Integrated speech therapy lesson on correcting sound pronunciation for older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment Level IV: “In the Fairytale Kingdom - State. Sounds L and L in words and phrases.” Integrated speech therapy for

Implementation of the principle of integration of educational areas is a prerequisite for fulfilling the basic general education program preschool education. How can this principle be implemented in a preschool speech center? A good result is achieved by a system of final integrated lessons that combine sound and lexical topics with various types productive activities of children - drawing, designing, etc.

I offer a summary of an integrated lesson on sound automation [L] at the level of coherent speech with elements of visual activity. The lesson was conducted in a subgroup for 6-year-old children with FFND.

Integrated speech therapy session on correction of sound pronunciation and speech development with elements of art activities.

(Subgroup lesson at a speech center for older children preschool age)

Topic: “Visiting the swallows.” Sound [L] in stories."


  • Automate the “L” sound in stories,
  • strengthen your drawing skills using stencils.


1. Correctional and developmental:

  • correct the pronunciation of the sound [l] in phrasal speech at the level of connected texts.
  • adjust and develop dialogical speech through forming an answer in a full sentence;
  • develop the ability to analyze the structure of an object (recognize and name parts of the bird’s body).
  • correct and develop fine motor skills of the hands (formation of manual skill);
  • develop attention, memory, cognitive activity, curiosity;
  • develop gross motor skills, the ability to coordinate speech with movement;

2. Educational:

  • consolidate the ability to retell a story based on a mnemonic table.
  • clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Birds”
  • secure the graphic image of the letter “L”
  • strengthen the skill of working with stencils.

3. Educational:

  • cultivate a love of nature and a kind attitude towards feathered friends.
  • cultivate moral qualities (the ability to empathize, help friends)
  • cultivate independence, self-control, perseverance.

4. Health-saving:

  • plan the volume of material taking into account the child’s increased fatigue;
  • observe the correct position of the child;
  • contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate.
  • alternate static and dynamic tasks.


  • sound track "Voices of Nature"; painting "Spring" migratory birds", image of a swallow, letter "L", table: "Find the letter", mnemonic tables for the story "Swallows" - whole and cut into parts, pictogram "Parts of a bird's body", stencils "swallow", paper, pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment:

(The recording “Sounds of Nature” plays. Everyone stands holding hands and listens to the music.)

The speech therapist (L.) conducts psycho-gymnastics:

What a wonderful day today! Let's smile at each other...

It's wonderful that we are together today. We are calm and kind. We are healthy and cheerful. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in the freshness, kindness and beauty of this day. And breathe out all the grievances and disappointments through your mouth.

(Children inhale and exhale 2-3 times)

The speech therapist suggests listening to the sound of birdsong.

Main part.

II.1 Updating knowledge.

Introductory conversation - answers to questions based on the plot picture: “Spring, migratory birds.”

What mood did the singing of birds make you feel?

When and where do birds sing like that?

Guess what kind of bird it is:
Little dark girl
White from the belly,
The tail is spread into two tails,
She catches midges in the summer,
Builds a nest out of clay
And affectionate with the chicks,
And beautiful... (swallow)

II.2 Learning new material.

An image of a swallow is shown.

The speech therapist tells the children that they will go to visit these birds and learn to talk about them. L. suggests remembering what sound the word “swallow” begins with.

(Children determine and remember the correct pronunciation of the sound L).

Attention game: “The letter is hidden.”

L. reports that birds brought many different letters from warm countries, try to find the “swallow letter” - How many times does this letter appear?

(Children determine)

Demonstration of a mnemonic table for the story.

L. offers to listen to the story that happened to the swallow:

The swallow flew near the window and caught its paw on a thread. The end of the thread was tied to the window. The thread did not let the swallow go. Then the swallow began to squeak loudly. Many swallows flocked to her squeak. They flew around their girlfriend and chirped. One of them pecked the thread. Then other swallows began to peck. Soon the swallow was free and could fly.

II.3 Assimilation of the studied material.

Answers to questions based on the mnemonic table:

1. Where did the swallow fly? What happened to her?

2. Why couldn’t the swallow fly?

3. Why did the swallow start squeaking loudly? Who heard her?

4. How did the swallows help your friend?

5. What do you think would happen if the swallow’s friends didn’t help?

(Children give specific, detailed answers to the text, the speech therapist monitors the clear pronunciation of the sound “L”).

II.4 Consolidation of the studied material.

The speech therapist reads the story again and gives instructions to remember it.

Then he offers to look at the outline of the story and tell it one by one. Children tell the story in a chain based on a mnemonic table.

II.5 Dynamic pause: Exercise “Swallows”

The swallows were flying, (Running in a circle, flapping their arms like wings.)
All the people were watching.
The swallows were sitting down, (They squat with their hands folded behind their backs.)
All the people were amazed.
They sat down, sat, (Make rhythmic tilts of the head.)
They took off and flew. (They run in a circle again, waving their arms, spinning.)
The swallows were flying -
The songs chirped!

II.6 Productive activity - sketching the hero of the story.

Analysis of the pictogram “Parts of a bird’s body.”

L. tells the children that they need to draw girlfriends for the swallow. But first we need to determine what we will draw.

Children, using the pictogram, name the parts of the swallow’s body and give a description of the bird:

The swallow's head, wings and back are black, and its breast is white. The head is round, the neck is short, the beak is small, the wings are long and pointed, the tail is like a slingshot.

Drawing with stencils.

Children trace the figure of a swallow, add parts of the body - eyes, legs, highlight the chest.

Finger game "Birds".

Speech therapist: “Fingers rest like swallows fly! The thumbs are the head, the palms are the wings.”

(Palms are turned towards you, the thumbs are straightened away from you and intertwined and cling to each other, the thumbs are the head, the remaining closed fingers are the wings - wave them)

II.7 Control of knowledge and skills.

Game: “Place in order.”

L. reports that while the children were drawing, the pictures with a story about swallows were torn by the wind. And he offers to restore the table with the story. Each child is given a part of the story to display on the board.

Children put the parts in the correct sequence, telling what happened to the swallow.

III. Summary of the lesson.

1. The speech therapist finds out who we were visiting today, what letter and sound the swallow is “friends” with.

The speech therapist suggests:

Let's show our swallow her friends. What beautiful birds you have!

Children approach the image of a swallow, demonstrating drawings

The swallow really liked your stories and images, and she gives you cheerful sunshine so that spring will come soon!

2. Homework.

What are your swallows missing?

(children note that the birds are not decorated, they say how they should be decorated)

Take the drawings home, color them and tell your mother the story about the swallows.

Belyaeva Elena Nikolaevna,
speech therapist teacher
MBDOU TsRR d/s No. 13 “Teremok”,

Safonova Svetlana Alexandrovna
Job title: speech therapist teacher
Educational institution: MBUDO "Uzunovskaya Children's Art School"
Locality: With. Uzunovo, Moscow region
Name of material: lesson notes
Subject:"Integrated speech therapy session on sound pronunciation correction"
Publication date: 02.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Final work

“Integrated speech therapy session for correcting sound pronunciation.”

Topic: “Automation of the sound Ш in syllables and words in a child with dysarthria.”


Normalization of muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus and facial muscles;

Normalization of motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

Strengthening the correct pronunciation of sounds

Sh(in isolated pronunciation, in syllables, in

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of fine motor skills.


develop fine motor skills of the fingers and articulatory apparatus;

develop phonemic hearing, visual and phonemic perception;

consolidate the skill of automating the sound Ш in syllables and words;

increase the overall tone of the body through muscle stimulation.


toy - teddy bear; map “The Journey of a Little Bear”; subject pictures for automation








strip boards



Progress of the lesson in stages.




What tasks

were decided








From autumn to


He's not eating




articulation of sound

Speech therapist:

call it

Speech therapist:

I'll tell you

m i sh u t k e.


"M and sh - sh -


sound? We will


P ro w n o s i t



A little







gather the children

configure and

bring them to

topic and purpose











cheeks, lips, tongue

shows and

names a leaf

with drawn on

not a picture, but


last sound.

Coming out


Speech therapist: Today you are with



will you go





Speech therapist: In this

woke up

little window



I had to


bear drinking tea from

(exercise “Cup”),


went to the door

teddy bears



Speech therapist. Played

dry path

leaves: sh-sh-sh.

Let's go get him and

let's rustle like

leaves. I will

start a word, and you with

rustle the bear





we strengthen

cheek muscles,

lips, circular

mouth muscle.



sound sh in syllables


sound sh in words

turn it up so he can


We... du... kama...

small… karanda….

is there a path? Here

reeds. Teddy bear loves

listen to them

rustling. Listen

reeds and rustle like

And who is hiding here?

reeds? This is a duck.

The duck got scared

flapped her wings.

Show me how she does it

Ash-ash; osh-osh; ush-ush;

Speech therapist. Mishutka

wanted to make friends with

duck and told her

poem, but

got very excited and

got everything mixed up...

Help the little bear

fix errors:

My friend and I played...

We drank tea from white...

Came out of the hole...

A mouse fell on her!

Roosters, having started...Spurs,

They are raising menacingly...


above your head










make the sound sh in


make the sound sh in

words, teach


presence of sound in



lays out

pile of six on the table


My sister and I


And outfits for the dolls...

The fashionista cheated...Fur coats

Not everyone suits her...

The poor man is crying bitterly...

The air plane flew away...

Speech therapist. Duck

told the bear that

going south. AND

to walk along it

you only need to select those

pictures in the title

which have the sound Sh.

Choose the one you need

pictures and post them in

in the form of a track.

Here is the little bear's house. But

to get to the house

we need to cross the river.

We approached the river and

no bridge just planks

some are lying. Let's

let's take these boards apart

maybe they can help us

will come in handy. Let's break it down

them like this: put them on the left

those pictures in the title

which sound Ш at the beginning

words, in the center - if

sound in the middle

on the right are the pictures in

whose name is the sound in

end of the word.


track and more


working off

we use sound.

lays out


depending on



place of the sound Ш in



motor skills

Lesson summary



"Bear" figures

Speech therapist:

the walk has come to

end. We took a walk in

autumn forest, and with whom

we are today

have you traveled?

Let's lay it out

geometric shapes

Speech therapist. It's time for us

say goodbye to the little bear.

You are very good today

helped him! Which one

the sound helped you

our lesson?



motor skills







- guess

From autumn to spring


He doesn't get up to eat

sucks (bear)

Speech therapist: - How can we call you affectionately?




Speech therapist: - today I will tell you

about one little bear. Listen to how

the word sounds:



sound? (Always








Coming out






will you go





Speech therapist: In this

house behind high fence the bear lives.

woke up

little window



I had to




teddy bears


Self-massage of facial muscles(cheeks, lips), strengthen the muscles of the cheeks, lips, orbicularis

mouth muscle. With increased muscle tone - a spastic form of dysarthria,



pronounced, lips tightly closed, tense, active movements of the tongue and lips

difficult, then




muscles of the tongue.


Self-massage of the face “Naughty bears”.

Grasping the middle of the ear (not the lobes!), pull it forward and then back, counting

slowly up to 10. Do 1 time.

I'll pull my ears forward

And then back.

Like teddy bears

The children are sitting in a row.

Five, and six, and seven.

Don't forget: ear massage

Everyone needs to do it.

I'll pull my ears forward

And then back.

Like teddy bears

The children are sitting in a row.

Using your index and middle fingers, simultaneously intensively “draw” circles on your cheeks. Do 1

And now around the cheeks

Let's rub it together:

So forgetful teddy bears

Let's develop memory.

One, two, three - I'll say four,

Five and six and seven.

Don't forget: cheek massage

Everyone needs to do it!

Using the same two fingers, “draw” circles on the chin, counting to 30. Then - circles on the forehead, also

counting to 30. Do 1 time at a time.

I draw a circle on my chin:

I want to help the bear

Speak clearly and quickly

Pronounce all sounds.

One, two, three - I'll say four,

Five, and six, and seven.

Don't forget: the massage is like this

Everyone needs to do it!

To think better

Naughty bears,

We will stroke foreheads

Plush rogues.

One, two, three - I'll say four,

Five, and six, and seven.

Don't forget: the massage is like this

Everyone needs to do it!

Massage the upper and lower eyelids with two fingers, not behind

covering my eyes. Do 1 min.

So that the bear can see better,

Became more attentive, quicker,

We are magic glasses

Let's draw it quickly.

One, two, three - I'll say four,

Five, and six, and seven.

Don't forget: the massage is like this

Everyone needs to do it!

Nose massage. Using the pads of the index fingers of both hands, press on the indicated points. On

each point must be pressed and held, without releasing, for a count of up to 20. Do it 1 time.

Point 1 Just below the wings of the nose. Right and left.

We are fingertips

Let's get to the points:

So to the snub-nosed bear

Let's warm up the nose.

One, two, three - I'll say four

Point 2 Just above the wings of the nose, also on the right and left

Five, and six, and seven.

Don't forget: nose massage

Everyone needs to do it!

We are fingertips

Let's get to the points:

So to the snub-nosed bear

Let's warm up the nose.

One, two, three - I'll say four,

Five, and six, and seven.

Don't forget: nose massage

Everyone needs to do it.

We are fingertips

Let's get to the points:

So to the snub-nosed bear

Let's warm up the nose.

Open your mouth and make sharp movements with your lower jaw from left to right and vice versa. Do 10 times.

Bear, bear, open your mouth!

And move your cheek to the left...

Bear, bear, open your mouth!

And move your cheek to the right...

Lean back on the chair, take a long breath and exhale, arms freely lowered along


Oh, our bears are tired,

They sit quietly in a row.

They know: the benefits of massage

It will be for the guys.

Speech therapist. Teddy bear played with his friends and walked further along the path of dry leaves: shhhhh.

Let's follow him and rustle like leaves. I will start the word, and you and the bear rustle

turn it up louder to finish it:

We... du... kama... small... karanda....

The speech therapist shows and names a piece of paper with a picture drawn on it, and the child finishes

Listen to the reeds and rustle like them:

The child shakes his arms raised above his head and pronounces syllable chains.

Who's hiding in the reeds here? This is a duck. The duck got scared and flapped its wings. Show me how she

this does:

Ash-ash; osh-osh; ush-ush; yush-yy.

The child pronounces the syllables, imitating the flapping of wings with his hands.

Speech therapist. Mishutka wanted to make friends with the duck and told her a poem, but

I got excited and mixed everything up...

Help Mishka correct the mistakes:

My friend and I played... Cups,

We drank tea from white...Checkers!

Came out of the hole...Lump,

A mouse fell on her!

Roosters, having started...Spurs,

They raise menacingly... Disputes!

My sister and I sewed the dishes...

And outfits for the dolls... Washed!

The fashionista cheated...Fur coats

Not everything suits her...Lips!

The poor thing is crying bitterly... Sharik,

The airborne...Garik flew away!

Speech therapist. The duck told the bear that he was going south. And the bear went further along

path, but to go along it, you need to select only those pictures whose names have a sound

Sh. Select the desired pictures and lay them out in the form of a track.

The child lays out a path and once again pronounces the words with the sound being practiced.

Here is the little bear's house. The bear entered the house and began to write poetry. And to make it easier for the bear,

give him the last word.

Kids draw together

They have…..pencils in their hands.

Wears a bright comb

Our cheerful... cockerel.

Here the little girl is running -

Little gray mouse.

The tires rustled quietly -

It's coming towards us... a car.

Lesson summary:

Speech therapist. It's time for us to say goodbye to the bear. You helped him very well today! What sound

helped you in our lesson?

Game "Guess where the object is"

Speech therapist teacher

MBDOU No. 172 of Irkutsk

Milashevskaya Nadezhda Valerievna

Integration of educational areas: “cognition”, “communication”, “socialization”.

Topic: Sound R

Stage: automation of sound in words (at the beginning of a word)

Correctional and developmental:

Continue work on automation sound R at the beginning of a word;

Practice isolating sounds from words;

Improve the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;

Develop the skill of forming a new word by replacing the first sound in it;

Develop the skill of syllabic analysis;

Develop auditory attention, auditory memory;

Develop spatial orientation, consolidation of meaning and the use of prepositions above, below, between; concepts “right”, “left”;

Develop memory, attention, thought processes;

Correctional - educational:

Continue introducing children to sound R;

Develop the skill of giving an acoustic-articulatory characteristic to sound; - continue work to consolidate the concept of “consonant sound”, “voiced sound”, “ solid sound»;

Continue teaching the division of words into syllables;

Work on understanding antonym words and independently selecting such words;

Correctional and educational: - to cultivate organization and independence;

Create positive motivation in class;

Cultivate self-control over speech and the desire to practice.

Equipment: mirror, pictures of articulation exercises, cards for analyzing articulation and sound characteristics, pictures with sound R

1. Org. moment.

-Listen to the poem and tell me which sound is pronounced more often than others.

Somehow early in the morning

A gloomy crayfish digs a hole.

Cancer would be glad not to dig it,

But you have to live somewhere.

Cancer is reluctant to work,

He is not happy with his work.

(R sound)

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

That's right, today we will continue to learn how to pronounce correctly R sound.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

But before we get to work, let's train our tongue.

"The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

Once upon a time there lived a tongue. Waking up early in the morning, he went for a walk and met a frog.

We imitate frogs, pulling our lips straight towards our ears.

Ex. "Frog" ,

then I saw “Baby Elephant” - lips with a tube + alternating “Frog” - “Baby Elephant” b) Tongue watched the frog and moved on.

He sees the children's horse galloping. Tongue sat on the horse and also rode off.

Click your tongue loudly and you will hear the ringing sound of hooves.

Ex. "Horse"

The “horse” gallops loudly, but what if it’s the other way around? Child - (quietly)

The “horse” gallops quickly, but if it’s the other way around, then how? (slowly)

c) Tongue jumped off the horse and ran to swing on the swing. On a swing I swing up and down, up and down, I go up to the roof and then go down. Ex. "Swing"

d) I saw a tongue growing “Fungus” right next to the swing, and what kind of “Fungus” do you have in your mouth?

e) A boy was sitting next to the swing and playing the “Accordion”, let’s play too.

e) Somewhere on a tree a “Woodpecker” was sitting and knocking like that ddddddddd….

g) And far away we could hear the sound of the wheels of the train ttttttt..... (we say it quietly), and now the train is approaching and we hear the wheels knocking loudly ttttttt......

h) Tongue liked the way “Woodpecker” and “Train” knocked and he began to imagine himself as either a woodpecker or a train, etc....... Dtdtdtdt……..i) Suddenly a strong wind blew, Tongue got scared and ran home to his mother. Ex. "Focus"

4. Clarification of articulation and sound characteristics.

-How the tiger roars rrrrr....

What we must remember to correctly pronounce the sound -r- - lips are open,

Teeth are open

The tip of the tongue is raised to the upper teeth and trembles,

The air stream is strong and warm. (hand control)

The sound is consonant, because the tongue prevents the free passage of air,

The sound of a consonant, hard, voiced will be indicated in blue in the diagram. (the child lays out cards to characterize the sound -R-.)

5. Automation of sound in words.

a) D/i “Repeat, don’t make a mistake”

The speech therapist names the words, the child repeats only those that contain the sound -r-

Owl, work, fish, shop, winter, sock, cancer, hands, juice, skating rink, market, rainbow, story, etc. (sound-r- at the beginning of the word).

Let's remember what words you repeated after me? (the child names the words again with sound R)

Tell me in all these words where it stands R sound? (at the beginning of a word)

b) D/i “Listen and name”

The speech therapist knocks on the table with a hammer, how many times does she hit, pronounce the word according to the picture so many times

c) D/i “Walk the word”

The child pronounces the word suggested by the speech therapist, dividing it into syllables, the number of steps = the number of syllables.

d) D/i “Guess where the object is”

Pictures from sound R at the beginning of the word in several rows 3 vertically, 3 horizontally.

What's above the hand? (Rainbow over hand)

What's at hand? (Rose at hand), etc.

What's between a chamomile and a hand? (a lynx between the chamomile and the hand)

What's to the left of the daisy? (to the left of the daisy is a lynx)

What's to the right of the robot? (handle to the right of the robot), etc.

d) D/i “Replace the word”

The speech therapist calls the word, the child changes the first sound to R sound

Trunk-robot dance, care, moo, layouts, sponge, house, leg, llama, goats.

Along the way there is an explanation, clarification of the meaning of words.

f) D/game “Correct me” (without pictures, if difficulties arise, show the picture).

The speech therapist names words with sound R at the beginning, deliberately making mistakes in the stress of a word, or rearranging syllables or sounds.

(“raguda” - rainbow, hand, fisherman, “barota” - work)

7. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did you learn to pronounce today?

Well done, you did very well.

State budget educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age, progymnasium No. 698 of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg “Pension”

Integrated speech therapy session for sound pronunciation correction

(sound pronunciation correction + speech development)


teacher-speech therapist

Sinyavskaya Victoria Alexandrovna


Saint Petersburg

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson for children of senior preschool age on the topic:

“Wild animals and birds. Preparing for winter. Sounds S and S’ in sentences"

(learning new material)

Target: teach to differentiate the sounds S and S in sentences.


Correctional and developmental:

  • correct pronunciation;
  • correct and develop coherent oral speech through composing a story - a description according to a diagram;
  • correct speech breathing;
  • coordinate and develop auditory and phonemic perception;
  • correct and develop fine motor skills of the hands (formation of manual skill, development of proportionality of movements);
  • develop gross motor skills, the ability to coordinate speech with movement;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking;
  • correct and develop personal qualities, emotional and volitional sphere
  • (skill of self-control, perseverance).


  • clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic: “Wild animals and birds. Preparing for winter." ;
  • Clarify the pronunciation and correct articulation of the sounds C and C’;
  • Differentiate the sounds S and S’ in sentences.
  • Educational:

  • cultivate interest in classes;
  • develop cooperation skills and a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson;
  • cultivate a caring attitude and love for nature.
  • Health saving:

  • plan the volume of material taking into account increased fatigue of children;
  • ensure that children are seated correctly;
  • contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate;
  • observe the vision protection regime;
  • alternate statistical and dynamic tasks.
  • Equipment:

  • Subject pictures depicting wintering birds and wild animals (N.V. Nishcheva “Wintering Birds”, “Wild Animals” Coloring Book. - St. Petersburg, DETSTVO-PRESS, 2003);
  • Game “At the Feeding Trough”, flannelgraph;
  • Letters C (2 pcs.), blue and green chips to indicate hardness and softness;
  • Blue and red signals;
  • Scheme for composing a story - description (T.A. Tkachenko “Schemes for preschoolers composing descriptive and comparative stories”, series “Practical Speech Therapy”, M. 2001);
  • Notebook No. 1 according to the number of children (N.V. Nishcheva Notebook No. 1 for the preparatory speech therapy group", St. Petersburg, DETSTVO-PRESS, 2012)
  • Colored pencils
  • Baskets of blue and green flowers,
  • Subject pictures (owl, fox, tit, bullfinch, goose, elk)
  • Interactive table.
  • Masks-caps of wild animals and birds.
  • A tape recorder (computer) with an audio recording of “Sounds of the Forest.”
  • Lesson stages

    Types of work at the stage

    Activities of a teacher

    Child activity

    What tasks were solved during the tasks?

  • Organizational- moment
  • Organize the children. Set up for class. Contribute to the creation of a favorable climate.

  • Main stage
  • Repetition of material
  • The speech therapist suggests naming the first sound from the pictures and characterizing the sounds C and C’

    Children answer

    Determine the level of children's awareness of the correct pronunciation of sounds and their differences

  • Updating knowledge
  • "Signals"

    The teacher invites the children to remember which animals and birds with the sounds C and C’ live in the forest, pronounce their name, determine what sound they heard and raise the signal: hard sound C - blue signal, soft sound C’ - red signal).

    Children repeat the words, determine the sound by hardness and softness and raise the signal.

    Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds S and S’ in words. Develop phonemic awareness.

  • Learning new material. Report the topic of the lesson.
  • Interactive game “Complete the picture”

    Compiling a story - a description of a wild animal or wintering bird through theatricalization

    The speech therapist reports that together they will go to the forest, where they will meet wild animals and wintering birds; asks you to remember the names of these birds and animals and complete the picture.

    The speech therapist invites children to “transform” into animals and birds by wearing attributes.

    The speech therapist demonstrates a diagram for composing a story - descriptions and asks questions.

    The speech therapist invites the children to listen to a story about their animal, and then asks the children to try to talk about the bird animal that he got in turn.

    Children remember the names of wild animals and wintering birds and complete the picture.

    Children put on masks and hats and remember the names of animals and birds.

    Children answer questions and get acquainted with the diagram.

    Children listen to the speech therapist's story, and then take turns composing their own stories.

    Update your knowledge on the topic of the lesson. Attract children's attention to the activity. Build manual skills.

    Develop imagination, attention, memory.

    Develop coherent speech. Develop the skill of answering questions in complete sentences.

    Develop coherent speech. Enrich your vocabulary on the topic. Develop memory.

  • Dynamic pause.
  • Speech motor gymnastics.

  • Reinforcing the material learned
  • Outdoor game

    " Bear"

    D/I "Baskets"

    The speech therapist invites the children to perform the exercise together, showing how to perform the movements correctly

    The teacher invites the children to put them in baskets: in the blue basket - pictures in the name, which have a hard sound C, in the green basket - pictures, in the name of which there is a soft sound C'.

    Children recite the poem and perform movements together with the teacher

    Children select pictures with the sounds C and C, name them and put them in baskets

    Develop gross motor skills, coordinate speech with movement. Develop creative imagination.

    Develop differentiation of sounds C and C in words based on the picture. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of these sounds. Develop the skill of answering in complete sentences

  • Visual gymnastics
  • D/I "Birds"

    The speech therapist asks the children to follow the bullfinch with their eyes - “where did the bird sit?”

    Children follow the bullfinch, describing with their eyes objects with the sounds S and S’, calling them

    Follow the eye protection regime. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds C and C’

  • Control of knowledge and skills
  • Work in a notebook (notebook No. 1)

    The speech therapist hands out notebooks to the children and asks them to listen to a poem about a bullfinch; asks to decorate the bullfinch with colored pencils.

    Children complete the task in a notebook.

    Develop fine motor skills.

  • Lesson summary
  • Summing up.

    Assessment of children's activities

    The speech therapist invites the children to remember what they did during the lesson, what they especially liked during the lesson, whose story about the bullfinch they liked the most.

    Children remember what birds and wild animals were discussed in class, what sounds they played with, what games they played, whose story they liked the most.

    Summarize the knowledge gained. Develop long-term memory. Assess children's activities.

    Sinyavskaya Victoria Alexandrovna