Printed circuit board drawing (part). Printed circuit board drawings Rules for making a printed circuit board assembly drawing

GOST 2.417-91

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Rules for the execution of drawings

Unified system for design documentation. Printed circuit boards. Rules for making drawings

ISS 01.100.25
OKSTU 0002

Date of introduction 1992-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR and the Ministry of Radio Industry of the USSR


G.M. Khrobinsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.E. Grakhova

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated December 12, 1991 N 1941

3. INSTEAD GOST 2.417-78


Item number

GOST 2.113-75

GOST 2.123-93

GOST 2.307-68

GOST 10317-79

GOST 20406-75

5. REPUBLICATION. December 2010

1. This standard establishes the rules for the execution of drawings of printed circuit boards and flexible printed cables (FPC) (hereinafter referred to as printed circuit boards) for any method of producing documentation.

The terms used in this standard and their definitions are in accordance with GOST 20406 *.
* On site Russian Federation the document is not valid. GOST R 53386-2009 is valid. - Database manufacturer's note.

2. Drawings of printed circuit boards must be made in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD) and this standard.

3. Drawings of single-sided (SPP), double-sided (DPP) and multilayer (MPP) printed circuit boards must have the name “Printed Board”.

4. The GPC must have the name “Printed flexible cable”.

5. An assembly drawing is issued at the MPP.

The image of each MPP layer is placed on separate sheets of the assembly drawing, indicating the serial number of the layer. The material of printed layers should be recorded in the specifications in the “Materials” section, indicating their dimensions and number of layers, or in the “Parts” section, as parts without a drawing.

6. It is preferable to make drawings of the same type of printed circuit boards in accordance with GOST 2.113, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

7. On the printed circuit board drawing, dimensions must be indicated in one of the following ways:

in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.307*;
* GOST 2.307-2011 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

drawing a coordinate grid in a rectangular coordinate system (Fig. 1);

drawing a coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system (Fig. 2);

in a combined way using dimension and extension lines and a coordinate grid in a rectangular or polar coordinate system;

in the form of a table of coordinates of the elements of the conductive pattern (conductors, contact pads, etc.).

8. When applying dimensions using a coordinate grid, grid lines must be numbered. The numbering step is determined constructively taking into account the saturation and scale of the image (Fig. 3, 4) and can be expressed in millimeters or in the number of grid lines.

9. It is allowed to highlight individual coordinate grid lines in the drawing, alternating at certain intervals (see Figure 2), while in the technical requirements of the drawing instructions should be placed such as: “The coordinate grid lines are drawn one at a time.”

10. The coordinate grid, depending on the method of performing documentation, should be applied to the entire field of the drawing (see drawings 3, 4) or to part of the surface of the printed circuit board, or with marks along the perimeter of the contour of the printed circuit board (see drawing 1). It is allowed to apply marks along the perimeter of the circuit board outline (see Figure 1) or at some distance from it.

11. Coordinate grid step in a rectangular coordinate system - according to GOST 10317.

12. The following should be taken as the origin in the rectangular coordinate system in the main view of the printed circuit board drawing:

the center of the leftmost or lower right hole (see Figure 1);

left or right lower corner of the printed circuit board (see Fig. 3);

the left or right lower point formed by the construction lines (see drawing 4).

13. In drawings of round printed circuit boards, it is allowed to take the center of the printed circuit board or the point formed by the intersection lines of two tangents to the circle as the origin in a rectangular coordinate system.

14. A coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system is used for drawings of printed circuit boards with a certain sequence of arrangement of repeating printed conductors with radial orientation.

15. The pitch of the coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system is set by angle and diameter and is assigned depending on the location of the printed circuit board elements (see Figure 2).

16. If the dimensions and configuration of the printed circuit board drawing are specified in the technical requirements of the drawing, then it is allowed to depict elements of printed circuit boards conditionally.

17. Areas of the printed circuit board that are not allowed to be occupied by printed conductors and contact pads must be outlined in the drawing with a thick dash-dotted line.

The dimensions of the sections are determined by a coordinate grid or plotted on the drawing.

18. For applying dimensions, surface roughness designations, etc. It is allowed to include an additional view in the drawing, in which the printed circuit board design should be shown partially. It is permissible not to depict a drawing of a printed circuit board. In this case, an appropriate inscription should be placed above this view, for example, “Conductors are not shown.”

19. Round contact pads with holes, including those with a countersink, and contact pads of any shape, the dimensions of which are not indicated, are depicted in the drawing as one circle.

Contact pads are allowed, incl. round, depending on their size, conventionally depicted in the drawing as a square, rectangle, polygon, etc.

The dimensions and shape of the contact pads are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing.

20. Holes that are similar in diameter are depicted as a circle of the same diameter with the obligatory indication of a symbol in accordance with GOST 2.307.

21. The diameter of the hole, its symbol, the diameter of the contact pad, the presence of metallization, the number of holes should be combined into a table.

22. Conductors in the drawing should be indicated by one line, which is the axis of symmetry of the conductor. The drawing should indicate the numerical value of the conductor width.

Conductors can be depicted as two lines, and if they coincide with the grid lines, the numerical value of the width is not indicated in the drawing.

23. Individual elements of the printed circuit board design (conductors, screens, insulating sections, etc.) can be highlighted in the drawing by shading, blackening, rasterizing, etc.

24. The image of a printed circuit board with repeating elements may not be completed in full to the extent that ensures unambiguous reading of the drawing. In this case, the pattern of arrangement of such elements must be indicated.

25. It is allowed to put inscriptions, signs, etc. on the image of the printed circuit board, which may not be on the products themselves, which should be noted in the technical requirements of the drawing.

In places where inscriptions are applied on the drawing, it is allowed not to apply a coordinate grid.

26. The image of the printed circuit board may partially lack information about individual elements of the printed circuit board; however, the technical requirements of the drawing must contain a link to a document containing the missing information.

27. For printed circuit boards and GPCs that have the same technical requirements, it is allowed to draw up technical requirements in a general design document of subclass “0”, which must be referenced in the technical requirements of the printed circuit board design drawing.

28. In the technical requirements of the drawing, it is allowed to provide explanations about the interaction of elements. Example: "The conductors form four short-circuited twenty-five-turn windings with a half-turn pitch of twelve divisions and equal to 43° 12" ".

29. The printed circuit board markings are placed on a free space on the board.

When marking using a conductive pattern, it is allowed to use any font, although the technical requirements of the drawing do not indicate the marking method.

30. With an automated and semi-automated design method, it is allowed to produce drawings of printed circuit boards without an image of the conductive pattern, including in the set of design documentation documents on data carriers that define the design and method of manufacturing printed circuit boards and their components.

As the second and subsequent sheets of the drawing, it is allowed to use images of the layers of the printed circuit board on photographic film, photographic paper or other materials.

Documents on data carriers are recorded in the specification of the assembly unit.

31. A set of design documentation for a printed circuit board using the automated design method must comply with GOST 2.123.

Electronic document text

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
ESKD. Rules for the execution of drawings
various products: Sat. GOST. -
M.: Standartinform, 2011

The essence of printed wiring is the application of thin electrically conductive coatings to the insulating base, which perform the functions of installation wires and circuit elements - resistors, capacitors, inductors, contact parts, etc. Below are the main terms that will be used when presenting the material.

A printed conductor is a section of a conductive coating applied to an insulating base that performs the functions of a regular installation wire.

Printed wiring is a system of printed conductors that provide electrical connection of circuit elements.

A printed circuit board is an insulating base with a printed circuit printed on it.

Attachment elements are volumetric electrical and radio elements installed and secured on a printed circuit board by soldering and having electrical contact with printed conductors.

Contact pad is a metallized area around the mounting hole that has electrical contact with the printed circuit conductor and provides electrical connection of the suspended circuit elements with the printed circuit.

Mounting hole - a hole in a printed circuit board designed to secure the leads of attached elements and electrically connect them to printed conductors.

Coordinate grid is a grid applied to the image of the board and used to determine the position of mounting holes, printed conductors and other board elements.

Grid pitch is the distance between adjacent grid lines. The grid step must be a multiple (0.625; 1.25; 1.875; 2.5, etc.)

A grid node is the point of intersection of grid lines.

Free spaces are areas of the printed circuit board where, when placing conductors, the recommended values ​​for the width of conductors and the distance between conductors and pads can be maintained.

Bottlenecks are areas of the printed circuit board where, when placing conductors, the width of the conductors and the distances between them and the contact pads are less than recommended (down to the minimum permissible).

Printed block - a printed circuit board with a printed circuit, attachments and other parts that has gone through all stages of manufacturing.

Design documentation for printed circuit boards and blocks is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.109-73, GOST 2.417-68 and current regulatory and technical standards

documents. A single-sided or double-sided PCB drawing is classified as a part drawing. The drawing of the printed circuit board must contain all the information necessary for its manufacture and control: an image of the printed circuit board from the printed circuit board side; dimensions, maximum deviations and surface roughness of the printed circuit board and all its elements (holes, conductors), as well as the dimensions of the distances between them; necessary technical requirements; information about the material.

The dimensions of each side of the printed circuit board must be a multiple of 2.5 for a length of up to for a length of up to for a length of more than The maximum size of any side of the printed circuit board should not exceed The ratio of the linear dimensions of the sides of the printed circuit board should be no more and is selected from a range The thickness of the boards is determined based on the mechanical requirements for the design of the printing unit, taking into account the manufacturing method. Recommended boards with a thickness of 0.8; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0 mm. Printed circuit board drawings are made in full size or enlarged

The development of a printed circuit board drawing begins with the application of a coordinate grid.

Rice. 4.18. Hole Picture

For small-sized equipment and in technically justified cases, it is allowed to use additional steps of 1.25 and 0.5 mm.

The centers of all holes on the printed circuit board must be located at the grid nodes. If due to design features this cannot be done for a hinged element, then the centers of the holes are located according to the instructions in the drawing for this element. This arrangement of hole centers is used for lamp panels, small-sized relays, connectors and other elements. In this case, the following requirements must be met: the center of one of the holes, taken as the main one, must be located in a coordinate grid node; the centers of the remaining holes should, if possible, be located on vertical or horizontal lines of the coordinate grid. In Fig. Figure 4.18 shows the location of the holes on the printed circuit board.

The diameters of mounting and transition holes, metallized and non-metalized, are selected from the range (0.2); 0.4; (0.5); 0.6; (0.7); 0.8; (0.9); 1.0; (1,2); 1.3; 1.5; 1.8; 2.0; 2.2; (2.4); (2.6); (2.8); (3.0). Diameters not in brackets are preferred. It is not recommended to have on one printed circuit board

Table 4.1 (see scan)

Rice. 4.19. Hole table

more than three different hole diameters. The diameters of metallized holes are selected depending on the diameters of the leads of the hinged elements and the thickness of the board, and the diameters of non-metalized holes - depending on the diameters of the leads of the hinged elements installed in these holes (Table 4.1). The need for countersinking of mounting and via holes is dictated by specific design requirements and the method of manufacturing the board.

When using other diameters of metallized holes in accordance with GOST 10317-79, the difference between the diameter of the metallized hole and the diameter of the lead should be no more for leads with a diameter of 0.4 to for leads with a diameter over

The surface roughness of non-metalized mounting holes and ends of printed circuit boards must be in accordance with GOST 2789-73. Surface roughness of mounting and transition metallized holes -

To simplify the graphics of the board, the holes are shown as circles of the same diameter with the designation according to the table. 4.2 (according to OST 27-72-694-834).

When making holes in this way, a table of holes is placed on the drawing field (Fig. 4.19). The dimensions of the columns and the shape of the table are not established by GOST.

All mounting holes must have contact pads. The shape of the contact pad can be arbitrary, round, rectangular or close to them. The center of a symmetrically shaped contact pad must coincide with the center of the mounting hole; for rectangular and oval shaped pads, the center of the mounting hole can be shifted (Fig. 4.20). Round pads and holes with countersinks are depicted as one circle, the diameter of which must correspond to the minimum size of the pad. The diameter of the contact pads should be indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing. If there are contact pads on the board that are not specified in size, or in shape other than round,

Table 4.2 (see scan)

Rice. 4.20. Image of contact pads

It is allowed to represent all contact pads with a circle equal to the diameter of the hole. The shape and dimensions should be specified by writing in the technical requirements “The shape of the contact pads is arbitrary,

To set the dimensions of group pads, it is recommended to take out an image contact group on an enlarged scale with the required dimensions indicated on the drawing field

Rice. 4.22. Image of a pad with a conductor

It is recommended to make a smooth transition from the contact pad to the conductor. In this case, the axis of symmetry of the printed conductor must be perpendicular to the tangent to the contour of the contact pad or the contour of the contact pad itself (Fig. 4.22). The distance between the edge of the conductor, pad, non-plated hole and

Rice. 4.21. (see scan) Image of the contact group

the edge of the board must be no less than the thickness of the board. Printed conductors should be depicted in the form of line segments coinciding with the lines of the coordinate grid, or at an angle that is a multiple of 15°. It is allowed to make conductors of any configuration and rounding the bends of the conductors (Fig. 4.23).

Printed conductors should be made of the same width throughout. In narrow places, conductors are narrowed to the minimum permissible values ​​at the shortest possible length. The relative position of the conductors is not regulated. If it is necessary to lay conductors with a width along the entire length, it is recommended to provide for an extension of the conductor such as a contact pad after 25-30 mm.

Rice. 4.24. Image of conductors wider than

Conductors less than a width are depicted with one line, which is the axis of symmetry of the conductor, or more than two lines and are hatched at an angle of 45° or blackened. Wider conductors should be designed as a screen (Fig. 4.24). The shape of the cutouts in wide conductors and screens must be shown in the drawing and determined by dimensions (see Fig. 4.21). In order to simplify the drawing, it is allowed to make conductors of any width in one line, while the technical requirements of the drawing indicate the width of the conductor.

When laying printed conductors, conductor branches should be avoided if possible (Fig. 4.25); The ends of printed conductors intended for connecting a printed circuit are recommended to be positioned taking into account the ease of use of transition elements (Fig.

4.26). The boundaries of areas of the printed circuit board that are not allowed to be occupied by conductors are limited by a thick dash-dotted line.

Rice. 4.25. Image of printed conductors: a - correct; b - incorrect

Rice. 4.26. Image of contacts for connecting a printed circuit board: a - correct; b - incorrect

The overall dimensions of the printed circuit board, the diameters and coordinates of holes, pads and their relative location are shown in the drawing in one of the following ways:

a) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.307-68 using dimension and extension lines;

b) applying a coordinate grid;

c) in a combined way using dimension and extension lines and a coordinate grid;

d) using a coordinate table.

In Fig. Figure 4.27 shows an example of a drawing of a double-sided printed circuit board. The dimensions of all elements are plotted using dimension and extension lines. With this method of drawing, a coordinate grid is not applied. In this example, the center of the lower left hole of the board is taken as the reference point. Holes of various diameters are designated in accordance with the data in table. 4.2. Contact pads and

Rice. 4.27. (see scan) Drawing of a double-sided printed circuit board

Rice. 4.28. Option for applying a coordinate grid

holes with countersinks are simplistically depicted as a single circle.

When specifying dimensions by applying a coordinate grid, the grid lines must be numbered. The numbering step is determined constructively, taking into account the saturation and scale of the image. The coordinate grid, depending on the method of completing the documentation, is applied to the entire field of the board (see Fig. 4.18, 4.21) or with marks along the perimeter of the board (Fig. 4.28). It is allowed to draw not all lines of the coordinate grid; in this case, a record of the type “The lines of the coordinate grid are drawn one after another” is placed on the drawing field (Fig. 4.29). The center of the extreme left lower hole, the lower left corner, is taken as zero in the rectangular coordinate system on the main view of the board. board, the lower left point formed by constructions, for example, a continuation of the board contour line, the corners of which are cut off.

In Fig. Figure 4.29 shows an example of making a printed circuit board drawing using a combined method of dimensioning - using dimension and extension lines and a coordinate grid. The coordinate grid lines are drawn one at a time, and therefore a corresponding entry is given in the technical requirements of the drawing. A table of holes is made on the drawing field. All missing data regarding printed wiring are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing.

An example of a printed circuit board drawing indicating dimensions with a coordinate table is shown in Fig. 4.23. The dimensions of the hole diameters are indicated in the drawing, the relative location of the holes is in the coordinate table; all holes are marked with Arabic numerals in accordance with GOST 2.307-68.

The drawing of the printed circuit board indicates the overall dimensions of the board, the width of the conductors having a strictly defined or variable width (in this case, the calculated width should be indicated on each section between two adjacent pads, vias or mounting holes); diameters and coordinates of fastening, technological and other holes not related to printed wiring.

The drawing field indicates the method of manufacturing the board, technical specifications(if not all data is contained in the drawing), grid pitch, width of conductors and distances between them, distances between contact pads, between contact pads and conductors, tolerances for conductors, contact pads, holes and distances between them, design features, technologies and other parameters of printed circuit boards.

Technical requirements placed above the main inscription, formulated and presented in the following sequence:

1. Make the board using......method.

2. The board must comply with (GOST, OST).

3. Grid pitch

4. Maintain the configuration of the conductors according to the coordinate grid with deviation from the drawing

5. Rounding of the corners of contact pads and conductors is allowed.

6. Places outlined by a dot-dotted line should not be occupied by conductors.

(click to view scan)

7. Requirements for the parameters of the board elements - in accordance with the design data.

8. Width of conductors in free places in narrow

9. The distance between two conductors, between two contact pads or a conductor and a contact pad in free spaces in narrow -

The shape of the contact pads is arbitrary,

11. It is allowed to lower the contact pads of metallized holes: on the outer layers to the countersink, on the inner layers

12. Maximum deviations of the distances between the centers of holes, except as otherwise specified, in narrow places in free places

13. Maximum deviations of the distances between the centers of the contact pads in the group

14. Mark enamel font according to GOST...

An example of recording technical requirements depending on the content of a printed circuit board drawing is shown in Fig. 4.23, 4.27, 4.29.

It is allowed to indicate markings on the board image (Fig. 4.29) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.314-68. Marking can be primary or additional. The main marking includes the symbol of the board, the serial number of the drawing change; manufacturing date, serial or serial number of the board and batch of boards. The symbol of the board should be done by etching foil. As symbol accept the last three digits of the designation of the board drawing or the alphanumeric designation of the functional group, for example. The rest of the marking is done with paint.

Additional markings include positional alphanumeric designations of the hinged elements according to the electrical circuit diagram, an image of the outline of the hinged elements, digital designation of the terminals of the hinged elements, control points, designation of the positive terminal of the polar hinged elements.

Additional marking symbols should be made by etching foil if there is free space on the printed circuit side of the board or by using paint using grid-graphic printing on the printed circuit side of the board, and, if necessary, on the solder side.

The features of printed wiring include the flat arrangement of printed conductors, which does not allow the transition from one board to another without jumpers, adapter blocks or connectors; installation of hanging elements and fastening of leads only by passing them into the holes; simultaneous soldering of all elements installed on the printed circuit board.

Rice. 4.30. Placement of mounted elements on the printed circuit board: a - recommended; b - not recommended

(click to view scan)

The hanging elements should be placed in correct rows, parallel to one another, on the side of the board where there are no printed conductors (Fig. 4.30). This arrangement allows you to install and secure attachments on automatic lines and perform immersion soldering, eliminating the impact of solder on the attachments.

All attachments are attached to the board using leads that are inserted into the mounting holes and bent. It is not recommended to place two or more leads in the mounting hole. Some elements, such as low-power transistors, are secured with glue.

Assembly drawing of a printed circuit board with minimum quantity images should give a complete picture of the location and execution of all printed and mounted elements and parts. The assembly drawing is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.109-73, taking into account the requirements of GOST 2.413-72. The designs of hinged elements are drawn in the form of simplified images, they are assigned an alphanumeric positional designation in accordance with the electrical circuit diagram according to which they are performed electrical installation boards (Fig. 4.31). The assembly drawing of the printed circuit board must indicate the position numbers of all components, overall and connecting dimensions, and must contain information about the methods of connecting attachments to the printed circuit board.

The technical requirements of the assembly drawing must contain references to documents (GOST, OST) that establish the rules for the preparation and fastening of hinged elements, information about solder, etc.

The main design document of a printed circuit board assembly drawing is a specification, drawn up in the form of a table according to the rules of GOST 2.108-68. When recording in the specification of components that are elements of electrical schematic diagram, in the “Note” column indicate the alphanumeric positional designations of these elements (Fig. 4.32, 4.33).

The development of design documentation for printed circuit boards can be carried out using manual, semi-automatic or automated methods.

The manual method involves dividing hanging elements into functional groups, placing groups of elements on the board area, routing printed conductors and ensures optimal distribution of the conductive pattern.

With the manual design method, a board drawing is developed containing an image of the board with a conductive pattern and holes, as well as, if necessary, an additional separate image of the part of the board that requires graphical explanation or drawing dimensions, a coordinate grid made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.417-78, dimensions all elements of the conductive pattern and their maximum deviations; technical requirements. The board drawing must be made to a scale of at least the maximum format

The semi-automated method involves the placement of attachments using a computer during manual routing of printed conductors or the manual distribution of attachments during automated routing of conductors; it ensures acceleration of the design process with optimal placement of the conductive pattern. The board drawing must contain all the information necessary for its manufacture and control. An image of the layers of the board is obtained from a drawing device in the form of a drawing-scheme, photo-scheme, photographic print to scale or In the drawing-scheme and photo-scheme contact

Rice. 4.32. (see scan) Specification of printed circuit board assembly drawing

sites can be depicted conventionally as one circle. A schematic drawing, photographic diagram or photo print is pasted onto the original board drawing.

Permanent drawing data, such as technical requirements, hole table, should be typed from the original drawing of the permanent part. The design document format should be no larger than A2.

Rice. 4.33. (see scan) Continuation of the specification of the printed circuit board assembly drawing

The automated method involves encoding the source data, placing hanging elements and tracing printed conductors using a computer. This method provides high performance labor in making drawings. With the automated method, the designer develops a coding drawing containing the nominal values ​​of the dimensions of the board's structural elements.

GOST 2.417-91





Date of introduction 01.07.92

The terms used in this standard and their definitions are in accordance with GOST 20406.

2. Drawings of printed circuit boards must be made in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD) and this standard.

3. Drawings of single-sided (SPP), double-sided (DPP) and multilayer (MPP) printed circuit boards must have the name “Printed Board”.

4. The GPC must have the name “Printed flexible cable”.

5. An assembly drawing is issued at the MPP.

The image of each MPP layer is placed on separate sheets of the assembly drawing, indicating the serial number of the layer. The material of printed layers should be recorded in the specifications in the “Materials” section, indicating their sizes and number of layers, or in the “Parts” section, as parts without a drawing.

drawing a coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system (dash);

Crap. 2

in a combined way using dimension and extension lines and a coordinate grid in a rectangular or polar coordinate system;

in the form of a table of coordinates of the elements of the conductive pattern (conductors, contact pads, etc.).

8. When applying dimensions using a coordinate grid, grid lines must be numbered. The numbering step is determined constructively taking into account the saturation and scale of the image (Fig. , ) and can be expressed in millimeters or in the number of grid lines.

Crap. 4

9. It is allowed to highlight individual coordinate grid lines in the drawing, alternating at certain intervals (see drawing), while in the technical requirements of the drawing instructions should be placed such as: “The coordinate grid lines are drawn one at a time.”

10. The coordinate grid, depending on the method of performing documentation, should be applied to the entire field of the drawing (see drawing), or to part of the surface of the printed circuit board, or with marks along the perimeter of the contour of the printed circuit board (see drawing). It is allowed to apply risks along the perimeter of the circuit board outline (see drawing) or at some distance from it.

left or right lower corner of the printed circuit board (see drawing);

the left or right lower point formed by the construction lines (see drawing).

13. In drawings of round printed circuit boards, it is allowed to take the center of the printed circuit board or the point formed by the intersection lines of two tangents to the circle as the origin in a rectangular coordinate system.

14. A coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system is used for drawings of printed circuit boards with a certain sequence of arrangement of repeating printed conductors with radial orientation.

15. The pitch of the coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system is set by angle and diameter and is assigned depending on the location of the printed circuit board elements (see drawing).

16. If the dimensions and configuration of the printed circuit board drawing are specified in the technical requirements of the drawing, then it is allowed to depict elements of printed circuit boards conditionally.

17. Areas of the printed circuit board that are not allowed to be occupied by printed conductors and contact pads must be outlined in the drawing with a thick dash-dotted line.

The dimensions of the sections are determined by a coordinate grid or plotted on the drawing.

18. For applying dimensions, surface roughness designations, etc. It is allowed to include an additional view in the drawing, in which the printed circuit board design should be shown partially. It is permissible not to depict a drawing of a printed circuit board. In this case, an appropriate inscription should be placed above this view, for example, “Conductors are not shown.”

19. Round contact pads with holes, including those with a countersink, and contact pads of any shape, the dimensions of which are not indicated, are depicted in the drawing as one circle.

Contact pads are allowed, incl. round, depending on their size, conventionally depicted in the drawing as a square, rectangle, polygon, etc.

The dimensions and shape of the contact pads are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR and the Ministry of Radio Industry of the USSR


G.M. Khrobinsky,Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.E. Grakhova

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee of Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated December 12, 1991 No. 1941

3. INSTEAD GOST 2.417-78


5. REPUBLICATION. December 2010

GOST 2.417-91
Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Rules for the execution of drawings

Unified system for design documentation. Printed circuit boards. Rules for making drawings

ISS 01.100.25
OKSTU 0002

Date of introduction 1992-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR and the Ministry of Radio Industry of the USSR

G.M. Khrobinsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.E. Grakhova

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated December 12, 1991 N 1941

3. INSTEAD GOST 2.417-78


Item number

GOST 2.113-75

GOST 2.123-93

GOST 2.307-68

GOST 10317-79

GOST 20406-75

5. REPUBLICATION. December 2010

1. This standard establishes the rules for the execution of drawings of printed circuit boards and flexible printed cables (FPC) (hereinafter referred to as printed circuit boards) for any method of producing documentation.
The terms used in this standard and their definitions are in accordance with GOST 20406*.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 53386-2009 is valid. - Database manufacturer's note.

2. Drawings of printed circuit boards must be made in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD) and this standard.

3. Drawings of single-sided (SPP), double-sided (DPP) and multilayer (MPP) printed circuit boards must have the name “Printed Board”.

4. The GPC must have the name “Printed flexible cable”.

5. An assembly drawing is issued at the MPP.
The image of each MPP layer is placed on separate sheets of the assembly drawing, indicating the serial number of the layer. The material of printed layers should be recorded in the specifications in the “Materials” section, indicating their dimensions and number of layers, or in the “Parts” section, as parts without a drawing.

6. It is preferable to make drawings of the same type of printed circuit boards in accordance with GOST 2.113, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

7. On the printed circuit board drawing, dimensions must be indicated in one of the following ways:
in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.307*;
* GOST 2.307-2011 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

drawing a coordinate grid in a rectangular coordinate system (Fig. 1);
drawing a coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system (Fig. 2);

in a combined way using dimension and extension lines and a coordinate grid in a rectangular or polar coordinate system;
in the form of a table of coordinates of the elements of the conductive pattern (conductors, contact pads, etc.).

8. When applying dimensions using a coordinate grid, grid lines must be numbered. The numbering step is determined constructively taking into account the saturation and scale of the image (Fig. 3, 4) and can be expressed in millimeters or in the number of grid lines.

9. It is allowed to highlight individual coordinate grid lines in the drawing, alternating at certain intervals (see Figure 2), while in the technical requirements of the drawing instructions should be placed such as: “The coordinate grid lines are drawn one at a time.”

10. The coordinate grid, depending on the method of performing documentation, should be applied to the entire field of the drawing (see drawings 3, 4) or to part of the surface of the printed circuit board, or with marks along the perimeter of the contour of the printed circuit board (see drawing 1). It is allowed to apply marks along the perimeter of the circuit board outline (see Figure 1) or at some distance from it.

11. Grid pitch in a rectangular coordinate system - according to GOST 10317.

12. The following should be taken as the origin in the rectangular coordinate system in the main view of the printed circuit board drawing:
the center of the leftmost or lower right hole (see Figure 1);
left or right lower corner of the printed circuit board (see Fig. 3);
the left or right lower point formed by the construction lines (see drawing 4).

13. In drawings of round printed circuit boards, it is allowed to take the center of the printed circuit board or the point formed by the intersection lines of two tangents to the circle as the origin in a rectangular coordinate system.

14. A coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system is used for drawings of printed circuit boards with a certain sequence of arrangement of repeating printed conductors with radial orientation.

15. The pitch of the coordinate grid in the polar coordinate system is set by angle and diameter and is assigned depending on the location of the printed circuit board elements (see Figure 2).

16. If the dimensions and configuration of the printed circuit board drawing are specified in the technical requirements of the drawing, then it is allowed to depict elements of printed circuit boards conditionally.

17. Areas of the printed circuit board that are not allowed to be occupied by printed conductors and contact pads must be outlined in the drawing with a thick dash-dotted line.
The dimensions of the sections are determined by a coordinate grid or plotted on the drawing.

18. For applying dimensions, surface roughness designations, etc. It is allowed to include an additional view in the drawing, in which the printed circuit board design should be shown partially. It is permissible not to depict a drawing of a printed circuit board. In this case, an appropriate inscription should be placed above this view, for example, “Conductors are not shown.”

19. Round contact pads with holes, including those with a countersink, and contact pads of any shape, the dimensions of which are not indicated, are depicted in the drawing as one circle.
Contact pads are allowed, incl. round, depending on their size, conventionally depicted in the drawing as a square, rectangle, polygon, etc.
The dimensions and shape of the contact pads are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing.

20. Holes that are similar in diameter are depicted as a circle of the same diameter with the obligatory indication of a symbol in accordance with GOST 2.307.

21. The diameter of the hole, its symbol, the diameter of the contact pad, the presence of metallization, the number of holes should be combined into a table.

22. Conductors in the drawing should be indicated by one line, which is the axis of symmetry of the conductor. The drawing should indicate the numerical value of the conductor width.
Conductors can be depicted as two lines, and if they coincide with the grid lines, the numerical value of the width is not indicated in the drawing.

23. Individual elements of the printed circuit board design (conductors, screens, insulating sections, etc.) can be highlighted in the drawing by shading, blackening, rasterizing, etc.

24. The image of a printed circuit board with repeating elements may not be completed in full to the extent that ensures unambiguous reading of the drawing. In this case, the pattern of arrangement of such elements must be indicated.

25. It is allowed to put inscriptions, signs, etc. on the image of the printed circuit board, which may not be on the products themselves, which should be noted in the technical requirements of the drawing.
In places where inscriptions are applied on the drawing, it is allowed not to apply a coordinate grid.

26. The image of the printed circuit board may partially lack information about individual elements of the printed circuit board; however, the technical requirements of the drawing must contain a link to a document containing the missing information.

27. For printed circuit boards and GPCs that have the same technical requirements, it is allowed to draw up technical requirements in a general design document of subclass “0”, which must be referenced in the technical requirements of the printed circuit board design drawing.

28. In the technical requirements of the drawing, it is allowed to provide explanations about the interaction of elements. Example: "The conductors form four short-circuited twenty-five-turn windings with a half-turn pitch of twelve divisions and equal to 43° 12" ".

29. The printed circuit board markings are placed on a free space on the board.
When marking using a conductive pattern, it is allowed to use any font, although the technical requirements of the drawing do not indicate the marking method.

30. With an automated and semi-automated design method, it is allowed to produce drawings of printed circuit boards without an image of the conductive pattern, including in the set of design documentation documents on data carriers that define the design and method of manufacturing printed circuit boards and their components.
As the second and subsequent sheets of the drawing, it is allowed to use images of the layers of the printed circuit board on photographic film, photographic paper or other materials.
Documents on data carriers are recorded in the specification of the assembly unit.

31. The set of design documentation for a printed circuit board using the automated design method must comply with GOST 2.123.

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According to GOST 2.217-78.

A drawing of a single-sided or double-sided board is called “Board”. The drawing shows the main projections of the board.

It is also possible to make an additional type of board without a conductive pattern and mesh, on which the dimensions for machining, reduction of the marking to the mark, and coating are determined. The caption “View without guides” is written above this view.

The board drawing is made on an enlarged scale 2:1, 4:1, 5:1, 10:1.

The drawing of the board is carried out with a coordinate grid in the case when indicating the dimensions of the drawing and position is difficult due to the complexity or high density of graphic images, as well as in the case of constructing a board in a coordinate grid. It is recommended to choose grid steps: the main step is 2.5 mm, and the remaining steps are 1.25 mm or 0.5. And combine the beginning of the mesh with the structural bases.

Grid lines are drawn in continuous thin lines. If the step is small, select a line every five. It is allowed to draw lines through one (in those requirements it is written “Lines are drawn through one”).

Lines are indicated in one or more steps, but not more than 5.

Conductors whose width in the drawing is at least 2 mm are depicted as a solid thick line.

Round-shaped contact pads, as well as pads whose shape is not specified, are depicted as concentric circles. The dimensions of the outer circle must correspond minimum sizes contact area.

The shape and dimensions of printed contacts, cutouts and wide conductors are indicated directly on the board view; allowed in the form of callouts indicating their number.

Areas of the boards that are not allowed to be occupied by conductors in the drawing are outlined with a dashed line indicating the dimensions of this area.

The holes on the board are depicted as one circle.

The position of the holes is specified: - using a coordinate grid, - drawing dimension lines, - numbering the holes indicating their coordinates along the X and Y axes in the table.

The designation of the board base material is indicated in the title block of the drawing.

Technical requirements are grouped as follows:

a) method of manufacturing the board;

b) requirements for the base material of the board;

c) grid step;

d) permissible deviations of the board design;

e) requirements for parameters of board elements (in table form)

f) instructions on the configuration of basic elements;

g) requirements for machining accuracy;

h) instructions on coatings, etc.

Requirements for the execution of assembly drawings of printed circuit boards.

Assembly drawing is a type of design documentation, a document containing an image of an assembly unit and other data necessary for its assembly and control.

Requirements for the execution of assembly drawings are established in GOST 2.109 (ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings).

The assembly drawing must contain:

· An image of an assembly unit, which gives an idea of ​​the location and mutual connection of the components connected according to a given drawing, and provides the ability to assemble and control the assembly unit.

· Dimensions to be made or controlled according to this assembly drawing.

· Instructions for making permanent connections.

· Position numbers of components included in the product.

· Overall dimensions of the product.

· Installation, connecting and other necessary reference dimensions.

· If necessary - technical characteristics products.

· If necessary, coordinates of the center of mass.

The assembly drawing is included in the main set of design documentation.

The assembly drawing must show the housings of all components of the printed circuit board. There should be a number 1 near the first legs of the microcircuits. The assembly drawing should show the places where cables are laid and soldered, as well as the places where screens are installed and where radiators or other structural elements present on the board are attached. It is also advisable to indicate the location of all structural holes on the board, such as the points where the board is attached to the block. It is recommended to indicate the dimensions of the board, as well as the distances from the edges of the board to all kinds of structural elements. For example, high-frequency connectors that extend beyond the boundaries of the board.