How to weld seams by welding. How to learn to weld by electric welding yourself. Step-by-step instructions for welding work

Thread, rivet, glue. This is something that can be used to fasten two metal parts together without resorting to electric welding. For many, electric welding is a kind of higher mathematics, but after completing your first high-quality seam, muscle memory turns on, the calculator works, because every centimeter of a seam is money paid to a specialist. Learning to use any type of welding machine is not difficult, the main thing is to set a goal for yourself. There are a couple of tricks on the way to this goal, which we will talk about today.

Welding Basics

In order to know how to properly weld using electric welding, you need to understand the process. Everything is really simple - metal welding is a process that results in interatomic bonds being established between two parts when they are heated from each other. It’s even simpler - by heating two pieces of metal in any way (and in our case, using DC, converted from a network variable), you can get a strong and permanent connection.

As a result, we get a welding seam, but before that it is necessary to study, at least superficially, the entire process of its production from surface preparation to processing of the finished seam. For electric welding you will need certain equipment, and this is, first of all, a welding machine.

Which device is better

For the beginner welder the best option will become an inexpensive and universal inverter-type welding machine. In addition to them, there are transformer welding machines and the most expensive machines for semi-automatic welding, but we will not touch them, since the first are too bulky and power-hungry, and the second are intended for professional use, mainly for car repairs.

The welding inverter has compact dimensions, light weight and can weld metal of almost any thickness. Thin metal, pipes, power metal structures, sheet metals- all this can be cooked with an inverter, and it is not too demanding on the parameters of the mains current and voltage. The price of a welding inverter is within 4-6 thousand rubles. Yes, these are usually Chinese models, even if they have the brand name in Cyrillic - Steel, Brigadier, Fiolent. The components are only Chinese, but these inexpensive devices can also help in everyday life. All additional accessories are most often included in the kit:

  • welding electrodes;
  • welder mask;
  • ground wire;
  • electrode holder with wire;
  • metal brush;
  • protective gloves.

Welding technology

Welding of metal parts is carried out under the influence of high temperature generated by an electric arc. The arc occurs between the welding electrode and the part being welded. Under its influence, the metal melts, as a result of which the metal of the electrode is mixed with the metal of the parts being welded. When the connection cools, we get a weld. The size of the seam depends on the thickness of the electrode, the speed of its movement, the welding mode and the shape of the welded edge. The width of the seam ranges from 5 to 17 mm, and the depth of the active seam can be from 1 to 9 mm, depending on the thickness of the metal.

The electrode consists of a metal core and coating, which during welding creates a protective shell for the weld pool, and after welding hardens and forms slag. This slag must be removed down to bare metal. This is the only way to control the quality of the welded joint. The electrode is fixed in a holder, which is connected to the positive terminal of the welding machine, and the negative terminal, ground, is connected to the part being welded using a special clamp that comes with the machine.

We catch the arc and get a seam

The theory is over, now let's move on to practice. Both parts to be welded must be well cleaned from rust and dirt. A mass clamp is securely attached to one of the parts, and the attachment point is also pre-cleaned. That's it, turn on the welding machine, put on protective gloves and a welding mask, bring the electrode to the parts to be welded at an approximate angle of 50-60 degrees and check the contact. If there is contact, sparking will occur at the electrode in the welding zone. After this, we touch the surfaces to be welded and move the electrode away from it by 3-6 mm. At this moment an arc should appear.

If it does not occur, we adjust the welding current towards an increase. Ultimately, it is necessary to achieve a high-quality stable arc and uniform burning of the electrode. Actually, this is the most difficult thing - to get the correct arc. Only the experience and advice of a good welder can help here. When the electrode burns out completely, change it without turning off the device.

Many structures are made from thin steel. These are car bodies, containers for liquids, and small diameter pipes. At enterprises, welding of thin sheets of metal is carried out with special machines that ensure optimal connection. But how to weld such materials at home? What electrodes are suitable? What machine modes should you use to stitch? Welding thin metal with an inverter will be successful if you know the answers to these questions and also watch the corresponding video.

Not all welders can weld steel sheets 1-1.5 mm thick. This requires certain knowledge and skills. But if you show persistence and practice, and also study a video on how to weld thin metal with an inverter, you can achieve significant success.

Welding thin metal is complicated by the following factors:

  • Burns. Since the material being welded is quite thin, through holes often occur in it. This is the most common mistake made by beginner welders. The reason is the incorrectly selected current strength and slow welding.
  • Lack of penetration. Wanting to avoid the first defect, welders are too hasty when passing the joint, and unwelded areas remain. This spoils the tightness of the connection and makes the product unsuitable for working with liquids. The resistance to breaking and breaking is also low. Help in resolving the situation correct settings inverter and choice of electrodes.
  • Sagging on the reverse side. Welding thin sheet metal is accompanied by another common problem - protruding beads on the back side of the surface. From the front part, the product has an even seam, without pores or lack of fusion, but the molten metal of the weld pool, under the influence of gravity, pushes the seam section to the other side. The situation can be solved by using special substrates or reducing the current strength, and changing the suture technique.
  • Structural deformation. Sheet steel quickly overheats, which leads to expansion of the intermolecular component. The structure begins to stretch in the heating zone. Since the edges of the product remain cold, the surface becomes covered with waves or a general bend. On non-critical products, cold straightening of the mold with rubber hammers is possible. But if this is not possible, then a certain alternation of suture application along the entire length is used.

Electrodes used

To successfully cope with such work, it is important to choose the right electrodes for thin metal. Since welding is carried out at low currents, the use of electrodes with a diameter of 4 and 5 mm will “strangle” the electric arc, preventing it from burning normally.

The best option for connecting thin metals are electrodes with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Arc welding will be successful if the consumables are pre-heated at a temperature of 170 degrees. This will allow the coating to melt evenly without interfering with arc manipulation and weld formation.

Electrodes for welding thin metal must have a high-quality coating. The technology for working with sheet steel involves an intermittent arc, for which the electrode is briefly detached from the weld pool. If the coating is refractory, the result will be the formation of a kind of “visor” at the end of the electrode, preventing contact with the surface and resumption of the arc.

Machine modes and welding parameters

Experienced welders know how to weld thin metal by testing a variety of machine settings. As a result, optimal parameters were derived that are well suited for this type of work. Here are the main settings:

It is important to set the welding current lower than when working with thick plates. This will help avoid burns and leaks. Inverters have proven themselves excellent in this area, allowing cooking with alternating voltage, but with high frequency, as well as direct current devices.

If the unit settings allow you to set the starting voltage level, then you should take advantage of this and set a lower value (by about 20%) than the operating current. This will prevent the area from being scorched when starting to ignite the arc and will help to start welding immediately at the joint. If the starting current is not regulated, then you can ignite the electrode on a thick surface and then transfer it to the joint.

Welding thin metal involves working at low currents. To do this, the inverter settings must maintain the operating values ​​of the ammeter at the level of 10-30 A. If the minimum adjustable value is higher than these parameters, then it is possible to reduce the current strength with additional resistance in the circuit. For this, a high-carbon steel spring is used, placed between the product and the ground cable. Installing an additional ballast that reduces the current to the required level will also help.

If the device settings support the pulse mode, then you can use this. Especially thin steel is welded with an intermittent arc. The pulsed current will automatically break the arc, allowing the metal to cool.

Welding technique

Welding thin-sheet iron requires proper approach of the edges of the plates to each other. Butt joints often result in burn-throughs and are only suitable for experienced welders. If possible, it is worth placing the plates overlapping. This will create some basis for the deposited metal, and will not allow burning through the entire product. In this case, the electrode is directed primarily to the bottom plate, since a different position will lead to undercuts on the top side.

When joining into a butt, the edges are not cut. There is no need for a gap either. It is necessary to bring the ends of the parts together as tightly as possible and tack. Low current strength and thin electrodes make the work much easier. You can then cook it in several ways:

  • Set the current to low and quickly sew the seam without oscillatory movements, strictly along the connection line.
  • Raise the current a little higher, but conduct the weld with an intermittent arc, giving the metal time to cool before the next “portion” of the additive.
  • Cook using the methods described above, but using a special substrate to maintain a heated area and avoid sagging. A metal table will not work here, since the product may be partially welded to it. A good alternative would be a graphite backing.
  • To prevent severe deformation, apply stitches in a checkerboard pattern, or in small sections (100 mm each). With the latter method, you need to finish the next seam at the beginning of the previous one. This will allow the product to be heated evenly along its entire length and minimize deformation.

Welding is carried out with a short arc, which allows you to quickly form a seam and avoid overheating of the area. Increasing the distance between the end of the electrode and the surface visually prevents burning of the plates, but does not contribute to the formation of a welding bead. The electrode is held towards itself at an angle of 45 degrees, or tilted to the side. Right angles should be avoided as this leads to burns.

Alternative Methods

In addition to inverters, a semi-automatic welding method is also well suited, especially when working with car bodies. The advantage is that there is no need to change the electrode, since the wire is fed continuously. This significantly speeds up the entire process for large projects. The distance between the product and the heating pad is easier to control since there is no combustible part of the electrode. This method is easier for beginner welders to master.

Semi-automatic welding allows you to work with even thinner sheets of steel due to the use of 0.8 mm wire. But such equipment is not always available in everyday life, so the inverter method remains in demand. After considering these tips, it becomes clear how to properly weld thin metal. Additional videos about working with an inverter and semi-automatic machine will help you consolidate your knowledge and start practicing.

Welding is used in many sectors of the Russian economy. Welders work on construction sites, while creating underground and above-ground structures. They work in automobile factories, energy complexes, agriculture and at oil refineries.

Many men use welding from time to time when solving repair work in their homes; the welding seam is considered one of the most reliable methods for joining parts

In addition, galvanized pipes have a pleasant appearance, so they are often used when creating original design of a building or structure.

Welding of galvanized metal, which is used in construction, is done in the same way.

Do-it-yourself welding is considered a difficult task. Before starting such work, you need to study the rules of the welding process and learn how to perform light welding work for beginners in this matter.

Thanks to the reliability and durability of welding joints, there is not a single industry that does not use this technology. In the household, it is also sometimes impossible to do without welding work. Having the skills to work with an electric welding machine will allow you to create any metal structures, from a simple fence to summer cottage and ending with an openwork garden swing or a multifunctional barbecue. We will talk about how to properly weld and reveal all the tricks and secrets of this craft so that your first seam is not only strong, but also neat.

Learning to cook with electric welding. Video tutorial

In order to learn how to weld using electric welding, it is not enough to study the theoretical fundamentals and learn the secrets of the craft. Only the experience that is gained with every centimeter of the weld can bring you closer to the ability to weld metals.

A video on how to weld using electric welding will help you understand all the nuances of this craft and tell you what other materials and tools, in addition to a welding machine, will be needed when carrying out the work.

The video of the welding process, presented in the form of step-by-step lessons, begins with a talk about preparing surfaces before welding. Next, you will learn how to make simple seams and only after that you can start joining parts.

Thanks to the recommendations from the video, welding your first structure will not be difficult, and quality control of the seams will show how correctly you have mastered the welding technique. Watch a video on how to weld with electric welding, prepare yourself theoretically, and then pick up an electrode and start creating.

Welding process technology

In order to learn how to cook by welding, you need to know that electric arc welding is the process of joining metals using an electric arc between the surface of the part being welded and the electrode . The resulting high temperature promotes simultaneous melting of the electrode and the metal base. In this case, the so-called weld pool, in which the base metal is mixed with the molten electrode.

Bath size directly depends on the welding welding mode, edge shapes connected surfaces, electrode movement speed, position of parts in space etc. and ranges from 7 to 15 mm wide, 10-30 mm long and up to 6 mm deep.

High temperature prevents metal from burning gas layer, formed when the electrode coating melts, which displaces all oxygen from the melting zone. After the electric arc is removed, the metal crystallizes and forms common seam for welded surfaces, covered with a protective layer of slag, which is removed after cooling.

The advantages of electric arc welding are :

  • high performance;
  • welding capability various materials without the need to re-adjust equipment;
  • good quality weld;
  • inexpensive consumables;
  • availability.

IN flaws this method welding, you can write down the mandatory presence of power supply and the need for preliminary preparation of the edges to be welded.

Getting ready for welding. Selection of materials and equipment

Before you start welding, you need to understand that this process is accompanied by the formation of sparks and splashes of molten metal, the release of toxic gases and danger to the eyes.

Therefore, in order to safely weld metal, you need to stock up not only with good equipment, but also with the appropriate equipment.To start electric welding you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • set of coated rod electrodes;
  • welder's hammer;
  • metal brush;
  • welding mask;
  • overalls, suede gloves.

Welding machine Set of rod electrodes Welder hammer Metal brush Welding mask

You can arc welding without a factory set of overalls. It is important that the protective suit is made of thick fabric with long sleeves, and it is better to tuck the trousers into the boots.

Choosing a welding machine

A good welding machine with the ability to adjust the current from 10 to 200A will help you learn how to weld properly. Of course, you can assemble a simple welding transformer with your own hands, but then you don’t even have to think about how to weld thin metal, because such work requires minimum power values. Factory-made devices are divided into:

  • Welding transformers . Designed to reduce the network voltage while simultaneously increasing the current. Being inexpensive and productive devices, they can weld metal quite well, but they have disadvantages such as an unstable arc, a strong “drawdown” of the supply voltage and a large mass.

Welding transformer Device transformer

  • Welding rectifiers . Such devices are the same welding transformers, equipped with a diode rectifier, thanks to which the alternating voltage of the network is converted into the direct voltage necessary for the appearance of an electric arc. Welding metal with straighteners is a little easier due to the higher arc stability. Otherwise, this type of welding machine has the same disadvantages as transformers.
  • Welding inverters . True electronic welding is possible thanks to the modern technological filling of such devices. They provide a lot of opportunities to cook with electrodes with the most optimal parameters. The electronic components of the circuit of modern inverters make it possible to regulate not only the current strength, but also the ignition speed, arc forcing, etc., which ensures excellent weldability of parts. In addition, inverters are compact and lightweight.

Welding inverter Inverter device

The debate among welders continues unabated about which welding method is best. Some people like the simplicity and reliability of the transformer, while others are satisfied with manual welding with a rectifier. However, the best way to learn how to weld is with a welding inverter. The ability to precisely adjust the parameters will allow you to weld metal correctly literally from the very first steps.

Selecting electrodes for welding

Used for manual arc welding rod electrodes with protective coating . The metal of the rod must match the type of metal being welded, so different electrodes are used for welding steel, bronze or magnesium alloys.

During the welding process, the coating of the rod melts and turns into slag, which, floating to the surface of the weld pool, protects the melt from the influence of oxygen and nitrogen in the air. Some coatings contain gas-forming additives, which during the welding process emit gas, limiting the access of air to the melting zone.

Most often, the question of which electrodes to weld with is not an issue for novice welders, since they usually begin to learn the craft by welding simple low-carbon structural steels.

The use of welding rectifiers makes it possible to use for such, as well as stainless alloys, electrodes brand UONII , designed for direct current operation.

Electrodes of a different brand - ANO , can be used for welding with both rectifiers and transformers, they allow you to weld with both direct and reverse current, so amateurs use them much more often than UONII.

Meanwhile, professionals in the question of which electrodes are better give preference to UONII. They cite as an argument the fact that this type of rod leaves behind significantly less slag, therefore, seam cleaning is required much less frequently, which significantly increases the speed of work.

UONI electrodes ANO electrodes ANO electrodes

Depending on the thickness of the parts being welded, electrodes with a diameter of 1.6 to 5 mm are used. In addition, 4-5mm rods are used for cutting metals, setting the maximum current strength.

The required electrode diameter can be determined using tables of the dependence of this parameter on the thickness of the parts, as well as using mathematical formulas. Novice welders rarely use thick rods more than 4mm.

Type of welding work(horizontal, overhanging, butt welding etc.) practically does not depend on the diameter of the electrodes, which cannot be said about weld pool depth And seam width.

Since the specific welding current depends on the cross-section of the electrode, the current concentration is higher at the end of a thin rod, so the penetration depth will be greater than when using a thick electrode. In turn, the use of rods with a diameter of 4-5 mm melts the metal less, forming a wider seam.

As you can see, it is impossible to answer exactly which electrodes to cook with, since right choice must take into account a lot of factors, ranging from the type of welding machine to the required width of the weld. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the quality of electrodes, even of the same brand, can differ significantly among products from different factories, so before you start welding, ask for advice from specialists.

Selecting the current strength and its polarity for electrode welding

After watching a video about how to cook by welding, you probably noticed the need current adjustment depending on the thickness of the parts and the diameter of the electrode. As a rule, it is not difficult for experienced welders to set the required value. For beginners it is better to contact special tables. Electrode manufacturers often indicate the required parameters on their packaging.

To properly weld metal, the required current strength is determined by calculation or from tables, and then this parameter is set on the inverter control panel. The higher the current, the higher the arc power and the deeper the weld pool. . However, you should not exceed the optimal value - the metal will begin to burn out and the seam will be of poor quality.

When setting the current value for electric welding, be sure to take into account the location of the work site. Maximum current is set for horizontal surfaces. When welding vertical stitches it reduced by 15%, A ceiling will require reduce current by 20% and more.

If you cook inverter welding or rectifier, then the quality of work is influenced not only by the current strength, but also by its polarity , that is, the direction of electron flow.

From a physics course, everyone knows that electrons move from the region of negative charge to the region of positive charge. To cook with an electrode correctly, the polarity is changed, setting both forward current (the electrode is connected to the minus of the inverter, and the part to the plus) and reverse. Most often, a direct connection is used, since the part in this case heats up more, however, for welding thin products, the polarity is changed by switching the inverter terminals. Reverse polarity is also used for welding alloy alloys that are prone to burning out of low-melting alloys.

The good news for those who want to know how to weld with stick welding is that reverse connection makes it easier to ignite the arc . In addition, it is characterized by higher stability, which is an invaluable advantage when welding thin parts with an electrode, for example, sheet steel.

Safety precautions when carrying out welding work

Every novice welder wants to be reminded of safety rules. Remember that welding is one of the most dangerous methods of installing metal structures, so do not neglect the following rules:

  • It is prohibited to carry out welding work in high humidity or in cold weather.
  • The use of a welder's mask and protective shield is mandatory. This will avoid burns to the cornea of ​​the eyes.
  • Clothing should prevent metal splashes from coming into contact with exposed skin. It is better to wear suede gloves on your hands, and the best material for the welder's suit there is a thick tarpaulin.
  • Welding work is associated with high temperatures and the risk of fire, so a container of water and a fire extinguisher must be present at the welder’s workplace.

Also, be aware of the risk of injury electric shock, therefore, exclude the possibility of moisture getting on the welding machine, make sure that the cables do not touch hot surfaces.

Manual arc welding technique. How to cook by welding

Before you start practical classes, I would like to remind you once again about safety precautions. No wooden workbenches or flammable materials near the work area. Be sure to place a container of water at your workplace. Be aware of the risk of fire.

In order to figure out how to properly weld, we present to your attention detailed instructions and video of the welding process.

First try lighting the arc and holding it for the required time. To do this, follow our tips:

  1. Using a metal brush, you need to clean the surfaces of the parts to be welded from dirt and rust. If necessary, their edges are adjusted to each other.
  2. It is best to learn how to weld correctly using direct current, so connect the “positive” terminal to the part, install the electrode in the clamp, and set the required current value on the welding machine.
  3. Tilt the electrode relative to the workpiece at an angle of about 60° and slowly move it along the surface of the metal. When sparks appear, lift the edge of the rod 5 mm to ignite an electric arc. You may not have been able to get sparks due to a layer of coating or slag on the edge of the electrode. In this case, tap the tip of the electrode on the part, as suggested in the video on how to properly weld with electric welding. The resulting arc is maintained with a 5 mm welding gap throughout the entire welding process.
  4. If the arc lights up very reluctantly, and the electrode constantly sticks to the metal surface, increase the current by 10-20 A. If the electrode sticks, shake the holder from side to side, possibly even using force.
  5. Remember that the rod will burn out all the time, so only maintaining a gap of 3-5 mm will allow you to maintain a stable arc.

Learning to strike an arc , try to slowly move the electrode towards you, while making movements with an amplitude of 3-5mm from side to side.Try to direct the melt from the periphery to the center of the weld pool. After welding a seam about 5 cm long, remove the electrode and let the part cool, then tap the joint with a hammer to knock off the slag. The correct seam has a monolithic wavy structure without craters or irregularities.

The cleanliness of the seam directly depends on the size of the arc and correct movement of the electrode during welding. Watch a video about how to weld, filmed using protective filters. In such videos you can clearly see how to maintain the arc and move the electrode to obtain a high-quality seam. We can give the following recommendations:

  • Translational movement of the rod maintain the required arc length along the axis. During melting, the length of the electrode decreases, so it is necessary to constantly bring the holder with the rod closer to the part, maintaining the required gap. This is precisely what is emphasized in numerous videos on how to learn to cook.
  • Longitudinal movement of the electrode they create a fusing of the so-called thread roller, the width of which is usually 2-3 mm greater than the diameter of the rod, and the thickness depends on the speed of movement and current strength. A thread bead is a real narrow weld.
  • To increase seam width the electrode is moved across its line, performing oscillatory back-and-forth movements. The magnitude of their amplitude will determine how wide the welding seam will be, so the magnitude of the amplitude is determined based on specific conditions.

The welding process uses a combination of these three movements to form a complex path.

After watching the video on how to weld using electric welding and studying the diagrams of such trajectories, you will be able to figure out which of them can be used for overlap or butt welding, with vertical or ceiling arrangement of parts, etc.

During operation, the electrode will sooner or later melt completely. In this case, stop welding and replace the rod in the holder. To continue working knock down slag at a distance of 12mm an arc is ignited from the crater formed at the end of the weld. Then the end of the old seam is fused with a new electrode and work continues.

Features of electric welding of metal pipes

Learn to weld profile pipes It is best on thick-walled products using a welding rectifier or inverter. Depending on the diameter of the pipes, their wall thickness can reach more than 16mm, but you will most likely need to weld structural steel products with a wall thickness of up to 12mm. To weld a pipe, single-layer welding is often used, but to increase the strength of the connection it is better to perform two or more passes.

When welding pipes, the seams are made two half rings top down or bottom up.

If the direction of movement of the electrode corresponds to the first option, then 4 mm rods with low slag formation and organic coating are used. This coating burns out more slowly, forming a visor at the end of the electrode, on which they rest, performing transverse vibrations of small amplitude.

When welding from bottom to top, the amplitude is increased to 3-5 mm, and the speed of the rod is reduced.

Pipe connections are made:

  • Butt (exact orientation of the ends of one pipe relative to another);
  • Overlapping (by placing pipes or parts on top of each other);
  • Angle;
  • T-joint (one pipe is perpendicular to the other).

In order to weld one pipe to another, first clean and prepare their ends and place the products at the workplace. Next, the elements are centered relative to each other and secured in several places with spot welds. After checking the alignment of the pipes, they can be welded using one of the specified methods.

If it is impossible to rotate the pipes, they joints are made in multilayers. The first, root layer, serves to initially connect the parts. The following, filling layers, are designed to create the actual durable, monolithic seam. And, if necessary, they perform a finishing, facing seam, which covers all defects and irregularities. A video on how to weld a pipe will help you better understand the features of such work.

After cleaning the seams from slag, the surface is carefully inspected to identify lack of fusion, pores, cracks and burns. If necessary, defects are eliminated by welding. If the seam meets all the requirements, then it is cleaned using an angle grinder.

Protection of metal from corrosion after welding

Remember, at the very beginning of the article it was said that in order to weld correctly with electric welding, it is not enough to watch the video, but you also need to prepare theoretically? Agree that the text allows you to better understand the theory. In addition, the videos somehow miss the need to protect parts later. We will try to eliminate this shortcoming.

Everyone knows that metal quickly begins to rust when exposed to oxygen in the air. Believe me welds corrode even faster.

In order to protect metal surfaces from corrosion, painting is most often used. To avoid repeating this work every year, do it according to all the rules.

First of all, old paint and rust must be removed . To do this, it is best to use metal brush attachments for a drill or grinder, but you can also work with a regular metal brush. Do not forget to protect your eyes with glasses or a shield.

After cleaning the surface treat it with a rust converter and then coat it with a coat of primer . Choose a primer composition specifically designed for working on metal. After this layer has dried, you can begin painting. Acrylic and pentaphthalic enamels intended for outdoor use give good results.

It is best to use a spray bottle rather than a brush or roller for painting purposes. With its help, you can apply a uniform, thin layer of paint that will not crack or peel over time.

When drawing up a program for training welders, educational institutions must rely on the following regulatory framework:

  1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.
  2. Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary vocational education (initial vocational education) in specialty 150415 Welding production (Appendix No. 11.1).
  3. Procedure for organization and implementation educational activities By educational programs SPO(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 No. 464).
  4. The procedure for admission to training in secondary vocational education programs(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2014 No. 36).
  5. Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2013 No. 291);
  6. The procedure for conducting state final certification of secondary vocational education programs(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 16, 2013 No. 968).

Various universities, colleges and training centers provide the opportunity to obtain a diploma or certificate of completion of a course confirming the specialty “Welder”. Depending on which welding technique and which ones will be used, the future specialization of the welder is chosen. There are the following types of welding:

  1. Manual (electric welder). An arc is used that burns between a coated electrode and a weld pool. This technique is widely used in the automotive industry and in the construction of oil and gas pipelines, where numerous welding of metals in different spatial positions is required.
  2. MIG/MAG welding is an arc welding process in which a consumable metal electrode is fed into an arc. The workpiece to be welded and the electrode wire melt, forming a weld pool. The shielding gas supplied through the torch nozzle protects the crystallizing seam from air. The gas can be in an inert (MIG) or active (MAG) state.
  3. Welding (TIG)– a refractory tungsten electrode with a high melting point is used. This allows you to weld non-ferrous metals, stainless and low-alloy steels, which can oxidize if not processed correctly.
  4. Plasma welding is a welding process that takes place in a liquid state in which metal plates are joined while in a. Plasma itself is an ionized gas containing neutral and electrically charged atoms. The temperature limit of this technique reaches 30,000 °C.
  5. When welding, a laser is used as an energy source. This technique is used when components need to be welded together using small welds. High welding speed, automatic mode and the ability to control quality interactively during the manufacturing process make laser welding a widespread method in modern industrial production.
  6. (gas welder, gas-electric welder)– a metal welding process in which the melting of the materials being joined forms a homogeneous structure. Gas combustion occurs due to the introduction of pure oxygen or acetylene into the gas mixture.

These methods are familiarized with educational institutions. The future welder decides which one he will specialize in.

In the future, he has the right to apply to improve his qualifications, as a result of which the scope of his capabilities will expand, and his demand in the labor market will increase.

Features of the training program

The training program for welders is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard NPO No. 50 for the profession “Welder”. In educational institutions, it is mandatory to study the basics of engineering graphics and the basics of materials science. Future specialist gets acquainted with electrical engineering used during welding work. Due to the specifics of this profession special attention focuses on the basics of life safety. A student takes a course in economics. After graduation, the young specialist will have experience in welding and cutting parts from various metals and alloys, and will learn to bear responsibility for the work performed.

If you have a certificate of basic general education it is necessary to study for another 3-4 years, depending on the institution where teaching is carried out, and if you have a certificate of secondary general education - from 2 to 3 years.