Presentation on children's aggression. Presentation - Children's aggression. What to do if a child is aggressive towards others

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The children have gone wild...

Causes of childhood aggression. R/S No. 3.

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Based on an article by the chief pediatric neurologist of Moscow - Doctor of Medical Sciences Tatyana Batysheva, director of the Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Psychoneurology

Research by domestic neurologists and teachers shows: if previously children showed a violent temper at the age of 11 - 13, now even five-year-olds and even one-year-old babies are violent.

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Lonely and unloved

Family crisis like public institution. The number of divorces is growing exponentially! And the increase in children's aggression is one of the manifestations of this crisis. There are almost 5.6 million single mothers in the country, that is, 30 percent of single-parent families - which is twice as much as it was 15 years ago...

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Expert commentary.

Attacks of aggression often appear in unwanted children, - Tatyana Batysheva gives an example. - At unwanted pregnancy The child experiences feelings of stress while still in the womb. A typical situation: two young people were dating, the woman became pregnant, the man refuses to marry. She tries to force him and leaves the child as a blackmail factor. The man leaves anyway, the woman gets angry with him, and all this is reflected in the child. The baby will try to prove that he deserves love, and sometimes quite aggressively. But aggression does not have to be directed at someone else. The child may also be angry with himself... In this case, he will not quarrel with his family or make trouble at school. And he will simply try to die.

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Military regime family

The pace of life has increased. We need to fit work, leisure, and personal life into a 24/7 framework. And if the household can be partly relegated to multicookers and vacuum cleaners, then you still have to raise children on your own. This is especially noticeable in major cities. The metropolis creates a situation of time shortage. Including the time that parents spend with their children. Therefore, it is in large cities that the most aggressive children live.

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At such a frantic pace, family and children are increasingly fading into the background. We get married later than our grandparents, and children are no longer the center of the universe. So they take their toll - with rudeness and scandals. “Now they give birth late, and when children enter adolescence, parents are busy with their own problems,” the doctor comments. - Mom has the first signs of menopause, dad has a midlife crisis. And the child has physiological stress, the release of hormones, first love, searching for himself... And at the same time, he experiences maximum stress at school and in society. It turns out that war conditions are being created in the family. Everyone tries to understand what they are doing in this life, where to go next, and listens only to themselves.

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Carrot and stick

The problem is that many parents raise their children too liberally. And when adults do not set boundaries for behavior, children begin to figure them out on their own - at random.

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Determine your parenting style. Decoding.

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Authoritarian style. Parents demand from the child unquestioning submission to their will and authority, and are demanding that orders be strictly followed. They control all areas of the child’s life, limiting his independence and making all decisions for him. At the same time, the dominant educational methods are demand, order and coercion, accompanied by strict control, severe prohibitions and physical punishment. Such parents treat their child emotionally coldly, devote little time to him and very rarely praise him.

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Democratic parenting style Parents encourage responsibility and independence of their children, take into account their interests and desires, and trust their child. The leading type of relationship is cooperation; parents communicate with children as equals and see their task as coordinating their actions and providing assistance. They do not order, but ask for instructions to be carried out without infringing on the rights of the child. Control based on reasonable care helps children listen to their parents' explanations and requests. Thanks to this, warm and friendly relationships develop in the family. This style of parenting promotes the development of goodwill, independence, activity, initiative, determination and responsibility in children. They are more balanced, open, sociable, friendly, kind, self-confident, creative, capable of sympathy and empathy. These children develop high self-esteem and do much better at school than children raised by parents with other parenting styles.

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Liberal style With a liberal parenting style, the child is left to his own devices. He practically knows no prohibitions and restrictions on the part of his parents, since they devote little time to him, do not interfere in his affairs, are not interested in his problems, and provide him with a lot of independence. Such parents are characterized by low demands and weak control. They do not know how or do not want to raise children; their concern is of a formal nature. In the family there is a lack of emotional connections, alienation, indifference to the affairs and feelings of others. Children in such families grow up selfish, conflict-ridden, aggressive, disobedient, weak-willed, unconfident, impulsive, and feel abandoned and unnecessary. They are not able to establish strong emotional connections, take into account the interests of other people, are not ready for restrictions and responsibility, and are poorly socialized in society.

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I often lecture to parents on the topic “The Art of Dialogue.” One day I asked them to vote on what style of education existed in their family,” recalls Tatyana Timofeevna. - 4-5 percent voted for authoritarian. More than 30 percent of parents chose liberal. But there is a direct connection between liberal upbringing and susceptibility to depression and fears.

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Consequences of liberalism.

Russian psychologists have conducted more than one study and have proven that it is these teenagers who are prone to using drugs, alcohol and early sexual activity. They have a high propensity for violence and are easily involved in antisocial activities. Modern parents They give children too much freedom also because their own childhood was during difficult years - perestroika and the 90s. So they are trying to give the kids more than what they themselves did not receive at the time. But if children are indulged in everything, they will not learn to take into account other people’s interests...

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An authoritarian parenting style is also not an option. If parents only give orders without being interested in the child’s opinion, outbreaks of aggression are guaranteed. “In an authoritarian family, parents often do not allow the child to take a step independently,” the expert continues. - Strong and proactive teenagers show aggression as a protest against such treatment. Timid and insecure children learn to obey their parents in everything. Such children, whose parents break them, can then easily fall under bad influence.

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Cruel world

Children’s problems come from the family, but it’s also impossible to ignore how the outside world is changing. According to research from the University of California, USA, over the course of his life, an 11-year-old child sees about 8 thousand murders and 100 thousand other acts of aggression on television.

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When we constantly see violence on the screen, our brain stops perceiving the pain of others,” explains Tatyana Timofeevna. - We begin to perceive it as the norm. And in ordinary life we ​​cease to understand what is good and what is bad. This effect is especially noticeable in computer games, where main character, killing enemies is a good character. Ethical standards are distorted: if you kill, you’re great.

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The child needs to know the boundaries of what is permitted, the doctor assures. - And for this, it is necessary to explain to the child so that he clearly understands these frameworks. The time gap between the misdeed and the serious, sometimes tough conversation should be minimal so that it remains in the mind. And this should be consistent, and not from time to time. Most importantly: no physical violence! No spanking or slaps! And, of course, it is very important to reward the child for good behavior. Because the main prevention of aggression is wise love for your child as an equal member of the family.

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What about them?

The World Health Organization regularly conducts research on aggressiveness in adolescents from 11 to 15 years of age.

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The most cruel boys live in the Czech Republic

It turns out that the cruelest girls live in Hungary, and the cruelest boys live in the Czech Republic. 32 percent of Hungarian girls and 69 percent of Czech boys were involved in at least one fight in a year.

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The countries with the highest rates of aggressiveness among girls included Estonia, Lithuania and Belgium, and among boys - Lithuania, Latvia and Israel. And the most peaceful teenagers live in Finland. There, only 13 percent of girls and 37 percent of boys fought in 2005 (no more recent data available). If we talk about Russia, the most aggressive children live in multinational regions and megacities. And the most high level aggression - among Moscow teenagers.

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By the way... Loud music is like a drug

Special studies have shown that the sound of music at discos and rock concerts approaches 120 decibels at the edge of the stage and 110 in the center of the hall. For comparison: 110 decibels are produced by an electric saw during operation. This is already beyond the human norm!

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Cleveland University Professor Bob Larsen (USA) and his team of doctors have proven that such loudness leads to hearing damage and hearing loss. The famous music therapist Adam Knits (Great Britain) came to the same conclusions.

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It turned out that with prolonged exposure, such music distracts attention, depresses mental activity, and leads to a state of increased excitability, memory impairment and decreased intellectual activity. That is, it acts like a narcotic drug. In the future, this can lead to nervous exhaustion, mental illness and violations of the norms of generally accepted behavior.

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What contributes to aggression:

Hereditary tendency to aggression. Experience of physical or sexual violence. Domestic violence, violence at school or on the street. Violence that is promoted in the media, on television or on the Internet. Drugs and alcohol. Availability in the house firearms. Dysfunctional family - poverty, divorce of parents, unemployment, drunkenness. Brain damage due to trauma.

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What are the main forms of adolescent aggression?

Physical aggression: The teenager uses physical force against other people. Verbal aggression: a teenager expresses his negative feelings using words, threats, shouting, etc. Irritability: the teenager is rude at the slightest provocation, becomes abrupt and hot-tempered.

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Resentment: a teenager can become offended at the slightest reason, and the resentment can be directed at a specific person (peer or adult) or “at the whole world.” Passive-aggressive behavior (hidden aggression): a teenager does not do what is asked, or does it too slowly, forgets about requests and instructions, and delays time.

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How to deal with teenage aggression?

Do not show aggression yourself Develop an optimal parenting style. Teenage aggression can be directed in a different direction. Sometimes sports and creativity help transform manifestations of aggression into socially acceptable forms of behavior. In addition, self-expression through hobbies, victories and achievements can help the child get rid of internal discomfort and dissatisfaction with himself, thus eliminating the root cause of aggression.

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If parents cannot cope with their child’s problems on their own, you can seek the help of a family or school psychologist. Both father and mother should go to see him, so that both parents understand how and why they need to act in order to defeat the rebellious spirit of adolescence. You need to spend more and more time with your child, talk about your love for him, about his importance to parents. At a minimum, this will help to establish a spiritual connection between children and parents

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10 Commandments of Effective Parenting

1. Give your child as much time as possible. Always take time to talk to him about his problems and successes. 2. Support him in all his endeavors. 3. Do not make excessive demands on your child, do not set any of his peers as an example - you will achieve the opposite! 4. Punish your child less often and praise and encourage more often. 5. Be a role model for him. 6. Learn to calmly react to his pranks or bad behavior. 7. Be consistent in your parenting. Set boundaries and stick to them. Children feel much more confident when they know what they can and cannot do. 8. Don’t bribe, but reward! Reward good behavior with non-material encouragement, for example, reading him a favorite fairy tale, going to the cinema, going to the forest together, etc. 9. Be an adviser for your child, but do not dictate what he should do. Respect his right to his own opinion. 10. Maintain a warm and trusting relationship with your child.

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The most important:

Trusting relationships, respect and understanding of the child will help maintain strong relationships of friendship and love, prevent misunderstandings and aggression.

Target: Developing in parents the ability to identify the causes of children’s aggressiveness and adjust their behavior in relationships with their children in conflict situations.

Relevance: The topic of children's aggressiveness is not accidental. Over the past decade, there has been an increase worldwide violent actions, involving particular cruelty, vandalism and mockery of people. Today we are faced with rampant aggression not only in society, but also in the family. Such socially dangerous manifestations, usually associated with the concepts of aggression and aggressiveness, cause serious concern. The age of manifestation of aggression has clearly become younger. Aggression is not limited to teenagers and adults, as is commonly believed. Toddlers also show aggression. What is this connected with? How to deal with childhood aggression?


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Topic: “Children’s aggression and its causes” Goal: To develop in parents the ability to identify the causes of children’s aggressiveness and adjust their behavior in relationships with their children in conflict situations. Relevance: The topic of children’s aggressiveness is not accidental. Over the past decade, throughout the world there has been an increase in violent acts involving extreme cruelty, vandalism and mockery of people. Today we are faced with rampant aggression not only in society, but also in the family. Such socially dangerous manifestations, usually associated with the concepts of aggression and aggressiveness, cause serious concern. The age of manifestation of aggression has clearly become younger. Aggression is not limited to teenagers and adults, as is commonly believed. Toddlers also show aggression. What is this connected with? How to deal with childhood aggression?
The presentation was prepared by: Tkach Larisa Aleksandrovna, deputy head of educational and methodological workName of institution: Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution kindergarten No. 95 (MDAU No. 95), Belogorsk
1. Sayings of great teachers on the topic “Aggression” 2. Introduction 3. What is Aggression 4. Manifestations of aggression in children 5. Characteristic features of aggressive children 6. Factors contributing to the development of children’s aggressiveness 7. Let’s help the child cope with aggression 8. Tasks of parents and teachers 9. Parable “Everything is in in your hands..."

Sayings of great teachers on the topic “Aggression”: Children should cry not in a corner, abandoned by everyone, but in loving hands. Gordon Neufeld When we see an irritated, upset child, our impulse is to help him. It’s another matter when we see a little aggressive egoist, rude, cruel, demanding. So our first priority is to see frustration in aggression. Gordon Neufeld A person has the ability to love, and if he cannot find an application for his ability to love, he is capable of hating, showing aggression and cruelty. He uses this remedy as an escape from his own mental pain. Erich Fromm into the influence of education and family relations on the development of aggressive behavior in children showed that there is “a direct relationship between punishments, reprimands, lack of rewards, on the one hand, and parental attitudes towards rejection of the child as a whole - with an arc.”
A. Bandura, 1998 Psychological correction of aggressive behavior in children / T.P. Smirnova. – Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2005. – 145 p. – (Psychological workshop)
We all remember Rolan Bykov’s film “Scarecrow”.
- Remember what caused the aggression on the part of children towards the girl Lena? (she took the blame of another student on herself, she is considered a traitor) - How does the author of the film explain the behavior of each teenager? (one girl had problems with her mother - she constantly lied to her; some of the children wanted to assert themselves in this way; some of the children had problems in the family between their parents) - What forms does children’s aggression take in the film? (beating, threats, intimidation, insults) - Where did children “acquire” such communication experience?
It turns out that we, the adults, are to blame for the aggressive behavior of children. Let's try to find the reasons for children's aggressiveness. Aggressive behavior will become clearer if you understand the essence of the very concept of aggression.
Criteria for aggressive behavior in children: threatening other children and adults (verbally, with gestures, with a glance); initiating physical fights; using objects that can hurt in a fight; physically cruel to people and animals (deliberately hurting); intentional damage to property; blackmail, extortion

The word “aggressiveness” is derived from the Latin aggressio - attack. Aggression manifests itself through causing damage to a person or object. Aggression is an expression of emotion, and emotion is something we experience regardless of our desires. Children often hear from their parents: “Stop being angry!”, “Stop yelling!” The child receives the message that this is bad. Now he will try to suppress anger and anger, and since this will not work, he will feel guilty for the natural feelings he is experiencing.
What is aggression?

Manifestations of aggression in children What could happen next? Various options. You can fight with whoever comes to hand. You can throw a tantrum over a trivial matter. Or you can direct all the aggression towards yourself and get sick with some kind of psychosomatic disease. There are three main manifestations of aggression: facial expressions, behavior and speech. Manifestations of anger and anger in children are more distinct and less disguised. For example, five-year-old Anya, when angry, blushes from tension, clenches her fists and says: “I will eat you!” Seryozha, before starting to fight, narrows his eyes and stomps his foot. And Vanechka, frowning, turns away and does not want to speak. It is important to be able to notice manifestations of aggression in your child. This can be useful in teaching him to express his anger in socially acceptable ways.
Characteristic features of aggressive children
Family Poor relationship with one or both parents Feeling of indifference to one’s feelings Lack of necessary support from parents and interest in their lives Conflicting demands on the child

Factors contributing to the development of childhood aggressiveness:
Negative style of communication with a child: Verbal abuse of children Ignoring the feelings and desires of the child. This style of communication directs the child toward fighting and vindictive behavior.
Let's help the child cope with aggression1. It is important that the family has clear rules and the same requirements for the child from all the adults around him. Then the child will have less chance to manipulate his aggressiveness; he will not be able to say that: “Mom is bad because she doesn’t let me watch TV, and dad is good because he allows me to.”2. Any games with rules are very useful for learning to control your behavior3. Play Little Red Riding Hood, Ivan Tsarevich and Koshchei the Immortal. At the same time, let the baby show you how he will “heroically” deal with the scoundrel, how he will defeat everyone around him, because he is brave and strong. All this will help you direct his aggression in a “peaceful direction”4. Be close to your child when he is learning communication skills (for example, joining a new team). Support him in learning new and different ways to interact with children and adults
5. And most importantly, your example in conflict situations. Preschoolers have highly developed imitation; they copy the behavior of adults and each other. Therefore, if your child has problems with aggressive behavior, think: how do you yourself deal with your feelings of anger and anger?

Tasks of parents and teachers Control over one’s own negative emotional states, since an adult’s ability to control oneself is the best guarantor of adequate behavior of children Mastering the techniques of constructive, positive communication in order to eliminate an aggressive behavioral response from children or extinguish an existing one Talk with the child about one’s feelings and experiences, language “I-messages” “Actively listen” to the child’s inner world Do not evaluate the child’s personality, but talk about the child’s unwanted actions See a positive attitude and good intentions in the words and actions of children Have self-regulation skills
THE PARABLE OF “THE WISE MAN AND THE BUTTERFLY” This story happened a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown. But there was a man in the city who was jealous of his fame. And so he decided to come up with a question so that the sage would not be able to answer it. And he went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought: “Let me ask the sage: tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? If he says - alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die, and if he says - dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.” That’s how it all happened. The envious man caught a butterfly, planted it between his palms and went to the sage. And he asked him: “Which butterfly is in my hands, oh wise one - alive or dead?” And then the sage, who really was a wise man, said: “EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR HANDS...”
The child we are raising is also in our hands, and it depends on us what and who will come out of our hands into life.

Why do they behave this way? 1. To attract attention to yourself. 2. To protect against an obvious threat. 3. To take revenge on the offender. 4. The desire to assert one's superiority. 5. The desire to humiliate another child. 6. They are not afraid of being punished. Here aggression is an end in itself, cruel and hostile behavior.

Where do little aggressors come from? Personality traits are inherited from parents and distant ancestors. Personality traits are inherited from parents and distant ancestors. Influence of the surrounding world (family, friends, TV, computer). Influence of the surrounding world (family, friends, TV, computer). Not quite suitable upbringing conditions. Not quite suitable upbringing conditions.

The main reasons for children's aggression are the mother's negativism (her alienation, indifference, constant criticism); indifferent attitude, ignoring the child’s aggressive manifestations towards other children and adults (in fact, encouraging aggressive behavior); severity of disciplinary actions (physical punishment, psychological pressure, humiliation).

How to help a child cope with aggression? It is important that the family has clear rules and the same requirements for the child. Communicate correctly with your child (don’t yell at him again, play games with him more often) role playing games, learn various poems, pay more attention). Praise and celebrate any achievements of the child more often. We must remember that children are a mirror of their parents. Sometimes it is enough to change some things in your own behavior for the baby to begin to react differently to external stimuli. Exactly as the classic, great fabulist I.A. Krylov wrote: “There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.”

Prevention of children's aggression Do not interfere in children's disputes. Offer another way to express aggression (fight with a pillow). Distract others interesting activity. Teach your child to forgive and apologize. Public reprimand for offenses with serious consequences (fighting or other manifestation of physical aggression). Deprive the child of privileges, but not for the whole day (prohibit him to do what he loves).

"Anyone can get angry - it's easy. But to get angry as much as you need and for the reason you need is not given to everyone." Aristotle "Everyone can get angry - that's easy. But to get angry as much as you need and for the reason you need is not given to everyone." Aristotle

Childhood aggression Causes and consequences

Children are called the flowers of life and are associated with everything that is bright, joyful and kind. It would seem how negative emotions and character traits?

But children are the same people as adults, which means that everything human is inherent in them. They cannot be carefree and cheerful all the time. After all, children also know how to worry, be afraid, worry, and sometimes express this in not the most beautiful behavior.

But still the parents are afraid,

are faced with this phenomenon

like a nursery

aggression. Let's talk about

where from

she assumes what they may be

consequences and how to deal with it.

For a child, aggression is to some extent an outlet for emotions. Agree, it would be much worse if the baby simply closed in on himself, and the parents did not understand what was going on in his soul.

Aggression manifests itself in children already in infancy and is expressed by loud and angry crying. Of course, there are always reasons for such crying: maybe the baby is wet, wants to eat, or something hurts. But parents, understanding what may be causing aggressive behavior, do not worry, but simply eliminate the factors that irritate the child. Aggression manifests itself in children already in infancy and is expressed by loud and angry crying. Of course, there are always reasons for such crying: maybe the baby is wet, wants to eat, or something hurts. But parents, understanding what may cause aggressive behavior, do not worry, but simply eliminate the factors that irritate the child.

They begin to worry later, when the baby gains more opportunities to openly express his aggression. This happens after about the first year: then the baby often leaves the familiar world of his crib and moves freely around the room. And there are so many interesting objects around that you definitely need to touch, take a closer look, take in your hands...

And then a mother appears with prohibitions - this is not possible, that is not possible. She takes away the desired objects from the baby, or even takes him back to the crib. So the baby gives a completely natural reaction: he begins to scream, throw toys, stomp his feet, in other words, shows aggression. After all, the child is not yet accustomed to the fact that he is not allowed to do something; prohibitions are new to him. But he definitely doesn't like them.

Children's aggression actively develops until the age of 6-7, and then declines. This is explained by the fact that the baby is defenseless in front of the outside world, he is only adapting to it, so it may often seem to him that others want to harm him. Children's aggression actively develops until the age of 6-7, and then declines. This is explained by the fact that the baby is defenseless in front of the outside world, he is only adapting to it, so it may often seem to him that others want to harm him.

It is very important during the period of active manifestation of aggression (that is, up to 6-7 years) to help the child cope with this phenomenon, to explain to him what is right and what is wrong. Otherwise, by school age he may still have problems expressing negative emotions.

The consequences of childhood aggression can be as follows:

  • a child can become an outcast in a group (kindergarten, school)
  • even as an adult he will not be able to control himself
  • aggressive children can unite, bullying others, which is fraught with the formation of antisocial behavior
  • in adulthood, it will be difficult for such a person to build relationships with other people, for example, he may beat his wife, because, as a boy, he beat his mother with his fists, and she did nothing, and this model of behavior became established for him as normal
  • problems with the law.

That's why children's correction

aggression is necessary, and

the sooner the better.

Some mothers think that

three year old baby nothing

understands and explains something

it's no use to him. They're just

underestimate their

child: confidential

communication with him can create


Causes of childhood aggression. The reasons for children's aggression are different, however, as a rule, there can be several explanations for this behavior of children and they all lie on the surface:

* aggressive behavior of parents

Kids tend to imitate adults. Therefore, if it is customary in your family to openly and loudly express anger, then you should not be surprised that the baby will soon behave the same way.

*wrong reaction of parents to

the first manifestations of a child’s aggression.

If you don't interfere, then baby

thinks he is behaving normally.

And, on the contrary, if you are too into it

push, this is also bad.

* Neurological and

psychopathological disorders

* Copy behavior


Before showing your baby

specialist or find out, does not take

Is your child an example from others?

children, watch your

behavior. Aren't you leading yourself?

acting aggressively towards

at home or for the baby himself? Not

do you let him get away with it or,

on the contrary, don't you punish

too much?

How to deal with childhood aggression Let’s make a reservation right away: fight is not quite the right word. You cannot suppress negative emotions in a child; you need to teach them:

  • Control
  • express correctly

It is necessary to explain to the child that

It’s completely normal to stand up for your rights,

but you need to do this without using

fists and swear words, that is, without causing

harm (neither physical nor moral) to others

to people. If you constantly

suppress aggression in a child, then he may

develop a psychosomatic disorder.

Or in some cases such children begin

harm not others, but oneself (for example,

cause pain or invent something to yourself

then negative).

Restrictions and prohibitions are necessary, and

the child must know and understand in advance

what is the risk of violating them (for example, he does not

goes to the cinema, deprives himself of sweets for a week and

etc). It is very important that these prohibitions and

restrictions were stable. That is

It’s impossible – that means it’s impossible, no concessions.

Otherwise, if one time is prohibited, and another

allowed, the child will simply get confused. But not

forget to reward your child for good things


Kids need to let off steam

that is, it is impossible for them to save in

yourself emotions. Great for this

mobile ones are suitable (especially

team games), sports and

other activity.

But physical punishment is unacceptable! Just think about it: you resist the child’s aggression by showing aggression towards him himself!

This is fraught with the following:

  • the baby may not remember why
  • punished, but he will remember the pain perfectly;

  • he may start to avoid you;
  • the child is able to decide that;
  • causing physical pain is

    a method of influencing others, and

    apply it to


  • the baby will behave the same way, but
  • is no longer with you, which causes understandable


It is very important for a child to know that he is loved and understood. With this attitude you will achieve much more than with unnecessarily harsh punishments.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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"Children's aggression: its causes and prevention"

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Dictionary Aggression - (from the Latin “agressio” - attack attack) intentional actions aimed at causing damage to another person, group of people or animal. Aggressiveness is a personality trait expressed in readiness for aggression

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Factors influencing aggressive behavior: Personal factor - low level of education, inadequately low self-esteem, high impulsivity, alcohol and drug abuse, computer games, willingness to take risks, limited sense of self-preservation Behavioral factor– behavior that creates a nuisance for others, vandalism, aimless pastime, truancy, poor school performance, early sexual contacts, reports to the police, early criminal record Social factor – cult of violence in society, media influence, deviant behavior of parents, low socio-economic status families, dependence on social assistance, change of teachers (stepfather, stepmother), family and sexual violence, friends with deviant behavior.

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Possible reasons: Intrafamily conflicts (divorce of parents, the appearance of another teacher, the appearance of a second child in the family, inflated requirements for academic performance, which do not always correspond to the abilities and capabilities of the child) Family dysfunction Hyperprotectiveness or indifference on the part of parents Personal problems (the onset of puberty and related problems of a physiological and psychological nature) Dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance

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Inadequate perception on the part of adults (a teenager’s opinion that he is an adult, but no one considers him such) Development critical thinking and as a result a protest against the morality of adults. Problems with academic performance and labeling (for low-performing students, aggressive behavior is one of the means by which they compensate for their poor performance) Social reasons (cult of violence formed in society, media influence, overcrowded classes, irritation, fatigue from school)

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Parenting strategies Specific examples of strategy The child’s behavior style Why the child does this Sharp suppression of the child’s aggressive behavior “Stop it!”, “Don’t you dare say that.” Parents punish the child Aggressive (the child can stop now, but will throw out his negative emotions at another time and place) The child copies the parents and learns aggressive forms of behavior from them Ignoring the child’s aggressive outbursts Parents pretend not to notice the child’s aggression or believe that the child is still small Aggressive (the child continues to act aggressively) The child thinks that everything is right, and aggressive forms of behavior are reinforced as a character trait Parents give the child the opportunity to throw out aggression in an acceptable way and in a tactful manner forbid them to behave aggressively towards others If parents see that the child is angry, they can engage him in a game that will relieve his anger. Parents explain to the child how to behave in certain situations. Most likely, the child learns to manage his anger. The child learns to analyze various situations and takes an example from his parents.

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Portrait of an aggressive child An aggressive child, like any other, needs affection and help from adults, because his aggression is, first of all, a reflection of internal discomfort, the inability to adequately respond to events happening around him. An aggressive child often feels rejected and unwanted. He uses every opportunity to try to anger his mother, teacher, and peers; he won't rest until the adults explode and the children fight. Parents and teachers do not always understand what the child is trying to achieve and why he behaves this way, although he knows in advance that he may receive rebuff from children and punishment from adults. In reality, this is sometimes just a desperate attempt to win one’s “place in the sun.” Aggressive children are often suspicious and wary, they like to shift the blame for the quarrel they started onto others. Such children often cannot assess their own aggressiveness; they do not notice that they instill fear and anxiety in those around them. On the contrary, it seems to them that the whole world wants to offend them. Thus, a vicious circle results: aggressive children fear and hate those around them, and those, in turn, fear them.

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What kind of people do you consider aggressive? Angry, scream, swear loudly, fight, beat the weak and whatever comes to hand, people who experience negative emotions and cannot be positive people

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Criteria for aggressiveness Often loses control of oneself; Often argues and quarrels with adults; Often refuses to follow rules; Often deliberately irritates people; Often blames others for his mistakes; Often gets angry and refuses to do anything; Often hovering, vindictive; He is sensitive, reacts very quickly to various actions of others (children and adults), which often irritate him.

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Criteria for aggressiveness in a child (questionnaire) 1. At times it seems that an evil spirit has taken possession of him. 2. He cannot remain silent when he is dissatisfied with something. 3. When someone does him harm, he always tries to repay the same. 4. Sometimes he feels like cursing for no reason. 5. It happens that he breaks toys with pleasure, smashes something, guts it. 6. Sometimes he insists on something so much that others lose patience. 7. He doesn't mind teasing animals. 8. It’s difficult to argue with him. 9. He gets very angry when he thinks that someone is making fun of him. 10. Sometimes he has a desire to do something bad, shocking others.

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11. In response to ordinary orders, he strives to do the opposite. 12. Often grouchy beyond his age. 13. Perceives himself as independent and decisive. 14. Likes to be the first, to command, to subjugate others. 15. Failures cause him great irritation and a desire to find someone to blame. 16. Easily quarrels and gets into fights. 17. Tries to communicate with younger and physically weaker people. 18. He often has bouts of gloomy irritability. 19. Does not consider peers, does not yield, does not share. 20. I am confident that he will complete any task better than anyone else.