How to supply water to a house from a central water supply. How to supply water to a private house from a central water supply

Every person dreams of living in their own country house. To do this, you need to think about everything and arrange everything carefully. The main task is the water supply. For the first stage of construction of any building, engineers lay the main foundation. However, it is possible to carry out repair work during the renovation. The source for supplying water is the main line. To obtain permission for cutting, you must contact a special organization. If there is a well, then you can install water supply in a private house in this way. However, to carry out the actions you need equipment.

DIY plumbing in a private house

To install water supply in a private house, you need to stock up on equipment such as a pumping station, a hydraulic accumulator, and a water treatment system. Despite the equipment listed, a shut-off valve should also be installed. Using this tap, you can easily turn off the device, which in turn is connected to the system. This process will help install or repair the provided device. At the same time, the water supply throughout the house will not be disrupted.

Water supply. For example, the main part is not immersed in the water intake. At this point, the volume of water provided increases. Basically, such a pump is used for wells. And the second model is called submersible. A submersible model is placed into the water intake source. In this case, the water rises to approximately 250 m.

Installing water supply to a private home is a necessary process

We install water supply in private house, we are building a well, we need to dig a trench. A thirty-two meter pipe is taken. It must be placed in a trench. It is desirable that the pipe be copper, polypropylene or steel. It is necessary to calculate a slight slope and thus place the pipe in a certain direction towards the delivered source. To avoid water stagnation, the exact slope should be calculated.

Next, a hole is made in the foundation. The pipes are placed into the basement through this hole. Therefore, they need to be insulated. If insulation is not carried out, then winter time years, the water supply may completely freeze.

According to experts, water can be supplied to a private house thanks to a well and a borehole. It is advisable to use water that is in an open reservoir only for technical work. Water from an open reservoir is under no circumstances suitable for drinking. You can see in the video how this process occurs.

Connecting a water supply to a private house

Connection to the central highway

If the area where you have your own home has a central water supply, then installing a water supply system will be much easier. In this case, the process is much easier if the highway is located near your own home. In order to begin repair work, you must obtain permission from a special organization. To dig a trench, you must use special equipment. This work will take a little time.

Attention! You may have to dig the ground without special equipment, with your own hands, so as not to affect other communications.

For consistent operation, steel or at least polypropylene pipes. After the main work is completed, water distribution occurs.

Installation of water supply in a private house ensuring pressure

Accordingly, so that household appliances and the plumbing would function normally, it is necessary to install good pressure. To achieve certain results, a tank is installed at the top of the floor. However, the well is equipped with a valve or filtered mesh. The water supply system is supplied with water thanks to installed pump. The pump, in turn, turns on and off automatically. This makes it easier to use this device.

If people live in this house every day, then the tank should be completely filled with water up to 50 liters. In the event of a fire, reserves are set aside.

A special scheme is created, which is divided into two methods. In the first option, the consumer connects to the system. And in the second case, collector connections are used.

If the plot and house are not large sizes, then you can use the first method. Since for this case you will need a little water. However, if several people live in the room, then a collector connection should be used. It is worth noting that using the second method requires a lot of effort. The process is not quite simple. But in case of operation, no additional problems will arise. Water will always flow under pressure. In many hotels and institutions, only the second option is used.

In the video you can see the process of this installation. Not many people can cope with this method. Therefore, it is better to invite specialists who understand this matter.

The article describes in detail the sequence of actions for supplying a main water supply to a building from a nearby distribution system.

The connection and insertion of the main pipeline into an individual house is usually carried out by construction organizations. However, if you wish, you can build it yourself diversion from the water supply main. To do this, you need to obtain appropriate permission from the prefecture or local organization. This must be done in order to prevent accidents in local communications and power grids.

If the main pipeline has a branch towards the house, which is equipped with a valve, then it is not difficult to supply water to the house. If such a deflection does not exist, then you will have to put tee to the water well. A tee is needed to connect to it those pipes that will lead water to an individual house.

To place the tee, you need to shut off the water in the main for a while. Gate valves for blocking the main line may be located on pumping station, in the basement of the house, or in the well itself. Until all work is completed, a temporary guard must be installed at the valve. After all, it can be accidentally (or even intentionally) opened while working on installing a tee.

In addition, you can build a new individual water intake well. Or use the well that has already been built and make a connection through this well into the main line. To ensure that the common line is not disconnected during tapping, you need a special device, which is made up of a metal clamp, a flange, as well as a stuffing box coupling valve, which is designed for pipes with an internal diameter of 9.5 cm.

Next you need to do the following. A drill is lowered through the hole in the faucet plug. Once the pipe is drilled, the drill is pulled out. The stream of water that comes out of the drilled hole must be clamped by turning the tap plug.

The drill must be rotated with a ratchet, for which a two-column clamp is installed. The hole that is made in the main pipe must reach (in cross-section) the internal diameter outlet pipe. It is better to make the outlet from a galvanized pipe, the internal diameter of which is 1.5 cm, 2 cm or 2.5 cm. The diameter of the outlet should be larger, the more taps there are in an individual house.

If the hole in the faucet plug is smaller than the diameter of the drill, then you need to drill out the plug. In this case, there is no need to remove the tap itself from the plug body. Otherwise, the housing surface may be damaged. Then the plug hole will be widened in the wrong place.

The expanded passage hole of the plug should be located opposite the corresponding outlet and inlet holes on the valve body. When drilling, the side spirals of the drill must be wrapped with insulating tape or strong cloth. This will prevent damage to the housing threads.

If the pipe that is intended for drainage has an internal diameter that does not exceed 5 cm, then the device needs to be complicated. In this case, you need to screw a flange to the main water supply and attach a valve to it. And only after this, drill the main pipe through the valve with raised discs. After the hole is drilled, the valve is closed. The drill is naturally removed. The outlet pipe is connected to the free flange of the valve.

Where the valve is installed on the outlet pipe (opposite the building), you need to build water well. The diameter of the water intake well can be: 1 m, 1.25 m, 1.5 m. The walls of the water intake well must be lined with bricks.

Running brackets are placed in the walls of the well. The staples must be bent from steel wire rod to a third of the length. However, the staples should reach 8-10 cm. These staples should protrude from the wall of the water intake well in the form of steps. Vertically, the distance between the steps should be as follows: 30-45 cm. The protrusions of the cement mixture between the bricks inside the well must be rubbed down immediately after laying. The hardened cement must be beaten using a chisel and hammer.

The task of connecting water supply to a house consists of several mandatory steps. The very first thing is to decide where the water supply will come from. There are at least two options: from your own well/borehole ( autonomous system) or city highway (Vodokanal territory). Advantages of individual utility networks have been described many times and do not need advertising, but you need to take note of a few points:

We carry water from the well to the house

  • You will have to build a well or borehole at your own expense (if the city authorities dig them, you will have to pay for water at the standard rate);
  • It is necessary to have a pit, well or septic tank - without them, water supply is neither urban nor autonomous;
  • To find water, you will have to use the services of a specialist, and within the city limits you will also have to check the building plans for the laying of various communications;
  • It is advisable to plan the plumbing at the design stage of the house, otherwise you will have to work with limiting factors.

A smart alternative own system- connecting the house to the nearby city water supply, before making a final conclusion, know:

  • The process is fraught with trips to different authorities and collecting documents;
  • You need to order a fresh explication of the entire site from surveyors;
  • To apply for connection, a package of documents is collected (the list is provided at the local water utility);
  • Development time technical specifications water supply project takes up to 14 working days (must be completed free of charge);
  • After receiving the specifications, a water supply project is developed; who will be the author is decided by the customer, but finished project communications will have to be approved by the water supply and sewerage sector, distribution networks, gas and telephone services - all organizations that have provided their communications to a private home;

The package of documents for an old building is significantly smaller than the package for a building that will be erected or is under construction. Therefore, sometimes it is advised to purchase an old building, but with connected communications, rather than prepare a new one project documentation and establish communications. The final cost amounts to a significant amount

  • If the project involves carrying out work near or on the roadway, approval and special permission from the relevant department and the traffic police are required;
  • The last stage of project approval is the local architectural department.

Drawing up an agreement with the water utility

When a tired but happy future client of the city water utility orders, collects, checks, certifies and coordinates all the documents, and his project is approved by officials of the architectural department, you can draw up and conclude a water supply connection agreement with the appropriate organization. There are several of them in the city, and which one is in charge of a specific address must be found out in the city administration.

For greater confidence, you can be involved in drawing up a contract, but in most cases it has a standard standard meaning. The organization undertakes to prepare the system and communications of the new subscriber for connection to the city water supply and sewerage networks accountable to it, and to make this connection. Owner of the plot residential building or development undertakes to prepare a capital facility for water supply connection and pay for the services of the contractor organization.

Tariffs for connections are formed separately by each organization, therefore different regions the cost of this procedure varies, but not less than 1000 rubles per meter.

What determines the cost of connection

The connection price consists of a connection to the central water main, the cost of laying a network from the entry point to the house to the connection point to the city water supply line and the materials that will be spent on these needs. Payment for all manipulations is carried out by the customer of the service. If the work had to destroy the road surface, its restoration is also financed by the customer.

The advantages of a city water supply are the availability of all communications, and the quality of water, which meets the requirements and is controlled by sanitary services

Indicative shopping list: pipes for water and sewerage, connecting fittings, installation tools, reinforced concrete rings and a hatch for an inspection well (for underground water supply).

If you run pipes across the surface, you will have to spend money on insulation, ducts and a heating cable, which will prevent the system from freezing during the first frost. For underground installation, a trench with a depth of at least 1.7 m is dug. A short distance can be covered manually, and for large-scale digging, an excavator or alternative labor can be hired.

The trench with the laid pipe is filled with excavated soil. The water pipeline is cut into the house, and a water meter is installed at the entry point before the branch begins. Only water utility employees have the right to do this, otherwise it will be invalid. You can, of course, do without it, but over the past few years, the standard and cost of water for households and apartments without metering equipment has been constantly increasing.

After all the work, water utility employees must provide a certificate of commissioning of the new water supply and metering devices.

Possible difficulties and problems

Even in cities, not all streets necessarily have water mains. There are cases when water utility employees choose the point from which they will lead and offer the customer to pay for the installation. This is wrong - the subscriber should only pay for the pipeline on his street.

Due to the specific nature of development in old neighborhoods, it is necessary to run pipes through the territory of a neighboring household. You need to negotiate with its owners and draw up an agreement that spells out everything possible consequences pipe laying and future situations (sale of land, repair work, etc.).

Modern highways are a rarity. The condition of the majority is not satisfactory; they have served their purpose and require replacement. You also need to prepare for the specific composition of water, periodic shutdowns during disinfection and repair work.

If materials and labor are provided by a water utility, the customer must demand and carefully study all the estimate documentation, and obtain certificates of completion of all work - from digging a trench to a certificate for installing a water meter

Autonomous water supply

Spirit of freedom or autonomous water supply

Even regular digging does not overshadow the homeowner’s desire to arrange an individual water supply. Not having to knock on the doorsteps of all possible authorities and free water are worth a lot. The exception is cases of drilling, for which a permit is required (the water from it is considered state wealth), but if there is already a source on the site, then the matter remains small.

You need to look around and figure out where everyone will be taken out domestic waste. Preferably away from the house and well (at least 30 m). Think about how best to equip a container for them: a pit, a well or a modern septic tank closed type. In view of the cost of sewage disposal, it is worth thinking about a more rational solution.

Specifically, to supply water to the house, you only need pipes and fittings. Whether to dig a trench or make a surface water supply needs to be decided individually. The technology is the same as when connecting to a central water supply. The ideal option is metal-plastic pipes. They are inexpensive, can be installed quickly, are durable and do not corrode.

It is advisable to order a detailed water supply project from a specialized company, whose employees will evaluate all available options and offer the optimal one. If you have no experience in selecting and using materials, then you can also entrust them with laying the water supply system.

When deciding whether to conduct a central or autonomous water supply, weigh the cost, timing of work, quality and pressure of city water.