Running on a treadmill. How to properly and profitably run on a treadmill. How to properly run on a treadmill

Running is one of the most natural types of physical activity for humans.

It is included in training programs for any sport, mobilizing the body to physical activity and bringing undoubted health benefits.

However, in order not to harm yourself, you need a thoughtful approach to training on the treadmill, a balance of your training goals, ways to achieve them and your physical capabilities. Let's talk about this.

Why do you need to run at all?

Why do people even start treadmilling? Everyone will answer this question differently. But among most common reasons there will definitely be the following:

  • Strengthening various muscle groups in the body. Of course, the main emphasis of the load falls on the legs, hips and buttocks. But they're not the only ones who get tense during a run. With regular exercise, the entire muscular frame of the skeleton is gradually strengthened, the muscles acquire tone and become stronger. This is described in detail here.
  • Training the lungs, heart and blood vessels. Not only skeletal muscles take on the load during training. Don't forget that a treadmill is, first and foremost, a cardio machine. Regular stimulation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems helps strengthen them and increase endurance, normalize blood pressure, and generally improve well-being.
  • Losing weight and correcting figure flaws. This is a problem for many modern people, leading sedentary lifestyle life and eating haphazardly. Running on a treadmill improves metabolism, which promotes the gradual “melting” of fat deposits on the sides, buttocks, waist and helps against cellulite. Thanks to the exercises, not only weight is lost, but also the condition of the skin, including those affected by cellulite, improves. That's why many people today use and.
  • Relief from stress. Stress, negative emotions, accumulated internal aggression, as well as psychological and mental fatigue - active rest on a treadmill can relieve all these conditions, which is guaranteed to increase performance and improve mood.

The photo shows 7 facts about running.

6 Basic Running Options

How and how much to train on the treadmill depends on your goals and physical fitness for the expected level of load.

What can you achieve by training according to a specific scheme, how not to harm yourself during training, and what types exist on a mechanical, magnetic and electric treadmill? Let's take a closer look.

1. Fast walking

Walking for 30 minutes to an hour every day with a 5-minute warm-up 5 days a week at a pace of 5-6 km/h is the optimal load for those who aim to improve their overall health through walking.

2. Running with a constant load (tempo training)

Tempo training, or otherwise AnP training, stretch running or threshold running, unlike easy walking, refers to loads of intensity above average. In such training, the connection goes to the AnP - anaerobic threshold.

This is the boundary of the internal resource, starting from which the product of carbohydrate metabolism in the form of lactic acid (lactate) produced faster than it can be neutralized, and its concentration in the body remains stably high for a long time - an hour or more.

In practice, this factor determines a runner’s performance when covering a long distance of tens of kilometers at the same pace. AnP is an individual indicator with a corresponding pace and pulse.

Peculiarity! A stretch run is running at a uniform intensity and pace, 10% below your maximum and at 85-90% of your maximum heart rate. This is the tempo maximum that a runner can maintain for a long time.

Who and why should choose this option? It is suitable for:

  • those who are preparing for a marathon or half marathon;
  • wants to achieve increased endurance;
  • determined to burn body fat– long movements at high speed promote the use of fat as an energy source.

From a physiological point of view With the development of skills in managing the lactate removal system, by training you:

  • develop the ability to maintain increasingly higher intensity over an increasingly longer period of time;
  • teach your muscles to produce more and more energy aerobically;
  • increase capillary density.

But these are difficult workouts, their intensity is rated as comfortable-hard and requires regularity, serious endurance and patience.

Sample training program:

  1. warm-up and cool-down – 5-6 minutes each;
  2. continuous running for 30-40 minutes, observing ANP intervals - alternating with short rest (jogging for 2-3 minutes) short runs for 10-15 minutes.

The correct running technique is presented in the diagram.

Psychological and physical endurance are the main goals of tempo training. But do not forget about it from a psychological and physiological point of view.

3. Interval running

The difference from regular running is that during each workout you alternate intervals of a calm pace of jogging (jogging) and working at the limit of the body’s capabilities. The maximum speed is the one at which the pulse is 85% of the heart rate (100% equals 220 minus the runner’s age).

A type of interval training is pyramidal - a scheme where the load increases gradually, from cycle to cycle throughout the workout and does not cause a feeling of rejection due to overload. This is a more gentle pace of exercise, because not everyone can force themselves to regularly work to their full potential.

This lesson plan is suitable for:

  • a gradual increase in the speed of your running, and over a distance of any length;
  • acceleration of metabolism in muscle tissues, trying to replenish the balance lost during the unusual “torn” load due, among other things, to fat depots;
  • for weight loss without loss muscle mass– training in the start-stop mode lasting only 10-12 minutes can “accelerate” the metabolism so much that after it the calories taken from lipids will “burn” for another 12-20 hours, and the muscles will gain elasticity from session to session and relief.

An approximate training program consists of 5-8 cycles with equal periods of rest (low-intensity movements - walking at a good pace or jogging) and acceleration at high intensity, for example, a minute after a minute.

An example of an interval running workout plan:

Peculiarity! You can exercise at this pace every day. If muscle recovery is passive, this, compared to active recovery, increases the time of “acidification” with lactic acid several times. This fact scientifically explains the need to do a cool-down after training.

Extreme accelerations put a lot of stress on the heart and blood vessels, ligaments, muscles and joints. To interval training you can start only after at least six months of regular running, having thoroughly prepared your body during this time. It’s easy to determine your readiness: if you run a kilometer in 6.5 minutes without giving way in your legs or being unable to put two words together, and more or less comfortably, you’re ready for interval training.

Don't forget about making the right choice.

4. Fartlek

“Speed ​​game” is how this word is translated from Swedish. Such a run - a kind of game version of interval training. The only difference is that the alternation of periods of acceleration and calm running is arbitrary in both time and intensity.

On the street, it is better to practice fartlek as part of a group of like-minded people, periodically accelerating to a selected object in the distance in a race. On a treadmill, it looks like a workout with arbitrary program changes in the speed settings and inclination angle of the belt (like running up a hill).

Pros fartlek:

  • psychological relaxation;
  • improved understanding of one's own body;
  • increasing endurance.
Peculiarity! 30 minutes to an hour of fartlek three times a week will gradually help you achieve these goals. But such a cyclical training not suitable for lazy runners or beginners: the former will find it difficult to force themselves to act without a clear lesson plan, the latter may take on excessive loads and quickly become exhausted at the very beginning of the lesson.

5. Incline training

Adjustable incline is a popular option on running cardio equipment. The angle can be from 3 to 15 degrees or not set at all. Like changing the speed of movement, adjusting the angle of inclination of the canvas affects the level of load - running uphill increases it many times over.

At the same time it helps:

  • give variety to the training (especially the “Hills” program, which simulates not only going up, but also going down by alternating changes in the position of the track);
  • increase endurance;
  • in addition to aerobic, include a strength training element;
  • increase coordination – the biomechanics of lifting are quite complex and require coordination of movements;
  • due to increased load, burn more calories in a given unit of time.

By increasing the incline angle by just 5% from the standard position, you will save an additional 100 calories.

Peculiarity! The incline running program is suitable for those who strives for dry, strong and clear legs- like professional athletes. A 40-minute run three times a week with a warm-up and a cool-down can give you this result, and at the same time your abs will be toned.

6. Sprinting

Sprint is a type of running that is distinguished by very high pace and short distance(in athletics – maximum 400 m). It is an effective strength exercise and triggers a metabolic response that lasts up to two days.

Such training is designed to:

  • increase strength and speed;
  • trigger a mechanism for increasing muscle mass of the muscles involved.

Sample program:

  1. warm-up – 2 minutes of light jogging, rubbing joints and lower back;
  2. quickly accelerate to your maximum pace, run a distance of 20-30 m, without stopping after that, but continuing to run slowly for the same amount;
  3. just go until breathing and heart rate are completely restored to 90-105 beats per minute.

Do 2 to 8 approaches, depending on your level of training. The number of classes per week is no more than three.

How effective are exercises for losing weight?

The best option is interval training with alternating running and walking according to the following scheme:

  1. intense running (7-14 km/h) – minute;
  2. jogging or brisk walking (5-6 km/h) – a minute.

After six repetitions, you should run a 30-second sprint at maximum speed, and after a couple of minutes of walking, repeat the sprint again.

This workout will burn about 200 Kcal. The workout can be done with weights, or practice running with dumbbells.

Presented here.

There are many contraindications for exercise:

  • osteochondrosis and joint diseases;
  • persistently elevated blood pressure;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy (must be carried out taking into account the recommendations).
If there is something wrong with your health, and you suspect that it is serious, do not get on the treadmill. without doctor's consent.

There is no need to deal with headaches, seasonal infections, or signs of fatigue. Just in these cases, temporarily select more gentle options. For example, half-hour walks. Remember: running prolongs life, and running around shortens it.

If you compare running in the gym and running on the street, it seems that there are few differences: both are related to cardio training, the muscles involved are the same. And if this is a stadium track with a special coating, then the surface is practically no different. But a more detailed comparison turns out that there is a difference. And significant!

Weather conditions


The halls almost always have the same “weather conditions”. Sometimes it gets a little cooler or hotter, but this can all be corrected by adjusting the air conditioner settings. If you have problems related to breathing: a deviated nasal septum, frequent sinusitis and sinusitis, or you often suffer from bronchitis, a treadmill can be your salvation, since breathing while running indoors is much easier. It is unlikely that you will catch bronchitis at a temperature of +23 without a headwind and with the right choice of clothing.

If you want to simulate wind resistance, increase the incline of the treadmill by 1 degree.


There is everything outside: sun, wind, humidity, and different temperatures. Physical sensations - separate topic, since in the hall at a constant temperature and humidity your eyes are unlikely to start watering, your nasopharynx will dry out, or, conversely, water will flow from your nose. All this gets in the way a little and makes running outside more difficult in terms of sensations and stress.

Injury rate


Even though the surface of the treadmill is smooth and made of the right material, injuries do occur on it. You can slow down the pace or change the incline of the machine with a few clicks of a button, but constantly repeating runs at the same pace and for the same time puts stress on the same muscles and joints, since the landscape under your feet does not change (more about injuries on a treadmill (you can read the article).


Injuries on the street occur for several reasons: improper running surface (concrete slabs or asphalt) or simple carelessness (holes, roots, ice, etc.). But, on the other hand, it is the constantly changing landscape that provides a varied load on your legs and, in general, the whole body. That is, you do not constantly hit the same points, but constantly change both the load and which muscles are more involved in the work.

Number of calories burned


On a treadmill, the weather conditions surrounding you (if you can call the room and air conditioning that way) are almost the same in winter and summer. During the heating season, humidity sometimes drops, but this is easily leveled out with the help of a humidifier, if, of course, you have a treadmill at home.

Keep in mind that the number of calories burned shown on the display of your treadmill (and other cardio equipment) may be up to 15-20%.


We have already written about the factors that influence. It's cold outside - you spend more energy to warm your body. In hot weather and high humidity, body temperature rises, the blood works to cool the body, and the muscles receive less oxygen, resulting in increased workload. Or the same wind that either blows at your back, helping and urging you on, or slows you down, blowing right in your face, and you have to make more efforts to overcome resistance.

Some studies show that running outside burns, on average, 5% more calories than running on a treadmill. At a 6 minute per mile pace the difference increases to 10%.

Running technique


Running on a machine teaches us not to take long steps. For example, if adults are allowed to set their own pace on a treadmill, they will run slower and their strides will become shorter, meaning their cadence will increase.

Running on a treadmill in a gym does not imply moving your body forward, since the treadmill itself moves under your feet. This means that the load on the quadriceps muscle is much greater than the load on the glutes and hamstrings, which can result in muscle imbalances.


On the street, under the supervision of a trainer, you can learn any running technique, and after several lessons, you can practice on your own. The main thing is to choose the right running surface.



The beauty of the treadmill is that it can do your thinking for you. There are various programs out there that allow you to choose a goal and slowly but surely work towards it. For example, you can select the Hill Run workout and set the elevation and incline yourself. No surprises! However, unpleasant surprises are also excluded.


On the street, you can choose any route and run as much as you want. If it's not running in circles at a school stadium, the landscape passing by can be very diverse: from the streets of your hometown to country paths - it all depends on your mood and capabilities.

As you can see, both options have both disadvantages and advantages. Of course, there are many more advantages to running outside, except that the treadmill wins in terms of comfort. But in any case, you will have to choose where to run, and no one is stopping you from alternating options depending on your well-being and weather conditions.

Hi all!

Today we’ll talk about a fairly popular exercise machine, which is available in almost all self-respecting fitness centers, the treadmill. You can, of course, run outside, but treadmills have their own advantages.

During the cold season, you don’t have to wear warm clothes; the exercise machine can be placed in any part of the house, and most importantly, you can adjust the load to suit you.

This sports equipment was invented for people who dream of losing weight. overweight, but besides this, it perfectly pumps the muscles of the buttocks, legs and even the abdomen.

How to properly run on a treadmill? What are they? How to start? How long to study? What training programs are there? And who shouldn't run? I will try to tell you about all this.

Until now, scientists argue about the benefits and harms of running, citing various arguments. But people continue to run and achieve good results in losing weight, strengthening their muscles, improving their health and endurance of the whole body.

Lately followers healthy image in life give their preference to treadmills, exercising on them at home or in gym, because:

With active exercise on a treadmill at least 3 times a week, you can get the following pleasant results:

  1. stabilize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  2. strengthen your immunity;
  3. work out the muscles of the legs and abs;
  4. train the gluteal and back muscles;
  5. improve metabolism;
  6. It's good to lose weight;
  7. improve lung function;
  8. improve your mood and get rid of stress.

By the way, with fast walking you can burn up to 450 kcal/hour, and with intense running up to 700 kcal/hour. Agree, this is a good indicator for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

What types of simulators are there?

Treadmills are divided into two types, one of which runs on electricity and the other without. The second also has a subspecies. Let's take a closer look at each.


Today this type of simulator is the most primitive and simple. Its work completely depends on a person’s own efforts, that is, while you are moving yourself, the canvas also rotates, but as soon as you stop, the tape also stops. On such a treadmill you can both run and walk, slow down yourself and vice versa speed up at will.

A mechanical treadmill is chosen in the following cases:

  1. They want to save money on a more functional exercise machine and in the world;
  2. They practice where there is no electricity, for example in nature or in a garage;
  3. The apartment is very small.

This track has a low cost, weighs little and has small dimensions. But it is worth considering the following negative points:

  • The legs are heavily loaded, sometimes this results in the appearance of certain diseases;
  • quite a few indicators and measuring sensors;
  • Jerking is felt when running or walking.


This machine is also mechanical, but it is a more convenient option compared to its original counterpart. The treadmill works just as well without electricity, but the presence of a magnetic brake makes it much faster. smoother and softer, no jerking is felt when running or walking. Advantages also include its quiet operation, reduced wear on the belt itself, and compactness.

There are also models with more equipped functionality that allows you to control your heart rate, monitor the distance traveled and the number of calories. But its speed still depends on the endurance of the runner.


These are the most advanced treadmills today, powered by an electric motor. In them you can easily set the speed, angle of inclination of the belt, force and even an effective program suitable for your own age and weight. All this can be done by the microcomputer built into the cardio simulator.

Electric track in mandatory equipped with sensors for measuring pulse, pressure and temperature, which allows you to monitor your body throughout the entire workout. Their cost is high and also depends on the engine power, speed and width of the road surface.

Electric models are purchased in the following cases:

  1. If a person chooses running or walking as his main workout;
  2. They want to have many indicators for monitoring their body and adjusting the simulator.
  3. They want to install ready-made programs for classes themselves.
  4. There is a large area for placing the simulator.

Among negative aspects can be distinguished:

  • dependence on light;
  • large size;
  • high cost;
  • expensive repairs.

Not worth purchasing electric options, if the regularity of your classes leaves much to be desired, you will only be throwing money away.

My first acquaintance with the treadmill left me with not the most pleasant memories. The exercise machine was electric, and I wanted to drink on the go. I didn’t succeed in this trick and it all ended in a fall, fortunately the speed was not great. With experience, I learned to avoid various mistakes when running, because after an unsuccessful incident, I studied many recommendations on technique.

So, tips for beginners who want to exercise on a treadmill come down to the following:

  1. Before starting your workout, ventilate the room for a few minutes, then turn on some rhythmic music and get started.
  1. Don’t start right away with running, it’s better to do brisk walking, 7-10 minutes will be enough for the first time.
  2. You should also not set the incline; first you need to learn to walk for 30 minutes at a fast pace.
  3. Train like this for a month so that your muscles and heart get used to the increased stress.
  4. Then you can move on to interval training, run intensely for 1 minute, and then switch to moderate walking for 2 minutes.
  5. Then you can increase the inclination angle of the running surface, but do not increase the load.
  6. Training should not exceed 30 minutes; 3 times a week is enough to lose weight and build muscle.
  7. If you feel very tired, do not stop suddenly, start walking.
  8. Study better in the morning 20 minutes after waking up, or in the evening a few hours before bedtime.
  9. It is better not to eat anything immediately before training and immediately after.
  10. Do not run barefoot; be sure to wear running shoes with shock-absorbing soles, otherwise you may damage your ankles.
  11. Do not try to hold on to the handrails, as you will only increase the load on the spinal column by looking forward.
  12. If you suddenly need to take something, it is better to stop, otherwise you may fall and end up not only with bruises, but also with more serious injuries.
  13. It is advisable not to increase your heart rate to 140 beats per minute; it is better to reduce the speed and then continue intense running.
  14. If you walk or run slowly, it is better to touch the surface with your heel first, and if you run quickly, then switch to your toes.
  15. Maintain your stride length! The greater the slope, the smaller it is. With zero inclination, it is better to use the natural length.
  16. When running, do not lean back, but rather lean forward a little, this will reduce the load on the spine.
  17. Never leave the path while driving, wait until it comes to a complete stop.
  18. In addition to working out on a treadmill, to improve your figure and quickly lose weight, it is advisable to include in your sports plan also other muscles, as well as stretching, but on different days.

Scientists have proven that cardio training done in the morning uses 20% more energy than the exact same activity in the evening. Therefore, in the early hours, 20% more fat is lost than in the evening.

Weight loss program

To really lose weight using a treadmill, you need to be able to run fast, since walking is less effective at burning calories. Be sure to eat carbohydrate foods, as well as those rich in fiber, eliminate alcohol and others. Adjusting the inclination angle and speed of the cardio machine will also be great helpers.

The program itself looks like this:

  • Warm up for 5-10 minutes by walking or light jogging;
  • Stage 1 - 5 minutes of running at a speed of 7-9 km per hour;
  • Stage 2 - 2 minutes of intense running at a maximum speed of 12-15 km per hour;
  • Stage 3 - 1 minute of running at a speed of 7-9 km per hour;
  • Cool down for 5-10 minutes with light jogging or walking.

Over time, you need to repeat stages 2 and 3, alternating them with each other; having greater endurance, you can increase the number of repetitions up to 6 times. At the second stage, as far as possible, you can increase the angle of inclination and load.

Workout for the muscles of the legs and buttocks

To make your butt, thighs and stomach look more toned and firm, training on a treadmill will again help. Here you need to go through a program that simulates descents and ascents, because it is precisely this that allows you to achieve excellent results.

It’s up to you to decide whether to start running or stay walking, but if you also need to burn calories, then it’s better to choose running. Walking is suitable for those who want to pump up only muscles.

What is the program?

  • Warm up for 5 minutes by running at an average pace without bending over;
  • Stage 1 - running for 2 minutes at an inclination angle of 2%;
  • Stage 2 - run 1 minute in a straight line;
  • Stage 3 - running for 3 minutes at an incline of 3%;
  • Stage 4 - running for 2 minutes again in a straight line;
  • Stage 5 - running for 8 minutes at an incline of 8%.
  • Cool down with 5 minutes of jogging at an easy pace, followed by walking.

From 1 to 5 stages with increasing endurance can be repeated 2 times.

Constantly changing the angle of the canvas either relaxes or tenses the muscles again, and helps to increase muscle mass in the buttocks and thighs.

Main contraindications

In some cases, running on a treadmill can be harmful. Therefore, you should not exercise if you have:

  1. spinal injury;
  2. osteochondrosis;
  3. traumatic brain injury;
  4. malignant neoplasms;
  5. previous heart attack;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. disruptions in cerebral circulation;
  8. increase in temperature;
  9. joint disease;
  10. hypertension;
  11. asthma;
  12. obesity;
  13. suffered a stroke;
  14. pregnancy.

If you have a disease such as varicose veins, then everything is not clear here, so it is better to consult a doctor. In some cases, running on an electric trainer is allowed, but in special compression stockings.

This concludes my story. I hope that the treadmill will become an indispensable assistant for you in the struggle for an ideal figure. After all, this simulator was originally created for those with a sweet tooth, who, after every cake they ate, stood on a treadmill.

Exercise on the treadmill correctly, set realistic goals, adjust your diet, drink more fluids, do not forget about contraindications and be surprised at the results.

Good luck with your weight loss! See you!

The development of running led to the creation of useful inventions that became part of the lives of athletes of various levels. A popular invention is the treadmill, which allows runners to exercise comfortably under any circumstances. New modifications in some aspects make running on machines more productive and beneficial than training on the street.

When making a choice, it is necessary to pay attention to the facts, since unsupported arguments can lead to an incorrect interpretation of reality. Therefore, in order for your idea of ​​treadmills to be objective, we suggest considering the main advantages:

  • Jogging anytime. You can train regardless of weather conditions and time of day.
  • Safety. The paths have a safe surface that is as smooth as in a stadium. Therefore, the chance of injury is extremely low.
  • Load variability. By exercising on a treadmill, you can increase your speed using special modes. On the one hand, nothing prevents you from increasing your pace when running outside. The difference lies in the “forced” pace, since the machine will not reduce the speed when the athlete gets tired.
  • Changing the angle of inclination. Most treadmills have an incline feature that allows you to simulate running uphill.
  • Functional data counting. More advanced tracks are capable of counting heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Tempo indicator. Changes in tempo can be observed by looking at the monitor. It will show your speed, pace per kilometer and total running time.
  • Functional tests. Functional testing can be performed using a running machine. Typically, such tests are carried out in laboratory conditions with special equipment. The simulator eliminates the need for researchers to run after the athlete around the stadium.
  • Gradual transition to walking. It is physiologically correct to complete cardio exercises by gradually reducing the pace. Unfortunately, the recommendation is not always followed. The treadmill will not allow you to break this rule, since the program provides for a slow decrease in pace. The only way to violate this recommendation is to jump off the path (I don’t recommend it).

Nothing is perfect, and a treadmill is no exception. Therefore, the disadvantages include three points:

  1. Lack of fresh air. If a climate control system is installed in the gym or at home, then the air is cool, but not fresh.
  2. No natural obstacles. Despite the safety of the track, from the point of view of the chance of injury, such a run can hardly be called interesting. Still, obstacles complement the runs.
  3. The monotony of the landscape. No matter how much you run along the automatic track, you will remain in one place. The incorrigible disadvantage of the simulator is the change of scenery.

Quantitatively, the pros outweigh the cons. But only one point can be the deciding factor.

The benefits of running on a treadmill

Running always has a reason, which may vary depending on the different people. Most often, the reasons for doing cardio are: the desire to lose weight or make the body slimmer, improve health, improve athletic performance, and relax.

The utility coefficient when using a treadmill is approximately equal to running outside. The predominance of one of the running options depends on the tasks that are set before starting classes.

Taking into account the fact that using a machine with a certain set of functions increases the variability of the degree of load, it can be argued that the number of calories burned will be greater.

This is due to the fact that changing the pace and angle of inclination increases the load on the body, forcing you to turn on additional energy reserves (proteins, fats). Considering that the simulator will maintain the specified parameters regardless of the level of fatigue of the practitioner, the effectiveness of the training can be higher.

The cyclical nature of the load, which is running, is a good workout for the cardiovascular system of the body. Since the body uses more blood during running, internal organs receive more nutrients. In particular, cyclic exercise forces the heart to contract 2-3 times faster.

The work of the heart in an increased mode contributes to its training. The result of constant running loads is hypertrophy (enlargement) of the heart, which allows it to pump the required volume of blood in fewer beats.

Constantly receiving dosed exercise has a positive effect on the aesthetic changes in muscles. A slim figure and legs, a decrease in overall body weight are the main results of the efforts made.

Sometimes you just want to go for a run to take your mind off and relax. In this case, the advantage of a treadmill is safety if you think about it. When running outside, you often have to cross the road or run in close proximity to it. There is always a chance of bumping into a passerby. Using the simulator protects against this type of danger.

How to properly run on a treadmill

Running on a treadmill is fundamentally no different from other options. The most significant difference is the limited length, which is unlikely to allow for sprinting distances (without regrets).

Training on the simulator will be more productive if you practically study the basic elements of middle-distance running technique. These include:

  • Hand work
  • Body position
  • Leg movements

Hand work when running

Hand movements while running are an important component of technique, so it is not recommended to hide your hands in your pockets or occupy them with things that will interfere with the correct execution of the element.

Correct hand work consists of opposite movements (left leg forward - right hand forward), arms are bent at the elbow joint 90 degrees, hands form a weakly clenched fist. Hand movements are carried out along the ribs.

You can verify the importance of hand work with a simple experiment. Try starting your run at a slow pace and gradually increase your arm speed. Depending on the frequency of movement of the arms, the speed of repetition of the cycle in the leg work changes. Perform the second version of the test (suitable if you are in an apartment): start running slowly, but at the same time your hand movements should be as fast as possible. You will feel your hands forcing your legs to move faster.

Body position

When running on a track, the torso should be in a position of minimal forward tilt of 5-7 degrees. This tilt allows you to move forward with less effort by shifting the center of gravity in the direction of movement.

The rest of the body must be kept straight and no shoulder turns should be avoided. If the body rotates to the sides, then part of the speed will be wasted.

Leg movements

In the middle-distance running technique, the rule of limited knee lift is used in relation to leg movements. That is, the height of the knee lift should be almost or completely absent. Therefore, mid-distance running is somewhat similar to the calf crunch exercise, except that the heels do not touch the gluteal muscles.

Bringing the knee forward is done when it is necessary to maintain high running speed. In long distance running, sufficient speed is gained by increasing the frequency of steps, but at the same time the extension of the knee remains minimal.

The higher the knee is raised, the more energy is expended, and muscle fatigue occurs faster.

Mastering running technique will help you exercise correctly on the treadmill and get the maximum effect from your workout. Pay attention to how you run. Correct the errors based on the suggested points.

How to lose weight?

Using a treadmill in your training program can increase your weight loss effect. Availability additional functions, which are included in the simulator program, make it possible to change not only the degree of load, but also to redirect it to the muscle groups of interest.

Training on the track can be completely identical to regular jogging along the street or stadium. However, a set of additional functions of the simulator makes it possible to influence the rate of fat burning in problem areas.

One way to lose weight on a treadmill is to change the incline. The function allows you to increase the load on the posterior muscle groups of the legs: calves, hamstrings, buttocks. This is definitely the right workout to get toned legs. A useful addition is that this type of load does not increase the volume of the legs, but only makes them look slimmer.

In addition, running at an incline forces the body to use additional effort and, as a result, burn more calories. You can gradually increase the degree of inclination and speed of movement.

How long to run?

In running, there are two options for limiting the load: distance and time. Determining the dosage method depends on preference or the focus of the training session. There are also average indicators that allow you to decide on the choice of dosage for your first sessions.

The average running time on a treadmill is usually 30-40 minutes at an average pace, maintaining a speed between 8-12 km/h. In the future, depending on the increase in pace or inclination angle, running time can be reduced to 20-25 minutes. An option with several approaches is also possible, when 3 approaches are performed with the task of maintaining a pace of 20 km/h for 15 minutes.

Distance limits are typically used in non-directional training where the athlete runs a specific distance to maintain fitness or relax. In this case, the distance can be different and range from 1000 meters to a half marathon. The number of approaches is usually one.

Treadmill training program

You can choose a workout for exercise on the track without any problems if there is a clear goal that you will strive for. There are three options for creating a training complex:

  • Running in sets
  • Maintaining tempo for a long time
  • Even running

Running in sets will be the most productive in terms of weight loss, since it implies the inclusion of all muscle groups in active work. Approximate program training will be:

  1. Run on a flat track surface for 10 minutes at a speed of 10-12 km/h. Rest 3-5 minutes.
  2. Adding a tilt angle up to 5 degrees. The duration and speed remain the same. Rest up to 7 minutes.
  3. Increasing the angle to 7-10 degrees. Running duration is 8 minutes at the same speed.

When training on a treadmill, it is useful to use running approaches if your goal is to lose weight. You can vary the program to suit yourself, but the rule of increasing the complexity of the load should remain unchanged. At the last stage, you can reduce the running time to 5 minutes, but at the same time slightly change the angle of inclination.

Holding the pace for a long time is well suited for sports training in order to achieve results. In this case, you can also use several repetitions or limit yourself to one race.

The point is to maintain a given pace within the permissible limits for a certain time. You can do several sets of maintaining a speed of 10-15 kilometers per hour for 15 minutes, or try to maintain a pace of 15-20 km/h for 25 minutes.

Steady running may be limited by time or distance, or, on the contrary, may have no restrictions. You can simply run on a flat surface, change the angle or increase the pace, but the goal is a normal jog.

Treadmill Features

Depending on the intended use of treadmills, their functions may change. We will name the most common functions of treadmills:

  • An indication of running speed that will remain unchanged until the athlete gives the command.
  • Accurately determine the duration of your run
  • Changing the inclination angle
  • The ability to measure (or predict) a runner's heart rate
  • Pressure measurement
  • Displays recommended training parameters based on height, weight and age
  • Selecting a training program (automatic change in angle and pace) for weight loss and endurance development
  • Creating your own program

The use of treadmills can not only be an equal replacement for regular running, but under certain conditions it can surpass the capabilities and effectiveness of exercise.

Morning jogging, according to experts, is one of the most effective ways losing weight. But not everyone has the opportunity to exercise outside. Some people don’t have a suitable area for running, others don’t like the weather outside, or maybe they’re just experiencing discomfort. Therefore, the same experts suggested replacing jogging outside with exercise at home on a treadmill. How to use this simulator correctly and is it possible to overcome excess weight solely by training on it?

How effective is a treadmill in losing weight?

The main question that worries everyone who wants to lose weight using a treadmill is how many calories can you burn and how quickly does it happen. It is important to understand here that the amount of energy consumed is different for each person. This depends on weight, physical fitness, regularity and duration of training, diet and many other indicators. It should also be noted that the calorie counter located on the simulator does not give 100% correct result, he “averages” it. This is especially true in the first 10 minutes of training, when the body makes do with glucose and glycogen without using fat.

Calculation of calories burned during exercise

Calorie consumption when exercising on a treadmill depends on the pace and mode of training. The average kilocalorie burn is:

  • when walking fast - 200–300 kcal per hour;
  • with light running, about 400–500 kcal are burned per hour, which already allows you to lose excess weight;
  • at a high running pace, 600 to 800 kcal are lost per hour.

When starting to exercise on a treadmill (magnetic, electric or mechanical), you should not focus on calories. The main thing you should strive for is to improve your health. Remember to get adequate sleep. And in order to lose weight correctly and without harming your health, exercise regularly and for as long as possible, but do not overload and monitor your heart rate. The recommended zone for this indicator for those who want to lose weight is 119–139 beats per minute. Running speed, lost calories, time, modes, heart rate and other indicators are visible on the computer screen built into the treadmill.


Treadmill workouts are high-intensity workouts. In this regard, it is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • problems with the bronchi;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension;
  • mitral stenosis;
  • heart disease, etc.

To ensure that your treadmill workouts are effective and safe for your health, follow these recommendations:

  1. Choose comfortable shoes that will provide correct location foot, its shock absorption and ventilation. It is best to consult with a podiatrist who will give professional advice on choosing shoes specifically for your feet.
  2. Start your workout with light walking - 7-10 minutes. Then get off the machine and do a few squats, bends, swings, and toe raises. The muscles should be warmed up.
  3. When running, keep your arms at an angle of approximately 90 degrees and let them move freely. Do not hold onto the handrails to prevent your center of gravity from shifting.
  4. Don't slouch. At incorrect posture(both when running on a treadmill and in everyday life) you will begin to have problems with your spine.
  5. While running, look at the finish line. You should not bend over and look at your feet, as you may lose your balance or strain your back or neck.
  6. Land correctly to avoid knee or ankle injury. If your running speed is about 8 km/h, it is best to land on your toes, further distributing the load over the entire foot.
  7. Do not jump off the track at full speed to avoid injury. Instead, take a few seconds, reduce your speed, and get off the path safely.
  8. You don't have to take very big steps, choose optimal width. Ideally this is 3 steps per second.
  9. Skip your workout if you don't feel well. A cold, high blood pressure or rapid heartbeat gives you a reason to take today off.
  10. Changing your running modes will help you burn more calories and stay focused. You shouldn't work at the same pace all the time. It is better to switch either to a lighter mode or to a more intense one.
  11. If you run in the morning, do not do it on an empty stomach. A few spoons of oatmeal, an apple and a glass of water before training are what you need. And immediately after training it is better to refrain from eating.
  12. Don't take the tempo too fast right away. The load must be increased gradually.

2 ways to lose weight on the treadmill

In three months you can lose from 4 to 8 kg of weight if you use the following exercises:

  1. Long, but effective. Every day or even twice a day, exercise for an hour, light jogging or walking. This is especially true for overweight people. Don't forget about correct mode nutrition and good sleep. Carbohydrates and proteins are what should be in your diet in sufficient quantities. It is better to exclude fatty and fried foods. It is also important to eat according to a schedule, 5 times a day, in small portions.
  2. Not slowly, but surely. Interval training allows you to lose weight quickly. After warming up - moderate jogging for three minutes, then a minute of accelerated running. Slowly increase the difficulty of the workout by increasing the intervals towards speed. You'll end up with a 1:1 ratio and finish the workout at 2:1 intervals (where 1 is recovery time). Be careful not to overwork yourself. The lesson lasts 20–25 minutes. This method of losing weight should be used 3-4 times a week for three weeks. Then you should switch to an easier course (also for 3–4 weeks).

By training on a treadmill, you can lose weight from 4 to 8 kg

Watch your breathing. Breathe deeply through your nose. Each inhalation and exhalation should be equal in time to two steps. If this breathing becomes difficult, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The occurrence of shortness of breath indicates that you have chosen too high a running pace.

Walking at a fast pace is great for burning excess fat. This workout makes it possible not only to lose weight, but also to achieve elasticity in the muscles of the whole body. Start by walking briskly for 30 minutes a day, increasing the time each day until you reach 60 minutes or more. Listen to your body - it will tell you when it’s time to stop walking.

Changing the speed will help you get a boost from your workout. Monotony makes time drag on long and boring. By changing the pace, you will not only lose weight faster, but you will also be able to truly enjoy working out on the machine.

It doesn't matter whether you walk or run. Increase the incline angle and thereby you will increase the load, which means you can burn more calories. Set the angle of the path so that you feel comfortable.

Training in maximum acceleration mode is most effective for losing weight, but you have to work at the limit, because sprinting is a super-fast running mode. However, calories are burned at full capacity. To begin with, we do a sprint for 30 seconds, then a calm walk for 2–3 minutes. We repeat this 4 times. Over time, we gradually increase the sprint to 10 passes.

Treadmill training programs

For beginners, training with different speed modes is most suitable: from low to high. It is also called “fartlek” (Swedish).

  1. Easy jogging - speed 4, time - 1 minute.
  2. Moderate running - speed 5, time - 1 minute.
  3. Fast run - speed 7, time 1 minute.

The cycle must be repeated without stopping 7–10 times (about 30 minutes in time). By switching to easy running, you rest. If you want to increase the load, change the treadmill's incline or add speed. It is recommended for beginners to do such jogging 3 times a week for a month.

When exercising on a treadmill, it is important to choose the right training mode

Having passed entry level, you move to intermediate, where the running methods are more dynamic and there is a more complex interval load.

  • Fast run - speed 8.0, time - 90 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.2, time - 80 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.4, time - 70 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.6, time - 60 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.8, time - 50 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 9.0, time - 40 seconds.

After each “step” you need to rest - 1 minute of brisk walking. After going through this entire “staircase”, return to reverse order(list from bottom to top), just don’t change the speed, stay at the maximum all the time - 9.0. If you feel that you can take on an even greater load, add an acceptable angle of inclination of the track surface.

Experienced runners always use interval running, raising their level of training even higher. Take a look at one of the most challenging treadmill programs:

  • 1 minute fast (10) +1 minute rest (7).
  • 1 minute fast (9.8) + 1 minute rest (7.3).
  • 1 minute fast (9.6) + 1 minute rest (7.6).
  • 1 minute fast (9.4) + 1 minute rest (7.9).
  • 1 minute fast (9.2) + 1 minute rest (8.2).
  • 1 minute fast (9.0) + 1 minute rest (8.5).
  • 1 minute (8.8) +1 minute (8.8).
  • 1 minute (8.6) +1 minute (9.1).

Using this 8-cycle workout regimen, you'll lose calories as quickly as possible. This technique is used if you want to lose weight in a month. However, do not forget that before moving on to the third level, you must complete the previous two.

Video: running for weight loss

Mistakes when exercising on a treadmill

Mistakes during training are made not only by beginners, but also by experienced people who at one time were inattentive to the rules of training on a treadmill. But by making mistakes, you may not only fail to achieve the desired results, but also cause harm to your health. Let's list the most common ones:

  1. You lean on the handrails, thereby shifting the center of gravity and transferring the load intended for your legs to your arms. The skeletal system and hand joints suffer from this error.
  2. You don't increase the load from workout to workout. All systems of the body should feel an increase in the intensity and pace of running - then they tune in to active, correct work.
  3. Incorrect breathing. You need to breathe through your nose, calmly and evenly.
  4. You are new to the treadmill, but you are already taking the maximum start. Loads should increase slowly and gradually, day after day.
  5. You don't feel well, but you still exercise. Your willpower is, of course, a plus. But experts strongly recommend resting while you feel at least some kind of unwell.
  6. Incorrect landing. At high speeds, to avoid injury, you should lower your foot onto your toes.

This is just a small list of mistakes that can be made while exercising on a treadmill. To avoid these and other mistakes, it is best to do a few runs with a professional trainer, or at least consult with one.