Do-it-yourself auto-irrigation systems for greenhouses. Automatic watering in a greenhouse - features of various systems, a simple example of manufacturing. Do I need to clean it during the cold season

Properly organized drip irrigation in a greenhouse can significantly save time, effort and water without any damage to the crop. A dosed supply of water is beneficial for plants and benefits them. If you add automation to this system, you get the ultimate dream for a summer resident. Automatic irrigation can be different; you first need to decide on the irrigation method. Having studied the device and its connection diagram, you can easily create a similar system in a greenhouse with your own hands.

Types of automatic greenhouse irrigation

To provide plants with water in the right quantity and at the right intervals, you will have to spend many hours in the greenhouse. The irrigation process is much easier if you equip the greenhouse with an automatic watering system. There are several types:

  • spraying using sprinklers;
  • underground (intrasoil) irrigation;
  • external irrigation using the drip method.

The principle of operation of drip-type automatic watering

Sprinkling - irrigation with sprinklers

Sprinkling is a type of irrigation when water flows to the plants from above in the form of drops, as with rain in natural conditions. This effect is achieved thanks to a system of sprinklers - devices that spray and spray water in different directions.

Due to the fact that a lot of water gets on the leaves, walls of the greenhouse, paths - where it is not needed, this method is considered uneconomical. The resource consumption is quite high compared to other options. In addition, not all plants tolerate regular irrigation in this manner. For example, tender seedlings vegetable crops may deteriorate from such care.

Sprinkler for sprinkling

Subsurface irrigation for perennial plants

Subsurface irrigation is a rather difficult to implement, but effective method of automatic watering. The technology is that a hose with holes is laid underground near the plants. Water flows through the hose and gradually feeds the roots of the plants directly.

The main advantage of this method is cost-effectiveness. An order of magnitude less water is wasted, since in order to get to the roots, it does not need to saturate the top layer of soil. In addition, with this supply, the moisture evaporates more slowly.

The principle of subsurface irrigation

In addition to the complexity of installation, a significant disadvantage of subsurface automatic irrigation is the difficulty of maintaining the system. Being underground all the time, small holes can become clogged and function less well. The problem is that it is difficult to detect such a blockage by eye without digging the hose out of the ground. Most often, a problem is indicated by wilting plants in a certain area.

External drip irrigation - the golden mean

The most common and easy-to-do-it-yourself method is automatic drip irrigation in a greenhouse. This technique involves placing perforated hoses or tubes with water near the plants on the surface of the ground. Through the holes, water drops into the soil, thus feeding nearby shoots.

Drip irrigation in a greenhouse

Water consumption is minimal, but this is quite enough for the growth and development of shoots. Thanks to automation, the system can be customized to suit your needs, adjusting the time, frequency and duration of watering.

This option is optimal for independent implementation; it does not require special professional skills. At the same time, the system is effective and copes well with its task - watering the beds.

Automatic watering scheme

Automatic drip irrigation device

Drip irrigation is a suitable option for a standard greenhouse. And the best thing you can do for plants is to install an automatic watering system with your own hands. In this case, human participation in maintaining the greenhouse is minimized if there is a constant source of water and the controller is configured correctly.

Pros and cons of different watering methods

An automatic drip irrigation system for a greenhouse can be:

  • from drip tapes;
  • from the supply hoses.

Tapes for drip irrigation are thin tubes made of welded thin polyethylene. When folded, they do not hold their shape and become flat, which is how they got their name. The material is perforated, that is, it contains miniature holes throughout the entire area.

Advantages of watering with drip tapes:

  • saving;
  • mobility;
  • ease of installation and repair.

Drip tape for irrigation in a greenhouse

Drip tapes for greenhouses are inexpensive. If you decide to make a similar system in a greenhouse with your own hands, you do not have to buy expensive pipe fittings and look for suitable drippers. Polyethylene tubes are self-sufficient and do not require additional costs.

The system will be flexible. You can move watering hoses from one plant to another and arrange them in any way that is convenient. Installing such a system is not difficult. If one of the elements fails, repair and replacement can also be easily done with your own hands.

The disadvantages of drip tape designs include:

  • fragility;
  • lack of adjustment of watering intensity.

Supply hoses made of low-density polyethylene (labeled HDPE) will last much longer. They are connected using special fittings, couplings, turns and crosses. All the accessories will cost a pretty penny, but drip irrigation in a greenhouse will be reliable and durable.

Water from such pipes is supplied using special droppers. They can be installed immediately, but often droppers need to be purchased separately and installed independently. Thus, we can name the advantages of this type of drip irrigation:

  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • high quality work.

In the black pipe the water will be additionally heated

The disadvantages are mainly the high cost of materials and complexity installation work with your own hands.

What does the automatic watering system consist of?

An automatic irrigation system for a greenhouse consists of the following elements:

  • pipeline with droppers;
  • water tank;
  • pump;
  • controller;
  • magnetic valves;
  • filter.

Water reservoir in an automatic irrigation system

The first step is to determine the water intake point. If this is a centralized water supply with a constant supply of water under good pressure, then the scheme is greatly simplified - you can do without a tank and a pump.

It's another matter if you want to water the plants in the greenhouse with soft rain or melt water. This water is perfect for irrigation. You will have to collect the required amount in a special large tank. Metal containers, stainless steel tanks are used as bowls, plastic barrels large volume. For the required pressure (from 0.3 to 1 atm.), pressure equipment is installed or the tank is raised to a height.

It is better not to save on the pipeline for automatic watering, especially since this is not the largest expense item. Most often, pipes with a diameter of 16 mm are used. A hose without holes is called a blind pipe. You will have to install the droppers yourself in the right places and drill holes for them.

Simple dropper with thin guide tube

The controller ensures the operation of the entire system. He is responsible for turning the water supply on and off. Working in conjunction with magnetic valves, the controller can start individual lines or all automatic watering at once. The user sets irrigation conditions and intervals, and the automation regularly executes the commands.

If the controller is the brain of the system, then the sensors are its sense organs. Reacting to the level of air and soil humidity, the sensor shows whether there is a need for watering in the greenhouse. Based on this data, the controller opens the appropriate valves. The automatic irrigation system also includes a mechanical filter. It will prevent clogging of small holes in the droppers and extend the service life of the entire structure.

What types of droppers are there and what are their differences?

Drippers for irrigation in a greenhouse can be of several types. Those that are screwed directly into the pipe from the outside can be compensated or uncompensated. It is not clear from the name what they are supposed to compensate for. It's about pressure.

As it moves through the pipe, a frictional force acts on the water, which reduces the pressure. That is, the further from the pump, the less pressure. In a greenhouse with a long span, such a formulation of the question is unacceptable, because it will certainly affect the harvest.

To compensate for pressure losses in long pipelines, compensated droppers were invented. Inside them is a silicone membrane with microscopic holes. They are needed for drip lines longer than 15 m.

Uncompensated IVs with a labyrinth

At high pressure, the membrane stretches and partially blocks the water hole. When it’s low, it’s the other way around – it leaves it wide. This ensures uniform pressure distribution along the entire length, and losses are compensated by changing the diameter of the hole.

Non-compensated models do not have this feature. Inside them there is a narrow passage for the flow of water in the shape of a spiral or labyrinth. Often the cap is removable. Modern automatic watering systems for greenhouses are equipped with drippers built into the body of the hose. This reduces the likelihood of contamination of the passage.

Adjustable Button Dropper

The water flow in standard drippers is 2-4-6-8 and so on liters per hour. For convenience, they are produced in different colors. Some models can change the intensity of irrigation without changing the input parameters - water pressure. When turning in one direction, water begins to flow faster and in a larger volume, in the other - there are fewer drops. Typically the range is from 0 to 80 l/h.

Additional functionality of an automatic irrigation system

In addition to the required elements of an automatic watering system, a tank with diluted fertilizer can be installed in the greenhouse. The drugs will be mixed with water and dosed to the plants through the same pipes. This is an optional element, but it makes life a lot easier.

The microcontroller can have a watering mode for certain days of the week, or be oriented by time or operating interval. They are also equipped with photocells that launch a watering program at night or during the day.

An advanced version of the controller for automatic watering

Another feature is remote control. Thus, it will be possible to program watering not only with your own hands, but also remotely – via the Internet. The microprocessor board is tied to a smartphone, and control is carried out through a special application.

There are multi-channel controllers that will turn on each drip irrigation line in the appropriate mode. This is very convenient if several crops are grown in your greenhouse at the same time.

4 channel controller

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation - step-by-step instructions

An automatic system for watering a greenhouse can be installed with your own hands. Consider the connection diagram and the procedure for assembling the pipeline. Drip irrigation using automation allows you to grow even the most moisture-loving plants in a greenhouse.

Drip irrigation connection diagram

Planning automatic drip irrigation with your own hands in a greenhouse is not particularly difficult. You should start with the diagram. Draw the outline of the building to scale on the drawing. Then draw in beds or rows of plants.

Connection diagram with storage tank without pump

If the greenhouse has vertical shelving, plan each tier separately. You should also draw an irrigation diagram in profile. Based on the drawing, you can immediately calculate the required amount of materials, pipeline length, number and configuration of fittings, and so on.

Option for connecting automatic watering in a greenhouse

Take care in advance about the output of all necessary communications. One of possible schemes Connecting automatic drip irrigation in a greenhouse in which plants are planted in the ground looks like this:

  1. Water intake source (well or well), equipped pumping station. For safety, a check valve is installed after the pump.
  2. Then install the first filter - a hydrocyclone. He separates particulate matter, such as sand. As the fluid flow rotates, debris settles.
  3. Next, install the controller and pressure sensor in the system.
  4. After the control group there are two more filters.
  5. The final stage is the second check valve.
  6. This is followed by a main line with a shut-off ball valve at the beginning of the branches.
  7. A flush valve is installed at the end of the line.
  8. So watering is brought to the beds, where branching begins with the help of drip tapes in the required directions.
  9. Plugs are placed at the ends of the tapes. It is advisable to install at least one side flush valve.
  10. When water is supplied to each bed, it must be directed directly to each individual bush. Droppers are inserted.

Installation diagram

Thin tubes go from each dropper to the plants. They deliver water where it is most needed – at the root.

The connection diagram for a drip irrigation system for a greenhouse can have the most different shapes. The equipment, number of filters and sensors may change, but the basic principle remains unchanged.

Installation procedure for drip tape

The general installation diagram of an automatic irrigation system is clear, now take a closer look at the process of assembling the drip tape pipeline. Prepare materials:

  • pipes with a diameter of 16 and 20 mm;
  • droppers (special or pharmacy);
  • fitting;
  • mortise shut-off valves;
  • stubs.

Material for laying the drip line

Check the plan. Cut the hoses into pieces of the required length. The main pipe to which all branches are connected will have a larger diameter - 20 mm. Take care of the fittings. Connect all sections of the main line using tees (if the branches are directed in one direction) or crosses (if in both directions). It is advisable that the pipes do not lie directly on the ground, but are slightly raised by 10 cm.

Place plugs on the ends or bend them like this

Connect shut-off valves. If you are going to turn off each line separately, install a valve on all branches. Usually one valve at the inlet is sufficient. Connect the line with drip tapes.

Once the drip irrigation system is in place, it is time to install the drippers in the greenhouse. Be guided by the location of plant bushes in the beds; it is not necessary to make symmetrical holes.

It is better to draw drip lines perpendicular to each other. This simplifies installation

Some people replace factory-made IVs with medical ones. They buy systems for intravenous administration of drugs with a diameter of up to 2 mm. A special container with a wheel-regulator, which is located on the dropper, helps to change the intensity of watering.

Be sure to check the system after installation in the greenhouse. Turn on the water at full power and check all connections for leaks.

Connection to water supply

System care after installation

You have already seen that making automatic watering in a greenhouse yourself is not a difficult task. But it is important not only to build this system, but also to be able to care for it and service it in a timely manner. Otherwise, the equipment will become unusable and you will have to return to buckets and watering cans.

The main problem that owners of an automatic irrigation system in a greenhouse may encounter is clogging of drip tapes and drippers. The reason for this is chemical and biological deposits (bacteria and algae).

This can be prevented by installing a filter at the input, or better yet several different ones. It is also important to carry out regular preventative flushing with chemicals in low concentrations under low pressure. Chlorine, copper sulfate or special compounds for flushing irrigation systems are suitable. If such a problem has already overtaken you, and cleaning no longer helps, you will have to remove the clogged elements.

Video: automatic watering from medical droppers

It is not always possible to buy special drippers for irrigation. An excellent alternative is medical IVs. The principle of their operation is the same. To understand how to make drip irrigation from pharmaceutical products, watch this video instruction.

Video: how to make drip irrigation from medical droppers

Video: drip irrigation vertical bed

Automatic drip irrigation does an excellent job of irrigating a greenhouse. The labor costs associated with installing and connecting it yourself are incomparable to the savings in time and effort that you will receive as a result. If you decide to build a drip irrigation system, you will never go back to the manual method of watering a greenhouse - this technology is so good in all respects.

Every gardener knows how important a high-quality irrigation system is for obtaining a harvest. If you do this kind of work manually, it will take too much time and effort. In addition, it is not always possible to regularly be near the crops to provide them with the required level of watering.

That is why automatic watering systems, which can significantly reduce the amount of work in gardens, are currently in great popularity and demand.

Features and types

Automatic watering systems were first developed in Israel. And this is not strange, because this country pays close attention to agriculture, and scarce natural resources force it to look for new and improved land cultivation technologies. The use of such a system can significantly reduce water consumption, as well as increase productivity by almost 80%.

A distinctive feature of the automatic watering complex is that it delivers water directly to the roots, resulting in low consumption of this resource. In addition, in this case water is supplied only to the roots, which eliminates the possibility of damage to the crop.

Operating an automatic watering system in a greenhouse involves:

  • Determination of clear operating parameters of the device, which are set thanks to a special controller;
  • Strict adherence to safety rules during excavation work;
  • Checking the condition of all filter elements;
  • Preservation of the system for the winter;
  • Checking all system components and its performance upon first startup.

The range of such systems is quite large, and it is extremely difficult for a beginner to choose the most optimal option for himself. The most popular system today is the drip irrigation system, which is also called spot irrigation. Simplicity of design and affordable cost allow the use of such systems in small garden beds. The essence of how such equipment works is that water is supplied through a small hose that is connected to the tank.

One of the advantages of such a system is also the fact that the soil gets wet slowly, so the plant roots are always in a moist environment and you don’t have to worry about them drying out.

The second most popular type is automatic rain irrigation, the essence of which is to simulate watering with raindrops. The strongest point of such a device is the increase in humidity levels indoors, which is of great importance for some vegetable crops.

Subsoil irrigation is quite similar to the drip version, except that the hoses are located underground. The main advantage of such an automatic watering system is that the soil on top does not get wet, so a hard crust does not appear.

IN recent years are popular and in demand autonomous systems watering with ventilation, thanks to which you can significantly increase the yield inside the greenhouse. Every summer resident knows that too high temperatures have a detrimental effect on the condition of the crop, so such a system will become an indispensable assistant in the greenhouse.

Not only an ordinary plumbing system, but also an underground well can be used as a source of water, however, the water must fully comply with the criteria established by the system manufacturer.

Homemade capillary systems provide micro-irrigation and are suitable for small greenhouses.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Automatic watering system has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • Efficiency. Manual watering is not capable of uniformly irrigating all green areas, but automatic watering will cope with this task without problems;
  • Benefit from a financial point of view. This irrigation option involves operating the pump for only a couple of hours a day, with minimal resource consumption. Modern systems allow water to be dosed and evenly distributed;
  • The presence of mechanisms for regulating irrigation throughout all its cycles, thanks to which each summer resident will be able to choose the most optimal option for himself. You can control the level of water consumption, the time when watering will take place, as well as the duration of irrigation;
  • Even in your absence, you won’t have to worry about the condition of the plants and their watering, because the programmed system will be able to handle this on its own;
  • If you have a large area, automatic watering is simply irreplaceable, because it is almost impossible to irrigate it on your own, otherwise you will have to spend too much time on it;
  • A power outage will not break the system or affect the operation of the software that is responsible for watering.

On modern market Innovative automatic watering systems are presented, where every detail is fully thought out. Communications are installed underground at a depth of 35-40 cm. This is quite enough to ensure safe use systems. Do not worry that pipes or wires will be damaged during operation. Even if you have to use a lawn mower on the site, the wires will be completely safe.

A distinctive feature of the irrigation system is that it operates according to a predetermined program. Almost any automatic watering system includes built-in hydrants that allow manual watering if necessary. This is relevant in cases where there is no electricity for a long time and it is necessary to provide plants with access to water.

Advanced systems boast the function remote control, using the Internet or mobile phone. More advanced models include special sensors that take into account wind and humidity levels during the irrigation process. If the wind is too strong, the sensors will send a signal to the controller and the device will simply turn off. The main advantage of sensors is that they are able to sense any temperature changes and quickly respond to them.

A comparison with manual watering shows that automation can reduce water consumption by almost 40%. Unlike other systems, automatic irrigation has only one significant disadvantage - the system itself is quite expensive, but quickly pays for itself thanks to more reasonable water consumption.


The design of each irrigation system is developed individually, since all the features of the site and other factors are taken into account.

However, the design of automatic watering systems is practically no different and includes the following elements:

  • Control panel where you can set watering time, irrigation duration, the ability to turn off, intensity and other parameters;
  • Rain sensor and solenoid valve;
  • Quick access valves and pipes themselves.

Irrigation is controlled using a special controller, which, at a predetermined time, turns the water supply on or off. If such an element is missing, then a person will monitor this process.

Most summer residents prefer spot irrigation. A distinctive feature of such a system is that water is supplied to the planting areas and supplied in drops or small streams. This irrigation method is considered the best option for berry crops and flowers. In addition, it is excellent for installation in polycarbonate greenhouses. The main advantage of the system is that water is supplied exactly where it is needed.

The design of the subsoil system is more complex, as it involves burying a hose under the ground. This provides greater watering efficiency, but the holes often become clogged and cleaning can only be done after digging.

Calculation of water volume

Before programming the controller, it is necessary to determine how much water the berry or vegetable crops in the greenhouse should receive. Only after this you can start setting up the automation.

If it is a vegetable crop, then you need to proceed from the calculation of 5 mm of precipitation per hour; but for berries this figure should be no more than 3 mm. Thus, the automatic watering system will have to work for about 7 minutes a day to provide all the crops in the greenhouse with the required amount of water.

Water supply methods

If an automatic watering system is used in a greenhouse, then It is best to use the following elements as a source:

  • Common pressure tank;
  • Plumbing system;
  • Submersible pump in a pond or well.

Water source in mandatory must be equipped with filters for cleaning, otherwise the hoses will clog in the future and become unsuitable for further use.

DIY making

If your budget does not allow you to use a ready-made automatic watering system, then you can make it yourself using plastic bottles or more advanced components.

Scheme and marking

On the plan summer cottage The places where sprinklers will be installed should be clearly marked. In addition, using a compass it is necessary to outline the radius of action of each of them. Sprinklers should be designed in such a way that their areas of operation overlap. It is thanks to this that they will be able to guarantee the proper level of watering of the entire area. Such a scheme is considered the optimal solution for areas with a huge territory.

First of all, it is necessary to select sprinklers that have the greatest radius of action and the largest sectors of work. They are needed in order to carry out maintenance of the main territory. On narrow parts of the lawn, you can use sprinklers that have a minimum radius of action.

If there are parts of the territory where conventional sprinklers do not reach, then drip devices can be used here. When developing a diagram and markup, you need to be extremely careful. Everything should be planned in such a way that there are no places on the territory that will not receive water. Otherwise, you will have to water it yourself, which will negate all the advantages of the automatic watering system.

The most optimal scheme is considered to be one that includes three irrigation lines: a drip line and two rows of regular irrigation lines.

Tools and accessories

For the manufacture of automatic watering, ordinary PVC pipes are suitable. A distinctive feature of polypropylene pipes is their durability and reliability, which makes them the optimal solution for creating an automatic irrigation system. If there is no plumbing system, then you can install a barrel. In addition, to create such a system, you will need timers and a controller that will allow you to water without human intervention.

To carry out all the work on manufacturing and setting up an automatic watering system, you need to prepare a spade, spatula, knife, screwdriver and other tools.


Before starting work on the manufacture of such a system, you should independently find out the water intake capacity. In other words, it is necessary to find out how many sprinklers can operate in parallel without damaging the entire system.

This factor is directly influenced by the pressure in the water supply system and its performance, which is determined as follows:

  • TO water tap it is necessary to connect a hose whose length will be more than 1 meter;
  • Next, find a bucket with a capacity of 10 or more liters;
  • Determine the time it will take to completely fill the bucket.

This will allow you to take all the necessary measurements and determine the watering rate. Also, do not forget that each sprinkler has its own requirements for the amount of water. You must first make sure that the water intake capacity is sufficient so that the device can fully perform its assigned functions.

Irrigation lines should be designed so that the total water requirement is no greater than the capacity of the water intake system. Remember that only devices of the same performance can be connected to the same line. If necessary, another supply line can be used for drip irrigation. In this case, you should take into account not only the level of water consumption, but also the fact that the drip line has a special control system. This is due to the fact that conventional irrigation lines are activated for half an hour a day, but drip options are activated for 40-50 minutes.

After you have figured out the form of water supply, proceed to choosing a controller, thanks to which you can set the operating intervals of the irrigation system. Most controllers on the market today can operate from a 220V network. The controller is an electronic device located indoors. It is usually located in the basement, not far from the tap.

As another part of the system, you can use a rain sensor, which turns off the watering if it starts to rain. This sensor is directly connected to the control element and operates on a 9 V power supply.

Now it's time to install and control the system. After installation, it is imperative that all sprinklers be adjusted. A distinctive feature of the drip line is that it does not require adjustment. The last step is to program the system so that each line turns on at a predetermined time. Now she is fully ready for work and can perform the tasks assigned to her without human intervention. During first use, it is best to check that all sprinklers and drip lines are working and functioning properly.

Before the onset of frost, it is necessary to drain the water from the hoses and turn it off. You can blow out the system using compressed air, which will remove any remaining water. In the spring season, it is necessary to check the system and clean the nozzles, as well as adjust the sectors and radii of their operation.

The development and installation of an automatic watering system will bring pleasure to every summer resident. With the right approach, it will be possible to create a structure that will function correctly and be able to provide the most appropriate watering of the entire garden area. A distinctive feature of the automatic watering system is that it is installed for a long time, so you cannot save money on materials and spare parts. It's better to choose the most quality varieties, which can serve for many years and fully fulfill their obligations.

The most difficult part of the process self-made Automatic watering system is the choice of the most optimal sprinklers and their proper location. The ideal option is to divide it into zones, where the most suitable method of watering is selected for each. The most difficult thing is to make automation of this kind in a greenhouse. The fact is that you need to take into account a huge number of points, including the level of humidity in the room, the number of plants, the size of the greenhouse, etc.

Ready-made kits

The modern market offers a huge number of ready-made kits for automatic crop watering systems in a greenhouse. Thanks to this, each summer resident will be able to choose the most optimal option for himself. Ready-made kits from Ariston, which are designed for one or more irrigation zones, are extremely popular today. They can be installed in small greenhouses that include 2 or 3 beds. This system Great for watering any vegetables and fruits. Most of the company's models have a water consumption of 2-3 liters per hour.

Among the distinctive advantages of this company's products:

  • Ease and convenience to use;
  • Reliability and durability of use;
  • Ability to control the level of water consumption;
  • Presence of a rain sensor;
  • Saving water resources.

Hunter automatic watering systems, which include a large assortment of various watering equipment, are very popular on the domestic market.

In particular, the company offers the following positions:

  • Sprinklers – watering is carried out using ultra-advanced rotary and fan sprinklers;
  • Nozzles are made exclusively from high-quality plastic, therefore they are characterized by high quality and durability;
  • Valves – the manufacturer has developed a variety of valves that allow operation with different voltages.

Hunter has been specializing in the production of high quality nozzles and sprinklers for many years. The products of this company are known for both impressive quality and reasonable cost.

For greenhouses made of polycarbonate, it is best to choose rotary options, which have a more complex design, but at the same time boast more coordinated and stable operation. A distinctive feature of such automatic watering systems from the Hunter company is that they can be adjusted to a predetermined radius of water supply, so you can control resource consumption. Hunter controllers and sensors are high-quality devices that can make the operation of an automatic watering system as reliable and efficient as possible. Thanks to this, the user can set various watering settings, including duration, rotation, etc.

The advantage of this automatic watering system is the presence of special sensors that make the system sensitive to external conditions and start watering if the greenhouse is too dry. It is this function that makes the system completely independent of the owner and allows it to operate automatically. Hunter also offers non-volatile packaged pumps that can operate in multiple modes. You can connect the watering system either to water pipe, and to the barrel.

Thus, the automatic watering system greatly simplifies the process of watering vegetable crops in a greenhouse. Correct setting will allow you to completely save yourself from the need to carry out manual watering or control the self-watering system. The most important thing is to install the system correctly, taking into account all the features of the greenhouse space.

Tired of running around with a watering can, hauling gallons of water every day? Organize drip irrigation in the greenhouse yourself. Such a system will not only help you significantly save energy and time. A gradual drip of water will also be beneficial for plants.

System advantages

The drip irrigation method was first used in Israel in the 1950s - in a similar way, scientists tried to cope with water shortages. Later it was found that when serving it in small portions, not only water and labor resources. Drip irrigation allows you to get earlier harvests.

With normal irrigation, water penetrates into the ground to a depth of 10 cm. Its gradual drip entry allows the root system to be more saturated with moisture. The roots grow much faster, which means they extract more nutrients from the soil.

Installation diagram of a drip irrigation system

Since the rest of the soil remains dry, the likelihood of waterlogging is reduced. This has a beneficial effect on the health of plants - after all, most of such dangerous diseases as powdery mildew, white, gray rot, blackleg, bacterial spot develop precisely in conditions of waterlogging.

Since water is supplied to the root, the likelihood of plant burns, which usually occurs when moisture gets on the leaves, is significantly reduced. This is due to the lens effect of the small droplets.

Plus, since irrigation is carried out only in the root zone, weeds that do not receive enough moisture spread at a slower rate. This system also prevents soil erosion.

Drip irrigation system for greenhouseis simple, but with its help you can achieve an increase in plant productivity by 30-40%. This irrigation method allows you to accurately calculate the time and intensity of watering for each type of plant.

Initially it was used only in greenhouse conditions. Later, this method began to be used when growing plants in open ground.

Disadvantages of drip irrigation

The main disadvantage of do-it-yourself drip irrigation systems for greenhouses is the mandatory control. After all, if the calculation is incorrect and there is an excess of moisture in the area, in addition to excessive water consumption, you will simply destroy the plants. You will need to regularly check the filling of the barrel - it will need to be constantly topped up.

The disadvantages of drip irrigation include the need to periodically clean the holes - due to their small diameter, they often become clogged. However, this is not difficult to do - just rinse or blow out the system.

To protect the system from contamination, a filter is installed at the inlet (that is, at the beginning of the hose located in the barrel). You can even use an ordinary piece of foam rubber as it.

Cleaning the system will become much easier - all you need to do is remove and wash the foam rubber. It is necessary to protect the barrel itself, as well as the receiver-distributor, from debris and insects - they will need to be covered with lids.

Operating principle

We will describe in detail the device of drip irrigation in a home greenhouse. With this method, water is supplied using dispensers-droppers (nozzles). Its simplest version is a hose with 3-8 mm holes made in it and the main spout plugged with a plug.

To ensure pressure, a tank filled with water with a hose lowered into it is raised to a certain height. Depending on the required pressure, it can be from 1 to 10 m. More complex systems are automated, but we will talk about this below.

Drip watering should only be done under the roots of plants. When water is supplied between the rows, there will not be enough moisture for the roots, and the crops will develop worse. At the same time, the soil around it will become compacted and loosening will be required. Plus, wet soil under the rays of the sun will overheat, which will adversely affect growth.

The source of water does not have to be a tap or a barrel. They can serve as a well, a well or a reservoir. To do this, you will need to connect a pump to the system.

But in any case, the mandatory installation of a filter is required - otherwise the pipeline will quickly become clogged. When drawing water from an open source (reservoir), it is first necessary to install a coarse filter, and only then a fine filter. In other cases, a single fine filter is sufficient.

But still, to water a greenhouse or vegetable garden, it is better to heat the water in the sun before watering. For this purpose, containers (barrels) of suitable size are used. When it is raised to a certain height, water will flow into the system by gravity.

Water consumption for drip irrigation for such moisture-loving plants as cucumbers is 2 liters per bush, that is, several times less than the usual norm. Drip watering of tomatoes in a greenhouse with already formed fruits is carried out once every 4 days.

Each plant will need 1.5 liters of water. Cabbage and potatoes will need 2.5 liters per day.
Thus, when supplying water from a dropper at 3 l/hour, it will take a little less than an hour to water cucumbers, about 30 minutes for tomatoes, cabbage and early potatoes about an hour.

Required materials

To set up a permanent irrigation system that will be used year after year, it is better to purchase more durable PVC pipes rather than hoses. Since moisture must enter the system slowly, the diameter of the tubes is selected to be minimal - up to 10-16 mm.

It is better not to use transparent pipes or tapes - algae will grow inside them. Metal pipes will not last long - rust will quickly clog the dropper nozzles.

Manufacturers also offer ready-made irrigation systems in the form of polyethylene drip tapes with built-in drippers. With their help, it is easier to dose watering - the micropores inside resemble a labyrinth in which the direction of water flow is controlled.

The wall thickness of the tapes can vary from 0.127 to 0.381 mm. However, such systems do not last more than one season. In the spring you will need to purchase new ribbons.

In addition to distribution and irrigation pipes, you will need:

  • a pump that comes complete with a filter (such systems are called master blocks) to supply water at a certain pressure (up to 1.5 bar)
  • droppers (we described their structure and types above)
  • stands for strengthening dropper dispensers at plant roots
  • taps (switches) for adjusting the flow force and shutting off the system in individual modules
  • fum tape or tow for sealing joints
  • plastic couplings
  • adapters
  • tees
  • plugs: they are located at the ends of pipelines

When drawing water from a well, you will also need a filter. You can buy a regular mesh or disk one. To install automated stations, you will also need a control unit (timer) and a battery.

Parts from medical droppers with a diameter of 1-2 mm can be used as nozzles (droppers).

System assembly. Main stages of work

Making drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands is not difficult:

1 To install the system, you will need a 100-200-liter barrel, which is raised to a height of about 1-2 meters. If there is a lid, holes are prepared in it for air intake. If there is no lid, it is better to cover the container with gauze.

2 To insert the hose, a hole is prepared at the very bottom of the barrel with a tap-tip installed in it.

3 Each of the tubes or hoses is laid with a slight slope of 5 cm per meter of length. They are secured to small pegs stuck into the ground.

4 You should not pull pipelines that are too long - they will require very large containers. It is much more profitable and convenient to use several systems independent of each other.

5 PVC pipes are cut with a hacksaw, pipe cutter or miter saw. To obtain tight joints, the cutting angle must be precise and equal to 90 degrees. Therefore, it is better to clamp the pipes in a vice.

6 Small 2mm holes must be made in hoses or plastic main pipes. In a simple do-it-yourself drip irrigation system in a greenhouse, the droppers can be replaced with pieces of ordinary wire, along which drops of water will descend and be supplied to the plant.

7 You can make holes in the hose with an awl or a nail held with pliers. In PVC pipes it is more convenient to do them with a small diameter wood drill.

8 When using a pipeline in the form of ready-made strips, they are carefully laid out over the area. To avoid damage, pulling or dragging them is strictly prohibited.

9 Pay attention to the marks on the tape in the form of colored lines. Sprinklers are located on this side. The system must be laid with the colored lines facing up.

11 When connecting taps, fittings (tees and adapters), to perfectly seal the joints you will need fum tape or tow.

12 Before inserting the plug, the system must be flushed from plastic shavings that fall into the pipes during drilling.

13 The last stage is checking the system. After starting the water, you need to make sure that water reaches each drip, including the last one in the garden bed. The soil near them should be moistened evenly


1 Just as in the previous case, to install the system you will need a storage tank (barrel) with a tap to shut off the water. To create pressure, it is installed at a height of 1-2 m.

2 You will also need 20-40 mm PVC pipes and connecting elements (tees and adapters).

3 In the pipeline, round holes of 2-3 mm or slot-like holes of slightly smaller width (1-2 mm) and a length of 5-10 mm are made every 20-40 cm.

4 Water consumption should be small - 0.1-0.3 liters per day. This requires minimal pressure.

5 To protect against small particles of debris that can clog the system, filters are installed at the beginning of the pipeline (inside the barrel). You can use either mesh, sand or gravel.

6 The depth of laying the pipeline in the ground is 20-30 cm. The minimum distance between them is 40-90 cm. It is not worth laying the pipes higher, otherwise water will seep out and the soil will quickly become crusty.

7 Since on heavy loamy soils water flows both into the depths and to the sides, the distance between adjacent pipelines can be made a little larger. On loose sandy soils, when moisture passes mainly deep, the distance between adjacent pipelines should be minimal.

9 The distance for specific crops can be determined experimentally. Bury one or two pipelines next to the bed and after a couple of days dig with a shovel in 2-3 places. The soil in this place should be slightly moist.

10 On dry sandy soils, so that precious moisture does not go to great depths, a film 10-20 cm wide is laid under the pipes.

11 Water must be supplied to the humidifier pipes under low pressure at a water flow rate of 0.1-0.3 l/s.

12 To prevent the holes in the humidifiers from becoming clogged with debris, soil particles or silt, you need to supply water to them through mesh, gravel or sand filters.

13 Just like a conventional drip system, an underground (subsoil) irrigation system can be equipped with a pump and timer to provide automatic water supply at a given time.

When using underground irrigation systems, it is advisable to use special herbicide-impregnated hoses. It does not allow plant roots to penetrate the entrance holes.

Use of plastic bottles

For watering small areas, you can make a simple device consisting of plastic bottle with a small piece of tube inserted into it, suspended with the neck down. It is more convenient to use an empty ballpoint pen.

In addition to the main hole for the tube, you will also need a second one through which air will escape. If the tube is too wide, another, thinner tube or piece of wire insulation, called a jet, is inserted into the main tube to reduce the flow rate of water.

You can do it even simpler. Puncture 8-12 holes in the bottom of a plastic bottle. Their number depends on the type of soil. A minimal number of holes are made on light sand.

Moisture seeps into clay soil more slowly, so the number of holes is increased. However, their size should be minimal, otherwise the water will pour out of the bottles very quickly. It is better to do this with a regular needle.

The simplest bottle watering system

The bottle is filled with water, closed with a lid and buried in the ground, leaving the neck uncovered. As the container empties, you will add water through it. Since it may shrink as water flows out of the bottle, it is better to also make a small hole in the lid.

When the bottle is buried in the ground, the plants will be supplied with water using underground irrigation. The top layer of soil will not be wetted, so the usual crust on it, which needs to be constantly loosened, will not form.

When drip watering tomatoes in a greenhouse using this method, one liter bottle is enough for 5 days. This volume will be enough to water one bush. A 5 liter container will provide them with water for 10 days.

Clay soil can quickly clog small holes. To prevent this, use regular nylon stockings. They are pulled over corks or parts of bottles with holes made in them.

Another method of protecting against blockage of holes is often used - drainage. Before burying the bottle in the ground, throw some hay or a piece of burlap at the bottom of the hole.

Of course, it will be difficult to use such systems for irrigating a large number of plants. But in some cases, for summer residents who rarely appear on the site, this can be a life-saving solution.

It is better to bury the bottle in the ground at an angle of 30-45 degrees so that the water pressure is minimal. In this case, the rate of water flow will decrease.

Drip irrigation for indoor plants

A device like this will come in handy during your vacation. There are many ready-made drip irrigation systems on sale in the form of flasks that look like enemas, capillary trays, wicks, “smart pots”, etc.

Manufacturers also suggest using hydrogel, a polymer that can retain moisture and then release it to plants over a certain period of time, when leaving home for long periods of time.

If you decide to do drip irrigation for indoor plants, before going on vacation, be sure to check the functionality of the system. If water flows out of it too quickly, during the first couple of days, in the remaining time the plants will become without water and simply die.

To assemble your drip irrigation system, you will need a large plastic bottle and an old medical dropper or one or more thin, food-grade silicone tubes. They can be found in medical supply stores.

In hardware stores that sell moonshine stills, you can purchase tubes of a slightly larger diameter. The outlet end of such tubes can be closed with a plug, and several holes can be made in the tube itself for irrigation.

Assembling a wick irrigation system is even easier. To do this, place a large container of water next to the flower pot. One end of the wick is lowered into the container, the second is buried in the ground.

Drip irrigation of tomatoes

Despite the simplicity of the design, the drip irrigation system requires constant maintenance.

To extend its service life, follow these rules:

1 When exposed to water, metal will quickly become covered with rust, the smallest particles of which will constantly clog the pipeline. Therefore, it is better to mount the system from plastic. It is not advisable to use metal barrels and pipes.

3 Don't forget to protect the pipeline with filters. They can be purchased at any hardware store or made yourself from a piece of foam rubber inserted into the supply pipe located at the entrance to the barrel.

4 You need to clean the filter more often, at least once a week.

5 Only clean or settled water should be poured into the barrel.

Simple watering in a greenhouse for 525 rubles with your own hands

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation device in a greenhouse: from a barrel, a plastic bottle, or even an automatic system. For tomatoes and other crops (Photo & Video)+Reviews

Drip irrigation has many advantages over sprinkling. The most important thing is that it makes caring for plants much easier. Automation of the process allows you to dose water in accordance with the needs of each type of crop grown in the greenhouse. All this together ensures increased productivity.

Water can be given to plants in different ways. This is watering using a hose or watering can, automated sprinkler systems. All these methods have several disadvantages:

What kind of watering do you choose for your beds?


  • Drops and jets of water falling from above inevitably compact the top layer of soil, so it is necessary to regularly loosen it.
  • A significant part of the liquid remains on the leaves and fruits, evaporates and, as a result, the level of air humidity increases. There is a need to ventilate the greenhouse more often.
  • With an abundance of green mass, insufficient water reaches the roots.

The use of a drip irrigation system for a greenhouse frees you from all these disadvantages and hassles. With its help, a targeted supply of water to the roots of plants is carried out. This irrigation method was developed in the middle of the last century. Over decades of practical use it has proven its benefits.

Benefits of drip irrigation

Before you decide on a device automated system irrigation, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with all its advantages.

  1. Reducing labor costs for plant care.
  2. Minimizing the risk of soil waterlogging.
  3. Convenient supply of mineral fertilizers: in the form of an aqueous solution.
  4. Rational use of water.
  5. Watering large areas with minimal financial and labor costs.
  6. Reducing production costs.

Drip irrigation is beneficial in all respects. Including the fact that it is possible to construct the system with your own hands.

Types of drip irrigation systems

You can construct a drip irrigation system yourself from individual components or use a ready-made solution from garden equipment manufacturers. In any case, it is necessary to know what types of systems exist, how they function and are automated. From ready-made solutions There are several types of structures.


It's inexpensive and simple. It is a complex of thin hoses that supply water to the plants. The disadvantage of the system is the need to purchase an additional filter, otherwise the tubes will soon fill with debris and impurities.

The factory filter offered by the system manufacturers costs almost as much as the system itself. But summer residents have found a way out: they are replacing it with inexpensive and accessible devices:

  • 5-micron osmotic filter (100-120 rubles);
  • plastic bottle filled with sand, nylon and synthetic padding tapes (free).

With PVC hose

Structurally, such a system is a thick hose laid between the beds, from which thin droppers extend in both directions. This is a profitable and reliable solution, distinguished by for a long time services.

The only drawback of such systems is the significant consumption of water to fill all its components: hoses and droppers.

Tape with “labyrinth” type channels

In the construction of systems of this type, drip tapes are used, inside of which there are partitions that form a kind of labyrinth. This provides two important benefits:

  1. pressure equalization;
  2. supplying water in drops rather than streams.

Average fluid consumption is 2-4 l/hour. The design of such a system is simple. You will need:

  • container installed at a height of 100-150 cm or central water supply with a pressure of no more than 2 atmospheres;
  • plastic fittings for organizing wiring;
  • clamps for fixing to pegs and other supports;
  • a ball valve that opens and shuts off the water supply.

All elements, except the container, are included in the system package. It provides stable watering of plants without electricity and additional equipment to stabilize pressure.

With rubber compensator

The design of this system is similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that a rubber compensator is installed at the connection point to the container. Its task is to equalize the pressure.

Automated systems

The simplest automatic drip irrigation systems consist of several elements:

  • water container;
  • pump;
  • hoses (plumbing hoses);
  • emitter, labyrinth or slot drip tapes with a diameter of 22 or 16 mm;
  • filter.

More complex ones added:

  • sensors;
  • timer;
  • controller;
  • heating elements.

Knowing the design of an automatic drip irrigation system, you can assemble it yourself from scrap materials and factory components. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with best offers manufacturers of garden equipment.


The AquaDusya system was developed in Belarus, has several modifications, and has proven itself on the positive side. Designed for autonomous full-cycle irrigation. Systems with a similar design, but larger and consisting of different materials, are used in agriculture to irrigate large areas.

Model range:

  • “AquaDusya Start LCD” – automatic;
  • “AquaDusya Start for 50 plants” – semi-automatic;
  • “AquaDusya +60” – semi-automatic;
  • “AquaDusya WATER TAR for 60 plants” – automatic;
  • “AquaDusya +12” – semi-automatic.

The principle of design and operation of automated systems

  1. A pump is installed in the container. There is no need to make a hole in the wall of the barrel: you can throw the hose over the side.
  2. Drip tapes are laid on the site.
  3. Water is poured into the barrel through a filter using buckets or from a water supply. Filling control is carried out using a float.
  4. The required watering program is selected, and the automation unit is installed in any convenient place.
  5. The device supplies water in the specified mode.

Other popular systems:

  • "Drop";
  • "Smart watering can";
  • "Spring";
  • "Dewdrop";
  • "Water strider";
  • "Harvest 1";
  • "Signor Tomato."

In order to assemble a drip irrigation system yourself, you need to select components, calculate the power, and install automation.

Video review: kit for drip irrigation system


The first step in independently installing drip irrigation in a greenhouse is drawing up a planting plan. You need to draw up a drawing by hand indicating the size of the beds and row spacing, and the distances between seedlings.

For some crops, it will be necessary to create subsystems, since these plants need more abundant watering.

The daily amount of water is calculated based on the following standards for 1 bush:

  • tomatoes – 1.5 l/day;
  • cucumbers – 2 l/day;
  • cabbage – 2.5 l/day;
  • greens – 1.5 l/day.

The design indicates the location of the nozzles, the interval between which should correspond to the distance between the plants. Optimal values:

  • tomatoes – 30 cm;
  • cucumbers – 20 cm;
  • cabbage – 40 cm.

Nozzles come in different capacities. If you take a device capable of supplying 1.15 l/hour, then the crop watering time will be:

  • tomatoes – 1 hour 20 minutes per day;
  • cucumbers – 2 l;
  • cabbage – 2 s 10 min.

Based on the project, a calculation is made of the total amount of water required for the stable operation of the system.

Equipment selection

The drip irrigation line consists of two main elements:

  1. central hose;
  2. branches from it in the form of drip tubes or ribbons.

The hose is chosen with a cross section of 10-15 mm, made of polyethylene or PVC. It is desirable that it be black, which minimizes the risk of algae and microorganisms growing inside it. If you do not plan to use automation to create optimal pressure in the system, it is recommended to cut the hoses into 6 m lengths. A small cross-section will ensure slow water movement and stable pressure.


An integral part of the system is the drip tape. This is a tube with holes located at a certain distance. Depending on the type of holes (slotted, emitters, nozzles), tape types are distinguished. Emitter ones are the most advantageous, since the channel system in them guarantees protection against clogging. There are two types of these tapes:

  1. compensated;
  2. uncompensated.

The difference is that the former provide strictly dosed watering regardless of the slope or bend of the main line. Those who are not compensated have uncontrolled water consumption: in lower areas, watering will be more abundant.

Regardless of the type, the tapes differ in diameter and wall thickness. In this regard, they have different performance characteristics. When choosing, they are guided by the rule: the thicker the walls of the tube, the longer it will last.

Features of operation of belts with different wall thicknesses:

  • 0.125 mm. Recommended for drip irrigation of plants with rapid maturation. Used for one season, easily damaged by sharp objects.
  • 0.15-0.2 mm. It is most in demand due to its low price and sufficient resistance to mechanical stress. Not recommended for use on rocky soils.
  • 0.25-0.3 mm. It can be used in difficult conditions, with the risk of damage from machinery and due to the high traffic flow of the greenhouse (when it is serviced by a large number of people).
  • 0.375 mm. Thick-walled, resistant to animal bites.


In order to assemble drip irrigation systems in a greenhouse with your own hands, you will need connecting elements - fittings. Under this general name lies wide range products:

  • mini starters;
  • starters;
  • starters with rubber seal;
  • starters with pressure;
  • end caps;
  • tees;
  • clamping squares;
  • adapters;
  • repair connectors.

Fittings and their quantity are selected in accordance with the diagram drawn up at the design stage.


There are several types of taps for installing a drip irrigation system in a greenhouse:


Filters are necessary to prevent clogging of the outlet nozzle of the main line and eliminate various impurities in the water.

There are three types of this equipment:

  1. simple garden;
  2. self-cleaning;
  3. with pressure reducer.

By design features are divided into:

  • disk;
  • mesh.

The former are optimal for installation in systems that draw water from a centralized water supply system, well or well. Disk ones are more reliable and efficient, recommended for complex systems. The main criterion for choosing a filter is throughput. This indicator depends on the design power of the system.


The main element of the design of automatic drip irrigation is the controller. It is this that ensures the execution of the given mode and the efficiency of the system as a whole. There are many types of controllers, with different sets of functions. This equipment can be simple, aimed only at opening and closing the outlet valves. Or providing full control, including pump operation, lighting, and filter washing. The choice of automation is determined by the needs of the greenhouse owner and the complexity of the pipeline.

For simple systems with no more than 6 irrigation lines, a semiconductor controller is suitable with the following functions:

  • 2 control modes;
  • remote control with 6 buttons;
  • built-in protection against power surges;
  • storing the specified irrigation program in memory for 24 hours after a power outage.

System installation

Installation of drip irrigation from a water supply system consists of several stages:

  1. Install the central pipe or hose.
  2. Using fittings, lines from drip tapes are installed.
  3. Turn off the water supply to the water supply.
  4. The water supply and the hose of the irrigation system are connected through the squeegee.
  5. Install a timer and a check valve (optional).
  6. Install the filter.
  7. Automation is connected.

Installation of the simplest system requires a water tank located at a height of 1-1.5 m. Usually a 200-liter barrel is used. If it is not possible to install it on a hill, a pump is connected to ensure pressure in the line.

It’s easy to make a drip irrigation system for a greenhouse yourself. It is important to design it correctly, choose necessary equipment and assemble it into a single structure.