How to learn to do a lot of pull-ups more than 30 times. Scheme of pull-ups on the horizontal bar according to the program. General rules for pull-up techniques

The horizontal bar remains one of the most popular ways to keep yourself in good shape. At the same time, many people bypass this design. - some are afraid to show a weak result, while others still have bad memories of passing this standard from school. But with some effort, anyone can correct this situation.

Let's see how to learn how to do pull-ups correctly on a regular yard 30 times.

Warm-up and stretching

Even before the first series of approaches, you need to bring the joints to the desired “condition”. You shouldn’t grab the bar right away - for an unprepared person this is fraught with injury. Often such warming up is underestimated or performed hastily and without much zeal. Meanwhile, a well-executed warm-up:

  • Tones the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Guarantees an adrenaline rush, which is necessary for working with large ones.
  • Gradually increases the pulse rate and dilates the capillaries, thereby improving blood circulation and the circulation of oxygen along with useful substances.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Minimizes the risk of injury.
The main part before intense pull-ups on the horizontal bar takes 10–15 minutes and includes simple exercises.

Here they are:

  • Tilts. Start with turning movements. The legs are straight, feet wide, the body is placed at a relatively right angle, held straight at the sides. When performing, try to move to the sides as widely as possible, looking at the hand raised up. 15 times on the right and left sides will be enough;
  • Torso tilt. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your legs straight throughout the entire approach. It's even easier here - on the count of “one”, lean towards your right leg, reaching for your toes with your hands, when counting “two” and “three” - to the left followed by straightening. 35–40 reps.
  • Jumping with clapping overhead. Stand straight with your arms down. When making a jump, spread your legs wide to the sides, not forgetting the clapping. There will be 20–30 such attacks in total.
  • Circular rotations of the arms, shoulders and hands. Returning to the starting position, rotate with the maximum possible grip without bending your elbow (20 times back, forward and in different directions). It is also advisable to “disperse” your shoulders in a circle, raising your arms to their level (25–30 times on each side). It's easier with brushes - The palms are brought together into a “lock” and rotated in different directions for a minute.

No less important is the correct stretching. They switch to it only after warming up. Exercises of this type will bring the muscles to the desired state, which will help avoid them.

Did you know? Vitaly Kulikov set a record in 2012- in a minute he did 59 straight-grip lifts! The “three-minute” record holder in this “style” remains the Korean Ngo Chayen, who did 100 pull-ups, and his achievement has not been surpassed for almost 30 years (since 1988).

This preparation will not take much time:
  • Sitting on the floor, keep your legs together without bending your knees. Bend over, reaching your shins with your fingers. Then move on to the ankles and to the fingertips. Try to hold these positions for 8–10 seconds. Three approaches are needed;
  • Standing between the supports (a doorway will also do), spread your arms to your sides, resting your palms on the supports. Do leisurely bends forward, staying at the bottom point for the same 10 seconds. 3-4 repetitions will stretch the deltoid and pectoral muscles.

Correct pull-up technique

Any, even the most progressive, scheme for increasing the number of pull-ups is unthinkable without proper execution. Therefore, let’s find out how to grab the crossbar.

Neutral grip

An ideal option for those who plan to study without leaving home. It is enough to buy and attach parallel ones, which are sold in sports stores.

This implies a load on the lower sections of the latissimus muscle, brachialis muscle and. At the same time, the teres major, deltoid and serratus muscles are also worked out.

It looks like this:

  • Holding the bars, hang on the horizontal bar. Palms should be facing each other. The arms will be positioned quite narrowly (30–60 cm). Take a deep breath.
  • Pull yourself up so that, as you exhale, you touch the bar with your upper part. If it doesn't work out the first time - It's okay, just try to reach out. An incomplete lift (with touching the chin) works only on the biceps, leaving the latissimus muscle without stress.
  • Having reached the top point, hold for a few moments, then smoothly return to the original placement.

Narrow grip

Develops the same muscle groups as the neutral one, but they are also joined by the brachioradialis. When performed correctly, the shoulder blades are brought together, the rear sections of the “trapezius”, “delta” and “rhombus” are involved.

Let's get started:

  • Sagging on the bar, spread your hands 20–30 cm. Feeling a stretch in your back, take a deep breath.
  • Pull yourself up while inhaling. At the peak, the bar should be approximately near the chin, with the lats tucked.
  • As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.
Like other methods of pull-ups, a narrow grip eliminates all sorts of swinging, which only takes away strength. Make sure that your elbows are fixed, otherwise the load will not go as required.

Wide grip

Here the emphasis is on the upper part of the “wings”, rhomboid and teres major muscles. Muscles tense thoracic, biceps and, as well as the subscapularis muscle. But they are assigned the role of assistants.

This method is considered basic, but you should not attempt it without proper preparation. And here is the progress:

  • After jumping, grab the horizontal bar so that your hands are 20–25 cm wider than your shoulders.
  • Hover briefly, allowing your lats to stretch. Please note that the load will only be on your forearms.
  • Taking a deep breath, tense your “wings” and stretch upward. At the same time, try not to pull your elbows to your sides and leave your biceps alone.
  • The chest should be at the level of the crossbar (you may not reach it a little).
  • Exhale and slowly return down.

Did you know? Many worthy results are not included in the Guinness Book of Records, but nevertheless impress everyone. For example, as the result of Jen Keirs, who rose 236 times in a 36-minute approach. All this time he really did not stand on the ground and did not let go of the crossbar.

Beginners often have difficulties with this particular “style”. To get used to this mode, ask your partner to hold your waist or legs, which will make the task a little easier. Calculate your strength wisely - if the back muscles were still in “hibernation”, it will be enough to reach the horizontal bar with your chin. It is not worth doing approaches through force.

Strength test

The program associated with pull-ups on the horizontal bar starts with - determining the level of physical fitness.

Important! During the first approaches, you should not sharply throw your head back. This is unlikely to add strength, but it can easily twist cervical vertebrae or even lead to disc herniation. So be careful.

The essence of the test is extremely simple: you need to go to the crossbar and independently do the maximum possible number of lifts. Only completed approaches count.

The presence of more experienced “colleagues” will only be a plus - they will tell you how to do the exercise correctly. Don’t try to make the task easier, work technically and all the way until you feel that there is no more strength left for more. The result shown will be the starting point from which regular training will begin.
But there is one point - If you are a little unwell or have doubts about your strength, postpone such an attempt, otherwise it will do more harm than good. You will have to keep in mind the recommendations of doctors.

Of course, such “shootings” will be painful. Therefore, they take a break of 2–3 days between them. Please note that tests of strength are rarely limited to one day. - It is advisable for a beginner to try it different types grips that are done only after restoration of strength.

50 pull-up program

Having received objective data about your capabilities, you can tune in to future training. Naturally, for people with different levels of training, the loads and pace will be different.
But one thing unites them - This pull-up program is designed so that after 7 weeks of training, even a beginner will be able to perform 50 correct pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Let's start small.

Less than 4

Here we start with strengthening exercises. This is a lowering, which in this case is more effective than “short” ascents. The training is simple:

  • Standing on a stool, hang on the bar so that your chin is level with it.
  • Slowly (within 3 seconds) lower yourself, straightening your arms.
  • Then do it all again.
Despite their apparent simplicity, such approaches provide a general strengthening effect that will create a “foundation” for further growth of strength.

The execution schedule will be like this:

  • I: 2 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 7 (1). The interval between approaches is at least 2 minutes;
  • II: 3 - 8 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • III: 4 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 8 (2);
  • IV: 5 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • V:5 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • VI: 6 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 11 (2).

Did you know? Workout enthusiasts sometimes show techniques that are inaccessible to most “classical” weightlifters. So, Sergey Smirnov pulled himself up to right hand 22 times (with a weight of 73 kg).

The numbers separated by a dash indicate the number of pull-ups (or lowerings) for each approach; the minimum duration of the break in days is indicated in brackets. Roman numerals indicate the training day.

From 4 to 5

The same lowerings, but with greater intensity.

  • I: 4 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • II: 5 - 9 - 7 - 7 - 9 (1);
  • III: 6 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 10 (2);
  • IV: 6 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 11 (1)
  • V:7 - 12 - 10 - 10 - 12 (1)
  • VI: 8 - 14 - 11 - 11 - 14 (2).

From 6 to 8

Starting from these numbers, there are “clean” climbs without chairs and assistants. When doing the last approach, they “squeeze out” the maximum; here (and in the following sections) its lower limit is indicated:

  • I: 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 3 (1);
  • II: 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 4 (1);
  • III: 3 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 4 (2);
  • IV: 3 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 4 (1);
  • V:3 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 5 (1);
  • VI: 4 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 6 (2).

From 9 to 11

  • I: 3 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 5 (1);
  • II: 4 - 6 - 4 - 4 - 6 (1);
  • III: 5 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 6 (2);
  • IV: 5 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 8 (1);
  • V:6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • VI: 6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 10 (2).

From 12 to 15

  • I: 6 - 8 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • II: 6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • III: 7 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 9 (2);
  • IV: 7 - 10 - 7 - 7 - 10 (1);
  • V:8 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • VI: 9 - 11 - 9 - 9 - 11 (2).

From 16 to 20

It's already higher average norm, and after such test results they begin to work with serious loads.

  • I: 8 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • II: 9 - 12 - 9 - 9 - 11 (1);
  • III: 9 - 13 - 9 - 9 - 12 (2);
  • IV: 10 - 14 - 10 - 10 - 13 (1);
  • V:11 - 15 - 10 - 10 - 13 (1);
  • VI: 11 - 15 - 11 - 11 - 13 (2);
  • VII: 12 - 16 - 11 - 11 - 15 (1);
  • VIII: 12 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 16 (1)
  • IX: 13 - 17 - 13 - 13 - 16 (2).

From 21 to 25

  • I: 12 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 15 (1);
  • II: 13 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 16 (1);
  • III: 13 - 17 - 13 - 13 - 16 (2);
  • IV: 14 - 19 - 13 - 13 - 18 (1);
  • V:14 - 19 - 14 - 14 - 19 (1);
  • VI: 15 - 20 - 14 - 14 - 20 (2);
  • VII: 16 - 20 - 16 - 16 - 20 (1);
  • VIII: 16 - 21 - 16 - 16 - 20 (1)
  • IX: 17 - 22 - 16 - 16 - 11 (2).

From 26 to 30

  • I: 16 - 18 - 15 - 15 - 17(1);
  • II: 16 - 20 - 16 - 16 - 19 (1);
  • III: 17 - 21 - 16 - 16 - 20 (2);
  • IV: 17 - 22 - 71 - 17 - 22 (1);
  • V:18 - 23 - 18 - 18 - 22 (1);
  • VI: 19 - 25 - 18 - 18 - 24 (2);
  • VII: 19 - 26 - 18 - 18 - 25 (1);
  • VIII: 19 - 27 - 19 - 19 - 26 (1)
  • IX: 20 - 28 - 20 - 20 - 28 (2).
  • IV: 26 - 30 - 25 - 25 - 30 (1);
  • V:26 - 31 - 25 - 25 - 31 (1);
  • VI: 26 - 31 - 26 - 26 - 31 (2);
  • VII: 27 - 31 - 26 - 26 - 32 (1);
  • VIII: 28 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 32 (1);
  • IX: 28 - 34 - 27 - 27 - 34 (2).
  • From 40 and more

    • I: 25 - 28 - 24 - 24 - 26 (1);
    • II: 25 - 29 - 25 - 25 - 28 (1);
    • III: 25 - 30 - 25 - 25 - 29 (2);
    • IV: 26 - 31 - 25 - 25 - 31 (1);
    • V:26 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 31 (1);
    • VI: 27 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 32 (2);
    • VII: 27 - 34 - 26 - 26 - 33 (1);
    • VIII: 28 - 34 - 26 - 26 - 34 (1);
    • IX: 29 - 35 - 27 - 26 - 35 (2).

    Pros and cons of the program

    After reviewing the proposed table, many begin to doubt whether it is realistic to master such a number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, and even at such a fast pace.

    Did you know? Women also achieve impressive results in this discipline. Elisika Karesova did 1,574 reverse-grip lifts over the course of 6 hours. Not stopping there, the athlete set a 12-hour record, performing 1,760 lifts!

    This technique causes a lot of discussions, during which arguments are put forward - both in its favor and against it. Those who are thinking about taking classes will find it useful to read these opinions as well.

    Among the advantages of the program are:

    • The principle of progressive loads.
    • Increase the number of repetitions during each workout.
    • Verified number of approaches.
    • Opportunity individual selection courses.

    On the other hand, opponents of such training also put forward quite reasonable arguments:

    • Small interval between approaches.
    • Difficulty for beginners.
    • Unrealistic pace. 50 climbs “from scratch” in just a couple of months seems unreal to many
    • “Shock” loads that can cause persistent discomfort.
    It is unlikely that it will be possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion, because everyone decides for themselves. It’s probably worth a try for a healthy (albeit untrained) person, this way you can reach decent numbers of 20–25 pull-ups without any problems.

    True, this often turns out to be a “ceiling”, after which stagnation sets in. Other sets of exercises that involve different muscle groups will help raise this bar. But this will take more time.

    Now you know how to approach the crossbar correctly and what loads to count on to get a noticeable effect. We hope you will soberly assess your strength and will not bring your body to exhaustion. New records!

    Pull-ups on a horizontal bar are rightfully considered one of the most ancient and effective workouts. It’s not for nothing that the horizontal bar is familiar to us from school, it is also in the army, but few people know that in order to achieve real results we need to do more and better than what we are offered in the army. We will tell you how to achieve maximum results.

    A little history and theory of pull-ups

    It is known that even in ancient Greece, and in other developed countries, pull-ups were part of the basic set of exercises. Even then, people realized that this type of training strengthens muscles better than anything else, promotes mass gain, and the formation of harmonious relief.

    The monks of Tibet further improved this technique, complicating it and including a number of original elements that made it possible to achieve great heights in a short period of time.

    Today we have a wide overview of different techniques, among which you can choose the most suitable for yourself.

    And after you learn how to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar correctly, you can safely move on to ours. It will allow you to work out all muscle groups in detail.

    The following muscle groups can be trained on the horizontal bar:

    • Biceps.
    • Pectoral muscles.
    • Back muscles. Read more.
    • Forearm muscles - .
    • Press - .

    Yes, the horizontal bar is truly the most versatile sports equipment that allows you to wonderfully work out your entire body. And now about how the professionals do it.

    What exercises can you do on the bar?

    The crossbar provides a wide field for sports imagination. Here you can perform a huge number of exercises that develop different muscle groups.


    The burpee exercise is popular among athletes of various categories, especially among martial artists who prefer to develop endurance, agility and strength.

    The execution method is as follows: need to take IP – stand in front of the horizontal bar, arms at your sides, feet shoulder-width apart. We squat down at a fast pace, jump into a prone position and do one push-up. We also dynamically return to a squatting position with a jump, jump again and return to the standing position, pull ourselves up, and jump to the ground. Exercise.


    Core is a set of exercises for developing mass, strength and endurance, training different muscle groups.

    Method of performing “core” need to take IP – arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. We jump up to the horizontal bar, pull ourselves up, raise our straight legs perpendicular to the body, lower them down, raise our legs again, but now bent at the knees at a right angle. Then we lower our legs again and raise them again, this time up, so that our toes touch the crossbar. We jump to the ground and repeat the exercise at least five times.

    But among all the existing techniques with a horizontal bar, the most popular is the pull-up training program, which, with due persistence, will help build strength and endurance.

    It’s worth dwelling in a little more detail on the issue of competently performing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, because the final result largely depends on the quality.

    How to do pull-ups correctly

    Back and legs in mandatory should be straight, you need to rise all the way to touch the bar with your chin.

    The crossbar is fraught with a lot of secrets, knowing which you can quickly get yourself in perfect shape.

    1. If you are going to build mass, then you need to go up slowly and come down quickly.
    2. If you need to strengthen your muscles, increase power and endurance, then you need, on the contrary, to quickly rise and descend slowly.
    3. For good stretching and flexibility, you need to quickly perform both the ascent and descent, and give yourself about ten seconds of sagging in between sets.

    There are several types of pull-ups, let's look at them.

    How can a beginner learn to do pull-ups?

    If you can't do a single pull-up, there are several options. Using one of them it is much easier to learn how to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

    • You can use a stool. By standing on it, it is easier to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar. At the top point, you must try to stay in a taut position for three seconds, gradually increasing this figure to seven seconds, and jump to the ground. You need to repeat this 5-7 more times.
    • There is another method - belaying with rubber. By tying yourself around the waist with a wide sports rubber band and hanging it high from the horizontal bar, it is easier to return to the highest point of the pull-up. After a week, you will be able to work on the horizontal bar without insurance.
    • Beginners perform pull-ups with jerks. This significantly makes the task easier at the first stage, but after five to seven days you need to abandon this help and perform the training according to all the rules.

    A month is usually allotted for training. You can use the following table.

    Pull-up program on the horizontal bar in the form of a table

    As you can see from the table, you need to increase the load gradually, carefully, so as not to lead to injuries and overwork. After the first month of training, you need to increase the load 2-3 times.

    Before you start training on the horizontal bar, you should learn the following rules that will help you avoid injuries and achieve excellent results.

    The rules are known, now let's start studying serious, professional sports programs.

    Pull-up diagram on the horizontal bar

    Today, the most popular scheme is considered to be 50 pull-ups on a horizontal bar. To find out which step of the program to start with, you need to pass a test that determines the level of sports training, according to which you can choose the most correct regime.

    The test is as follows: we do pull-ups on the bar as many times as possible, performing the exercises efficiently (without cheating or jerking). If the maximum number of pull-ups is 7, then the 7-8 program is suitable for you (we’ll talk about it in more detail a little later).

    This program involves more rest than subsequent ones; this is the initial stage, starting from which you need to move towards perfection. Here it is important not to waste your energy reserves and willpower when you reach your goal.

    Rest between sets should be at least two and no more than ten minutes. You need to eat five times a day, this is the only way the body can work out in the right quality. Having realized that this training cycle is easy to complete, we raise the bar of achievement by moving on to the next cycle 9-11 and so on.

    The ultimate goal is to learn to do 50 pull-ups in one set. This skill, of course, is inextricably linked with an ideal appearance, which is what we strive for.

    Table of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

    The program is designed for ten cycles, from zero to perfection.
    1. 6 (reps)

    Reps and sets
    Day 1 podkh. 2 podkh. 3 podkh. 4 podkh. 5 podkh.
    1 4 times 7 times 6 times 6 times 9 times
    2 5 times 9 times 7 times 7 times 9 times
    3 6 times 10 times 8 times 8 times 9 times
    4 6 times 11 times 8 times 8 times 11 times
    5 7 times 12 times 10 times 10 times 11 times
    6 8 times 14 times 11 times 11 times 13 times
    Day P.p.
    1 2 3 2 2 3
    2 2 3 2 2 4
    3 3 4 2 2 4
    4 3 4 3 3 4
    5 3 5 3 3 5
    6 4 5 4 4 6

    3. 9-11

    Day P.p.
    1 3 5 3 3 5
    2 4 6 4 4 6
    3 5 7 5 5 6
    4 5 8 5 5 8
    5 6 9 6 6 8
    6 7 9 6 6 10
    Day P.p.
    1 7 8 6 6 8
    2 7 9 7 6 9
    3 8 10 6 6 9
    4 7 10 7 7 10
    5 8 11 8 9 10
    6 9 11 9 9 11
    Day P.p.
    1 8 11 8 8 10
    2 9 12 9 9 11
    3 9 13 9 9 12
    4 11 14 10 10 13
    5 11 15 10 10 13
    6 11 14 11 11 13
    7 12 16 11 11 15
    8 12 16 12 12 16
    9 13 18 143 12 16
    Day P.p.
    1 12 16 12 12 15
    2 13 16 12 11 16
    3 13 17 13 13 16
    4 14 19 13 13 18
    5 14 19 14 14 19
    6 15 20 14 14 20
    7 15 20 16 16 20
    8 16 22 16 16 20
    9 17 22 17 16 21
    Day P.p.
    1 16 18 15 15 17
    2 17 20 16 16 19
    3 17 21 16 16 20
    4 17 22 17 17 22
    5 18 23 18 18 22
    6 19 24 18 18 24
    7 19 26 18 18 25
    8 19 28 19 19 26
    9 20 28 22 20 28

    Pulling up on a horizontal bar is not as simple an activity as it might seem at first glance. Such exercises involving the use of your own weight must be performed using a certain technique and in compliance with accepted rules.

    What are the benefits of pull-ups?

    If you perform the exercises correctly during training, this will bring benefits to the body, namely:

    • The muscles will become stronger;
    • The degree of endurance will increase;
    • Will leave overweight and the figure will be corrected;
    • The ligaments will become stronger.

    It is very important that with the help of a horizontal bar you can maintain a healthy spine, and this will have a positive effect on all organs of the body. Body shaping from regular pull-ups involves building an athletic torso when the back muscles and shoulder girdle are well developed. This can be achieved through a variety of exercise techniques that work all muscle groups in the upper body. And when performing twisted lifts, you can even pump up your abdominal muscles.

    Start of training

    For those who have never done pull-ups on a horizontal bar, a special exercise technique called “negative repetitions” has been developed. It consists of taking the position of a completed pull-up when your elbows are bent and your chin is above the bar. You can go up there with the help of a chair or bench, and you need to go down, stretching your arms, quite slowly. The first time you need to perform at least 5 times in each of the three approaches.

    For those who find it difficult to do pull-ups even this way, you can use the help of a partner standing behind. The difference with the first scheme is that in it you need to go down, but here you try to pull yourself up. The most common mistake in this exercise is relying too much on your partner rather than fully putting in your own effort.

    Pull-ups at half the amplitude are also not excluded. In this case, a partner is not needed. Using a chair, you need to take a position with your arms bent, and then, tucking your legs so as not to touch it, you only need to use your hands to reach the crossbar. At first, nothing may work out; the main thing is to try to hang on bent arms for as long as possible.

    In order to strengthen the muscles that work when pulling up, you can additionally work with a barbell or dumbbells. It would be nice, of course, to train on special machines in the gym.

    Before exercise, be sure to warm up to stimulate cardiovascular activity, about 15 minutes. Beginners need to perform the exercises themselves at a slow pace, so as not to cause damage to the ligaments or incorrect landing at the end of the workout.

    Correct exercise technique

    To achieve the maximum effect from pull-ups, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Do not sway during training, using the inertia of the body, but pull yourself up using muscle strength;
    • It is necessary to rise smoothly and also descend;
    • At the highest point, the chin should be above the bar;
    • Correct breathing: when ascending, exhale, when descending, inhale;
    • The grip on the bar should be strong enough;
    • The body must be in a vertical position.

    Naturally, each exercise has its own requirements. For example, with a narrow grip, you need to try to touch the horizontal bar with your chest, looking at your hands. When performing pull-ups by the head with a wide grip, do not bend your back and try not to injure your head. Reverse grip pull-ups involve pulling your shoulders back and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

    When performing back exercises on the horizontal bar, it is better not to strain your biceps. In addition, a horizontal bar can help increase a person’s height by up to five cm. Such exercises involve free hanging, when the body stretches under its own weight. In this position, you need to move your legs forward and backward, in different directions, bend them at the knees, and move your body. This will help correct any poor posture, which in turn will help increase your height.

    Those new to pull-ups should not do many exercises with high repetitions at once. It is also important to take your time; in this matter, slowing down gives improved technique and better results.

    Through systematic training, the body develops strength and endurance. In just one or two months, even those who have never done pull-ups will be able to do 30 pull-ups without much strain. And in two years it will be possible to do pull-ups with different weights or on one arm.

    What can stop you from doing pull-ups?

    Beginners in this sport may be hindered by the following factors:

    • overweight. It creates a load on the muscles, and if they are not developed enough, and there is no experience in sports, it is better to first adjust your weight. This can be achieved through diet or exercise;
    • weakness of the main and auxiliary muscles. It will be difficult to start doing pull-ups if the muscles are not strong and resilient enough;
    • non-compliance with technology. If the exercises are performed incorrectly in terms of pull-up technique, the muscles will begin to develop differently, and the joints and ligaments will feel a lot of stress.

    In addition, there are some contraindications to pull-ups on the bar. These include diseases of the spine: scoliosis, hernias, osteochondrosis. Of course, pull-ups increase blood circulation and develop mobility of the vertebrae, but heavy loads at the same time can increase painful sensations and cause dizziness.

    If you want to learn how to do at least 30 pull-ups, the main thing is persistence and regular work on yourself.

    Muscles that work when performing a pull-up

    Exercises on the horizontal bar are good because during their execution, not just one muscle group works, but all the muscles of the torso, and by changing the grip you can increase or decrease the intensity of the impact on one or another area.

    So, let's look at which muscles are tensed when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar:

    Latissimus dorsi muscles or “wings”.

    Trapezius muscles of the back.

    Flexor and extensor muscles of the forearms (located between the elbows and hands).

    The abdominal muscles are both oblique, rectus and transverse, and also the muscle responsible for straightening the torso.

    Posterior bundles of deltoid muscles.

    As you can see, training on this machine will solve many of your problems, especially if your pull-up technique is correct.

    Correct breathing technique

    The basic rule when performing any physical exercise is proper breathing. Impaired breathing technique when doing pull-ups will not only significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, but is also fraught with serious health problems, such as severe injury to the cervical vertebrae and herniated intervertebral discs.

    The correct pull-up technique on the horizontal bar includes the following stages of breathing:

    Before you begin the pull-up, you take a deep breath, filling your lungs as much as possible with air.

    During the pull-up itself, you exhale, freeing your lungs as much as possible.

    By breathing in this sequence, you will protect yourself from the above-mentioned consequences and from stretching of small muscles.

    Remember that you must perform the hardest part of any exercise while exhaling.

    In order for you to achieve the result you hoped for after completing the exercise, it is important to perform the exercise correctly.

    Since you can do 30 pull-ups without straining only by following all the rules, let’s get acquainted with the technique of performing this exercise:

    Grasp the horizontal bar with both hands using the grip you have chosen for yourself. The thumb should always be on the bottom.

    Following the rules of breathing, begin to pull yourself up until your chin is 2 cm above the bar. In this case, do not jerk under any circumstances. Your feet should be pressed together or slightly apart.

    Also calmly return to the starting position.

    Repeat the exercise as many times as you have the strength to do. You should pull both arms and sides of your body evenly. Don't squirm or jump up. If you get tired before you've done the planned number of pull-ups, break the exercise into two sets.

    There is one more rule

    When you pull up slowly, you gain faster muscle mass, and with fast pull-ups, you become more mobile and your arms, and therefore your punches, become much stronger, although in this case the muscles do not grow as quickly.

    Types of grips

    Before you learn how to do 30 pull-ups, let's figure out which grip you need to pay special attention to.

    Many people think that there is not much difference in how you position your hands when doing a pull-up. This opinion is erroneous, because it is the grip that determines which muscles are tensed the most during the exercise.

    There are five types of grips:

    A narrow grip is different in that when pulling up, the hands are literally pressed against each other. This way you will perfectly work out the muscles of the forearm and biceps.

    A wide grip is different in that when it is performed, the arms are spread as far apart as possible. With this exercise you will pump up your back. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, hold the bar with four fingers, moving away thumb to the side.

    A regular grip involves placing your hands shoulder-width apart. This exercise will work all your muscles equally.

    Mixed grip - with this arrangement, the hand of one hand is positioned as usual, and the other hand is turned inward.

    Reverse grip - both hands are turned inward.

    What prevents you from doing pull-ups the first time?

    If a person far from sports asks the question: “How to learn to do 30 pull-ups on the horizontal bar?” — this skill most likely will not be given to him quickly, due to the existence of a number of interfering factors:

    Excess weight is one of the main problems that interfere with pulling up. A person with this deficiency must lift not only the weight of his bones and muscles, but a lot of other unnecessary deposits.

    Weak muscle frame. Before you learn how to do 30 pull-ups on the horizontal bar, you will have to strengthen the muscles that work when doing pull-ups, both primary and auxiliary.

    Incorrect execution technique. You will never be able to perform a pull-up correctly if all your muscle groups are not working in harmony.

    How can you learn to do pull-ups on a horizontal bar from scratch?

    If you cannot perform a single correct pull-up, then you should gradually move towards mastering the technique.

    So, let's figure out how to learn how to do 30 pull-ups on a horizontal bar, gradually training the muscles needed for this:

    A simple hang on the horizontal bar is the first and probably the simplest exercise. It consists of you hanging on the horizontal bar and hanging on it for as long as possible.

    Negative cravings. The point of this exercise is that you are only performing the second part of the pull-up. To do this, you should find yourself hanging on bent arms, and your chin should be above the bar; if you cannot pull yourself into this position on your own, substitute a chair or ask a friend for help. From this position, slowly return to the starting position (hanging). Do 5-7 reps, 3 sets.

    Working with a partner. You will need the help of a friend to complete this exercise. You should pull up with the help of a partner and perform negative pull-ups on your own.

    Classes on a special simulator. This type of exercise is the simplest, but ineffective. Its meaning is that the pull-up person is secured in a special simulator, which helps the athlete pull himself up. The advantage of this method is that the degree of assistance from the simulator can be adjusted.

    Pull-ups using a stand. With this pull-up, you perform the exercise at half the amplitude. Place a low chair or bench under the horizontal bar, stand on it and jump up, fixate on the horizontal bar with your elbows bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and complete the exercise yourself.

    30 pull-up program

    Since muscles need to be given time to grow, do the exercises described in this program every other day:

    Stretch your back, arms and shoulders with special exercises.

    Do 10 reps of regular wide-grip pull-ups.

    Rest 1.5 minutes.

    Do close-grip pull-ups 10 times.

    Rest 1.5 minutes.

    Do reverse grip pull-ups 10 times.

    Rest 5 - 7 minutes (during this time you can do exercises that do not affect the muscles of the arms, back and shoulders).

    Do pull-ups with a regular grip as many times as possible (try to eventually increase the number of pull-ups to 30).

    We examined all the mistakes and factors that prevent the correct execution of pull-ups and described in detail correct technique and explained how, by gradually training the muscles, to achieve it. Now you know how to learn how to do 30 pull-ups.

    Correct pull-up technique

    You need to start with an overhand grip; it is more common than a reverse grip, which shifts the load to the biceps. There is also a combined grip, which combines both grips, that is, you hold one hand away from you and the other towards you, while the torso should take a position along the horizontal bar.

    The overhand grip is essential for those who want to develop a strong back and powerful shoulders; it develops the lower part of the biceps, which is difficult to pump up with dumbbells. Because the overhand grip affects so many muscles, it is much more popular. But you need to combine several grips of different widths in order to develop all muscle groups at once. Don’t forget about the grip width, which shifts the load to the lower or upper back muscles, as well as the middle and rear deltoid muscles. If you hang on the horizontal bar with the widest possible grip, the load will shift to top part latissimus muscles. But such a grip is undesirable because you may get injured. Also, do not forget that the longer the movement, the greater the load, so it will not be possible to heavily load your back with a wide grip. If you pull yourself up with a wide grip behind your head, you can tear the ligaments, which is extremely undesirable. Always do the pull-up slowly to avoid accidentally injuring yourself and to help you master the movement.

    There are also “angled” pull-ups, which greatly develop the abs and chest. Keep your legs extended, approximately at the level of your pectoral muscles. Not everyone can do a pull-up like that, because you need a very strong press. Pay attention to abdominal training first so that you can master this type of pull-up without any problems. But keep in mind that you won’t pump up your chest this way, but the muscles will be very expressive.

    Exercises to help you learn how to do pull-ups on a horizontal bar from scratch

    Now you can find dozens of pull-up programs to increase your number of pull-ups or just learn how to do at least one pull-up. We will only tell you about the basic and most effective exercises that will bring results in any case.

    First you need to stretch your muscles, take at least ten minutes to do this, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Exercises that develop statics can be performed only 20 days after the start of classes. They are performed at the end of the workout, when the muscles are filled with blood and warmed up.

    • Upper pulley to chest

    An ideal exercise to master the movement and get used to the load. Start doing cable rows with a minimum weight, about 20 kilograms, to master the movement. Next, increase the number of repetitions, and then add 5-10 kilograms of weight if you feel that the execution technique does not suffer. Do the exercise twice a week, about 12 repetitions in 4 sets, do the first set as a warm-up with minimal weight.

    • Negative pull-ups

    To perform negative reps you will need a stand and a pull-up bar, stand on the stand and grab the bar, then move your legs to the side or forward and begin to lower yourself down. Lower yourself very slowly until your arms are completely straight. To master the load on the muscles, you need to do more approaches, about 6 sets of 8 repetitions. Next, you can do 15 reps for three sets, which is significantly better than 10 sets of 5 reps. It is advisable to linger at the most difficult points, for example, if you feel a strong load while bending your arms 90 degrees, stay in this position. This way, your muscle strength will increase, and you will master classic pull-ups without any problems.

    • Pull-ups on a low horizontal bar

    The exercise is very similar to classic pull-ups; to perform it you will need a horizontal bar that is up to your chest height or slightly lower. Grab the bar and straighten your arms, keeping your body at an angle of about 45 degrees. Then do pull-ups, while fully extending your arms.

    • Pull-ups

    This exercise is much more difficult than all those listed; you will need parallel bars. Grab them with your palms facing inward and straighten your legs in front of you. Your arms and back should be kept as straight as possible. Do a few pull-ups to the height of the bars, then hold the position in the peak position and slowly lower down.

    • Pull-ups with a partner

    With the help of a partner, you can do pull-ups, even if you don't know how to do them. It should “catch” you in the middle of the movement and lift you to the top, since you cannot do this on your own. Try to strain your muscles as hard as you can so that they are trained, otherwise it will be more difficult for your partner to lift you.

    How to learn to do one-arm pull-ups

    This exercise is very dangerous and difficult; you can easily injure your elbow joint, so you need to be careful and prepared. This exercise can only be done by people who have done at least 20 pull-ups. You need to control the movement so as not to injure the ligaments. Many people do not believe that the exercise can be performed, but there are many videos on the Internet where people weighing 100 kilograms do pull-ups with one arm, so anything is possible with good preparation.

    You need to start the exercise by mastering the technique; you hang on the horizontal bar with one hand, and hold your wrist with the other to better control the movement. Next, you can choose a comfortable position for your second hand, hold it on your bicep or shoulder, and so on. The closer to your wrist you hold your other hand, the easier it is to do pull-ups, so after 3-4 pull-ups with your hand on your wrist, you can lower your hand to your forearm. Never make sudden movements or swing, otherwise injury cannot be avoided. To perform at least one pull-up, you need to train for a long time, preferably several times a day; after a while you can easily do pull-ups on one arm at least three times.

    Lewis Armstrong Pull Up Program

    This technique was developed by a major in the American Marine Corps; its main goal is to increase the number of pull-ups to the maximum in a short period of time. In the program you can find the basic principles of training - regularity, variety of exercises and muscle overload. In two months of regular training, you can increase the number of pull-ups up to 20 times.

    There is no need to use the program for other exercises; it is designed specifically for pull-ups. You can perform them with different grips, depending on your preferences. Do not forget that all responsibility lies with you, and only you perform the exercises; if you swing on the horizontal bar, it is your fault, the program is designed for those who are willing to spend time and make efforts.

    • First day

    Perform five sets of pull-ups to failure, resting for a minute and a half between sets. Don't worry about it large quantity repetitions, the main thing is the quality of execution.

    • Second day

    Make a “pyramid”, gradually increasing the number of repetitions in the approaches. When you reach your maximum, you need to do pull-ups one time at a time with a break of 10-15 seconds.

    • Third day

    Do three sets of pull-ups with a regular grip, resting for one minute between sets. Next, do three approaches with a narrow grip, the rest time is the same.

    • Fourth day

    Do as many sets as you can. Rest one minute between sets. Exhaust yourself until the last minute so that you cannot do a single repetition.

    • Fifth day

    Do you remember which day was the most difficult? Do all the exercises, but not just once, but several times. You can do approaches in the morning and evening.

    Game as motivation to learn how to do more pull-ups

    This game is often called a ladder game, the idea is to get as many reps as possible without getting knocked out of the game. The number of participants is not limited; the game is attractive because you can compete with your friends. There are different rules of the game:

    1. Slow negative phase and fast active phase;
    2. The same number of repetitions (agreed in advance);
    3. Minimum rest time between repetitions.

    Choose the most attractive rules, this will greatly increase your motivation to increase your pull-ups.

    Pull-up Basics

    So, you've decided to do the 30-week pull-up program, found a secluded gym with a horizontal bar, and are fully motivated to smash these exercises to smithereens. Let's tell you what to do and how it works.

    1. Already 30 days of classes guarantee the first results, but to consolidate the skill you need to practice for at least 2-3 months.
    2. There are two options for cyclic loading: one day of rest every five days or a constant alternation of training and rest days. For a 30-week system, the second option is suitable, when there are 3-4 workouts per week.
    3. Every “working” day you perform 5 mandatory approaches.
    4. You start each approach with the maximum possible number of pull-ups, and then gradually “remove” one repetition at a time in accordance with the table.
    5. Adjust the system to your needs: you can increase the load every day or take a task for a week and change it only in the next seven days.
    6. Rest between approaches is 90-100 seconds; it is worth taking a timer or stopwatch with you to the task.
    7. Every day you don't go to your scheduled activity takes you away from your big goal. If you feel like you're not in the mood or in shape, do your minimum (remember three push-ups). But if you suddenly get sick or injured, stay home and continue after recovery from where you left off, or from where your body is capable of.
    8. Bring a player and headphones to your workout and tune in to the right sports energy.
    9. Any sports complex requires adequate nutrition and the intake of vitamins. Think about your diet in advance, count calories, or better yet, consult with a trainer or sports doctor.

    Nuances: how not to waste time?

    Today, the Internet is flooded with information about a wide variety of sets of pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and so on. However, many do not indicate what sports level the programs are designed for. Who can use them? Professional? Amateur? Beginning? A student who needs to pass the standard in physical education? Let's look at the slippery moments:

    • The system simply must start by determining the level of possible load, otherwise following it will be not only pointless, but also dangerous.
    • One of important nuances is the technique of performing the exercise, you need to pay maximum attention to it, otherwise there will be no sense in the complex.

    Beginners who are not yet able to do at least 3-4 pull-ups need to increase their athletic level with general strengthening exercises. It is also possible to start training with a safety net, using a tourniquet or on a low horizontal bar - with the ability to help yourself with your legs. The task for beginners is to learn how to perform the exercise correctly, and then set themselves more challenging tasks. high level.

    • High-level athletes who want to improve their ability to do pull-ups can start from the middle of the program or take a more complex complex, these also exist!
    • Bodybuilders over 40-45 years of age are required to consult a therapist and create a program taking into account the health and endurance of the entire body.
    • When working with a pull-up complex, it is necessary to compensate for the load. You just need to do complex general strengthening or basic exercises. The lack of adequate supporting load will lead to over-pumping and unequal development of the body, which will not only be unsightly, but will also slow down progress in our favorite pull-ups.

    Pull-up technique

    There are a great many ways to perform this exercise, but not all of them are suitable for the 30-week complex. Experts advise sometimes changing your grip and finding the ideal individual distance between your hands in order to pass some psychological points, but you should not change the type of pull-up.

    In the end, different types They also imply a load on different muscles of the body, which is meaningless within the framework of the complex. Your muscles simply will not have time to adapt if the technique is constantly different.

    The classic pull-up involves your chest touching the bar. In this case, the head should be higher than it. The ideal pull-up is “clean”. This means you need to ensure a slow rise and fall.

    Sometimes, to overcome a psychological barrier, for example, 15 times, to help yourself, you can use a one-time swing or jerk. However, the next similar repetition needs to be done more cleanly and efficiently. Striving for purity in performing pull-ups is the path to successful completion of the program and a healthy body corset.

    Improving Pull-Ups

    There are several simple exercises that will help you get started (if you have not yet become familiar with pull-ups) or improve your performance of the complex. Let's get to know them.

    • Hanging - Beginners can start with a simple timed hang. When you succeed, you can complicate the exercise and hang on one hand, add complexity by raising your legs, and so on.
    • Mouse wings - the exercise is performed lying on your stomach on a straight bench. In hands are two dumbbells. It is necessary to lift the dumbbells up to the level of the armpits, while squeezing the shoulder blades in the maximum position.
    • Kettlebell presses. Work on your grip and joints is done by lifting weights.
    • Negative pull-ups. Performed with your own weight if the maximum number of pull-ups is still small. You pull yourself up and then very slowly come down.
    • Movement on "handle bars". If you work on the sports field, you will definitely find this a great piece of equipment that will help increase your arm endurance.
    • Plank. Complex general strengthening exercise.

    What will the 30 week system give you?

    A total of 82 pull-ups in the 30th week of work is not just a number, but an indicator of your physical fitness. Think about why you decided to hug the horizontal bar all day? To reach a certain number? Or change something in your appearance? Or take care of your health?

    The pull-up system is an extraordinary game that you can complete to the end and get a prize, namely a healthy, strong and pumped up body.

    I discovered this scheme several years ago. I did pull-ups about 10 times before. I started practicing it every day with an interval of one and a half minutes between sets. I also worked with the guys on the horizontal bar in the yard and actively trained the ladder. At week 27 I set a personal best of 31 reps. 25 were more or less clean, the last 6 were already difficult, but I pulled it out. After achieving this, he did the stupidest thing - gave up doing pull-ups? Recently I decided to take up pull-ups again. The muscles have completely forgotten what it is. To my shame, I did it 10 times on the verge of life and death :))). And so, again I found this scheme, proven by my own experience, and began classes. Started at 1 week. I completed weeks 1 and 2, my muscles became toned and I remembered the old days. Next, I tried to do a maximum of pull-ups and did 15 reps. I subtracted 3 times from the result, and decided to do week 9, where the first approach was 12 times. I would like to clarify that I did these jumps every week consciously, because my muscles were returning to normal and the load was no longer enough for several weeks. After another month, the muscles became stronger and allowed me to make another leap, already at week 15. So I got to the week that the remaining muscles were capable of. After week 15, I did a one-time approach and got 25 times + I still had a reserve of strength, but I didn’t do it further, so as not to be overly happy/upset? I want to reach 20 weeks and once again do it to the full maximum. I really want to break my own record, I’m sure I can do it with this program. It is very important to maintain the interval between approaches. So for those who don’t believe in this program, I can say this: it helped me and it really works for me. So for my part, I recommend it. Play sports and be healthy!

    Below is a workout plan that can effectively achieve a significant increase in the number of pull-ups on the bar.
    Program to Increase the Number of Pull-Ups in 30 Weeks
































    Approach 1

    Approach 2

    Approach 3

    Approach 4

    Approach 5


    If, for example, you already do 10 pull-ups, then you need to do it from the 7th week.

    Exercise on the bar on all days of the week except one. Rest between sets for 2–3 minutes. The main thing is not to stop, but to move forward towards your goal. If for some reason you had to miss a couple of days, try to still do as many pull-ups as you need to do according to the program. If you can’t, try going back a week, the main thing is don’t stop and keep pushing yourself.

    Abdominal training, as well as simply hanging on a horizontal bar, helps increase the number of pull-ups. It is advisable to learn how to hang on the horizontal bar for about 3 minutes, and this will not be easy.

    Stick to this training regimen for thirty weeks, and you are guaranteed to be able to do thirty pull-ups, or even more. If your goal is not 30 reps, but more, then the pull-up scheme can be continued. Then at week 31 you will reach 26,16,14,14,14, and at week 33 you will reach 27,17,15,15,15, etc.

    Pull-ups on the bar are one of the most effective and effective exercises. It allows you to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back. Only very strong people capable pull up more than 30 times, and how to learn this will be discussed below.

    That's why pull-ups are included in the compulsory program in every school. Young people in normal health should do pull-ups at least 12-15 times, only in this case they can be considered physically developed. However, there are people who are unable to perform even one pull-up, but believe me, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

    How to quickly learn to do pull-ups

    For those who want to learn pull-ups, you can use two effective methods. All you need is desire. You can train every day until you see positive changes.

    Don't forget about a good warm-up. It does not require a lot of time, but a good and correctly done warm-up significantly reduces the likelihood of spraining joints and ligaments, and also warms up the body. muscle fibers having prepared them properly.

    Learning without an assistant

    First technique but useful for beginners. It involves training without a training partner. Due to the fact that we have not yet been able to pull ourselves up on the bar, we should use the negative phase of this exercise, that is, lowering down.

    Place the stool behind the horizontal bar so that you can freely rise and fall on the bar, that is, so that it is low enough. Stand on the surface of the stool, grab the horizontal bar with your palms facing you and, keeping your chin above the bar, hang in this state for several seconds. After this, resisting the weight of your own body, gradually straighten your arms, lowering your torso down.

    Take a short break and do the exercise again. It will be great if you do five or six approaches with a reverse and forward grip.

    This method will help you literally in one week learn how to pull yourself up at least a little and improve your shape. If before you were not able to do a single pull-up, now you will have the opportunity to do at least a couple of pull-ups. Continue in this manner until you go from 1 to 10.

    Assisted training

    The following technique assumes that you will train together with your friend, who may be both guy and girl:

    1. Grab the bar with a reverse or forward grip.
    2. Hang on it for a bit.
    3. Bend your knees and then cross them at your calves.

    When you try to pull yourself up, your assistant should grab your legs and help you rise a little. This way it will take some of your weight. Try to descend as slowly as possible, avoiding jerks. This method is more beneficial.

    After three to five such sessions, you will be able to learn how to pull yourself up without the help of others.

    By the way, you can use special elastic bands for pulling up on the horizontal bar.

    Increased stamina

    To accelerate development, each workout should be completed with an exercise that increases endurance. For this purpose, you can use a stopwatch. Such exercises are also divided into two varieties:

    • hang with straight arms for the maximum amount of time;
    • hanging on your arms, which are bent at the elbows.

    You need to hang after each session until your muscles become strong enough. If you can already do more than 6-7 pull-ups, then you can move on to the next stage.

    Hanging with bent/half-bent arms is a completely different matter. Even athletes with extensive experience are not able to hang like this for more than 20 seconds in all situations. Record your performance every time and try to improve it.

    Pull-ups, like anything else physical exercise, can be traumatic if you do not follow the basic safety rules. In order to prevent problems, certain conditions must be met:

    Which grip is better?

    The reverse grip is considered the easiest option (palms facing the person). In this situation, the main share of the load falls on the biceps, which is one of the most developed muscles. If you use an overhand grip, you can train the muscles of your back, shoulders and triceps. The increase in the load on the back is proportional to the width of the arms. Therefore, the optimal solution is a shoulder-width grip.

    Correct breathing

    A lot depends on breathing during this exercise. Beginners often delay it for a long time, which causes rapid fatigue and a lag in achieving best results. Breathing during pull-ups on the bar should correspond to the following pattern: take a deep breath while at the lowest point of the hang;

    • hold your breath and try to touch your chin to the top surface of the bar.
    • When returning to the original position, exhale quickly.

    As you gain experience, your breathing will normalize.

    Pull-ups are an excellent exercise that is aimed at developing muscles and can tighten the stomach well. The interesting thing is that many modern sports equipment and other devices cannot replace it.

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