Disability due to poor vision. How to register for visual disability and payments. What does it include

It’s good when a person can feel calm in the environment, enjoy the view from the window and see their loved ones.

But this is not always possible. This is especially true for people who have vision problems.

Since they have serious vision problems, they have no choice but to register for themselves a certain disability group.

But how to do this? What are the general criteria for obtaining the status of a visually disabled person?

The concept of visual disability and legislative regulation

This type of disability is received by citizens who have either completely lost their vision or whose ability to see is very limited, and without outside help it is impossible to engage in both work and simple household activities.

Reasons, due to which a lot of vision can be lost:

  • congenital visual defect;
  • various disorders of the eyeball;
  • presence of problems with age;
  • received and so on.

Such citizens very rarely have the opportunity to lead a normal life. Simply crossing the road turns into one big problem for them.

Despite the fact that they have no other health problems, they cannot do anything without visually inspecting what is happening around them.

Today, the issue of visual disability is regulated by the following: laws:

  1. Federal Law No. 181, which clearly defines social protection for all categories of disabled people;
  2. Federal Law No. 46, which provides rights for people with disabilities;
  3. Resolution of the Ministry of Health, which clearly defines the procedure and conditions for obtaining visual disability.

Criteria for inclusion in this group

According to current legislation, main criteria To obtain a visual disability, it is considered to be:

  • a person has a health disorder, which is characterized by a disorder of certain body functions. Regarding this disability, we are talking about complete or partial loss of vision;
  • citizens are completely or partially unable to move independently and navigate in space. Moreover, a person cannot study normally due to the lack of opportunity to read the educational material;
  • a person who has vision problems is in dire need not only of government support, but also of rehabilitation.

But it's worth paying attention special attention on one fact: in order to receive disability, the following conditions must be met: mandatory at least 2 conditions. And in most cases it is very difficult to prove this to the commission.


It is necessary to take into account the fact that the determination of membership in any disability group lies entirely with at the ophthalmologist.

According to current legislation, vision that is no more than 0.03, or the presence of complete blindness, is a key reason for recognizing the degree of disability at on an ongoing basis. If we talk in simple words, then you won’t need to go through the commission again every year.

But there is a small nuance: if a person confirms his disability for 10 years annually, he has the right to be issued 11 times on a permanent basis.

If we talk about classification of visual disabilities, then it is as follows:

  1. First disability group. This group can be assigned if there is a 4th degree of visual impairment.
    The main criterion for this group is considered to be:
    • complete blindness
    • presence of visual acuity less than 0.04 diopters;
    • a pronounced narrowing of the boundaries of the visual field of each eye to 100 directly from the point of fixation.
  2. Second disability group. It can be assigned only if there are malfunctions in the operation of the visual analyzer.
    If we talk about the criteria by which the second group can be appointed, they are as follows:
    • presence of visual acuity ranging from 0.05 to 0.1 diopters;
    • a pronounced narrowing of the boundaries of the visual field of each eye to 10-200 directly from the point of fixation.

    It is worth noting the fact that with this disability group, you can carry out your work activity only in specially equipped places where you can perform manual work without visual inspection.

  3. Third disability group. It can be prescribed if there is a 2nd degree of dysfunction of the visual organs.
    The main criteria for assigning group 3 may be:
    • presence of visual acuity ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 diopters;
    • a pronounced narrowing of the boundaries of the visual field of each eye from 20-400 directly from the point of fixation.

In simple terms, group 3 is assigned to people who can visually inspect the environment.

Registration procedure

Before proceeding with the registration of disability, you should first undergo a medical examination by an ophthalmologist.

It is worth noting that the patient has the right to independently choose where to go. You can go to a paid clinic, or you can go to a municipal one.

According to current legislation, any clinic has the right to be referred to a medical commission.

The main purpose of the first visit to an ophthalmologist is to directly receiving a referral to ITU. But at the same time, this direction can be provided as Pension Fund, and the social protection body.

The medical clinic issues a referral if the fact of complete or partial loss of vision has been established, and the Pension Fund or Social Security - when the patient requires government support.


After the patient has received a referral to medical examination, he will have to collect a list of such documentation:

In the event that the ITU commission gives a disability group, the patient receives several documents:

  • certificate of assignment of disabled person status;
  • rehabilitation program, which is purely individual.

Having collected all the necessary documents and attaching an application of the established form to them, you must contact to the federal bureau at your place of residence and submit this entire list. After accepting the application and documents, they will set a date to appear at the commission.

What to do in case of refusal

Those citizens who, for any reason, were denied a disability group and do not agree with it, have every right appeal this decision. Moreover, it is worth noting that you can also appeal the fact that you were assigned the wrong group. Let’s say a person knows that he is entitled to group 2, but he is assigned group 3.

If the commission was carried out through a bureau, then it is necessary to draw up an application and submit it when appealing exclusively to the main bureau. But, if this commission was carried out at the main bureau, it can be appealed to the federal one. This is the pattern.

If we talk about the timing re-examination, then it must be carried out no later than 1 calendar month from the moment the decision was made by the initial commission.

But if this time the commission made a decision unsatisfactory for the patient, then there is only one way - to go to court.

Many people ask the question: how do I know which group is assigned to me? Everything is very simple - during the initial examination, the ophthalmologist immediately gives a preliminary assessment of the person’s condition and talks about the possibility of assigning a certain disability group.

Pension amount

Persons with visual impairments are entitled to regular cash payments or other types of financial assistance provided for by social protection programs within the framework of pension legislation.

These values ​​are not fixed and are subject to indexation taking into account the growth of the average living wage.

Latest changes for 2019

In addition to the revised and indexed amounts of pension accruals, this category of citizens has been entitled to additional cash assistance since 2019 - EDV.

  • 1 group – 3782.94 rubles;
  • Group 2 – 2701.62 rubles;
  • Group 3 – 2162.67 rubles;
  • disabled children - 2701.62 rubles.

These amounts are paid in full if a disabled person has submitted an application to the Pension Fund for refusal of a set of social services, the cost of which is 1,211.42 rubles.

The living conditions of citizens, regional affiliation, environmental situation, as well as the reasons that resulted in visual disability are taken into account. Under the influence of these factors, benefit amounts may be revised upward.

For information on registering disability for keratoconus, watch the following video:

A person receives most information about the world around him through the organs of vision. The color of an object, its shape, size - everything is determined with the help of the eyes.

For people who have lost their sight completely or to a large extent, the world loses its brightness and beauty. In order to somehow make their lives easier and somehow help with the restoration of visual functions, the state Russian Federation has created a special program for people with disabilities.

If a person loses his vision partially or completely, he is assigned the status of a visually disabled person. People with this disease are divided into groups depending on the severity of the problem. For each of them, the state offers a special set of benefits.

Why might vision deteriorate?

There are several reasons that influence the human visual apparatus.

Biological factors

Firstly, biological background and diseases play a big role.

  1. For example, a mutation in the organs of vision that is passed on from generation to generation. As well as mutation processes resulting from the action of the environment;
  2. The presence of chromosomal disorders;
  3. Changes that have occurred in the structure of the cornea of ​​the eye;
  4. Injuries received during childbirth;
  5. Impaired functioning of the visual apparatus can be caused by various anomalies and pathologies that occur during fetal development;
  6. The eye muscles may have congenital defects;
  7. Curvature of the lens of the eye, as well as its clouding, can also affect vision;
  8. When the homogeneity of the vitreous body is disrupted, distortion of visual perception occurs;
  9. Various abnormal changes are possible that have spread to the retina of the eyes;
  10. Problems may also be associated with age-related changes in the visual system;
  11. Problems with musculoskeletal system can lead to impaired blood circulation in the brain, which will directly affect the organs of vision;
  12. Fluctuations in blood pressure can also cause the development of vision-related diseases. As well as numerous stresses, overwork and lack of sleep;
  13. The development of diseases of the visual organs can be caused by brain injury;
  14. An unbalanced diet and, as a consequence, a deficiency of essential vitamins can have an adverse effect;
  15. Visual impairment is possible with acute microbial infections, blood diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  16. Irreversible changes in the structure and functioning of the visual organs can occur due to diseases of the cervical and shoulder region.

Environmental factors

The so-called environmental factors have a great influence on the human visual apparatus and on the entire body in general.

  • This could be, for example, working in poor lighting;
  • Incorrect body position while working at the computer or while reading;
  • Deterioration of vision can be a consequence of intense work activity with the presence of harmful factors;
  • Serious injury to the visual system can result from using a damaged computer monitor;
  • In some cases, bad habits can have an impact on the organs of vision.

Social factors

The third factor affecting vision can be identified as various social reasons. This is more true for children, as it is associated with embarrassment when wearing glasses. Due to their reluctance to wear them and fear of ridicule, many children exacerbate the existing problem.

The reasons for visual impairment are different in each individual case. Often a number of reasons lead to problems with the visual apparatus.

Disability groups

In accordance with the severity of the disease, its causes, time of occurrence and many other factors, several groups of vision-related disabilities are distinguished. The Russian Ministry of Health has approved criteria according to which a person is classified as one of them.

There are a number of signs by which a person can be assigned to one group or another. For example, it depends on how well a person feels in space and whether he is able to move independently. This also includes the ability to satisfy one’s needs independently, without outside help. Equally important is a person’s ability to communicate with other people. The comfortable existence of an individual depends on the nature of verbal interaction and, in general, the ability to communicate. Therefore, at the time of group assignment, this factor is also taken into account. What matters is the ability to engage in any kind of work activity. And also important is the fact whether a person is capable of learning. Can he, having lost one of his organs of perception, continue to receive and process information received from the outside world?

If blindness is complete or almost complete, then this gives the person the right to apply for the 1st disability group. The visual acuity index here fluctuates between 0 and 0.04. The field of vision becomes very limited. It is only 10 degrees. People belonging to this group do not have the opportunity to live a full and normal life. They are unable to satisfy their needs on their own and need constant care from other people.

Fluctuations in visual acuity in the 2nd disability group are between 0.05 and 0.1 units. The narrowing of the field is subjective and amounts to 10-20 degrees. People with this group can independently carry out any actions. But they need the help of other people. However, if you create suitable conditions and equip your home with everything necessary, then such people, although not without difficulty, will cope on their own.

The range of fluctuations in visual acuity in people with group 3 is 0.1-0.3 diopters. The field of view narrows to 20-40 degrees. People in this group are quite capable of satisfying their own needs and do not need constant care. Given the obvious difficulties, they will spend more time on any action. And also, in order to do something, they will need special tools to help them.

All visual acuity indicators are identical for adults and children. The difference can only be observed in the set of benefits provided and in the amount of the pension.

At the moment when the child becomes an adult, that is, reaches the age of eighteen, it will be necessary to undergo the procedure again. This is necessary so that he could be transferred from the status of “disabled child” to “disabled”.

How to get a visual disability in Russia?

Before receiving a document confirming the presence of disability in Russia, it is necessary to prove the presence of the disease. And also provide confirmation that the person needs state support. According to researchers, every year about 50,000 people become disabled due to visual defects. One of the most common diseases in our country is cataracts.

People with serious pathologies and incurable diseases of the visual organs can apply for disability benefits in the Russian Federation. People who have poor orientation in the surrounding space and are not capable of independent movement. And also those who cannot process and assimilate information, and, accordingly, learn.

To obtain a document confirming the provision of disability benefits, you must undergo an appropriate examination. It is called medical and social examination or MSE for short.

However, before contacting the ITU commission, you need to be examined by an ophthalmologist. If serious violations are detected, he will provide the patient with a referral to undergo this examination. The referral will also indicate the preliminary group. The doctor will independently determine the degree of impairment and make a diagnosis based on this. Most often, the commission approves the ophthalmologist’s decision and assigns the patient a presumptive group.

To gain a better understanding of the causes of the disease and determine the physical condition of the patient, it will be necessary to undergo a medical examination. It may be more or less complete depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. But most often it includes a standard set of procedures. It includes ultrasound, x-rays and other examinations. You can get examined at any clinic. After everything is done, the head physician will issue the patient with all the necessary certificates and recommendations.

To go directly to the ITU, you need to collect the papers and documents that the commission will require.

  1. Firstly, you will need a passport and its copy;
  2. Secondly, a medical record and statements of all serious diseases that could lead to problems requiring registration of disability;
  3. You will also need a referral for medical examination, which will be issued after the examination;
  4. A photocopy will be required work book, with a notary's seal;
  5. All this must be accompanied by a statement from the patient indicating that he has the right to receive the status of a person with disabilities.

Conducting an MSE is analogous to a medical examination. However, the patient, among other things, will need to talk with the employee social service, as well as with a psychologist.

If the commission makes a positive decision, the person will receive a certificate stating that he is disabled. It will also indicate the group. Each patient will be given the opportunity to undergo a rehabilitation program developed by health department specialists.

Reasons for refusal

A common reason for refusal is incorrectly executed papers and documents. This problem is easy to solve. It is necessary to take into account all the comments and prepare the papers correctly. The application will be reconsidered as usual.

However, the commission may refuse to assign status or assign a group that is not the one the patient expected. This can happen for certain subjective reasons. If the decision of the commission does not suit the applicants, then it can be challenged in the main, and not the regional, bureau. If the result of the repeated appeal is also unsatisfactory, then the problem can be resolved through legal proceedings.

Benefits for the visually impaired

For people who have become disabled, not only monthly payments are provided cash, but also additional benefits. For example, they have the opportunity to take free trips on public transport. The state exempts them from paying property tax and reduces the amount of land tax they pay. Also, a person who has registered a disability has the right to free visits to various sanatoriums. If necessary, the state can provide some medications.

The amount of benefits provided directly depends on which group is assigned to the person. From his general physical and mental condition. And also on his ability to work and profession.

Payment amount

The amount of monthly payments for disabled people is reviewed every year. For 2018, the pension amounts are as follows:

  • Disabled people of the 1st group will receive 9538 rubles;
  • While the benefit for disabled people of the 2nd group will be 4,769 rubles;
  • Disabled people with group 3 will receive 4,053 rubles monthly.

If a child has been assigned group 2 since childhood, then he is equal to group 1. And the amount of monthly payments in this case will be 9538 rubles. The pension for disabled children is 11,500 rubles. This amount does not vary depending on the group. The same payments are provided for those who were assigned group 1 from birth.

If a person is missing one eye, this does not in all cases give him the right to receive a disability pension. This is only possible if the second eye has serious impairments. And also, if a person is not suitable for performing any work activity. Taking into account all these conditions, a person can be considered as a disabled person of the 3rd group. However, if the eye does not have serious pathologies and has high visual acuity, then it will not be possible to register a disability.

Disability and work activity

After loss of vision, people in most cases remain fit to perform many jobs. However, there are some restrictions. People with such problems should not work in enterprises with increased level noise. In places with unstable work schedules. In positions with constant stressful situations. They are also contraindicated from working with potentially dangerous substances and complex mechanisms.

There are various government programs, which help blind people integrate into society and get jobs. However, it is still very difficult for people with disabilities to find employment. This becomes another problem in the lives of blind people.

Is it possible to apply for disability for myopia?

Myopia is not considered a serious pathology and people suffering from it rarely manage to achieve a positive decision from the commission. However, it is possible.

People with myopia can only qualify for the 3rd or 2nd group. Visual acuity indicators for group 3 range between -10 and -15. In group 2, this figure drops from -15 to -20 diopters.


Since health indicators can change for the better or for the worse, it is necessary to undergo periodic medical examinations. This is necessary to confirm the presence of the disease. Permanent disability is given only if there is no chance of recovery.

People with group 1 may also not undergo the re-examination procedure. But only if it was established that the violations were the result of an irreversible change in the organs of vision.


When a person receives a document confirming his disabled status, in addition to monthly social payments, he will be offered a program aimed at rehabilitation. It is intended primarily to restore a person’s physical and mental capabilities. Such people are provided with all the necessary equipment and comfortable conditions are created in which they can feel more confident.


This term refers to a special set of activities aimed at acquiring new skills to replace old ones.

For blind people, this could be, for example, exercises related to the development of hearing. As well as classes aimed at developing the ability to freely navigate in space.


Many circumstances affect the functioning of the visual organs. Environment, hereditary pathologies, social conditions - all this has an impact on the human visual apparatus.

People with serious pathologies and incurable diseases of the visual organs can apply for disability benefits in our country. People with severe visual impairments are unable to independently satisfy their needs, move in space and lead a normal, everyday life. That is why the state develops and every year adjusts various programs aimed at improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities.

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Determination of disability. In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995, 18-FZ on federal institutions medical and social examination (MSE) is charged with establishing disability, its causes, timing, time of onset of disability, the disabled person’s need for various types social protection, determining the degree of loss of professional ability, as well as developing an individual rehabilitation program.

Disability without re-examination period. In accordance with the Appendix to the Rules for recognizing a person as disabled, in relation to visual impairment (clause 9), disability is established without specifying the period for re-examination (indefinitely) in the following cases:

Complete blindness in both eyes if treatment is ineffective; a decrease in visual acuity in both eyes and in the better-seeing eye up to 0.03 with correction or a concentric narrowing of the field of vision in both eyes up to 10 degrees as a result of persistent and irreversible changes.

Criteria for determining visual disability groups

The determination of the visual disability group is made based on the degree of impairment of the functions of the visual analyzer, which are formulated in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Volume 1, Part 1. They include an assessment of visual functions (acuity and visual field); basic electrophysiological parameters; visual performance.

I disability group is established in case of IV degree of dysfunction of the visual analyzer (see table) - significantly expressed dysfunction (absolute or practical blindness) and a decrease in one of the main categories of life activity to the 3rd degree with the need for social protection.
Basic criteria of IV degree of dysfunction of the visual analyzer.
a) blindness (vision equal to 0) in both eyes;
b) visual acuity with correction better eye not higher than 0.04;
c) bilateral concentric narrowing of the boundaries of the visual field to 10-0° from the point of fixation
regardless of the state of central visual acuity.

II disability group is established in case of III degree of dysfunction of the visual analyzer - pronounced dysfunction (high degree of low vision), and a decrease in one of the main categories of life activity to 2 degree with the need for social protection.
The main criteria for severe visual impairment are:
a) visual acuity of the better eye from 0.05 to 0.1;
b) bilateral concentric narrowing of the boundaries of the visual field to 10-20° from the point of fixation, when work activity is possible only in specially created conditions.

III disability group is established in case of degree II - moderate dysfunction (moderate low vision) and a decrease in one of the main categories of life activity to degree 2 with the need for social protection.
The main criteria for moderate visual impairment are:
a) decrease in visual acuity of the better seeing eye from 0.1 to 0.3;
b) unilateral concentric narrowing of the boundaries of the visual field from the point of fixation of less than 40°, but more than 20°;

Challenging ITU decisions. In accordance with the Rules for recognizing a person as a disabled person, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95, any ITU decision can be appealed to a higher body - the ITU Main Bureau, and the decision of the ITU Main Bureau - to the ITU Federal Bureau. The decision of the Federal Bureau is final, but even in this case it can be challenged in court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. You can immediately go to court to appeal the decision of the district bureau, without appealing it to the main bureau, or simultaneously to both the main bureau and the court. In the latter case, the court's decision will have greater force.

In the section of our forum you can ask ophthalmologists any questions you are interested in on the topic of vision and disability.

If a person serious problems with vision problems, he cannot move without assistance and has difficulty performing household chores, then he needs to undergo a medical examination. Based on the test results, visual disability is determined. More than fifty thousand people in Russia have this status, which allows them to receive benefits, pensions and social assistance.

Who can receive a visual disability group?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, three criteria are identified for assigning the status of visual disability. This is an incomplete list, but only the main characteristics for classifying a person with disabilities into one of the groups. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

  1. Disorders of human vision, that is, complete or partial blindness (the reasons may vary from heredity to neurological diseases).
  2. Due to vision problems, a Russian citizen cannot move independently, do everyday things and live without the help of third parties. He also has problems with reality perception and learning.
  3. A visually disabled person needs government support, attention from third parties, as well as timely rehabilitation and treatment.

To obtain visually disabled status, a person (adult or child) must meet at least two of the criteria listed above. To do this, you need to sign up for a medical examination and wait for the commission’s decision. It is often necessary to challenge doctors’ decisions, even in court.

The procedure for registering disability

The first step before becoming visually disabled is to undergo a medical examination by an ophthalmologist. The patient himself decides which specialist to contact, what tests to undergo and whether it will be a private or public clinic. The decision of any certified medical institution is taken into account.

The second stage is visiting the ITU. The referral may be issued by the Pension Fund, social assistance authority or other structure. It all depends on the specific case, as well as on whether treatment (and rehabilitation) of the patient is required or not. You should start by studying this difficult issue and collecting the necessary documents.

Required documents

If a citizen is wondering how to register a visual disability, then the first thing to start with is preparing documents, passing a medical commission and coordinating the status with social assistance services. Below is a list of the main documents that may be needed when contacting ITU:

  • document confirming the patient’s identity;
  • referral to a commission - this can be a certificate from a public or private clinic where the patient was examined;
  • a photocopy of the work record book (with a mandatory notarization mark);
  • medical record from the clinic where the patient is registered;
  • extracts from all clinics where the applicant underwent treatment or rehabilitation;
  • application for the right to assign the status of a visually disabled person.

Decision of the medical commission

An ophthalmologist determines which group of visual disabilities a citizen belongs to. It depends on the causes of visual impairment, the patient’s condition, his physical and psychological characteristics. To be considered disabled, vision must be no better than 0.03 or total blindness must be observed. This is the main reason for providing social assistance, including in material terms.

However, there is a category of temporary disability - that is, due to various diseases or during rehabilitation a person may be assigned this status, but after a year it must be reconfirmed. There is one caveat: if a Russian citizen has confirmed his visual disability and has done so for ten years, then in subsequent years he will not have to undergo a commission. .

Classification by disability groups

The table below provides information on the classification of visually impaired people into one of three groups. It is also shown at what level of vision a disability of the first, second or third category is given. The criteria are current for 2019.

The third group of visual disabilities are people with partial loss of visual function who are able to visually inspect the surrounding space. These criteria also apply to minor citizens of the Russian Federation. They are assigned the status of a disabled child, which means they have their own program of benefits and allowances.

Refusal of the medical commission

If a person is refused the status of a visually disabled person, this does not mean anything. He has the right to challenge this decision. It is also worth noting that the situation may change and the deviation from the norm may increase. If one clinic says a citizen is healthy, then it would be more reliable to undergo examination in other medical institutions.

When a person feels that his vision has become worse, it is worth challenging the commission’s refusal in the main bureau, in a federal instance, or in court. The last option is applicable only after negative answers from the social assistance and support service for Russian citizens.

Registration of disability for children

The order of vision for citizens of the Russian Federation has already been discussed above. These rules also apply to children. Moreover, the age of the child does not matter. He is given the status of a disabled child. And the causes of partial or complete blindness in minors are shown on the graph.

Labor activity

People with disabilities have difficulty finding work. This also applies to the problem under consideration. If adult citizens are visually impaired, they must take into account their “shortcomings” when choosing a place of work. For example, do not sit in front of the monitor all day, wear contact lenses or glasses. There are different requirements in professional field. It is better to study them in advance, keeping in mind the disability group.

Motorists can drive if visual acuity is not less than 0.6 in one eye and not less than 0.2 diopters in the other. When working at height, the requirements are stricter. Not lower than 0.5 in one eye and not lower than 0.2 diopters in the other. Myopia or farsightedness in a disabled person does not matter, only visual acuity is important.

Where can a visually impaired person work?

People with complete or partial blindness can continue to work, but with certain restrictions. A person with this status can choose any job in his specialty (with the permission of a doctor).

However, you should avoid industrial facilities with high level noise, places with an unstable schedule and stressful situations. There is also a ban on working with chemicals and small machinery. Much depends on the group of visual disabilities, as well as the reasons that caused the deviation from the norm.

Benefits for the visually impaired

Citizens of the Russian Federation with the status of visually disabled have the right to receive material assistance, cash payments and benefits. For 2019, social pensions for this group of the population are provided in the following amounts:

  • the first group from the moment of birth (and disabled children) – 12,730 rubles every month;
  • the second group from childhood and disabled people of the first group (due to age-related changes or diseases) - 10,600 rubles every month;
  • second group – 5300 rubles monthly;
  • third group – 4500 rubles monthly.

The amounts are not fixed. The amount of payments may vary depending on the region of the country, as well as the severity of the disease. Additional benefits and social assistance are also provided.

Payments and benefits

The previous section examined the main monetary payments and benefits provided for different groups of visual disabilities. The table below shows the amount of benefits and the daily allowance. It is also worth noting that in addition to monetary assistance, citizens with this status can count on free means of adaptation to the public environment.

Here are just a few examples:

  • means for orientation in space (glasses, lenses, guide dog);
  • educational materials;
  • ocular prostheses.

The causes of visual impairment can be very different. However, the presence of serious deviations leads to social isolation. Therefore, the main purpose of receiving vision impairment is not material assistance, but the possibility of simplified adaptation in society. Employment by profession, the right to travel, study and be on an equal basis with other citizens.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, there are about 300,000 million people in our country who suffer from complete or partial blindness. However, one in four people have vision problems that can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

Becoming visually disabled is quite a serious process, but after receiving the status, the citizen will have many benefits, and most importantly, the right to receive pension payments. In this article, we will talk about visual disability, as well as what a disabled person of groups 1, 2 or 3 can qualify for in 2020.

Who is given a visual disability?

Only those citizens who have deviations from the norm, in this case features related to visual functions, are recognized as disabled. When assigning disability, a group is determined that determines the degree of the disease and the amount of payments and benefits provided in the future.

Disability group

Who should


First group The most severe group is assigned only to those citizens who have a 4th degree deviation. It is impossible to work with the first group, since often a person cannot even take care of himself. Complete blindness, which is characterized by:

1. Visual acuity up to 0.04 diopters;

2. Narrow field of view.

Second group Violation of the visual channel. It is possible to carry out labor activities, but this requires specialized equipment. The limit of vision is from 10 to 200 from the point where the gaze stopped.

In addition, visual acuity is not less than 0.5 diopters.

Third group Perhaps the easiest, if you can call it that. The degree of violation corresponds to group two. Employment is possible in any organization where there are quota places intended for people with disabilities. The boundaries of both eyes vary from 20 to 400 from gaze stop.

The sharpness does not exceed 0.3 diopters.

If we talk about the percentage of the disorder, then:

  1. The first is from 90 to 100%, respectively, complete absence of vision;
  2. The second is 70-80%, which is the ability to take care of yourself;
  3. Third – the rate is above 40% and up to 60%.

The main reasons that influence the complete or partial loss of visual function



1 Congenital disease Those diseases associated with vision that are acquired at birth. Unfortunately, children are also born with blindness or a disorder caused during childbirth.
2 Elderly people Elderly people who, due to circumstances, are unable or unwilling to visit a specialist are also at risk, thereby triggering their condition.

Important! If a person cannot come to an ophthalmologist on his own, he can be called to his home.

3 Injuries Often, decreased vision occurs due to the fault of herbs received both during work activities and in an accident.
4 Presence of disease There are diseases that provoke the worsening of existing vision problems. These include:

1. Myopia;

2. Cataract;

3. Diabetes mellitus;

4. Keratitis;

5. Retinal burns;

6. Glaucoma;

7. Excess weight.

5 Wrong lifestyle The point can be explained from the following angles:

v Poor environment in which a person lives;

v Lack of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for vision;

v The introduction of gadgets into our lives, watching TV around the clock.

In order to be assigned a visual disability, a person must meet the following requirements:

  1. It needs both financial assistance from the state and restoration through rehabilitation measures;
  2. A person cannot perform normal functions independently and without additional equipment.

Important! The assignment of disability and the corresponding group is carried out only by a medical and social examination (MSE).

Necessary documents for registration

To apply for disability, regardless of the disease, you need to have documents that confirm not only the identity of the person who submitted the application, but also the disease itself.

Required documents include:

  1. The statement that was written with my own hand disabled person If this is not possible, a representative can also write an application;
  2. Identity document;
  3. Referral for examination, which can be taken to:
    • clinics at your place of residence, namely from an ophthalmologist;
    • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
    • social protection.
  4. If a person carries out labor activity, then it is necessary to have:
    • work book
    • income certificate;
    • characteristics.
  5. Medical documents that characterize the treatment performed in a hospital setting, and also reflect ambulance calls, if any;
  6. Rehabilitation program;
  7. If a person previously had a disability, then a certificate indicating this is needed.

Only after providing these documents, the person will be examined.

Step-by-step instructions for registration

The entire process of registering disability can be divided into stages that are not complicated, but nevertheless take time and questions arise.

To register a disability you must:

  • Receive a referral for examination;
  • Collect the necessary documents;
  • Pass the commission on the date and time appointed by the specialist;
  • Get a solution which could be:
    • Positive - in this case, forensic medical experts will issue a state-issued certificate, which contains the details of the disabled person and his group.
    • Negative decision - in this case, it is necessary to determine the reason for this decision. If a person is confident that he is right, he can go to court to appeal the decision.

Payment amount

Regardless of the disability group, people belong to vulnerable segments of the population that need financial assistance from the state.

The size of the payment directly depends on the group; the table will give more details about the payments themselves.

Disability group Payment amount One-time payment if services are refused

If you have not canceled the service package G

The first group is a disabled child and persons who received a disability upon reaching the age of eighteen 12,500 rubles 36 27 rubles 2,590 rubles
Disabled children of the second group and disabled people of the first group 10,400 rubles 3,627 rubles 2,590 rubles
Disabled people 2nd group 5,200 rubles 2,590 rubles 1,730 rubles
Disabled people of 3 groups 4,500 rubles 2,073 rubles 1,250 rubles

Disabled people receive these payments if they do not meet the requirements for receiving a labor pension.

Other benefits

The benefit depends directly on the assigned disability group; below in the table only general benefits will be indicated.

Benefits for the visually impaired

Type of benefits

What does it include

1 Social v Monthly payment, called a pension, depending on the disability group.

Important! The monthly payment should not be less than the established subsistence level. If a disabled person does not have enough money, the social security authorities add the missing amount.

v Getting an education;

v Receiving EDV;

v Discount on payment of state duty:

Ø 100% discount on payment of fees in court;

Ø 50% of the total amount payment for notary services.

2 Transport v By payment for travel.

v Transportation to the treatment site

3 Tax v Transport;

v Property;

v Land;

v Tax deductions

Important! If there are several taxable objects, the discount is provided only for one type of transport or real estate.

4 Medical v Free receipt of medicines that a person needs;

v Once a year, provision of spa treatment that will have a positive effect on the disease;

v Additional products (orthopedic shoes, prosthetics;

v Necessary rehabilitation.

5 Housing v Discount on payment utilities:

Ø Electricity;

Ø Water (hot and cold);

Ø Heating.

v Major repairs;

v If a disabled person lives in conditions that do not comply sanitary norm, the size of the norm for each person

6 Labor, take place in the case when the assignment of a group does not interfere with official employment v Shortened working day - only 35 hours;

Important! Part-time work does not affect pay or vacation time.

v The right to refuse to carry out labor activities outside of working hours, weekends or holidays;

v Additional days off in the amount of 4 days, which are paid as working days

Important! The benefit for additional days applies to one parent.

v The right to choose the date of vacation;

v Additional leave of two weeks without pay.

Expert opinion

Unfortunately, most people who have reduced visual activity and complete blindness received this diagnosis more than once. This means that at first the first signs of deterioration were observed, to which the patient did not pay attention and did not go to a specialist for help. Worse, the person began to see poorly and decided to take up treatment on his own and drip drugs of unknown content into his eyes, which is strictly prohibited. As an ophthalmologist with 46 years of experience, I say that patients come to me mainly aged from 40 to 80 years, with whom I have a dialogue like this:

  1. Doctor: What were you treated with?
  2. Patient: Dripped “and names the medicine”;
  3. Doctor: Who prescribed this to you?
  4. Patient: Nobody, it helped my neighbor.

And then I, being in shock, say that this medicine will not have any effect on the disease in this case. This is a pretty scary situation, so if you notice:

  • Deterioration in clarity (if previously you could recognize a person at a distance of 3-4 meters, now facial features are blurred);
  • It is impossible to read (the letters have become blurry or cannot be seen at all;
  • Myopia (you can’t cross the road because you can’t see the car).

If several points converge, you need to consult a doctor; in the early stages, you can correct your vision by prescribing the right medications, choosing glasses, and in extreme cases, using surgical intervention. Over time, the opportunity to restore vision is lost, so you should pay attention to your health when it hints at it.

Chief ophthalmologist of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Neroev V.V.

Common Questions

Question No. 1 I received a visual disability of the second group 4 years ago, but unfortunately the medical and social examination did not assign me a group indefinitely, but only for a year with subsequent re-registration. Accordingly, I have been involved in renewals almost 4 times already, the examination itself is located in the city, but I live in a village and it is too far for me to get to the point. What is the maximum number of years they can assign me to a group per year?

Answer: To make a decision on a medical and social examination, the possibility of recovery is also taken into account. That is why the group is assigned for one year with an extension, since the person can recover during this time. Regarding difficulties in travel, there is also the possibility of calling a commission to your home, which will conduct a survey and inspection and make a decision. To call the commission, you should contact the medical and social examination itself, which will set a date for the visit.

As for disability, if within 10 years a disability is assigned for up to one year, then for the 11th year the commission will establish a permanent group.

Important! If within 10 years the disability was canceled and then reassigned (with the exception of a court decision), then the above rule will not apply.

Question No. 2 Are the criteria for registering the disability of a child and an adult the same? And what group will the child be assigned to?

Answer: Yes, the criteria are the same. However, the disability group is not established; the child receives the status of a disabled child, which requires re-registration after 18 years of age with the subsequent assignment of a disabled child with a certain group.

Common mistakes

Error A citizen, having received a referral from a clinic at his place of residence, was refused to be assigned a visual disability.