Pawpaw from seeds, personal experience. Pawpaw is a delicious exotic in the garden. How does pollination work?

Pawpaw or banana tree, another exotic for your garden. It came to us from the USA, where this tree grows throughout the country. The banana tree got its name due to the shape of its fruits, which are similar to a banana. It was brought to us in the last century, but did not gain popularity, unlike today, when Azimina is gaining its popularity quite quickly and winning the love of our gardeners.

Pawpaw is a shrub or tree. The plant has a fairly average height of approximately 2-3 meters. The fruits are elongated and green. The leaves are large, reaching 30 cm in length. The flowers of the banana tree resemble bells. Distinctive feature This plant is that up to 12 fruits can grow from just one flower. The fruits are fragrant and sweet, somewhat reminiscent of a banana. Pawpaw flowers are very beautiful and large, purple-red in color.. After flowering, the plant looks no less beautiful, due to the beautiful large foliage, which looks impressive in the autumn period, acquiring a rich yellow color.

IN wildlife They grow near rivers and ponds, which indicates the plant’s love for moist soils.

Most a suitable variety for growing in the regions of Russia and Ukraine is Azimina three-lobed.

Planting Pawpaw (Banana tree)

Pawpaw can be grown either as a seedling or from a seed. Of course, a simpler, more convenient and reliable method is to plant a seedling, but you can work hard and grow it from seeds if you want to grow the seedling yourself.

Let's start with planting from seeds. This process is very complex and troublesome. You can grow seeds only while they have not yet lost their moisture; pawpaw seeds dry out very quickly; within five days after being removed from the fruit, the seed will dry out and become unviable. It is necessary to start germination immediately after extraction from the fruit; to do this, you need to place the seed in a nutrient medium, for example, in special moss, put it in a bag and place it in a stable cool place from 0° to 5°; a refrigerator is ideal. After 3 months, it is necessary to plant the substrate to a depth of 3 cm; seedlings will appear in 1-2 months. The sprouts need to be watered on time because this plant loves water. It is planted in the ground after 4-5 leaves appear on the sprout. Before planting, it is necessary to first harden the plant by taking it outside for a while, gradually increasing the time spent outside. A plant grown in this way may produce a weak and unstable harvest.

Growing from seedlings is naturally much easier . It is enough to choose a good nursery and purchase a seedling. It is best to purchase a two-year-old plant, then it will take root better. Planting is best done in spring.

To plant Azimina, you need to choose a sunny place.. She prefers loose soil. For planting, it is necessary to prepare a hole of such depth and width that the roots can freely decompose in it. It is necessary to pour drainage from gravel and sand into the bottom of the hole; the soil with which the hole will be filled is best mixed with ash and compost. After planting, it is necessary to water abundantly.

Caring for Azimina

Azimina (Banana tree) is not fussy in its care. It is enough to provide it with a sunny place and sufficient watering; it does not tolerate drought, but it is also not worth flooding; this can cause root rot. It is better to mulch the soil under the plant with peat. Do not allow weeds to grow around the tree. It is necessary to fertilize once a year with regular organic fertilizers.

Pruning pawpaws

Pruning must be done in the spring before the sap begins to move through the crown. It is necessary to trim only damaged and unnecessary branches during the formation of the crown.

Wintering Banana Tree

Azimina survives the winter quite well, it can withstand frosts down to -30° without special conditions, but still, for the first couple of years, a young plant should be insulated for the winter period by wrapping the plant with a non-woven fabric around the lower part or the entire plant. The root system can be covered with leaves or straw. Although mature trees tolerate cold well, it is still worth insulating the trunk for the winter to preserve the plant.

Pollination of pawpaws

Pawpaw is pollinated by wind and plants. Strangely enough, it is pollinated mainly by flies; they are attracted by the very unpleasant smell of flowers, reminiscent of something rotting. For higher yields, it is recommended to plant 2 trees nearby; cross-pollination increases the fruit yield significantly.

Pawpaw application and beneficial properties.Azimina in cooking

The pawpaw or banana tree plant is not only beautiful, but also very tasty. Of course, like any other fruit, it is preferable to eat it fresh from the tree. But long-term cultivation and consumption of these fruits has proven that its use in cooking is very desirable and quite tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared from its fruits.

It is believed that the Indians living in America were among the first to consume this fruit; they called this fruit “Pao-pao”. In addition to eating it fresh, they baked it over coals, boiled it in stews and dried it.

Nowadays, many different desserts are made from it, they are used in baking and even made from it into ice cream, canned food and a variety of drinks.

A historical fact is that the fruits of the pawpaw (Banana tree) were George Washington’s favorite fruit, he loved to eat it fresh, and also loved desserts that included this wonderful fruit.

You can also find recipes using Azimina on our website! Read the article

Useful properties of Azimina

The fruits of the banana tree are not only tasty, but also very healthy, the fruits contain large number vitamins and microelements. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A, B and C. The fruits are rich in iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and zinc. The fruits of the banana tree are low in calories, which makes it a valuable dietary product; 100g of fruit contains only 39 calories. 18g carbohydrates, 1.2g fat, 2.5g fiber and 1.2g protein.

Application of Azimina in folk medicine

Found my place Azimina and in folk medicine , where its application is quite widespread.

Pawpaw bark is a natural pesticide; indigenous peoples of America use bark extract to control flies and mosquitoes. Tinctures and decoctions of the bark and fruits are used as a natural remedy for helminthiasis in humans and animals.

Regular consumption of fruits reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels helping to fight diabetes mellitus and obesity, which have become a problem in society these days. This property also helps prevent stroke and atherosclerosis, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

The fruits have a pronounced antitumor property . Helps fight lung, breast and intestinal carcinoma. It has a positive effect on 6 types of cancer cells, preventing their growth. The composition of the fruit has a positive effect on the recovery period of the body during the period after chemotherapy treatment. It has been proven that the indigenous population of America, who regularly eat this fruit, suffers from cancer much less often than Europeans, whose diet includes this fruit quite rarely.

Regular consumption of fruits helps lower blood pressure , especially if it is caused by high blood sugar.

It is believed that Regular consumption of pawpaw pulp helps increase libido in men and helps increase the chances of conception in women.

Fruit composition improves blood supply to the brain, which improves memory and increases mental abilities .

Decoctions from the fruit help in the healing of external wounds, and are also an aid in the healing of ulcers during peptic ulcers stomach .

Rich The composition of the fruit helps strengthen the immune system and increase the overall resistance of the body.

Contraindications when using Azimina

Whenever there is a benefit, there are also contraindications. These include, first of all, individual intolerance to the components. It is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women because the effect on the body during this period has not been studied. It is worth knowing that, despite all the benefits of Azimina fruits, you should not overeat them; this can cause severe upset, nausea and vomiting.

Plant Azimina in your garden and enjoy exotic fruits!

Great( 1 ) Badly( 1 )

Pawpaw is a perennial fruit plant from the Annonaceae family. His homeland is North America, especially the states of Nebraska, Texas and Florida. Although the plant is tropical-like and produces delicious, aromatic fruit, it can withstand temperatures down to -30°C. Domestic gardeners should pay attention to this amazing tree to diversify their usual selection of fruit plants. Among the people, pawpaw can be found under the names “Nebraska banana”, “banana tree”, “Mexican banana”. It is enough to take into account a few simple rules of care and pawpaw will delight its owner for many decades.

Botanical characteristics

Pawpaw is a perennial deciduous plant. It takes the form of a tree or tall bush. The average height is 4-5 m, although there are specimens up to 15 m in height. Young branches are densely covered with long pile, which gradually falls off. After a year, the bark becomes smooth and acquires an olive-brown color. After a few more years, the bark turns gray and becomes covered with warty growths.

In early spring, the branches are covered with fluffy red-brown buds, from which large leathery leaves develop. The length of the obovate leaf blade is 12-30 cm, and the width is 4.5-12 cm. The dark green leaves have solid edges and a pointed end. There is reddish pubescence on the reverse side. In autumn the leaves take on a light yellow tint.

In April-May, before the leaves appear, unusual flowers bloom on pawpaw. Single buds on short, shaggy stalks resemble large bells. The diameter of the corolla is 4.5 cm. It consists of six brown-burgundy oval petals. A mesh pattern of veins is visible across the entire surface of the petal. The columnar-shaped core contains many stamens and several pistils and is yellow in color. During the flowering period, pawpaw is enveloped in a weak but unpleasant aroma. It attracts flies; they are the plant's natural pollinators.

After flowering, 2-8 edible fruits ripen in place of each bud. The oblong juicy fruit reaches 5-16 cm in length and 3-7 cm in width. Its weight ranges from 20 g to 0.5 kg. Under the thin greenish-yellow skin is the pulp. It contains about a dozen large, flat seeds with shiny light brown skin.

Types of pawpaws

The pawpaw genus includes 10 plant species. However, only one of them is cultivated in Russia - Pawpaw three-lobed (triloba). A frost-resistant deciduous tree with a wide pyramidal crown grows 5-8 m in height. The branches are covered with large, light green, ovoid leaves. Their length can be up to 35 cm and width up to 12 cm. The upper side of the leaves has a shiny surface, and the lower side is densely covered with reddish hair. Large flowers bloom on branches older than 1 year. The fruits ripen by the end of September.

A spreading shrub up to 120 cm high. The branches are covered with long, obovate leaves. Under the foliage there are purple flowers up to 2 cm in diameter.

Azimina Inkana (woolly papaya). Deciduous shrub with a slender crown. Its height does not exceed 150 cm. Narrow oblong leaves with a rounded end are light green in color. Leaves and flowers bloom at the end of March. White or cream corollas are located under the foliage. The fruits ripen in July-August.

Reproduction methods

Pawpaw propagation is carried out by seeds or root shoots. Seedlings are first grown from seeds. Before sowing, the seed material is stratified by placing it in the refrigerator for 3-4 months. For planting, use small boxes with sandy-peaty soil. The seeds are buried 2-3 cm, watered and left in a bright, warm place (+20°C). Shoots appear unfriendly after 7 weeks. You can sow the seeds directly into open ground. Seeds planted in October usually germinate in the middle of next summer. In the first year, it is recommended to grow seedlings in a greenhouse and only transplant them into the garden the next season. Flowering and fruiting are expected in 5-6 years.

Pawpaw roots are capable of producing shoots. To do this, in mid-spring it is enough to separate a section of the rhizome located close to the surface and plant it in open ground. The root is placed horizontally in the soil, to a depth of 3-5 cm. Within a month, the first shoots appear and the seedling can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Tree grafting

Reproduction and development of young plants is very slow. To quickly get a flowering tree, use the grafting method. Grafting also helps to grow rare varieties. At the beginning of March, a split is made on the rootstock to a depth of about 1.5 cm. The wedge-shaped end of the scion is inserted into it. It is important to ensure that the cambial layers match. The grafting site is wrapped with film, and the lower shoots on the rootstock are removed.

Within 12-16 days, the grafting takes place, then the buds begin to bloom on the new shoot. The bandage can be loosened a little, but it is completely removed after 1-1.5 months.

Plant care

Caring for pawpaw is not difficult. She needs a bright place. In the southern regions, trees can be planted in partial shade to protect them from extreme heat. The optimal day length in summer is 14-16 hours and at least 4 hours in direct sunlight.

The soil for planting must be fertile and loose. You can plant the plant on heavy soil, but ensure good drainage. Before planting, a thick layer of gravel and sand is poured onto the bottom of the hole. Additionally, the soil is mixed with ash and compost.

It is not advisable to replant plants older than 3 years. Rod root system easily damaged. It is necessary to maintain a distance of 3 m between trees. After planting, the soil surface is mulched with peat.

Pawpaw can be grown as a potted crop. In the spring it is taken outside, where the plant lives until late autumn. Transplantation is carried out as needed by transferring an earthen clod.

For pawpaws, it is advisable to choose windless areas. This is especially important for young plants. In the first year, they even build a special fence against drafts.

Azimina loves water, it is grown in regions where the annual rainfall is at least 800 mm. During drought, the plant needs regular watering, but water should not stagnate in the soil. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced to zero. IN cold season the plant is content with natural precipitation. In spring, the roots may suffer from excess moisture after the snow melts.

Pawpaw three-lobed is resistant to frost down to -25...-30°C. It does not need shelter, but in severe winters the flower buds may freeze. The plant needs a period of rest. For 2-3 weeks a year, the air temperature should not exceed +5...+10°C.

Pawpaw is resistant to plant diseases. Only with frequent stagnation of water in the soil and dampness can fungal diseases develop. Pests do not settle on the tree, so you do not have to worry about the safety of the fruits and leaves.


The trees are distinguished by a slender, dense crown, which changes color throughout the season. In spring the plant becomes covered with large unusual flowers. In summer it glitters with large dark green leaves, and in autumn it acquires a rich golden color.

Pawpaw fruits are rich in amino acids, microelements, vitamins, and sugars. They are used to strengthen the immune system, remove toxins and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Scientists have found that some components of the fruit inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The drugs help to reduce even such formations that are insensitive to chemotherapy. Since fresh fruits are stored for only a few days, jams, jams, compotes, and candied fruits are prepared from them.

The seeds of the plant are used as an effective emetic. They are infused in alcohol and then taken as needed. A decoction of the leaves is an effective diuretic.

Basic information

Name: pawpaw

Family: annonova

Origin: North America

Humidity: moderate

Location: bright areas of the garden

Soil: garden loose soil

Pests and diseases: root damage due to high humidity

Height: 12 m

Bloom: April

Description of the plant

Three-lobed pawpaw is a tree with a wide pyramidal crown, growing up to 4-5, with favorable conditions– up to 12-15 m. In nature, it grows along river banks, in forests with moist, loose soil, and often forms dense thickets. The trunk and branches have gray smooth bark, young shoots are densely pubescent. Large, from 12 to 33 cm in length and 4.5-12 cm in width, petiolate leathery leaves of an oblong-ovate shape, pointed at the ends and tapering to the petioles, appear in late spring after the flowers bloom. The lower surface of young leaves is pubescent, reddish-brown, the upper surface is smooth, glossy, bright green, becoming light or gray-green over time.

  • Flowering begins in April and lasts about 3 weeks. Flower buds, thanks to their insulating shell, withstand spring frosts well.
  • Single, bell-shaped brown-purple or wine-red flowers hanging on a pubescent peduncle appear in the axils of last year's leaves, giving the plant decorative look. Their diameter reaches 6 cm, each has several pistils, thanks to which the pawpaw plant can set up to 9 fruits from one flower.
  • Bisexual flowers are protogenic, that is, the stigma of the pistil matures before the anthers open; pollination within one flower is excluded. The plant requires cross-pollination, for which it is recommended to have at least 2 varieties in the garden. The flowers have a faint unpleasant odor, reminiscent of spoiled meat, and are pollinated by flies, bees, and ants.
  • Pawpaw fruits ripen in September-October and are juicy berries of an oblong-cylindrical shape, usually somewhat angular, varying in size and weight. Their length can be from 5 to 15-16 cm, width - 3-7 cm, weight - from 60 g to 200 g.
  • Individual fruits are collected in fruit clusters of 2-3, sometimes up to 9 pieces, have a thin, translucent, easily removable skin and orange or whitish-yellow flesh, soft when ripe, similar in consistency to butter, very sweet, reminiscent in taste banana and mango, with a sharp strawberry-pineapple scent. The color of the peel is initially dark green, then it gradually lightens and becomes lemon yellow, and after the first frost it turns black.

Useful properties

Currently, the properties of the plant are still being studied, but some facts already exist. For example, it is well known that Azimina fruits contain many vitamins (they are especially rich in vitamins C and A) and microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron. It is worth noting that the fruits are quite high in calories (about 360 kcal). Indian peoples have used the plant's seeds as an emetic since ancient times.

Landing Azimina

In our country, growing pawpaw is possible in areas with a warm climate that provide at least 160 frost-free days ( Krasnodar region, Kuban, Caucasus). Mature trees are photophilous and produce maximum yield in full sunlight; young plantings suffer from direct sunlight in the first two years. sun rays and need shading. Trees are watered regularly, trunk circles and row spacing are mulched, which helps retain moisture in the soil and prevents it from overheating in the summer months. As the seedlings grow, they switch to artificial turf with perennial grasses, periodically mowing them and using them as mulch. During the period of active growth, pawpaw is fed once every 2 weeks with organic or complete mineral fertilizer. In the spring, sanitary pruning and replacement pruning are performed. The plant is little affected by diseases and pests.

Reproduction in shifts

Pawpaw is propagated by seeds, root layering and grafting. Root shoots are usually few in number, weakly grow the root system and do not tolerate transplantation well. For propagation, it is recommended to separate it from the mother plant a year before the planned transplant. Pawpaw seeds require stratification, otherwise their germination may take up to 3 years. Stratified seeds sown in late autumn germinate in July. Young plants develop poorly in the first year and do not tolerate transplantation well. Specimens grown from seeds bloom in 4-8 years, grafted ones - after 2-3 years, but grafting trees is quite difficult.

The most the right way The acclimatization of plants is still considered to be growing them from seeds. If you grow pawpaw where it has not grown before, you need to focus on varieties and forms early date ripening, bred or growing in the north of its range, with a short growing season and with good ripening of annual growth wood. Pawpaw seeds dry out quickly after being removed from the fruit - after only 5 days of storage in the open air, the water content in them decreases sharply, which leads to loss of germination. To maintain viability, seeds removed from fruits are best stored in a moist substrate. To obtain good seedlings, cold stratification (0–5 °C) of seeds is required for 3–4 months. In stratified seeds, under warm conditions, additional development of the root and cotyledons occurs, which ensures a more or less uniform emergence of seedlings. Seeds should be sown to a depth of 2–3 cm. Mass shoots appear after a month, and individual shoots after 2 months. The germination rate of properly stored seeds is 80%. Stratified seeds sown in the ground germinate at an air temperature of at least 18–22 °C; in our conditions, seedlings appear in late May - early June, regardless of the timing of spring sowing.

In the first year, seedlings reach a height of 10–15 cm, have 6–10 leaves, and the root collar is 1.5–3 mm in diameter. Seedling tap root, root system annual plants is 150–170 cm, located in the soil at a depth of up to 20 cm. When transplanting seedlings from a greenhouse to a nursery, the roots very often break, so you need to replant them with a lump of earth or sow them directly into containers, from which it is then easy to transfer the plants to the prepared planting bed pit. To grow varietal planting material, pawpaw is propagated by budding during mass flowering of plants (usually in Kyiv conditions - May 5–15), the grafting survival rate is 75–90%. Budding (and grafting) of pawpaws must be carried out quickly and carefully, using a stainless steel knife, since the sections quickly oxidize due to the high content of tannins in air. Pawpaw plants also form root shoots, which can be dug up and used as planting material. Plants of seed origin bloom only in the 5th–6th year after planting, the yield increases gradually, grafted ones already in the 2nd–3rd year and quickly begin to bear fruit. The harvest is formed on last year's shoots and depends on the vigor of the plant, growing conditions, as well as the presence of pollinating insects and cross-pollination. Full mass fruiting is typical for 10–15 year old plants.

Propagation by root parts

Root suckers:

  • The root shoots are broken off;
  • plant deep in the soil, water;
  • sprouts appear in about a month.

For planting, pawpaw seedlings or saplings are used. Two-year-old seedlings 40–50 cm high with a root collar diameter of 6–9 mm have 14–20 leaves and a total length of the root system of 2.5–3 m. The height of seedlings (grafted varietal plants) at one year of age reaches 60–70 cm, the diameter of the trunk – 10–12 mm, they should have good fusion of the scion with the rootstock. An elevated, sheltered from the wind and well-lit place is best suited for planting pawpaws. When planting on a slope, drains must be installed to prevent the flow of storm or melt water. Optimal scheme plantings that ensure good plant development, 3 m between plants and 5 m between rows. On personal plot The feeding area may be smaller - 2.5 x 4 m, but given that pawpaw grows well and develops quickly, it is advisable not to plant other plants close. The depth of the planting holes is 50–60 cm, the width is 60–70 cm. The soil from the top layer of the hole is mixed with 5–10 kg of compost or humus, the plant is planted on a mound, straightening the root system, the hole is filled with soil from the rows, and a hole is made for watering. After planting, the plants are watered and mulched with peat, bark, and humus. During the growing season, water as needed.

Rules of care

  • Slightly acidic soil, rich in organic matter, fertilize with humus with the addition of ash;
  • fertilizing with urea in spring, and complex fertilizer 3-4 times in summer;
  • mulch the tree trunk circle or sow it with lawn grass;
  • good lighting;
  • no drafts.

It is recommended to fertilize pawpaw with humus infused for 24 hours with the addition of fish broth. This composition promotes the growth of the banana tree. Infusions of lupine or quinoa have a positive effect on the development of the tree. Fertilizers are added only to moist soil so as not to damage the branched root system of the pawpaw. For the same purpose, you cannot loosen deeper than 1 cm.

Diseases and pests

Pawpaw is resistant to diseases and pests. But improper watering can cause root rot. In this case, the leaves turn brown and the pawpaw grows poorly. Balance in moisture and watering regime are important. IN room conditions Replanting the plant will help. Pawpaw roots should be rinsed well with water, removing diseased areas. To prevent pests from time to time, pawpaw can be watered with a weak solution of manganese.

Azimina (lat. Asimina), or pow-pow- a genus of flowering plants in the Annonaceae family, which includes 8 species, mostly distributed in nature in the United States. Pawpaw is also called the banana tree or American papaya (paw paw), since the fruits of all three plants have some similarities. For the sake of these edible fruits, the three-lobed pawpaw, or triloba pawpaw (Asimina triloba), introduced into cultivation in 1736, is grown in gardens. It is grown in regions with warm climates, for example, in Italy, France, Japan and Spain. Pawpaw also grows in Ukraine, mainly in its southern regions. Azimina in Russia is found mostly in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, although there are known cases of its successful fruiting in Orenburg. In addition to those deserving recognition taste qualities also of interest medicinal properties Pawpaws.

Planting and caring for pawpaw (in brief)

  • Landing: early spring.
  • Bloom: in April for three weeks.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • Soil: loose, moisture- and breathable, slightly acidic reaction.
  • Watering: during the season of active growth - regular and plentiful; in the fall, watering is stopped.
  • Feeding: from the second year of life in the spring, with complex mineral or organic fertilizer in liquid form.
  • Reproduction: seeds, root shoots, grafting and parts of rhizomes.
  • Diseases: root rot.
  • Pests: almost not affected.
  • Properties: the plant has healing properties.

Read more about growing pawpaw below.

Azimina - description

Pawpaw triloba is a deciduous tree, 5 to 8 m high, with smooth gray-brown bark and an evenly leafy, wide-pyramidal crown. Young shoots of the plant are covered with pubescence. Oblong-ovate, tapering to a short, thick petiole and pointed towards the apex, light green leathery leaves can reach a length of 22-25 and a width of 7-12 cm. The underside of the young leaves of the plant is covered with pubescence, and the upper side is glossy. Along with the leaves, in their axils, attractive bell-shaped brownish-purple flowers open on the shoots of last year in April or May.

Pawpaw fruits - juicy cylindrical berries with curled ends - ripen in early to mid-autumn. They are collected in fruit clusters of 2-9 berries, reach a length of 7-9, a width of 4-5 cm, and can weigh from 60 to 200 g. The fruits, painted in a dark shade of green, lighten as they ripen to a pale yellow hue, and then turn brown. Pawpaw berries are covered with a thin shell, inside of which there is a delicate light yellow, orange or creamy pulp with a very sweet taste, reminiscent of both mango and banana, and emitting a strawberry-pineapple aroma. Inside the pulp, arranged in two rows, ripen 10-12 dark brown seeds, flattened on the sides, reaching a length of 2.5 cm.

Planting pawpaws in the ground

Pawpaw requires at least 160 frost-free days to ripen its fruit. For the first two years, young trees need to be shaded from strong sun. but with age, plants develop a need for bright light, and they grow and bear fruit well in direct rays.

The composition of the soil for pawpaw does not play a big role, but it is desirable that it be slightly acidic, loose, moisture- and breathable. Of course, the pawpaw tolerates heavy soil, but in this case, when planting, it is advisable to lay a thick layer of drainage material in the hole.

Two-year-old pawpaw seedlings are best accepted and further developed if they are planted at a distance of at least 3 meters from each other, maintaining row spacing of 5 m wide. The planting hole should reach 60-70 cm in diameter and be 50-60 cm deep.

To the soil mixture with which you will fill the pit, you need to add 5-10 kg of humus or compost, a little wood ash, sand and mix everything thoroughly. Place at the bottom of the pit drainage layer of broken bricks or gravel 15-20 cm thick and pour a heap of soil mixture on it.

Having placed the seedling in the center of the hole on a mound of nutrient soil, straighten its roots and fill the remaining space with the same soil, lightly compact the surface around the seedling and water it generously. When the water is absorbed, the root circle needs to be mulched humus, peat or bark.

Caring for pawpaw in the garden

At the beginning of spring, before the growing season begins, pawpaw pruning is carried out, during which broken, frostbitten, diseased or improperly growing shoots are removed and the crown is shaped. Pawpaw blooms from April for three weeks.

During the season of active growth, pawpaw needs regular and abundant watering, but you need to make sure that it is not excessive, otherwise the roots of the plant will begin to rot. In autumn, when the dormant period begins, watering is stopped. After watering, the soil in the tree trunk circle is loosened, while simultaneously clearing the root area of ​​weeds. Water for irrigation is used that has been settled and heated in the sun.

In the photo: Pawpaw flower

Pawpaw in open ground requires feeding only from the second year of life: For the first season, the organic matter that was added to the soil during planting is enough for her. In April, that is, at the beginning of the second season, a solution is added to the soil under the pawpaw. mineral complex with a high content of phosphorus and nitrogen. If you prefer to fertilize the soil in the garden with organic fertilizers, then pond pawpaw or manure are most suitable for pawpaw.

The yield of pawpaw can be increased by artificial cross-pollination between genetically heterogeneous plant varieties. To do this, at least two trees must grow on the site, and then you can use a brush to transfer pollen from the flowers of one tree to the flowers of another. This technique allows you to at least double the fruit yield.

Since flies play an active role in pollination of pawpaws, it is advisable to hang pieces of rotting meat in the garden at different heights during flowering.

Three-lobed pawpaw is cold-resistant and can withstand frosts down to -29˚C, so growing pawpaw in open ground does not require protective measures before the onset of winter. The plant's flower buds, which appear in mid-spring, are covered with a dense shell that protects them from frost.

Reproduction of pawpaws

Pawpaw reproduces generatively - by seeds, and vegetatively - by parts of the rhizome, basal shoots and grafting.

In the photo: Pawpaw fruits on a tree

Pawpaw seeds before sowing, it is necessary to undergo stratification at a temperature of 0-4 ˚C for 3-4 months, and only after that 1-2 seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm in peat pots with seedling soil: seedlings have a very sensitive root system, therefore It is advisable not to disturb her once again by picking or transplanting. Contain crops at a temperature of 18-22 ˚C.

If you decide to sow pawpaw directly into the ground, then do this before winter, in October, and in this case there is no need to engage in preliminary stratification: the seed will be hardened in the soil. Seeds sown in pots can germinate in as little as 7 weeks, while winter garden crops will sprout only next spring. In the first year, seedlings grow up to 10-15 cm. Pawpaw from seeds will begin to bear fruit only after 5-6 years.

A piece of rhizome for propagation of pawpaw can be broken off from the base of a tree. It is planted in the hole, sprinkled with a nutrient substrate, and in a little over a month you can already expect the first shoots to appear. In the same way, you can plant root shoots if your pawpaw forms them.

In the photo: How pawpaw blooms

Vaccination of pawpaws carried out using the “split” method, using lignified cuttings as a scion. The rootstock is split to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, and a pointed cut of the scion is placed in the gap so that the cambial layers of both parts coincide. The grafting site is wrapped with film to protect it from moisture. You should know that Grafting is the only method that preserves the varietal characteristics of pawpaw.

Pests and diseases of pawpaw

Pawpaw, which is resistant to diseases and pests, can be affected by root rot as a result of excessive watering, causing the growth and development of the plant to slow down and the leaves to turn brown. Therefore, it is very important that pawpaw hydration is balanced. The pawpaw is extremely rarely affected by viral and bacterial infections, as well as harmful insects.

Pawpaw collection and storage

At the end of summer or early autumn, pawpaw fruits stop increasing in size and begin to ripen. Ripe fruits emit a strong aroma, become soft, and their green skin turns yellow. If you are going to store the pawpaw fruits for a while, you will need to remove them a week before they ripen, before they fall off on their own.

Pawpaw fruits cannot withstand long-term storage: they can be stored in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for up to three weeks, and in room conditions - only 3-4 days, so most often they are frozen or processed: jam and compotes are made from them.

Pawpaw fruits also do not tolerate transportation well, so they must be transported unripe, trying to protect them from mechanical damage. The fruits will be stored better and longer if each one is wrapped in paper.

Types and varieties of pawpaws

There are eight species of pawpaw in nature, one of them is a natural hybrid. Only pawpaw triloba, or three-lobed pawpaw, is cultivated, but thanks to the tireless work of breeders, today there are over 70 cultivars of this plant. The most famous of them are:

  • Davis– a plant with high quality aromatic fruits with yellow sweet pulp;
  • Martin– a variety characterized by cold resistance and high quality fruits;
  • Overlease– pawpaw, the fruits of which are similar in quality to the Davis variety;
  • Victoria– a variety with fruits weighing up to 380 g with sweet and aromatic yellow pulp.

Such varieties of pawpaw triloba as Autumn Surprise, Dessertnaya, Strickler, Sunflower, Prima, Balda, Zimmerman, Potomac, Taylor and others are also in demand among gardeners.

Properties of pawpaw - harm and benefit

Useful properties of pawpaw

Pawpaw fruits, also called Mexican bananas, contain vitamins C and A, which have antioxidant and rejuvenating properties, so the pulp of the fruit is used not only for food, but also for preparing facial masks. In addition to vitamins, fruits contain mineral salts of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium, amino acids, sugars, fats, pectin and fiber. Pawpaw has a unique antimicrobial and antitumor effect: acetogenin contained in the fruit helps prevent the development of certain types of cancer cells and stop the growth of already formed tumors. Pawpaw extract has a strengthening effect on the immune system, increasing its protective function, protecting body cells from free radicals and the negative effects of stressful situations.

Fruit trees Annonaceae Plants on A

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Pawpaw triloba or pawpaw triloba- a plant of the Annonaceae family. Since the fruits look somewhat reminiscent of banana and papaya, another name arose: “banana tree” or “American pow-paw”. For the first time they learned about pawpaw in North America. Today, the fruit has spread almost throughout the world and can most often be found in wet lands near rivers.

The oblong-shaped fruits can reach a length of about 12 cm and a width of about 5 cm (see photo). A thin skin covers beige flesh, which is very juicy. Sweet pawpaw has the aroma of a mixture of strawberries and pineapple.

Pawpaw varieties

Today there are about six dozen varieties of pawpaw. Almost all of them were bred in countries such as Canada and the USA, which, however, is not at all surprising, since North America is the historical homeland of this exotic plant for us. Thus, almost all varieties that are currently grown in Russia are of North American origin.

The most common varieties of pawpaw:

  1. Davis - the fruits of this variety are of quite high quality; They have a pleasant yellow flesh and a sweet taste.
  2. Martin – distinctive feature This variety lies in its high cold resistance.
  3. Overlease - this variety has characteristics similar to the Davis variety.

In nurseries you can also find pau pau of the following varieties:

  • Green River;
  • Rebecca's Gold;
  • Mitchell;
  • Taylor and many others.

However, you should not think that domestic breeders are not at all interested in the banana tree. This is wrong! There are several varieties bred in the post-Soviet space. One of them, for example, is the dessert pawpaw. The plant itself is medium-sized, its fruits are mid-ripening, weighing up to 270 grams. The pulp of the fruit is up to 95% yellow. It has a very pleasant mild taste.

Another domestic variety of pau pau is called “Sochinskaya 11”. This plant is vigorous and its fruits are early ripening. The fruits of this variety are large in size; they can weigh up to 350 grams. The pulp of the fruit is yellow-orange. Its taste is extremely pleasant.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of banana tree fruits are quite extensive. Thus, pawpaw (Pau Pau) has the ability to remove bad substances and decay products from the body, which means it will be useful to use for poisoning. It has been proven that regular consumption of fruits has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Due to the acetogenin content, the fruit slows down the growth and prevents the spread of cancer cells. In addition, these substances have the ability to destroy cancer cells that were not killed by chemotherapy courses.

Paw paw extract (Paw Paw) has a positive effect on the condition immune system. It also increases protective functions and reduces the negative effects of stress and free radicals on the body. Fruit extract also helps cope with nervous disorders and psychoses.

Beneficial properties of pawpaw are used for cosmetic purposes. For example, at home you can make a mask from the pulp that not only refreshes, but also tightens the skin. In addition, such masks have a rejuvenating effect.

It contains pawpaw and potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the huge number useful properties This plant is used in the pharmaceutical industry to produce drugs that are aimed at combating cancer.

Use in cooking

Pawpaw (Pau Pau) is used in cooking not only in fresh, but also in processed form. In order to preserve the fruits long time, they are canned, and also made into preserves and jams. You can make syrup, marmalade and various drinks from the fruit. In addition, the pulp is used as a filling for baked goods, and many delicious desserts can be made from it.

Harm of paw paws (Pau Pau) and contraindications

Pawpaw (paw paw) can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product, as well as to diabetics, because its fruits contain a lot of sucrose. Pregnant and breastfeeding women have contraindications to consuming the fruit.

Growing and caring for a plant

Growing a banana tree in Russia is possible in those regions that have at least 160 frost-free days per year. The most suitable territories are Crimea, Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasus. In addition, with additional watering, pawpaw can be grown in Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, in Kalmykia, as well as in the Saratov region. If, in addition to watering, you also provide the tree with light shelter for the winter, then you can also plant it in the Kursk, Voronezh, Belgorod, Orenburg and Samara regions.

The soil for a banana tree should be slightly acidic and light. Clay and alkaline soils are not suitable for this purpose at all. In addition, you need to take into account that pawpaw does not tolerate stagnant water, and therefore it is best to equip the bottom of the planting hole with drainage.

When planting a plant, you also need to be careful when choosing a site. It should be sufficiently warm and well-lit, as well as reliably protected from the winds.

The plant can be grown using seeds, root suckers and cuttings.

Let's consider the first option first. Since pawpaw is a tropical plant, it it is better to stratify the seeds at a temperature range from +5 to +7 degrees (stratification is the process of keeping the seeds of a particular plant at a certain temperature so that they germinate faster, in addition, such manipulation allows you to increase germination). Before planting, the seeds should be soaked in water for five days. At the same time, the water is changed daily. After five days, the seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of about three centimeters. The first shoots, if everything was done correctly and the specified nuances were observed, should appear a month after planting. In addition, we draw your attention to the fact that seedlings grown in this way should not be disturbed or replanted, since pawpaw has a very delicate root system that is easy to injure. Thus, it is better for a tropical tree to immediately determine its “permanent residence” on the site.

The next option for growing pawpaw is growing using root suckers. So, the root shoot needs to be broken off, planted deep in the soil, and then watered thoroughly. The first shoots will appear a month after planting.

As for planting pawpaw cuttings, it is carried out as follows. The cuttings are cut in the spring and then buried, leaving only one bud. After this, a mini greenhouse is built for the cuttings. It is constantly ventilated, and the plant is watered abundantly. After a month, the first shoots should appear. It will be possible to plant such a seedling for permanent residence next year.

Caring for pawpaw is not difficult. The main thing is sufficient watering, since the plant is moisture-loving. As for feeding, it is not needed at all in the first year of life. Then nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers should be applied to the soil. In addition, you need to loosen the root zone, but under no circumstances dig it up, so as not to damage the root system.

In some regions, which were discussed earlier, the tree will have to be insulated for the winter.

Since natural plant pollinators, such as hummingbirds, do not live in our latitudes, then the pollination process will need to be taken into your own hands. For this you will need a piece of cotton wool attached to a rigid wire. Using this simple device you will need to transfer pollen from one flower to another. However, you don’t have to do this, entrusting the pollination process to the wind.

To summarize, we note that by following all the above recommendations, you can please yourself and your loved ones with delicious and very healthy fruits.