What is a measuring tool? Measuring tool Tools for technical measurements

Devices designed to determine the geometric parameters of parts are called measuring instruments. Such devices include:

  • calipers;
  • depth gauges;
  • plumbs, levels;
  • rulers, etc.

Classification of measuring instruments

When carrying out work related to the manufacture of various parts, repair and construction work etc. use control and measuring instruments. Enterprises engaged in the production of these products produce many types of measuring instruments - manual, universal, digital, etc.

Hand-held measuring instruments include rulers, tape measures, squares, calipers, micrometers, etc. Most hand-held instruments are classified as universal measuring instruments. Such products can be used when taking measurements of most parts and assemblies.

To perform accurate measurements, use a tool with a laser installed on it. Such products are used in construction - these are levels, rangefinders, and other products intended for marking the front of work or conducting geodetic research. The laser measuring tool is easy to use and the readings taken are accurate. Most of these tools can transfer the received data to a computer for further processing.

The construction measuring tool has found its application in construction site. It is easy to operate, manual, and not highly accurate. At the same time, a tool using a laser beam is used on the construction site. This allows you to take measurements with an accuracy of a fraction of a millimeter.

The caliper tool consists of two control surfaces, between which the size is set. One surface is part of the rod, on the second there is a movable or fixed control ruler, on which dimensional marks are applied. They may have different division values ​​depending on the accuracy of the instrument.
A tool of this class is used to measure external and internal dimensions - calipers, to measure the depth of the groove. This type of tool is used to control the tooth dimensions in a gear.

Measuring heads are devices that convert the movement of the measuring tip into the movement of a pointer on a circular marked scale. These devices are used, for example, to measure the runout of a part clamped in a lathe chuck. To make it easier to work with such a head, in factory slang it is called a “watch”; stands or tripods are used. Measuring heads are divided into:

  • spring;
  • lever-geared;
  • lever

The main element of a micrometer instrument is the spindle, on the surface of which a particularly precise thread is applied. This instrument is capable of taking measurements with an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Micrometric instruments are installed in brackets, devices, etc. Representatives of this class of instruments are micrometers, micrometric internal and depth gauges, etc.

Device and technical characteristics

Most of the measuring instruments are standardized by GOST requirements. In the system of standards adopted in our country, there are at least a hundred of them. Based on GOST, manufacturing enterprises have the right to issue their own technical specifications (TU) for the production of certain products. It must be understood that a tool produced on the basis of specifications is in no way inferior to one that meets the requirements of GOST. But historically, if, for example, GOST 20162-90 is indicated on the passport that is supposed to accompany any instrumental products, then such products inspire greater confidence on the part of consumers.

Meanwhile, the design of measuring instruments and devices is no different from those produced on the basis of specifications. This does not apply to those instrumental products that are made in a handicraft manner, and their testimony cannot be trusted by definition.

Requirements for measuring instruments and tools, as noted above, are defined in GOST. As an example of the requirements for a measuring instrument, we can consider a measuring ruler, GOST 427.

It defines what types and shapes of metal rulers are produced. It is determined what types of scales can be applied to the surface of the tool. The same document regulates the tolerances for overall dimensions and indicates the maximum deviations that relate to the marking of the metal ruler.
The material from which this class of tool can be made is determined, and the coatings that are applied to the surface of the product are described.

GOST takes the procedure for accepting finished products very seriously. In addition, the procedure for storing, packaging and transporting cargo is no less carefully determined.

Using the measuring tool

In our country it works State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI). Among the many problems that it is designed to solve, the following can be highlighted:

  1. State metrological control, which includes verification of measuring instruments; approval of types of measuring instruments; issuance of licenses for the production and repair of measuring instruments.
  2. Metrological control over production, the use of measuring instruments, standards of measurement quantities, measurement techniques and other issues related to measuring instruments and methods.

Structurally, the GSI is part of the Rosstandart FA and, accordingly, all questions regarding the verification and certification of measuring instruments must be addressed to the regional branches of the federal agency.
To ensure the quality of products manufactured, constant control over dimensions, tolerances, and fits is necessary. To carry out this work, the company must use only high-quality tools. Almost everything measuring instruments must undergo a verification procedure. Verification (not to be confused with verification) of a measuring instrument is a set of certain activities carried out to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrology requirements. Instrument verification must be carried out in specially certified laboratories.

Vernier caliper verification procedure

GOST 8.113-85 defines the methodology for checking calipers. It includes the following operations:

  • Inspection of appearance.
  • Testing.
  • Determination of metrological parameters.
  • Determining the size of the sponge outputs.

A total of 14 types of inspection and diagnosis of the caliper condition are provided. To carry out verification, certain instruments and technological devices must be used in the laboratory. For example, to determine the surface roughness of the jaws, a profilograph according to GOST 19299-73 or a profilometer according to GOST 19300-73 is used; in addition to these devices, roughness samples must be used.

A tool that has been verified accordingly is marked and can be used in production. Those devices that do not meet metrology requirements must be immediately written off. In accordance with the requirements of the QMS (quality management system), there should be no unverified tools in the workplace.

By the way, when launching new products and its equipment into production, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not every instrument, no matter a tape measure, ruler or others, is accepted by laboratories for verification. There are enterprises whose products and metrological laboratories do not accept verification. This does not apply to serial tool factories, for example, Kirov or Chelyabinsk. Therefore, before purchasing a measuring instrument, it makes sense to clarify the instrument from which company you can purchase without fear.

Specifications for repair of measuring instruments

Careless storage and use will sooner or later lead to measuring instruments failing or even breaking down. But, it should be noted that even with full compliance with the operating rules, the tool will still wear out.

To determine the suitability of a tool for use, appropriate tests are carried out, as a result of which it becomes clear whether it can be used or not. If, after repairs and repeated tests, the instrument does not meet the accuracy requirements specified in the regulatory documentation and passport, then it is permissible to transfer it to a lower class. But at the same time it is necessary to make changes to the passport or form.

To identify major problems, it is necessary to use high-precision tools. These include end blocks lengths, rulers, high precision caliper tools. To carry out tool repairs, it is necessary to attract highly qualified specialists, for example, a sixth-class toolmaker who knows all methods of metalworking material processing, including the use of mechanization. At large enterprises, there are separate tool production facilities that are involved in the repair and restoration of measuring devices.

Control, measuring and marking

Among vernier calipers, the most common failures are the wear of the dimensional surfaces of the jaws or their sharp ends. In addition, over time, abrasion occurs on the surfaces of the rod and the frame moving along it. Often, the vernier in the frame is displaced, and the screw pair wears out in the micrometer instrument.

Defect detection

To identify the skew of the jaws, it is performed by measuring the end gauge in different spatial planes. If different measurement results are detected, the parallelism of the working surfaces can be judged. When they become excessively worn, a discrepancy between the main and vernier scales appears.

To obtain data on rod defects, a straight edge or plates with paint are used.

To eliminate non-parallelism of the working surfaces, the following operations must be performed. The tool is healed in a yew and, using a lapping device, the detected defect is eliminated. When performing this operation, do not apply much force. After the jaws are ground in, set the vernier to a new position.

If a curvature of the tool rod is detected, it must be straightened. To do this, it is fixed in metalwork yews. Then, using a lapping plate, it must be brought to an even state. To remove small potholes, use a velvet file.

In more complex cases of caliper failures, both heat treatment and machine tools are used. All these are quite labor-intensive processes and can only be performed by high-level professionals.

Therefore, before making a decision to replace or repair a measuring instrument, it is necessary to calculate the economic feasibility.

Features of micrometer instrument repair

A micrometer instrument may be sent for repair in the following cases:
When wear is detected on the measuring surfaces. If wear is detected on micrometers with a small measuring range, it is eliminated using measuring laps. If the separate grinding method is chosen, then repair equipment of different designs is used for this. During operation, it maintains a strict vertical position of the workpiece relative to the lap plane.

This device includes a plate, a collet and a clamping ring. The bottom plate is oriented perpendicular to the axis of the hole. The screw is installed in the collet and fixed so that its tip protrudes above the surface of the plate to a height of 0.03 - 0.04 mm. The device used to restore the heel has a similar design.

If the zero mark on the drum does not coincide with the corresponding scale division on the rod. The head of the device must be unscrewed 1 - 2 turns. After this, you need to remove the drum by pulling it towards the bracket. After this you need to install it in required position. The head must be returned to its original position and then fixed with a screw.

Undoubtedly, measuring devices after repair and restoration work most often do not meet the requirements of the standards. For such cases, technical conditions are provided that indicate permissible deviations from the standard.

In particular, the presence of simple damage - scratches, gouges - is acceptable. But, most importantly, they should not interfere with measurements and should not exceed more than 20% of the total surface of the instrument.

If during repair and restoration work on the instrument the surface was straightened, then its traces must be eliminated. To do this, grinding or decorative coating is applied.
For a vernier tool there are also additional conditions, for example, for a caliper with a division value from 0.02 to 0.05 mm, the distance between the supporting rod and the vernier should not exceed 0.05 mm. The length of the measuring surface on the jaws should not be less than 7 mm. The diameter of the circle describing the blunt jaws should not be less than 7 mm.

The plumb line is probably the simplest tool known since ancient times. And just like five thousand years ago, it was used to check the verticality of walls, partitions and other parts of building structures and metal structures.

The design of this tool is extremely simple; it consists of a cord and a weight attached to its end. The plumb line is always directed strictly perpendicular to the surface, and it is this property that allows it to be used to check the verticality of structures. You can buy a plumb line, or you can make it yourself; for this you need to pick up, for example, a nut and tie it to a cord. Commercially produced plumb lines are coated to protect them from corrosion.


To measure the gap between parts, for example, in a sliding bearing, a tool such as a feeler gauge is used. The probe is a set of plates made of durable steel. One set includes strips of different thicknesses. The surface is usually marked with a marking indicating its thickness. To take measurements, you can use one strip, or several.

Styli are used in various industries - mechanical engineering, construction, repair of propulsion systems, etc. Styli are used for adjusting valves, bearings, when aligning shafts, etc.

Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce probes in four sets, each of which can contain from 9 to 17 plates. The length of one plate is from 75 to 100 mm. The thickness of the plates ranges from 0.02 to 1 mm. In their activities they must be guided by GOST 882-75 or technical specifications made on its basis.

This tool has been around for thousands of years and is used for marking and checking the perpendicularity of sides in mechanical engineering and construction.
In accordance with GOST 3749-77, manufacturing enterprises produce several types of similar products - UL - patterned; ULP - flat patterns; ULC - patterned cylindrical; UP - metalworker's flat; USh - metalwork with a wide base. GOST defines their geometric dimensions, maximum deviations and other information necessary for their production.

In addition to these measuring instruments, angles used in construction are produced. But it should immediately be noted that non-ferrous metals are used for their production, in particular, the support can be made of silumin. The use of measuring instruments of this type in mechanical engineering is undesirable.

Why do precision measuring instruments indicate temperature?

The answer to this question lies on the surface. The metal parts of measuring instruments are temperature dependent. That is, when the temperature fluctuates, errors in the measurement results may occur. The temperature shown on the instrument, usually 20 degrees, indicates that the most accurate readings will be obtained at this temperature.

Control, measuring and marking tools

To receive quality products and performing work in everyday life, various measuring instruments and devices are used. They are used to obtain accurate linear and angular dimensions, voltage readings, current readings, etc.
To make life easier for consumers, all means of measurement and instrumental control can be divided into basic groups:

  • tool;
  • measures;
  • devices.

The first category includes simple instruments for taking measurements - rulers, caliper tools, etc. These devices are used when taking measurements in a wide variety of industries, from space to apartment renovation.

Measures include products that can store and reproduce physical quantities and their properties, for example, gauge blocks, gauges, etc.
Measuring instruments have a more complex configuration and assume that a measuring instrument can be used. This group includes bore gauges, etc.

Measurement and control

Measurement is the procedure for determining size using technical measuring instruments. That is, a comparison of physical characteristics with a certain conventional unit.
Units of measurement include millimeter, foot, and others. In practice, the concept of measurement is understood to identify the dimensions of parts and workpieces, their deviations, the size of roughness and surface cleanliness, and many others. The instrument used to carry out such measurements is called a scale instrument. Since it has measuring scales installed on it.

Control is the identification of compliance of a part with the required standards, working documentation etc. Instruments of this class are classified as scaleless. With its help, you cannot find out the absolute size, but you can clarify the correspondence of the shape of the part. Such a tool is used both in the production process and during product inspection and acceptance.

Control and measuring equipment can be classified as follows:

  • one- and multidimensional;
  • manual, mechanized, automated.

Measuring devices and instruments can be divided into the following groups:

  • mechanical and micrometric;
  • lever-mechanical;
  • toothed;
  • optical, etc.

In the instrument market, measuring devices using lasers are in great and steady demand: rangefinders, levels, protractors, etc.

A measuring instrument in the form of a parallelogram, which can be made of polymer or metal and with flasks filled with water installed in it, is called a level or spirit level. Its main purpose is to assess the conformity of working surfaces to the vertical or horizontal. There are several versions of this device.

The most modern ones include laser. Most often it is used when performing construction work on objects for various purposes. In addition, they are used when performing finishing work. Using this tool you can do the following:

  • control of markings intended for installation of industrial and household equipment;
  • laying utilities;
  • leveling wall and floor coverings.

Another type of level is hydraulic. It is a transparent tube filled with water.

A universal measuring tool designed to measure dimensions - external and internal - is called a caliper. Some models are equipped with a depth gauge built into the support rod. This measuring device is perhaps the most common. It can be found in the workshop of a machine-building enterprise and in a garage workshop.

A caliper is a ruler with two jaws. One is an integral part that carries the ruler, the second sponge moves along it. To measure thickness or outer diameter, jaws are used with the cutters facing inward. To measure internal dimensions, for example, the width of a keyway, jaws are used that face the cutters upward.

To measure large linear dimensions, use a tape measure. It is a tape on which divisions are applied. Depending on the type, it can be used to measure distances from one to fifty meters.

The tape can be made of steel strip or polymer tape. It is wound onto the housing and placed in a housing in which a return spring is installed; it allows the tape to be wound after taking the measurement. It can be used for marking workpieces, land plots and many other types of work. For more accurate measurements, use a laser tape measure.

So, they call a measuring instrument assembled into a single structure from metal, wooden or plastic pieces. When unfolded, it reaches a length of one meter. The length of one link is usually 10 cm.

This type of tool is also used in industrial production and construction. Most often, a folding meter can be seen in a carpentry workshop.

Measuring locksmith tools

Measuring tools (Fig. 1) are usually the subject of special concern for a mechanic, since the result of work often depends on whether they are in good condition for more than one day.

Rice. 1. Measuring tools: a – calipers: 1 – measuring jaws; 2 – frame with measuring jaws; 3 – rod; 4 – vernier; 5 – locking screw; b – micrometer: 1 – semicircular bracket; 2 – heel; 3 – micrometric screw; 4 – locking screw; 5 – bushing-stem; 6 – drum; 7 – ratchet; 8 – measured part.

Rice. 1 (continued). Measuring tools: c – protractor: 1 – half-disc with scale; 2 – movable sector with vernier, 3 – locking screw; 4 – ruler; 5 – measured part.

The accuracy required during mechanical assembly of any mechanical unit usually ranges from 0.1 to 0.005 mm. Measurement accuracy is the error that is inevitable when using a particular instrument as a meter.

Therefore, not a single mechanic will, for example, use a measuring ruler in order to accurately fit the shaft to the bushing: the ruler simply does not provide the necessary accuracy required when performing this operation.

But even if the instrument is chosen correctly, it will still not be possible to obtain an absolutely accurate measurement. An error in measurement always exists, but the mechanic should strive to reduce it to a minimum. The smaller the error, the higher the measurement accuracy.

The easiest way to reduce the error is to take measurements not just once, but several times, then calculate the arithmetic mean from the results of each measurement.

As a rule, an increase in error is most often caused by errors that can be completely avoided. The most common errors that reduce the accuracy of measurements are the following:

– use of a damaged measuring instrument;

– contamination of the working surfaces of the measuring instrument;

– incorrect position of the zero mark on the scale and vernier;

– incorrect installation of the tool relative to the part;

– measurement of a heated or cooled part;

– measurement with a heated or cooled instrument;

– inability to use the tool;

– incorrectly selected measurement base.

The linear dimensions of metal parts and the tool itself change very noticeably when the metal is heated or cooled, so the following temperature standard was chosen for measurements - they should be carried out at 20 °C.

Measuring ruler. For linear measurements of not very high accuracy, mechanics usually use a metal measuring ruler - a polished steel strip with marks applied to it. Since metal parts are most often small, the length of the ruler should not exceed 200–300 mm (in rare cases, you can use a ruler up to 1000 mm long). The division value is 1 mm, respectively, and the measurement accuracy is also 1 mm. Such precision in locksmith work is usually not enough. Therefore, locksmiths use other, more precise tools.

Vernier calipers (Fig. 1, a). It consists of a rigid metal ruler (bar), on which a measuring scale is applied with a division value of 0.5 mm. There are two measuring jaws on the front of the ruler; A metal frame equipped with two measuring jaws moves along the ruler. The frame has another measuring scale - a vernier, which has a division value of 0.02 mm. The movement of the frame along the rod can be stopped using a special screw. According to the main scale on the rod, readings are taken with an accuracy of millimeters; according to the vernier, the readings are refined to tenths of a millimeter.

More accurate measurement readings can be provided by micrometer(Fig. 1, b) – accuracy to hundredths of a millimeter. Those who hear the name of this measuring instrument for the first time often make the mistake of thinking that using a micrometer you can measure dimensions with an accuracy of microns. First of all, such precision is never required during plumbing work, especially in a home workshop. Secondly, a micron is one millionth of a meter, but a micrometer makes it possible to measure with an accuracy of only one ten-thousandth of a meter.

The main part of the micrometer is a screw with a very precise thread, it is called a micrometer screw. The end of this screw is the measuring surface. The screw can extend and clamp the part to be measured, which should be placed between the heel of the semicircular clamp and the end of the micrometer screw. A longitudinal line is drawn on the stem sleeve, on which two scales are located above and below: one indicates millimeters, the second - their halves. On the conical part of the drum rotating around the bushing-stem, 50 divisions (vernier) are applied, which serve to count hundredths of a millimeter. The size reading is taken first from the scale on the bushing-stem, and then from the vernier on the conical drum. Since excessive pressure of the screw on the part being measured can lead to measurement inaccuracy, the micrometer has a ratchet to adjust the pressure. It is connected to the screw so that when the measuring force increases above the norm, the screw turns with characteristic clicks. The locking screw fixes the resulting size.

Designed for measuring angles of parts goniometer(Fig. 1, c). It is a half-disk with a measuring scale, on which a ruler and a movable sector with a vernier applied on it are attached. The mobile sector can be secured to the half-disk with a locking screw. A square and a removable ruler are also attached to the sector.

To measure the angle of a part, you need to attach it with one face to the removable ruler of the protractor, and move the movable ruler so that a uniform gap is formed between the edges of the part and the sides of both rulers. Then you need to secure the sector with the vernier with a locking screw and take readings first on the main scale, then on the vernier.

To measure the size of the gap in metalwork, it is used dipstick – a set of thin plates fixed at one point. Each of them has a known thickness. By assembling a feeler gauge of a certain thickness from plates, you can measure the size of the gap. When making this measurement, you should handle the thin metal plates of the stylus with care, as they break easily with little force. At the same time, the plates must fit tightly into the gap and to their full length, this will ensure measurement accuracy.

This is, perhaps, all the measuring tools that a home mechanic might need. And in order for it to serve as long as possible and not lead to unjustified errors in measurements, it is necessary to take care of its proper storage: a real mechanic always carries a caliper and an inclinometer in a special leather case and protects them from shock, not to mention a micrometer; The dipstick is best stored in a hard case.

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Measuring tools Firstly, you will always need various measuring tools and devices to apply the necessary markings:? folding meter, ruler and tape measure;? scribers;? two types of surface planers;? a metal square having a right angle, and squares with

In production

Measuring tool - a tool designed to measure linear objects.

Simple measuring tools

Measuring Ruler

Measuring Ruler is the simplest geometric measuring instrument; the ruler has marked divisions that are multiples of the unit of measurement of length (centimeter, inch), which are used to measure distances.

Measuring tape

Vernier tool

Vernier tool - a tool for measuring and marking linear dimensions:

a) holes and shafts (vernier calipers);

b) depths and lengths (vernier height gauge, depth gauge);

c) gear teeth (vernier gauge).

The accuracy of its measurement is tenths of a millimeter.


Vernier calipers are a universal tool designed for high-precision measurements of external and internal dimensions, as well as hole depths.

2) movable frame

3) rod scale

4) sponges for internal measurements

5) sponges for external measurements

6) depth gauge ruler

8)screw for clamping the frame

Vernier depth gauge

A vernier depth gauge is used to measure the depths of recesses, grooves, ledges, etc. It differs from a caliper in that it does not have movable jaws on the rod.

Height gauge

Meter. Designed to measure the depth of recesses and depressions.


Protractor - a goniometer device designed to measure geometric angles in various designs(external and internal corners of products.), in parts and between surfaces (mainly by contact method) and between distant objects (optical method). The measurement is made in degrees, based on a bar scale, a bar-circular scale (with a mechanical pointer or pointer), a vernier or electronically, depending on the type of device.

The design of goniometers allows marking work on a plane.

Micrometer instrument

Micrometer smooth

A smooth micrometer is a tool for measuring external linear dimensions.

The readings on the smooth micrometer scales are taken in the following order:

· on the stem scale, read the mark near the line closest to the end of the drum bevel;

· on the drum scale, read the mark near the stroke closest to the longitudinal stroke of the stem;

· add both values ​​and get the micrometer reading.

For convenience and to speed up readings, there is a smooth micrometer with digital display.

Thread micrometer

A thread micrometer is used to measure the average diameter of metric and inch threads and has the same device as a conventional micrometer, but differs from the latter only in the presence of a hole in the heel and spindle, into which special replaceable inserts of various shapes are inserted: prismatic, conical, flat, spherical.

a – general view,

b – inserts,

c – measurement techniques;

1 – heel,

2 – spindle,

3 and 5 – threaded inserts,

4 – measured part

Each micrometer is supplied with sets of such inserts, which are placed in a case in pairs and are intended for measuring threads in increments of 1 -1.75; 1.75-2.5, etc. The profile angle of the inserts must correspond to the profile angle of the thread being tested.

The average diameter of the thread of part 4 is checked with a prismatic insert 5 inserted into one of the threads; on the other hand, a conical insert 3 is inserted perpendicular to the thread axis into the thread cavity. The measurements are taken according to

micrometer scales.

Micrometric depth gauge

Designed to measure the depth of grooves, holes and the height of ledges.

Micrometric depth gauges have the same structure as micrometers, only instead of a bracket there is a base (90x12 mm) 1 with a measuring rod 2. The base and measuring rod are hardened. Each micrometric depth gauge is equipped with three replaceable rods with measurement limits of 0-25 mm; 25-50 mm; 50-75 mm; 75-100 mm.

1 - base, 2 – rod

Micrometric bore gauge

A micrometric bore gauge is a device with which more accurate measurements of holes are made using the absolute method; it also has replaceable extensions.

4)Tool with dial gauge:

Wall gauge (thickness gauge)

A wall gauge is an industrial device designed for monitoring and measuring external and internal dimensions, wall thickness of workpieces, and grooves. A wall gauge is convenient for measuring the wall thickness of pipes. The measuring range of the wall meter is from 25 to 50mm. The division value is 0.1mm to 1mm, the measurement depth is 160mm, the smallest hole diameter is 20mm. The permissible error limits are ±0.10. The indicator wall gauge is made of carbon or stainless steel. An indicator wall gauge is a measuring device used to measure linear dimensions using the contact method. The type of measurement is absolute.

The indicator wall gauge consists of a fixed upper frame (body) with a handle, a movable lower frame, which is pressed against the fixed one using a return spring. A dial indicator is attached to the upper frame, the measuring rod of which rests against the horizontal protrusion of the lower frame. When the lower frame is pressed, the protrusion of the lower frame moves the indicator rod. The movement of the measuring rod is converted by the gear mechanism of the dial-type measuring head into the movement of the arrow of the measuring head. The count is taken from the head scales: main and auxiliary.

Indicator bore gauge

An indicator bore gauge is a device for internal measurements. Indicators are intended for relative or comparative measurement and verification of deviations from the shape, dimensions, as well as the relative position of the surfaces of the part. These tools are used to check the horizontal and vertical position of the planes of individual parts (tables, machines, etc.), as well as the ovality, taper of shafts, cylinders, etc.

1-dial indicator

6-tee bore gauge head

8-dimension rod



11-coil spring

In addition, indicators are used to check the runout of gears, pulleys, spindles and other rotating parts. They also come in clock and lever types.

The most common are dial indicators, which in combination with other instruments (bore gauges, depth gauges, etc.) are used to measure internal and external dimensions, parallelism, flatness, etc.

Hour indicator

It consists of a housing 4, in which a measuring rod 7 (spindle) with a gear rack cut on its surface passes through the entire long sleeve 6.

5) Limit calibers

Measuring plugs

For checking hole diameters. The non-go side differs from the go side by the shorter length of the measuring part or the presence of a groove at the handle or insert

Measuring brackets

For checking shaft diameters and lengths.


Template - a plate (pattern, stencil) with cutouts along the contour of which drawings or products are made or a tool for measuring dimensions.

For measuring external and internal angles. Checking the deviation from the angle is carried out by observation “through the light”.

Pattern rulers

The ruler is designed to check straightness using the light slit method “through the light” and is used in patterning, plumbing and control operations.

Template rulers are made from tool carbon or alloy steel with high precision and have thin working edges, called ribs or blades, with a radius of curvature of 0.1-0.2 mm, thanks to which deviations from straightness can be very accurately determined.

Surface plate

Verification plate - a metal plate with standardized flatness and surface cleanliness: designed to control the flatness of parts and marking work; used as a mounting surface during assembly, measurements and verification.


Flat pattern squares are designed to check right angles (90°) and are used in metalworking, assembly and pattern work to control the mutual perpendicularity of parts.

Radius patterns

Radius templates are designed to estimate the radii of convex and concave surfaces. Three sets of radius templates are made. Each set contains plates for control of both outer and inner radii. The design of the set's clip allows for free replacement of the template, as well as regulation of the smoothness of their rotation on the axis.

Threaded templates

Thread templates are used to determine the pitch and angle of the thread profile. Threaded templates are steel plates with teeth located along the axial profile of the thread. Thread templates are available for measuring inch or metric threads.

To determine the pitch and profile angle of the thread, the thread template is combined with the thread of the part being tested so that the teeth of the template fit into the grooves of the thread. Next, based on the tightness of the fit of the edges of the threaded template to the thread, the correspondence of the pitch and angle of the thread profile to the pitch and angle of the profile of the threaded template is determined.

The choice of measuring instruments when checking the accuracy of parts is one of the most important stages in the development of technological control processes.

The basic principles for choosing measuring instruments are as follows: the accuracy of the measuring instrument should be quite high compared to the specified accuracy of the measured size, and the complexity of measurements and their cost should be as low as possible, ensuring the most high performance labor and economy.

Insufficient measurement accuracy leads to the fact that some suitable products are rejected (type I error); at the same time, for the same reason, another part of the actually unsuitable product is accepted as acceptable (error of the second type).

Excessive measurement accuracy, as a rule, is associated with an excessive increase in the labor intensity and cost of product quality control, and therefore leads to an increase in the cost of production.

When choosing measuring instruments and methods for monitoring products, take into account

  • permissible error of the measuring instrument;
  • scale division price;
  • sensitivity threshold;
  • measurement limits, weight, overall dimensions, workload, etc.

The determining factor is the permissible error of the measuring instrument, which follows from the standardized definition of the actual size as well as the size obtained as a result of measurement with a permissible error.

The simplest way to select measuring instruments is based on the fact that the accuracy of the measuring instrument must be several times higher than the manufacturing accuracy of the part being measured. When monitoring the accuracy of technological processes by measuring the dimensional accuracy of parts, it is recommended to use measuring instruments with a division value of no more than 1/6 of the manufacturing tolerance.

The value of the permissible measurement error depends on the tolerance, which is associated with the nominal size and with the quality of the size accuracy of the controlled product. The calculated values ​​of the permissible measurement error in microns are given in standard tables.

2. Instrumentation

Tools with a linear vernier include calipers, height gauges, and depth gauges. The basis of a vernier tool is a ruler - a rod with divisions marked on it; this is the main scale. A frame with a cutout moves along the rod, on the inclined edge of which there is a vernier (auxiliary) scale.

Calipers (Fig. 2) is intended for measuring linear dimensions (diameters, depths, widths, thicknesses, etc.). On a length of 9 mm of the frame (vernier), corresponding to 9 divisions of the bar, 10 equal divisions are applied. Thus, each vernier division is equal to 0.9 mm.

Rice. 2.

If you place the frame so that the sixth stroke of the vernier is opposite the sixth stroke of the rod, then the gap between the jaws will be equal to 0.6 mm (Fig. 3, A).

Rice. 3. A – for size 0.6 mm; B – for size 7 mm; B – for size 7.4 mm

If the zero stroke of the vernier coincides with any stroke on the rod, for example the seventh, then this division indicates the actual size in millimeters, i.e. 7 mm (Fig. 3, B).

If the zero line of the vernier does not coincide with any line on the rod, then the nearest line on the bar to the left of the zero line of the vernier shows an integer number of millimeters. Tenths of a millimeter are equal to the ordinal digit of the vernier stroke to the right, not counting the zero, which exactly coincided with the stroke of the rod - the main scale (for example, 7.4 mm in Fig. 3, B).

In addition to verniers with a reading value of 0.1 mm, verniers with a reading value of 0.05 and 0.02 mm are used.

are intended for precise marking and measuring heights from flat surfaces.

The height gauge (Fig. 4, a) consists of a base 8, in which a rod 1 with a scale is rigidly fixed; frames 2 with vernier 6 and locking screw 3; device for micrometric feed 4, including a slider, a screw, a nut and a locking screw; interchangeable legs for marking 7 with a point and for measuring heights 9 with two measuring surfaces, the bottom flat and the top in the form of a sharp edge no more than 0.2 mm wide (Fig. 4, b); clamp 5 for securing legs 7 and 9 and holder 10 on the protrusion of the frame (Fig. 4, c) for needles of various lengths.

Fig 4.

The scale and vernier are the same as those of other caliper tools.

Measuring or marking with a height gauge is carried out on a marking plate. Before measurement, the zero setting of the instrument is checked. To do this, the frame with the leg is lowered until it comes into contact with the slab or a special base surface (depending on the type of leg). In this position, the zero division of the vernier must coincide with the zero division of the rod scale.

After aligning the height gauge, you can begin measurements. When measuring the height of a part, the frame with the leg is lowered manually, slightly short of the part. Further movement of the leg until it comes into contact with the part is carried out using a micrometric feed nut. The degree of pressing of the leg to the part is determined by touch. In the installed position, the frame is secured.

When marking, the size is set according to the vernier and rod scales in advance. The mark on the part is drawn with the sharp end of the leg when moving the height gauge along the plate. When measuring with needles (Fig. 4, c), it is necessary to subtract the value m from the reading of the height gauge M, which corresponds to the position of frame 2 when the tip of the needle is in the same plane with the plane of the base.

Dial indicators . Due to the small measurement range, instruments of this group are intended mainly for relative (comparative) measurements by determining deviations from a given size. In combination with special devices, these devices can also be used for direct measurements. They are also used to control the correctness of the geometric shapes of machine parts and their relative position. The most widespread of the devices in this group are dial indicators (Fig. 5, a) with a division value of 0.01 mm; Indicators with a division value of 0.002 mm are also used.

When the measuring rod moves 1 mm, the indicator needle makes a full revolution. Indicators whose measurement limits are more than 3 mm have a revolution counter arrow.

Measurement practice. Dial indicators are used when measuring radial and axial runout, deviations from straightness, deviations in the position of one part relative to another, when checking the relative position of surfaces, etc.

Rice. 5. Dial type indicator (a) and installation of the indicator for measurement:b – on a universal tripod; c – various ways to mount the indicator head on a tripod

When taking measurements, use a universal tripod and other devices.

The indicator installed in a universal tripod (Fig. 5, b) can occupy a variety of positions in relation to the product being tested. Design universal tripods may be different, but circuit diagram them remains the same. The options are shown in Fig. 5, c.

For any measurement with an indicator (absolute or relative), it must be set to a certain initial position. To do this, the measuring tip is brought into contact with the surface of the setting measure (or table). The indicator is adjusted so that the arrow makes 1-2 turns. In this way, tension is given to the indicator rod so that during the measurement process the indicator can show both negative and positive deviations from the initial position or setting standard. In this case, the indicator arrow is set against any scale division. Further readings should be made from this arrow reading, as from the initial one. To make readings easier, the initial reading is usually set to zero. The indicator is set to zero by turning the dial using the grooved bezel.

When measuring indicator bore gauge it is pre-adjusted to the size being measured using a micrometer, a block of plane-parallel gauge blocks or a calibrated ring and then set to zero.

The adjusted bore gauge is carefully inserted into the hole being measured and with slight rocking (Fig. 6, a) the deviation of the needle from the zero position is determined. This will be the deviation of the measured size from the one for which it was configured. In cases where the measuring rod of the indicator head cannot touch the surface being measured, they resort to special lever devices connected to the indicator body. The structure of these devices is clear from the figure (Fig. 6, b).

Rice. 6. Indicator bore gauge (a) and lever devices for the indicator (b), used for measurements in hard-to-reach areas places

Micrometers for external measurements (Fig. 7), micrometer bore gauges and micrometer depth gauges are classified as micrometer instruments.

Rice. 7. 1 – heel; 2 – micrometric screw; 3 – lock nut; 4 – bushing; 5 – drum; 6 – ratchet; 7 – bracket

The reading device of micrometer instruments consists of a sleeve 1 (Fig. 8, a) and a drum 2. On the sleeve, on both sides of the longitudinal line, two scales are marked with divisions of 1 mm so that the upper scale is shifted relative to the lower one by 0.5 mm.

At the beveled end of the drum there is a circular scale with 50 divisions. When rotating, the drum moves along the bushing and covers a distance of 0.5 mm in one revolution. Therefore, the drum scale division price is 0.5:50 = 0.01 mm.

When measuring, a whole number of millimeters is counted on the lower scale, half a millimeter on the upper scale of the sleeve, and hundredths of a millimeter on the drum scale. The number of hundredths of a millimeter is counted according to the division of the drum scale, which coincides with the longitudinal mark on the sleeve.

Examples of readings on micrometer scales are shown in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8. a – 11.0 mm; b – 9.36 mm; c – 10.5 mm; g – 9.86 mm

In order to limit the tension force on the part being measured when measuring with a micrometer and ensure the constancy of this force, the micrometer is equipped with a ratchet.

Before reading the micrometer readings, the drum is secured using a special stopper.

In addition to conventional calipers and other instruments with a vernier scale and a dial scale, models of instruments with electronic digital indicators are also used, which display digital readings of the measurement values ​​on the screen.

When operating measuring instruments, it should be remembered that the measuring surfaces of the tips must be clean, and the measured surfaces of the parts must be clean and their temperature should not differ from the temperature of the measuring instruments. It is unacceptable to measure hot parts with precision measuring instruments. Measuring instruments should not be held in your hands for a long time, as this affects the accuracy of measurements. It is not allowed to measure moving parts, because this is dangerous, leads to rapid wear of the measuring surfaces of the instrument and a loss of accuracy of the measurement results.

For short-term and long-term storage The measuring instrument is wiped with a soft rag containing aviation gasoline and lubricated with a thin layer of technical petroleum jelly. The measuring surfaces of the tips are separated from each other, and the stoppers are loosened. For long-term storage, instruments are wrapped in oiled paper.

Before starting measurements, it is recommended to check the zero readings of the measuring instruments. To do this, first adjust the instrument scale readings to the size being measured using measuring tiles (plane-parallel gauge blocks) or using a calibrated ring or roller and thus determine the zero position during measurements.

Probes serve to determine the size of the gaps with an accuracy of 0.01 mm (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9.

Probes are manufactured of 1st and 2nd accuracy classes with plate thicknesses from 0.03 to 1 mm and with intervals of 0.01 mm or more, depending on the set number.

(Fig. 10) are the main means of checking the flatness of the surface of a part using the paint method. The plates are made of cast iron with dimensions ranging from 100x200 to 1000x1500 mm.

There should be no corrosion spots or pits on the surface of the slabs.

Surface plates serve more than just checking flatness. They are widely used as a basis for various control operations using universal measuring instruments (thicknessers, indicator stands, etc.)

Rice. 10.

Steel straight edges . Deviations from flatness and straightness (deviations in the shape of flat surfaces) are controlled using straight edges (Fig. 11). Straight edges are produced in patterns with a double-sided bevel (Fig. 11, a); triangular (Fig. 11, b) and tetrahedral (Fig. 11, c); with a wide working surface (rectangular section (Fig. 11, d) and I-section (Fig. 11, e), “cast iron bridges” (Fig. 11, f).

Rice. 11

Rulers are available in various sizes (LxHxB mm): a – up to 320x40x8; b – up to 320x30; c – up to 320x25; g – up to 1000x60x12; d – up to 4000x160x30.

Straight edges are made in length: pattern rulers – up to 500 mm, “cast iron bridges” – up to 2500 mm and more. Curve rulers are used to check the straightness of the surface of a part “through the light”, and straight edges “cast iron bridges” are used to check the straightness “for paint”, using a feeler gauge or tissue paper.

When checking for transmission (Fig. 12, a), the straight edge is laid with a sharp bevel on the surface to be checked, and the light source is placed behind the ruler and the part. The minimum slit width that can be detected by the eye is 3...5 µm. To control the lumen gap, probes are usually used.

Rice. 12. Scheme for monitoring deviations from flatness using a pattern ruler “in the light”:a – visually; b – with a sample of gaps

Measuring deviations from straightness with straight lines “in the light” requires skill from the performer. To develop the skill of assessing by eye the magnitude of the deviation from straightness by the size of the lumen, a sample of lumens is used (Fig. 12, b), which consists of a pattern ruler 1, a set of four end length measures with a gradation of 1 micron, two identical end length measures (2) and glass plate 3. When measuring between the end measures of length and the edge of the ruler, “gaps” are formed, colored in different colors due to diffraction of visible light and from the size of the gap between the ruler and the end measure of length.

(Level) - a device used to determine the horizontality of a surface.
A spirit level is a bar in which is fixed a transparent glass tube filled with liquid, usually alcohol, with a small gas bubble. The tube with liquid has an arcuate longitudinal section. If the tube with liquid is located horizontally, the gas bubble is located strictly in the middle of the tube.
Typically, a spirit level contains two tubes with liquid for checking horizontal and vertical surfaces.

A tool used to determine the external dimensions of parts. The readings are taken using a measuring ruler with an accuracy of about 0.5 mm.
The caliper consists of two curved, hinged legs.

A device used to measure tortuous curved segments, mainly on topographic maps.
When making measurements, the cogwheel of the curvimeter is rolled along a winding line on the map. The distance traveled is measured using the dial. Typically, a mechanical curvimeter is equipped with two dials, one of which is graduated in centimeters and the other in inches.
The measurement error of a mechanical curvimeter is 0.5%.

Measuring ruler- a tool with which linear dimensions are measured.
The readings of measuring instruments, such as calipers, bore gauges, etc., are taken using a measuring ruler.
The ruler scale has a division value of 1mm or 0.5mm. Every 5mm, the stroke on the ruler is slightly larger. Every 1 cm, an even more elongated stroke is provided with a number indicating the number of centimeters before the beginning of the scale.

Test ruler- a tool used to check the straightness of surfaces.

A tool used to transfer angle dimensions from a part to a goniometer tool or to a workpiece.
In the production of carpentry they use wooden spoon . She represents block with a slot and pen . The feather and the shoe are hinged together using a screw and a wing nut. In order to install the pen in the desired position, you need to loosen and then tighten the knob. In the non-working position, the feather is retracted into the slot of the block, while the small one does not take up much space.
In the production of metalwork marking works they use metal grinder .

A tool with which measurements are made with an accuracy of 0.01mm.
The micrometer contains bracket With heel , micrometer screw in increments of 0.5mm and stopper . The micrometer screw consists of stem , drum , And heads .
Longitudinal scale , applied to the stem, divided by a risk into main And auxiliary so that the distance between the marks of the two scales is 0.5 mm. The circumference of the drum is divided into 50 equal divisions. Rotating the drum by one division moves the micrometer screw by 0.01 mm.
Ratchet , which the head is equipped with, allows you to transmit a constant force to the micrometer screw.
In the case when the micrometer screw rests on the heel, the end of the drum should align with the zero division of the main longitudinal scale. In this case, the zero division of the circular scale on the drum must coincide with the longitudinal mark of the main scale.
In the figure shown, the end of the drum has moved 16 divisions from zero on the main scale and another division on the auxiliary scale. The 37th division of the circular scale of the drum was combined with the longitudinal mark of the main scale. Thus, the size plotted on the micrometer is: 16 + 0.5 + 0.37 = 16.87 mm.

A tool used to determine the internal dimensions of parts. The readings are taken using a measuring ruler with an accuracy of about 0.5 mm.
The bore gauge consists of two legs connected by a hinge. The lower ends of the legs are curved outward.

A device used to check the verticality of structures such as pillars, supports, brickwork etc.
A plumb line consists of a thin thread with a weight attached to its end. The weight is usually given the appearance of a cylinder, sharpened into a cone.

Basic marking device.
All dimensions are measured from the surface of the slab, which are marked by marks on the parts during spatial markings.
Marking plates are made by casting from fine-grained gray cast iron. At the bottom of the slab there are stiffening ribs that prevent it from bending under the weight of the parts being marked and under the weight of the slab itself.
The working plane of the slab is processed on precision planing machines and then scraped. To facilitate the installation of various devices on the stove, the working surface of the plates is sometimes divided into squares by grooves 2 - 3 mm deep and 1 - 2 mm wide.

Testing and marking prisms- devices used to check and mark shafts and cylindrical parts.
Prisms are manufactured in sets in pairs, which allows them to be used as supports when inspecting and marking long cylindrical parts.

A measuring tool consisting of a set of various threaded templates. The thread gauge is used to measure the pitch of a metric thread, or for an inch thread the number of turns per inch.
A thread template is a toothed plate with a specific tooth pitch. Each metric template indicates the thread pitch in millimeters, and each inch template indicates the number of turns per inch of thread.
A set of templates is placed in a frame of two overlays, fastened with screws. The metric thread gauge is marked: “M60°”, and the inch thread gauge is marked “D55°”.

A marking tool used to mark parts spatially.
On basis The thicknesser is secured in the required position using a nut. rack . The tilt of the stand at a slight angle is ensured by a set screw. is installed on the stand and secured in the desired position with a nut.
The thicknesser and the part are placed on the marking plate. Place the stand and scriber in the required position. Move the thicknesser around the part. Using a scriber, marks are made on the part at an equal distance from the surface of the marking plate.

Bench square- a tool used to check and mark right angles.
A square is also convenient for drawing straight parallel lines. A square is used to check the perpendicularity of parts during equipment assembly.
Distinguish flat squares, squares with "heel" , sold out squares.

A square used to find the center of a cylindrical part.
The center finder consists of rulers , fixed on square in such a way that one of the faces of the ruler is the bisector of the right angle of the square.
To determine the center of the circle, place a square on the end of the part so that both of its faces touch the side surfaces of the part. Using a ruler, apply a mark to the part using a ruler. Rotate the square to a certain angle and repeat the operation. The intersection of the two marks is the center of the circle.

A tool with which markings in the form of arcs or circles are applied to the materials being processed. Compasses are also used to transfer dimensions from the ruler to the part.
At a tightly compressed compass ends of legs should converge without gap. The sharply sharpened ends of the legs are hardened. The required distance between the legs of the compass is fixed using arcs And screw .
Before drawing a circle or arc onto the material, it is necessary to mark their center with a center punch.

A tool used to mark marks on the materials being processed.
The scriber is made from tool steel. The edge is hardened. For ease of operation, the middle thickened part of the scriber is rolled. Sometimes, to make marks in hard-to-reach places, one end of the scriber is bent at a right angle.

A tool used to make measurements, the error of which does not exceed 0.1 mm. A caliper allows you to measure external and internal dimensions, as well as depth.
Barbell with millimeter graduations ends on one side depth gauge , and on the other hand motionless lips . To the motionless sponges movable jaws are adjacent .
The movable jaws are equipped with an auxiliary scale called vernier . Using a vernier it is possible to make measurements with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. Movable jaws can move freely along the rod. In the desired position, the movable jaws are fixed using locking screw .
The vernier scale, 19 mm long, is divided into parts, 1.9 mm each. In the case when the zero line of the vernier aligns with one of the scale divisions on the rod, the remaining divisions of the vernier (except for the last tenth) will not coincide with the divisions of the main scale. The first line of the vernier and the second division of the millimeter scale differ by 0.1 mm. The second division of the vernier and the fourth division of the rod are 0.2 mm, the third and sixth are 0.3 mm, the fourth and eighth are 0.4 mm, the fifth is in the middle between the ninth and tenth.

When making measurements, whole millimeters are counted on the main scale on the rod opposite the zero division of the vernier. Tenths of a millimeter are counted according to the division of the vernier, which coincides with the division of the main scale on the rod. The illustration shows examples of sizes 0.1mm, 0.3mm and 88.4mm.
There are designs of calipers capable of making measurements, the error of which does not exceed 0.05mm and 0.02mm.