A semi-automatic umbrella does not close, what to do. Repair and restoration of the strap. Repair of exclusive umbrellas. Full automatic folding umbrella. Design, principle and features of the mechanism. How an automatic umbrella works

To everyone to modern man It is well known what kind of thing should be in use if it suddenly rains outside. But repairing an automatic umbrella very often causes difficulties. For example, repairing an automatic umbrella with your own hands is an impossible task for many users, and as the right solution, they prefer to buy a new accessory in case of rainy weather. In fact, you should not rush with such purchases, since it is quite possible to solve an unpleasant situation in the shortest possible time and without additional financial costs. The first step is to determine the nature of the breakdown, and only then begin to correct it correctly and consistently at home. It also wouldn’t hurt to carefully familiarize yourself with the design of the automatic umbrella in order to understand the principle on which the simple mechanism is constructed.

If the umbrella does not close, then most often the problem is a malfunction of one of the spokes. It is possible that the spoke is bent or broken, and therefore interferes with the proper operation of the once-functional mechanism. If it is bent, then with the help of elementary physical force it can be straightened and, thereby, the operation of the automation can be adjusted. In the event that a spoke unexpectedly breaks, for example, during sudden gusts of wind in bad weather, it is necessary to select any metal tube. After this, all that remains is to join the broken ends, passing them into the hole of the metal tube, and then firmly clamp it with pliers. The soldering method works in a similar way, which is irrelevant in the case of repairing a machine umbrella. The work takes a few minutes of free time, but the need to purchase a new accessory automatically disappears.

If the umbrella breaks and the draft is to blame, you will have to tinker with the small household repairs. The first step is to loosen all connections and then carefully remove them from the hooks. In this case, you will need a soldering iron and tin, with the help of which you will need to make a trough with approximate dimensions of 40X12 (mm) from an unnecessary piece of tin. Install the finished product in place of the rod and solder along the entire length. The process is tedious and time-consuming, and without a tin plate and a soldering iron it makes no sense at all. But as a result, the broken automatic umbrella still functions properly. If, alas, the rod cannot be repaired at home, then the umbrella will have to be thrown away as unusable and a new accessory with stronger and more durable “technical characteristics” purchased for personal use.

If the automatic umbrella device itself suddenly becomes unusable, it will be very difficult to repair such an accessory, and you will need several hours of free time. If the tape breaks, you will have to buy the same component, then remove the top plug, fabric, and push the fixing nail out of the assembly. This is necessary in order to ultimately open the tube and keep the spring in its proper place, otherwise it will be impossible to insert this element into its original place. Then the roller is taken out, the damaged tape is changed, and all subsequent actions of the home craftsman are performed in the reverse order. Not every craftsman can cope with the task, therefore, if there are certain doubts, it is best to give the umbrella for repair to a more experienced and competent technician. You can buy a new ribbon at a haberdashery store, and this item is much cheaper than a new automatic umbrella.

Sometimes it happens that the umbrella stops functioning properly due to the fault of the roller. If it's broken, don't rush to buy a new one. The problem can be solved much simpler: press the protrusion on the locking mechanism and move it towards the umbrella handle. After this, you need to remove it from the tube, straighten it and insert it back according to a similar procedure. If the latch has dried out or simply broken, nothing prevents you from buying a new one and thereby providing your favorite umbrella with a second life. The breakdown is not considered complex, and it takes a beginner a few minutes to repair it. If the rivet on the end of the umbrella breaks, then in order not to damage the integrity of the waterproof fabric, you need to wrap it with soft wire and monitor this “weak spot” of your automation. Other breakdowns require immediate replacement of the umbrella, but if you contact a professional technician, they can be easily repaired for a reasonable fee.

When an automatic umbrella unexpectedly breaks down, you should not rush to buy a new accessory, especially since today this pleasure is not cheap. If the automation has a complex mechanism, it must be accompanied by circuit diagram, instructions that, after purchase, it is important not to throw away as unnecessary. After carefully and thoughtfully studying the instructions, you can independently repair any breakdowns of any complexity of your accessory. If you handle the umbrella carefully, strictly following all operating rules, then urgent repairs and there is no need at all, and the device itself functions properly for several years. It is also worth recalling that women's umbrellas are the most fragile, while men's models and classic canes can be safely used for their intended purpose in any bad weather.

An umbrella is a device designed to protect from rain, snow or sun rays. The product consists of a rod, a dome and spokes. Mechanical, automatic and semi-automatic design, various technical parameters are possible.

Umbrella device

Types of mechanisms:

  • mechanical – closes and opens manually, there are no buttons on the handle;
  • semi-automatic - opens manually, closes by pressing a button (it only folds the dome, and the rod folds manually);
  • automatic – opening and closing of the dome occurs automatically (by pressing a button).

The folding mechanical umbrella has a simplified system. To open the product, press the button and pull up. While doing this, hold on to the fastening that connects the spokes at the top of the dome. A soft click indicates that the umbrella is locked.

To assemble the structure, press the button again and pull the fastener down. This process takes some time because of the effort required.

The semi-automatic umbrella is characterized by simplified operation. There is a special button on the handle, when pressed, the rod extends until it stops. The dome opens manually.

To close the umbrella, pull the fastener down until it reaches the hook. Opening takes less time.

An automatic umbrella involves opening the product with two presses of a button. The first press extends the rod, the second – opens the dome. Closing occurs according to the same algorithm, but in reverse order.

It is possible to equip the device with a spring that protects the dome spokes from twisting in the wind. Locking technology is used to prevent accidental opening.

Types of umbrellas

Men's models are made in black or dark colors, women's models are made in bright colors, with paintings, drawings, and decor. A separate category is transparent domes.

Umbrella dome material

  1. Nylon is an affordable material. Prone to wear, mechanical damage, loss of color. It is possible to stain things lying nearby with a damp umbrella.
  2. Polyester is not susceptible to fading and takes little time to dry. It is characterized by insufficient strength and wear resistance.
  3. Pongee is a material combining polyester and cotton. Used in expensive models. It feels like thick cotton. Water drops roll off the dome. 5 minutes after closing the umbrella, the material is completely dry.
  4. Satin is a water-repellent material. Complete drying occurs in 5 minutes. Resistant to mechanical damage.

Umbrellas are divided into two types:

  • canes – oversized domes combined with a strong solid handle;
  • folding (telescopic) - devices fold 2-5 times, equipped with a mechanical, automatic, semi-automatic design.

According to their purpose, accessories are divided into three types:

  • Men's umbrellas. The enlarged dome can shelter at least two people from the rain. The products are made in dark colors; it is possible to use laconic ornaments and patterns (geometric).
  • Women's umbrellas. They are equipped with lightweight frames made of durable materials. The dome is narrower than that of a men's accessory. Bright colors with original prints predominate.
  • Children's umbrellas are made with a lightweight design. They feature colorful domes with colorful illustrations and cartoon characters.

  1. An accessory for two – a model with a diameter increased to 120-130 cm. When folded, it has the same parameters as a standard umbrella.
  2. Anti-storm technology - a product with a double dome (two layers of material) and reinforced steel spokes.
  3. Devices with built-in MP3 players that are resistant to moisture.

  • straight;
  • round;
  • hook.

  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • leather;
  • metal.

  • up to 85 cm – mini;
  • 85-95 cm – small;
  • 96-102 cm – classic;
  • 103-110 cm – enlarged;
  • 111-135 cm – large;
  • from 135 cm – huge.

The number of knitting needles in a product ranges from 8 to 16 pieces. The greater their number, the smoother and more stable the canopy is in relation to strong gusts of wind (the umbrella does not bend in the opposite direction).

  1. Steel – the core of the product and the knitting needles have a shiny rather than matte finish. The dome does not turn inside out due to gusts of wind, the spokes are characterized by increased strength. At the same time, the accessory is heavier compared to other models.
  2. Fiberglass is a material similar to plastic. The knitting needles are soft but durable. The product is lightweight, the dome resists strong gusts of wind. When using a steel rod, this model has no disadvantages.
  3. Aluminum – soft knitting needles are coated with a matte layer. The accessory is light and compact, but prone to mechanical damage and gets twisted in the wind.

The umbrella rod consists of 2-5 folds. Large-format men's umbrellas are equipped with 2-3 folds, 4-5 – compact women's models that easily fit into.

The rods are made of steel, aluminum and plastic. The cane is equipped with a strong shaft. Based on their shape, the rods are divided into round and multifaceted - the more faces, the more reliable the structure.


Umbrella cane

  • increased strength;
  • expanded dome diameter;
  • Thanks to its simplified design, the model is characterized by durability and wear resistance.

Folding umbrella

  • practical to use and store;
  • compact;
  • lungs;
  • miniature models fit into pockets outerwear or the glove compartment of a car;
  • Due to the popularity of such products, the variety of their colors is wider.

Mechanical umbrella

  • have proven themselves to be the most durable and reliable;
  • manual opening and closing of the umbrella significantly reduces the risk of breakage;
  • mechanical products are more compact - when folded, the length of the accessory is 16-19 cm (5 folds).


  • semi-automatic technology is considered the most common;
  • compared to a mechanical design, it takes significantly less effort and time to operate;
  • Umbrellas have an affordable price-quality ratio.

Fully automatic

  • opening and closing the dome does not require any physical effort, it is convenient in strong winds, in transport, and significantly saves time.


  • takes up a lot of space, since when folded the knitting needles do not fit tightly to the frame;
  • This model is bulky and lacks a telescopic system due to its design features.

  • due to the presence large quantity structural elements, the risk of damage to the device is quite high;
  • The telescopic system requires careful and careful handling.

  • operating a mechanical umbrella requires frequent efforts to open and close the device - this is the only drawback of this model.

  • often fail;
  • insufficient functionality.

  • involves an increased load on the constituent elements (spokes, rod), so the risk of breakage is higher.

How to choose an umbrella

When choosing, study technical specifications products:

  • material of spokes, rod, dome;
  • opening mechanism;
  • number of folds and spokes;
  • folded and unfolded size, weight.

This data is contained in the information on the label or booklet that comes with each model.

The canes are durable and reliable, equipped with a rounded dome, which looks more attractive and provides more reliable protection from rain. The simplified design extends the service life of the accessory.

If the only disadvantages - bulkiness and inconvenient transportation - are not a problem, then you should give preference to this particular model.

When choosing between a manual, semi-automatic and automatic design, be guided by personal preference. The mechanics are durable and reliable, but require effort and operation takes longer.

If you have to often unfold and fold your umbrella, then an automatic is the ideal solution. The semi-automatic design combines the advantages and disadvantages of both models.

The smallest models of umbrellas with a mini-dome (up to 85 cm) are suitable for those who plan to carry the accessory with them in their purse all the time. The length of the product when folded is up to 20 cm. Provide reliable protection This model is incapable of rain.

Small accessories (85-95 cm) are not effective enough, but are more functional than miniature devices. They provide a normal level of protection, are lightweight, and compact.

Most of the products belong to the category of classic and enlarged (96-111 cm). This is a generally accepted standard in the umbrella manufacturing industry. Male and female models are equipped with medium-sized domes - both telescopic and in the form of a cane.

Large or huge devices are suitable for use by two or more people at the same time. Guarantees maximum protection from heavy torrential rains.

When choosing, pay attention to the folded size of the accessory. This parameter does not matter for a cane, since in any case it will have to be carried in your hands all the time.

  • Folding umbrellas are designed to be carried in a bag, so even a few extra centimeters can be a serious drawback. The optimal length of the folding device when folded is from 30 to 35 cm.

These parameters have a dome of standard diameter and a rod with three folds.

  • Shorter models have more folds. The larger ones have two folds, the length is comparable to a mini cane.

Umbrella frame

You can choose any frame of the structure, with the exception of aluminum. The only advantage of this material is its low weight. You should not count on long-term use of such a product.

If you need an umbrella with increased strength, then a carbon frame has these parameters.

The spokes in the design must be reliable, durable, and made of high quality material. Refuse a product that has less than 8 knitting needles - this causes the material to sag, and the dome generally looks unaesthetic.

A design with more than 10 spokes is much more expensive. It features an expanded and reliable dome. You should choose such a model only if there is a real need for it. The optimal number of knitting needles is 8-10.

Umbrella "Anti-wind"

Please note that the device has anti-storm technology. This model will cost a little more, but the “anti-wind” significantly extends the service life of the product, protects against malfunctions and ensures comfortable use.

Umbrella design

Decorative decorations turn an ordinary umbrella into a work of art, but do not forget that it has, first of all, a practical meaning, and decorations are sometimes unnecessary and damage functionality.

  1. The green tint has a negative effect on the complexion and creates a feeling of soreness.
  2. Red, on the contrary, refreshes the skin tone, but with prolonged use of the accessory it can cause irritation and causeless aggression.
  3. Bright and light shades - pink, white, yellow, blue - carry a positive mood, but keep in mind that such tones are impractical, the umbrella will have to be cleaned regularly.
  4. Black is a universal classic color suitable for men and women.

If you are concerned about the harmonious combination of an umbrella with your wardrobe, consider this aspect when choosing. It’s easier to decide on the design of an accessory for someone who prefers one style of clothing.

If you are one of those who like to experiment, then there are two options: purchase 2-3 products or one universal umbrella in classic style. It is believed that an umbrella should be combined primarily with a bag and shoes.

  • Be sure to hold the accessory in your hands, open and close it several times to check the functionality of the design.
  • Make sure that the dome material and frame are in good condition and free of stains and other marks.
  • When folding/unfolding, no extraneous sounds should be heard.
  • The handle should fit comfortably and securely in your hand and not slip out.

When inspecting it unfolded, shake the device a little from side to side - if the fasteners do not loosen (at the joints of the rod), the umbrella has a high-quality assembly.

  • In a quality product, the dome is firmly attached to the base, the material does not sag, but is tightly stretched.
  • Strong seams are important, with the help of which the material is attached to the base.
  • To check the dome for subtle defects, turn it toward a light source.
  • The color and patterns on the fabric are durable. You can check color stability using a quick and simple test: take a dry white napkin and lightly wipe the material - there should be no traces left on it.

Otherwise, after the first use the accessory will lose color.

Be sure to make sure that the handle fits comfortably in your hand. The slightest inconvenience during prolonged use causes discomfort, and this is fraught with the occurrence of pain in the wrist joints.

As for the choice of handle material, it is better to abandon the common plastic options and wooden parts.

  1. Plastic is cheaper than other materials, but the shiny coating is prone to abrasion, and any mechanical stress leaves scratches, cracks, and chips.
  2. Wooden parts are more reliable and more pleasant to the touch, but when purchasing, make sure that there are no dents or cracks on them - such a handle will not last long.
  3. It is advisable to use a varnish coating on wood.
  4. The best option is a rubberized handle. The aesthetic properties of the material are not highest level, but such a part is strong and reliable, it does not slip out of your hands, and if it falls or hits, there will be no marks left on it.

Are you planning to purchase an umbrella from a renowned manufacturer? Make sure that the product you are selling is not a counterfeit. Branded products are accompanied by appropriate certificates, and the products themselves contain logos and emblems.

Decide in advance how you are going to carry the umbrella. If the accessory is usually kept in a bag or glove compartment of a car, you should pay attention to compact devices. A special strap is provided for carrying in the hands.

In designs with automatic or semi-automatic technology special attention Pay attention to the quality and functionality of the button that is responsible for opening/closing the product.

Which umbrella is better

Distinctive features of the universal product:

  • the main material (dome fabric) is sponge or satin;
  • anti-storm technology is provided, which provides protection from the wind and resists the accessory turning out;
  • suitable dome diameter – classic version within 96-110 cm;
  • the best handle model is a rubberized part, the shape of which is selected individually depending on the anatomical features of the hand;

  • fiberglass knitting needles combine sufficient strength and lightness;
  • the ideal number of knitting needles in a product does not exceed 10 (at least 8) - they are responsible for tightly stretching the fabric and at the same time do not overload the structure;
  • steel rod of multifaceted shape with 3-4 folds.

In terms of reliability and aesthetic appeal the best option is a cane – durable, wear-resistant and elegant. Almost on the same level with it in terms of reliability is a folding device with a mechanical design, which, in addition, is also more practical.

Important Features:

  1. At the point where the dome is attached to the rod, a screw-on cap made of metal is required (the plastic part is prone to damage).
  2. The knitting needles are adjacent to the fabric with their convex side, and are attached with the groove upward.
  3. The minimum number of points for attaching the spokes to the surface of the accessory is 2. The more points there are, the more reliable the design.
  4. If the product is intended for a child under 12 years of age, each knitting needle is equipped with protection in the form of a plastic cap with a blunt end.

How to use an umbrella

If it is initially clear what type of mechanism it is, follow the opening instructions. How to open an umbrella if you are not sure what type of mechanism it uses:

  • Remove the cover from the accessory and unfasten the strip of fabric that holds the dome material at the base.
  • Shake the product to loosen the folds of the fabric.
  • Find the button that opens the umbrella. If it is a cane, then a special lock is installed at the bottom of the rod next to the slider. In folding models, the button is attached to the handle.

  • Hold the device in your hand so that when you open it, it will not cause harm to you or others.
  • Press the button using moderate force. If after several attempts the umbrella does not open, it means that it is equipped with a semi-automatic mechanism (the button is used to close).
  • If there is no button, grab the slider and pull it up until you hear a soft click - the device is locked in the open position.

To close the product without a button, find the latch installed on the slider and press it - the device will begin to fold. If the product is equipped with a button, then when pressed the dome will fold automatically.

Proper drying of the device after use contributes to long service life. It is not recommended to put the cover on a wet product or leave the umbrella wet for a long time.

If operating and drying conditions are violated, the fabric of the dome wears out, and the metal base becomes covered with rust.

  • To dry the accessory, open the umbrella and leave it in this position for a while until the water drains.
  • It is important that there are no heat sources near the umbrella. Drying near heaters and other heat sources causes the fabric to shrink.
  • While the fabric is still damp, fold the dome and rod, but do not twist the material or snap the strap - complete drying occurs in a half-opened form. To do this, hang the product on a hook.

When the material dries under tension, it stretches, causing the frame to loosen. As a result, the fabric sags and the accessory loses its attractive appearance.

  • After drying is complete, the accessory is folded, the fabric is secured around the base with a strap, and a cover is put on top.

  • The main rule of operation is to open and close the device in accordance with the type of mechanism. Do not attempt to fold or unfold the automatic product by hand. This will lead to mechanism malfunctions.
  • Do not place the product at the bottom of the bag or ensure that heavy items are not placed on it. Pressure causes the knitting needles to bend, changing the correct shape of the fabric, as a result of which the umbrella loses appearance and becomes unusable.
  • Do not use a cane as a support when walking. During constant contact with asphalt, the tip of the device becomes covered with scratches and cracks, chips or breaks.

In addition, the base of the umbrella becomes loose, since it is not designed for such loads.

  • At least once a month, open the device and leave it in this position for 5-6 hours. This is necessary for ventilation.
  • Any model of umbrella can serve as protection from the sun's rays, but only a device with a special filter provides reliable shelter.
  • The main purpose of any product model is protection from rain. Even accessories with storm-proof properties are damaged when exposed to strong winds. Excessive load damages the frame, so hold the umbrella against the wind.

In strong gusts of wind, the umbrella may turn in the opposite direction - there is nothing to worry about. Do not return it to its previous appearance manually. To straighten the structure, fold the umbrella as you would during normal use.

If the device has fully automatic technology, just press the button and close the mechanical product by pulling the slider.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to clean with aggressive substances, such as acetone. They can cause irreversible damage to the tissue and render the device unusable.
  2. For cleaning it is recommended to use soapy water and a soft sponge.
  3. After cleaning, rinse the material under running clean water to completely remove the soapy liquid and avoid streaks on the surface of the fabric.
  4. The drying rules do not differ from the recommendations given above.

  • Often the inner surface of the transparent material is treated with white powder. The powder is used to prevent fabric sticking. This may occur during storage or prolonged non-use of the accessory.

If powder causes interference, wipe the material with a dry cloth before first use. It is not recommended to completely remove it. If gluing does occur, carefully separate the material manually without using a mechanism.

  • After purchase, the transparent umbrella emits a specific polyethylene smell. Over time, it will evaporate, but it is possible to speed up this process.

To do this, open the product and leave it in this position in the fresh air, for example, on a balcony, for at least a day. After the first airing, the smell noticeably weakens.

  • To wash your transparent umbrella, use clean, cool water to avoid streaks on the cover.
  • Transparent accessories are made of polyvinyl. After cleaning, dry the product, placing it as far as possible from heat sources. Otherwise, the material will lose its shape, melt and sag on the frame.

The warranty period depends on the manufacturer. It can range from a month to three years. In the event of a warranty claim, the product must be exchanged for exactly the same working model. The following defects are covered by the warranty:

  • failure of the mechanism that is responsible for folding and unfolding the accessory;
  • divergence of seams on fabric;
  • breakage of the base spokes at the joints (does not apply to the outermost spoke, since its failure belongs to the category of mechanical damage).

The following faults and defects are not subject to warranty:

  • breakage of the outer spoke;
  • the shape of the rod is broken;
  • presence of cuts, traces of tissue burns;
  • chips, cracks, scratches on the handle.

Malfunctions and repairs

Umbrella repair is carried out by a specialized service. The following parts are subject to repair or replacement:

  • knitting needles;
  • textile;
  • cap;
  • pen;
  • kernel.

The most common breakdowns that you can fix yourself:

  • damage to the seam on the fabric;
  • broken needle tip;
  • broken spokes;
  • latch malfunction.

Select a thread of a similar color and carefully sew up the area where the seam has broken. If the fabric comes off at the end of the knitting needle, take some thin fishing line, wind the edge of the fabric several times and tie a knot.

Thread the ends of the fishing line into the hole on the knitting needle and tie a knot. This procedure is performed with the tissue in a loose position.

Spoke tip breakage

Wind a thin wire around the tip of a knitting needle, using any spiral, pull the material, tie it with fishing line - a small ball is formed. To wind the wire, use pliers to ensure a tight tension.

Another option is to solder the tip of a knitting needle from another umbrella.

Detach the fabric from the frame of the product, after remembering exactly how it was sewn. Straighten a broken spoke. If it is round in shape, connect the ends of the knitting needle inside a tube of suitable diameter with a length of 3-4 cm.

For the grooved part, use a nail without a head - insert it into the groove. Regardless of the repair method, tin-solder the connections. Sew the material in place.

Latch malfunction

Remove the fabric. Take a tin strip measuring 2x1 cm and bend it around the hinge socket that has failed. Use tin to solder the strip to the spoke. Drill a small diameter hole and put on the rod. Sew the material in place.

Umbrella manufacturers

Offers women's and men's umbrellas with a warranty period of 6 months. The products use durable and reliable alloys for spokes and rods, fashionable materials for domes, practical and comfortable handles.

The product range is distinguished by a variety of models in terms of design, which are decorated with bright shades, patterns and ornaments.

Products are equipped with mechanical, semi-automatic or automatic mechanisms, and are manufactured in the form of canes and folding structures. The main advantage of the brand is the exclusive forms of accessories, for example, in the form of a golf club or a heart.

Most models are designed using one shade; there are accessories in the style of a rainbow, starry sky, “city”, and autumn leaves.

Main materials:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • cotton;
  • nylon.

Specializes in the design and manufacture of umbrellas. The main principles of the company are the use of new materials in production, convenient and functional product design, and high-quality execution.

Each device model has special advantages. There are ultra-light products that are easy to transport, and models with increased strength. The range is represented by accessories standard size with different designs.

Manufactures folding models of umbrellas and canes with storm-proof technologies. The designs use polyester (main material), metal and wood (base).

There are no monochromatic colors in the design - only geometric and floral ornaments and patterns. Calm and calm prevail dark colors. Product dimensions – 90x85 cm.

Specializes in creating high quality umbrellas. Models differ in mechanism, design, size, strength, and type of construction. Distinctive features of the products:

  • light weight;
  • convenient operation;
  • effective protection;
  • original design;
  • resistance to wind gusts up to 100 km/h;
  • ultraviolet protection.

Specializes in the manufacture of various goods and souvenirs, including wide range which include umbrellas for children, men and women. There are standard format models and the company's own designs.

A variety of accessories is represented by mechanical, automatic, semi-automatic folding devices, and canes.

Umbrellas with a bright design predominate (plain, decorated with patterns, ornaments, drawings). Main materials: polyester, satin.

The company produces umbrellas with the most simplified, but durable and reliable design. Accessories in the form of a cane predominate.

The dome is made from polyester and the handles are plastic. A semi-automatic opening/closing mechanism is used.

The company produces entire collections of accessories for men, women and children, as well as universal unisex models.

The range of products is huge - there are monochromatic devices, with patterns, wedding devices, with protection from sunlight, miniature, enlarged, and with a reinforced frame.

Probably every person uses an umbrella, since it rains in almost all places on our planet. And of course, almost everyone has encountered the fact that sooner or later an umbrella breaks.
– probably these two questions are of most interest to umbrella owners.

An umbrella usually consists of the following main parts - a handle with a button, sliding pipes (the number may vary, but most often there are 6 or 8 of these pipes), a lower support for the spokes, an upper support for the spokes to which the main cord of the umbrella is attached, a thick short and thin long springs, a plastic tube - the upper part of which is thickened, has a wheel and is inserted into the upper support.
If it turns out that the automatic umbrella is broken, then there is no need to rush to take it to the workshop or in no case should you throw it away. You can also repair the umbrella yourself.

Depending on what exactly is broken, you will need the following things for this: ready-made parts from another umbrella, pliers, stainless wire, a soldering iron, a metal tube with a diameter of 6 centimeters.

The most common types of damage to umbrellas are:

Automatic umbrella does not fold

Grooved spokes break very often.

In order to fix this you need to take metal pipe 6 centimeters in diameter and cut a piece from it approximately 3 centimeters in length. Then you will need to straighten the ends of the knitting needle that broke, then put a cut piece of tube on it and compress these two ends with pliers.

— the tubular rivets at the ends of the spokes are damaged. In order to fix the umbrella in this case, you need to insert a small piece of soft stainless steel wire into the hole, and then you will need to twist the ends.

— the rod broke at the point of their hinge connection.

You need to cut a small plate of 20 by 12 mm from a piece of tin and bend it along its length so that it looks like a trough. After this, you will need to tin the ends and install the overlay itself. Then you need to take a soldering iron and use it to solder the place where the umbrella was repaired.

— often in umbrellas that open automatically there is a problem that the latch fails to work. It is the latch that holds the umbrella when it is closed.

In order to eliminate this, you need to press the locking protrusion and move it closer to the handle. Then you need to remove the faulty latch from the tube, straighten it - and then install it back in its place.

And you can also look video Repairing a semi-automatic umbrella with your own hands

Umbrella- this is a mechanical device, which is a metal or plastic frame made of knitting needles on a tubular rod equipped with a handle, on which a synthetic waterproof material is stretched. An umbrella is designed to protect a person from sunlight and rain.

The umbrella was invented in China 300 centuries ago for protection from the sun. In those days, an umbrella was considered a symbol of power, and only the emperor and those close to him were allowed to use it.

Much time has passed since then, and now the umbrella has become a constant companion for any person in everyday life. The airy design of the umbrella allows it to be foldable and lightweight, but is not resistant to strong gusts of wind. Therefore, over time, everyone is faced with the breakdown of an umbrella, after which many simply throw them away.

But in vain, because you can save money and time, since usually umbrella breakdowns are simple and are associated with a rivet falling out or one of the spokes breaking. Therefore, you can repair an umbrella with your own hands using standard tools and available materials in half an hour.

Repair of the articulated connection of the spokes with the umbrella rods

The most common breakdown of an umbrella is the fall of a tubular rivet from the hinged connection of the rods and spokes. Due to mechanical load in the wind, the edges of the rivet unbend, it falls out and is lost.

Repair using installation as a rivet
paper clip

If the breakdown of the umbrella consists of a tubular rivet falling out of the hinge, and there are no conditions for repair, then it can be repaired using a paper clip.

To do this, just pass the bent end of the paper clip through the holes of the knitting needle and rod, then bend the end of the paper clip, as shown in the photo.

If you have pliers with a wire cutter function on hand, you can take a piece of wire from a paper clip, bend it into a loop on one side, insert it into the holes and form a loop on the other side. Thus, the wire will reliably perform the function of a rivet and will not tear the fabric of the umbrella dome.

Repair using a homemade rivet
copper wire

This is the most reliable repair method I've been using lately. The repaired hinge joint in the umbrella did not have to be repaired again.

The material used for the rivet is copper wire for electrical wiring with a diameter of about 1 mm. The wire is selected depending on the diameter of the holes in the rod and the spoke.

Before making a rivet, you need to thread the wire through the hole in the rod and check that it moves easily. If it is tight, then you need to slightly reduce the diameter using sandpaper.

Next you need to form the head of the rivet. To do this, the wire is clamped in a vice and the edges are riveted by hitting them with a small hammer, as shown in the photo. If the end of the wire is not flat, then it needs to be processed with a finely cut file.

When repairing an automatic umbrella, to be able to install a rivet, it must be kept in a half-opened position, which is not allowed by the spring, which tends to open the dome. In this case, you need to use a rope to tie the movable lower frame of the umbrella to the handle, as shown in the photo.

The next step is to insert the knitting needle into the slot of the rod and insert the prepared wire with the head. Cut off the excess wire with side cutters so that the protruding part is about a millimeter.

In the last step, you need to press the created wire head against an anvil (any solid metal object will do) and, with light blows along the edges, flatten the wire until a head is formed. Here is the umbrella hinge that has been repaired.

As practice has shown, although an umbrella is used in wet weather, the copper rivet does not oxidize. If desired, it can be coated, for example, with manicure varnish.

Instead of copper wire, you can successfully use post nails of the required diameter. Nails are made from soft varieties iron and therefore also rivet well.

Repairing an umbrella hinge using a screw connection

You can repair the hinge joint of the umbrella frame using a screw and a nut with a diameter of 1-2 mm of a suitable length.

To do this, you need to align the holes of the parts coaxially, thread a screw through them and screw the nut onto it. If the screw is excessively long, then after screwing the nut, it is necessary to remove the protruding part using side cutters.

Usually, when a screw is bitten, the thread is deformed and the screw cannot be unscrewed on its own. But to be safe, it is better to rest the head of the screw against the anvil and rivet its protruding part from the nut using a hammer.

If there is only a screw and no nut, then you need to shorten its threaded part to the required length and slightly rivet the protruding part.

If at least one rivet has fallen out of the hinge, then others have probably become loose as well. Therefore, in order not to have to repair the umbrella again in the near future, you need to tap all the remaining rivets with a hammer, resting on the anvil.

Repair of spokes and umbrella rods

The second most common reason for umbrella failure is the failure of fiberglass spokes or eyelets on the rods.

Repairing a broken spoke tip

In this umbrella, the end of the tip of the spoke broke off where the hole for attaching the canopy fabric passed through. Most likely from the umbrella hitting a hard surface.

The photo on the left shows a whole tip, and the one on the right shows a broken tip. If you have a new knitting needle or tip, the easiest way is to replace it. But there was no spare spoke available, so it had to be repaired.

To make repairs, a hole with a diameter of about 1 mm was drilled in the tip and the sharp edges where it broke were ground off using a file. To avoid chafing of the thread at the points where it exits the hole, it is necessary to remove the chamfers using a larger diameter drill or a knife blade.

Repairing an umbrella with a broken fiberglass spoke

As a rule, the spokes and rods in umbrellas are made of metal, but recently umbrellas with plastic rods and fiberglass spokes have begun to appear.

The repair was just such an umbrella, in which one of the spokes broke off at the point where the hinge entered the rocker arm. The rest of the spoke remained inside the joint.

In the rocker, the spoke is secured with the help of its curved edges. To remove the rest of the knitting needle, you need to slightly bend the petals to the sides using a thin blade of a flat-head screwdriver.

The broken end of the spoke was a little fluffy, so before fixing it in the rocker arm, it was lubricated with quick-drying waterproof Moment glue.

After compressing the spokes with the petals in the rocker arm, the umbrella began to look like new. The same technology is used to carry out repairs in the event of a broken knitting needle at the tip.

After the repair, the spoke became a little shorter, but visually with the umbrella dome open it was not noticeable.

If a fiberglass spoke is broken in the middle, then its integrity can be restored using a piece of thin-walled metal tube taken from the telescopic antenna of an old radio. The broken ends of the knitting needle are smeared with glue and inserted into the tube so that the joint is in the middle of the tube.

Rod eye repair

If an eye in the rod breaks off, it seems that the umbrella cannot be repaired without replacing the entire rod. But that's not true. Using a metal knitting needle from an old umbrella, you can successfully restore the eye.

The photo on the left shows a working hinge joint, and on the right with a broken eye on the rod.

To repair, you need to take a metal knitting needle about ten centimeters long with a hole at the end from an old umbrella and tin it with solder along its entire length using an electric soldering iron.

Next you need to remove the rivet from the rod and cover inner surface solder rod groove as shown in the photo. When working with a soldering iron, it is necessary to prevent contact of heated parts and its tip with the fabric of the umbrella dome, since the synthetic material may melt.

The next step is to place a knitting needle in the rod groove and heat it along its entire length with a soldering iron until the solder melts both on the knitting needle and in the rod groove. At the same time, you must remember to correctly orient the hole on the knitting needle. Using this technology, you can successfully repair broken rods in the middle.

After installing the rivets using one of the technologies described above, the repair of the umbrella can be considered complete.

Repair of decorative umbrella cap

It is rare, but it happens that the decorative cap installed on the top of the umbrella dome breaks off or unscrews and is lost.

A cap that has broken off from the threaded part, if present, can be easily repaired by restoring its integrity.

To do this, you need to drill a hole in the center in the threaded part of the cap remaining in the umbrella cane with a diameter equal to the internal diameter of the screw thread.

In the center of the cap, you also need to drill a hole with a diameter equal to the external thread of the self-tapping screw. Thread a self-tapping screw through the cap and lubricate it so that it does not unscrew with any waterproof glue and screw it into the umbrella.

The photo shows an assembled umbrella repaired with your own hands using the technology described above. The dome fabric is now securely fixed and water will not get on the frame parts.

If the cap is unscrewed and lost, you can restore it using a self-tapping screw with a large press washer.

To do this, you need to make a cork from wood. The diameter of a shortened furniture dowel may be suitable, as shown in the photo.

In the next step, a hole with a diameter equal to the internal diameter of the self-tapping screw is drilled in the center of the plug.

All that remains is to lubricate the thread of the self-tapping screw with waterproof glue and screw it into the plug. As you can see, it turned out beautifully.

If you don’t have a self-tapping screw with a wide head, you can cut a round washer from a sheet of plastic of a suitable color and attach it to the dome. The washer can be made from any cork from plastic bottle by removing the threaded part.

About the repair of automatic umbrellas

Repair of automatic umbrellas is not considered in the article, since it is very labor-intensive and is beyond the capabilities of a home craftsman without repair experience. It is necessary to completely disconnect the dome material from the metal structure, remove the top cage, get to the roller and replace the tape. During assembly, a special device is required to compress a fairly powerful spring. Therefore, if the opening mechanism in an automatic umbrella fails, it is better to contact a workshop or buy a new umbrella, leaving the broken one for spare parts.

How more complex mechanism, the more nodes and elements it contains that can fail. The automatic umbrella is no exception in this regard.

During long-term use and repeated opening/closing, the product begins to work incorrectly, and sometimes becomes completely unusable.

Breakage of the button, or rather its jamming, is one of the most common problems faced by owners of automatic umbrellas.

At the same time, many people believe that a broken umbrella cannot be repaired, so they buy a new one.

In fact, almost any umbrella (unless, of course, it is a cheap disposable item for 300 rubles) is repairable. Moreover, to fix it, you don’t need to go to a workshop - most problems can be easily fixed with your own hands.

If you are stuck and The button on the umbrella cannot be pressed, this article will help solve the problem without extra costs.

How the automatic umbrella works - how the button works

Before you start repairing the button, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the structure and operating principle of the automatic umbrella.

Any automatic umbrella consists of several main parts:

  • handles with button;
  • telescopic rod consisting of several sliding tubes;
  • supports for fastening the spokes - upper and lower;
  • folding dome frame, which consists of spokes and synthetic waterproof material.
  1. When you press the button located on the handle, the spring mechanism for opening the dome, which is located in the rod, is activated. This mechanism opens the canopy of the umbrella.
  2. In the case of an automatic umbrella, you also only need to press the button once to close the canopy. After the canopy has folded, you need to take the automatic umbrella by the handle with one hand, and the upper support for the spokes with the other, and fix the umbrella in the mechanism.

This video will help you understand in more detail the structure and operating principle of an automatic umbrella:

Repair instructions for umbrella button

In most cases umbrella button doesn't work due to jamming of the internal mechanism. This happens most often due to careless operation of the product or due to its poor quality.

To force the button to open and close the umbrella canopy again, you must follow these steps:

  1. Remove the lower part of the handle. To do this, use a Phillips screwdriver - you need to unscrew the screw that secures the handle to the telescopic rod;
  2. Filming top part handles with button;
  3. Remove the button;
  4. Using pliers, lightly compress the button pusher, slightly lengthening it;
  5. We assemble everything in reverse order.

The process of repairing the automatic umbrella button is shown more clearly in the video:


Attention! If the problem returns over time, you can completely remove the pusher and use the umbrella as a semi-automatic device. However, to do this, you must first weaken the central spring as much as possible (this is done by cutting off part of the spring) and removing the springs on the beams.