Self-development: where to start? The best way to start working on yourself. The beginning of self-development and self-improvement: necessary stages Reasons for self-development and self-improvement

Everyone has ups and downs in life, and often we blame others and fate for our failures, but we may not see our own shortcomings. In order to change something in the world around you, you need to start, first of all, with yourself.

One day you will ask yourself the question: “where to start working on yourself?” Self-improvement is a delicate matter, you need to approach it very competently, so that at one moment you don’t feel the desire to give up everything.

The Wheel of Life - as a strong motivation on the path of self-improvement

If you don't know where to start self-development How to choose the right path for yourself, first you need to understand at what point you are. The Wheel of Life is a system that helps you analyze your level of success.

To do this, you need to draw a circle and divide it into 8 sectors:

- career and business. Do you enjoy your work?

- finances. Are you satisfied with your salary? Do you have enough funds for financial independence?

- friends and environment. Does your environment help you develop? What do you get from communicating with friends?

- family and love. Is there harmony in your relationships with loved ones?

- health and sports. How good is your health? Would you like to make your body attractive and get rid of excess weight?

- entertainment and relaxation. Are you organizing your vacation correctly in order to not only recharge yourself with energy, but also get something useful for yourself?

- education and personal growth. What knowledge have you acquired to develop and improve yourself?

- brightness of life. Are you satisfied with your life? Does it have enough bright, memorable moments?

Each sector is your life value, which is necessary in order to feel the happiest. This way, you will put your goals in order and have a better understanding of what you need to strive for. Also, do not forget to write what exactly in each sector you lack for complete happiness.

Each sector must be assessed using a 10-point system. You must be as honest with yourself as possible. There is no need to look for excuses for your saggy belly or low salary. Just finally admit to yourself that everything is bad in these areas and you need to do something about it.

After this, connect the points on the scale with a line. If the resulting figure in the center resembles a circle, then you can only be congratulated. You are in complete harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

If you get a crooked figure, you will be able to see which sector you need to work on in order to achieve harmony and happiness. In addition, by putting one sector in order, you can positively influence other parts.

After analyzing each sector, you must set global goals, which you need to break down into several small ones and confidently strive for them. In addition, the goal should be achievable, so be realistic and do not try to become slim like Angelina Jolie and find yourself a prince in the person of Brad Pitt.

Get yourself a diary and write down in it what you have achieved, every small victory. For example, you gave up unhealthy but tasty food. Praise yourself for this.

A positive outlook on the future is half the success

Personal development cannot be achieved without a positive outlook towards the future. If you always think that you will achieve nothing, that there are no results, thoughts will swarm about giving up everything, you will never achieve anything.

You should greet every day with a smile, rejoice in even the smallest victories, see the positive in everything, notice changes in yourself.

Of course, thoughts alone are not enough for a person’s self-development. Actions are important. At first, 30 minutes a day is enough to read a book and learn something. You can even just not sit on social networks or watch TV in the evening, and this will already be a victory and the first steps on the way self-improvement.

Literature for self-improvement

Books for self-development are another step towards improving your personality. There are many primary sources, such as the Bible or books on the teachings of Tao, but they will be incomprehensible to many.

Today there are a lot books for self-development. We present you a list of some of them:

  1. Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen "A Whole Life". It will teach you how to set realistic goals that are easy to achieve. You will be able to correctly prioritize;
  2. Dan Waldschmidt "Be the best version of yourself." This book can radically change your life. It tells how ordinary people become outstanding;
  3. M. J. Ryan “This year I...” This book will be useful to everyone, as it helps to change habits, keep promises to yourself, and change your life for the better;
  4. Brian Tracy "Get out of your comfort zone." Recognized worldwide as the #1 book on self-development. You will be able to step out of your comfort zone to achieve maximum goals;
  5. Kelly McGonigal "Willpower" How to develop and strengthen? The author believes that willpower is like a muscle that needs to be pumped up and strengthened.

All books have one main meaning - self-development never ends. You can work all your life to develop your personality, to make your life bright and unforgettable. Each of us strives to be better, but this quality must be used wisely.

A few rules for self-development

Each person lives in his own comfort zone, and we are often afraid of something new and unknown, which is why it is so difficult, and sometimes scary, to change our lives. The process of self-development needs to be turned into a habit so that you never stray from this path.

Where should you start self-development? Plan Simple steps will help you gradually develop this habit:

- life depends directly on our desires and actions. There is nothing impossible about it. Never tell yourself that something can't be done, just think about what it takes to make it achievable;

— break the path to the main goal into several small ones that are easy to achieve. Once this becomes a habit, you can set more goals for yourself;

- in the evening, think about everything that happened to you during the day. Record your successes and failures. If you did something wrong or it didn't work out for you, think about what would have changed if you had done it differently.

Do not forget that self-improvement is a difficult path, but very interesting. If you once decide to change your life, always stick to this thought and believe that the result will meet all expectations. Always look at life, successes and defeats with a positive outlook, and then you will definitely succeed.

People of different ages wonder how to learn to work on themselves.

Having willpower, motivation helps us move forward if we have it.

But it often happens that a person does not know what he wants and how to change his way of thinking or lifestyle.

The hardest thing

Why do they say that the hardest job- is this work on yourself?

And that it all starts with working on yourself.

Force yourself to do something - not an easy task. It is even more difficult to change habits, attitudes, and existing ways of thinking.

It all starts in childhood, when parents apply a certain parenting style to their child. They teach you what to do and what not to do. Mistakes in upbringing are costly for an already matured individual, who used to behaving a certain way.

Lack of willpower is another big problem. She needs to be educated, preferably starting from an early age. It is much more difficult for adults to overcome themselves.

Are you used to a certain rhythm of life. You realize that you are doing something wrong, have bad habits, try to change, but you are not long enough.

The whole point is that you have no motivation - why do something. No goal - what to strive for. And there is no willpower - how to get up and finally change your life.

If you don't start working on yourself, nothing will change.

You will either stay at the same level of development, or you will start to roll back.

Working on yourself is a constant struggle, and it is this that helps you overcome and achieve success.

No standing position- either you move forward, or you begin to refuse to go back in your development.

Why do we want change?

By nature, a person strives for self-improvement. This is evident from birth when the baby tries to develop independently of the will of the parents.

A small child explores the world, his curiosity acts contrary to the prohibitions of adults, but they often limit his activity, guided by safety and their own fears.

Development is genetically embedded in us. That is why, when there is no development, a person tries to replace it with alcohol, taking dangerous substances, and deviant behavior.

We want to achieve some result leave your mark in this life. It is important for us to be known and remembered.

But unfortunately, this only succeeds to a small percentage of people who were able to find their way despite criticism, difficulties, overcoming themselves, their laziness and fears.

Reasons why we want change:

  • dreams that haunt us;
  • the desire to start life from scratch, as if resetting past mistakes and failures;
  • achieve excellence in something;
  • prove to ourselves and others that we can do something;
  • do not stop in one place, but always move forward.

When a personality develops, it helps her feel happier because she is realizing her inner potential.

How do I know what I want to change?

You want change, but you don’t understand what exactly needs to change in your life, so that she becomes different and more successful. First, you need to understand that it’s really time to change something.

Signs of this:

  1. Life is no longer fun. You are all ordinary, your previous activities do not bring you pleasure. People are annoying.
  2. Stopped feeling. The prevailing state is indifference. Something is happening to you, but you don’t care. Loved ones share their joy or sadness, but this has no effect on you.
  3. You relive moments of the past, they seem more vivid and interesting to you, and the present is faded. It seems to you that the beginning of your relationship was interesting, but now everything has become ordinary and even annoying.

    This is actually true, because a monotonous life becomes boring over time, and in the absence of novelty, a person naturally strives to break out of it.

  4. Worried about the future. You worry about what will happen next, that you have achieved nothing, that there is no self-realization. Perhaps on this basis, you began to develop, because fears about the future do not go away.
  5. Stopped caring about appearance. You don’t care what you look like, how neat your clothes are, or whether your hair is combed. Even your loved ones began to notice how much your appearance has changed in a negative direction. Our way of thinking and mood are primarily manifested in how we look. This also works in the opposite direction - change your image, choose the right clothes, hairstyle - and you are already on the path of change.
  6. Stopped caring about your health, unhealthy food predominates, and smoking, refuse to go to the doctor if you suspect the presence of diseases. It doesn't matter what happens to you.
  7. There was a feeling of constant. You worry about everything. Neurosis develops more and more, you torment yourself and your loved ones with constant suspicions. As a result, the psyche is overloaded, approaching a nervous breakdown.
  8. You envy the success of friends and strangers.- a negative feeling, it burns from the inside and prevents you from acting and developing.

    You compare yourself with others and at the same time you experience a negative feeling - why should they, and not me, and why are they more successful, more interesting, they have love, money, but I don’t.

  9. Your apartment or house is a complete mess. This directly affects your way of thinking. As they say, what’s in our heads is around us. When was the last time you did a spring cleaning or threw out unnecessary junk from your home? Or is all this garbage accumulating in your apartment, lying around as a useless burden and creating a mess?
  10. Important things are put off until later. This is not, but simply a lack of motivation to do something due to a lack of understanding - why.
  11. Close people cause feelings of irritation, rejection, anger, disgust. I want to be away from them. There is no desire to return home in the evening and meet with friends, even if you have been together for many years and have a lot in common.

Now you must understand what exactly needs to be changed in your life. Answer the following questions:

  • Am I satisfied with my job?
  • What exactly doesn’t suit me about my job - location, salary, team, schedule?
  • What problems have arisen in my family lately? Who initiated the conflicts and for what reason.
  • What level of well-being will satisfy me?
  • What abilities do I want to develop in myself?
  • Do I have a life goal?
  • What keeps me moving forward.

Don't be afraid to answer the questions asked. First of all, you need to be honest with yourself.

Yes, you may suddenly learn some not entirely pleasant things about yourself, and finally understand where you acted incorrectly. But it will help you create a strategy for your own change.

How to force yourself to act?

Where to start working on yourself? Getting started is the hardest thing.

you will put off until the last minute important point , making up excuses.

It seems easier to start on Monday, next month or New Year. But that's not true. The appointed date comes, and you postpone it again until tomorrow.

We need to start today. At this moment, and only then, will you begin to move forward. If you decide to quit smoking, do it now. If you want to change jobs, go for an interview or write a letter of resignation, of course, if the funds allow you to live for some time until you find a new place.

If you want to change your life, change it, and don’t think about how to do it and at what point to start. The longer you put it off, the less chance you have of changing anything.

The best changes are instant, spontaneous.. You’ve decided that it’s time to end the relationship, which means there’s been a crack in it for a long time, so why are you still holding on and trying to grab onto the breaking thread?

What to do:

So the first rule of change is act now, in the present, as soon as the decision is made.

How to work on yourself and improve? Working on yourself - the process is long and daily. You can’t do something today and roll back to the previous level tomorrow.

There must be constant movement. This doesn't mean you shouldn't rest. A reasonable alternation of work and rest is necessary.

What to do:

  1. Act no matter what. Your wishes are your wishes, and you have the right to fulfill them.
  2. Understand that every person is free in his choice. You can't be told where to go, but you don't have the right to force other people to follow you.
  3. Look for like-minded people- those who want to develop, who have similar interests as you. They support and stimulate development. Working together and moving forward is much more effective.
  4. Give yourself a change schedule. Plan what you want to achieve, by what point, what stages to go through.
  5. Stick to your daily routine, make a plan - it helps develop willpower. In addition, the regimen is good for health. You know when and what you need to do, which means you plan better and are less nervous.

For self-development It is useful to engage in education, attend courses and trainings.

The main thing is to throw away all fears and uncertainty. This is not easy, so it is useful to work with a specialist in psychology, or better yet, turn to a professional coach.

How to live by new standards today?

Decide and do is what you should do first.

New life should be from now on every day. The first three weeks will be difficult, then the body and psyche will get used to the new way of life.

You will have to change your way of thinking. Get rid of old attitudes that prevent you from living by new rules.

Our immediate environment has a great influence on us, therefore choose the people you communicate with carefully. Eliminate those who pull you in past life, interferes with development. Communicate with optimists and those who are successful in life. Find those you want to be like.

Solve problems. There is no need to run away from them or put them off for later. A problem has arisen - we need to get rid of it.

Many people are afraid to make mistakes - and this is their biggest mistake. Take any mistakes or failures as experience, an opportunity to learn something new and change. Mistakes help development.

To move forward we need to let go of the past. And here it can be quite difficult. We are afraid of no longer seeing people dear to us, we experience grievances, returning over and over again to what happened.

Just let go. The past is left behind, it cannot be returned, it cannot be changed. Thank him for what happened.

Express gratitude to people, even if they brought you pain, but they were part of your life. Tell yourself - I'm letting go and moving forward. Now there is the present, and only it matters.

How to learn to work on yourself - constantly do something, develop willpower, motivation and fall in love with life's changes.

Where to start working on yourself:

This article contains several useful practical exercises, which, by the way, are sold in some places for a thousand dollars. I will save you money by describing these instructions simply and without water. Believe me, this will not make them any less effective, and you can be sure of the enormous power of these exercises. Tested on many people. So, if you are wondering where to start with self-development, not just out of curiosity, but want to really improve your life, before reading the article, take a notepad and pen to do the exercises.

What is self-development

Before we find out where to start self-development and self-improvement, let's think about what self-development is?

Self-development is a very broad concept and each person puts his own meaning into it depending on his value system. Some people understand self-development as developing their business and increasing their income, others as losing weight, for other people self-development means relationships with people, the ability to love and be happy, and communication skills. We can say that a person is engaged in self-development if every new day he becomes a little better than he was yesterday. And what kind of person to be - everyone decides for himself.

Whatever goals you pursue, all paths of self-development have one general principle. Self-development needs to begin with this single principle. I will talk about this single principle at the end of the article. And now let's talk about everything in order.

Step 1. Where to start self-development - the current state of affairs

Self-development must begin with a sober assessment of the current state of affairs. It can sometimes be very frustrating to admit that you have a specific problem, but it is a necessary first step. The situation you are in now is the result of your past efforts or lack thereof.

Let's call this situation “point A”.

Practical exercise.

This exercise must be done in writing on paper or in a word processor on a computer. But it's better on paper. Describe your problem in as specific detail as possible. For example, if your problem is low income, then write this: my income is ... rubles (substitute the exact figure of your income). Or do you have overweight and you consider this a problem, write down: my weight... kg (substitute the exact number of your weight). If the problem cannot be expressed in numbers, describe it in words. For example, when I try to speak English, I get the tenses mixed up.

When you have decided on the problem, you need to understand: what do you want to change in the current situation, that is, set a goal. Goals also need to be set clear and specific. There is a good exercise for this.

Step 2. Set a goal for self-development

Exercise for clear goal setting:

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Now we will describe the ideal experience of achieving a goal. Visualize the day you achieved your goal and describe in detail one specific moment of that day. It's like you're writing a script for a movie.

  • Write what number this is. Set realistic deadlines for your goals; don’t think that in one day you will lose 50 kg or increase your income 100 times in a month.
  • What time is it now? (not now when you do this exercise, but at that ideal moment in the future).
  • Where are you in this ideal experience?
  • What other people are present in this ideal experience?
  • What are you doing at this moment? How do you feel?

Describe this experience in detail.

Be careful, this exercise is called “goal achievement experience” for a reason. It is the experience that needs to be described, not just an abstract goal.

For example, “I make a lot of money” is an abstract goal. But “I look in mobile application my bank and I see in my account $100,000 that I received for the sale of a successful project, my dog ​​Busya is sitting next to me, and my wife Katya is packing our things in a suitcase, because in three hours we have a plane to the Bahamas, where we are staying for a month rented a house of 120 sq.m. on the seashore...", etc. it is a concrete experience. To ensure you are doing the exercise correctly, remember that you are writing a script for the director to use to shoot the scene.

We will call this experience of achieving a goal “point B.”

Step 3. Making a self-development plan

So we know where we are and where we want to go. We also defined exact date to which we will come from point A to point B. Now we need to do one more practical exercise. We will need paper and pen again. This time we will write an ideal scenario for achieving the goal.

Imagine that you have already achieved your goal in self-development and are at point B, in that ideal experience that you described in the previous step. Now, in your imagination, look from this ideal future, when the goal has already been achieved, into the past and answer the question: how did I achieve this goal? The fact is that if you have a clear goal, your subconscious mind already knows the easiest way to achieve it. You imagine that experience when the goal has already been achieved, but being in your imagination in that experience you understand that all this did not come out of nowhere. Some events must have preceded this experience. And you simply “remember” what happened before. Write down on paper the chain of events that led you from point A to point B, starting with more recent events and moving back in time to earlier ones.

Now you have step by step plan self-development in the chosen direction with intermediate goals.

I will soon write a separate article about this amazingly effective system for achieving 100% goals, stay tuned.

Choosing a priority direction for self-development

Now let’s talk about how to determine in which area of ​​life to start self-development, if it seems that there are too many problems: not enough money, and you need to improve your physical shape, and you need to learn English. There are so many things to do that you don’t know what to do.

The bad news: you won't be able to get everything at once. And it’s better to set a goal in one direction and gradually move towards it, giving it priority.

The good news is that by regularly engaging in self-development in one area of ​​your life, you will quietly begin to improve in all others.

Each person chooses the priority direction for development himself. For some it is a career, for others it is personal life, etc.

Psychologists identify eight main areas of life that are most important to most people. It is convenient to depict them in the form of a circle divided into sectors. Each sector is allocated to one main life area.

Right now you can rate each area of ​​your life on a scale from 0 to 10 and connect all the ratings with lines. As a result, you will see a clear example of how balanced your life is. Here is one example:

A frequently encountered example of a person who spares no effort in making money, forgetting about health, friends, spiritual growth, and communication with family.

In fact, thanks to a huge amount of psychological research, we can confidently say that a person feels happy when there is satisfaction in all areas of life. There is no point in putting all your efforts into one area and forgetting about others. Yes, you can achieve good success in this area, but why if you feel unhappy at the same time? Unfortunately, this is most often understood too late, when precious time is irretrievably gone.

Therefore, it is better to start self-development from the area to which you gave the lowest rating.

20 things you can do in everyday life for your self-development

  1. Read about what you want to improve in your life. Do you want to develop a specific skill? Read about it every day.
  2. Find a mentor. A mentor can be anyone who knows how to do what you want to do. In turn, remember to help those who have less experience than you. Mentoring is by far the fastest way to develop.
  3. Keep a journal at the end of the day. If you're really serious about self-development, you need to constantly know what you can improve about yourself. And the only way to know this is to reflect and ask yourself every day what and how you can change in yourself to become better.
  4. Create strong habits. It's your habits that reveal your strengths, not the other way around. You can't live one life and expect to have another. Today's habits create your future life.
  5. Find like-minded people. In fact, it is difficult to develop alone. Spend time with people who share your values ​​and support each other. Try to avoid communicating with those who demotivate you.
  6. Create a system of rewards and punishments. This is necessary for those who are struggling with their laziness and bad habits.
  7. Be honest with yourself. No amount of empty talk will lead to change. This is the hardest part. It’s much easier to buy a book about self-development or read an article and tell yourself: “I’m working on myself.” But is anything really changing? Be your own judge. But never judge yourself by comparing with other people. You should only compare yourself to your past self and judge changes objectively.
  8. Find yourself an example. You shouldn’t compare yourself to others, but looking for inspiration for self-development in other people can sometimes be very useful.
  9. Measure your progress. One of my teachers said: if you can't measure the outcome of an action, don't do it. No matter how ephemeral the things you do, you must find a way to measure your progress. This is the only way to know if you are going in the right direction and if you need to turn around.
  10. Regularity is the key. Self-development does not happen overnight. This happens slowly and gradually. Consistent and regular effort is what creates truly meaningful change. And this is what makes self-development so difficult. There is no magic pill that you swallow and everything will be fixed. Self-development is a daily routine practice and way of life.
  11. The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. Following best time- Now. No matter how far away the goal may seem, start acting now using the resources that you have.
  12. Take small steps. Imagine that there is a long staircase leading to a big goal, and think only about how to climb the next step. It will be a small victory that will inspire you. And then there will be another step in front of you, and another, until you reach the original goal.
  13. Learn from other people. Whatever skill you develop in yourself, there are people who have walked this path and willingly share their experience. Your own experience is a harsh teacher, so it is better to learn from the mistakes of others. Find a good mentor and read more books.
  14. The world is changing all the time. And you change too. Even if you do nothing, you are forced to change every time the world turns upside down again. This cannot be avoided. Success is achieved by those who adapt to change the fastest.
  15. Take responsibility. You are responsible for your development. You are responsible for where you are now and what you are doing right now. Don't blame anyone, and don't blame yourself. Be aware. Mindfulness is responsibility without guilt.
  16. Be grateful. The nature of our mind is to always focus on troubles. We quickly get used to good things and immediately begin to desire better. Thanks to this we grow. But still, we should not forget about all the good things that we already have. And feel grateful for it every day.
  17. Use the power of intention. If you are 100 percent sure that you want to achieve something, then very soon it will become your reality. The entire reality around you is the result of your conscious and subconscious intentions. The ability to feel your subconscious intentions and “erase” them if they are not leading you where you consciously want to go is an important component of success in self-development.
  18. Set realistic goals. Goals that are too easy will prevent you from feeling empowered and enjoying the joy of success, and goals that are too difficult can drain your confidence. When setting goals, it is important to find a middle ground. Then, when you achieve a goal of moderate difficulty and are confident in your abilities, move on to those goals that previously seemed impossible to you.
  19. Listen to your heart. It is impossible to develop for a long time in an area that you do not like. Choose the path that is in your heart and that aligns with your values. Become a Master on this path so that people around you cannot tell whether you are working or playing, because you are doing both.
  20. Keep going and never give up. The only way to fail at a goal is to give up on achieving it. If you do something and it doesn't get you to your goal, just do something else. Look for new approaches again and again and one day you will find the key to your dream.


And as usual, after a general overview of the topic, I will write my personal opinion. Decide for yourself whether you agree with him or not. I believe that self-development should begin with developing the skill of managing your mind and your attention. In my opinion, this is the basis for the success of any other self-development activity. After all, it is the lack of self-control skills that most often becomes the reason that a person cannot regularly engage in self-development.

How many times have you started losing weight, doing fitness, or teaching? English language and threw it away. IN modern world too many distractions: TV series, social media, television, the Internet, a huge flow of information and information noise. Thousands of signals around are trying their best to attract our attention and pinch off a piece of energy.

And the most unpleasant thing is that most of this information is simply useless and often harmful. If you hear good information, it means they want to force you to buy something. If you hear any news about events in the world, then they most likely want to intimidate you. And every little bit of information is trying to evoke at least some emotion in you.

To achieve your goals in self-improvement, you simply need to learn to direct your energy in the right direction, and give a tough rebuff to everything that tries to distract your attention without your permission.

And from all this I want to conclude that you need to start self-development and self-improvement with meditation. Meditation is training to control your mind. Meditation is a platform that ensures the effectiveness of self-development, be it learning foreign languages, public speaking, or physical development. We can say that the mind is a tool that we use to change ourselves. You shouldn’t be like the fool in the parable who spent three hours sawing a log with a dull saw because he doesn’t have time to sharpen the saw. Prepare a good tool first, and then with the help of it things will go much faster.

Developing your mind, the ability to manage yourself, your attention through meditation - this is where you need to start self-development.

In the article you will learn:

How to develop yourself every day

Greetings, readers! Laziness, of course, is the engine of progress, but only if you are a genius. For the rest, in order to achieve even minor success, it is necessary to get into the chariot of zeal and ride along the road of development and labor to a bright future. Therefore, today we will discuss, how to develop yourself every day to be more effective and successful.

I would like to emphasize that it is contraindicated to make sudden changes in life; you need to gradually direct the vector of activity towards self-improvement. Therefore, I will not pour out advice that you urgently need to get rid of bad habits, sign up for many courses and fill your time with tirelessly “upgrading” yourself. And first of all decide what you really want and desired.

How to understand what you want

To begin with, I recommend that girls get rid of all unnecessary tasks that are already outdated, and decide what you are striving for, for what you are developing. They write everywhere that this needs to be done, but nowhere is it written how, or they limit themselves to general phrases.

In fact, the answer is brilliantly simple - start gain experience. Yes, it doesn't matter which one. At all. Have you always wanted to learn Photoshop? Great - go for it. Don't know what you want and can't understand? Catch the first thought, absolutely any and without reasoning, whether you want it or not, you don’t want it. go and implement. After all, any thought arises for a reason. One thing will lead to another, which will lead to a third, favorite activity. And sooner or later, by trying, by practicing, by learning, you will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and crystallize your valuable desires.

If you have a lot of desires and you are at a loss as to what to do, then that’s great! This means you have a lot of energy, you are active and you will achieve what you want quickly. The implementation principle is the same - just start trying something, what is most convenient, more accessible and attractive, and experience will tell you where to go next.

Difficulties are sources of growth

Another way to understand what to strive for and how to develop yourself: to feel what else is missing in your life and what causes dissatisfaction. If this is a relationship with a loved one, start taking an interest in the psychology of relationships. If you are concerned about raising a child, study literature and the Internet. If you lack professional skills, attend trainings, seminars, read books.

The main rule is to devote time every day to a subject of interest. For example, I write at least 1500 characters every day. I also recommend reading the article “What books should a woman read for self-development?”, there you will see detailed descriptions literature recommended by me.

Whoever you are, be better

Once your goals are defined, you will need special tools to properly and quickly develop yourself on the path to your goals. And the first tool is time management, the art of time management.

Make it a habit to spend 15 minutes in the evening planning your next day. For example, "Alps" method. Distribute important, important-urgent and urgent tasks over time. Estimate how much time you need to complete them and optimize the plan by delegating, transferring and rearranging tasks.

Every day planning will become easier, and the estimate of time for a particular task will become more accurate. As a result, you will feel mistress of your time and life in general.

The more effective the rest, the more productive the growth

Since stress often interferes with our lives and affects our productivity, I recommend self-improvement in the ability relax and switch your emotions. Therefore, be sure to meditate at home in the evenings. For example, do yoga. I really like her techniques, as the mind is cleared of the hustle and bustle of the day, the body relaxes, the nerves calm down, and the mind prepares for the next day.

There is often a stereotype that Indian spiritual practices are not suitable for temperamental people. In fact, meditation brings great relaxation and is suitable for absolutely everyone. I'll bring you An example of one of the asanas before bed: lie on your back and twist your body to the right and left, fixating on each turn for 2-3 seconds. It's not difficult, right? You can explore other asanas that are beneficial for your health.

A decree is not a sentence

Often Self-development issues concern mothers on maternity leave: since while they are caring for the baby, they especially need new impressions, pleasant emotions and mental exercises.

For example, at home you can study computer programs, foreign languages ​​and even earn money, fortunately the Internet provides such opportunities. Or you can do handicrafts, start home accounting, take a creative approach to housekeeping, etc. An active, interested, intelligent mother is an important example for a child’s life.

Lifehacks for every day

There are also various little tricks that improve your life and make it better:

  • Do something every day that you want haven't tried it before or were afraid to try. It doesn’t have to be something large-scale, just something small. For example, cook new recipe salad
  • Make sure that at least once a day you from the heart laughed! If it’s late in the evening and there’s been zero positivity, call a cheerful friend and chat for about 10 minutes. Or watch a few funny videos on YouTube/Facebook. For example, this:

  • If go to bed before 11 pm, then the body will rest several times more and ensure an active day without drowsiness.
  • All tasks marked as non-urgent and unimportant ones can be deleted don’t do it at all, so you’ll save time.
  • If you spend a long time on the Internet, browsing websites, or watch TV for a long time. Then before you sit in front of the screen, next time set a timer.
  • Make it a habit to ask yourself every night, what good did the day bring and be sure to respond positively.

There are a great many lifehacks, I only listed those that I use myself. But you can create your own piggy bank useful tips for every day and even come up with your own.

That's probably all. June was with you.

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