How to bring back joy after depression. How to bring back the joy of life: simple ways to cope with depression. Understanding the causes of fatigue from life

Fatigue from life is a condition that occurs in people who have lost faith in themselves, in love, in a wonderful future. It is a state of mind that can lead to serious health consequences. As a result of such fatigue, depression and apathy occur.

Fatigue from life situations is a feeling that arises on a subconscious level. But if you don’t start dealing with the problem in time, then the person “eats” himself with thoughts and experiences, which can lead to rash actions, some of which are criminal in nature.

Causes of fatigue from life

The most common cause of fatigue from life is failure. They may be associated with various factors:

  • financial problems;
  • difficulties and failures at work;
  • betrayal by close friends;
  • betrayal of a loved one;
  • an incurable disease that instills fear of death;
  • “Groundhog Day” is a constant repetition of the same thing. Most often this is the common scheme “home - work - home”, etc.

As a rule, a person gets tired of life if he does not receive a sufficient amount of positive emotions. He is constantly loaded with the same problems, and cannot afford to live the way he wants.

Understanding the cause of life fatigue

To solve a problem, you need to find its root. That is, the factor that led to negative thoughts and loss of interest in life. It is important to realize what led to oppression and apathy, to look for a way out, starting from its cause.

Moral and psychological fatigue is closely related to physical fatigue. The second one is much easier to get rid of. First you just need to give yourself a break from physical activity when the muscles become toned, and general condition will improve. Even in some cases, after resting from physical stress, the feeling of fatigue from life goes away. During rest, your well-being changes better side, which automatically leads to positive emotions.

If after a quality rest the situation has not changed and a person still feels tired and lack of strength, you need to understand yourself in order to understand what caused the loss of meaning in life. Most often, one event leads to this state, which becomes “the last straw of human patience.” That is, before this, a person still endures, stretches, tries to live normally, but some factor plays a decisive role, and he gives up. No one is immune from such a negative state, but it is necessary to fight it.

Tired of life in an adult

Depression and apathy can strike a person at any age. In youth, this can all be explained by adolescence, changes in hormonal levels, and inexperience in life. But the older a person is, the more worries and responsibilities fall on his shoulders. This is where many aspects arise that affect a person’s psycho-emotional state. If failure occurs in only one of them, then this is fraught with frustration or stress. But when nothing goes well, a person suffers from mortal fatigue, from which the joy in life completely disappears. This state is apathy. You can try to cope with this condition on your own, but there is a greater chance of success when a specialist takes up the matter, knowing exactly what to do in such situations and how to help a person in a short period of time.

The most important thing when tired is that a person understands that he needs help and does not refuse it, looking for a solution to problems in alcohol or drugs. A doctor can also help by prescribing sedatives, sleeping pills or tranquilizers. These drugs normalize the functioning of the nervous system. The psychoanalyst will suggest methods of combating life fatigue, analyzing the situation of each patient individually.

Tired of life in teenagers

In adolescence, a number of factors influence changes in mood and the occurrence of fatigue from life:

  • social status. Typically, teenagers who are not popular among their peers “withdraw into themselves,” they have no friends, and complete loneliness leads to apathy;
  • hormonal background. During adolescence, strong modifications occur in the body, which lead to physical and moral changes. Against this background, experiences may arise that develop into depression and cause a state of fatigue from life;
  • problems with parents. Lack of mutual understanding on the part of parents, as well as their demands, are often perceived by teenagers as “a stone in their garden.” They think that their parents do not love them and this causes psychological stress;
  • unhappy love. The first feelings, which are often not mutual, not only upset the teenager, but also take away the desire to live. During this period, the child needs care and parental support.

It is not difficult for attentive parents to recognize melancholy and signs of weariness from life in their child. The first symptom is deterioration in studies or absenteeism. A constant state of apathy, loss of appetite. Such a child loses the sparkle in his eyes and loses interest in anything. He is not interested in movies, games or going out with friends. A teenager's life becomes an existence. If you notice this right away, you can help your child without the help of specialists. To do this, you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with the child, understand his inner world, what worries him, really delve into his problems and give practical advice. Perhaps not everything is as scary as a teenager tired of life imagined, and the problem can be solved by switching the child to something else. Perhaps buy something or go on vacation to dispel the melancholy and return the child to a positive attitude towards life.

Important! Help from specialists for depressed adolescents should be comprehensive! That is, they have a place in providing assistance - the directions of medicine and psychology

Psychologists conduct explanatory conversations, and medical workers, in turn, prescribe appropriate drug treatment, which can normalize nervous system. To avoid negative consequences You cannot take such medications on your own, only strictly after consulting a specialist.

What to do if you feel tired of life

When emptiness appears inside and thoughts are filled with negativity, it is not surprising that a state of fatigue from life develops. As a rule, psychologists advise getting rid of this condition by defining goals. Having figured out what a person lacks for complete happiness, you need to set goals and plan ways to achieve them. Only when a life goal appears does meaning appear. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then it is better not to aggravate the situation, but to seek help from specialists.

When you are tired of life, sleep is usually disturbed, headaches, pain in the neck, stomach and heart occur. Excessive nervous tension can lead to serious problems with the cardiovascular system. That is why it is important that the doctor prescribes an individually suitable treatment for a particular situation.

To control your emotional state of life, it is important to remember that there is a way out of any situation. Either these are problems at work, in your personal life or in other aspects of life, a way out can be found in any situation. If everything depends on the other person, you need to remember that you can come to an agreement with everyone, and there is nothing terrible in that.

The next thing to consider is the fact of having a purpose in life. Only then does it make sense for a person to wake up in the morning and do something. When there is no goal, there is no stimulus for life, and simple existence, without positive emotions, will not bring much joy. Purpose gives rise to action and desire. At the same time, he clearly knows what to do, where to go and how to behave. With such a busy rhythm of life, there is no room for depression, stress and fatigue.

It is important to let go of the past and not eat yourself with thoughts or blame for past failures or actions. You need to perceive life as it is and be grateful to fate for everything that exists. If you always adhere to this rule, live in the present and set goals for the future, then, in principle, there will be no reason to fall into a depressive state associated with fatigue from life.

Important! A hobby is one of the most important activities that helps a person to escape, relax and gain satisfaction. Every person needs something to do to their liking, something they can do in their free time for their own pleasure.

Rest is also one of the important aspects that need to be done for excellent moral well-being. The human body is capable of much, but it also needs to recuperate. And for this you need to relax and rest.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the state of being tired of life is a state of mind to which a person brings himself. Some people lose their patience because of constant failures and lack the strength to fight and live on. For others, there is a feeling that no one needs them and, as a result, a state of mortal fatigue may occur. For still others, physical or moral fatigue actually reaches a critical point and the person loses interest in life.

Important! When they are tired of life, teenagers are capable of committing suicide.

If the problem affects children or young people, in no case should you leave things to chance. Many parents attribute this child’s condition to attracting the attention of others, without trying to understand their child. And this condition can lead to irreparable consequences. Most often, the state of tiredness from life in adolescents ends in drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction or crime.

Anhedonia is a real scourge of our time!

IN Ancient Greece There were two philosophical schools that placed pleasure, pleasure and the absence of pain on a pedestal: hedonism and Epicureanism. However, in our time, most people are subject to the opposite state: there is no joy in life. What is anhedonia and how to deal with it? How to return emotions?

Anhedonia is a specific impoverishment of the emotional sphere, characterized by loss of a sense of joy, lack of pleasure from favorite activities, and decreased motivation to receive positive emotions. A person with this diagnosis does not have good and bad days; they are all equally grey, dull, joyless.

Most often, this diagnosis is given to unsuccessful and unsociable people. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle: failures provoke a feeling of inferiority, self-doubt, a person limits contacts with others (personal or work), fearing to fail again, but because of this he does not gain new experience, does not grow, does not develop. Faced with a similar situation again, he repeats previous mistakes.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Loss of interest in life;
  • Lack of aspirations, desires and ambitions;
  • Selectivity of memory: often memories of pleasant moments are erased or become dim, while failures constantly pop up in memory;
  • Lethargy, apathy, fatigue;
  • Lack of self-confidence, feelings of inferiority and inferiority;
  • Closedness, difficulty maintaining social connections with other people;
  • Lack of emotional response: a person does not enjoy everyday little things (delicious food, a beautiful sunset) and significant events (a promotion, going to a concert of a favorite band);
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and interests that previously brought pleasure;
  • Decreased sexual desire.

Classification of anhedonia

Anhedonia is the inability to experience pleasure. Today they highlight following forms of this disease:

  1. Social anhedonia is characterized by isolation, a lack of desire to please people, pleasure from social contacts, and a desire to achieve career success;
  2. Physical – manifests itself in a decrease in the positive perception of stimuli that are associated with the senses (beautiful color, appetizing smell, pleasant tactile sensations, etc.), the joy of relaxation;
  3. The intellectual-aesthetic form implies a loss of the need for new knowledge, a lack of joy while contemplating something beautiful, a loss of pleasure while reading books, listening to music, loss of interest in hobbies;
  4. The somnic form was introduced into use in 2017 after the publication of a scientific article by a domestic scientist - V.D. Mendelevich. It is diagnosed if there is no pleasure from the sleep process;
  5. Sexual and orgasmic anhedonia can be manifested by decreased libido, lack of pleasure during sexual intercourse or orgasm (if its physiological signs are present).

The disease happens:

  • Partial, that is, affecting one or more aspects of the patient’s life. For example, the patient cannot experience pleasure during sex or watching a good movie, but he enjoys meeting with friends;
  • Total: covering the full range of positive emotions. In this case, the patient will be diagnosed with manifestations of all 5 forms of anhedonia, as well as an additional serious mental disorder (for example, severe melancholy-apathetic depression of a psychotic level).

Diagnosis of anhedonia

Despite the fact that the term was introduced into psychiatry more than a hundred years ago, every year doctors pay more and more attention to this deviation. Methods for diagnosing and treating anhedonia are being improved.

Today, there are many questionnaires to identify deficits in the perception of positive emotions. The most reliable results show:

  • What is it? This is a scale measuring social anhedonia. High scores on this questionnaire are reliable indicators of predisposition to schizophrenia;
  • SA-SSPS – test to determine the level of pleasure and social security;
  • CPS – Fawcett-Clark Pleasure Scale;
  • TEPS, Experience of Pleasure Questionnaire;
  • SHAPS – Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure and Joy in Life Scale;
  • HDIS is a test for determining a deficit of pleasure and identifying obstacles to its experience, which includes several subscales.

Causes: why this disease appears

Decreased mood after a stressful situation. It happens that a person cannot “get over” a divorce or death for a long time loved one, a major failure at work. It’s as if he’s afraid to start enjoying himself again.

Chronic fatigue, many responsibilities, and insufficient rest can “kill” all positive emotions.

Very often, the inability to enjoy becomes a personal trait of a person. He concentrates only on the bad, constantly complains, is not happy with everything, etc. In this case, we will be talking about a bad habit that needs to be gotten rid of. The sooner a person changes life position, the better.

Constitutional-personal anhedonia is associated with peculiarities of sensory perception. This form of deficiency of positive emotions is most often inherent in inert, inactive people. The main difference between this type of disease and all others is the constancy and stability of symptoms. That is, there is no joy in a person’s life from birth to death. This indicates a high predisposition to the appearance of mental disorders.

Anhedonia can be either a separate, independent symptom complex or a sign of serious mental illnesses: schizophrenia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, paranoid, schizoid and anxiety disorders, depersonalization, and also occur while taking antipsychotics.

How to bring joy back into your life?

First you need to find out what reasons provoked the appearance of anhedonia. Treatment will depend on this.

If the lack of positive emotions is caused by fatigue, then the best solution would be to reconsider the number of your responsibilities. Some household chores can be entrusted to household members. The daily routine should include mandatory time for rest. At least 20-30 minutes dedicated only to yourself.

How to find joy in life if you are used to remembering only the negative? You should start carefully monitoring your words and thoughts, and stop complaining. Train yourself to look for the positives in any event and focus on them.

It is easier to survive a difficult life situation by communicating with other people. Don't isolate yourself. Go visit friends or make an appointment with a psychologist, psychotherapist or group gestalt therapy session.

A happiness bank is a great way to remember joyful moments. Get a special box (jar, casket). As soon as something good happens, write it down on a piece of paper and put it in your piggy bank. The next time the blues set in, re-read the notes (or at least look at the number of them).

Eat more foods that improve your mood: dark chocolate, nuts or fatty fish, bananas, hot pepper. And it is better to avoid alcohol, coffee and sweets, because they give the opposite result.

Try positive affirmations and meditations for happiness. Start and end your day with a smile to yourself. At first it will seem stupid, but the result will not be long in coming.

Create artificial stress. Sign up for a rock climbing or parkour class, or go on your entire vacation away from civilization (for example, to a remote village or yoga camp). Any extreme and unusual activity for you is suitable.

Play sports. It’s not for nothing that they say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” This will help improve your physical well-being, raise your self-esteem, and break up your established routine.

What to do if you can't manage your symptoms at home? It is better to consult a doctor immediately.

How to treat anhedonia?

No one can experience only positive emotions all the time. However, if the lack of pleasure in life, apathy and reluctance to do anything haunts you for more than 2-3 weeks for no apparent reason, you should think about visiting a doctor. Most likely, the deficit of emotions arose against the background of some other change in the psyche.

The doctor will conduct diagnostics, make a diagnosis (or reassure you, saying that everything is in order) and prescribe competent treatment.

It is important to conscientiously follow all doctor’s recommendations, adhere to treatment periods and prescribed doses. Even if you feel much better and don’t want to be “poisoned” for another 2 months with “harmful” pills, it is better not to interrupt therapy without permission, as there is a high risk of a quick relapse.

Although anhedonia does not lead to death, it greatly interferes with life. Remember that this condition rarely goes away on its own. Start fighting anhedonia as early as possible so that your world does not become gray and joyless forever.

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Joy inspires and gives a feeling of fulfillment in life. But suddenly something breaks and she leaves. Do you know the feeling of hopelessness and apathy? To cope with it, you need to understand its true cause.

Fatigue is the simplest and most common reason why the world around us stops being enjoyable. Feelings become dull, everything seems gray and monotonous. And the only recipe in this case is to have a good rest.

Sometimes it seems to us that we live a very boring life. Artists (showmen, politicians, journalists...) have an interesting and rich life, not like mine, we think. The paradox is that writers, artists, performers, and pop stars are all equally tired of what they do every day. No matter who you are, from time to time you need to break out of everyday reality and change the picture. Take a vacation and go further away - to another city, another country. Free yourself from your usual routine. Breathe the air of freedom. Learn new things. Often this step can restore strength and bring back the joy of each day.

The simplest and most common reason that the world around us ceases to be enjoyable is fatigue. Feelings become dull, everything seems gray and monotonous. And the only recipe in this case is to have a good rest.

But it happens that the blues become chronic. Complete disappointment, reluctance to do anything, awareness of the meaninglessness of life - these are the symptoms of this condition. We lose joy in one case: when we cannot use life to satisfy our needs, says psychoanalytic therapist Eduard Livinsky. - A person perceives the world through the prism of what he can influence. And if he satisfies other people’s desires and sacrifices his own, then he feels frustration. But this is exactly how we are raised! You go to work where no one is going to think about your personal needs. You live in a society that is focused on capital accumulation, and if you have different values, you have to break yourself. Joy is always the joy of doing your own work, being active for yourself among like-minded people.

6 ways to shake yourself up and want to live

If everyday life has become boring, you need to look for a way to diversify it. Just don’t sit idly by: apathy doesn’t go away on its own!

  1. Go on a trip. A change of environment and new experiences expand the boundaries of perception. All sensations become several times sharper. And there is time to think about what, in fact, is important to you.
  2. Get a pet. Caring for a small defenseless creature - even a turtle - gives each of us the necessary feeling of being needed. The animal is entirely dependent on the owner: you will begin to receive joy when you feed it, stroke it, communicate with it.
  3. Go to church for a service. Even if you are not a religious person, try to attend the service, listen to the prayers and understand yourself better. People often find peace and harmony after attending church. It's not even a matter of ritual, but of returning to oneself.
  4. Invent a new hobby. Ask yourself: what is important to you, what have you always wanted to do and what have you denied yourself? And take this step: sign up for a dance class or a theater studio, start learning professional photography. There is nowhere to put it off any further.
  5. Mini home renovation idea. At least rearrange the furniture and redo the wallpaper. Firstly, you will undoubtedly be distracted, and secondly, by transforming and updating your home, you yourself will want to be internally renewed.
  6. Help those who have a harder time. When we do good, we always feel joy. We are transformed, becoming cleaner and brighter. A visit to a sick friend, help for your mother, a few kind words to your neighbor... And maybe some volunteer work.

Pamper your body - your soul will thaw

Bodily pleasure can be an excellent therapy for apathy. To do this, turn everyday procedures into a pleasant ritual. The simplest things that we often do in a hurry can give moments of genuine joy. For example, peeling: there is so much pampering and sensuality in treating the body with a fragrant scrub! The same can be said about Ayurveda’s favorite ritual of oiling, for which any slightly warmed oil is suitable (you can take olive oil and add a few drops of essential oil to your taste). It makes sense to take a course of oil massage or several sessions of stone therapy - massage with heated stones. During such procedures, we focus on our sensations and learn to enjoy touch and tactile contact. The body relaxes, unnecessary thoughts go away along with tension. We take care of ourselves - and this gives us confidence!

There are times when sadness just rolls in. Psychologists advise not to hide from it under fake fun, but to fully experience the emotions.

  • Listen to yourself

If at this moment you feel sadness and melancholy, surrender fully to these difficult feelings. You have a right to them.

  • Find a suitable activity

Perhaps it's time to watch a sentimental movie or look through your diary from ten years ago. Or just cry into your pillow. By the way, tears have a cleansing effect.

  • Think that this will pass

No matter how bad it gets, you should always look for a thread to cling to. This thread is our hope for tomorrow, that everything will change for the better and we will be in great shape. Think about good things even in the most difficult periods - and they will certainly happen to you!

Take a brush in your hands

Art therapy (healing through art) - popular in recent years method of psychotherapy. Blues, apathy, lack of interest in life are direct indications of it. The simplest technique is to try to express your emotions in a drawing.

Depict, for example, your melancholy, and then your joy - and compare these two pictures, mentally transferring yourself to a field of joy. If you are overwhelmed with negative emotions, you can even create a sculpture from paper, old newspapers, pieces of wallpaper, and then paint it in sunny colors - try to transform the negative into positive. What is good about art therapy? Firstly, you express your emotions, which means they do not accumulate inside you. Secondly, you pull the problem out and distance yourself from it. And thirdly, the creative process itself is healing and will completely capture you! In addition to isotherapy, there are many other techniques: music, dance, fairy tale, photo, game, drama and even sand therapy.

Where to look for life energy

To bring color back to the world, you need to start doing something. Not for someone - for yourself. Find the area where your efforts will not be fruitful. Seeing the result of your work, you will want to live again!

A job that does not bring joy and serves only to earn money, a relationship in which the intensity of feelings has long been dulled, constant busyness and haste, many small household chores... How to break this vicious circle? You need to find an area where you can fully realize your abilities, and your perception of life will change.

The main task of any of us is to allow our self to do something valuable for itself. Therefore, any activity that brings you pleasure can relieve you of the blues! The most difficult thing remains: finding something for the soul. The trouble is that we often deactivate our own self so much that it loses the ability to create desires. In this case, psychologists recommend remembering what brought you joy in childhood. Sewing outfits for dolls, creating collages, sculpting, drawing - it was sure to be an exciting activity. And then cast aside doubts and false shame (they say, I’m no longer a child) and indulge in what I love! Even if you don't feel inspired at first.

It is very important not to isolate yourself. Find people with similar problems so you have someone to talk to. Look for those who share your hobbies, fortunately now this is easy to do using the Internet. But communication should not be limited to the virtual world: it is imperative to go into reality!

Each of us needs to be appreciated and accepted by others. Therefore, find an opportunity to participate in those collective events where your activity will be welcomed! A lonely person can go on a group tour of the city: a friendly atmosphere, exchange of opinions - and now you are no longer alone! For a young mother who feels like life is passing her by, it is enough to organize a party at home, invite friends with children - and she will perk up, advises Eduard Livinsky. - Life without meaning is a sure road to depression.

Set goals and achieve them, and this activity will bring you out of an emotional stupor. Write down five goals focused on your own needs - what you will do for your soul and good mood.

IMPORTANT! Any communication with children will bring you pleasure and sincere joy if you put aside all matters and devote some time completely to the child. Teach him something, discover a new meaning for his favorite activities. Nothing pleases us more than the success of our children.

Give children joy

The most common cause of apathy and depression is infantility. A person expects life to give him all the joys, not wanting to act on his own. Meanwhile, life requires effort, otherwise it turns into a swamp. Look for new meanings of existence for yourself. One of them may be caring for children who do not have parents. If you're lonely and not too happy right now, give some warmth to those who really need it! Going to the nearest orphanage on the weekend and reading a fairy tale to the kids, talking to older children - this will not require any special expenses. But the impact can be very strong. You will feel that someone needs you, that someone is happy to see you, someone is waiting for you. Which means there is meaning to live!

The Art of Gratitude

Any person feels happy when his efforts are accepted - whether at work or in the family. Imagine that you prepared a delicious lunch, having spent the whole day working at the stove, and your relatives ate it with bland expressions and did not even thank you - where can you be happy? Therefore, at home - in our microcosm, where we ourselves establish orders - we need to cultivate a culture of gratitude.

Teach your children, husband and learn to appreciate what they have done for you. Say thank you!, feeling this warm feeling inside yourself. And thank life for what it gives you.

Experience difficulties. And overcome with honor!

Everything is good, but everything is boring - the blues of satiety, there is no other way to put it. She's being treated!

Live in extreme conditions. For example, go camping with tents. The world will turn upside down. You will begin to notice things that you did not pay attention to before. And many problems will turn out to be unimportant.

Learn another language. Communication during courses greatly broadens your horizons. And your head will be busy - not to the point of apathy.

Start running. Minimum 3 km per day. It's not easy to tear yourself away from TV - the favorite pastime of all those who are moping. But what joy you will feel every time you finish your run! Including the fact that endorphins are released into the blood during running.

Life story

My niece brought me out of my apathy

Just two years ago, Poltava resident Diana (26 years old) was seriously depressed. She, pregnant, was left by her loved one. She lost her child from frustration. And these were not all the trials that befell her!

At first everything worked out wonderfully. Having learned that I was expecting a child, Denis proposed to me. We had already invited guests to the wedding, when suddenly at night we quarreled over a trifle. And Denis... disappeared. And I soon ended up in the hospital. The baby was not saved.

I hated men. She lived in chronic apathy. Nothing made me happy. I went to work only because I had to live on something. One day I was walking home tired and thinking: I want to go to the hospital with a sore throat. Our negative attitudes are coming true: I slipped unluckily and ended up in intensive care. I was paralyzed, the doctors said that now I would lie down. But a miracle happened: I got back on my feet. I left the hospital knowing that I couldn’t get pregnant for three years.

My sister just had a daughter. And she invited me to her place in Kyiv.

She offered to change her life and stay with her, help with Karina. At first I refused, but six months later I quit my job and moved in with my sister. At first I was afraid to touch the baby. But soon I could easily change her diapers and could stay with her for the whole day. Communication with this sun charged me with energy. We walked with her for a long time, played, I read books to her. Somehow I caught myself thinking that I want the same miracle! Karina taught me to smile again. The depression has passed. Now I am looking for a job in the capital and hope to arrange my personal life.

By caring, we find harmony

Caring for plants and animals is a guaranteed way to fall back in love with the world. In Haruki Murakami's acclaimed book "Norwegian Wood" main character, Naoko, years after losing a loved one, ends up in a closed medical facility in the mountains. People who have lost their taste for life - people like her - are treated there not with medications, but simple activities: growing vegetables, floriculture and poultry farming.

Working near the earth, coming into contact with its creations, watching how sprouts emerge, how fruits ripen, a person draws strength and is charged with vital energy, forgetting about his mental traumas. This primitive activity, despite all the achievements of scientific and technological progress, remains the most natural for us. But where should a city dweller look for a garden or a farm? A good solution is to grow flowers. This hobby does not require a lot of money, but allows you to fully experience the joy of communicating with nature. Flowers are beautiful, they awaken a sense of beauty in us. By caring for them, we free our heads from annoying thoughts, relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Your sources of inspiration

We feel sad when we lack something. And we rejoice when we feel connected to the world and other people. And for this you need not to engage in soul-searching, but to strive to learn new things, to see the world in all its colors. And feel that you are alive!

Watching nature brings joy because it is alive. And depression is nothing more than a loss of life dynamics. Therefore, contemplation of nature is restorative. You watch how the trees bloom, the clouds float, the insects swarm, and you understand: life flows regardless of our small everyday adversities. Against this mesmerizing background, your problems seem insignificant. And nature also instills faith that you can do something as important and natural as a flower blooming or a bee carrying nectar.

Art inspires and demonstrates the diversity of life, showing that not everything around us is gray and monotonous. It also allows us to have our own emotions, pushing us to feel, experience, and catch fire. After all, in essence, art is emotions transfused into sounds, colors, movements. Depression always begins with fear of one’s feelings.

Books and films with a positive plot, dedicated to overcoming obstacles, instill confidence in one’s own strength. If the hero coped with difficulties, then you can do it too! Joy goes away because we cannot process the situation, we get stuck in it. And someone else’s example shows: there is a way out, we must look for it! And the only question is how to do it. If you can’t find a way out on your own, you should talk to a friend, a psychologist, or anyone who can help you look at the problem from the outside. And make sure: there is something to be happy about in life!

Beautiful landscapes evoke unconscious joy, so take advantage of every opportunity to be in nature. Alternate active rest with meditation or contemplation of awakening nature. Enjoy spring!

4 books that will put you in a positive mood

  • Osho. Hsin-Hsin-ming: A book about nothing

Our mind creates dreams. To wake up and experience true joy, you need to go beyond the mind. Osho tells how to turn off culturally imposed stereotypes, free yourself from the need for choice and begin to live an authentic life.

  • Anna Gavalda. Just together

A kind, wise and life-affirming novel about love and how to find joy in everyday life. All the characters, lonely at first, find their happiness at the end of the plot. And one of its important components is to help another in difficult times.

  • Sue Townsend. The Diaries of Adrian Mole

An incredibly funny book, never off the bestseller list, about the adventures of an English teenager who is prone to the blues and fancies himself an intellectual and a talented poet. Sparkling!

  • Victor Frankl. Man in search of meaning

An Austrian psychiatrist describes personal experience survival in a concentration camp and shows that even if you find yourself in the most terrible conditions, you can find an incentive to continue living. A serious book that can change your worldview.

Photo in text:

Even seemingly quite successful people can be dissatisfied with their own lives because they stop receiving joy from every day they live.

As a result, apathy appears, a feeling of hopelessness, fatigue, everything around seems gray and monotonous. To understand how to restore the joy of life, the advice of a psychologist can come to the aid of everyone.

10 Ways to Find Joy

If your life has become insipid, boring and no longer brings you pleasure, then you just need to find a way to make it varied, bring back joy and interest in life. It is important not to sit idly by, but to start acting, because apathy will not go away on its own!

You can easily solve the problem, just follow these simple tips:

  • Come up with a new hobby. It’s enough to remember what you wanted to do in life, but you didn’t have the time or money for it. Don’t put it off, sign up for dancing, a theater club, vocal training, or take up professional photography tomorrow.
  • Go on a trip. Thanks to a change in environment and new impressions, you can significantly expand the boundaries of perception. As a result, all your senses will be able to intensify significantly, you will get enough time to determine the most significant and important things in your life. And, of course, you will get unforgettable impressions from new places. Remember, you always return from a trip a new person!

  • Make some minor repairs. This will not only help improve living conditions, but will also be a stimulus for internal transformation. It is enough to rearrange and re-paste the wallpaper to get an incentive for new changes.
  • Help those who find themselves in a more difficult situation. After doing good, any person will feel joy. This helps to transform, cleanse, and become lighter. It is enough to help your grandmother, come to the aid of a sick friend, say kind words neighbor or become a volunteer.
  • Get a pet. By caring for a defenseless creature, you will be able to feel happiness again, because you will feel that someone needs you. This feeling is important for every person and will allow you to understand how to find joy in life.
  • Pamper your body. Bodily pleasures can easily cope with attacks of apathy. It is enough to turn any procedures that you carry out daily into a pleasant ritual; for example, regular peeling with aromatic oils can bring real pleasure. When your body is relaxed, you will be able to completely get rid of unpleasant thoughts. You can sign up for a massage course or go to the sauna - choose what you like!
  • Visit the temple. Attend a service to listen to prayers and try to understand yourself.

  • Listen to yourself. Shouldn't be ignored own feelings and sensations, on the contrary, psychologists advise to completely surrender to them. If you are sad at the moment, then completely surrender to the melancholy and watch sentimental films. In this case, tears will help to cleanse yourself and let go of some problems.
  • Start creating. Any experience can be expressed in a drawing, for example, you can depict the melancholy that consumes you. Overcome by negative emotions? Make a sculpture that you can paint using bright colors.
  • Love yourself again. You cannot live a full life if you hate yourself. It's time to sin some by accepting yourself for who you are.

Do you want to know how to enjoy life? Try skipping with a smile on your face. Don't worry about what others will think.

In our world, it is common to be gloomy, and cheerful people are perceived as something unusual and alarming. But are you ready to live like this? Become open, natural, carry the holiday within you every day and generously share it with others.