How to escape the heat with a fan. How to escape the heat if you do not have air conditioning. Humidifiers: indications for use

P simple tips will help you improve the climate in your home, making summer days more pleasant, without the unbearable heat.

The scorching heat can make you feel worse, and there is often simply nowhere to hide from it. If you can’t drop everything and go to the nearest body of water, and there is no air conditioning in your house or apartment, you can try to cool the premises using simple techniques that are available to everyone.

The first tip is to use electrical appliances as little as possible. Laptops, TVs, and computers heat up and generate heat during operation, increasing the temperature in an already hot room. Use summer period in order to get maximum rest from equipment, which is better to be completely disconnected from the electrical network.

Tip two - hide the rooms from the sun's rays. Blinds, roller shutters, Roman blinds, just thick fabric curtains - all means are good for sheltering from direct sunlight. Without curtains, you won’t even be able to simply sleep longer in the morning, because in the summer the sun rises very early and immediately begins to warm up the room.

It is better if the roller shutters are made of fabric that has a sun-reflecting surface. One of the simplest and cheapest options for sheltering from the sun is to stick sun-protective foil on the glass. True, you will have to get rid of it in the fall, but all summer the rooms will have a pleasant, cool twilight.

Tip three - if you have not purchased an air conditioner, you can use a regular fan. To enhance the effect, we recommend placing a bowl or other open container with ice water in front of the fan. The air will pass over the surface of the water and cool. And the draft itself in the summer heat is a very pleasant phenomenon.

Tip four - a canopy over the entrance. This is an option for residents of private houses. If the entrance to the house is on the sunny side, then a canopy is simply necessary, because without it the room will instantly warm up. You can set up a temporary summer fabric canopy if there is no more reliable canopy. A good option you can call living green protection for a house, for example, a pergola entwined with grapes.

Tip five - in the summer heat it is better to avoid any synthetic fabrics. Let your summer bedding set be light, cotton or linen. Such fabrics will be much more pleasant in the heat. And if you wet a sheet or bedspread before going to bed, it will be much easier to fall asleep before the fabric dries.

Tip six - a rubber heating pad can be a way to cool down in the summer. Fill it with cold water and put it in bed before bed to sleep comfortably. Such a rubber container can be replaced by ordinary plastic bottles with water, which can be frozen before use.

Tip seven - cool bath. We are sure that you yourself do not want to take hot baths in the heat. Moreover, when heating water, for example, with a gas water heater or electric boiler, the room will additionally heat up. If you fill the bathtub with cold water, it will become a source of coolness and you can wash your face at any time. For residents of private houses in the summer, an outdoor shower would be an ideal option.

Tip eight: cook less. We are sure that housewives will especially like this advice. Avoid use in hot weather oven, standing next to which will become real torture. Summer fresh salads, light cold soups, okroshka - dishes that do not require long preparation. Moreover, in the heat these are the options that will become perfect choice for a healthy and low-calorie lunch or dinner.

Tip nine - more fresh air. On a summer afternoon, it is better to keep the windows closed and tightly curtained so that the room heats up less. But in the morning and after sunset, all windows and doors should be opened to create a draft and cool the rooms.

Summer, which we have been waiting for so long, can bring not only pleasant holiday experiences, but also inconvenience due to the heat. We hope that our simple tips will help you improve the climate in your home, making summer days more pleasant, without the unbearable heat. published

The summer season is not always associated with positivity. Warm weather can easily turn into a sweltering heat that makes being indoors unbearable both day and night. Not only the direct rays of the sun are to blame for this, but also the high temperature outside, as well as the lack of wind.

There are many ways to combat heat in the house, among which air conditioning comes first. However, what to do if there is no air conditioner or split system at home? How to cool a room in hot weather without air conditioning? There are several answers to this question, and we will try to reveal them all.

7 ways to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning

We have long been accustomed to enjoying the benefits of civilization, without thinking about the fact that once upon a time there were no technological achievements useful to us. The question arises: how did our ancestors cope with this or that problem? For example, how did you cool the room in the heat without air conditioning? But they managed it quite easily. We will consider several very simple methods, such as ventilation, creating an air humidifier, draft, etc., that do not require special costs.

  1. Closing the curtains

The reason for heating the air in the room is the penetration of direct rays of the sun. To avoid this, it is recommended to daytime Close the windows tightly during the day. It is preferable to have light curtains made of natural material, for example, linen.

Dark curtains will absorb heat and spread it around the room, acting like a stove. If changing them is not possible, try reflecting the sun's rays. For this purpose, foil is suitable, which can be attached to the window using regular or double-sided tape. You can also use window tint, which will reliably protect the room from sunlight.

  1. Getting rid of dust

The next step is to get rid of the so-called “dust collectors”, which also attract and retain heat for a long time. Among them, carpets and rugs come first. To make the air cleaner and cooler. This type of wall and floor coverings must be rolled up and removed until colder times. You also need to do the same with warm blankets and bedspreads. Regarding upholstered furniture, which can also be classified as a “dust collector”, it can be covered with a white sheet, or another light, light and natural piece of fabric. In the evening, after such manipulations, your favorite sofa or chair will seem cool.

  1. Save electricity

A gas burner, light bulbs, a TV screen, a computer monitor and a system unit, all of this can heat the air in the room by several degrees. Therefore, in hot weather it is recommended not to turn on this type of electrical appliance. If you are very bored, you can read a book, or change your computer to a gadget with less heat output, such as a tablet or phone.

  1. Ventilation

Ventilating the room will allow you to breathe more freely. However, it is best to do this at night. Sleeping with an open window or vent will be much more comfortable. During the day, all vents and windows must be tightly closed; such ventilation will not bring you anything except hot air.

  1. Hydration

Humidification will help cope with dry hot air in the room. The most in a simple way To humidify the air is daily wet cleaning. However, its effect lasts for a couple of hours, and a lot of effort is expended. Therefore, we bring to your attention a few more ideas.

You can humidify the air in your apartment by hanging wet cloths on cabinets and chairs. Before they dry out, the air will remain moist and cooler. Any sprinkler will also come in handy. After filling it with water, spray the curtains. If you drop aromatic oils into water, then in addition to moisture, the air will be filled with your favorite aroma.

Filling your bathtub with cold water and leaving the door open will also help keep your apartment humidified. Moreover, you don’t need to take special care of such a humidifier.

There is another way that can also provide long-lasting hydration. To do this, hang a cotton sheet in the room, and lower its lower ends into a bowl of cold water. Gradually getting wet, the sheet will release moisture to the air and remain wet for a long time.

Important! You need to be extremely careful with air humidification; the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the apartment may turn into a bathhouse, and mold will appear on the walls.

  1. Draft

Creating a draft will increase the speed and quality of ventilation significantly. However, you should not forget that it is better to create a draft at night or in the morning, when the sun has not yet had time to warm the air. To make the draft more effective, it is best to open the windows in rooms located on different sides of the house.

Be careful, even in very hot weather there is a possibility of catching a cold in a draft.

  1. Fan

Using a fan even in the middle of the day can make it much easier to ventilate the room. To increase the effect, place the device as close to the floor as possible.

Plus, with a little ingenuity, a fan can help cool and humidify the air more effectively. To do this, place mugs or any other container filled with cold water and ice in front of the fan, or direct a stream of air from the device through a damp sheet. Almost immediately you will notice how it has become much easier to breathe in the room, and the long-awaited coolness spreads throughout the house.

If you have another fan in stock, then you can create a draft even during the daytime. To do this, install one of the devices, directing the air stream out the window, and move the other to the next room, while the air stream should be directed into the house. Thus, you contributed to the creation of an artificial draft. By driving even hot air around the apartment, but at high speed, such a draft can significantly make life easier in the heat.

As you noticed, the most different ways There are many ways to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning. You can easily choose the most suitable one and survive the hot summer without much effort and inconvenience. When humidifying and ventilating the room, be careful, everything should be done in moderation.

How to cool yourself down in the heat (video)

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The beginning of June has only just hinted at the summer heat, but you’re already starting to wonder how to survive if it really gets hot. , we already wrote. But, firstly, this pleasure is not cheap, and, secondly, there are a lot of people who want to install them in the summer. Therefore, we decided to figure out how to escape the heat without his help.


The most natural thing to do in the heat is to try to limit the flow of heat from outside. “I remember this way of surviving the summer heat from early childhood,” says Irina Vitalievna from Kiev. “Grandfather got up before sunrise and the first thing he did was open all the doors in the house so that the cool morning air could freely fill the interior. And we had two external doors: one “front”, which led into the house through the vestibule, and the second, through which one could enter the house through a closet attached to the back of the building. In addition, all the windows opened, resulting in drafts that quickly ventilated the room. And when the sun rose a little higher and the street air began to warm up, all the windows and doors were sealed tightly until the heat subsided. And the house remained pleasantly cool all day - much more comfortable than in modern offices with their air conditioners.”

In a similar way, you can combat home overheating in modern city apartments. And it is also better to do the main ventilation not in the late evening, but in the early morning, when the street air has already cooled down to a minimum temperature and is still relatively clean from car exhaust and dust raised by them.

There are, however, several nuances that are worth paying attention to. Firstly, there is the problem of ventilation during the day. The old peasant house, even with closed doors and windows, still continued to “breathe”; some air exchange continued - through windows that were far from airtight and even through the walls. What may not work out in modern apartment with clogged “Euro-windows”. It is necessary to take into account both the volume of the room and the number of people in it. Perhaps one or two windows should be opened slightly in the “winter ventilation” mode.

Note V. Zykova. There is also a more unpleasant nuance: different thermal insulation of the walls. The house is near the ground, the walls are brick (most often), the coolness is good. By the way, in southern Kazakhstan, ancient houses of wealthy people had outer walls one and a half meters thick. The coolness was kept very well. But the “khrushchoba” is bare reinforced concrete, the walls heat up almost like a frying pan. "Brezhnevka" nine-story buildings are better; there is a layer of foam concrete in the outer walls for thermal insulation. But when the heat is over 30 degrees, they can’t stand it; by the evening they warm up completely.

CLOSING THE “SHUTTERS”. The second point is sunlight coming through the windows. In the described “childhood house” the windows were much smaller than today’s city ones, and they were located low above the ground, shaded by the trees growing around the house. “True, the old people said that earlier, when the garden had not yet grown, they saved themselves from the sun beating on the windows by simply closing the shutters from the outside,” recalls Irina Vitalievna.

A modern analogue of peasant shutters are the so-called roller shutters - actually the same blinds, but attached to the outside, thanks to which the “solar” heat accumulated by them remains outside the room. But you can get by with blinds, especially, for example, on a glazed balcony. At worst, thick curtains will also help, the lighter the better, in order to absorb less energy from sunlight. If the heat is really tormenting you, and all of the above is either expensive and difficult, or doesn’t help, there is a radical remedy: seal the windows with foil. Ordinary food foil will also work. It is attached with glue, tape, or even simply by wetting the glass with water.

“Ideally,” says Kiev resident Andrei Valerievich, “the foil should be on the outside of the window. But I’m on the 16th floor, and you can’t really get close to the part of the glazing from the outside. So I glued it on the inside. On a hot day you touch it - it’s already hot. But the light reflects, the apartment has become cooler.” Which part of the window openings and how tightly to seal with foil - this must be determined according to your specific situation. For example, you have a tree growing in front of one of your windows, which acts as a curtain until the sun is very high. So you may be able to get by with just covering the top of this window.

V.Z. In addition to foil, mirror film is also sold.

“At first, I almost completely sealed all 6 of my window openings, leaving only small clean areas in the most “sun-safe” places,” recalls Andrey Valerievich. “But the apartment turned out to be too gloomy.” Then I removed half of the foil. And the house became brighter - although warmer too.”

V.Z. I usually cover the wide part of the sash (wooden windows) with film. And in the narrow part, a net is nailed to the full height to prevent flies and mosquitoes.

In order not to be darkened at all, you can cover the windows with special films that reflect heat rays, but actually let in the light with some losses. In summer, the apartment will become cooler - and there will be enough light. But in winter there may not be enough light. But it’s not possible to stick these films on and remove them as easily as foil (it’s better to hire specialists for this).

V.Z. It seems that there is also a film on sale with one-way heat conduction. That is, in the summer it does not let heat into the apartment, and in the winter it is turned around with its reverse side, and it does not release heat to the street. I don’t really believe it, because it’s too simple and good, but I saw the advertisement...

BY THE EXAMPLE OF THE THERMOS. Another advantage of the “childhood house”, a traditional Ukrainian “hut” built before the revolution, over most modern high-rise buildings is the high degree of thermal protection of the walls, which retain heat well in winter and coolness in summer. Residents of apartments in “panel” apartments have to deal with the fact that their walls quickly warm up literally right through. It’s unlikely that anything can help this problem, except, perhaps, insulating the walls with foam boards. By insulating the outside of your apartment, you will ensure that the air temperature in it is several degrees lower in summer, and higher in winter than before insulation.

V.Z. You just have to do it. Accordingly, it will cost a pretty penny. But it will be warmer in winter too. But if you do it inside, the walls will become damp, and polystyrene foam is not good for health.


The summer heat also has “agents” inside your home. This fifth column consists household appliances, which generate heat during operation. Among the main pests is the stove. However, the reduction in its operating time in the heat occurs automatically - and it doesn’t really crave something hot, and housewives can’t bear to stand “at the open hearth” for a long time.

V.Z. This is where it might help a little, which I don’t like :) And okroshka instead of borscht...

Another hidden saboteur - ordinary light bulbs, so small heating devices. You can exclude this heat source by screwing in. Tested for yourself - to work energy saving lamp, equivalent in terms of illumination provided to a 100-watt incandescent light bulb, you can safely touch it with your hand - it is slightly warm.

In some apartments, there is a non-switchable heated towel rail lurking in the bathroom - for some reason, it is in the summer that it begins to “fry” to the maximum. People fight it by wrapping it either with a damp cloth or, which is much more technologically advanced, with the same food foil.

V.Z. Household goods sell foil insulation - foil with additional thermal insulation.


To get an air cooling device, you need a refrigerator with some free space in freezer and an ordinary fan. Plastic bottles with water are placed in the freezer “in shifts” for freezing. Bottles with ice (if possible, in several rows) are placed in a basin or other container in front of the turned on fan. The air flow, driven by a fan, passes through an improvised “radiator” made of ice bottles and is cooled.

V.Z. Do not forget that the refrigerator pumps heat from its chamber outside into the room. The colder it is inside, the hotter it is in the kitchen. If you don't believe me, feel the grill on the back of the refrigerator.

Some craftsmen improve the system by constructing some kind of radiator, for example, from a plastic tube connected to a cold tap and drain.

V.Z. Just not plastic! Metal, because plastic is a good heat insulator. And water is expensive these days...

The cooling effect of liquid evaporation is also often used. To do this, cover the windows with a light wet cloth and then just make sure that it does not have time to dry completely, wetting it, for example, from an ordinary household spray bottle.

V.Z. Yes, take a stroll through the shops and kiosks with all sorts of souvenirs and gifts. The Chinese sometimes make fountains for these purposes and other amazing things.

Trying to save money on a split system, many people purchase fans and humidifiers. Does this make sense?

To work and relax well in the summer you need to not suffer from the heat. Many people solve this climate problem with air conditioners, while others prefer humidifiers or fans. Can they beat the heat? Let's try to figure it out.

Air humidifiers: indications for use

Humidifying the indoor air is useful and necessary. When humidity is low, many people experience a sore throat, excessive dry nose, and dry skin. Dry air makes hair and nails more brittle, and dust moves freely around the room, causing allergic reactions. Pets and indoor plants do not tolerate excessive dry air well.

Most problems with humidity arise in winter, when the heating is on in the rooms with the windows closed. During this period, the humidity in the apartment can drop to 20-30% when the norm is 50-60%. In summer the situation is better, unless, of course, there is a prolonged drought. But even in this situation A humidifier is still just a humidifier, not a cooling solution.. Here's a comment Alexey Gurenkov, head of the marketing department of the Russian representative office of Stadler Form, which produces various types household humidifiers: “To reduce the room temperature using a humidifier, it is necessary to achieve very high humidity, which will inevitably lead to the formation of condensation. You can, of course, add ice to the humidifier flask and this can have the effect of cooling the air, but not for long and, in my opinion, it is impossible to maintain a certain temperature in the room.”

However, this is not to say that humidifiers are useless in summer. Firstly, they will be useful in rooms with a working air conditioner: it is known that an air conditioner, operating in cooling mode, produces air, although cold, but dry. Secondly, even if the overall humidity level in the room is normal, a humidifier will be useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer. A computer, especially a stationary one, significantly dries out the air.

Typical differences

There are three types of humidifiers. The simplest, but at the same time quite effective - traditional humidifiers. The principle of their operation is as follows: cold water is poured into the tank, which comes into contact with a replaceable paper filter cassette. Water saturates the multilayer cassette and rises to the fan. The latter sucks in air from the room and forces it through the cassette. The moisture evaporates, the air is saturated with it and enters the room.

1. The fact that your house has turned into a branch of the Finnish sauna is to blame for the direct sunlight that penetrates through the windows and heats the air. First of all, curtain the windows or lower the blinds on them. Best in hot weather people live, which have thick white linen curtains. White reflects the sun's rays, and linen, according to folk beliefs and flax sellers, cools the air.

2. Another reliable way to prevent sun rays- order window tinting. They will stick it on the glass protective film, and you will be able to see your yard in pretty bluish tones (however, you can choose any color in which you prefer to see the neighbor’s old ladies). The main thing is not to overdo it and not to make the tint too thick: in cloudy, dark weather, your home will be dark and dull.

3. For those who are too lazy to tinker with tinting, we suggest tinkering with foil and double-sided tape. The windows facing the street are covered with foil. sunny side, creating a beautiful rustling shade for yourself. Experts advise gluing the tape not on the glass, but on the frame; the housekeeper who washes your windows will thank you later.

4. The windows you open should be closed to reduce the supply of warm air from the street. It is best to ventilate the room early in the morning, before sunrise, or late in the evening.. The most resourceful ones will probably leave the windows open all night.

In the heat, the best entertainment is wet cleaning

5. To maintain humidity and coolness, we recommend decorating your interior with wet towels hung here and there. You can simply wet the curtains and sometimes spray them with water with a refreshing scent of mint or citrus from a spray bottle (a couple of drops of aromatic oil per bottle of water). As part of the program to increase the humidity in the house, ask the girls who come to you to walk around the territory exclusively in wet T-shirts. And they are cooler, and you have something to explore.

6. Ask the housekeeper to come more often (she can even wear a dry T-shirt). The fact is that in hot weather it is best to do wet cleaning every day: at least wipe the door handles with cool water. And at the same time ask her to get rid of the carpets (you have carpets, right? front door doesn't count). At temperatures above 25 degrees, it is easiest to walk around the house, like Leo Tolstoy, barefoot. Carpets will spoil the whole feeling of the wonderful chill from the laminate.

7. In addition to everything else, you can buy an air humidifier, but you need to be careful: in the hellish heat, your Finnish sauna has every chance of turning into a Turkish one. But if you've darkened your windows correctly, the humidifier will likely work to your advantage. Don't overdo it: extreme darkness and humidity can breed new life forms in your nest, such as moldy wallpaper.

8. You should make sure that there are no strong sources of air heating in the apartment: the radiators have already been turned off, 4 burners on the kitchen stove are not working at once, the tube TV has been unplugged from the network. Summer is a good time to replace your cave computer with a heating system unit the size of a closet onto a convenient tablet.

9. If the above tips no longer help cool the air, it’s time to make a homemade air conditioner. We freeze water in plastic bottles and place them on a tray in front of the fan. You can direct the fan jet to the point in space that needs it most. For example, on yourself. The time to change direction is the moment you start looking around for your sweater.

10. You can throw these same plastic bottles with ice into your bed. And before going to bed, put the anti-heating pads back in the freezer. Instead of cotton bed linen, choose silk - silk tends to slightly cool the skin.

11. If you are seriously concerned about the problems of global warming in your home, plant spreading trees under your windows. Years will pass, and a beneficial shadow from green spaces will fall on the windows. For the same purpose, you can plant a flower garden on the balcony. At the HOA meeting, suggest painting the house in light colors. And what - in hot Arab countries everyone does this.

12. You probably remember from your school physics course that warm air rises to the top. When the heat takes over, occupy the lowest point of space. Lie down on a low sofa or even on a carpetless floor. This is a good place to reflect on the vicissitudes of the weather.

(taken from a men's magazine)

P.s. Do you know any other methods? Write in the comments!)