How to build a canopy at the dacha. Do-it-yourself canopy: how to quickly build a beautiful and reliable canopy from scrap materials What to make a canopy from

Have you long dreamed of organizing in your own garden? cubby, but are not yet ready to build a full-fledged gazebo? This means that one of the modern types of canopy will be ideal for you: wooden or plastic, with a reliable roof or one through which all the night stars are visible. Add a little textiles and imagination, and such a budget building will look no worse than a real summer cafe!

Moreover, to build a canopy with your own hands today, with all the abundance of construction and finishing materials It won't be difficult at all. The main thing is to decide for what specific task it is needed - for a car or summer get-togethers with friends, a swimming pool or just a bench, and choose suitable material. And our photo instructions will help you consider the whole process in detail and become well versed in this matter.

First, let's watch a video review of the most modern, original and stylish canopies that you can easily make yourself:

Preparing the base for different types of soil

First of all, when arranging a canopy, you need to take care of a solid foundation for the canopy. If you don’t want a strong gust of wind or a spring thaw to damage the strength of the entire structure, then you need to approach this issue carefully.

So, a lot depends on what kind of soil you have on your site. Moreover, you need to consider not just the ground anywhere, but exactly where the canopy will stand. The fact is that literally plus or minus two meters, and there may already be a completely different composition.

The depth of drilling under the foundation pillars depends on whether your soil is heaving or not. It should always be no less than the freezing depth. This is necessary so that while the ice inside the ground melts and the soil “moves” a little, the racks will remain in place.

This is the whole secret, i.e. how to make a canopy on unstable soil: the posts will end below the freezing depth level, and the frame will not warp. In Russia, the standard freezing depth is often more than 2 meters, and therefore the racks are installed 2.30-2.50 meters into the ground. In special illustrations, the freezing depth is marked as H:

But, if we are talking about non-heaving soil (it is clear from the name that it “does not lead”), then it is advisable to make a foundation in the form of concrete or brick pillars to the depth of the plant layer. Those. not deep.

Additionally, backfilling with coarse sand or small pebbles, which it is advisable to protect with geotextiles, helps to reduce the severity of frost heaving of the soil. By the way, if it so happens that you installed the pillars higher than the freezing depth of the ground, then over time the structure will become skewed, but this can be easily corrected by wedging and jacking up the sagging sides.

Choice of canopy material: wood, stone or plastic?

The stronger and more solid the material, the more reliable the canopy will be, and the more expensive it will be. The more fragile and lighter the frame, the cheaper it is. We would advise you to look for a “golden mean”, but a lot really depends on what exactly you expect from this building.

So, the most reliable and strong canopy will be made of brick, a timber canopy is similar to it, and metal, forged and plastic structures are built that are more lightweight and elegant.

Cozy wooden canopy made of boards and logs

Wooden canopies, which have a wide choice of colors and textures, quite often turn out to be quite durable, although wood is susceptible to moisture and fungus. The whole secret here is in the correct preparation of the wooden canopy, treating it with antiseptics and special paints and varnishes for an open atmosphere. Plus, many types of wood themselves are able to perfectly withstand nature (for example, larch).

A canopy and timber or log house always looks quite solid and expensive, especially if it continues with the main house. But it is not easy to build, and it will need to be maintained every year. And at the same time, wooden racks are still fire unsafe, less resistant than stone ones, and require systematic treatment with antiseptic and fire-resistant mixtures.

But such canopies are easy to install, because they do not require welding, which not everyone knows. But anyone can assemble a canopy using bolts and anchors like a regular construction set.

In addition, lumber is cut and sanded quite easily. True, if you prefer arched canopies, then making them from wood is quite problematic. After all, bending a wooden beam is not easy, although it is possible to assemble an arc from individual wooden blocks.

So, to build a wooden canopy you will need timber for the posts - 70x70 mm, for attaching to the wall - 40x60 mm, and for floors - 40x60 mm. In general, the timber for the racks, of course, can be smaller in size if the area of ​​the canopy itself is very small (although we do not recommend doing this). The minimum value is 40x40 mm, and when the area exceeds 5 m2, then from 60x60 mm.

A columnar foundation is well suited as load-bearing supports for a wooden canopy. The installation process itself will look like this:

Once the posts are ready, secure the rafter beams at the desired height. It is convenient to make them from 150x50 mm boards, while checking the correctness with others using even boards:

Now install the rafters. You need to place them in increments of up to 1 meter (less is better), and take 150x50 mm for the boards themselves. Attach the rafters to the supporting posts and beams with bolts, and simply cut off the excess protruding parts.

So that later there is at least some shadow from the canopy, make a thin sheathing of 5x5 cm bars and secure them with self-tapping screws. And fasten 30x100 mm frontal boards around the perimeter of the roof. If desired, install your favorite roofing material on the sheathing:

This is what the final canopy should look like:

Now let's demonstrate all this theory in practice. In this project, the master used a trick and created from the sheathing and rafter legs one smooth and flat surface for the future translucent coating.

How did he do it? He simply made cuts in the rafters:

If you decide to attach a canopy directly to the house, you can make it semi-closed, for example, with a trellis under a grapevine:

Here's how to build such a canopy:

  • Step 1. Let's start with the vertical posts, for which we need to prepare the foundation. The racks must be installed at the interval of the canopy rafters. Make a mark and drill several holes with a drill, from a meter to a meter and a half deep.
  • Step 2. Insert roofing felt sleeves into the resulting holes, and into them - racks from steel pipes. Align them.
  • Step 3. Pour concrete into the sleeves and prepare the elements of the wooden structure.
  • Step 4. Sand the boards, treat them with an antiseptic and drill holes for future fasteners. 150x50 boards were used in this project.
  • Step 5. Now you need to make grooves in the places where the rafters are installed, and screw the boards themselves both to the house and to the vertical posts. Use nuts, washers or long studs for this purpose.
  • Step 6. Let's move on to making the ramp. The angle of inclination will need to be calculated in advance, taking into account the installation feature of the roofing material, the snow load in your region and whether snow will fall from the main roof of the house. The greater the danger that the snow cap will break through the canopy, the steeper it should be.
  • Step 7. Install rafters, at least two meters long, and nail them. Make the sheathing.
  • Step 8. Now you can lay the roofing covering - the one you chose initially. Of course, when it comes to a house, they don’t make a roof that is too steep due to the high consumption of materials, but for a canopy it won’t take much of it, and changing the angle of inclination will not play a decisive role.
  • Step 9. Cover the open ends of the rafters with clapboard or fascia board, and attach the drain directly to it.
  • Step 10. We cover the open ends of the rafters with a front board made of clapboard, and subsequently install a drain on it.
  • Step 11. To install the trellis, you will need at least a primitive foundation. In this regard, the most successful would be a tape one, right between the racks. To do this, dig a trench with a bayonet, then pour 10 cm of sand and install the formwork. Next, lay the reinforcement and fill everything with concrete.
  • Step 12. Make a brick wall on top of the finished foundation, and install trellises made of 20x30 mm slats on it.
  • Step 13: Finally, cover the posts with decorative covers (siding and clapboard work too).

This canopy turns out to be quite cozy! After all, wood is closest to nature and always fits well into the landscape. Especially when it is massive and has retained its natural texture, not hidden under a layer of paint:

However, white paint is not bad at all when decorating such a canopy:

Note that wood itself is inexpensive, much cheaper than metal, but if durability is your priority, you can also purchase laminated veneer lumber. This type is made from several layers of wood at once, and therefore it has a more complex geometry, increased strength and price.

A good-quality brick canopy: in harmony with the architecture of the house

As we already said, excellent option In terms of reliability, stability and durability, a brick canopy is considered. It doesn’t need to be painted or otherwise looked after every year; it’s built once and that’s it. At the same time, such a canopy looks environmentally friendly, aesthetically pleasing and is absolutely not subject to fire.

A brick canopy always fits well into the appearance of a house, no matter what material it is built from. But such racks require a reliable foundation (usually concrete), which will further increase costs. See how these pillars are built:

When the foundation is ready, proceed to laying the pillars, while reinforcing each row with a mesh. It is important to lay the bricks so that the seams do not match, and fill all voids with mortar. To make the pillars themselves even, a rope is pulled between them for convenience.

Cold and refined metal: forging and profiles

Forged metal makes the most “weightless” and elegant canopies:

Forged metal is durable, reliable and resistant to environment. Such canopies are always made to order, where you can add any decorative elements, even make a family coat of arms visible! The forged structure will not only decorate the site, but also give it exclusivity.

What to make a reliable canopy roof from?

There are so many roofing coverings today that it’s dizzying, and you can easily use absolutely all of them to decorate the roof of your shed. Let’s take a closer look at those materials that you may have been afraid to tackle. But they make the best projects!

Glass and polycarbonate: translucent structures

Today, quite a lot of offices and hotels decorate the facades of their buildings with large glass canopies over the entrance. So this space becomes both more comfortable and safer, and the glass itself gives the building a tangible feature of the desired style. If you like this idea, then why not implement it on your own site?

You need to choose durable glass - one that will not break into small pieces if something hits the roof. Therefore, both tempered glass and laminated glass, otherwise called triplex, are suitable for this. In this, several sheets of hardened glue are connected with transparent glue. It is almost impossible to break!

Here is a very interesting video of the installation of such a canopy for a residential building:

Look how light and airy canopies with translucent coating look:

If you skillfully play with color, it is not difficult to achieve the feeling of a real sunny day even in the cloudiest weather. And in the dark season, cozy lighting will be provided by a built-in lamp, which is attached directly to the arched structure:

Let's go through the construction of this shed step by step. Its parameters: 110 cm height and 3.5 meters width:

  • Step 1. Set up the porch. To do this, first fill concrete base, and then we build a frame from timber, 150x150 mm.
  • Step 2. Coat the timber with a colorless antiseptic, which will protect the wood from insects and fungus.
  • Step 3. Now we lay the floor on the porch and finish the steps.
  • Step 4. We proceed to the construction of a canopy over the porch. To do this, you will need to weld a metal frame and cover it with wooden boards (preferably made of larch).
  • Step 5: Paint a protective glaze over the canopy, steps, and porch sides to also highlight the visible wood grain. It is important that neither the wooden frame of the canopy nor the steps are afraid of precipitation and temperature changes.

There are more interesting and unusual ways canopy devices. For example, German students managed to create shadows using drones! Their system is autonomous and is called Cyber ​​Physical Macro Materials.

The essence of the idea is that drones independently select places that need to be protected from the scorching sun (for example, with people on vacation), and rally for this purpose. It looks simply amazing, and savvy summer residents are trying to repeat something similar using cheaper and more readily available materials.

For example, by installing umbrellas or large plastic crafts on a long cane that is easily stuck into the ground, and creating rest areas in the country simply by a cluster of such umbrellas, easily regrouped in the right place. Or they hang such elements in the air on thin ropes attached to the frame of the canopy.

A dacha is a country house designed for a pleasant time in nature. I want to spend it usefully and comfortably, so everyone tries to improve their area. In the article we will share practical, original examples of what kind of awnings there are for a dacha, how to arrange a recreation area and a utility block.

Let's look at the question of what is more profitable: to buy ready-made or to build your own awnings for your dacha; the photos will illustrate creative, inexpensive and ergonomic ideas. We'll tell you which materials are better and easier to build from.

Overview of awnings for summer cottages

For car

For the porch

For the gazebo

For firewood

Sheds for a dacha are not just needed, but urgently needed; they provide shelter from rain, sun and wind, and you can spend time comfortably in closed structures even in the cold season.

The easiest and most cost-effective way to build a canopy at your dacha with your own hands: frame and fabric roof

The functionality of the buildings is varied:

  • car parking;
  • entrance group;
  • roof over barbecue;
  • gazebos, pavilions;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • pool covers;
  • showers;
  • structures for firewood and tool storage;
  • extensions to a house, garage or bathhouse like a veranda or terrace;
  • covered “living” recreation areas, lined with climbing plants and grapes on the sides - pergolas, rotundas, galleries.
  • children's playgrounds equipped with a light roof;
  • canopy over the well and many others. etc.

Summer cottage canopies made of polycarbonate on a metal profile frame for barbecue - simple, durable, reliable, safe

All garden sheds can be divided into three large groups:

  • Open - buildings on vertical supports under a light roof; the perimeter is often surrounded by greenery: bushes, grapes, climbing roses.

A simple garden canopy made from scrap materials and plants

  • Semi-closed - the most common type of canopy, a frame structure topped with a roof, with a parapet on the sides, and the openings are closed from bad weather and the sun with thick moisture-resistant curtains, decorative grilles, and soft glazing.

A covered gallery is a universal solution for small areas in front of the house; it can serve as a carport in the country or a place to relax

  • Indoor – comfortable, practical. These are stationary awnings for summer cottages, the openings of which are glazed or sheathed with sheet material, for example, polycarbonate.

A semi-closed canopy at the dacha, attached to the main house like a veranda

Design features

Mobile canopy for a shower in the country


Let’s start the review with the simplest canopies for the dacha; the designs fully correspond to the dragonfly’s motto: ... “under every bush it had both a table and a house ready.” These are light, summer, mobile products that can be bought in the store:

  • swing with canopy;
  • mini-gazebos - monoblock with a roof, table, benches;
  • awnings;

Awning – convenient for organizing recreation areas

  • umbrellas, often complete with a folding table;
  • prefabricated tents, on an aluminum or metal-plastic frame, with a tent roof and fabric curtains on the sides; for convenience, some models are equipped with soft windows and a mosquito net.

The tent reliably protects the place of rest from precipitation and sun, can be used as carports in the country, it is important to choose the right size

Temporary structures are convenient because they are easy to unfold, carry, and put away, but not everyone wants to spend time and effort on assembling and installing prefabricated products.

A universal, collapsible canopy for a summer residence, the design can serve as a gazebo, greenhouse, parking lot and cover for a pool

Stationary awnings for summer cottages

More practical owners prefer to install permanent canopies at their dacha; they can be ordered at individual project, buy a standard design or build it yourself. Such structures include: terraces, verandas, canopies over the entrance, carports, gazebos, greenhouses, summer houses and other outbuildings.

Good to know: To erect stationary buildings, it is necessary to equip a site or make a foundation; they practically cannot be moved to another place, but they are more comfortable and ergonomic compared to mobile structures.

A simple idea on how to make a wooden carport at your dacha with your own hands

What to build a shed from at the dacha

Before you build country sheds with your own hands, you need to complete a construction project, select a site, and decide on dimensions and materials.

Shower in the country on a metal frame, covered with corrugated sheets, the material can be replaced with an awning

The canopy should fit harmoniously into the overall architectural ensemble, not clutter up the site, and echo the landscape design, be comfortable, reliable and practical.

Canopy at the dacha made of timber and decorative lattice

The most popular materials for self-construction are metal and wood. It’s difficult to say which is cheaper and easier to work with; let’s weigh the pros and cons of each material.

A simple canopy for a well in the country


A wooden building is appropriate for any summer cottage, it does not deviate from the concept of natural composition. A wooden canopy at the dacha for relaxation can be built from timber, rounded logs, boards, or tree trunks. This does not require professional skills; you can work with household tools. Decorate a canopy for a summer residence, depending on the chosen style, natural materials- snags, stumps, decorative grilles, carvings, figured pillars, balusters.

An example of how to make an original shed for firewood at your dacha with your own hands

And even if you brought the material completely free from the forest, the tree does not tolerate dampness well, is susceptible to fungi, rodents, small insects, and rot, so it must be treated with special protective compounds, and this entails additional financial costs.

How to make a canopy at your dacha with your own hands, photo of a structure made from tree trunks and unedged boards decorated with driftwood


To build a metal canopy at your dacha with your own hands, you will need welding equipment and skills to work on it. The frame is made of round or profile pipes of different diameters. In order to protect the structure from rust, it should be thoroughly cleaned, primed and painted. You can decorate a metal canopy for a summer residence with stamped forging and openwork grilles, but more often the structure is sewn up with polycarbonate - this is practical, looks easy and does not require a large investment of money.

The simplest buildings to build with your own hands are single-pitch carports for cars in the countryside made of polycarbonate

Other options

Creative and creative site owners often use available materials: bottles, glass or plastic, rubble stone, rods for wicker structures, straw for awnings at the dacha in ethnic style, PVC pipes, awnings, etc.

The simplest canopy for a summer house made of PVC pipes and shower curtains

Combined buildings look very nice, for example, metal pillars under a polycarbonate roof, lined with decorative stone, this is how they usually build a barbecue shed at their dacha with their own hands. Wood, stone, brick and sculptural concrete combine well; the buildings look very original and add originality to the landscape design.

Photo example of how to make a canopy at your dacha for relaxation

How to build a canopy at your dacha with your own hands

Building a canopy at your dacha with your own hands is quite simple; you need to make a frame and figure out what to cover it with. But in order for the building to last for more than one season, it is necessary to complete a number of important stages during construction.


For large and medium-sized buildings, it is recommended to lay a strip or column foundation. The area inside can be paved paving slabs, stones, lay a wooden floor, lay decking, concrete, sprinkle with crushed stone or pebbles. If the site is uneven, located in a swampy area, then you should arrange pile foundation, for areas with rocky rocks or shifting soil, it is better to make a slab. To arrange small sheds, you can simply remove the soft layer of soil and place concrete blocks or flat stones under the base.

Canopy to the house, support-beam structure on a columnar base

Good to know: When constructing metal structures, it is better to concrete the vertical posts into the ground according to the principle columnar foundation. Wooden frame supports should be mounted on a columnar foundation using special fasteners.


The roof can have a wooden rafter system or a metal truss. The easiest way is to build a lean-to canopy with a slope of 12-30 degrees with your own hands. Metal structures are often installed under an arched roof; this is especially true when building a carport in the country, photo below.

Photo of a carport at the dacha; this design will protect vehicles and provide comfortable entry into the house during rainfall

Roofing material can be any:

  • awning, moisture-resistant fabric, polyethylene - suitable for temporary structures, should be removed for the winter;

Children's playground with fabric roof

  • polycarbonate - easy, fast, reliable, relevant for all types of buildings, transmits light, which is indispensable in shaded areas and for structures adjacent to the house;

The polycarbonate roof lets in enough light while still protecting from the sun

  • profiled sheet - simple, profitable, convenient for outbuildings;
  • roofing felt and soft tiles are inexpensive, easy to install with your own hands, but require continuous sheathing, which is not always convenient for sheds;
  • slate is budget-friendly, time-tested, but heavy and inferior in aesthetics to other materials.


Open canopies can be inexpensively and easily made closed by making curtains from awning, moisture-resistant fabric or polyethylene.

Even light curtains will significantly increase the comfort of your stay.

It is better to glue the edges for strength, and use special hooks to secure them to the frame.

This clothespin is suitable for fixing curtains to a metal frame along the lower belt of the truss

For wooden canopies at the dacha, in order to decorate them with curtains, you can top harness screw in the holders as shown in the picture below.

Bracket for installing curtains on a wooden frame

A canopy for a summer residence can be ready-made or made by hand, simple or elaborate, but so that it fits harmoniously into the natural landscape and does not stand out from the overall ensemble, decorate it around the perimeter with fresh flowers and plants.

Convenient sliding roof on guides and rollers

Good afternoon - today I have prepared a BIG and NECESSARY article to help everyone who has seriously set out to make a wooden canopy adjacent to a private house with their own hands. That is, I will tell you step by step what simple steps (and they are really simple) consist of building a canopy against the wall of a house. We will make wooden sheds with a polycarbonate roof. We will consider different options design of the same canopy model for a house - that is, we will learn, based on one drawing, to create various canopy designs - for any home, for any requests. And after reading the article you will not only LEARN how to make canopies, but also YOU CAN implement any design wooden canopy for a private house.

After all, when you understand the ESSENCE of the design, you will be able to modify this design according to your creative imagination. And who knows, maybe you will even earn a living later as a master of attachment work.

We will consider the following questions in turn.

  • The canopy to the house is his basic elements
  • How to change the design of basic elements- and receive different designs canopy near the house.
  • How step by step make a canopy with your own hands.

Let's first look at the classic wood canopy.



So, here (photo below) is a sample of what we will learn to do with our own hands. We see a classic lean-to canopy against the wall of the house. Such a canopy for a house can be made not only at a blank wall - exactly the same canopy structure can be made at the front entrance of the house, in the back yard for gatherings and anywhere, it doesn’t matter, the principle is the same.

GENERAL PRINCIPLE FOR ALL CANNOS the fact that with one edge the canopy is attached to the wall - and with the other edge it stands on support pillars. That is, the canopy to the house must have two types of support - on poles and on the wall.

This is the essence of all outbuildings... however making holes in the wall to nail a support beam to it is NOT MANDATORY - below you will see models of canopies where the fasteners do not need to be driven into the wall, but you can install the same SUPPORT POSTS at the wall of the house as on the outer edge of the canopy. So, if you don’t want to make holes in a beautifully plastered wall, don’t rush to leave the article, there will be canopy options for your case too.


(common to all designs)

The essence of the construction any wooden canopy to the house - consists in four stages.

  1. Fastening first load-bearing beam on the wall (this is the first support of the canopy)
  2. We install support pillars at the required distance from the wall.
  3. Fastening second load-bearing beam on poles (this is the second support for the roof sheathing).
  4. We lay transverse boards on these supporting beams ( roof sheathing)

How exactly I will tell you how to implement all these stages a little later in the article. Now I want to start by showing you the VARIETY of front awning designs. And to prove to you that all these different-looking canopies near the house are MADE ACCORDING TO THE SAME PRINCIPLE... in exactly the same 4 stages.

I will show - and talk about the design of canopies - STARTING with the simplest ones - and ENDING with more complex versions of canopies... Complex not in the drawings, but only in appearance (in reality they are all simple).

So - let's take the simplest canopy for the house (it requires very few beams).

The simplest canopy for the house.

(CANOPY OPTION No. 1 - with material savings)

If you don't have enough wooden beams, but there is a task from this small thing to make a canopy for the house. Then you can make a simple design like this (photo below). A total of 5 beams are needed - 2 for support pillars + 3 for load-bearing beams.

Here, the load-bearing side beams are attached to the wall using METAL FASTENERS (the photo below shows what they are like). Such metal brackets are attached to the wall of the house and the ends of the two side beams of our canopy are inserted into them.

The roof in such a canopy attached to the house can be a sheet of polycarbonate (transparent or darkened) ... or the roof can be an awning-curtain that slides along a stretched metal string (and either moves apart like a tent or gathers against the wall like curtains). I talked more about such a curtain roof for awnings in the article

Let's take a more complex canopy... Although its complexity is purely conditional... The essence is basically the same - but this model is already close to the classic design of a canopy attached to a house. The most understandable drawing, without unnecessary elements. Only the basic elements...

  1. support pillars
  2. load-bearing beam on the wall
  3. load-bearing beam on support pillars
  4. roof sheathing beams (for laying polycarbonate sheets on them)

This is a classic- A BASIC part of any canopy. And starting from these basic elements, we will create a great variety of canopy designs for the house.

And to start from the very beginning, we must start from the BOTTOM... from the substrate, from the foundation on which our canopy will stand.

Wooden flooring under the canopy.

(flat wooden base)

Before making a canopy, we need to figure out what we want in the final version - A CANOPY ON THE GROUND (so that the support pillars are dug into the ground, into concrete)... or A CANOPY WITH A BOARD FLOOR (where the support posts are attached to a wooden flooring)?... Let's look at the canopy projects and understand our desires and preferences.

Here (photo above) you can clearly see that first the man laid a neat wooden flooring... And then he installed a canopy on it.

If you are making a canopy for gatherings in the shade on the back patio of your private home, then that's reasonable- make a comfortable wooden flooring.

Let's start with the fact that level the soil surface where there will be a canopy near the house.

After this we need to put on the ground sheathing our future wooden flooring...

And then the sheathing-base cover with boards(we nail them to the sheathing)

You can take long boards at full length (as in the photo below)

Or if our boards are short, then they can be laid out at random... in a checkerboard pattern (as in the photo below).

What to do if you need flooring, but the canopy is already on concrete.

Let's say you decided to make a country canopy... and you did... And now you want it to be under the canopy adjacent to the house there was a neat wooden flooring. So that the furniture can be arranged, put a rug. Here is a photo example of how this can be implemented. We lay the sheathing on posts (if you want to raise the flooring above the ground).

If the soil or concrete foundation in front of the house is uneven in height, then the support columns will be of different heights - for different soil levels - somewhere longer, somewhere shorter. Here you will need to clearly calculate height support columns - so that the beams lying on them are all at the same level - in the same plane.

After that, all that remains is to pave it all with boards - and your flooring is ready for the canopy adjacent to the house.

Here is another photo example of a high deck under a wooden canopy near a house. It is built on the same principle - support posts + sheathing + plank flooring. And (what I liked) the side planes of the flooring are sewn up here - special panels with holes for ventilation are nailed on all sides.

If you are making a canopy at a door high above the ground(that is, your house has a high foundation) - then the wooden flooring under such a canopy should also be high + a porch needs to be built into it to go down from this pedestal. This is just such a project for flooring under a canopy - for a house with a high foundation (photo below). A very picturesque picture - a side porch with flowerbeds on the sides and illuminated steps.

Concrete base

under a canopy near the house.

You can also make a BASE FOR A CANOPY in the form of a concrete blind area (regular or paved with tiles)

And here is the base for the canopy, which I really like - high concrete formwork

We cast a high side from concrete (or lay it out of brick) - we give this side an elegant cladding to look like rough stone. It turns out beautiful.

This option is also good if you have support beams of insufficient height... And such formwork will raise your wooden canopy to the level you need .

Here is a similar principle, where the support pillars of the canopy stand on rocky hills. This allows you to use even short cuts of beams in the construction of sheds.

Here is another example of a canopy, where support pillars that are short in length are used. The support beams were placed on specially built brick walls. The result is a canopy with short legs and a beautiful wall, which can then be decorated in an interesting way and covered with decorative stone. Place a bench and fireplace nearby.

Or such a stone wall-side for our wooden canopy can be decorated in an oriental style - create a fountain there, put flowerpots and pots with plants + stick night lanterns. And what you will get is not just a simple canopy near the house, but a magical corner where you can so comfortably retire or talk about good topics with a friend.

So, we've figured out the BASE for canopies... Now let's see what other canopies there are. And first of all, let's look at the canopy project, for which you do not need to damage the wall of the house.


without fastening to the wall of the house.

And remember, I promised to show a wooden canopy near the house, which does not need to be attached to the wall (no need to drill holes and spoil the elegant facade of the house). Here is this model - such a canopy stands on 4 support pillars (or more pillars are possible) ... and it is not attached to the wall - it simply adjoins it, that is, it stands close to it (see options for wooden canopies in the photo below)

And such a free-standing canopy near the house can be decorated with false columns. False columns are available at home improvement stores and can simply be wrapped around your regular wooden shed beams. That is, hide each supporting pillar of the canopy inside such an elegant Greek false column.

Now look at the powerful potential hidden in your new skill of “making awnings with your own hands”...

Large canopy

with a terrace on the second floor.

If you are the owner of a private TWO-STORY house, then why just make a canopy over the porch. Make a canopy along the entire facade of the house - place it on weight on powerful support pillars of thick section - and... MAKE A TERRACE ON THE ROOF OF THE CANOPY.

It's a good idea... Agree.

After all, this is the right idea. Since you have decided to make a canopy near your house... Then why not think about the future. Make a canopy right away on thick powerful beams-pillars. And then in next year continue construction on the roof of your shed - attach a railing with balusters- and now you have the opportunity to sit high above the ground - with a cup of tea from a samovar on a wooden terrace made by your own with my own hands. And remember that it all started with your humble desire to make some kind of canopy...

Just my advice: it is better to make similar structures on the south side of the house a (the north side is poorly lit and it is not advisable to additionally darken it with a canopy - there will be less light in the house and the walls will become damp).

... well, stop dreaming - it's time to DO.

So, as I promised - 4 simple steps. Each stage in itself is not difficult, everyone can do it. And all the stages together give a single result - THE CANOPY YOU DREAMED ABOUT.

Making a canopy - stage one

canopy support ON THE WALL.

First, you need to decide AT WHAT LEVEL you need to make a hanging beam on the wall. This is important because...
If you want the canopy roof to be level (not sloped) so that you can walk on it, so that you can make a terrace on it in the future... then the level of your beam on the wall should coincide with the level of the beam on the pillars - that is, they should be at the same height from the ground.

If you are not planning any terraces on the roof of the carport - Do you want this roof to be sloped? so that the snow slides off it on its own (that is, you need a canopy with a pitched roof), then you need nail the supporting beam to the wall HIGHER than the beam on the support pillars. Here in the photo below I show an example of this thought of mine. Where is the load-bearing beam near the wall (arrow 1) higher level than the supporting beam on the pillars (arrow 2). And due to this different height, we get a canopy with a sloping pitched roof.

Now, let's look at the ways in which this beam can be attached to the wall, or what other fasteners (besides the beam) can be used to attach the canopy to the wall of the house.

Method one - Support in the form of a beam.

We simply attach a horizontal beam to the wall (with self-tapping screws) - it will hold the roof of our canopy (we will lay our cross beams directly on it for sheathing the roof).

And so that you do not doubt the reliability of the beam fastening, you can attach a whole beam-holding mechanism to the wall - in the shape of a square (see photo with a red arrow below).

Method two - Vertical racks against the wall.

If you got the beams for the support posts of a smaller diameter... and the load on the roof of the canopy is planned to be more serious (i.e. you want to make the roof sheathing also from heavy beams)... THEN you need ADDITIONALLY REINFORCE your supporting beam on the wall and also the supporting beam that lies on the pillars

We see that the load-bearing horizontal beam (attached to the wall) is reinforced additional vertical support bars(arrow 1). Thus, the canopy attached to the house does not rest its entire weight on the wall beam, but distributes its weight onto the wall posts and beams.

And the supporting vertical pillars from the other end of the pergola (i.e. those from the outer end of the porch) have diagonal short support beams, which hold the second load-bearing horizontal beam (arrow 2).

By the way (in the photo above), pay attention to WHAT THE SUPPORT POSTS STAND ON... They are based on metal bearings on a high thick metal leg, which is screwed into the flooring boards.

Here is another photo where the canopy has support beams right next to the wall of the house A. It’s safer this way: you don’t have to worry about the wall, in case the beam falls off the wall under the weight of time. Additional pillars against the wall will prevent this from happening.

The third method is support in the form of metal brackets.

We attach brackets-holders to the wall (stone or wood or brick)... This is how we see in the photo below... And we place our side cross beams on them (as on model No. 1 of the canopy from this article).

Important condition: Not every wall is suitable for such fasteners. If the wall is tiny, or made of porous material (foam blocks, for example), then the fasteners will not adhere well to the wall. And you must understand that heavy beams will sooner or later fall on the heads of your neighbors.

Therefore, consult with specialists. It’s better to choose the fastening method in which there is not a single bit of doubt - that is, the one where there are additional vertical posts along the wall supporting a horizontal beam on the wall (see the second method).

Making a canopy - the second stage


I described this stage in detail in the article. All 4 methods of installing poles are described there - both in the ground, and on a concrete foundation, and on a wooden flooring... And here I will only show a photo of the options for fastening elements for support poles. Or you can simply dig them into the ground (after tarring them and wrapping them in roofing material so that they do not rot in the ground).

Thrust bearings (or anchors) serve to protect wooden posts from rotting. U-shaped and T-shaped anchors are best suited for this purpose. They allow the beam to rise 2 cm above the surface. Be blown by the breeze and do not retain rain moisture.

If you bury your poles in the ground, it is better to use thrust bearings with long anchors (in the form of a reinforcement rod or pipe) - this way the metal part of the pole will be in the ground, and the wooden part on the surface.

And if you don't want to spend money on steel bearings. And just dig the pillars into the cement foundation the old fashioned way, then don’t be lazy before tar that part of the timber that will go into the ground. Resin will extend the life of the wood, protecting it from rot. Instead of tarring, ordinary roofing material is often used. They wrap it around the underground part of the timber, and tightly wrap this roofing material “swaddling” with metal wire. Place the end of the pillar wrapped in roofing felt in the hole and fill it with cement.

And also the support pillars for the canopy can be made OF BRICK MASONRY and lined with decorative stone. Like in the photo below.

Making a canopy - stage three

place the BEARING BEAM on the pillars.

You will decide for yourself how to place the beam on the pillars. I'll show you several ways to attach a load-bearing beam to support posts, and you choose.

Method one (beam on top of pillars)

We place the beam on top of the post and fix it with long screws (central photo) or metal plates (right photo).

To prevent the supporting beam from bending on the support pillars under the weight of the roof sheathing, it can be REINFORCED. To do this, add diagonal beams (see extreme examples in the photo) or add an extended beam in the center (central example in the photo below).

Method two (beam from above into grooves on support pillars).

We cut out a hole-groove in each support column. And we put our load-bearing beam into this groove. Naturally, this method is suitable if our beam has a side that thinner in size than the thickness of the support column.

Method two - instead of a beam there are 2 boards.

This method is remarkable because it saves material (boards are cheaper than beams). And in terms of endurance, 2 boards are equal to one beam. We fill two boards on both sides of the support post and together they act as a regular load-bearing beam - see the photo of the canopy structures below.

I described all these methods of laying load-bearing beams on poles (for the roof of a country canopy) in detail in the article “Canopy for a summer house - 10 WAYS to make it yourself.” So if something is not clear here, you can find additional explanations in this article on how to make a canopy at home with your own hands.

Making a canopy - stage four

canopy roof lathing

The first method is lathing over the beams.

Laying down the sheathing boards just on top on the beams. And we fasten metal corners. Like in the photos of the house canopy below.

The second method is on the grooves.

We cut grooves in the sheathing boards. And we put these grooves on the supporting beam. The difficulty here is that the grooves at the ends of the boards must coincide with the beams (therefore, the boards must first be dragged up, laid out on the roof, marked with a pencil where the grooves will be cut, then removed, cut out the grooves, and lifted onto the roof again).

Method two - joint to joint.

This method is also possible, but the sheathing beams must be adjusted to fit snugly to snugly in order to fit neatly into the metal holder ears.

Roof for canopy

(roofing felt, polycarbonate, slate, tiles)

Most beautiful view The roofs are transparent polycarbonate. This way there will always be light under the canopy. Such a roof is required if this side of the house faces north, so that excess darkness does not accumulate under the canopy.

If the canopy is on the sunny side of the house, and you instead want to reduce the sun above your head and sit in the shade of the canopy. Then you can choose any opaque roof - cheap roofing felt and slate, or more expensive soft tiles, or chalkboard.

Important: Don't forget to provide waterproofing the joint canopy with wall. To do this, you need to buy and nail a small iron visor. As in the photo below.

An elegant addition to a canopy.

You can cover the space between the support pillars with panels with sheathing. They are easy to make - a regular rectangular frame made of thin blocks - and a thin strip is criss-crossed onto them. You can plant vines next to such a sheathing - they will beautifully crawl up the pergola.

As a result, you will have a gazebo adjacent to the house. There you can put a table and benches for gatherings with friends and neighbors.

You see how interesting it is to make a canopy with your own hands... believe in your own hands... and continue to create beauty around you... This is very useful. Because when you are doing good things, there is no time to do bad or sad things... And if there is a lot of beauty in life, then there is no room for despondency.

Get busy living or get busy dying...

Take care of your health or take care of your illness...

Deal with fear or deal with courage

Engage in despondency, or engage in creating something new

We ourselves choose what to do... So let's choose to create something new and useful...
Because when we create something, we create ourselves. The best version of ourselves.

Forward. You just need to start... then continue... and then finish. It's simple.

If I weren't a girl... I would build this myself. But all I can do is inspire the boys. Therefore, it’s up to you to build))), dear boys.

Good luck with your dacha construction.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

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More articles-lessons on the topic

I also have a series of articles on the construction of wooden dacha gazebos - if you made a canopy with your own hands, then it will not be difficult for you to make a cozy gazebo for your dacha using the same principle.

Detailed articles-tutorials on gazebos are already ready and waiting for your love for timber and screwdrivers.

gazebos with a flat roof.

cubic arbors.

A dacha is a country house designed for a pleasant time in nature. I want to spend it usefully and comfortably, so everyone tries to improve their area. In the article we will share practical, original examples of what kind of awnings there are for a dacha, how to arrange a recreation area and a utility block.

Let's look at the question of what is more profitable: to buy ready-made or to build your own awnings for your dacha; the photos will illustrate creative, inexpensive and ergonomic ideas. We'll tell you which materials are better and easier to build from.

Overview of awnings for summer cottages

For car

For the porch

For the gazebo

For firewood

Sheds for a dacha are not just needed, but urgently needed; they provide shelter from rain, sun and wind, and you can spend time comfortably in closed structures even in the cold season.

The easiest and most cost-effective way to build a canopy at your dacha with your own hands: frame and fabric roof

The functionality of the buildings is varied:

  • car parking;
  • entrance group;
  • roof over barbecue;
  • gazebos, pavilions;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • pool covers;
  • showers;
  • structures for firewood and tool storage;
  • extensions to a house, garage or bathhouse like a veranda or terrace;
  • covered “living” recreation areas, lined with climbing plants and grapes on the sides - pergolas, rotundas, galleries.
  • children's playgrounds equipped with a light roof;
  • canopy over the well and many others. etc.

Summer cottage canopies made of polycarbonate on a metal profile frame for barbecue - simple, durable, reliable, safe

All garden sheds can be divided into three large groups:

  • Open - buildings on vertical supports under a light roof; the perimeter is often surrounded by greenery: bushes, grapes, climbing roses.

A simple garden canopy made from scrap materials and plants

  • Semi-closed - the most common type of canopy, a frame structure topped with a roof, with a parapet on the sides, and the openings are closed from bad weather and the sun with thick moisture-resistant curtains, decorative grilles, and soft glazing.

A covered gallery is a universal solution for small areas in front of the house; it can serve as a carport in the country or a place to relax

  • Indoor – comfortable, practical. These are stationary awnings for summer cottages, the openings of which are glazed or sheathed with sheet material, for example, polycarbonate.

A semi-closed canopy at the dacha, attached to the main house like a veranda

Design features

Mobile canopy for a shower in the country


Let’s start the review with the simplest canopies for the dacha; the designs fully correspond to the dragonfly’s motto: ... “under every bush it had both a table and a house ready.” These are light, summer, mobile products that can be bought in the store:

  • swing with canopy;
  • mini-gazebos - monoblock with a roof, table, benches;
  • awnings;

Awning – convenient for organizing recreation areas

  • umbrellas, often complete with a folding table;
  • prefabricated tents, on an aluminum or metal-plastic frame, with a tent roof and fabric curtains on the sides; for convenience, some models are equipped with soft windows and a mosquito net.

The tent reliably protects the place of rest from precipitation and sun, can be used as carports in the country, it is important to choose the right size

Temporary structures are convenient because they are easy to unfold, carry, and put away, but not everyone wants to spend time and effort on assembling and installing prefabricated products.

A universal, collapsible canopy for a summer residence, the design can serve as a gazebo, greenhouse, parking lot and cover for a pool

Stationary awnings for summer cottages

More practical owners prefer to install permanent sheds at their dacha; they can be ordered according to an individual project, purchased as a standard design, or built with your own hands. Such structures include: terraces, verandas, canopies over the entrance, carports, gazebos, greenhouses, summer houses and other outbuildings.

Good to know: To erect stationary buildings, it is necessary to equip a site or make a foundation; they practically cannot be moved to another place, but they are more comfortable and ergonomic compared to mobile structures.

A simple idea on how to make a wooden carport at your dacha with your own hands

What to build a shed from at the dacha

Before you build country sheds with your own hands, you need to complete a construction project, select a site, and decide on dimensions and materials.

Shower in the country on a metal frame, covered with corrugated sheets, the material can be replaced with an awning

The canopy should fit harmoniously into the overall architectural ensemble, not clutter up the site, resonate with the landscape design, and be convenient, reliable and practical.

Canopy at the dacha made of timber and decorative lattice

The most popular materials for self-construction are metal and wood. It’s difficult to say which is cheaper and easier to work with; let’s weigh the pros and cons of each material.

A simple canopy for a well in the country


A wooden building is appropriate for any summer cottage; it does not stand out from the concept of natural composition. A wooden canopy at the dacha for relaxation can be built from timber, rounded logs, boards, or tree trunks. This does not require professional skills; you can work with household tools. Depending on the chosen style, the canopy for the dacha is decorated with natural materials - driftwood, stumps, decorative grilles, carvings, figured posts, balusters.

An example of how to make an original shed for firewood at your dacha with your own hands

And even if you brought the material completely free from the forest, the tree does not tolerate dampness well, is susceptible to fungi, rodents, small insects, and rot, so it must be treated with special protective compounds, and this entails additional financial costs.

How to make a canopy at your dacha with your own hands, photo of a structure made from tree trunks and unedged boards decorated with driftwood


To build a metal canopy at your dacha with your own hands, you will need welding equipment and skills to work on it. The frame is made of round or profile pipes of different diameters. In order to protect the structure from rust, it should be thoroughly cleaned, primed and painted. You can decorate a metal canopy for a summer residence with stamped forging and openwork grilles, but more often the structure is sewn up with polycarbonate - this is practical, looks easy and does not require a large investment of money.

The simplest buildings to build with your own hands are single-pitch carports for cars in the countryside made of polycarbonate

Other options

Creative and creative site owners often use available materials: bottles, glass or plastic, rubble stone, rods for wicker structures, straw for awnings at the dacha in ethnic style, PVC pipes, awnings, etc.

The simplest canopy for a summer house made of PVC pipes and shower curtains

Combined buildings look very nice, for example, metal pillars under a polycarbonate roof, lined with decorative stone, this is how you usually build a barbecue shed at your dacha with your own hands. Wood, stone, brick and sculptural concrete combine well; the buildings look very original and add originality to the landscape design.

Photo example of how to make a canopy at your dacha for relaxation

How to build a canopy at your dacha with your own hands

Building a canopy at your dacha with your own hands is quite simple; you need to make a frame and figure out what to cover it with. But in order for the building to last for more than one season, it is necessary to complete a number of important stages during construction.


For large and medium-sized buildings, it is recommended to lay a strip or column foundation. The inside of the area can be paved with paving slabs, stones, a wooden floor, decking, concrete, sprinkled with crushed stone or pebbles. If the site is uneven and located in a swampy area, then a pile foundation should be constructed; for areas with rocky rocks or quicksand soil, it is better to make a slab. To arrange small sheds, you can simply remove the soft layer of soil and place concrete blocks or flat stones under the base.

Canopy to the house, support-beam structure on a columnar base

Good to know: When constructing metal structures, it is better to concrete the vertical posts into the ground according to the principle of a columnar foundation. Wooden frame supports should be mounted on a columnar foundation using special fasteners.


The roof can have a wooden rafter system or a metal truss. The easiest way is to build a lean-to canopy with a slope of 12-30 degrees with your own hands. Metal structures are often installed under an arched roof; this is especially true when building a carport in the country, photo below.

Photo of a carport at the dacha; this design will protect vehicles and provide comfortable entry into the house during rainfall

Roofing material can be any:

  • awning, moisture-resistant fabric, polyethylene - suitable for temporary structures, should be removed for the winter;

Children's playground with fabric roof

  • polycarbonate - easy, fast, reliable, relevant for all types of buildings, transmits light, which is indispensable in shaded areas and for structures adjacent to the house;

The polycarbonate roof lets in enough light while still protecting from the sun

  • profiled sheet - simple, profitable, convenient for outbuildings;
  • roofing felt and soft tiles are inexpensive, easy to install with your own hands, but require continuous sheathing, which is not always convenient for sheds;
  • slate is budget-friendly, time-tested, but heavy and inferior in aesthetics to other materials.


Open canopies can be inexpensively and easily made closed by making curtains from awning, moisture-resistant fabric or polyethylene.

Even light curtains will significantly increase the comfort of your stay.

It is better to glue the edges for strength, and use special hooks to secure them to the frame.

This clothespin is suitable for fixing curtains to a metal frame along the lower belt of the truss

For wooden canopies in the country, in order to decorate them with curtains, you can screw holders along the top trim, as shown in the picture below.

Bracket for installing curtains on a wooden frame

A canopy for a summer residence can be ready-made or made by hand, simple or elaborate, but so that it fits harmoniously into the natural landscape and does not stand out from the overall ensemble, decorate it around the perimeter with fresh flowers and plants.

Convenient sliding roof on guides and rollers

You may need a variety of awnings at your dacha: over a porch, a bench, a barbecue and a tennis table, over a parking lot and a woodshed. They can be built from wood or metal profile.

In this article we will offer you different options for inexpensive and easy-to-build shelters for the purposes mentioned. The main points and features of construction, both metal and wood, will also be mentioned here.

Varieties of the most inexpensive awnings for a summer residence. Construction Features

The options for canopies and shelters described below can even be made from used pipes or lumber left after repair.

Canopies over the porch

The simplest and cheap option building a summer house canopy with your own hands - a lean-to structure with an independent roof that does not require the installation of support pillars. It consists of several triangular trusses, which on one side provide fastening of the structure to the wall. The second side - the top - is the basis for installing the sheathing and roofing material. Such trusses can be assembled from either a metal profile or wood.

Please note: The main advantage of an independent roof is that you do not have to change the design of an existing porch by installing support pillars on it. We also don’t forget about saving money on materials and time on installation work.

Drawing of a visor that does not need stands

The second option for a porch canopy at the dacha is a design with a dependent roof. Here one side is tied to the house, and the other rests on the posts. It will be cheaper and easier to make a lean-to structure, as in the photo. In essence, it is a square or rectangle with several lintels and two support pillars. It can be assembled in the same way as an independent roof, from wood or metal profiles.

This design has one advantage: the support posts can become a frame for mounting on the sides of the windproof panels. That is, if you wish, you can make the porch closed, completely or partially. Disadvantage - when building a canopy, you will have to allow additional time for the solidification of the columnar foundation under the support posts.

We make a canopy at the dacha with our own hands: photo of a building with a dependent roof

Canopy for a bench in the country

Most budget option canopy for the dacha over the garden bench - tension. It is assembled literally from scrap materials. Two pieces of profile pipe, preferably round in cross-section, are bent with a kind of hooks and concreted with straight ends behind the bench. A strip of thick fabric is pulled onto the hooks, which forms a canopy. If you take pipes that have already been used, then such a shelter will be practically free. The only drawback of the design is that the fabric roof will not protect from heavy rain.

How to make a canopy at your dacha for relaxation: building with a tension awning

A more expensive type of canopy for a dacha, but more “major” - polycarbonate on a frame made of metal profiles or wood. Easiest to assemble pitched roof, if you have a pipe bending machine, then arched, rectangular or square. It is best to make awnings for a summer house from polycarbonate - the material is easy to install and does not require preliminary lathing of the frame. You can also use slate sheets - they are just the right size and, moreover, will be cheaper.

Simple awnings for a summer residence: photo of a polycarbonate canopy

Canopy for a tennis table and barbecue in the country

We have the following requirements for a canopy at the dacha for relaxation, located above the tennis table:

  • Sufficient roof height.
  • The distance from the table to the support pillars is at least 1 meter.
  • Good light transmission of the roof.

The best option is a lean-to canopy with polycarbonate as a roofing material, with a simple frame. You can, of course, use slate or something similar, but in this case you will have to spend money on installing lighting above the table. This negates the financial benefit of replacement.

Note: It’s hard to say which is more profitable, wood or metal profiles. It all depends on how important the aesthetic side of the issue is to you. If you just need a strong frame, and its appearance is a secondary matter, then it will be cheaper to use a simple beam. A beautiful rounded log will be quite expensive, even more expensive than a good profile pipe. The same applies to profiled timber - this pleasure is not cheap.

Tennis table cover

The main function of a canopy over a barbecue in a country house is to protect the fire from precipitation and wind. Therefore, the roof here should be either arched or gable. At the same time, there should be at least 40 cm from the container with coals to the edges of the slopes on one side and from 1 m on the other. The simplest option is a gable frame on four supports. It’s better to make a canopy for a barbecue at your dacha with your own hands from metal profiles or pipes. Wood is not very suitable here for fire safety reasons.

Option for a canopy at the dacha for barbecue or barbecue

Canopy for car and woodshed

An inexpensive and simple version of a carport for a dacha is a lean-to carport, one side resting on the wall or edge of the roof of the house, and the other on the posts. The design is elementary: 2-4 support pillars, a beam/beam connecting to the house and a rectangular roof frame with lintels. Any roofing material can be used:

  • Slate or metal tiles - with them you can build a relatively inexpensive carport at your dacha with your own hands. This will require preliminary organization of the sheathing.
  • Ruberoid roofing is the cheapest option, but it won’t last too long. In addition, you will have to make a hard substrate under it.
  • Carports for cars in the countryside made of polycarbonate - the material is easy and quick to install and does not require lathing. But it will cost more than the first two options.

Carport at the dacha: photo of a lean-to attached structure

A little more difficult to construct and more expensive in terms of consumables is a free-standing carport in the country. It can be on a columnar foundation or without it at all, as in the photo. Here, each truss is immediately welded onto racks, and then the entire structure is assembled on horizontal sections of profile pipe. The advantage of such a canopy at the dacha is mobility.

Photo of a carport in the country: a gable building without a foundation

Please note: There are not many options for building sheds for firewood at your dacha with your own hands. Here, in addition to the roof, in any case, you also need back and side walls that will protect the contents from precipitation. At the same time, there must be ventilation inside. Therefore, the optimal design here would be a gable roof, on four support pillars and with a number of intermediate ones. Additionally, the walls are covered with boards with small gaps between them.

Wooden woodshed

Wooden and metal canopies at the dacha: construction features

When building sheds, either wooden or metal, several main points can be highlighted:

  1. The construction of a columnar foundation, with or without reinforcement - it all depends on the dimensions of the building.
  2. Installation of support pillars. They are either concreted immediately or attached to a ready-made foundation.
  3. Assembling the roof frame on the ground.
  4. Installation of the roof on supports.
  5. Antiseptic treatment for wood, anti-corrosion treatment for metal. Antiseptic treatment for wood is very important, since the duration and trouble-free operation of the building directly depends on it.

Stages 2, 3, and 4 must be carried out under constant control by the construction level.

Note: Even if the profile has an anti-corrosion coating, this protection will not be available at the welding points. Therefore, such points should be properly processed. First we clean off the scale and go over the metal with emery, and then cover it welding seams anti-corrosion composition.

After you have built a canopy at your dacha with your own hands, all welding seams must be cleaned and treated with anti-corrosion agent