do not drink it, and those who drink do not buy it.

Features of Chinese vodka

Maotai (also called hanja or hanshi) is particularly transparent and clean. Thanks to a special production technology, it has a harmonious, thick taste and an unforgettable rich smell. This vodka is often drunk in combination with green tea.

The consistency of the drink is slightly thick. The strength ranges from 35 to 52%. An inexperienced consumer needs to be careful, since 52 degrees is a serious challenge even for a person accustomed to Russian vodka. This drink is incredibly easy to drink, but at the same time it is very strong. Intoxication when drinking it occurs in a short time.

A special feature of this product is its aroma. It is so stable that it can continue to hover in the air of the room where the vodka was drunk for 3 days.

Due to its composition, Maotai is considered a high-quality product. This alcoholic drink has a moderate negative effect on internal organs such as the liver or stomach. He is not characterized by such a consequence as a hangover. This product is mentioned in the works of many artists and poets in China.

The history of Hanzha or Maotai vodka

According to historical data, Maotai vodka dates back to the 2nd century BC. This date marks the appearance of the Guojiang drink. Later, a modern drink was released based on the recipe for this weak drink made from rice. This happened during the time of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

Back then, peasants working in the rice fields were constantly in water. These working conditions prompted them to create a way for themselves to stay warm. This is how the famous Maotai appeared. It became famous when it accidentally ended up on the table of the emperor, who immediately ordered the start of production of this drink on his lands.

Over time, the cooking technology underwent minor changes, in particular, ordinary rice was replaced by a component such as sorghum. This gave the drink a deeper taste. But the basic recipe and production stages have been preserved since those times.

Maotai drink today

This luxury product is considered a luxurious gift. It is presented to people holding high positions and large businessmen. U Chinese people There is even a saying regarding Maotai: those who acquire it do not use it, and those who use it do not acquire it.

Many people buy this vodka just for collection, to add chic to their home bar. Not a single feast high level No one in heaven can do without this expensive drink.

This elite product has won countless awards and titles. 30 years ago, at a conference in Paris, he won 3 gold medals for his unique mild taste. After this conference, the popularity of the drink grew every year. Now she has already been awarded 14 medals. Chinese Maotai vodka is the first alcoholic drink in this country, the production of which exceeded 170 tons per year.

Produced by Kweichow Moutai

The recipe for Maotai vodka has remained unchanged since its invention and differs from traditional vodka technology. The raw materials used are wheat and sorghum, which are grown in the country. It is believed that a similar taste of the drink cannot be obtained if vodka is produced in another place. The product is produced only in the Chinese town of the same name. The characteristic qualities inherent in Maotai are achieved thanks to the local climate and the unique purest water in the river flowing through the area.

It is interesting that in many parts of the world they tried to repeat the quality of Maotai vodka, but they failed to recreate an analogue. The produced drinks had different taste, smell, and consistency. For this reason, the real drink of this brand is produced exclusively where its history began.

The production cycle of Chinese vodka lasts several years. According to manufacturers, thanks to this cooking time, a specific aroma of the product and its deep taste are obtained.

At the beginning of production, the grain crop is fermented in a special container. The process is facilitated by a special starter based on mold fungi. Yeast culture is also used during fermentation. It is these ingredients that form sugar from the starch found in cereals.

The grain ferments in 8 stages. The duration of each stage is one month. In this case, a break is necessary between cycles. Thus, fermentation generally takes about 40 months. This process occurs at high temperatures. The exact temperature value is kept in the strictest confidence. After fermentation, the mixture must be distilled.

6 months after all cycles of fermentation and distillation, the product is tasted. If the taste does not meet the high standards of this brand, the drink is sent for further fermentation.

And only when the tasters approve of the resulting product, it will be poured into ceramic dishes and will be kept in a dark place for 3 years. The liquid is then filtered and combined with older drinks. This is a very important stage that affects the quality of the product. The vodka turns out incredibly rich and strong. But despite this, this liquid is very easy to drink.

As already mentioned, Chinese vodka has an extremely persistent, pungent aroma. It turns out thanks to the ingredients included in the composition. When preparing the wort for grain fermentation, a special fermenting mixture produced in China is used. It's called jiuqu.

This mixture contains specific bacteria, molds and yeast culture. This ingredient is produced on the basis of substrate cereals and looks like an ordinary powder.

In China, it is believed that jiuqu not only promotes the fermentation of wort and the release of sugars, but also has the property of relieving hangover syndrome.

Some consumers note the characteristic aroma of vodka as a disadvantage of this drink. But few people will refuse to try this expensive product because of its pronounced smell.

How to drink Maotai vodka

Maotai vodka has not only a rich history, but also its own traditions and culture. Thanks to this famous brand in many countries they already know how to drink Chinese vodka. In China, it is customary for good vodka to be drunk only from jade or porcelain dishes. The containers from which this product is consumed are called bowls. You can use glasses, but they must be made from the materials mentioned above.

Many copies of this alcoholic drink include 2 small glasses. They are invested for a special purpose. It is believed that a serving consisting of such an amount of vodka allows you to experience its taste, but at the same time maintain a clear mind.

The culture of using this product implies that the glass should never be empty. As soon as the drink is drunk, the glass is refilled. In this case, it is not necessary to empty it immediately; you can wait for the next toast.

Making a toast in China also has its own traditions. When making a speech, you need to hold the glass with vodka in your right hand, while holding it by the bottom with your left.

If the drink is drunk in a purely male company, each new portion is sipped slowly, with pleasure. If representatives of the fair sex are present at the table, men are obliged to empty the glass to the bottom.

Maotai vodka is usually served with spicy snacks. It will also be an excellent addition to national Chinese cuisine. In this country, it is believed that it is not necessary to drink vodka. To experience the aftertaste, many Chinese refuse the snack altogether.

China has a very extensive drinking culture. A huge range of alcoholic drinks is produced here. But it is Chinese vodka called Maotai that has achieved enormous popularity around the world thanks to its qualities and production traditions based on many years of experience.

Chinese vodka is distinguished by its distinct aroma and is extremely popular among the residents of this vast country. For the information of many, China is one of the countries where people first heard and tasted alcohol. Thanks to excavations carried out by leading archaeologists in the Shan-tun province, a great many clay containers were discovered, very similar to wine vessels, which are more than 4 thousand years old.


Today, this state can boast of a variety of alcohol produced in the country, differing in strength and the use of various preparation technologies. Thus, each Chinese vodka has its own name, its own secret and preparation features.

Although the Chinese themselves have a neutral attitude towards alcohol, and many residents of the Celestial Empire drink this drink in very small quantities, throughout the entire territory of this huge state, in almost every corner of it, you can find alcoholic drinks of completely different strengths. And their prices vary. However, the population of the northern part of the country still drinks alcohol more due to the harsh cold climate.

So, let's look at what varieties of Chinese vodka exist today, what the name is for each of them, and pay special attention to their features.

Varieties of Chinese vodka

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The most common type of Chinese vodka is Maotai. This vodka is recognized as one of the strongest alcoholic drinks. To make it, a special cereal plant called gaoliang is used, and the drink received its name in honor of a small town located in Guizhou province. Currently, the largest company, Kweichow Moutai Company, is located there, which actually produces this drink.

Among all the variety of alcohol that is available today in China, Maotai - and its cost can vary within $750 for 1 bottle. But even despite this, the demand for this divine drink is very high. If quite recently only the upper strata of society could afford this alcoholic drink, now ordinary citizens of the country with an average income can afford it.

Maotai is vodka, which is recognized by the Chinese as a national drink and, we can say that not a single special event is complete without it. Whether it's a wedding or a regular banquet, Maotai must be present on the table. The strength of this type of Chinese vodka is 54°, but what is surprising is that the drink does not go to your head or upset your stomach at all. In appearance, Maotai is a liquid with a barely noticeable yellowish tint.


The Chinese are a people who sacredly honor their traditions and customs, so even with such a seemingly insignificant event as drinking alcohol, they follow all the rules. And in the countries of the Celestial Empire it is customary to drink Maotai from porcelain or jade bowls specially designed for this purpose. At the same time, it is very important not to just drink it from a bowl, but to hold the container in your hand with one hand and hold it by the bottom with the other. After the toast is said, you should definitely say “Ganbei,” which translated into Russian means “drink to the bottom.”

Vodka "Maotai"

As mentioned above, the homeland is a village with the same name. And this is not at all accidental, because this place is unique in itself. The climate here is quite favorable and the water is very clean. About 7.5 thousand people live in this village and more than half of them are employed in the production of this particular drink.

Interesting fact: in other areas and settlements, people also tried to recreate the same Chinese vodka with the same quality, taste and aroma. But, unfortunately, they failed to do this. And the whole secret is that such fertile soil, suitable climate and temperature conditions do not exist anywhere else. According to local residents, only the town of Maotai has such advantages.


Maotai is a Chinese vodka of the highest class, which is sure to amaze everyone who hears information about its production. But this process takes as long as 5 years. Each stage of the preparation of this wonderful drink lasts a certain number of months or years. For example, the initial stage lasts about 8-9 months.

Alcohol of the highest class

Grain is poured into a special container designed for fermentation. It ferments for 30 days, then it is distilled. Such an event must be held 8 times every month. As a result, the resulting mixture is stored in the basement for about 3 years. After this, the production process continues, after which the drink is stored for another year.

Why such a production technology that takes such a long time? Every person will probably ask a similar question. Yes, the production process of Chinese Maotai vodka takes a long time, but thanks to this, the taste of the resulting product is distinguished by its softness, amazing aroma, harmony and extraordinary taste.


Maotai vodka is an alcoholic drink that is extremely popular not only among the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, but is also appreciated throughout the world. Any meetings at the state level must be accompanied by this drink. In addition, Maotai vodka is successfully exported to other countries.

Popular alcoholic drink

Back in 1985 and 1986. An international food conference was held in Paris, at which Chinese Maotai vodka was awarded three gold medals. This product was recognized as a unique alcoholic drink. It was after this conference that the whole world learned what Maotai was. In addition to this high award, Chinese vodka has also been awarded at other international exhibitions and, in total, Maotai has 14 gold medals.


As mentioned earlier, China produces a huge number of different alcoholic beverages, and among them there are many exotic species. One of these is. However, this drink is not just vodka. According to the manufacturers themselves, this drink is healing. Any person who tries it improves their overall health. This alcoholic drink increases potency, helps strengthen immune system human, and also favors brain function.

The main ingredients for the production of this miracle drink are medicinal herbs and snakes. However, as those who have tried it assure, this vodka is no different in taste from ordinary traditional vodka. This drink differs only in its unusual appearance.

This tincture is produced in Jilin province, but the secret of its production has been kept in deepest secrecy for 5 centuries.

According to doctors, you can only consume this miraculous drink 30 g per day. And the most interesting thing is that after the liquid in the bottle runs out, you can fill all its contents again with regular vodka, and it is recommended to infuse it for a month. This event can be repeated up to 5 times.

6 Baijiu - white alcohol

There is 1 more famous variety of Chinese vodka. This is Baijiu or in other words white alcohol. The strength of this drink can be 60, and sometimes reaches 70°.

According to historical data, Baijiu vodka is already 4000 years old. The main raw material used to prepare this product is sorghum cereal. Wheat, corn, and kaoliang are also used. The main difficulty is purchasing this drink outside of China. Since it has a fairly high strength and a specific smell, European markets are in no hurry to purchase it.

The alcohol culture of a country like China is very diverse. This country can offer a fairly wide range of alcoholic drinks, but not all products are available outside the Chinese state. But one thing is certain: Chinese vodka is an unusual and wonderful combination of tastes and aromas, and every connoisseur of elite alcoholic drinks should try it.

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