Mo on speech development in kindergarten. “The use of various forms and methods in working with children on speech development” methodological association. methodological development on the topic. in working with children on speech development

Irina Popkova

01/24/2017 at the MDOU "May kindergarten "Solnyshko" methodological association for teachers of secondary groups on the topic " Development of coherent speech and familiarity with the dictionary". The teacher of the middle group, S. D. Filina, prepared and conducted a lesson on development of speech on the topic"Gifts from the Winter Sorceress"

Workshop " Speech development in preschoolers" was conducted by the senior teacher of the MDOU "May kindergarten "Solnyshko" Popkova Irina Pavlovna.

Target: creation of an information space for the exchange of teaching experience and improving the professional competence and skills of teachers of preschool educational institutions in children's speech development

Objectives of the workshop:

Update scientific methodical level of competence of teachers;

Expand the experience of teachers;

Deepen ideas;

Encourage teachers;

Overcome the passivity of teachers.

Publications on the topic:

At the end of September, I was lucky enough to attend the methodological association of teachers of Orthodox educational institutions in Stavropol.

Introductory remarks on the implementation of the regional component in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the educational program of the preschool educational institution. Head of the Ministry of Defense.

Speech therapy ring Goals and objectives. - Consolidation of methods, techniques, games used in producing sounds. - Consolidation of speech therapy elements.

November 12, 2015 at kindergarten No. 20 “Nest” a methodological association of music directors of the MADO “Joy” took place on the topic.

Discussion with teachers. Greeting: Someone invented a simple and wise way to say hello good morning when meeting! The problem of child adaptation.

“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity” Sukhomlinsky V. A. December 8, 2016 on the basis of the MDOU.

Methodological association of preschool teachers in the form of “Fair of teacher’s work programs” Resources used: computer; presentation “Regulatory and legal support educational activities at the preschool stage.

Who is the riddle about: “And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player?” (about a kindergarten teacher) “Autumn Notes” We are greeted by a sunny autumn day.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 8

municipal formation city of Goryachy Klyuch

Compiled by:

Senior teacher MBDOU d/s No. 8

Mishchenko Elena Alexandrovna

Goryachy Klyuch

Methodological association of educators on the topic:

“An integrated approach to the development of speech in preschool children”

Date: 04/18/2013

^ Venue: MBDOU d/s No. 8

Form of delivery: Master class

Head: Mishchenko E.A. – senior teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 8

Work plan





Introduction to the topic. Approval of the work plan of the methodological association for the year.

(using ICT)

An integrated approach to the development of speech in preschool children.


Theoretical part. Message on topic

Norms of sound pronunciation of the native language. Forms of work to educate the sound culture of speech

Senior teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 8 Mishchenko E.A.


Practical recommendations

The work of a teacher in developing the sound culture of speech in the joint activities of a teacher and children.


Theoretical part. Message on the topic

The development of fine motor skills is an important, integral part of children's speech development. Conditions for the normal development of speech activity

Senior teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 8 Mishchenko E.A.


Presentation of a logo tale using ICT

The tale of the little engine Tu, who spoke poorly

Speech therapist MBDOU TsRR d/s No. 9 Karmanova I.N.


Group creative work

(exchange of experience)

Exhibition and presentation of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills

Senior teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 8 Mishchenko E.A.




Senior teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 8 Mishchenko E.A.

Practical material for working with children

Take it as a keepsake

Senior teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 8 Mishchenko E.A.

^ I. Introduction to the topic.

I am glad to welcome you in this cozy hall, dear teachers, - people,

convinced that childhood is one of the best periods of human life.

Our meeting is dedicated to the most difficult and very current topic– development of children’s speech.

Speech is one of the most powerful factors and stimuli for a child’s development. This is due to the exceptional role it plays in human life. Thanks to speech, people communicate thoughts, desires, convey their life experiences, and coordinate actions. Speech is at the same time a necessary basis for thinking and its instrument. Mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction and others) develop and improve in the process of mastering speech. General intellectual development depends on the level of speech development. Speech acts as a means of regulating mental activity and behavior and organizes emotional experiences. The development of speech has a great influence on the formation of personality, volitional qualities, character, views, and beliefs. We can say that a person’s speech is his calling card. A child's speech reflects the social environment in which he grows up. Children with speech impairments are at risk for adaptation at school.

Today we will talk about an integrated approach to the development of speech in preschoolers.
^ II Message on the topic “Norms of sound pronunciation of the native language. Forms of work to educate the sound culture of speech.”
The concept of “sound culture of speech” is broad and unique. It includes the actual pronunciation qualities that characterize the sound of speech (sound pronunciation, diction, etc.), elements of the sound expressiveness of speech (intonation, tempo, etc.), associated motor means of expressiveness (facial expressions, gestures), as well as elements of the culture of verbal communication ( the general tone of the child's speech, posture and motor skills during the conversation). The constituent components of the sound culture of speech - speech hearing and speech breathing - are a prerequisite and condition for the emergence of sounding speech.
The sound side of the language is gradually acquired by the child. By the beginning of preschool age, the child’s speech apparatus is formed, and phonemic hearing is also functioning. At the same time, in each age period, children have their own shortcomings in the sound culture of speech, which are considered in pedagogy as an undeveloped ability to reproduce speech.

Disadvantages of sound culture of speech adversely affect the child’s personality: he becomes withdrawn, harsh, restless, his curiosity decreases, mental retardation may occur, and subsequently failure at school. Pure sound pronunciation is especially important, since correctly heard and pronounced sound is the basis for teaching literacy and correct written speech.
Preschool children experience incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds, especially hissing sounds, rearrangement or omission of sounds and syllables in a word. Some children have rapid, unclear speech, in which the child does not open his mouth enough and poorly articulates sounds. These speech features are not pathological; they are explained by the slow development of motor skills of the speech-motor apparatus. When moving the organs of the speech-motor apparatus, the fine coordination of small muscles, the accuracy and speed of these movements are especially important, and such qualities are formed gradually. Children's speech breathing also has its own characteristics: it is superficial, with noisy, frequent breaths, without pauses. These features are inherent mainly in younger preschoolers, but in older preschool age they are much less common.
The tasks of educating the sound culture of speech are put forward in accordance with the main aspects of the concept of “sound culture”. The content of the work is based on data from phonetics, spelling, and the art of expressive reading, while it is necessary to take into account the age-related characteristics of children’s speech.
The following tasks can be distinguished:

1. Formation of correct pronunciation of sounds.

2. Development of diction.

3. Work on correct word pronunciation and word (phonetic) stress.

4. Work on orthoepic correctness of speech.

6. Developing expressive speech.

7. Fostering a culture of verbal communication.

8. Development of speech hearing and speech breathing.
In each age group, all these tasks are solved to one degree or another. In this regard, it should be noted that in the educational program of a preschool educational institution, an increase in the leading tasks of work should be traced: from the formation of sound pronunciation and diction in the second junior and middle groups to the formation of phonemic hearing, expressiveness of speech in the senior and preparatory groups. Teachers should not narrow the scope of work, but, on the contrary, use additional methodological developments and manuals that reveal the content and methods of forming the sound culture of children’s speech quite specifically, taking into account age characteristics.

A child’s assimilation of the sound side of a word is a complex process that can be divided into the following stages: listening to the sound of a word, distinguishing and correct pronunciation of sounds, independently isolating them from a word, analyzing its sound and syllabic structure, active actions with words (own rhyme creation, poetry ). The acquisition and improvement of the sound side of the language occurs on the basis of the child’s communication with others in various types activities.
To solve speech problems of sound culture of speech, frontal forms of work are leading. First of all, these include direct educational activities. Most often this is a weekly (1-2 times a week) work that takes from 2 to 10 minutes. Once a month you can conduct a comprehensive lesson entirely devoted to the sound culture of speech. Such events are especially needed in the second junior group, where the amount of work on sound pronunciation is very large. In the preparatory group for school, this allows them to do a sufficient amount of directly educational activities in the area of ​​​​"Communication" per week. Most of the time at such an event is devoted to working on the pronunciation of one sound or a group of related sounds.
Other forms of frontal work, which are carried out in the joint activities of the teacher and children, are of great importance : dramatization games, round dances, holidays and entertainment, etc. In junior and middle groups, speech gymnastics is effective (1-2 minutes of articulation exercises at the end of morning exercises, 2-3 times a week).
It is also widely practiced to work with subgroups of children at a time convenient for the teacher (didactic games, jokes, etc.). Thus, the calendar plan provides for work on the sound culture of speech almost every day.

So, the existing education system in kindergartens for the first and second junior groups, as well as the middle group, allows educators to provide children with systematic, qualified assistance in mastering all the sounds of their native language. This process must be completed by age five.

^ Message on the topic: “The development of fine motor skills is an important, integral part of the development of children’s speech. Conditions for the normal development of speech activity.”

An analysis of the current situation has shown that the number of children with speech development disorders is steadily growing. It is known that the largest percentage of children aged 5-7 years suffer from a violation of sound pronunciation, and often the shortcomings of the pronunciation system of their native language are combined with other problems of a different nature.

However, despite the obvious significance of this section, kindergartens do not use all opportunities to ensure that every child leaves school with clear speech. According to survey materials, 15%-20% of children enter school from kindergartens with poor pronunciation of sounds; such children at the age of five are about 50%. The problem of forming the sound side of speech has not lost its relevance and practical significance at the present time. The specificity of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with the problem of developing the sound culture of speech lies in the complexity, correctional and developmental orientation, development and implementation of individual programs, adjusted taking into account psychological development child, teacher recommendations.

The relevance of our work is due to the contradiction between the sufficient development of the problem in theory and the consistently high percentage of children with pronunciation deficiencies, even when leaving school.

If one of the tasks of a speech therapist is correction of speech defects in the case of abnormal speech development of a child, then the task of the teacher is to form the speech of children with normal speech development.

Based on the research of many scientists, the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. This is due to the fact that in the cerebral cortex the speech area is located very close to the motor area. She is, in fact, part of it. The anterior central gyrus of the brain is the so-called motor projection zone; orders to make this or that movement come from here. About a third of the total area of ​​the motor projection is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech motor area.

Fine motor skills - precise movements of the fingers - are especially closely related to the process of speech formation. In children with motor disorders of the speech apparatus, fine motor skills of the fingers also suffer, which is also one of the reasons for the later development of speech sounds. Therefore, targeted work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers accelerates the maturation of speech areas and stimulates the development of the child’s speech, allowing for faster correction of defective sound pronunciation.

The development of speech sound culture is a purposeful and consistent pedagogical work that involves the use of an arsenal of special pedagogical methods. One of the important methods is finger games, the functional significance of which is the development of speech and fine motor skills in their unity and interconnection.

We smoothly moved on to the second point of our work, namely, the exhibition and presentation of games and aids for the development of fine motor skills. (educators - participants in the methodological association share their work experience).

Sound pronunciation defects do not disappear on their own. However, when favorable conditions When learning, children are capable of self-correction. Competent, clear, clean and rhythmic speech of a child is not a gift; it is acquired through the joint efforts of parents, teachers and many other people around whom the child grows and develops. It is important that parents are well versed in the problems of their child and can give them practical skills and help them as early as possible. Parents should be concerned about the questions that arise: “My child’s speech is different from the speech of his peers? Should I expect a miracle? When to contact a speech therapist? How can we, parents, help the child?”

Some parents believe that incorrect pronunciation of sounds, hasty or insufficiently distinct speech of a preschooler cannot be a cause for alarm, and that the imperfection of children's speech is an age-related phenomenon that passes over time.

It is the task of teachers to acquaint parents with the peculiarities of the formation of children's speech, with the ways of its development in different periods of the child's life, as well as with some techniques for correcting incorrectly pronounced sounds.

In order for the child’s speech to develop correctly, so that he can fully master it in the future, parents must comply with a number of conditions:

Do not try to speed up the child’s natural speech development. Don't overload him with speech activities. Games, exercises, speech material must be appropriate for his age.

When communicating with your child, watch your speech. Talk to him slowly, pronounce sounds and words clearly and clearly, when reading, do not forget about expressiveness. Be sure to explain to your child any unclear words or phrases found in the text.

Do not imitate your speech as a child’s, do not overuse diminutive suffixes - all this inhibits the child’s speech development.

Correct your child’s speech deficiencies in a timely manner. When trying to point out inaccuracies and errors found in his speech, be extremely careful and under no circumstances laugh at the baby. The best thing is to tactfully correct him and show him how to pronounce this or that word. If a child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or speaks quietly, remind him: he must speak clearly and slowly.

Do not leave your child’s questions unanswered. And don’t forget to check: does he understand your answer?

Once a month, record your child’s speech on a tape recorder. In the first year of life, you can record the baby's humming, babbling, and first words. In the future - conversations with the child, his speech during games, reading poetry, retelling what he read, as well as independent statements. Recording time is from 1 to 5-10 minutes (at older ages), and do not forget to indicate the age of the child. Such recordings will not only help in working on speech, but over time will be a good gift for a son or daughter.

Today, the issue of speech development in preschoolers is especially acute. This is probably due to the fact that children, and adults too, began to communicate more with the computer and other means technical progress than with each other.

Psychologists say: preschool age is a sensitive period, which means it is the most favorable for the development of speech and the formation of a culture of verbal communication. This is a very labor-intensive and responsible work that requires a certain system and patience on the part of an adult, selection of the most effective means and methods of teaching.

^ List of used literature

1) Andreasova M. Folk game as a means of developing the readiness of preschool children for verbal communication.//Preschool education 2007, No. 3

2) Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for children of primary preschool age. – M.: Education, 1991.

3) Bolotina L.R., Miklyaeva N.V., Rodionova Yu.N. Nurturing the sound culture of speech in children in a preschool educational institution. Methodical manual. – M.: Iris Press, 2006.

4) Bondarenko A.K. Didactic game in kindergarten. – M.: Education, 1991.

5) Borodich A.M. Methodology for the development of children's speech - M.: Education, 1981.

6) Gerbova V.V. Speech development classes in middle group kindergarten. – M.: Education, 1999.

7) Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2012.

8) Grizik T., Timoshchuk L. Articulatory gymnastics. // Child in kindergarten 2001, No. 3.

9) Grizik T., Timoshchuk L. Speech development in children 4-7 years old. // Child in kindergarten 2002, No. 2.

10) Davidovich L.R., Reznichenko T.S. Does your child speak poorly? Why? What to do? - LLC Publishing House GNOM ID 2002.

11) Epifantseva T.B., Kiselenko T.E., Mogileva I.A., Solovyova I.G., Titkov T.V. Handbook for a teacher-defectologist. – Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2005.

12) Classes on speech development in kindergarten. Edited by: Ushakova O.S. – M.: Education, 1993.

13) Preschooler’s game./ Ed. Novoselova S.L. - M.: Education, 1989.

14) Kataeva A.A.. Strebeleva E.A. Didactic games in teaching preschoolers with developmental disabilities. M.: Vlados, 2004.

15) Kuznetsova E.A. The work of the methodological association on the development of children’s speech. // Management of a preschool educational institution 2008, No. 2.

16 Speech therapy./Ed. Volkova L.S. – M.: Vlados. 1998.

17 Lopukhina I.V. Speech therapy. 550 entertaining games and exercises for children's speech development. - M.: Aquarium, 1995

18 Fundamentals of speech therapy with a workshop on sound pronunciation./Ed. Vlasovets G.A. M.: Childhood - Press, 2002.

19) Maksakov A.I. Is your child speaking correctly? – M.: Education, 1982.

20) Maksakov A.I.. Development of correct speech of a child in the family. A manual for parents and educators. 2nd ed. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis. 2008.

21) Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.T. Learn by playing. – M.: Education, 1983.

22) Nosenko N.P. Speech development of children in preschool educational institutions (in diagrams and tables). M.: Center teacher education 2009.

23) Pozhilenko E.A. Articulation gymnastics. Methodical recommendations on the development of motor skills, breathing and voice in preschool children. - Publishing house "KARO" St. Petersburg 2007.

24) Repina V.M. Correction of speech disorders in children. From work experience. - Krasnodar, 1998.

25) Repina Z.A., Buiko V.I. Speech therapy lessons. - "LITUR" Ekaterinburg 1999.

26) Sokhina F.A. Development of preschool children. A manual for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Education, 1984.

27) Tumakova G.A. Familiarization of a preschooler with the sounding word P/ed. Sokhina F.A. - M.: Education, 1991.

28) Ushakova O.S. Speech development program for preschool children in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sfera, 2002.

29) Fedorenko L.P., Fomicheva G.A., Lotarev V.K., Nikolaicheva A.P. Methods for developing children's speech. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Education, 1984.

30) Shvaiko G.S. Games and exercises for speech development. – M.: Education, 1988.

31) Shvetsova I. Formation of phonemic perception and sound analysis in preschool children with general underdevelopment speeches.//Preschool education 2007, No. 5

Protocol No. 1

from 04/18/2013

Methodological association of educators

Aminat Nurmagomedova

View method. association was held at MKDOU/3 "Beryozka"

Direction - Speech development.

General methodological goal: Formation of teachers' needs professional growth as a condition for achieving efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process. Our tasks:

We closely share our experience of working with other gardens, we also attend such events ourselves, and we offer you one of these visits. viewing.

Harmonization of relationships with colleagues, increasing motivation to professional activity and developing a positive attitude towards work. Formation of an innovative data bank of the teaching staff of the educational institution. Providing conditions for successful testing of new educational programs, pedagogical technologies, teaching aids etc. Exchange of knowledge gained during advanced training. Improving the quality of preschool education through improving the professional skills of teachers. Improving pedagogical and methodological mastery based on creatively working educators. Rendering methodological and practical assistance to teachers. Identifying, summarizing and spreading advanced teaching experience. Formation of the creative potential of the teacher’s personality through active participation in the work of the educational organization and events at various levels. Organization of open views and master classes on a specific topic in order to familiarize yourself with methodical development of complex sections of educational programs. Development of uniform requirements for assessing the results of mastering educational programs based on developed criteria for assessing achievements in education.

Functions methodological associations are: Study of regulatory documentation and methodological literature on education issues; Selection of content and preparation of educational developments for educational programs taking into account variability and different levels; Participation in the discussion and approval of individual plans for methodological work ; Familiarization with the analysis of the state of upbringing and education of children (based on the results of processing observation cards of children development) ; Mutual visits for the purpose of exchanging experience in organizing direct educational activities on a specific topic (followed by comparison of achieved results based on analysis and self-analysis data teaching worker); Organization and holding of competitions and shows of children's creativity

During viewing GCD was shown in the senior, middle and junior groups, visited GCD senior group /1 topic:"Enchanted Forest"

Viewing mode moments

Listened to a report on the topic: "Features of modern forms and methods of work in preschool educational institutions on the development of speech of preschoolers".

Publications on the topic:

Preschool age- this is the period of active assimilation by the child spoken language, formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical,.

The project “Visiting a Fairy Tale” was carried out as a fascinating educational project with creative activities aimed at activating speech.

With normal speech development, children by the age of five master all types of noun declension, i.e., use nouns correctly.

The best photo report on speech development in the second junior group “A fairy tale has come to visit us” I bring to your attention the photo report “Development.

Goal: To develop knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her. Tasks: 1. Systematize.

Open viewing of GCD didactic games and techniques in constructing the grammatical structure of speech for middle-aged preschoolers Municipal budgetary institution kindergarten "Smile" Open View GCD Topic: didactic games and techniques in constructing grammar.


various forms and methods

in working with children on speech development"

methodological association.

Prepared by the teacher

Skladchikova N.P.

Good speech is a clear indicator of a comprehensivedevelopment child and his preparedness for school. Almost all children of preschool age have speech impairments and incorrectly pronounce one or more sounds, most of which are temporary and non-permanent. The exception is children under 4 years of age with normal age-related or physiological tongue-tiedness; after 4 years of age, pathology occurs.

And only a small proportion of children going to school have a clean, gooddeveloped speech.

To cleanlinessspeechesThe child is influenced by such factors as: speech hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, voice and speech apparatus.

Forms of work on the speech development of preschool children under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

According to the federal state educational standard for preschool education:

Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

Enrichment of the active vocabulary;

Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;

Development of speech creativity;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

In order for a child to achieve communicative competence, the teacher must help the development of different aspects of the child’s speech in all age groups: the development of coherent speech, the development of vocabulary, the development of grammatically correct speech, the development of sound culture of speech, preparation for learning to read and write. The teacher must structure his work and apply forms educational process, appropriate for the age of the children.

The forms of working with children can be different:

Educational situation;

Communication situation,

Project activities,


The main form of my work on children’s speech development iseducational situation . The educational situation requires the participation of a small subgroup of children: from 3 to 7-8 children, the number depends on the wishes of the children and on the educational situation itself. You can organize several educational situations, but with the same didactic material, this will help to gradually complicate the tasks and successfully solve them. Any manual can be used as teaching material (book, toy, natural material, story picture, etc.)

Communication situation - this is a form of communication specially designed by a teacher or arising spontaneously, aimed at training children in using mastered speech categories (Eltsova O. M., Gorbachaya N. N., Terekhova A. N.). Communication situations can be lexical, verbal - evaluative, prognostic, descriptive, depending on the assigned speech task. When organizing them, it is best to “go from the children,” that is, find these situations in children’s activities and use them to develop the child’s speech. Examples of communication for the development of communication skills can be situations:

"What's wrong?"

Goal: to train children in the ability to correlate the form of greeting with the situation of its use:

every greeting is appropriate in one situation or another: you can’t say “good evening” in the morning; You can’t say “hello” to someone who is older or less familiar.


Purpose: to practice using non-verbal communication means when greeting:

look a person in the eyes and smile so that he understands: he is welcome, he is the one being greeted.


Purpose: to train children in using forms of gesture greeting, etc.

In such types of children's activities, speech appears in all its diverse functions and bears the main burden in solving practical and cognitive problems. Examples of specially planned communication situations include quiz games:

“Come up with a riddle” (an exercise for children in describing objects and coming up with riddles);

“Who knows the nature of their region better?” (an exercise in the perception and composition of descriptive stories with a regional component);

“What fairy tale are things from” (an exercise in the development of explanatory speech); “Shop of magical things” (an exercise in the use of linguistic expressiveness).

I also use project activities as one of the forms in my work. .

The project activity traces the integration of all educational areas, but the basis of this method is the speech development of the child.

In this form of work, there is close interaction between the teacher, the child and his parents, as well as step-by-step practical activities that lead to achieving the set goal.

The implementation of the educational field “Speech Development” is possible through the project method. The purpose and objectives of the special thematic project are aimed at comprehensively solving the problems specified in the Federal State Educational Standards of the Preschool Educational Institution.

And, of course, the main form of speech development in children is play.

It encourages children to contact each other and is a motive for communicative activities. IN methodological literature There are many games with words:

Theatrical games.

Goal: to develop dialogic and intonation speech and acquire communication skills.

Role-playing games.

Children of the sixth year of life can already assign roles before the game begins and build their behavior by adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech that corresponds both in content and intonation to the role taken. Speech accompanying real relationship children, differs from role-playing speech. Children begin to master social relationships and understand the subordination of positions in various types of adult activities; some roles become more attractive to them than others. The organization of the playing space is observed, in which a semantic “center” and “periphery” are distinguished. (In the game “Hospital”, such a center is the doctor’s office, in the game “Barbershop” it is the haircutting room, and the waiting room acts as the periphery of the playing space.)

Finger games and exercises are a unique means for the development of fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. These exercises stimulate the development of speech, spatial thinking, and improve reaction speed. Finger games are invaluable in this process. Scientists have established that if the development of fingers corresponds to age, then speech is within normal limits. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, since the formation of speech areas occurs under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands, and points from the fingers.

Didactic games are a fundamental type of game, since they are the ones that go through all childhood, starting from an early age, and solve various problems, including speech ones.

“When organizing any educational situation, any lesson in a preschool educational institution, it is important for the teacher to:

- Firstly, think through the organization different ways adult - child and child together,

- secondly, see resources at different stages of the lesson for the development of children’s communicative competence.

Thus, various forms of work are relevant in terms of the development of speech in preschoolers and the formation of children’s communicative competence if:

Children jointly solve an educational and gaming task that is interesting and meaningful to them, acting as assistants in relation to someone;

Enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by performing speech and practical tasks;

The teacher is not a tough leader, but an organizer of joint educational activities, who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

The method of speech development is defined as a way of activity of the teacher and children, ensuring the formation of speech skills and abilities.
Methods and techniques can be characterized from different points of view (depending on the means used, the nature of the cognitive and speech activity of children, the section of speech work).

Generally accepted in the methodology (as in preschool didactics in general) is the classification of methods according to the means used: visualization, speech or practical action.

There are three groups of methods:

- visual,

- verbal,

- practical.

This division is very arbitrary, since there is no sharp boundary between them. Visual methods are accompanied by words, and verbal methods use visual techniques.

Practical methods are also associated with both words and visual material. The classification of some methods and techniques as visual, others as verbal or practical, depends on the predominance of visualization, words or actions as the source and basis of the statement.


Visual methods are used more often in kindergarten. Both direct and indirect methods are used. The direct observation method and its varieties include:


inspections of the premises,

looking at natural objects.

These methods are aimed at accumulating the content of speech and providing communication between two signaling systems.

Indirect methods are based on the use of visual clarity. This is looking at toys, paintings, photographs, describing paintings and toys, telling stories about toys and paintings. They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, develop the generalizing function of words, and teach coherent speech. Indirect methods can also be used to get acquainted with objects and phenomena that cannot be encountered directly.


INkindergartenmainly those verbal ones are usedmethods, which are related to the artistic word. The age characteristics of preschoolers require reliance on visualization, therefore, in all verbalmethodswe apply or visualteaching methods:

Brief display of an object or toy;

Examination of illustrations, or demonstration of a visual object for the purpose of relaxation and relaxation for children;

Reading poetry to a doll, the appearance of a clue-object, etc.


The purpose of thesemethodsto teach children to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to help them acquire and improve their speech skills. INkindergarten practical methodsare most often of a playful nature. A didactic game is a universal way to consolidate knowledge and skills. It is used to solve all problemsspeech development.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 23"

Pedagogical advice on the topic:

“Features of modern forms and methods of work in preschool educational institutions on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers”

Compiled by: Mirgorodskaya Anna Sergeevna

Senior teacher


Target: increase the competence and success of teachers in teaching and developing coherent speech skills in preschool children; introduce modern technologies for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.


1. Draw the attention of teachers to the problem of children’s speech development.

2. Systematize teachers’ knowledge about the features of modern forms and methods of developing children’s coherent speech in preschool educational institutions.

4. Intensify the activities of teachers.


  1. 1. Report on the topic: “Relevance of the problem of speech development of preschool children”
  2. 2. Messages from teachers from the experience of “Modern educational technologies for the development of coherent speech of preschool children" Chugaeva T.V., Menkaeva R.D., Ilyasova D.A.
  3. 3. Business game for teachers “Literate and Smart.” Dunaeva N.V.


The problem of speech development in preschool children is very relevant today, because the percentage of preschoolers with various speech disorders remains consistently high. Almost everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of conveying our thoughts. Speech is one of the main human needs and functions for us.

It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as an individual.

In kindergarten, preschoolers, mastering their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - oral speech. Among the many tasks of raising and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching native language, the development of speech, verbal communication is one of the main ones.

The problem of the development of coherent speech has long attracted the attention of famous researchers in various specialties, and the fact remains undeniable that our speech is very complex and varied, and that it is necessary to develop it from the first years of life. Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech.

Coherent speech, as it were, absorbs all the child’s achievements in mastering his native language. By the way children construct a coherent statement, one can judge the level of their speech development.

Observations show that many children have not developed precisely coherent speech, therefore the problem of speech development is one of the most pressing and the teacher’s task is to pay attention to the child’s speech development in a timely manner, since many problems may arise with the child’s speech by the time he enters school, such as :

Monosyllabic, consisting of simple sentences speech (so-called “situational” speech). Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly;

Poverty of speech. Insufficient vocabulary;

Littering speech with slang words (the result of watching television programs), using non-literary words and expressions;

Poor dialogical speech: inability to formulate a question competently and clearly, to construct a short or detailed answer, if necessary and appropriate;

Inability to construct a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words; (But it is simply necessary to acquire this skill before school!)

Lack of logical justification for your statements and conclusions;

Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, regulate voice volume and speech rate, etc.;

Currently, in accordance with the Federal State Standards for the structure general education program preschool education educational field “Speech development” involves:

  • mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;
  • enrichment of the active vocabulary;
  • development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;
  • development of speech creativity;
  • development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;
  • acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

All of the above types of speech activity are relevant when working on the development of coherent speech in children.

Conditions for successful speech development

1.B preschool institution conditions must be created for the development of children’s speech in communication with adults and peers:

Employees encourage children to turn to adults with questions, judgments, and statements;

Staff encourage children to communicate verbally with each other.

2. Staff give children examples of correct literary speech:

Employees' speech is clear, clear, colorful, complete, and grammatically correct;

The speech includes various examples of speech etiquette.

3. Employees ensure the development of sound culture of speech on the part of children in accordance with their age characteristics:

They monitor correct pronunciation, correct and exercise children if necessary (organize onomatopoeic games, conduct classes on sound analysis of words, use tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, poems);

Observe the pace and volume of children’s speech and, if necessary, gently correct them.

4. Employees provide children with conditions to enrich their vocabulary, taking into account age-related characteristics:

Employees provide children with conditions for children to include named objects and phenomena in play and object-based activities;

Help the child master the names of objects and phenomena, their properties, and talk about them;

Ensure the development of the figurative side of speech (figurative meaning of words);

Children are introduced to synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.

5. Employees create conditions for children to master the grammatical structure of speech:

They learn to correctly connect words in case, number, tense, gender, and use suffixes;

They learn to formulate questions and answer them, build sentences.

6. Employees develop coherent speech in children, taking into account their age characteristics:

Encourage children to tell stories and present specific content in detail;

Organize dialogues between children and with adults.

7. They pay special attention to the development of children's understanding of speech, training children in following verbal instructions.

8. Employees create conditions for the development of the planning and regulating functions of children’s speech in accordance with their age characteristics:

Encourage children to comment on their speech;

Practice the ability to plan your activities.

9. Introduce children to the culture of reading fiction.

10. Staff encourage children's word creativity.

By creating such conditions, we must also know about modern educational technologies:

Modern educational technologies

Health-saving(finger gymnastics, articulation, visual, physical exercises, self-massage, etc.)

Gaming technologies (board games, plot-didactic games, games with didactic toys (inserts, turrets), word games etc.)

Visual modeling method(mnemonics)

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure children’s successful acquisition of knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, the world around them, effective memorization story structure, storage and reproduction of information, and of course speech development.

Mnemonics technologies make it possible to solve problems in the development of all types of memory (visual, auditory, associative, verbal-logical); development of imaginative and logical thinking (ability to analyze, systematize); development of ingenuity, training of attention, development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in events and stories.

Visual modeling methods include mnemonics.

Yulia Stanislavovna Volkova calls this technique sensory-graphic schemes,

Tkachenko Tatyana Aleksandrovna - subject-schematic models,

Glukhov V.P. - square blocks,

Bolsheva Tatyana V - collage,

Efimenkova L. N - a scheme for compiling a story.

T.V. Chugaeva will tell us about Mnemotables.

Menkaeva R.D. will tell us about Bolshova’s collage.

D.A. Ilyasova will tell us about Tkachenko’s schemes.

Business game

Literacy and Smarties

The presenter reminds the rules of the game:

Þ be able to listen to others;

Þ develop a common solution to the issue;

Þ take an active part in the game;

Þ observe the culture of speech and tact;

Þ adhere to the regulations.

I Part. Game "Chamomile"

Each team takes turns tearing off a petal from a daisy with a number written on it. The presenter reads the question and if the team answers correctly, then they keep the petal; at the end of the game, you can count the number of petals earned by each team.

1.Name the forms of speech. (dialogue and monologue)

2.What skills are developed in dialogue. (listen to the interlocutor, ask a question, answer depending on the context)

3. What forms of work are used when teaching children coherent speech. (retelling, description of toys and story pictures, storytelling from experience, creative storytelling)

4. The leading method of teaching correct pronunciation (sample of a teacher)

5. At what age group does work on teaching children monologue speech begin? (middle group)

6. At what age group does work on teaching children begin? dialogical speech? (junior group)

7. Dialogical communication, through which ideas about objects and phenomena are expanded, systematized, and updated personal experience(conversation)

8. Presentation of the listened work (retelling)

9. That which serves as the basis for a story from memory (experience)

10.Technique used by the child after the story for clarification. (question)

11. A conversation between two or several people on a topic related to any situation (dialogue)

12. Technique used in older groups when retelling literary works(dramatization)

13.What is the name of the main type of oral folk art, an artistic narrative of a fantastic, adventure or everyday nature. (fairy tale)

14.What is the name of the speech of one interlocutor addressed to the audience. (monologue)

15.What is it called short story, most often poetic, allegorical content with a moral conclusion. (fable)

16. A rhythmic, difficult-to-pronounce phrase or several rhyming phrases with frequently occurring identical sounds (tongue twister)

Part 2. Illustrate the proverb using a diagram

The team comes up with a proverb, depicts it in the form of a diagram, and the opposing team must guess.

Memo “Five rules for conducting classes with children”

1. An activity is a joint activity with a child, aimed at something interesting and useful for his development, not in the form of a school lesson.

2. The basis of individually-oriented learning is the varied activities of children.

3. At the end of the lesson, it is necessary not only to clarify what the children learned and learned, but also to find out what else remains to be learned.

4. It is necessary to connect classes with everyday life, with the subjective experience of children.

5. Cyclicity is important: periodically returning to what has already been passed, what is familiar.