Swelling of the legs in pregnant women causes. Swelling during late pregnancy: causes, treatment. Causes of edema during pregnancy

About 80 percent of pregnant women experience edema sooner or later. Why does this happen, how to minimize the risk of edema, and is it worth panicking if they do occur?

Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues. They can be explicit and internal (hidden), have a physiological or pathological nature.

Causes of edema in pregnant women

  • Pregnancy. Changes in hormonal levels and a growing uterus are factors contributing to the appearance of edema. At multiple pregnancy the risk of having edema increases significantly.
  • Emerging or aggravated health problems.
  • Bad habits.
  • Overweight.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Prolonged standing or sitting position.
  • Age 35 and over.

Edema during pregnancy, stages

  1. At the first stage, the legs swell during pregnancy: shins, feet.
  2. At the second stage, swelling of the hips and abdomen joins the above.
  3. In the third stage, swelling extends to the hands, wrists. The face becomes puffy.
  4. The fourth stage is general edema.

The nature of the occurrence of edema during pregnancy

The physiological nature of edema

Man is 80 percent water. During pregnancy, a woman normally gains 10-12 kg, half of which is water. In tissues and blood future mother the sodium content increases, which retains fluid. With the growth of the fetus, the pressure of the uterus on the small vena cava and ureters increases, which contributes to the deterioration of fluid discharge. Therefore, edema during pregnancy later dates is such a common occurrence.

Slight swelling of the legs, feet, which manifests itself closer to the second half of the day and passes after a night's sleep, is not a reason for panic. Toward the end of pregnancy, women may swell the labia. This is also a variant of the norm.

Physiological edema also includes swelling of the tissues of the nose, followed by difficulty in breathing.

Pathological nature of edema

  • Renal edema during pregnancy

The kidneys of pregnant women have a colossal load. Renal edema may develop due to the onset or exacerbation of kidney disease during pregnancy time. Such edema is localized, mainly on the face: it becomes puffy, the eyelids swell. The wrists and hands may also swell.
A protein that appears in the urine of a pregnant woman also indicates a violation of the kidneys.

  • Heart edema during pregnancy

In a pregnant woman, the volume of blood increases by 40-50 percent. Consequently, the load on the "pump" that makes it circulate - the heart - increases significantly.
Cardiac edema is characterized by a downward trend. If a woman is in a standing position, then her legs will swell during pregnancy. In the supine position, swelling will be prone to the stomach or back.
With edema of this kind, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, persistent palpitations are also observed.

  • Internal swelling during pregnancy

Internal edema is not visible to the naked eye, but is a danger to the development of the baby. The fact is that with a latent form of edema, the uterus, placenta and abdominal wall most often swell. Edematous placenta can compress the vessels of the umbilical cord, which will lead to placental insufficiency.

  • Puffiness as a manifestation of preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy, which is the main cause of maternal mortality and increases the risk of fetal / child death in the first week after birth by 5-7 times.
Severe edema during pregnancy, both external and internal, along with proteinuria and high blood pressure, are classic symptoms of late toxicosis.

Edema during pregnancy, diagnosis

Daily diuresis

When carrying out diuresis, the volume of absorbed, taking into account liquid dishes and fruits, and the volume of liquids excreted, are calculated, minus the first morning urine, which refers to the previous day. About 75 percent of the absorbed fluid must be excreted from the body with urine. A significantly lower rate indicates that the fluid has been retained in the tissues.
For greater information content, it is recommended to conduct a study 3 days in a row.

McClure-Aldrich test

In everyday life it is called a blister test. For the study, a woman is injected intradermally into the inner side of the forearm 0.2 ml of a sterile solution sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.8%. As a result, a tubercle forms on the skin, the texture resembling a lemon peel. Normally, this tubercle resolves in an hour. With latent edema, the resorption time decreases in direct proportion to the degree of edema.

The test is carried out on an empty stomach, the patient should be in a sitting or lying position.
Currently, blister testing is rarely performed due to the duration of the study.

Examination of limbs

  • The swelling may cause numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes.
  • With swelling, the circumference of the ankle increases by a centimeter or more.
  • When pressing on the swollen limb, the resulting “dent” does not immediately straighten out.
  • Swollen feet give out deep rubber marks after wearing socks or golf.
  • Swollen hands are indicated by difficulty putting on or taking off rings. Women who have swollen fingers during pregnancy are not recommended to wear rings.

Tracking weight gain

According to WHO standards, weekly weight gain in the second half of pregnancy for women with a normal body mass index should be about 230 grams. Sudden changes in body weight or a set of more than 350 grams may indicate the presence of edema.

Physiological swelling during pregnancy prevention and treatment

Physiological edema does not require medical treatment. In order to minimize the risk of such edema, it is enough to follow simple recommendations.

healthy eating

  • Nutrition plays a very important role in the fight against edema. During pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude all kinds of pickles, smoked meats, spicy foods, carbonated drinks and limit the use of sweets.
  • The volume of liquid, contrary to popular belief, should not be greatly reduced. For the normal functioning of the body of a pregnant woman, you need to consume about one and a half liters of fluid per day, taking into account first courses and watery fruits. A strong reduction in the volume of fluid entering inside can have the exact opposite effect - the body will begin to “store” water, and swelling will only intensify. For the same reason, salt should not be completely excluded from the diet.
  • It is useful to arrange unloading vegetable and milk days.

Mobile lifestyle, gymnastics

The only reason to exclude physical exercise during pregnancy, - the threat of interruption. In other cases, light physical activity will only benefit.

  • To prevent or combat edema, special fitness or water aerobics for expectant mothers, swimming, and not too long walks are well suited. Even a banal daily exercise will bear fruit.
  • Pregnant women who have a sedentary, sedentary job are advised, as far as possible, to raise and place their legs on a chair during the working day for a better outflow of fluid.
  • Due to the repeated repetition of the same actions, hands swell during pregnancy. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the time spent at the computer, modeling, knitting, etc. Or, in extreme cases, do not forget to take breaks and do hand exercises.
  • A popular exercise to combat edema, in which a woman lies on the floor and, raising her legs high, rests them against the wall. In the second half of pregnancy, it must be modernized by placing a solid roller under the woman's buttocks. Otherwise, due to the pressure of the grown uterus on the small vena cava, the outflow of venous blood will be difficult.
  • To prevent or combat swelling and relieve the back, you can do the exercise "cat".

  • Not bad reduces the load on the kidneys and a static stay in the knee-elbow position. To achieve a tangible effect, you need to perform several approaches for 10-15 minutes daily.
  • Resting during long periods of pregnancy is most useful on the left side.

Wearing a bandage, compression stockings

  • A properly selected bandage supports the growing pregnant belly in the correct position, which reduces the risk of edema.
  • Wearing compression stockings, stockings or tights will be useful if you are prone to varicose veins, which are often accompanied by swelling. A phlebologist will help determine the required degree of compression.
  • The bandage and compression underwear should be put on correctly in the prone position.

Proper footwear

The risk of swelling is greater when wearing inappropriate shoes. Correct footwear: in size, has a stable heel with a height of 3 to 5 centimeters, stable. There are no tight straps on the leg.

Getting rid of bad habits

Bad habits during pregnancy can not only harm the health of the baby, but also provoke the appearance of edema.
Nicotine harms all organs and systems of the human body. The closest relationship between smoking and varicose veins, which, in turn, contributes to the development of swelling.

One of the causes of edema, oddly enough, is dehydration. The latter is a frequent companion of alcohol abuse.

Body care

  • In the care of swollen or suffering from varicose legs, it will not be superfluous to use specialized cosmetics.
  • Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is well relieved by foot baths with sea salt. To conduct them, so much salt water is poured into the container, with a temperature not higher than 37-38 degrees, as needed to completely immerse the swollen area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. With skin diseases or diabetes, salt baths are prohibited.

  • Swelling of the legs during pregnancy, what to do? Massage! It's pleasant and effective way improve blood circulation. It is necessary to massage the legs in the direction from the feet to the hips. For the procedure, you can use both special massagers, a washcloth, or just hands.

Pathological edema during pregnancy, what to do

Do not panic and get a medical examination. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will determine the need and tactics of drug treatment of edema.

Medical treatment of edema

The attitude towards puffiness among doctors in the CIS countries differs from the point of view adopted in Europe and America. Foreign doctors prefer to observe, intervening only in situations that really threaten the health of a woman and her unborn child. Domestic doctors often prefer to play it safe and, depending on the results of the examination, prescribe diuretics, vasoconstrictors, antispasmodics and sedatives.

  • To normalize the work of the kidneys, complex herbal remedies are usually prescribed, such as Canephron or Cyston in tablet form, Fitolizin paste. They should be used with caution: the annotations contain rather long lists side effects. But these drugs relieve renal edema during pregnancy well, reviews of future and successful mothers confirm this.

  • To strengthen blood vessels, doctors prescribe magnesium preparations, vitamin E, lipoic acid, and against vasospasm - No-Shpu.
  • Treatment of edema with preeclampsia is carried out in a hospital. The standard measure is a drop of magnesia, which relieves swelling, normalizes blood pressure, relaxes blood vessels and muscle muscles. Improve blood microcirculation with droppers of drugs based on pentoxifylline.
    It is strictly forbidden to use diuretics if gestosis is suspected!
  • Swelling of the nose during pregnancy cannot be treated with the usual vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. But it is also impossible to remain inactive: due to the deterioration of nasal breathing, the fetus may receive less oxygen. Doctors recommend dealing with the “runny nose of pregnant women” by washing the nasal cavity with saline or a solution of sea salt.

How to get rid of edema during pregnancy, folk remedies

Traditional medicine is replete with remedies against edema. But you can use them only as directed by a doctor, and even then not all. The fact is that some components of popular kidney fees can cause uterine tone and even provoke an abortion.

  • Of the safest folk remedies, a decoction of lingonberry leaf can be distinguished, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating, choleretic, astringent and mild diuretic effects.


Most swelling in pregnant women is harmless and does not require treatment. But, sometimes, puffiness can signal the development or exacerbation of diseases and conditions that are dangerous for the mother and fetus.

Self-treatment of pathological edema can be extremely dangerous; only a doctor should decide how to relieve swelling during pregnancy, based on the results of the examination.

If you notice swelling during pregnancy, do not worry so much. Not all edema pose a threat to your health and the development of the baby, and at some point they are even a normal physiological state. You need to figure out what causes swelling and how to deal with it.

Edema during pregnancy - causes?

You can name at least 5 reasons why puffiness appears on your body. Some conditions are normal, others are expected due to a history of chronic diseases, and only edema, as symptoms of preeclampsia, really poses a threat to your life and the development of the fetus.

Physiological edema

  1. Up to 80 percent of healthy pregnant women may experience swelling in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. Place of dislocation - feet and hands;
  2. Most often, swelling during late pregnancy is noticeable at the end of the day, after standing or sitting for a long time, being in a static position. After rest, swimming in the pool, such swelling disappears;
  3. In this case, the accumulation of fluid in your body is a natural process, as your body prepares for the upcoming birth, and these water reserves should compensate for the upcoming blood loss. Just in a static position, these waters are collected in one place.

I remember that in the last weeks of pregnancy I had already stopped wearing rings and had to wear them earlier. winter shoes. It was the end of September outside, and my feet couldn't fit into my boots.

Edema in the presence of chronic diseases

If you were diagnosed with kidney disease, heart disease or varicose veins before pregnancy, then the likelihood of edema during pregnancy increases.

  • With heart failure, the main organ, like a pump, simply cannot cope with the additional load that your body experiences throughout pregnancy, including the circulation of fluid in the body;

As a result, swelling in distant parts of the body, for example, legs, during long standing or lower back, when lying on your back.

  • With problems with the kidneys, swelling, at first, appears on the face, in the form of bags under the eyes;

As a rule, complications, in the form of edema of the whole body, are not allowed by the attending physician, since pregnant women with a diagnosis of kidney disease are on a special list, take special drugs and follow a diet.

Without treatment, the kidneys cannot pass fluid to its full extent, which is why fluid stagnation occurs in the body. By the way, in the case of kidney disease, swelling is visible in the morning.

  • Varicose veins are another of the obvious causes of tissue swelling;

The walls of the vessels are damaged and the water simply goes into the intercellular space. The stagnation of fluid can be explained both by the hormonal background and by squeezing the vena cava, with the growth of the uterus. In this case, it is important to rest more, lying on your left side or swimming in the pool.

Edema as a symptom of preeclampsia

Edema, with pressure, in the third trimester (to know what is normal and what is not during this period, read article 3 trimester of pregnancy >>>), in the presence of protein in urine tests, can signal a dangerous disease - preeclampsia or, as it is also called late toxicosis.

  1. Fluid accumulation, in this case, can already be observed from;
  2. Edema, in the case of gestosis, is the result of a conflict between your body and the child, namely the placenta, which, even to the detriment of the mother's body, will actively extract the necessary nutrients for the fetus.
  • Due to certain reasons, such as weak vessel walls, due to a lack of albumin protein, water comes out, and the blood itself becomes thicker;
  • At the same time, blood circulation slows down, but the placenta requires nutrients for the baby and provokes vasoconstriction by increasing pressure on them;
  • Blood, at first, will indeed move faster, but such tension negatively affects the structure of blood vessels, damage occurs;
  • Platelets will tend to these places and, as a result, the formation of blood clots. This process gradually spreads throughout the body;
  • Hence - a violation of circulatory movement, increased pressure, swelling. Please note that a blood test for this condition shows a significant increase in hemoglobin, which is not characteristic of the second half of pregnancy. Study the question of what tests are taken during pregnancy >>>.

Timely detection of preeclampsia will allow regular delivery of urine and blood tests, weight control, as there is also the so-called latent swelling, control of blood pressure.

Edema in different parts of the body

Fluid retention in the body can be manifested by swelling of various parts of the body and, on this basis, it is often possible to indicate the cause of the pathology.

Swelling of the legs

Swelling of the legs below, during late pregnancy, is the most common occurrence. Surely you have noticed how the skin is pressed in place of the gum of the toe, and after taking off your shoes after a long walk or standing, it becomes simply impossible to put on tight shoes.

  1. If, after a slight rest with raised legs or taking a relaxing foot bath, the swelling disappears by itself, there is no reason to worry (by the way, a useful article: Is it possible to soar legs during pregnancy?>>>);
  2. Another thing is when swelling spreads throughout the body, there is a deterioration in your well-being, then an additional examination is necessary to determine the causes of edema.

Swelling of the hands

It is the swelling of the hands that is most often accompanied by pain syndromes.

  • You may feel tingling, numbness in your fingers. But interestingly, swelling of the hands very rarely hides a real threat;
  • Such swelling occurs when the hands are in one position for a long time, for example, when working on the keyboard, knitting or writing;
  • The liquid in such an uncomfortable position circulates poorly and stagnates. In large quantities, it affects the nerve passing in the wrist, hence the discomfort.

By the way! The secret of how to relieve swelling of the hands during pregnancy is quite simple - do mini exercises for the hands more often, change position, and you can put a special pad under your wrists near the computer.

  • You can observe swelling of the fingers, very noticeable in the area of ​​​​the ring. Fluid retention can be caused malnutrition, with an abundance of salt and spices, as well as a large intake of the wrong liquid, such as soda.

In it you will find a set of products for better nutrition so that swelling, nausea and shortness of breath do not occur.

You will learn to correct many pregnancy conditions by adjusting your diet,

Learn about three types of foods that should be on your menu to prepare for natural and easy childbirth.

Nose swelling

Causes of swelling of the nose in pregnant women can be

  1. Cold;
  2. Or a physiological feature;

Swelling of the nasopharynx can be triggered by hormonal changes in the body at the very beginning of pregnancy. There is a process of active accumulation of fluid necessary for the development of your baby, while there is swelling of the entire face, lips, nose.

But the fact that the cause of rhinitis is physiological does not allow the development of a runny nose to take its course. It is necessary to pick up safe drops, irrigate the nose with saline. If the so-called runny nose of pregnancy is not treated, the fetus may be threatened with oxygen starvation.

Important! If the nose swells during pregnancy due to allergies, it is important to identify the irritating component and remove it. Antiallergic drugs, without the appointment of a specialist, cannot be taken during pregnancy.

A lot of useful information you can learn from the article posted on the site: Runny nose during pregnancy >>>.

External and internal edema

In addition to external visual edema of the extremities or certain parts of the body, internal edema is rarely diagnosed.

During pregnancy, this is a rather dangerous manifestation, which is difficult to identify, given the lack of external signs. You must understand that the causes of edema, both hidden and external, are the same.

But if you start to deal with a visual problem at the first manifestations, then the hidden ones will be for a long time without prevention and treatment.

You should know what to pay attention to in order to recognize internal edema in time:

  • Weight jumps. In a normal pregnancy, your weight should increase evenly every week. If you observe unsystematic jumps in body weight, you need to beware;
  • Fluid control. You need to keep track of how much fluid you drink and how much is excreted in the urine. Normally, the body should excrete ¾ of the volume of fluid drunk. Such control measurements must be done over several days;
  • measurements. Ankles are a great indicator of puffiness. It is necessary to measure the girth of this part of the body, and if there is an increase of at least a centimeter, there is swelling.

Hidden edema requires the same treatment and prevention as external.

How to determine swelling during pregnancy

Special diagnostics require only hidden edema, while external ones are visible to the naked eye.

  1. It is enough to put pressure on the skin and, if a dent forms in this place, which does not straighten for a long time, then swelling occurs;
  2. Another clear indicator is the ring on the finger. If yesterday you easily removed it, and today it is firmly attached to your finger, while, as it were, squeezing it, swelling is evident.

The extremities, back, lower abdomen, face, even the nasopharynx can swell. Most often, swelling is noticeable in the last weeks of pregnancy, especially in the evening.

Why are doctors afraid of this?

You should be aware that not all swelling is dangerous and, in most cases, goes away easily after rest and dietary adjustments.

Important! Please note that it is impossible to reduce the amount of liquid in any way, and it is not necessary to completely exclude salt. The main thing that edema is dangerous during pregnancy and why doctors are so afraid of them is the possibility of developing preeclampsia, one of the symptoms of which is swelling.

Edema can also signal a malfunction in the functioning of the kidneys or heart.


healthy lifestyle and healthy eating- the main aspects of the prevention of edema during pregnancy.

  • Alternate periods of activity and rest. Legs, when resting, should be elevated. If edema occurs due to the fault of the kidneys, then the ideal sleeping position is lying on the left side;
  • Hiking is required. About where, when and how much it is useful to walk, read the article Walking during pregnancy >>>;
  • Swimming, foot baths, massage;
  • Food should be rich in protein, vitamins, salt is present, but in moderation. Liquids - at least 2 liters per day;
  • Clothing should not be tight or tight, and shoes should be as comfortable and flat as possible.

What to control in order not to miss gestosis?

One of the obvious symptoms of preeclampsia is swelling of the legs during pregnancy after 22 weeks.

What can be done to prevent the development of this disease?

  1. Weight control and edema monitoring;
  2. Regular testing and monitoring of the growth of hemoglobin and the presence of protein in the blood. The first should not increase significantly, and the second should be absent altogether;
  3. Blood pressure control.

Remember that edema can be hidden, therefore, if you suspect, you should seek advice from a nephrologist and urologist.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy- a problem that almost every woman faces while carrying a child. Especially often there are edema during pregnancy in the later stages. in the second half of pregnancy closer to the third trimester. The legs swell during pregnancy, they hurt, there is a feeling of heaviness, it becomes difficult to stand on your feet for a long time.

A similar problem arises due to the fact that in the vessels of the veins, which are located in the lower extremities, the pressure is greatly increased. The fetus increases in size, the uterus grows, squeezing the pelvic veins. As a result, stagnant processes can occur in the vessels of the legs, which lead to the formation of edema. Untreated swelling in the legs can cause a number of serious complications, therefore, this problem cannot be left without due attention.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

Why do legs swell during pregnancy? Edema of pregnant women, in most cases, is a temporary phenomenon and soon after childbirth, they quickly disappear. The most common causes swelling of the legs during pregnancy:

  • Excess fluid in the body. When carrying a child, the hormonal background changes, in connection with which pregnant women often experience thirst. This is completely normal and should not cause concern to the expectant mother.
  • Varicose veins of the legs. In the process of fetal growth, the uterus begins to exert a compressive effect on the vessels of the legs, as a result of which it is formed. The veins overflow with blood, which leads to the appearance of edema.
  • Impaired kidney function. During pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases. This leads to the fact that they do not always fully remove excess fluid from the body, which provokes the appearance of edema. Such problems are often accompanied by bruising under the eyes and a decrease in the frequency of urination.
  • Uncomfortable shoes and clothes. Tight and constricting clothing and shoes can interfere with circulation in the legs. It is especially not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes during pregnancy.
  • Malfunctions of the heart or thyroid gland. They cause not only swelling of the legs, but also the shoulder girdle and even the tongue. In addition, with such disorders, fatigue, constant drowsiness can be observed.
  • Problems with the intestines. With frequent violations of intestinal activity are possible, which often lead to the appearance of edema in the legs.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis. An extremely dangerous disease, one of the signs of which is swelling of the legs. You can recognize this disease by such symptoms as: fever, hyperemia (redness) of the legs, pain.
  • Recent viral illness. The infection can give a complication to the kidneys, and they, in turn, cease to cope with their functions.
  • Preeclampsia. This condition poses a serious health hazard. Preeclampsia is characterized by swelling not only of the external parts of the body, but also of the internal organs. The placenta also falls under its harmful influence, and this is a direct threat to the life of the unborn baby.

Edema can also occur for such reasons as: joint diseases, venous insufficiency, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, prolonged sitting with crossed legs. In order to exclude possible diseases, necessary be sure to visit a doctor.

In some cases, when edema is caused by pathological disorders in the body, the condition of a pregnant woman may constantly worsen. Edema in this case will spread not only to the legs, but also to other parts of the body.

There are 4 stages of edema:

  1. First, edema is formed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs and feet.
  2. They are joined by swelling on the hips, lower abdomen and in the lumbar region.
  3. Further, the swelling spreads higher, affecting the hands and even the face.
  4. General swelling of the body.

During the bearing of a child in the mother's body, an accumulation of sodium salts occurs, which tend to attract water. Under the influence of certain factors, physiological edema develops. Such factors can be: eating a lot of salty foods, high fever environment, excessive exercise. Physiological edema is a completely natural phenomenon during pregnancy and should not cause concern. If the provoking factors are eliminated, the swelling will easily subside.

Another thing - pathological edema that result from diseases. They are usually accompanied by other symptoms: a sharp weight gain, the spread of edema to other parts of the body, fever, hypertension, weakness, difficulty moving, and more.

What is dangerous swelling of the legs during pregnancy and when you need to see a doctor

greatest danger represent swelling of the legs in pregnant women, which are caused by preeclampsia. In the initial stage, it leads to the formation of dropsy, which over time can lead to nephropathy - damage to the renal apparatus, and later to. Eclampsia is almost incurable and is characterized by frequent seizures, which can sometimes be so severe that the woman falls into a coma.

Preeclampsia can cause severe disturbances in the blood supply to organs, including the placenta. The fetus also loses nutrients, as a result of which the normal development of its organs and systems is disrupted. It is in this state that the foundations for future chronic diseases are laid.

Other complications of preeclampsia may be intrauterine fetal death and premature birth.

You need to see a doctor in the following cases:

  • with the appearance of edema not only on the legs, but also on the abdomen, thighs, lower back, face or arms;
  • if swelling and heaviness in the legs persist even after a long rest or the next morning after sleep;
  • If general state worsens, increased pressure is observed and.

If the legs are slightly swollen, this does not mean the presence of edema. Often this is due only to an increase in body weight during the period of bearing a child. Puffiness can be detected by an increase in the foot, when it becomes difficult to squeeze the foot into the usual shoes.

Swelling can also be determined by how the surface of the leg reacts to pressure. For this, it is carried out simple experiment: you need to lightly press your finger on the skin of the leg, then release. If the skin is immediately leveled, then there is no talk of any puffiness. But if after squeezing a small dent remains, then there is swelling of the leg.

By the evening, the symptoms usually become more pronounced, because during the day, after a long stay on the legs, more fluid accumulates in them. In the morning, after a pregnant woman has a good rest and sleep, swelling usually decreases significantly or disappears altogether. If swelling is caused physiological reasons, pain they don't call.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

What to do if legs swell during pregnancy? How to get rid of edema during pregnancy? With natural causes of swelling in the legs, no special treatment is required. The doctor may prescribe some drugs that improve blood circulation- for example, ointments Heparin, Venitan, Troxevasin, Lyoton, as well as creams based on horse chestnut.

In addition, it is usually prescribed special diet and a number of preventive measures:

  • Reduce salt intake, which prevents the removal of fluid from the body. It's better to skip food. In addition, you need to eat as little as possible spicy, smoked and spicy foods. The best option is steamed food.
  • Reduce the amount of drinking especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The maximum amount of fluid that you need to consume is one and a half liters per day. This includes not only drinks, but also juicy fruits or vegetables, as well as soups.
  • Take vascular-strengthening vitamin complexes. They will help reduce the amount of fluid that seeps from the vessels into the tissues, thereby reducing swelling.
  • herbal teas, which have a diuretic effect, will help remove excess fluid from the body. These include decoctions of wild rose, lingonberry leaves, horsetail, cranberries, bearberry, dried apricots. In order for these decoctions to give a positive effect, you need to use them for a month or more. It is strictly not recommended to take any kind of chemical diuretic drugs as they can be dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Foot massage it helps to reduce puffiness, especially if you do it with jojoba, peach or grape seed oils.
  • Favorable effects can be homeopathic remedies. For example, sodium chloride restores fluid metabolism in the body. Non-traditional therapies such as manual therapy, acupuncture or osteopathy are also often used to improve blood flow in the legs, normalize urinary function and relieve swelling.

If the cause of edema is preeclampsia, treatment is carried out in stationary conditions. It is rarely possible to completely eliminate this problem, but with the help of properly selected drug therapy, the negative impact of the disease on the body of a pregnant woman can be reduced.

How to avoid swelling

To prevent swelling, it is recommended to observe the following preventive measures:

  • Physical activity. During pregnancy should be observed motor activity- do exercises daily, take walks, and in the evenings, after a working day, lie down on a bed or floor, raise your legs, resting them against the wall, and lie like this for 10-15 minutes. The blood will then flow down, reducing congestion in the legs.
  • special diet. You should reduce the amount of salt consumed, as well as exclude carbonated and sugary drinks, drink less coffee and tea. With a strong thirst, it is better to eat some juicy vegetable or fruit, and if you already drink water, then only mineral water.
  • Necessarily include these foods in your diet like: oranges, parsley, lemon, celery, garlic, tangerines, onions. These products have a positive effect on the function of the urinary system.
  • Recommended while sleeping put a pillow under your feet so that they are slightly above the head.
  • Shoes must be comfortable, and the clothes are spacious so as not to squeeze the legs.
  • Avoid overheating of the body- during pregnancy, you should refuse to visit steam rooms and saunas, as well as sunbathing.

Video about swelling of the legs during pregnancy

This video talks about the causes of swelling of the legs during pregnancy, the symptoms and dangers of this problem. After watching the video, you will know how to relieve swelling during pregnancy and prevent their occurrence.

To combat edema, many women use folk remedies. For example, compresses of fresh cabbage leaves applied to swollen legs can have a very beneficial effect. And what folk recipes against edema you know? What helped you deal with this problem? Share your experience in comments.

Edema in pregnant women is a very common occurrence. About half of all pregnant women experience swelling around the ankles, especially during the last few months of pregnancy. Also, this problem often manifests itself in the toes and in the legs.

The worst is usually towards the end of the day, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet.

Causes of swelling during pregnancy

Leg swelling during pregnancy occurs because your body contains more fluid than usual. Increased pressure in the leg veins and pressure from your growing child on the large veins in the groin also add to the problem. It's all about, surprisingly, the force of attraction, which, as it were, concentrates the liquid at the lowest points of your body.

Some doctors attribute swelling to the production of a special hormone that impairs the elasticity of blood vessels. Also, the cause may be an excess of sodium in the body, as it delays the removal of fluid from the tissues.

The following factors increase the severity of edema:

  • smoking;
  • hot weather;
  • physical exercise;
  • an abundance of spicy and salty foods;
  • fatigue.

The main signs of swelling of the legs during pregnancy

Swelling of the legs are of varying severity, and sometimes you may not even notice them. But this does not mean that they should be ignored, otherwise they can develop into more serious diseases. Moreover, their external expression can also mean internal changes, which are much more serious. If you began to crush shoes, rings on your fingers, if you began to gain weight quickly or unevenly (more than 300 g per week), this is a sign of edema.

« Normal "edema in a healthy woman:

  • appear in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • usually localized in the area of ​​​​the legs and feet after an active day, in the late afternoon;
  • after rest and some procedures, which we will discuss below, decrease or disappear altogether;
  • are not accompanied by pain and swelling in other places, a general deterioration in health.

Such swelling of the legs during pregnancy does not need to be treated.

Edema dangers

We do not want to scare you, but it is better to immediately consult a doctor if you notice such symptoms in yourself:

It is better to play it safe and go once again to your doctor, especially since the lives and health of two people are at stake.

When will the swelling subside?

Within about 24 hours after giving birth, most women already notice that the swelling has decreased. Don't worry if it takes a few days for the swelling to subside, this is normal, your body needs time to recover and get back in shape after prolonged stress. Keep following the tips to reduce puffiness and you should be back to normal.

How to reduce the severity of leg swelling?

You cannot stop the swelling process, but you can limit, reduce its manifestation. So, what do experts advise as a prevention of leg edema and reduce their severity?

If you want to reduce swelling, follow these simple rules:

In general, every future mother quickly determines which method is right for her. Someone helps active pastime, someone - a maximum of rest, someone - group yoga or gymnastics.

Folk methods for the treatment of swelling of the legs in pregnant women

By “treatment”, we mean a decrease in the severity of the manifestation, since edema in a healthy woman is a normal and harmless physiological phenomenon that does not need a full-fledged, serious treatment.

What does traditional medicine offer us?

You can put green or white kale leaves on swollen areas to "draw out" excess fluid and reduce discomfort (heaviness). It is not necessary to wash the leaves, you can cool them in the refrigerator (but not in freezer), you will even be more pleasant. Wrap chilled leaves around the most swollen parts of the legs and feet as a compress. Wait until they are damp and then repeat with fresh leaves. Repeat this several times until you feel more comfortable.

Herbal medicines are usually diuretics that remove fluid from the body. However, you should not abuse this method, as you can overdo it and remove too much liquid. This can be dangerous. Therefore, we strongly recommend using herbal teas and tinctures only after consulting a doctor!

Here are some common recipes:

Myths about swelling during pregnancy

Myth #1. If you limit your intake of liquids and salt to a minimum, swelling will quickly subside.

This is wrong. We have already written that salty foods can only serve as a provoking or additional factor in the appearance of edema. A lack of fluid in the body can lead to dehydration and danger to the health of the baby. Total restriction in salt and water is dangerous, so listen to your needs and just do not overdo such products.

Myth #2. Diuretics will quickly remove swelling.

This myth can be dangerous, as the uncontrolled use of such drugs can lead to dehydration. Therefore, as we wrote above, do not overdo it with diuretic teas - this can be said to be an extreme case. Yes, and often running to the toilet is a rather tedious task for women in the last months of pregnancy.

Myth #3. With swelling of the legs, you can not play sports.

In fact, any exercise that you can do strengthens the muscles of the body, maintains tone, so that it is easier for you to give birth. Here, as in other matters, one should not be too zealous. The following sports are recommended: cycling, swimming, gymnastics, yoga.

Myth number 4. Swelling in the legs is a sign of preeclampsia.

This is not so, edema itself does not indicate preeclampsia ("late toxicosis", preeclampsia - complications at the end of pregnancy). Only in combination with high blood pressure, impaired kidney function, loss of consciousness, convulsions, edema can be a symptom of this disease. It seems that you and your doctor will not miss such signs and take action in time.

Many expectant mothers face swelling during pregnancy. Mostly they appear shortly before childbirth. It becomes more difficult for women to move because of pain, discomfort in the legs. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy indicates dangerous pathologies for the mother and her fetus. Therefore, it is so important to establish the cause of the problem in order to take the right measures to help the patient.

Leg swelling in pregnant women is a natural physiological condition. This is due to the hormonal changes that occur in her body. This pathology is greater concentration water in tissues. It manifests itself in the form of an increase in the volume of different parts of the body, but mainly the lower extremities. Because the increased volume of the uterus exerts pressure on the vessels of this part of the body. Sometimes swelling appears only on one leg. This happens when the pelvic vein is squeezed on the left or right side.

Pathology is not only an aesthetic problem, but also dangerous symptom. Developing pastosity in the mother can cause fetal hypoxia. Therefore, the removal of fluid from the body is the main task for each patient.

Why do legs swell during pregnancy

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy develops as a result of a slowdown in the circulation of fluid and its retention in the tissues. A growing fetus, an enlarged uterus, amniotic fluid, create an additional load on the legs. In the body of a pregnant woman, the fluid content increases due to changes in the volume of blood, amniotic fluid. But when the amount of water exceeds the norm, then pastosity develops. It is considered the most dangerous in the last weeks of pregnancy, because it can harm the health of the mother and child.

Contributes to the development of pathology, some diseases of internal organs and a negative effect external factors. Among the common causes of swelling of the legs is wearing tight, uncomfortable clothes, shoes. Things that squeeze the body lead to impaired blood flow. High heels for expectant mothers are prohibited. Uncomfortable shoes cause fatigue and pain when walking.

The main causes of edema include: obesity, the habit of sitting cross-legged. Contribute to the development of pathology inactivity and sedentary image life. The problem appears when long stay indoors with poor ventilation. Eating smoked, fried and salty foods contributes to water retention in the body. Therefore, during pregnancy, the use of these products should be minimized.

Bad habits such as smoking and drinking during pregnancy are especially dangerous. They provoke the development of various pathologies, including swelling.

Experts in a medical institution will be able to accurately determine the cause of the problem based on the results of laboratory tests.

Many women develop or worsen varicose veins during pregnancy. With this pathology, irreversible lengthening and expansion of the veins occurs. The problem develops as a result of changes in the valve apparatus and venous walls. The progression of varicose veins provokes swelling of the legs during pregnancy. This problem is indicated by an increase in the volume of the ankles, lower legs, numbness of the limbs and the appearance of goosebumps. During pregnancy, with varicose veins, the lower limbs swell at the ankles.

Varicose veins in most pregnant women are diagnosed during pregnancy, and not before. The first signs of the disease appear in the third trimester. At the very beginning, pathology does not cause problems, except for aesthetic discomfort. Expectant mothers develop hematomas, bruises on their legs during pregnancy. After childbirth, the symptoms of the disease disappear. Sometimes the venous network on the legs is preserved.

Not all pregnant women get sick so easily. Some of them develop fatigue, a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of fullness and fullness in the lower extremities. After physical exertion and in the afternoon, the symptoms intensify. In this case, you must immediately undergo a medical examination. Because only a qualified specialist will be able to determine the severity of the disease and choose the right treatment.

The main cause of varicose veins is family predisposition. During pregnancy, its development is facilitated by an increase in body weight, the amount of circulating fluid and squeezing of the veins by the uterus.

During pregnancy, all diseases are exacerbated. The probability of progress of cardiological diseases is especially high. They entail a decrease in cardiac function, due to which there is a violation of blood circulation and in pregnant women the legs swell. It also reduces blood flow to the tissues of the placenta and internal organs of the mother and fetus. Heart failure develops when the heart is overloaded, against the background of the pathology of large vessels and the heart.

The following factors can provoke heart failure:

  • severe gestosis;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • heart diseases.

Mostly puffiness is symmetrical, edema begins to develop from the feet. But many women are interested in whether one leg can swell. In some cases, the ankle of the left limb is enlarged, or the right leg swells at the ankle.

The main symptom of heart failure is an enlarged liver. You can find out about the problem by aching pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Some patients feel bitterness in the mouth, they develop shortness of breath, dry cough. When probing, the edges of the liver are determined below the line of the ribs.

Edema can appear not only on the legs. In some cases, they are diagnosed on the hands, neck. In order to prevent large edema, expectant mothers should take care of their health. First of all, they need to undergo an ultrasound scan, and then undergo the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Women should remember that pregnancy with cardiac diseases does not always have a favorable outcome for themselves and their fetus.

kidney disease

A common reason why edema occurs during pregnancy is kidney failure. A symptom of the disease is swelling of the eyelids and face, which mainly occur after a night's sleep. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it is rapidly developing and can threaten the mother and child.

Impaired kidney function provokes fluid retention in the body. Patients can self-diagnose this disease by swelling of the feet that appeared during pregnancy. This condition should cause concern in women and serve as a reason to visit a doctor. Therefore, if their left or right leg swells during pregnancy, they must undergo a medical examination.

Renal and heart failure have the same symptoms. Establish a diagnosis based on the results of tests and examinations.


Many women who have swollen legs on last month pregnancy, gestosis is diagnosed. With this pathology, the appearance of protein in the urine and the development of arterial hypertension are noted. As a result of such changes in the body, the water-salt balance is disturbed.

As the pathology develops, the permeability of the walls of the vessels increases, the liquid part of the blood begins to penetrate into the soft tissues. The fluid that accumulates in the tissues of the placenta can cause oxygen starvation of the baby in the womb. In addition to the fact that the pregnant woman's legs swell, she has cramps, headache, impaired consciousness, nausea, increased blood pressure. The development of pathology is accompanied by frequent diarrhea. In advanced cases, eclampsia develops.

Often provokes gestosis late toxicosis. After childbirth, it disappears on its own. This disease is considered very dangerous. Ignoring the symptoms of preeclampsia can lead to the death of the mother and fetus. But the problem is that it is insidious, it may not appear for a long time. A woman learns about the presence of a problem only after the onset of itching, when the swollen limb itches strongly. Specialists take measures to prevent the disease. Therefore, expectant mothers who regularly visit their doctor are much less likely to encounter such problems.

Physiological edema

Edema can be provoked by physiological causes. These factors include the effect of weather conditions, increased physical activity and many other reasons. So in pregnant women, the legs swell greatly in the heat. In the body of a pregnant woman, a natural physiological process occurs - an increase in progesterone. This leads to a retention of sodium and potassium in the kidneys, which attract water. Water is unevenly distributed in the body, mainly accumulates in the lower extremities. In people with increased body weight, pathology develops much more often. Because excess weight creates additional stress on the legs.

A characteristic feature of physiological edema is the defeat of the lower extremities. They cover the ankles and feet, especially if you long time led on their feet.

Why leg swelling is dangerous and when to see a doctor

Minor edema in the first trimester, appearing in the last stages of pregnancy, does not pose a threat to the mother and fetus, and therefore does not require treatment. But in cases where edema has appeared during pregnancy and the legs hurt, emergency measures are necessary. This is the time to seek professional help. After the examination, the doctor will determine the cause of the edema, which happens to the baby and mother.

You should not take this problem lightly, because few people know what its danger is and how edema is dangerous during pregnancy for the mother and her child.

There is a risk of preterm birth. Swelling of the legs and a hardened abdomen during pregnancy may indicate swelling of the tissues of the placenta.

Violation of the functions of internal organs, provoking edema, can also threaten the life of the child.

Stages of edema norm and pathology

Each patient will be able to determine the pastosity independently. To do this, she needs to lightly press her finger on the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. If the dent from pressure does not go away for a long time, then the diagnosis is confirmed.

The pathology in which the legs swell during pregnancy has 4 stages:

  • swelling of the legs, feet;
  • pastosity of the legs, lower abdomen, lower back;
  • distribution of puffiness to the hands and face;
  • an increase in the volume of the whole body.

The patient's condition, when edema is irregular, the physiological nature of development, is considered normal for the expectant mother. After the elimination of provoking factors, they will disappear. But there are conditions of patients when it is impossible to do without professional help. In addition to everyday problems, women suffer from a deterioration in well-being, fatigue and pain in edematous parts of the body.

How swelling of the legs manifests itself

The manifestation of edema depends on the reasons that provoked them. Women during pregnancy need to know how to determine swelling in the legs in order to prevent the development of complications. Because the development of the disease becomes dangerous, both for the expectant mother herself and for her child.

Edema can lead to a slight increase in leg volume. This condition is typical for trimester 1 and 2. In the later stages, the problem may have more pronounced symptoms. But if during pregnancy the legs swell strongly, then many patients give in to panic and do not know what to do. Large puffiness can cause the appearance of trophic ulcers and erosions.


Every woman during pregnancy wonders how to relieve leg swelling. You can get rid of the problem yourself, but you just need to know what therapeutic measures you need to take. Pastosity therapy provides for complex treatment. Depending on the causes of the problem, the elimination of leg edema can be performed at home or in a hospital, using various therapeutic methods.

Medical treatment of edema

During pregnancy drug treatment carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Therefore, the patient needs to consult a doctor in order to know how to remove swelling of the legs during pregnancy. He will assess the condition of the woman, and then tell you how during pregnancy, what to do when the legs swell very much. Any pills and medicine are taken under the strict supervision of a physician.

In most cases, they use a cream for swelling of the legs during pregnancy: troxevasin, heparin ointment. It increases the elasticity and tone of blood vessels, which helps to eliminate pastosity. Instead of ointments, you can use a gel for swelling of the legs during pregnancy. Diuretic drugs can be used: eufillin, kanefron, lipoic acid.

Treatment of edema with folk remedies

An effective way to relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy at home - remedies traditional medicine. Many doctors practice different ways treatment folk remedies believing that they are able to eliminate the problem without harming the body.

Cabbage leaf has a good decongestant effect. It is applied to the affected area of ​​the body and fixed with a bandage. Such a compress for swelling of the legs helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of pathology. The leaves of this plant cool, relieve pain and fatigue.

Another a good remedy from edema during pregnancy is sea ​​salt. It is dissolved in warm water and therapeutic foot baths are made. Regular use of such water procedures during pregnancy will eliminate the need to look for an answer to the question of how to reduce leg swelling.

Diet for edema

For many expectant mothers, the question of how to treat swelling of the legs during pregnancy is relevant. The disease negatively affects the quality of life of the patient. Nutrition during pregnancy plays an important role. Because it is food that contributes to weight gain, an increase in the load on the legs. Pregnant women need to be careful about their diet. Nutrition should be balanced, containing vitamins and other nutrients.

Beneficial effect on the patient's condition fresh fruits, greens, vegetables. They contain a large number of vitamins, minerals, which will saturate the body with all the necessary substances. A powerful weapon against edema is garlic, which has a positive effect on the circulatory system.

Women who control the amount of salt intake rarely wonder during pregnancy how to get rid of swelling in their legs.

To improve the condition, patients are satisfied fasting days. They can be done no more than once a week. But this is enough to get rid of excess fluid. Equally important is the drinking regimen. The optimal amount of fluid for a pregnant woman is 1.5 liters of water per day. This will replenish water reserves and prevent swelling.


Most effective tool edema control is prevention. Compliance simple recommendations during pregnancy, it helps to prevent severe swelling of the legs. Pregnant women should rest more often, but at the same time do not forget about physical activity. After an active working day, you can get rid of edema by lifting your legs up. Stimulate blood circulation walking, daily exercise.

Preparation for pregnancy is considered an effective preventive measure of the disease. Playing sports, giving up bad habits, healthy eating will strengthen the body and prepare it for pregnancy and childbirth. During the period of gestation, if any negative symptoms appear, you should seek professional help. Timely treatment will quickly get rid of the problem.


In late pregnancy, only physiological edema can be easily eliminated. Pathology that has arisen against the background of complications of pregnancy, or diseases, is more difficult to treat. But if all the recommendations of the doctor are followed, the future mother will be able to avoid health problems. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to be under constant medical supervision.