Signs associated with a newborn baby. Folk signs and bathing a newborn. Gray hair on a baby - signs

The appearance of the first child in a young family causes not only joy, but also anxiety. After all, young parents do not quite understand how to treat a baby. A newborn is a pure, defenseless little person, not protected from negative energy. Thanks to experienced grandparents, new mothers and fathers will know what actions can protect their baby from harm, what they should be wary of and avoid.

Birth of a baby

A child born on a full moon or a new moon will be healthy and strong. He will not need anything, because the day of the full moon is associated with a full cup, and the day of the new moon with new strength.

If the birth occurred at night and the weather was calm outside, the baby will be calm. If the birth occurred in the morning with the first rooster crow, the child will be eccentric.

If the baby was born in sunny weather, then a happy, strong family awaits him. If it rains financially. If it snows, the child will love science. Those born during a sudden change in weather will bring big problems to those around them.

Those born with the first rays of the sun will find it difficult to achieve anything in life. Talented people are born at 9 o'clock in the morning and at three o'clock in the afternoon. But they will be frivolous and flighty in life. Those who were born in the evening will be protected from any dangers. Those born at night are sensible and wise people.

They say that children will be happy if the girl looks like their dad and the boy looks like their mother.

Unusual children

Children who were born wearing a shirt will be successful people. “Being born in a shirt” means that the placenta came out with the baby and was glued to him at the moment of birth. Such an event occurs very rarely. After all, as a rule, first a child is born, and then a child’s place comes out. It has long been believed that those born with a shirt on will be able to overcome all difficulties. He will always be accompanied by luck, fortune and success.

The seventh child in the family has magical abilities. And it will be very good if in the future he chooses to become a doctor. Such a baby will be able to relieve people from illnesses with one touch.

A difficult birth, when the child walks forward feet first, will pay off in full, because such a baby will be able to treat diseases associated with injuries to the legs and back.

First days at home

It is recommended to celebrate the birth of the baby. In this way, parents and relatives show the spirits that they are enjoying their new life. This ritual protects the baby from illnesses and colds in the future. Guests should sing, dance, and say wishes to the child.

It is believed that if you carry a child up the steps, not down, he will build a successful career.

After the baby comes home for the first time, he needs to be placed on a product made of natural fur. Then he will live richly.

After birth, the baby was given a silver or gold spoon and allowed to hold it in his mouth. According to legend, such manipulation will bring wealth and prosperity in the future.

During your first bath, it is recommended to color the water with milk. Then the nursing mother will be able to always please the baby with food. This action will also protect you from the evil eye. After bathing, this water should not be used for washing or washing. To attract good luck and wealth during the first bath, honey and a silver spoon were also added to the bath.

Before putting the baby to sleep in the cradle, a cat is put in there.

A pinch of salt and a clove of garlic were hidden in the cradle of a newborn. They hung rowan branches over the cradle in the shape of a cross or stuck a knife into the leg of the cradle. This will protect against evil spirits. Do not move the empty cradle. You can get yourself into trouble.

It is very important to keep an eye on who kisses the newborn after the mother. It must be successful and good man. After all, it will influence the character and life of the child.

You should not bring your child to the mirror too early. He may be afraid of his reflection and will not speak for a long time.


Choosing a name should be taken very seriously. You should not name a newborn by the same name that someone in the family has already been named. After all, one name has one Guardian Angel.

It is better to give the child two names: call the first, and baptize the second and not tell anyone. Thus, no one will be able to influence the child with magic.

It is believed that if you give a name to the child of one of the deceased, he will inherit the character and fate of the deceased.

At the feast after baptism, when making a toast, the contents of the glass should be raised upward with a sharp movement so that the child grows up to be a hero.

Godparents should not have relations between themselves love relationship. Otherwise, their wedding will not take place.

The child will look like one of the godparents if one of them, during baptism, lowers his gaze into the water in which the child is washed.

If parents are planning a second child, he should be baptized in the shirt of the first-born. This will attract good luck to him, and his siblings will be friendly.

If during baptism it is observed that the little one has clenched fists, then he will be greedy. If the palms are in their normal state, it will be kind.

Signs for good luck, success and health

During the first visit to the child, guests are required to give the newborn money by placing it inside the blouse. This is a ritual for wealth.

It’s worth covering the guy with mom’s skirt, and the baby with dad’s cloak. For success and good luck in the future.

Parents dreaming of curly hair their child can feed him with crusts of bread.

To make the skin perfect and velvety, girls dress up in white before swimming.

Amulets made of corals and red stripes protect the child from evil spirits during the appearance of the first tooth.

When a child loses his first tooth, he is thrown into the fire. Thus, the evil that was sitting inside is destroyed.

In order for a child to grow up healthy, at the time when his teeth are being cut, relatives should give him a silver spoon.

Signs to protect against bad things

You cannot cut your hair, nails, or show your child in the mirror until the age of one, so that in the future the child will not overlook his happiness and will not be poor.

You cannot bathe your child on Fridays and Sundays.

The mother should breastfeed her baby separately from everyone else. After all, the child may experience insomnia, and the mother may lose milk.

You can't step over the baby. Otherwise, he won't grow tall.

You can’t finish eating your toddler’s bread. It takes away his health.

In order for the child to go on time, you cannot kiss his heels.

In order for teeth to grow in time, you should not kiss cheeks.

In order for a child to speak in time, he is not fed fish.

You can't beat a toddler with a rag. Otherwise, poverty awaits him in adult life.

You can't put a toddler on the table. He will cry constantly.

You can't look at a sleeping child. You can get scared.

Following signs and beliefs is everyone’s business. After all, the truth of such rituals has not been scientifically proven. Such manipulations and beliefs of the ambulance are a tradition carried through many years. And even if this is unreasonable from a scientific point of view, it is effective from the acquired experience of mothers and grandmothers.

The birth of a child is both a great joy and a serious challenge for young parents. Especially young mothers often become superstitious and actively begin to study everything existing signs about newborns.

This is partly explained by the lack of experience in caring for a child, sometimes by parting words from people of the older generation. Most likely, some signs about newborns may seem quite funny and absurd, but in themselves they do not cause harm, because they represent ancient advice, parting words and warnings for women who are discovering the joys of motherhood for the first time.

According to medical parameters, a newborn is considered a child under the age of 28 days, but as for folk superstitions, most of them relate to infants under the age of one year. After this age, children are not considered newborns, so parents no longer need to observe such signs.

There is a huge amount folk beliefs, associated specifically with the baby’s first bath after birth. In order for a newborn’s life to be easy and happy, the mother must bathe him for the first time. If possible, even close relatives - grandparents - should not be allowed to participate in this magical procedure.

It is customary to add various things to the bathing water so that the baby’s fate turns out well. For health and longevity, various medicinal herbs(elecampane, lovage). For material well-being - silver coins and jewelry, which must first be disinfected.

To ensure that the mother does not have problems with feeding, a little breast milk should be added to the water for the first bath. There is a separate ritual for bathing a girl, since it is believed that her first bath lays the foundation for future beauty. According to ancient traditions, girls were lowered into the water wearing white clothes, or put them on after swimming. Among the ancient Slavs, a white face was considered synonymous with beauty.

Folk omens pay special attention to pouring out water after bathing. In ancient times, it was believed that such water could take away the baby’s strength and health, so strangers should not be allowed near the bath, and only the mother should pour out the water.

Signs about the baptism of newborns

According to popular belief, baptism, according to all church rules, is considered very important for the future happiness of the baby. You can baptize a baby at any age, because after christening he acquires a guardian angel who protects him throughout his life. However, according to popular belief, a baby should be baptized after 40 days. Until this age, the baby should not be shown to strangers at all.

This sign protects the baby from the evil eye, because if you show the baby to bad people before baptism, the likelihood of a negative energy impact is very high, because the child has not yet acquired his own protection.

In order for life to be bright and joyful, the baby should be dressed up for christening in everything new. Before going to church, all participants in the ceremony should take pectoral crosses to church, but the godson should not buy a cross made of gold.

Before baptism, the newborn should choose a church name, but it is very important for parents not to enter into an argument with the priest over the name - this is a bad omen. If the child behaves quietly and calmly, then the baptism ceremony was completed correctly.

According to popular belief, the most important thing is to choose the right godmother and father for the child, because they are the ones who will protect and raise the godson throughout his life. Therefore, it is better to choose the closest and most reliable people as godparents, because if trouble happens to the parents, all responsibility for raising the godson rests with the godparents.

Why can't you assemble a crib before giving birth?

In many countries of the world, there is a sign that parents of an unborn baby should not assemble a crib before his birthday. It is believed that if you place a crib in the house in advance, evil spirits will think that the child’s place has already been taken and will not allow a new baby to be born.

Is it possible to show a newborn a mirror and take photographs?

Many people have heard that babies should not look in the mirror until they are one year old. The reason for this superstition lies in the fact that the mirror is a magical attribute with the help of which magicians and sorcerers can steal the soul of a newborn. For the same reason, it is prohibited to photograph a child, as well as to show his photographs to strangers.

In addition, the mirror itself can cause harm to the newborn. It is believed that it can suck the energy of the newborn, frighten him, and lead to anxiety, stuttering and problems with speech development.

There are also signs about cutting the hair of a newborn, which in ancient times was considered a source of vitality. Cutting a child's hair before he reaches one year of age was considered a very bad omen.

With a haircut, you can cut off your mind or bring poverty. An early haircut could also lead to a serious illness or death of a child, because it is in the first year that his soul decides whether to stay in the family or leave it.

Signs on how to welcome a newborn from the hospital

During the first meeting between mother and newborn, those meeting must “buy” the child from the midwife or doctor, so it is better to prepare such a ransom in advance. The father should be the first to hold the newborn in his arms.

The best gift for a newborn is considered to be a silver spoon, which must be placed in the mouth so that he grows up to be a financially secure and successful person. Upon arrival home, it is considered a good omen to place the child on the fur; this also attracts wealth. Boys should buy blue clothes, and girls should buy pink.

It is better to schedule the first viewing of a newborn after forty days from the date of birth. Until this day, showing a child to strangers is considered a bad omen. It is better to invite close relatives to the viewing first, and then close friends. At the first viewing of the baby, guests should put money in the newborn’s crib - this is considered a good omen for the baby’s future wealth.

In conclusion, I would like to note that young parents should not worry too much about observing all of the above signs. Modern world relies more on scientific information and many of these signs are not entirely clear to modern man. At the same time, knowledge of some signs will not only not hurt, but will also serve good service you and your child, because they contain the wisdom of centuries and well-founded reasons for their occurrence.

Signs for newborns apply to children under one year old. Over the history of its existence, humanity has accumulated many signs for newborns. Knowing and observing these signs has enabled many parents to protect their children from illness and adversity.

  1. You cannot tell anyone about the place, date and time of birth.
  2. The seventh child born in the family will be a doctor or healer.
  3. You should not show your newborn to strangers in the first six weeks of his life.
  4. The name of the newborn is not called in the presence of strangers until his christening. It is recommended to show the baby to strangers only after the christening, otherwise the baby may be jinxed, he will get sick and grow up to be a loser.
  5. Mandatory signs for newborns. Women in critical days You are strictly forbidden to go to a house where there are babies under one year old, and even more so you cannot play with them or pick them up. Otherwise, the baby will suffer from skin diseases, and medicine will be powerless.
  6. You should not throw your newborn's dirty things on the floor. Those who do not follow this sign doom the child to a poor life.
  7. No one should bathe or wash their hands in the water in which the baby was bathed. Compliance with this rule will protect the child from illness.
  8. Signs for newborns say that in order for the baby to be healthy, grow up successful and rich, you need to put something silver in the water for the first bath (but under no circumstances put a cross), a drop of honey and a piece of elecampane.
  9. The water in which the newborn was bathed for the first time should “spend the night”, i.e. You can pour it out only in the morning of the next day.
  10. A newborn should not be bathed in the presence of strangers.
  11. Newborns should not be breastfed in the presence of strangers. Otherwise, the mother will lose milk, and the baby will sleep poorly, cry, get sick, etc.
  12. If your baby chokes while feeding, you need to blow on his crown.
  13. Do not breastfeed babies during a thunderstorm.
  14. For a child to grow up to be a respected and successful person, you need to hold a silver spoon in his mouth.
  15. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not drink the water in which the baby was bathed. Otherwise, the child’s life will be difficult and difficult.
  16. It is impossible for a dog to run across a baby's diaper. If this happens, the child will have joint pain.
  17. If a baby's things are dried outside, then under no circumstances should they be left there overnight, otherwise the baby will cry at night and have trouble sleeping.
  18. You can't look at someone sleeping infant so that he doesn’t get scared and get sick.
  19. A child will grow up to be an intelligent, kind and successful person if the first stranger to kiss him is a kind and good person.
  20. In order for the baby to grow healthy and develop well, you should not finish eating bread after it.
  21. The baby is not allowed to eat fish or fish soup until he learns to speak.
  22. An infant should not be placed on the table with his legs (it will take him a long time to learn to walk).
  23. Shouldn't kiss infant in the soles, otherwise he will not walk for a long time.
  24. After the baby takes the first step on his own, the mother should run a knife between his feet, i.e. conditionally cut the bonds.
  25. An infant should not be placed on the table, otherwise he will cry a lot and often fall.
  26. Do not push an empty crib or stroller.
  27. You cannot cut the hair of a child under one year old, so as not to cut off his mind and well-being.
  28. Until one year of age, a baby should not look in the mirror.
  29. It is not recommended to name a newborn after one of the household members or close relatives, so as not to confuse the Guardian Angel (there are many superstitions on this matter).
  30. It is not recommended to hang a canopy over the crib so as not to disturb the Guardian Angel, who is constantly present near the newborn on the right side.
  31. If there is a newborn in the house, then after sunset, you cannot take anything out of the house or give anything to anyone (even if you are asked to do so), otherwise the child will be very sick.
  32. Every mother must follow these signs about newborns. It is strictly forbidden to give breastfeeding to a child after he has already been weaned from it. Otherwise, the child will grow up to be “eye-catching.” If the mother thinks of doing this procedure three times, the child will have a “deadly evil eye.” Eye-catching will manifest itself not only in relation to others, but also to oneself. There is no way to fix or cure this.
  33. If the mother does not have milk after the birth of the child, then you need to make sure that only one woman feeds the child in the maternity hospital. If several women feed the child in turn, then he will be “eye-catching.” It is impossible to correct “angstiness”.
  34. Infants should not blow their faces, otherwise they will cross their eyes.
  35. If you notice that someone is looking very intently at your child, say to yourself or in a whisper: “Salt in your eyes, not once, but three times.” wait."

The birth of a child is a special, memorable moment in the life of every person, during which the topic of omens becomes relevant. A small defenseless lump is subject to strong influence from the outside world.

Some consider this a relic of the past; for others, following signs is an integral part of raising a child.

Basically, all signs are divided into 2 categories:

  • · signs with a more or less real basis;
  • · stupid prejudices and superstitions.

Signs with a bit of logic:

  • · It is forbidden to show the child to strangers until six weeks (the child’s immunity is not strong and is extremely susceptible to germs and various infections);
  • · It is forbidden to feed a child fish for up to a year, otherwise he will become mute (fish is a strong allergen, pediatricians advise introducing fish dishes only when the baby is 12-15 months old)
  • · You can’t put the baby on the table - it will take a long time to learn to walk (this is not a place for walking and is not particularly hygienic)
  • · It is forbidden to cut a baby's hair under one year old, so as not to grow up poor (children are extremely active, you need to be especially attentive and careful)
  • · Children's clothes should not be left to dry in the yard overnight.

The following folk signs also deserve attention:

  • · whoever was born on the new moon will be long-lasting and happy;
  • · if a daughter looks like her dad, and a son looks like his mother, then they will be lucky;
  • · if the baby was born on a quiet, windless night, he will be calm, and if in the early morning with roosters, he will be restless and noisy;
  • · It is forbidden to hand over a tag from the maternity hospital - they can bring the evil eye or damage;
  • · when wrapping the baby, the blanket is tied in front - the baby will start talking early;
  • · if a newborn smiles in a dream, angels are playing with him;
  • · during the first bath, put a spoonful of honey and a silver coin in the bath - the baby will be healthy and beautiful;
  • · You can’t push an empty stroller - the baby won’t sleep well;
  • · It is forbidden to step over the baby - it will often hurt;
  • · you cannot bathe a newborn in front of strangers (or breastfeed) - they can jinx it;
  • · You cannot come to a house where there is a newborn empty-handed;
  • · You cannot leave spoons on the table overnight - the child will be capricious;
  • · if the baby sleeps with his hands behind his head, he will live in wealth;
  • · If you burn the cradle, then the Lord will not give you children.

Outdated prejudices

Today, signs and customs that are not entirely reasonable or logical have been preserved from ancient times. No one, even the guardians of traditions, can explain why to do certain actions with a baby. This is mainly associated with some kind of religious symbol or ancient ritual. These signs include:

  • · the newborn does not need to be placed on his left side - he will be left-handed;
  • · The baby should not be shown in the mirror - he will be shy and dumb;
  • · before putting the baby into the cradle to sleep for the first time, they put a cat in there - the baby will sleep soundly;
  • · You can’t throw a baby after sunset - he will be capricious;
  • · After sunset, you cannot look out the window - the baby will not sleep well;
  • · you cannot take anything out of the house in the evening - the child will often get sick;
  • · after visiting public places, when returning home, you need to run your hand over the baby’s face and clothes to “wipe away” the dirt and the evil eye;
  • · It is forbidden to beat a newborn with a rag - he will live in poverty.

Newborn and baptism ceremony

According to the church, baptism is a sacrament, a spiritual birth, the main event in the life of any person. During baptism, a guardian angel is chosen for the baby, who protects him from evil spirits and illnesses.

The rite of baptism must be approached extremely responsibly and seriously, the thoughts of all participants must be pure and sincere.

What are the signs for the baptism of a newborn?

  • · You cannot reveal the child’s name before the christening, otherwise they may cause damage;
  • · It is forbidden to name the baby after relatives;
  • · It is permissible to name the eldest son in honor of his father - he will be strong and healthy;
  • · naming a baby after a saint is a good thing; naming a child after a martyr means he will suffer all his life;
  • · It is forbidden to name a newborn after the deceased - he will inherit his fate;
  • · if only girls are born in a family, the youngest should be named after the mother - the next son will be born;
  • · the baby will not be healthy if not baptized;
  • · It is necessary to baptize a baby in a cap; after baptism, store the cap for 12 weeks;
  • · It is forbidden to wipe ritual water from the baby’s face - let it dry;
  • · if a baby screams during baptism, this is the voice of evil spirits;
  • · after baptism, the water from the font is poured into the lake, it is unclean;
  • · before the baptismal ceremony, you need to place a bowl of water on the window - the baby will be cheerful and calm;
  • · if spouses are given the honor of becoming godparents, they are forbidden to stand at the font together - to a quick divorce;
  • · at a christening, the first glass should be poured upward, wishing the baby to grow big and healthy;
  • · it is forbidden to leavefestive food on plates - the baby will often get sick;
  • · The godfather, entering the house after the baptism ceremony, must say: “Grow a big cross!”

Signs about children. Bathing newborns.

You can’t finish your child’s half-eaten bread - eat up his health.

In order for the child to grow up healthy and have healthy teeth, the spouses should be given silver spoons when the child begins to cut his teeth.

You can’t sit your child on the table; he will cry a lot for no reason.

When a child is sleeping, do not look at him, he will be scared.

They don't kiss babies on the cheek, otherwise the teeth won't show for a long time.

They also don’t kiss babies’ soles - it’ll be too late.

They don't look in the mirror with him until they're a year old - they might miss their happiness.

When a child is baptized, his hands are clenched - he will be stingy, but not clenched - he will be kind.

For insomnia, the child is washed with water in which spoons were washed after dinner. (After dinner, wash the spoons, rinse them in a separate bowl, and wash them with this water.) Dry the child with the left side of the hem of the robe. How many ways I know - this is the simplest and most effective. It not only puts you to sleep, but calms the child’s soul.

Loud children should be carried to the church during the ringing of the bells.

Those born on the first day or on the new moon will be happy and long-lasting.

Bathing children

A newborn girl should be bathed in white linen so that she is white and soft.

When giving your child his first bath, put silver in the bath to make him rich (just not a cross).

Children are not bathed on Sundays and Fridays.

If you bathe your child in the evening, do not pour out the water until the sun rises fully in the morning.

Diapers are not washed in the water in which the child was bathed.

1st bathing - it is advisable to drain the water from it into the sewer and so that no one accidentally washes their hands in this water or rinses anything. Make sure that the dog does not drink that water. Otherwise, you can ruin your child’s whole life. (By the way, about dogs. The Bible clearly says that this is an unclean animal. Keeping it in the yard is possible, but in the house - it will only lead to unnecessary troubles. All conspiracies against you, your child for the good will go to dust if he lives in the apartment with you dog. The dog's house is a kennel, and people have a separate house. The fate of the residents living in the apartment with the dog is spoiled. better conspiracies yes the amulets work. They will always remove the dog if they really want to rob the apartment, but you can’t hide from the amulets. Yes, and thieves usually bypass apartments where there is a talisman.) Let's go back to the first swim. To keep a child strong, they say the following with some water in the bath:
"Endure the cold, endure the hunger,
endure every need.
Guardian angel, strengthen yourself.

Words that need to be said during the 3rd bath:
"Clean water - on the shoulder, health. Bass and beauty in the body. Amen."

After the child is one month old, every full moon +/- one day you need to say one of the following spells over some water and change them every full moon, then repeat again on full moons.

1. For safety.

"How God's angels guarded and protected Him,

so would God himself, Jesus Christ,

my child (name) was preserved and protected.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

"Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Baby (name), feed on the word of God,

Fill up like a pouring apple.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

3. Fortress child.

"There is a green oak tree in the forest,

Strengthened by the Word of God.

So would (name) grow strong and strong,

like an oak tree in a forest is green.

Who will interrupt my plot?

my word will not go away.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

4. From diseases.

"The grace of the Lord, appear,

illness, do not touch slave (name):

neither fireweed nor tickler,

neither lomatica, nor chilly, nor feverish,

no Maryino, no Varyino, no fear, no evil eye,

don't attack, don't fall, don't get lost,

do not curse and do not take away.

From an evil word, from one’s own and someone else’s.

My word is molded, my work is strong. Amen."

5. For a good mind.

"There is an icon on the table,

there is a belt on the holy body,

there are countless stars on that belt,

and there is a baby in my house.

As my baby grows up,

on the holy belt he will read everything.

God bless his mind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

When there is not a full moon or the above-mentioned bathing time, the child is always bathed and washed directly in the bathtub with the very famous words: “Water, water, wash my face so that my eyes sparkle, my cheeks glow, my mouth laughs, my teeth bite.” The child will be pretty.

When there is not a full moon and not the above-mentioned bathing time, we say during bathing: “A woman was walking from across the sea, carrying a box of health. For this and that - little by little, and (name) the whole box.” The child will be reliably protected from diseases.

When there is no full moon and the bathing time is not specified above, when rinsing the child after bathing, the following should be said:
"The water is flowing, the child is growing. Water is off a duck's back, thinness is off you! The water is down, and the child is up."