Interesting facts about lips. Functions and structure of lips

Lips- these are skin-muscular folds surrounding the entrance to the oral cavity, consisting of two parts: upper lip and lower lip. Lips can be seen both on the human face (in whom they are one of the most sensitive areas) and on some animals.

What are lips for?

Lips do several things at once essential functions: while eating, they are necessary for capturing and subsequently holding food, and when expressing emotions through facial expressions, they help to depict a smile, grin or kiss. An equally important role is assigned to the lips in the pronunciation of various sounds, in particular, in the articulation of rounded vowels, as well as labiodental and labiolabial consonants.

Lips in technology

In technology, lips or sponges are usually called longitudinal protrusions located on the edges of some devices or tools, which are necessary for capturing and subsequently holding all kinds of workpieces (that is, they work by analogy with human lips when grasping food). Such well-known tools as round nose pliers, pliers and a vice are equipped with jaws.

The structure of human lips

The outer (that is, visible) surface of the human lips is covered with skin, smoothly turning into a mucous membrane on their back surface facing the teeth. And the back surface of the lips is always moist, smooth and covered with mucous membrane. By the way, this surface also has a transition - it gradually turns into the surface of the gums, that is, into the mucous membranes of the alveolar processes. Each lip consists of three parts:

  • Skin. This part has a structure similar to the structure of the skin, that is, it is covered with flat and stratified keratinizing epithelium, and also contains sweat and sebaceous glands, and sometimes even hairs.
  • Intermediate. It is equipped with skin and colored in pink plot. True, the stratum corneum in this case is preserved only in the outer zone, and there it is transparent and quite thin. And the place where the skin transitions into the mucous membrane, which looks like a red border, is equipped with a huge number of translucent blood vessels (this fact is what determines the red color of the lips) and nerve endings (thanks to this, the red edges of the lips can boast of quite high sensitivity).
  • Mucous. And this part is allocated to the back surface of the lips, covered with flat multilayered non-keratinizing epithelium. This is where the ducts of the labial salivary glands open.

As for the thickness of the lips, it is formed mainly by loose connective tissue, orbicularis oris muscle, mucous membrane and skin. And at the junction of the mucous membrane into the gums there are two vertically located median folds, called frenulums: the frenulum of the upper lip connects the middle of the upper lip to the gum, and the frenulum of the lower lip connects the middle of the lower lip to the gum. The upper lip is separated from the cheeks by a nasolabial fold, and the lower lip is separated from the chin by a horizontally running chin-labial groove.

Lip care

Balms and hygienic lipsticks provide excellent care for lips, protecting delicate skin from dryness and bad weather, keeping lip skin beautiful and smooth.

Lip care is necessary not only for cosmetic, but also for hygienic purposes. The skin of the lips needs proper hydration and nutrition, which is why both women and men use lip balms or special hygienic lipstick to combat dry lips and nourish them. It also doesn’t hurt to periodically exfoliate your lips to quickly get rid of dead skin particles. Regular lip massage will not be superfluous, and such a massage can be done even with the most ordinary toothbrush after brushing your teeth. Some representatives of the fair sex periodically make various lip masks, and this is also the right decision - additional nutrition for the skin of the lips will never hurt!

For cosmetic purposes, lipstick with pigments of various shades and brightness is usually applied to the lips. However, as practice shows, many women prefer lipstick tones that are close to natural shades.

  • Passionate kisses can increase a person’s heartbeat up to one hundred beats per minute - this is due to the fact that during a kiss the human body begins to produce substances that enhance sexual desire.

  • The size of a person’s lips is largely determined by his belonging to a particular race. The owners of the thinnest lips are the inhabitants of Asia, and the thickest ones are representatives of the Negro-Australoid race. As for Europeans, their lips most often represent the so-called “golden mean”.
  • Daily plastic surgeons Injections are given to enlarge the lips of ten to fifteen women.
  • Since time immemorial, women of the African Mursi tribe have been stretching their mouths so that they look like a duck's beak. This is done using a special wooden plate. The larger a woman's mouth, the more beautiful she will be considered. By performing such manipulations with their own appearance, ladies try to show men that they are completely subordinate to them.
  • Numerous surveys show that when meeting women, most men first of all pay attention to their lips. And only then do they turn their gaze to other parts of the body that are no less attractive in their understanding!


  • How to cure chapped lips? , beauty portal
  • Cracks in the corners of the lips: causes and treatment, beauty portal
  • Tips for beautiful lips, beauty portal

Contour pencil

emphasizes and corrects lip contours. With the help of a contour pencil you can make the contours of your lips clearer, your lips more or less full, and your mouth more or less wide. A contour pencil prevents lipstick from smearing or going beyond the contours of your lips. It should always be the same color as your lipstick.

Using a contour pencil, draw a line in the middle of your upper lip. Slowly lead it to the corner of your mouth. The line on the lower lip must be drawn in one step. If you make a mistake, don't correct the line. This will only make her sloppy and ugly. Erase the line and draw the contours again.

If the line turns out to be too clear, then “blur” its outline with an applicator with cotton wool towards the inside of the lips. Now you can apply lipstick to all your lips.

If the contour pencil turns out to be hard, slightly heat its rod in the flame of a match. If the contour pencil is too soft, put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

1. If you need to highlight your lips, outline them with a pencil after applying lipstick, then the lip line will not be harsh.

2. For thin lips, draw a pencil line 1-2 mm behind the lip line, using a pencil whose tone matches the tone of the lips.

3. For excessively plump lips, the contour is drawn inside the natural lip line, the rest is powdered or concealer is used.

4. For asymmetrical lips, correct the line using concealer and lip pencil.

5. If the corners of the lips are lowered down, then the area of ​​the corners is sketched with concealer, and the line that we draw with a pencil should end at a distance of 1 mm from the natural corners of the mouth.


Dry lipstick

Dry lipstick stays on the lips for a very long time. It contains a lot of coloring pigments and powder particles, but almost no fat. Dry lipstick is applied with a foam applicator or simply with your fingers.

Dry lipstick is sold in the same packaging as eye shadow. It looks very natural and lasts twice as long on the lips as regular lipstick. But its downside is that it dries out your lips a little.

Cream lipstick

Lipstick can be creamy. It contains a lot of fat and nutrients. It shines very beautifully. But it contains few coloring pigments, and it does not last long on the lips.

Cream lipstick can be replaced with cream blush. Apply them on your lips with small dots, and then rub the paint.

Lip glosses

They are much more sheer than lipstick and create a fashionable "wet lips" effect. The gloss hides cracks and roughness on the lips. Lips become shiny due to the large amount of lanolin contained in the gloss.

Gloss applied to the lips visually makes them fuller, and if it is also light, the impression is enhanced. Glitter does not require a contour pencil.

Long lasting lipstick

Long-lasting lipstick contains a special transparent film that envelops the color particles. Thanks to this, it stays on the lips for a long time, does not fade, does not settle in cracks, and does not leave marks on glasses and cups.

Long-lasting lipstick lasts on the lips from eight to twenty-four hours.

After you apply this lipstick, wait about 5 minutes until the color is absorbed and hardens. Until this time, lips should not be compressed or touched.

Before applying long-lasting lipstick, lips should not be lubricated with cream. It doesn't last on a greasy base.


Hygienic lipstick is useful for rough and cracked lips. It contains strengthening and medicinal herbal additives. But it is colorless, so it is not decorative cosmetics.

Fixative cream

The fixative cream protects the makeup on the lips, making it last much longer. You will achieve the same effect if you dust your lips a little with regular powder before painting them.

The fixative cream degreases the skin.

Lip powder

Lip powder is sold in convenient packaging, just like eye shadow. It contains a lot of coloring pigments and is very durable. It is easy to apply with your fingers. But this powder dries out your lips a little.

A little gold powder on your lips for evening makeup will give them a fantastic shimmer.
Also, for an evening out, you can cover your lips with a very thin layer of gold or silver dry eye shadow. They can be applied to the lips simply with your fingers. Golden or silver gloss on the lips looks especially beautiful in candlelight.

How to paint lips

Before applying makeup to your lips, apply a nourishing cream to them. It will make the skin of your lips more elastic. Then carefully remove excess cream. Let your lips dry. After this, the lipstick will last twice as long.

Lipstick can be applied with a pointed brush. Use a brush to pick up a little paint from the lipstick and apply the brush to your lips. You can apply lipstick from your pencil case to your lips. Apply lipstick in a thick layer. To color lips from a pencil case, it is better to buy lipstick with a small diameter, beveled on both sides to different sizes. With the side with a small bevel, small areas of the lips are painted and contours are drawn. The side with a large bevel fills the remaining surface of the lips.

To make your lips look more natural, you can apply lipstick with your fingers and gently rub it in. This will make the paint look more subdued and natural.

To ensure that lipstick does not leave marks, you need to remove excess: lightly touch your painted lips with a paper napkin to remove excess lipstick. Do not move the napkin from its place under any circumstances.

How to remove lipstick from lips

To remove stubborn lipstick from your lips, you will need either an oil or a special product.

You need to take a cleansing cosmetic oil. Using cotton swabs soaked in oil, remove the lipstick until the swab remains clean.

Regular lipstick should never be removed with soap and water. This causes the lips to lose a lot of fat, become rough and crack. It is best to remove regular lipstick with facial cleansing milk.

How to choose the right lipstick color for your face

1. If your skin is soft and light, reminiscent of ivory, then shades will most likely suit you purple or red with a hint of yellow.
2. If you have fair skin and blonde hair, try wearing salmon-colored or soft pink lipstick.
3. If your skin is olive toned, then you should choose lipstick red-brown hue. This color suits especially reddish hair.
4. If you have light ash hair and olive skin, go for a muted matte pink lipstick.
5. If your skin is golden beige or naturally tanned, look for sheer coral or tomato reds.
6. In general, it should be noted that dark lipstick makes the complexion lighter, while light lipstick makes it darker. If you want to highlight your tan, choose pastel colors.
7. Another tip: Bite your lower lip. The color it takes will be the color of the lipstick that suits you. This color, among other things, will look natural.

Lips help us eat, speak, whistle, they reflect our emotions and help us kiss. But there are facts about lips that not all people know. Here are some of them:

Lips are 100 times more sensitive than fingertips. There are millions of nerve endings around the lips. In addition, the skin on the lips is thinner. This is the reason they are so sensitive. The remaining areas of the skin are made up of 16 different layers. Lips consist of only 3 - 6 layers. For the same reason, lips have a pinkish color due to blood capillaries, which are easier to see.

Lips dry out so quickly because there are no sweat glands around them. Sweat glands are responsible for keeping the body hydrated. This also means that the lips are highly exposed to cold, wind and sun. Since we don't have any sweat glands around our lips, they dry out faster.

Men tend to suffer from oral cancer more than women. Women tend to use lip balms, lipsticks and other hygiene products to protect their lips. This way, their lips stay hydrated and they protect their lips from UV rays.

The lips can be paralyzed just like other parts of the body. The lips may become paralyzed; this phenomenon is also known as Bell's Palsy. It is caused by damage to the nerves around the facial area. People who suffer from this condition also have poor control of their facial muscles.

There is a theory that kissing is an exchange of biological information and allows you to receive pheromones from your partner. Processing of this information occurs in the background at the back of your brain.

Lips are as unique as fingerprints. You will never find two people having the same lip prints.

Texas anthropologist Dr. Vaughn Bryant says that while kissing was widespread, its use was very limited in Europe and Southeast Asia. He claims that the practice began in India and was then spread by the soldiers of Alexander the Great, who brought the custom home.

Women's lips are an object of desire. It is this part of the face that is most attractive to men. Therefore, it is not surprising why many girls spend hours in front of the mirror to “paint” their beauty using all kinds of lipsticks, glosses and pencils. And plastic surgery to enlarge this area is now at the peak of popularity. What else interesting can you learn about this beautiful organ? The editors of the online publication site have collected a selection of facts and secrets about women’s lips that surprise and sometimes shock.

Men like plump female lips with natural proportions

American biologists have found that men are more attracted to women with full lips of natural proportions than women with narrow lips. Thus, plastic surgeons from the University of California at Irvine conducted one interesting study in which 600 men took part. Volunteers were asked to evaluate sets of photographs of 20 women with different lip options, retouched in an image editor. The results of the experiment, published in the journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, showed that respondents identified as the most attractive those female lips that were enlarged by approximately 53%, while having natural proportions.

The size of the lower skin-muscular fold of ideal lips should be twice as large as the upper one. In this case, it should occupy about 10% of the lower third of the face.

It turns out that interest in big lips has been around for quite some time. According to anthropologist Jamie Gordon, if you delve into the anthropological history of the female body and sexuality, you can learn that full lips reveal sensuality and sexual arousal.

The shape of a woman's lips tells about her character

Physiognomy allows us to learn a lot about a person from his eyes, hands, face shape and lips. It is the last organ that most accurately reflects the character of a woman. Thus, plump, large lips indicate that their owner is a sensitive, sexy and caring nature. Such women are wonderful mothers. A great example of this is Angelina Jolie.

The narrow musculocutaneous folds of the mouth belong to self-sufficient and strong women who feel quite comfortable alone with themselves. Therefore, it is not surprising why most of these ladies are single. If the lower lip is thicker than the upper, this indicates that the woman is flighty and loving by nature. The constant search for the next partner is a common phenomenon for her. But by the age of 30 she settles down, and they still find a man with whom she remains for the rest of her life.

The upper lip is thicker than the lower - this trait belongs to generous and natural girls who rarely stare at other people's men. But you can’t take away their coquetry. And such women also love sex. It's a whole cult for them.

Girls with doll lips may seem selfish. But in reality they are just taking care of themselves. At the same time, they do not go over their heads and do not strive to be the first in everything. It is these representatives of the fair half of humanity who live successfully and happily.

Women with big mouths are very sociable and optimistic. It is very pleasant to look at their smile, and spending time with such ladies is a pleasure.

Women's painted lips attract men

Scientists from the University of Manchester have found that men like women with lipstick. So, during one experiment, they showed male participants photographs of different girls. And in the first 10 seconds of viewing the picture, the test subjects riveted their gaze to a woman with bright red lipstick.

Red lipstick makes the fair half of humanity sexy. This is the color that represents passion and love.

IN everyday life men also pay attention to women wearing pink lipstick. Such girls seem gentle, soft and faithful to them.

Angelina Jolie's lips are the ideal that girls all over the world strive for

The famous actress, who brilliantly played Lara Croft, is on the list of the most beautiful people the world is not accidental. After all, Angelina Jolie has the most seductive lips. Therefore, many girls dream of having lips as plump and beautiful as hers. Some people enlarge this part of the face with the help of hot red pepper, others by applying cups to their mouths and sucking the air out of them, and others resort to plastic surgery. Most often, beauties choose radical methods and go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Residents of an African tribe stretch their lips for beauty

For some, beauty is the face, for others it is the breasts, and for others it is the lips. But the women of the African Mursi tribe have a very interesting and shocking concept of beauty. In order to please and obey men, girls knock out their front teeth and insert a special disk, plate or saucer into the lower part of their mouth, thus stretching it and making it look like a duck's beak. The most interesting thing is that they used to do this so that slavery would not take them away. Now this attribute emphasizes their beauty and helps them get married successfully.
By knowing some facts about women's lips, you will become more aware of yourself and will want to explore this attractive part of the face more.

The science of physiognomy studies the human mouth. will help you find out that some scientists are confident that this part of the body can help determine a person’s character. Thus, people with a protruding lower lip are considered arrogant, those with a small mouth are considered good natured and generous, and a fish mouth indicates the ambition of its owner. Although this opinion is controversial and some consider it absurd. There are many others interesting information about this body part:

  1. Lip size varies by race. The owners of thick lips are representatives of the Negro-Australoid race. Europeans are not so lucky in this regard. Asians have the thinnest lips.
  2. Lips are more sensitive than other parts of the body. Therefore, to understand whether the body temperature has increased, you need to kiss the forehead. If you touch it with your fingertips, the sensations will not be the same.


  3. Kissing someone passionately on the lips can increase their heart rate to one hundred beats per minute.. This occurs due to the fact that the body begins to produce substances that enhance sexual desire.


  4. A common birth defect is a cleft lip.. This problem occurs in one child out of 2500. Modern plastic surgeons can help deal with the defect.
  5. Most women love to use lipstick. But few people know that over the course of a lifetime, up to 5 kg of cosmetics end up in the stomach.


  6. Angelina Jolie not only tops the list of the most beautiful people in the world, but also has the most seductive lips. Based on this fact, most women who do plastic surgery, order lips like this actress’s.


  7. Residents of the African Mursi tribe stretch their mouths with a wooden plate so that it resembles a duck's beak. The larger it is, the more beautiful the woman is considered. Thus, the women of the tribe show that they are completely subordinate to the men.
  8. Over the years, a person's lips change. Their thickness decreases, and their width and height, on the contrary, increase. The older the person, the thinner they are.
  9. The owner of the largest lips is a resident of St. Petersburg, Christina Ray.. She spent $6,000 on surgeries to change this part of her body. It's surprising that the girl is only 22 years old. Abuse of these procedures is quite dangerous. If the injection is not administered by a professional or the composition is of poor quality, then scars may appear or they will move towards the chin.


  10. Not only her figure was considered sexy, but also Marilyn Monroe’s lips. But she achieved this effect with the help of makeup. The woman had to sit in front of the mirror for hours, creating an attractive shape. The actress' natural lips are thin and don't look right at all.
  11. A kiss is an expression of sympathy not only among people. This gesture is also not alien to horses, chimpanzees and porcupines. The kiss of a chimpanzee is more similar to a human kiss.


  12. Every day, plastic surgeons give injections to enlarge this organ to 10-15 women.

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