Irga: the best varieties, care and propagation. Irga planting and care replanting fertilizing pruning and propagation Tree shrub irga useful properties

» Irga

For many centuries, people have been treated with the help of plants. Sometimes we don’t even suspect how many beneficial properties an inconspicuous-looking herb or berry has.

One of these useful plants is irga. Nowadays, a small number of people know about it, but in the Middle Ages it was actively used by doctors and healers to prepare various potions. Let's take a closer look beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of this unique berry.

Irga belongs to the shrubby ornamental garden plants of the Apple genus, Rosaceae family. The scientific name of this plant is “amelanchier”, which means “honey” in the Celtic language.. You can also find such a name as “lady”, which is more common among the people.

There are almost two dozen different varieties of this plant. It is a tall shrub with deep green leaves. The fruits of the serviceberry are red-violet round berries of small size, sweet in taste. They ripen in mid-summer. The average lifespan of this tree-shrub is 60 years.

The serviceberry grows in northern Africa, America, central and southern Europe, as well as in Japan. In Russia, the shrub can be found in many regions, but it is most common in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Composition and beneficial properties of irgi for the human body

Serviceberry berries are widely used for medicinal and preventive purposes. They contain many vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

  • Phytosterols, which are part of the berry, have an anti-sclerotic effect, strengthen blood vessels, reduce the fragility and fragility of capillaries and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Thanks to pectins, contained in shadberry, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite, and removes toxins and carcinogens from the body. A decoction of these berries also helps relieve stress and fatigue, normalizes work nervous system. In addition, serviceberry is an excellent immunomodulator.
  • Vitamin C helps fight infections, improves metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Bioflavonoids (vitamin P) help maintain normal blood sugar levels, prevent the formation of blood clots and support heart function in case of coronary artery disease and hypertension.

Vitamin P is very rarely found in food. Game is one of the few plants that contains this substance in sufficient quantities, and the beneficial effects of the berry on the human body are largely due to the presence of this component.

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) actively participates in metabolic processes, normalizes work sebaceous glands and is necessary to maintain normal vision.

Berries are low in calories (43 kcal), due to which they are actively used in weight correction programs.

IN folk medicine Not only berries, but also leaves, bark and flowers of serviceberry have been used. Decoctions of these components have a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Harm and contraindications: who should not use shadberry?

The benefits of serviceberry are obvious, but it can harm the human body if consumed in the following cases:

  • availability diabetes mellitus (the berry is rich in carbohydrates, which can lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels);
  • obesity(excessive consumption of berries can lead to weight gain);
  • low blood pressure(components contained in fruits help lower blood pressure);
  • tendency to skin rashes(irga can cause severe reactions in people with allergies);
  • low blood clotting(substances included in the berry help thin the blood).

In childhood, consumption of shadberry should not exceed 50 grams per day, otherwise there is a risk of allergies.

You can pick berries away from roads and industrial complexes. Irga has a high ability to absorb toxins and heavy metals.

The use of irgi in folk medicine

In folk medicine, irga has found wide use. Decoctions, teas and medicinal infusions are prepared based on the fruits, inflorescences, leaves and bark of this plant.

Irgu is used in the following cases:

  • heart disease, high blood pressure and varicose veins;
  • poisoning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased cholesterol levels in the blood and the presence of cholesterol plaques;
  • diseases of the nervous system and increased fatigue;
  • prevention and complex therapy of diseases of the organs of vision;
  • low vascular permeability and increased capillary fragility;
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • periodontal disease and bleeding gums;
  • diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • restoration of the body after illness;
  • purulent wounds, burns and abrasions.

In these cases, you can eat the berries fresh, take serviceberry juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, or prepare tinctures. Medicinal teas are prepared from flowers and leaves, and for external use in the treatment of wounds and burns, a compress from a decoction of the plant’s bark is needed.

Irga not only helps to alleviate the condition of various diseases, but also saturates the body with useful substances, and also has a healing and rejuvenating effect.

When can irga cause harm?

Even a healthy person who uses shadberry for general strengthening purposes can harm his health if he consumes this product in excess. What could happen in this case?

Besides everything else, Irga has a strong calming effect. Excessive consumption of juice, tincture or tea can lead to drowsiness, loss of energy and decreased alertness.

Signs of allergies may also appear even in people who have not previously suffered from such manifestations.

When consumed in combination with dairy and fermented milk products the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, which leads to discomfort, bloating and diarrhea.

Children can eat no more than 50 grams of berries per day, the norm for an adult is 100-150 grams.

Recipes for decoctions and teas with leaves and berries

Traditional medicine offers a huge number of ways to prepare medicinal potions based on berries, flowers, leaves or bark of serviceberry. If you have health problems or to replenish the balance of beneficial microelements in the body, you can use one of the recipes given.

Flower infusion

The tincture is prepared using vodka, but those who cannot tolerate alcohol can replace it with water. To prepare the remedy you will need to do the following:

  • pour into a small saucepan or liter jar 2-3 tablespoons dried flowers;
  • pour 2 glasses of vodka or boiling water;
  • if alcohol is used, The drink must be infused for 3 days, in the case of boiling water, wait until it cools down, having previously wrapped the container with the tincture;
  • when the drink is infused, it is necessary strain.

The tincture is consumed 3 times a day, taking one tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

Berry juice

The juice from the berries can be consumed fresh, diluted with water, or canned. Prepare canned juice as follows:

  • berries are thoroughly washed and allow excess water to drain;
  • pound using a pestle until pureed;
  • squeeze out the juice in a juicer or manually using gauze;
  • diluted with the juice of a more acidic berry(since shadberry has a high sugar content, you can add cranberry, cherry or currant juice);
  • warm up, but do not bring to a boil, and roll into jars hot.

Before you start canning, the jars need to be doused with boiling water. It is recommended to drink 50-100 grams of juice before meals.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, drinking juice is not recommended. In these cases, tea made from flowers or leaves of the serviceberry, as well as a decoction of the bark, are suitable.

Berry tincture

To prepare a healing tincture of serviceberry berries, you will need a glass jar and high-quality vodka. Prepare the drink in this way:

  • berries are brought to puree state using a pestle;
  • fill the jar ¾ full crushed mass;
  • pour vodka, leaving an empty space of 3-4 cm from the neck of the vessel;
  • insist for 2-3 days in a dark, cool place;
  • filter and throw away the remaining berries.

It is better to store this tincture in the cold. It is recommended to take the remedy 3 times a day, a tablespoon before meals.

Leaf based tea

It is better to use fresh leaves to make tea, but in a pinch, dried leaves will do.

Several leaves of irgi are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes.. You can add 1 teaspoon of natural honey. Flower tea is prepared in the same way.

It is better to drink tea in the evenings; it perfectly calms the nervous system and ensures healthy, sound sleep.

Bark decoction

The decoction is intended not only for internal, but also for external use. With the help of compresses you can treat festering wounds, as well as treat burns. To prepare the product you need:

  • grind the bark using a coffee grinder;
  • pour into a saucepan 2 tablespoons of the resulting powder and pour 2 cups of boiling water;
  • place the dishes on low heat and cook the remedy for 15-20 minutes;
  • cool the drink and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth;
  • add 1 cup cool boiled water.

Take tincture 3-5 times a day, ½ cup. If the product is prepared for external use, there is no need to dilute it with water.

Like any medicinal plant, Saskatoon can provide invaluable benefits to the human body when used correctly, but it can also cause harm. For this reason, it is necessary to follow the rules for preparing medicinal products and control their dosage.

Typically, gardeners pay a lot of attention to various ornamental plants that require a lot of care. However, less demanding crops, such as the serviceberry tree, are abandoned and located in an inconspicuous corner of the site.

In many countries, the plant is grown as an ornamental; it has a bright and beautiful bloom. In autumn the leaves turn red and yellow. When berries appear on the serviceberry, birds fly into the garden. In addition, the berries are very tasty and children love them very much.

Types of shrubs

The shrub serviceberry has about 20 varieties. Basically they all grow in North America. In nature, they can grow in the most unexpected places, climbing to a height of about 2 km. Sometimes they can be found even in the tundra zone, where conditions are quite harsh.

Our most common crop is the round-leaved serviceberry. She came to us from Crimea and the Caucasus. Very often, shadberry can be found on the edges of forests and near small groups of trees. She “spreads” in this way thanks to the birds who love her very much.

Properties of serviceberry

Serviceberry berries do not contain sugar. As they ripen, the content of various vitamin groups and microelements increases. They are astringent and have a slightly sour taste.

These properties are due to tannins and a large amount of acid, most of which is malic acid.

Jam, wine, and jam are made from the fruits of the serviceberry. They can be dried, canned and juiced.

They choke best a week after harvest. The game is often used mixed with other fruits.

Thanks to its rich composition, irga has such beneficial properties as:

  • Relieving inflammation;
  • Helps with colds;
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • Has an antibacterial effect.

As a rule, we don’t really care about having such a plant on the site. It can often appear on its own. Its seeds are well spread by birds.

At the same time, it is quite popular among Western gardeners because it has a bright, attractive appearance. The blooming irga is very beautiful in the spring, in the summer during fruiting and in the fall when the leaves fall.

Many garden compositions are created around the serviceberry. So, if you don’t have similar ideas yet, you can look at them from your “colleagues” in various photos of shadberry.

Growing a plant

In general, you won’t have to think about how to plant shadberry in any special way. This culture is quite unpretentious. It can grow in a variety of soil types and can withstand severe frosts.

Of course, the best option for it would be well-moistened, fertile soil. The serviceberry will have no special complaints about its placement on the territory. Like other shrubs, it loves sunlight, but not very intense. It can be planted along a fence or house, where shade predominates most of the time.

Planting irgi is done using standard methods for shrubs. It is best for this to be a one-year or two-year-old serviceberry seedling. It needs to be planted at a depth greater than it grew before - 5-10 cm will be enough. This will allow the formation of strong root shoots.

Typically, bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of up to 2 meters from each other. To plant, you will need to dig deep furrows so that the roots “sit” comfortably in it.

The easiest way to propagate irgi is by dividing the bush when replanting. In addition, you can plant it using green cuttings(in summer).

There is also the option of planting berry seeds, but it must be from the same year's harvest. After planting, for example, a bush, the planting hole should be watered generously with 8-10 liters of water and the soil should be mulched with the same soil or peat.

No special care is required for the bush. You can sometimes prune along with the trees. To do this, you need to remove old trunks and keep them strong, you also need to get rid of diseased or damaged shoots.

Irga bears fruit every year. If there are several bushes on the site, the harvest can be quite large. It is harvested in July in several batches, since the berries ripen unevenly.

You can store them fresh for a couple of days at room temperature. If you plan to store them longer, it is better to place them in the refrigerator.

Photo of serviceberry

Irgu has been cultivated in our latitudes for over 100 years. However, this plant has not taken root well in gardens and cottages. Only enthusiastic gardeners grow it. However, this is undeserved, since serviceberry is very useful for the human body. You will learn from our article what valuable substances are contained in the fruits of this plant and what health problems can be solved by consuming them regularly.

History of the plant

North America is considered to be the homeland of the serviceberry. Presumably, it was first brought to Asia Minor and then came to Siberia. From there it spread throughout Europe, where it began to be planted in the 16th century. In Russia, irgu began to be cultivated in the 19th century. There, the famous biologist Ivan Michurin was mainly involved in it, planting it throughout Russia.

The spread of serviceberry around the world is attributed to birds, which became carriers of seeds and brought them even to Africa. Today the plant is grown in gardens for food consumption and also as a decorative culture- in Canada and the USA, its bushes are planted on lawns near houses, in public gardens as decoration.

Previously, the Slavs readily consumed the fruits of the plant. Then they noticed them healing properties. Firstly, the berries helped satisfy hunger. And secondly, they helped me not to get sick from colds and other diseases for a long time. Also in those days, they began to prepare medicinal products from the bark and leaves of the plant. Today, after analysis chemical composition fruits, leaves and bark of serviceberry, we have confirmation of the healing qualities of the fruit bush and an idea of ​​which organs and systems it can be useful for.


Irga is a shrub or low tree, the trunk of which reaches a height of 6 m. The plant belongs to the rose family. Serviceberry has dark green dense leaves that are round or ovoid in shape. Flowering occurs in April-May.

The plant produces inflorescences in the form of corymbose racemes from 10-12 small flowers white or milky. After the flowers fall off, small spherical, oval or pear-shaped berries of dark blue, blue-black color with a bluish bloom are formed. Their size is 0.6-1 cm. Weight is 0.35 g.

The irga bears fruit from the age of three or four years. With proper care, it produces abundant fruit. Happens annually. Edible fruits ripen in July - August and can hang on the tree until October. Plants that are 10-20 years old produce a harvest of 5-10 tons per hectare.

The tree grows for about 40 years. It is characterized by unpretentiousness, winter hardiness, average heat resistance, and light-loving properties.

Did you know? Irga has special names among different peoples. So, in Russia it is called currant, sea buckthorn, wine berry, in Germany - rock pear, in Italy - willow delicacy.

Variety of species

There are 25 species of serviceberry that grow in Europe, North America, North Africa, China, Japan, the Caucasus, and the Crimean Peninsula.
The most common of them are ordinary, round-leaved, spicate, Canadian, alder, blood-red. They differ in the shape and size of the crown, and height, but they all have similar fruits.

Did you know? Philologists suggest that the name shadberry came from the Mongolian languages ​​and is translated as a shrub with very hard wood. And scientific Latin name- Amelánchier - is of Celtic origin. It indicates the honey taste of the berries.

Useful composition of berries

As we have already noted, people have long noticed that serviceberry berries can be beneficial. Let's look at their composition in more detail. So, 100 g of fruits contain 40 g, which is 44.4% of the required daily value for a person.

They also contain vitamins, sugars, pectin, dietary fiber, phytosterols, organic acids, and flavonols. The leaves and bark contain tannins and stearic substances.

Health Benefits

The composition of the fruits, leaves and bark of serviceberry also determines the value of this product for the human body.
They have the following properties:

  • general strengthening;
  • tonic;
  • wound healing;
  • astringent;
  • hypotensive;
  • cardiotonic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Regular consumption of shadberry leads to a decrease in blood pressure, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic. The berry has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

This is an excellent prophylactic against myocardial infarction and varicose veins, vitamin deficiency and atherosclerosis, thrombosis and peptic ulcer, the occurrence of cancerous tumors. It normalizes sleep and treats intestinal disorders.
It can be used as an astringent and enveloping agent. Irga helps with problems with the oral mucosa and sore throat. Remedies from berries help to heal wounds faster, including purulent ones.

In addition, serviceberry is a powerful antioxidant. With its help you can cleanse the body of toxic substances and radionuclides. Systematic eating of berries can reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Pectins in fruits improve appetite and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Riboflavin takes part in metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision.

Doctors advise older people to eat more shadberry fruits as a natural multivitamin and a storehouse of vitamin P, a substance whose content in sufficient quantities helps to avoid the development of many diseases characteristic of people over 60 years of age.

Almost everyone can eat shadberry if there are no contraindications. Containing only carbohydrates and containing only 45 kcal, but at the same time perfectly satisfying hunger, the berries are perfect for those who are worried about their weight.
With proper use of serviceberry juice mixed with currant juice, you can get rid of up to four kilos in a week.

Harm or contraindications

Despite the beneficial composition, the fruits and products based on leaves, flowers and bark cannot be consumed by everyone.

  • prone to hypotension;
  • having individual intolerance;
  • suffering from allergic reactions.

Since irga has a sedative effect, it is not advisable to use it immediately before getting behind the wheel of a car. Possible decrease in concentration and depression of the nervous system. Berries should be consumed in moderation, since eating them in excess can provoke unwanted reactions in the body.


The fruits of the serviceberry are used in cooking and folk medicine. Traditional healers also prepare medicinal remedies from bark, leaves and flowers. In addition, healthy tea is brewed from them.


The fruits are eaten, they are used to make jam, marshmallows, jelly, jam, and wine. Compotes and jelly are made from dried berries. They give drinks a beautiful color. To preserve fruits for use in winter time, they can be frozen or dried.

You can drink serviceberry juice both to quench your thirst and for medicinal purposes. The juice is prepared in two ways: with and without added sugar.

  • With sugar. Add a glass of granulated sugar to the squeezed liter of juice and heat until it dissolves.

Important! Any remedy from serviceberry that is drunk systematically for medicinal purposes can only be used as an additional therapy. Use it instead medicines, should not.

  • Jam. Selected berries separated from the pericarp can be blanched for two minutes in boiling water. Pass through a colander. Prepare sugar syrup (60%), place berries in it, put on low heat and bring to a boil. Leave overnight. Then bring to a boil again over low heat. Add citric acid (1 g / 1 l). Place in pre-sterilized jars. Roll up the lids. For one kilo of berries you will need 0.3-0.4 kg of granulated sugar.

Bark, leaves and flowers

The bark has been harvested for medicinal purposes since late spring. Its most valuable property is anti-inflammatory. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from the bark. The decoction is recommended to be used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including to eliminate diarrhea.

You can also rinse your mouth with a decoction for stomatitis, sore throat, and gingivitis. It is prepared from a teaspoon of crushed raw materials and a glass of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. For quick results, the rinsing procedure should be carried out three times a day.

A remedy for normalizing blood pressure is prepared from the flowers. A tablespoon of flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. Before using for medicinal purposes, pass through gauze. Drink half a glass three times a day. The recommended time is half an hour before meals.

A decoction is prepared from the leaves for external use. They wash wounds with it for speedy healing. Also used to rinse the mouth and throat. The leaves are crushed. Place two tablespoons in two glasses of boiling water. Infuse in a closed and wrapped container for half an hour.
For disorders of the digestive system and diarrhea, prepare a decoction of leaves and bark: pour boiling water over a tablespoon of crushed raw materials and boil for half an hour. Pass through cheesecloth before use. Drink a tablespoon four times a day.

Important! Self-medication can lead to deterioration and worsening of the disease. Before use folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.


The plant is propagated in several ways:

  • seed;
  • vaccination;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush.

Types of serviceberry can be propagated by seed and vegetative ways, and varietal specimens - only vegetatively. The seed method is the simplest. You can simply remove the seeds from the fruits and plant them in the ground, watering them abundantly and adding mulch.
This way they will stratify throughout the winter, and in the spring the seedlings can be planted. The seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place when they are three years old. Irga - tasty and endowed valuable substances berry. Regular consumption of it fresh, in teas, jam, jam helps solve many health problems.

Specially prepared decoctions and infusions of leaves, flowers, and bark also have a medicinal effect. However, it is worth understanding that such treatment can only be additional. Before starting it, you should get the approval of your doctor.

Presumably serviceberry is a Mongolian name meaning “hardwood tree.” In the natural environment, the serviceberry is distributed on almost all continents of the temperate zone. Corinka (the second name for serviceberry) is a medicinal plant, and everything in it is useful: from the bark to the berries.

Why is irga so useful?

Thanks to its composition, irga has a lot of useful properties. So, this plant contains: pectins, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids (malic), B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin P, tannins, flavonols, sterols and fiber. This list is also supplemented by useful microelements (lead, cobalt, copper).

Irga contains virtually no proteins or fats, only carbohydrates (up to 12 g per 100 g of product), and its energy value only 45 kcal per 100 g of product. This makes the plant useful for people who want to lose weight. Juice from serviceberry and red currant, with proper nutrition and regular use, reduces weight up to four kg per week. To do this, you need to mix the juices in a one to one ratio and drink every day (one glass after meals).

The plant contains a large amount of carotene, which, together with ascorbic acid, are strong natural antioxidants. These substances strengthen immune system, relieve symptoms of diseases associated with electromagnetic radiation, increase resistance to infectious diseases and stress, dispel depression.

Antioxidants have a negative effect on cancer cells, and their constant use plays the role of a preventive vaccination against tumors. These same substances help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease - severe damage to the nervous system.

Pectins help remove heavy metal salts, toxins, radionuclides from the body, and destroy cholesterol plaques. The serviceberry tree is a storehouse of useful properties. Its components thin the blood, clean the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots and other vascular pathologies, and also improve heart function.

Did you know? Irga, as an ornamental plant, was known back in the 16th century. It was planted in parks, gardens and alleys, using it as a living fence. The strong stems of this tree were used to make canes and cleaning rods.

Beneficial properties of berry bush bark

For medicinal purposes, the bark of the plant is collected in late spring. Greatest benefit The benefit of serviceberry bark for the human body lies in its anti-inflammatory properties, in addition, it is rich in tannins. Tannins contained in tannins can stop bleeding, bind microorganisms in case of poisoning and promote rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level.

From the bark They make decoctions and infusions that are used to treat gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tinctures also help with gum problems, stomatitis and gingivitis. They are also used to rinse the mouth for bacterial infections. The medicinal properties of serviceberry bark help with ophthalmological problems such as conjunctivitis, night blindness, cataracts and inflammation of the cornea.

Recipe for treating diarrhea: 1 tsp of dry crushed bark is mixed with 200 ml of water. The decoction is prepared in a water bath. To treat dental diseases: crushed bark (1 tbsp) should be poured with water (200 ml) and boiled for 20 minutes. The broth is infused for half an hour and then filtered. You should rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture three times a day.

Use of irgi leaves for medicinal purposes

The leaves of the serviceberry tree or bush also have a number of beneficial properties (they are collected in late spring). The phytoncides contained in the leaves fight infectious diseases: sore throat, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, and the antimicrobial effect is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, open and bleeding, and bedsores.

The astringent properties of the leaves help with pancreatitis and diarrhea. An infusion of them is drunk for insomnia, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases.

Young children are prone to infectious diseases, so to reduce the use of artificial antibiotics against cough, young patients can be given a decoction of irgi leaves. It has an expectorant and sputum thinning effect.

Important! Children under two years of age should be given shadberry minimum quantities, as it contains many allergens.

While running in the yard, children often injure themselves, and Serviceberry leaves are a good natural antiseptic. Simply apply a cotton pad soaked in the broth to the wound, or immediately clean fresh leaf plants for a while.

Tea made from irgi leaves has vitamin and immune-strengthening effects. A fruit drink made from the leaves has a dietary and weight-loss effect; moreover, such infusions are also used in cosmetology. Lotions and tonics stop skin aging, tighten pores, cleanse oily skin, restore damaged layers of the epidermis, strengthen nails and hair.

For a rejuvenating effect, you should wipe your face and neck with a decoction of the leaves (preferably twice a day). The composition can be poured into a container with a sprayer and periodically spray the décolleté area.

Recipe recommended for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or wounds: Dry leaves - 2 tbsp should be mixed with 200 ml of boiled water and left for 30 minutes. For diseases of the oral cavity - rinse after eating; for wounds - lubricate with a cotton swab.

How and why to take serviceberry flowers

It's no secret that Pregnant women get sick more often, since the body works for two. Chemicals often harm the unborn baby, and problems with blood pressure, dental, heart and infectious diseases are not uncommon in pregnant women.

Serviceberry flowers and their medicinal properties will be useful for mothers both for treatment and for prevention. An infusion of flowers reduces blood pressure, has anti-inflammatory, immune-modulating and antimicrobial effects. Flower-based tea is drunk to prevent acute respiratory and viral infections.

Decoctions and infusions of flowers are used after chemotherapy in the treatment of oncology, to restore strength. Douching with decoctions helps women with gynecological diseases and cystitis. Decoctions and tinctures relieve symptoms of thyroid disease.

Baths with irgi flowers, with their healing properties, tone the skin, remove toxins and other harmful compounds through the pores, making the skin elastic and smooth. Lotions made from flowers give the face a healthy look. Recipe for pregnant women suffering from hypertension: Pour 2 tablespoons of dried or fresh flowers into 400 ml of boiling water. Wrap the mixture well and leave it to brew for several hours, then strain. Take one tablespoon before meals, three times a day.

Important! Serviceberry flowers have a calming effect and cause drowsiness, so after taking them you should not immediately get behind the wheel of a car or work with devices that require good concentration.

Medicinal properties of serviceberry berries

The fruits of serviceberry are actively used in both folk and official medicine. Doctors recommend that elderly patients consume berries as a preventive measure for varicose veins, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, as well as to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the entire body.

The berries of the plant can be excreted from the body harmful substances, coming from food from the atmosphere, and cholesterol. Saskatoon and its berries are useful in the treatment of cardiovascular problems, insomnia, nervous disorders, and to smooth out the effects of stress.

The juice of the berries is taken for stomach and intestinal disorders, as its astringent effect helps with gastritis, relieving inflammation of the stomach walls. The juice has a dietary effect.

Vitamin A, which the serviceberry berry is rich in, prevents the development of cataracts and improves vision when consumed regularly. In order to avoid malnutrition and lack of vitamins during diets, it is advisable to drink berry tea. Juice from fresh berries relieves pain symptoms from purulent sore throats and stomatitis. Vitamin drink: Pour boiling water over dry fruits (1 tbsp per 200 ml of water) and leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass a day after meals.

Use of irgi in cooking

Irga is in demand in cooking; you can use it to prepare many delicious and healthy treats, mostly sweets. Dried berries resemble raisins and are used as a filling for pies, pies and pastries. Shredded shadberry is used in the preparation of muffins, casseroles, pancakes and pancakes. For desserts and main courses, sauces are prepared with the addition of serviceberry berries.

Grated fresh berries are good for mousses, soufflés and creams. It is used to make jelly, marmalade, pastille, and sorbet. From fresh fruits They make compotes, jelly, fruit drinks and soft drinks. Wine and alcoholic tinctures from serviceberry have anti-inflammatory properties; they can be used to soak cake layers.

Since ancient times, people have valued the healing properties of green plants. Among them we can highlight a nice shrub - serviceberry, the berries, bark and leaves of which have a number of useful properties.

This deciduous shrub grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found in North Africa and America, in countries Far East, in the Caucasus and Crimea. It often grows in forest clearings, in the mountains and among thickets of various shrubs.

Irga feels great on any soil, with the exception of swampy areas where standing water is present. The main thing is that there is enough light for the fruit to ripen. In such conditions, the berries are large, juicy and healthy. This is especially true for cultivated varieties. On average, up to 15 kg of berries can be collected from each such bush during the entire period of fruit ripening.

General description of the bush and its beneficial properties

The deciduous shrub serviceberry confidently takes its place of honor in the summer cottages of greenery lovers. The plant looks especially attractive in early spring. When the first leaves appear on the branches, the bush is covered with delicate fibers. From the outside, it seems that he is wearing a silver shawl, which gives the plant a unique charm. In the photo of the serviceberry you can see many cute flowers decorating the spring shrub. They come in pink or white.

When the inflorescences begin to fall off, the delicate fibers that covered the green leaves disappear along with them. Often the leaf blade of a shrub can be olive or pinkish in color.

The bark of the trunk is usually gray or brown with a pinkish tint. It feels slightly velvety to the touch.

The leaves and bark of the bush have excellent medicinal properties. They are thoroughly dried, crushed and stored in a cool room. Nutrients last for about 2 years.

The plant is distinguished by a dense crown of simple green or bluish leaves. During the fruiting period on the bush, you can notice miniature fruits with pink barrels, collected on one cluster. Unripe berries are cream-colored, and when ripe they turn violet or purple.

Serviceberry berries have a pleasant taste. The delicate sweetness and juiciness of the fruit attracts young children and adults. Garden birds also love to eat them, after which they spread the seeds of the serviceberry throughout the area.

Berries should be picked from the bush only when ripe. Otherwise, they will lose their healing properties.

Properties of serviceberry

Each fruit contains a huge number of useful substances:

  • dietary fiber – up to 25 percent;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • vitamins: C, P, B;
  • pectin;
  • phytosterols;
  • carotene;
  • fiber;
  • various microelements.

Each of these components has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The beneficial properties of the serviceberry berry appear when it is used:

  • to strengthen the intestinal walls;
  • improving food digestion;
  • for diseases of the heart or blood vessels;
  • with a lack of vitamins;
  • against sore throat or tonsillitis;
  • to maintain a diet;
  • as a sedative.

Often, the juice from the fruits of this shrub is attributed to older people for good heart function. Tincture from inflorescences helps normalize sleep and blood pressure. In the presented photo of the serviceberry berry, its external features are clearly visible.

In cooking, the fruits of the bush are used for cooking various drinks, preserves or jams. Raw berries are used as a filling for tartlets and even cakes. They make fragrant marmalade and purple marshmallows.

The fruits can be dried while preserving their vitamin content. In winter, you can prepare a decoction of them to boost immunity.

To get the maximum benefit from eating wonderful berries, you should take into account the contraindications and beneficial properties of serviceberry. For example, if a person suffers from poor blood clotting, the fruits can harm him. This is especially true for those who work with various dangerous devices. If you get injured, it will be much more difficult to stop the bleeding.

The berry is also useful as a sedative, but its frequent use leads to a delayed reaction. Car drivers who are under constant stress should think about this. At a crucial moment, they may lose their vigilance and get hurt. Therefore, it is wiser to adhere to the golden principle - it is better to have a little bit of different things than to get hung up on one thing.

In order not to lose the ripe berry crop, it is advisable to install a scarecrow scarecrow on the bush. Otherwise, the birds, who love the purple fruits of the serviceberry, will replenish their vitamin reserves, and people will be left with nothing.

Getting to know the variety of varieties

Cute green plant which decorates country houses and cottages, attracts the attention of gardeners. In the photo, the shadberry is shown against the backdrop of other park crops, as its brightest highlight. According to some information, there are about 25 species of this plant. Some of them are particularly beautiful.

Irga canadensis

A charming variety in northern latitudes is Canadian serviceberry. Some know it as wineberry or northerner's grape. From its wonderful fruits a miracle drink is prepared, which is similar to wine.

The shrub can grow up to 7 meters. Its oblong stems form a wide, dense oval-shaped crown. The leaves of the bush are ovoid in shape and have an unusual color. When the plant just blooms they are brownish, in summer they are bluish, and in autumn they are reddish or golden.

To the touch, the leaf plate is soft with a delicate fluff, slightly rough. The shrub blooms in late spring with large white flowers, which are collected in graceful clusters.

The fruits of the bush resemble. The round, light pink “apples” first turn blue and then purple as they ripen. Ripe fruits covered with a waxy coating. The taste is sweet, since the berries contain little acid and a lot of sugar.

In nature there are various types such bushes. Descriptions of varieties of Canadian serviceberry indicate all the delights of this useful plant:

Snow-white inflorescences are collected in brushes on which dark red fruits develop. As they ripen, they become almost black.

If you want to grow shrubs in urban conditions, “Ballerina” tolerates gas pollution well. At the same time, the berries do not accumulate harmful substances.

Irga Lamarca

A deciduous large shrub plant - Lamarck's serviceberry reaches up to 5 m in height. It is distinguished by green, oval-shaped leaves with a serrated frame.

The inflorescences are small, white. They appear on the bush in huge numbers, which looks very beautiful. The fruits of the Lamarck serviceberry have beneficial properties and are therefore widely used in cooking.

Irga common

This fruiting, deciduous, erect shrub grows up to 3 m in height. It has a wide crown consisting of thin branches. At first they are silver in color, and with age they acquire a brown tint. Corymbose inflorescences resembling stars are formed at the tips of young shoots. The buds are usually white with a pinkish tint. They bloom for about 10 days. During this period, the bush looks especially attractive against the background of other plants in the garden.

The common irga can grow in one place for about 15 years. She is not afraid of strong winds, droughts or frosts.

Healing berries appear when the bush is at least 4 years old. They are slightly smaller in size than artificially bred varieties. Color – dark blue, almost black with a whitish coating.

Irga roundifolia

Deciduous garden shrub - Irga rotundifolia reaches 4.5 m in height. Its young shoots are slightly drooping. They are painted bright brown.

The leaf blade is on average 3.5 cm wide and 4 cm long. Upper part painted dark green, the lower one with a soft white tint. In autumn it turns scarlet and bright yellow. The shape is elliptical, the top is oval. The leaf frame is jagged.

Inflorescences in the form of corymbose racemes with up to 10 flowers of white, yellowish or cream color. The berries on the bush appear first green, then scarlet. When fully ripe, they acquire a dark blue, almost black color. Each fruit has a gray coating. They have beneficial properties and a slightly acidic taste. They ripen gradually, starting in July.

Irga spicata

A shrub of this type during the flowering period resembles fragrant bird cherry. It is a compact version ornamental plant height from 2 to 6 m.

Irga spica has oval leaves with small serrations. During flowering, they are practically invisible due to the many white or pinkish inflorescences. Later, the bush is covered with healing berries with an unusual sweet taste.

Representatives of this variety live up to 30 years of age. This makes them leaders among other fruit bushes.

Irga spica can tolerate frosts above 15 degrees, for which it is valued by the inhabitants of Siberia.

Having become acquainted with such a pretty plant, you will notice that it has double benefits. This is an original decoration summer cottage, and a storehouse of useful substances at hand. Is it wise to pass by a magnificent garden serviceberry? It's worth thinking about.