Golden autumn drawing for children 5 years old. How to draw autumn. Master class with step-by-step photos. senior group, master class with photos

Reading time: 3 minutes

Almost all children, without exception, love to draw, but many parents, due to their own laziness and excuses like “he’ll get dirty himself and smear everything around him,” “I don’t know how to draw to show an example of how to do it,” “he’s too small, he’ll still get enough.” these colors” they don’t give brushes and paints to kids, which is a pity... We hope that our marathon of children’s drawings on an autumn theme will inspire creativity for everyone without exception. There are plenty to choose from, dear Creators!

We tried to collect for you the most interesting drawing ideas in order to organize your child’s leisure time more interestingly when it’s time for rain, “dull charm” and sitting at home. Read on for ideas on what you can do at home with your child in bad weather.

Idea No. 1

You need to put the dried leaves between sheets of paper, and then paint over the sheet with solid strokes using soft colored pencils or crayons. A sheet with all the veins will appear on the white paper. Using this method, you can create compositions: a bouquet in a vase, an autumn landscape, etc.

Idea No. 2

A similar method, only you need to rub the leaves with wax (a candle or white wax crayon), and then cover a sheet of paper with watercolors. It is convenient to paint large surfaces with a wide squirrel brush or foam sponge.

Idea No. 3

Paint is applied to the sheet from the vein side. Then the sheet is applied to the paper and an imprint is made. The effect will be different depending on what paint you use.

You can come up with many compositional solutions: the imprint of a large leaf can become the crown of a tree if you complete the trunk; A few prints are already a whole forest!

Prints made with white paint on a colored background look impressive. You can combine several techniques and complete the images with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Idea No. 4

By blowing paint through a straw you can paint fancy trees. This method gives you endless possibilities for experimentation! You can, for example, draw trees using a previously prepared background.

Idea No. 5

Fill your child with the background yourself or offer him some colored cardboard. Let him draw the crown of a tree and fallen leaves, dipping his finger in the paint.

Idea #6

The crown looks voluminous if you make it clear of colored pencils. Apply glue precisely to the desired places and sprinkle with small shavings. The trunk and branches can be blown through a tube or drawn in any other way.

Idea No. 7

It is convenient (and completely non-marking) to draw the crown with a cotton swab. In the same way you can depict a bunch of rowan berries, a sprig of currants or other berries.

Idea #8

A very unusual picture can be made using foil. Place the dried leaf (or several) on a sheet of cardboard, veins up. Cover it with thin foil and carefully, so as not to tear it, smooth it with your fingers so that the design appears. Cover the foil with dark paint (you can use gouache, acrylic, tempera, ink) and let it dry well. Rub the painting very gently with a stiff dishwashing sponge. The protruding veins of the leaf will shine, and dark paint will remain in the recesses. Now you can frame your work!

Idea No. 9

Those who love textures will surely enjoy filling different silhouettes with patterns. Draw or trace an autumn leaf according to the template, divide it into small planes, like a stained glass window. Have your child fill in each piece with a different pattern. You can do this with a gel pen or felt-tip pens.

Idea #10

A similar task can be performed using the scratching technique. Paint a sheet of smooth (polished) cardboard with paints and rub it with wax (candle). You can use wax crayons to create a background. Cover the surface with black ink and dry. Scratch the drawing with a sharp object.

Idea No. 11

Using a stiff bristle brush or toothbrush, splatter paint. This method is suitable for drawing tree crowns and creating compositions based on plant imprints.

Good afternoon, today I want to make a help article for all kindergarten teachers. In this article I have collected didactic pictures on the theme of autumn. You can use AUTUMN pictures in classes on speech development, “Child and Nature”, “Child and Society”. Autumn pictures will be an excellent visual material for children preschool age. You can show them different aspects of this time of year. I also attach ready-made cards for logical tasks on the topic of autumn in kindergarten. As soon as possible, this article will be updated with new teaching materials (pictures and cards on the theme of autumn for kindergarten), so don’t go far, come back here in the new autumn season.

So, I laid out the autumn cards according to different topics. Separately visualization for forming ideas, separate visualization for composing a story based on a picture with an autumn theme, separate example cards for educational games. Let's see what Autumn pictures for kindergarten you can get here and replenish your teaching collection.

Every picture ENLARGES when you click on it mouse button.

Didactic pictures AUTUMN

for classes in kindergarten.

Here is a series of large pictures for kindergarten on the theme of autumn. You can place them on a convenient sheet of any size. This can be a regular A4 Word file, or you can send them to a printer and make large posters for classes with a kindergarten group.
These are the largest pictures possible good quality, which will give a bright print at any printing point in your city.

To enlarge the picture, click on it.

Pictures of children in autumn for kindergarten

Picture of autumn rain for kindergarten.

Picture of autumn in a mushroom forest for kindergarten.

Picture of autumn in the forest - boat ride. Suitable for speech development classes in younger groups.

Pictures Golden autumn. A didactic task for children is to name as many autumn colors as possible... what color are the trees in the forest in autumn.

Be sure to click on this picture (photo below) - and you will be stunned by this beauty.

Look guys, how beautifully the trees are reflected in the water. How clear the water is, it works like a mirror. This is how Autumn Beauty looks in the mirror and dresses up to become even more beautiful.

But beautiful picture for viewing with children, it is good to learn to describe objects in a picture, to learn what the foreground, middle and background are.

Click on the picture to make it larger. You can reduce its size by adjusting it to the sheet of paper on which you will print it.

Pictures of Autumn and its gifts
for kindergarten.

You can also explore the topic of Gifts from Mother Autumn in class. Tell that autumn is the time of harvest. People grow vegetables and collect mushrooms in the forest. Making preparations vitamin vegetables and fruits for the winter.
Think with your children what else autumn gives us... And what does it give to animals?... A squirrel, a hedgehog, a field mouse?

Here are just pictures of autumn in this theme of gifts and products of the autumn harvest. Harvest autumn in the garden and in the forest.

Pictures for kindergarten
How autumn helps animals.

Autumn helps the fox become invisible. It is easier for her to catch animals (mice and bunnies) - and she accumulates fat for the cold winter, eats well and gets fat so as not to freeze in the cold.

Autumn brings joy to pets... cats love to play with rustling leaves. Cats have a good sense of smell and hearing. They hear a mouse rustling in the leaves and can instantly catch it.

All forest dwellers prepare supplies for the winter in the fall. Squirrels, hamsters, chipmunks, hedgehogs, voles. Think about what animals prepare food for themselves in the fall.

Autumn pictures
for speech development classes

in kindergarten.

It is very good to weave elements into the structure of the lesson where tasks on the development of the child’s speech are solved. A lesson on the topic Autumn in kindergarten can be supplemented with pictures, which children will describe on their own or by answering prompt questions from the teacher.

Below I give beautiful bright plot pictures on the theme of autumn. You can compose a description story based on them (who is doing what in the picture). You can conduct a quick survey “Find signs of autumn”... prove that this is an autumn picture.

You can come up with a fairy tale story based on the picture. What we see now... what happened before... what will happen next.

We see brother and sister, they went into the forest to pick mushrooms. What happened before... they used to walk through the forest next to mom and dad... and now they are lost... What will happen next, they will scream loudly and they will be heard.

Or the story could be about that. how they shared the mushrooms with the squirrel... a cautionary tale about not being greedy.

The story of how Pavlik and Masha saw birds flying away... (picture on the theme of autumn for kindergarten).

How the first snow unexpectedly fell in the fall... tell us how nature changed, how the animals were surprised, what they began to do... how the sun came out and the first snow melted... it became water...

Autumn pictures for children help them visually remember the signs of autumn, identify signs of nature that is preparing for winter, name them, describe them and comment on them with additions and explanations.

A picture to describe - what is in the foreground, what is in the middle ground, what is in the background. What colors did the artist use? What is the mood of the picture? What day is it (sunny or cloudy). What time of year is it in the picture? Did it rain yesterday? Was there fog in the morning? Do you think the artist painted morning or evening?

Educational games

with pictures AUTUMN

in kindergarten.

You can immediately prepare pictures on the theme of different seasons. And conduct interesting play activities with them for children in a group. These autumn pictures for children will help you. I offer several ideas at once.

Game What is extra on a block of pictures (autumn, winter, spring, summer). Assignment for children of primary and secondary groups.

To enlarge the autumn cards, click on them with the mouse. You can print them on a color printer. Glue onto cardboard and cut out. If you don’t mind the money (a teacher’s salary is sad), then you can immediately print it on thick photo paper.

Didactic pictures autumn for kindergarten. For classes on speech development and nature.

You can make this game with your own hands - match the elements to the picture with the seasons.

Didactic picture SEASONAL TREE. Assignment: compare autumn with other seasons. We print out the seasonal tree, stick it on cardboard and make a stand from a roll from toilet paper(there is a gap in the roll and we insert wood into it). Changes in nature are traced using the example of one tree. What is it like in winter, autumn, spring and summer.

Arrange the pictures by season (autumn, spring, summer, winter separately). A selection for preschool children.

You can print out these autumn pictures (below) and mix them with other different pictures. The task of the children from the general mass is to find only those that are related to the theme of autumn.
A simple and quick to make game for children in kindergarten.

Pictures of AUTUMN

It's time for fun games.

The golden beauty of autumn is warm and cheerful. All children and all parents love autumn for its beautiful leaves and magical leaf fall. Let's remember, children, how you can have fun in the fall. Didactic pictures of entertainment in the fall will help you through this part of the lesson.

You can collect beautiful leaves and arrange them by color.

You can give bouquets with leaves to mom, grandma and dad.

All pictures enlarge if you click on them with the mouse.

You can swim, bury yourself in the rustling fragrant leaves. Let's remember how they smell. Warm leaves heated by the autumn sun.

You can also throw leaves in the fall, arrange leaf fall, and dance in the golden rain of leaves.

On open lesson in kindergarten, all these pictures can be used as elements of a slide show on a projector or screen.

These are the didactic educational pictures of autumn for children you could find on our website. You can also see here a large selection of ideas for autumn CRAFTS with children in kindergarten classes.

Good luck with your activities with your children.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Unconventional drawing. Autumn

Master class on drawing. Autumn landscape

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, teacher fine arts, Municipal Educational Establishment Slavninskaya Secondary secondary school, Tver region, Torzhok district.

Purpose of work: master class on drawing in non-traditional drawing techniques is intended for children from 5 years old, educators, teachers primary classes and fine arts, teachers additional education. The drawing can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift.

Target: creating a drawing on the theme “Autumn” using an unconventional method of drawing: using a cotton swab.
1) open up space for children's imagination;
2) create a drawing using gouache, cotton swabs, and a painting brush with stiff bristles;
3) development creative thinking, interest in independent activity, fantasy and imagination.

Materials: gouache, painting brush (bristles No. 5 - No. 8), sippy cup water, a sheet of tinted cardboard, cotton swabs, black wax pencil.

Children, getting acquainted with the world around them, try to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc. Visual activity, in this regard, presents very rich possibilities. In order not to limit the children’s ability to express impressions of the world around them, a traditional set of visual means and materials is not enough. The more diverse the conditions in which visual activity takes place, the content, forms, methods and techniques of working with children, as well as the materials with which they work, the more intensely children’s artistic abilities will develop.
Non-traditional drawing techniques are an impetus for the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality. Applying and combining different ways images in one drawing, children learn to think, to independently decide which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive.

Blue sky, bright flowers,
Golden autumn of wonderful beauty.
How much sun, light, gentle warmth,
Autumn gave us this Indian summer.
We are glad to see the last warm, clear days,
Honey mushrooms on stumps, cranes in the sky.
As if an artist with a bold hand
I painted the birch trees with gold paint,
And, adding red, he painted the bushes
Maples and aspens of wondrous beauty.
It turned out to be autumn—you can’t take your eyes off it!
Who else can draw like that? (Irina Butrimova)

Let's draw Autumn today. For work, take tinted cardboard blue– this way we don’t have to set the color of the sky.
To begin, we will take a wide brush with coarse bristles and ocher gouache and paint the autumn grass: making broad strokes from the bottom up.

Let's take a cotton swab, white gouache and draw tree trunks. We draw the lines from bottom to top, placing them at different levels in height and width.

Guess what kind of tree we got: “Slim figure, white sundress” (Birch)
With another stick and yellow gouache, let's start drawing leaves on the birch trees. (For each paint, I suggest taking a new cotton swab, since cotton wool in water begins to spread and beautiful prints cannot be obtained.)

Now we use green gouache, but there will be few such dots, just to highlight the crown.

Add brown spots.

White-legged birches,
Tights with touches,
Curly, tall
Earrings with amber.
They sparkle like coins
polished leaves,
And they wave their branches,
Like girls with handkerchiefs. (F. Sokolova)
Let's draw the birch trunk and add black strokes. You can use black gouache. But this is a little difficult for preschoolers, so I suggest using a black wax pencil or black oil pastel. They easily leave a mark on white paint and do not bleed. To do this, draw along the contour of the white line and add small spots and branch lines. At the bottom we paint the trunk more densely.

For older children, you can use a black gel pen to draw the trunk. The outline will be brighter and more expressive.

Let's draw the grass using brown gouache.

Let's add foliage at the bottom of the birch crowns with yellow paint. We use the “poke” method.

Let's draw the second plan. To do this, take ocher and use the same “poke” method to fill the distance between the foliage of the trees and the grass with small spots.

Shade using black gouache.

Now let's add bright yellow spots.

The work is ready, you can insert it into a frame.

The autumn forest is again in golden decoration,
And the outfit was replaced by a sweet birch tree,
All its leaves were covered with gold,
On top of the head towards the sky in a blue scarf.
You, white birch, are pretty,
And in winter and summer, in early spring,
A playful breeze braids your hair,
Gentle and cool, even playful.
Autumn spares neither silver nor gold,
Like an artist, autumn is rich in colors,
The autumn forest is again in golden decoration,
And the outfit was replaced by a cute birch tree.
(L. Bondarenko)

Natalia Denisova

From October 26 to October 30, a show jumping competition was held in our kindergarten drawings on the topic"Golden autumn"

Children and parents took an active part. Autumn- it’s a very beautiful time of year and the work turned out wonderful. The children worked hard, the work came out beautiful, neat and bright. On October 30, the jury awarded the winners with certificates of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. All competition participants received sweet prizes.

IN blue sky flocks of birds

They fly south for the winter,

And the trees put on

Sewn gold outfit -

Autumn does not spare colors

And generous with the harvest!

Let the sun warm us

This is a bright time!

I really liked these works. I want to show you the best ones!

Publications on the topic:

The wonderful time has come - autumn. This year September turned out to be very hot, the trees are golden, the sun is hot, insects are buzzing.

Autumn is the most inspiring time of the year. The abundance of colors gives you the opportunity to convey your feelings in a huge number of shades. In bright greenery.

Autumn is probably the most charming and mysterious time of the year, marked by special colors. Therefore, an exhibition was held in our kindergarten.

AUTUMN THROUGH THE EYES OF CHILDREN Dear colleagues, good day. The second month of autumn is coming to an end. During this period of work on the site, I met.

Autumn is golden! In kindergarten No. 16 in Velikiye Luki there was an exhibition of autumn crafts (crafts from natural material! Photo report! Pushkinskaya.

Our kindergarten has been holding a competition of crafts made from natural materials “Golden Autumn” for several years now. Children have great fun.

On Friday, the competition for children's and family works "Golden Autumn" ended in our kindergarten. Because I can’t do it in the methodological room yet.

Just recently a wonderful spring holiday took place - March 8th! A holiday for all mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and just all girls. On this day, everything is prepared.

Emma Zhavnovskaya

It's time to be golden autumn-an unusually beautiful phenomenon in nature, but so fleeting, and given to us as if as a consolation before the long winter. I really want to keep such beauty in my memory and preserve it.

Today we will try draw the simplest one,elementary landscape using natural materials, accessible to older children. We will need watercolor and gouache paints, thick and thin brushes, yarrow inflorescences and different leaves. 1 Wet the sheet with water.

2 Draw clouds on a still wet sheet. In different shades blue and purple watercolors fill the sky. Closer to the bottom of the sheet the sky should be lighter.

We also depict the earth using a damp leaf. Take soft colors, with shades of brown and yellow. Remember, the earth below is darker, closer to the horizon it is lighter.

3 Draw a strip of forest on the horizon line.

4 We depict trees. Hold the brush vertically we start drawing from the ground, and not vice versa.

5 Using a thin brush from the trunk, we draw branches; with the tip of the brush we draw small twigs, “worms,” on thick branches.

6 Mix brown paint with a little black and apply a shadow to the trunk.

7 We tint the birch tree in the same way. Add a drop of black to the white gouache, mix it, you get a shade of gray, and also apply a shadow on the trunk and branches.

8 Spread the yarrow inflorescences with red, yellow and a little green gouache. We squeeze it tightly into a bundle and “print” the foliage. Experiment with paints to achieve interesting shades.

9 We also cover the leaves with gouache and apply them to the drawing. The result is an image of small trees or bushes. Draw the trunk and branches. Yes, and don’t forget to “print” foliage under the trees.

That's it. Try, create and you will definitely succeed!

Publications on the topic:

Hello everyone! The whole country is creating on an autumn theme, and, of course, we are too! Today I would like to present the collective work of children from the middle group.

Master class “Autumn leaf” Using natural materials in manual labor.

Materials: blue cardboard for the background, a set of colored paper, scissors, a simple pencil, glue for paper. From a sheet of blue paper.

Wet felting is one of the traditional types of needlework in Rus'. Felting is an unpredictable process and does not require special ones.

Easter is one of the brightest, purest and most family-friendly spring holidays. The main attributes of which are Easter cakes and Easter eggs.

I welcome guests to the blog and propose to make three-dimensional trees from twigs and colored printer paper to decorate a group for the fall.

Fun crafts made from colored paper and cardboard are more common in children's art. They are easy to make, so kids won't get tired at all.