Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Gerasimov V.G. (ed.) Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics Calculating the active conductances of parallel branches

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Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering


for students of all forms of study

Kazan 2006

Compiled by: L.Ya. Egorov, G.I. Zakhvatov, V.S. Kamaletdinov, Yu.V. Nikitin.

Guidelines for calculation and graphic work for students of construction specialties. Kazan: KGASU, 2006 - 26 p.

Comp.: L.Ya. Egorov, G.I. Zakhvatov, V.S. Kamaletdinov, Yu.V. Nikitin.

Kazan, 2006 - 26 p.

Guidelines include work program, tasks, instructions for their implementation, calculation examples. The guidelines are intended for students of all forms of study.

Reviewer: Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of TPD, KSTU named after A.N. Tupoleva P.A. Polikarpov.

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2006

General guidelines for the test

The purpose of the tests is to check students' mastery of the relevant sections of the course.

IN test work 2 tasks included. ( Correspondence students The assignment option is determined by the last two digits of the grade book number. If the last two digits are more than 50, then subtract 50 to determine the option number).

You should start doing the next job after studying required material according to recommended literature.

The work is performed on separate bound sheets. The name of the university and department, the subject of the work and its number, version, full name must be written on the cover. student and teacher-consultant, month and year. Text, formulas and numerical calculations must be written clearly and accurately, without blots.

Electrical diagrams must be made using drawing tools. Vector diagrams should be made on checkered or graph paper with the obligatory marking of the selected scale.

Electrical circuits must be drawn in compliance with the established conditions for graphic representations of the elements of these circuits. The established letter designations of electrical quantities should be strictly adhered to.

Correspondence students completed work is sent to correspondence dean's office university along with methodological instructions.

Work program (for distance learning students)

Electrical energy, its features and applications. The importance of electrical engineering training for engineers.

Electrical circuits. Constant and AC V engineering systems modern buildings and structures.

Single-phase AC circuits. Obtaining single-phase EMF. Basic designations. Active, reactive and impedance in alternating current circuits in series and parallel connections. Calculation of complex circuits.

Resonance phenomena in alternating current circuits. Conditions for the occurrence of resonance, practical application. Active, reactive and apparent power, power triangle.

Three-phase AC circuits. Definition, receipt, application. Star, triangle connection. Connecting single-phase and three-phase load in 3 phase circuit. Power in 3-phase circuits.

Electromagnetic devices. Single-phase and three-phase transformers. Application of transformers.

Cars DC. Purpose, classification, design, principle of operation of generators and DC motors. Features of work, application.

Asynchronous machines. Purpose, design, principle of operation. Features of starting and speed control, characteristics, application.

Synchronous machines. Purpose, design, principle of operation in generator and engine modes, characteristics, application.

Industrial electronics. Purpose, element base of modern electronic devices: resistors, diodes, transistors, photovoltaic devices.

Secondary voltage sources, Purpose. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers, their control based on thyristors, invectors and convectors, the use of secondary voltage sources.

Amplifiers. Purpose, classification, block diagram of electronic amplifiers. Single-stage and multi-stage amplifiers, characteristics.

Pulse and self-generating devices. Digital electronics. Purpose, block diagram and principle of operation, main parameters, application. Fundamentals of digital electronics. Microprocessor technology.

Electrical measurements. Definition of the measurement process. Measurement methods, error, accuracy, sensitivity of instruments. Operating principle of basic instrument systems. Measurement of resistance, current, voltage, power. Measurement of non-electrical quantities using electrical methods.

Electric drive, power supply. Purpose and classification of electric drive. Operating mode, selection of electric motor power. Electric drive of fans and pumps. General power supply diagram, classification of power lines, electric lighting construction site, lighting fixtures, quality electrical energy, consumer categories. Measures to save electricity energy.

Electrical technologies and electrical safety. Principles of using electricity for heat treatment, drying means building materials, email construction devices. Warming of frozen pipelines and thawing of electrical soil. methods. Electrical protection of structures from corrosion. Using electrical technology for protection environment. Electrical safety, protective grounding, grounding, protective shutdown.


For an electrical circuit, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 1.1 - 1.50, using the parameters specified in Table 1 and the voltage applied to the circuit, determine the currents in all branches of the circuit. Determine the active, reactive and apparent power of the circuit. Construct a vector diagram of currents and voltages to scale.


To correctly solve the problem, it is necessary to study the theory of electrical circuits of single-phase sinusoidal current, to learn the basic formulas of resistance, conductivity of currents, voltages; learn to apply Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's equations, and the conductivity method for analysis and calculation.

All electrical circuits proposed by the task are mixed, i.e. contain a serial branch and two parallel ones. Each branch has various resistances, the values ​​of which are specified.

For example, consider the generalized circuit shown in Fig. 1.


The general process for solving problems of this type is as follows. It is necessary to convert a series-parallel circuit into a simple series circuit by replacing the branched section of the circuit with an equivalent series circuit.

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First of all, it is necessary to determine, using the conductivity method, the parameters of an equivalent chain with which a branched section of the chain can be replaced.

In an equivalent circuit, the reactance will be inductive or capacitive depending on the sign of the equivalent reactance. The further solution comes down to determining the active and reactance of the circuit, and from them the total resistance of the circuit.

For each circuit resistance and specified voltage, the total current consumption in the circuit is determined. To determine the current in individual branches of a branched section, we first find the voltage between the node points, and then the currents in the branches.

Then we find the voltage in the specified area, active, reactive and total power in the circuit. We complete the calculation by constructing a vector diagram of currents and voltages.

Calculation algorithm

We calculate the resistance values ​​of individual circuit elements:

X L = sch L = 2 pf L ,X C = 1 / sch C = 1 / 2 pf C

Where f = 50 Hz, L- in Henry (Gn), C - in Farads (F).

ATTENTION: in the task L is given in mH, C in µF.

We calculate the total resistance of the branches:

Z 1 = ,Where: X 1 = X L 1 - X C 1

Z 2 = , X 2 = X L 2 - X C 2

Z 3 = , X 3 = X L 3 - X C 3

We calculate the active conductivities of parallel branches:

g 2 = R 2 / Z 2 2 , g 3 = R 3 / Z 3 2 .

4. Calculate the total equivalent active conductivity g E:

g E = g 2 + g 3

We calculate the reactive conductivities of the branches and the total equivalent conductance G E :

V L 2 = X L 2 / Z 2 2 , V C 2 = X C 2 /Z 2 2 ,

V L 3 = X L 3 / Z 3 2 , V C 3 = X C 3 / Z 3 2 , G E =

V L = V L 2 + V L 3 , V C = V C 2 + V C 3 , V E = V C - V L

Let us depict an equivalent circuit in which we replace resistances with conductivities (Fig. 2).

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Let us replace equivalent conductivities with equivalent resistances connected in series (Fig. 3).

R E= g E / G E 2

X E = V E / G E 2

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Let's find the total resistance of the entire circuit:

R C = R 1 + R E , X C = X 1 + X E , Z C = , Ohm.

Let's find the total current consumption:

I 1 =U/Z C ,A

Let's find the voltage applied to a parallel section of the circuit:

U aw = I 1 · Z E , IN; Z E = 1 / G E

Let's find the currents in the branches:

I 2 = U aw / Z 2 , A; I 3 = U aw / Z 3 , A

Let's find the voltage across resistance Z 1 :

U Z 1 = I 1 · Z 1 , IN

We calculate the power of the circuit:

P=U · I 1 cos ts , W; Q = U · I 1 sin ts , VAr; S= U · I 1 , VA, where cos ts = R C / Z C

We construct a vector diagram of currents and voltages, having previously determined the scale for the voltage vectors and current vectors (Fig. 4).

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As the initial vector, it is convenient to take the voltage vector applied to parallel branches, vector U aw .

Set aside the vector U aw . With respect to this vector we plot the currents I on the current scale 2 and I 3 , having first determined the phase shift angles μ 2 and c 3 ;

(cos ts 1 = R 1 / Z 1 ; cos ts 2 = R 2 / Z 2 ; cos ts 3 = R 3 / Z 3 ).

We put the currents in the lagging or leading direction, which is determined by the nature of the load in the parallel branches.

Let's perform geometric addition and find the current I 1 : (I 1 = I 2 + I 3 ) .

Relative to the current vector I 1 at an angle c 1 in the direction of leading or lagging, which is determined by the nature of the load r, X L, X C, we set aside the vector U Z , from the end of the vector U aw . By geometric addition of these vectors ( U = U aw + U Z 1 ) find the voltage vector U .

Table 1


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For the electrical circuit, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 2.1-2.17 according to the parameters specified in Table 2, determine the phase and linear currents, the current in the neutral wire (for a four-wire circuit), the active power of the entire circuit and each phase separately. Construct a vector diagram of currents and voltages.


Before starting to calculate task No. 2, it is necessary to study the theory of three-phase circuits when connecting electrical energy consumers according to a star and delta circuit. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the ratio of phase and linear voltages when connecting consumers with a star and the ratio of phase and linear currents when connecting a triangle.

For star connection:

U AB = U A - U IN ; U Sun = U IN - U WITH ; U SA = U WITH - U A ;

U L = · U F , I L = I F .

To connect consumers with a triangle:

I A = I AB - I SA ; I IN = I Sun - I AB ; I WITH = I SA - I Sun ;

I L = I F , U L = U F .

Let's look at calculation examples three-phase circuit when connecting consumers with a star and a triangle.


Electric circuit when connected by a star.

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Calculation algorithm

Finding the total phase resistance:

Z A = , Z V = ,

Z With = R With , (Ohm).

We find phase (linear) currents:

I L = U F / Z A ; I 0 = U F / Z V ; I WITH = U F / Z WITH ,(A)

Where U F = U L / .

We find the phase shift angles from the expressions:

cos ts A = R A / Z A , cos ts V = R V / Z V , cos ts With = R With / Z With

We find the active powers of the phases:

R A = U F · I A · cos ts A , R V = U F · I IN · cos ts V , R WITH = U F · I WITH · cos ts With , Tue.

We find the total active power of the circuit:

R A = R A + R V + R With , Tue.

We build a vector diagram of currents and voltages taking into account the scale (Fig. 6) and find the graphical current in the neutral wire:

I N = I A +I B +I C

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We construct the diagram using marks with a compass, having previously set the scale, starting the construction with linear voltages, for example, from point A, then from point B. Having calculated phase currents, having set a scale for currents, we plot the phase currents at the appropriate phase shift angle relative to the same phase voltage.

We add the current vectors according to the rules of the power polygon and find the current in the neutral wire I N by measuring the length of the vector on the selected scale.

An electrical circuit with a delta connection.


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Calculation algorithm

1. Find the total resistance of each phase:

Z AB = , Z Sun = R V With ,

Z SA = , (Ohm).

2. Find phase currents:

I AB = U F / Z aw , I Sun = U F / Z Sun ,

I SA = U F / Z sa , Where U F = U L .

3. Find the value of the phase shift angles from the expressions:

cos ts aw = R aw / Z aw , cos ts Sun = R Sun / Z Sun , cos ts sa = R sa / Z sa .

4. Find the active powers of each phase:

R A = U F · I AB · cos ts aw , R IN = U F · I Sun · cos ts Sun , R WITH = U F · I SA · cos ts sa , Tue.

5. Find the active power of the entire circuit:

P = R A + R IN + R WITH , Tue.

6. We build a vector diagram of voltages and currents for this circuit using the obtained digital data (Fig. 8). We set aside the values ​​of the calculated phase currents, taking into account the shift in relation to their phase voltages.

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7. Determine linear currents.

Linear currents are determined graphically taking into account the scale. Each of the line currents is equal to the geometric difference of the phase currents according to the previously given equations for connecting energy consumers with a triangle. three-phase electric current

The linear current vector connects the ends of the phase current vectors deposited from point O and directed to the one being reduced.

Table 2



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Name: Basics of Industrial Electronics
Gerasimov V. G.
Publisher: graduate School
Year: 1986
Pages: 336
Format: PDF
Size: 33.3 MB
Quality: good
Language: Russian

The book outlines the physical foundations, operating principles, designs and characteristics of discrete semiconductor devices and visual display devices; typical components of modern electronic devices are described, etc.

Chapter 1. Semiconductor devices
§1.1. Electrical conductivity of semiconductors, formation and properties p-n-transition
§1.2. Classification of semiconductor devices
§1.3. Semiconductor resistors
§1.4. Semiconductor diodes
§1.5. Bipolar transistors
§1.6. Field effect transistors
§1.7. Thyristors
§1.8. General technical and economic characteristics and designation system for semiconductor devices
Chapter 2. Integrated Circuits
§2.1. General information
§2.2. Integrated circuit manufacturing technology
§2.3. Hybrid integrated circuits
§2.4. Semiconductor integrated circuits
§2.5. Parameters of integrated circuits
§2.6. Classifications of integrated circuits by functional purpose and their designation system
Chapter 3. Indicating devices
§3.1. General characteristics and classification of indicator devices
§3.2. Electron beam indicators
§3.3. Gas discharge indicators
§3.4. Semiconductor and liquid crystal indicators
§3.5. Vacuum-luminescent and other types of indicators
§3.6. Designation system for indicator devices
Chapter 4. Photovoltaic devices
§4.1. General information
§4.2. Photoresistors
§4.3. Photodiodes
§4.4. Specialty semiconductor photovoltaic devices
§4.5. Electrovacuum photocells
§4.5. Photomultiplier tubes
§4.7. Optoelectronic devices
§4.8. Photovoltaic designation system
Chapter 5. Amplification stages
§5.1. General information
§5.2. Common emitter amplifier stage
§5.3. Temperature stabilization of an amplifier stage with a common emitter
§5.4. Amplifier stages with a common collector and a common base
§5.5. Amplifier stages on field effect transistors
§5.6. Operating modes of amplification stages
Chapter 6. Voltage and Power Amplifiers
§6.1. RC-Coupled Voltage Amplifiers
§6.2. Feedbacks in amplifiers
§6-3. DC Amplifiers
§6.4. Operational amplifiers
§6.5. Selective amplifiers
§6.6. Power amplifiers
Chapter 7. Electronic generators of harmonic oscillations
§7.1. General information
§7.2. Conditions for self-excitation of autogenerators
§7.3. L.C.-autogenerators
§7.4. R.C.-autogenerators
§7.5. Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations using elements with negative resistance
§7.6. Frequency stabilization in autogenerators
Chapter 8. Pulse and digital devices
§8.1. General characteristics of pulse devices. Pulse signal parameters
§8.2. Electronic keys and simple pulse signal shapers
§8.3. Logic elements
§8.4. Triggers
§8.5. Digital pulse counters
§8.6. Registers, decoders, multiplexers
§8.7. Comparators and Schmitt triggers
§8.8. Multivibrators and monovibrators
§8.0. Linear voltage generators (GLIN)
§8.10. Pulse selectors
§8.11. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters (DAC and ADC)
§8.12.. Microprocessors and microcomputers
Chapter 9. Secondary power sources for electronic devices
§9.1. General information
§9.2. Rectifier classification
§9.3. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers
§9.4. Anti-aliasing filters
§9.5. External characteristics of rectifiers
§9.6. Voltage and current stabilizers
§9.7. Voltage multipliers
§9.8. Controlled rectifiers
§9.9. General information about converters of direct voltage into alternating voltage
§9.10. Inverters
§9.11. Converters
§9.12. Prospects for the development of secondary power sources
Chapter 10. Electronic measuring instruments
§10.1. General characteristics of electronic measuring instruments
§10.2. Electronic oscilloscopes
§10.3. Electronic voltmeters
§10.4. Measuring generators
§10.5. Electronic frequency meters, phase meters and amplitude-frequency characteristics meters
Chapter 11. Application of electronic devices in industry
§11.1. Applications of electronic devices
§11.2. Electronic devices for monitoring mechanical quantities
§11.3. Electronic devices for thermal monitoring
§11.4. Electronic devices for monitoring acoustic magnitudes
§11.5. Electronic devices for monitoring optical magnitudes
§11.6. Electronic devices for monitoring the composition and properties of substances
§11.7. Electronic devices for flaw detection
§11.8. Basic principles of electronic device design
Appendix I. Active elements of electronic devices
Appendix II. Passive elements of electronic devices
Appendix III. Classification and elements symbols integrated circuits by functional purpose
Appendix IV. Operational amplifiers
Subject index

Fundamentals of industrial electronics: Textbook for non-electrical specialties at universities/V. G. Gerasimov, O. M. Knyazkov, A. E. Krasnopolsky, V. V. Sukhorukov, Ed. V. G. Gerasimova. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Higher School, 1986. - 336 p., ill.
The book outlines the physical foundations, operating principles, designs and characteristics of discrete semiconductor devices and visual display devices; typical components of modern electronic devices are described, etc. The 3rd edition (2nd - 1978) focuses on the use of integrated circuits, introduces material on visual display devices, optoelectronics, microprocessors, and expands information on digital technology.

Table of contents:
Semiconductor devices.
Electrical conductivity of semiconductors, formation and p-p properties transition.
Classification of semiconductor devices.
Semiconductor resistors.
Semiconductor diodes.
Bipolar transistors.
Field effect transistors.
General technical and economic characteristics and designation system for semiconductor devices.
Integrated circuits.
General information.
Manufacturing technology of integrated circuits.
Hybrid integrated circuits.
Semiconductor integrated circuits.
Parameters of integrated circuits.
Classification of integrated circuits by functional purpose and their designation system.
Indicating devices.
General characteristics and classification of indicator devices.
Electron beam indicators.
Gas discharge indicators.
Semiconductor and liquid crystal indicators.
Vacuum-luminescent and other types of indicators.
Designation system for indicator devices.
Photovoltaic devices.
General information.
Special semiconductor photovoltaic devices.
Electrovacuum photocells.
Optoelectric devices.
Designation system for photovoltaic devices.
Amplifier stages.
General information.
Amplifier stage with common emitter.
Temperature stabilization of an amplifier stage with a common emitter.
Amplifier stages with a common collector and a common base.
Amplification stages based on field-effect transistors.
Operating modes of amplification stages.
Voltage and power amplifiers.
RC-coupled voltage amplifiers.
Feedback in amplifiers.
DC amplifiers.
Operational amplifiers.
Selective amplifiers.
Power amplifiers.
Electronic generators of harmonic oscillations.
General information.
Conditions for self-excitation of autogenerators.
LC autogenerators.
RC self-oscillators.
Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations on elements with negative resistance.
Frequency stabilization in autogenerators.
Pulse and digital devices.
General characteristics of pulse devices. Parameters of pulse signals Electronic keys and simple pulse signal shapers.
Logical elements.
Digital pulse counters.
Registers, decoders, multiplexers.
Comparators and Schmitt triggers.
Multivibrators; and monovibrators.
Linear voltage generators (GLIN).
Pulse selectors.
Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters (DAC and ADC).
Microprocessors and microcomputers.
Sources of secondary power supply for electronic devices.
General information.
Classification of rectifiers.
Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers.
Anti-aliasing filters.
External characteristics of rectifiers.
Voltage and current stabilizers.
Voltage multipliers.
Controlled rectifiers.
General information about DC-AC converters.
Prospects for the development of secondary power sources.
Electronic measuring instruments.
General characteristics of electronic measuring instruments.
Electronic oscilloscopes.
Electronic voltmeters.
Measuring generators.
Electronic frequency meters, phase meters and amplitude-frequency characteristics meters.
Application of electronic devices in industry.
Application areas of electronic devices.
Electronic devices for monitoring mechanical quantities.
Electronic devices for monitoring thermal quantities.
Electronic devices for monitoring acoustic quantities.
Electronic devices for monitoring optical magnitudes.
Electronic devices for monitoring the composition and properties of substances.
Electronic devices for flaw detection testing.
Basic principles of designing electronic devices.
Subject index.

Chapter 1. Semiconductor devices
§1.1. Electrical conductivity of semiconductors, formation and properties p-n-transition
§1.2. Classification of semiconductor devices
§1.3. Semiconductor resistors
§1.4. Semiconductor diodes
§1.5. Bipolar transistors
§1.6. Field effect transistors
§1.7. Thyristors
§1.8. General technical and economic characteristics and designation system for semiconductor devices
Chapter 2. Integrated Circuits
§2.1. General information
§2.2. Integrated circuit manufacturing technology
§2.3. Hybrid integrated circuits
§2.4. Semiconductor integrated circuits
§2.5. Parameters of integrated circuits
§2.6. Classifications of integrated circuits by functional purpose and their designation system
Chapter 3. Indicating devices
§3.1. General characteristics and classification of indicator devices
§3.2. Electron beam indicators
§3.3. Gas discharge indicators
§3.4. Semiconductor and liquid crystal indicators
§3.5. Vacuum-luminescent and other types of indicators
§3.6. Designation system for indicator devices
Chapter 4. Photovoltaic devices
§4.1. General information
§4.2. Photoresistors
§4.3. Photodiodes
§4.4. Specialty semiconductor photovoltaic devices
§4.5. Electrovacuum photocells
§4.5. Photomultiplier tubes
§4.7. Optoelectronic devices
§4.8. Photovoltaic designation system
Chapter 5. Amplification stages
§5.1. General information
§5.2. Common emitter amplifier stage
§5.3. Temperature stabilization of an amplifier stage with a common emitter
§5.4. Amplifier stages with a common collector and a common base
§5.5. Amplifier stages based on field-effect transistors
§5.6. Operating modes of amplification stages
Chapter 6. Voltage and Power Amplifiers
§6.1. RC-Coupled Voltage Amplifiers
§6.2. Feedback in amplifiers
§6-3. DC Amplifiers
§6.4. Operational amplifiers
§6.5. Selective amplifiers
§6.6. Power amplifiers
Chapter 7. Electronic generators of harmonic oscillations
§7.1. General information
§7.2. Conditions for self-excitation of autogenerators
§7.3. L.C.-autogenerators
§7.4. R.C.-autogenerators
§7.5. Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations using elements with negative resistance
§7.6. Frequency stabilization in autogenerators
Chapter 8. Pulse and digital devices
§8.1. General characteristics of pulse devices. Pulse signal parameters
§8.2. Electronic keys and simple pulse signal shapers
§8.3. Logic elements
§8.4. Triggers
§8.5. Digital pulse counters
§8.6. Registers, decoders, multiplexers
§8.7. Comparators and Schmitt triggers
§8.8. Multivibrators and monovibrators
§8.0. Linear voltage generators (GLIN)
§8.10. Pulse selectors
§8.11. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters (DAC and ADC)
§8.12.. Microprocessors and microcomputers
Chapter 9. Secondary power sources for electronic devices
§9.1. General information
§9.2. Rectifier classification
§9.3. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers
§9.4. Anti-aliasing filters
§9.5. External characteristics of rectifiers
§9.6. Voltage and current stabilizers
§9.7. Voltage multipliers
§9.8. Controlled rectifiers
§9.9. General information about converters of direct voltage into alternating voltage
§9.10. Inverters
§9.11. Converters
§9.12. Prospects for the development of secondary power sources
Chapter 10. Electronic measuring instruments
§10.1. General characteristics of electronic measuring instruments
§10.2. Electronic oscilloscopes
§10.3. Electronic voltmeters
§10.4. Measuring generators
§10.5. Electronic frequency meters, phase meters and amplitude-frequency characteristics meters
Chapter 11. Application of electronic devices in industry
§11.1. Applications of electronic devices
§11.2. Electronic devices for monitoring mechanical quantities
§11.3. Electronic devices for thermal monitoring
§11.4. Electronic devices for monitoring acoustic magnitudes
§11.5. Electronic devices for monitoring optical magnitudes
§11.6. Electronic devices for monitoring the composition and properties of substances
§11.7. Electronic devices for flaw detection
§11.8. Basic principles of electronic device design
Appendix I. Active elements of electronic devices
Appendix II. Passive elements of electronic devices
Appendix III. Classification and elements of symbols of integrated circuits by functional purpose
Appendix IV. Operational amplifiers
Subject index

Basics of Industrial Electronics- The book outlines the physical foundations, operating principles, designs and characteristics of discrete semiconductor devices and visual display devices; typical components of modern electronic devices are described, etc.

Name: Basics of Industrial Electronics
Gerasimov V. G.
Publisher: graduate School
Year: 1986
Pages: 336
Format: PDF
Size: 33.3 MB
Quality: good

Chapter 1. Semiconductor devices
§1.1. Electrical conductivity of semiconductors, formation and properties p-n-transition
§1.2. Classification of semiconductor devices
§1.3. Semiconductor resistors
§1.4. Semiconductor diodes
§1.5. Bipolar transistors
§1.6. Field effect transistors
§1.7. Thyristors
§1.8. General technical and economic characteristics and designation system for semiconductor devices
Chapter 2. Integrated Circuits
§2.1. General information
§2.2. Integrated circuit manufacturing technology
§2.3. Hybrid integrated circuits
§2.4. Semiconductor integrated circuits
§2.5. Parameters of integrated circuits
§2.6. Classifications of integrated circuits by functional purpose and their designation system
Chapter 3. Indicating devices
§3.1. General characteristics and classification of indicator devices
§3.2. Electron beam indicators
§3.3. Gas discharge indicators
§3.4. Semiconductor and liquid crystal indicators
§3.5. Vacuum-luminescent and other types of indicators
§3.6. Designation system for indicator devices
Chapter 4. Photovoltaic devices
§4.1. General information
§4.2. Photoresistors
§4.3. Photodiodes
§4.4. Specialty semiconductor photovoltaic devices
§4.5. Electrovacuum photocells
§4.5. Photomultiplier tubes
§4.7. Optoelectronic devices
§4.8. Photovoltaic designation system
Chapter 5. Amplification stages
§5.1. General information
§5.2. Common emitter amplifier stage
§5.3. Temperature stabilization of an amplifier stage with a common emitter
§5.4. Amplifier stages with a common collector and a common base
§5.5. Amplifier stages based on field-effect transistors
§5.6. Operating modes of amplification stages
Chapter 6. Voltage and Power Amplifiers
§6.1. RC-Coupled Voltage Amplifiers
§6.2. Feedback in amplifiers
§6-3. DC Amplifiers
§6.4. Operational amplifiers
§6.5. Selective amplifiers
§6.6. Power amplifiers
Chapter 7. Electronic generators of harmonic oscillations
§7.1. General information
§7.2. Conditions for self-excitation of autogenerators
§7.3. L.C.-autogenerators
§7.4. R.C.-autogenerators
§7.5. Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations using elements with negative resistance
§7.6. Frequency stabilization in autogenerators
Chapter 8. Pulse and digital devices
§8.1. General characteristics of pulse devices. Pulse signal parameters
§8.2. Electronic keys and simple pulse signal shapers
§8.3. Logic elements
§8.4. Triggers
§8.5. Digital pulse counters
§8.6. Registers, decoders, multiplexers
§8.7. Comparators and Schmitt triggers
§8.8. Multivibrators and monovibrators
§8.0. Linear voltage generators (GLIN)
§8.10. Pulse selectors
§8.11. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters (DAC and ADC)
§8.12.. Microprocessors and microcomputers
Chapter 9. Secondary power sources for electronic devices
§9.1. General information
§9.2. Rectifier classification
§9.3. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers
§9.4. Anti-aliasing filters
§9.5. External characteristics of rectifiers
§9.6. Voltage and current stabilizers
§9.7. Voltage multipliers
§9.8. Controlled rectifiers
§9.9. General information about converters of direct voltage into alternating voltage
§9.10. Inverters
§9.11. Converters
§9.12. Prospects for the development of secondary power sources
Chapter 10. Electronic measuring instruments
§10.1. General characteristics of electronic measuring instruments
§10.2. Electronic oscilloscopes
§10.3. Electronic voltmeters
§10.4. Measuring generators
§10.5. Electronic frequency meters, phase meters and amplitude-frequency characteristics meters
Chapter 11. Application of electronic devices in industry
§11.1. Applications of electronic devices
§11.2. Electronic devices for monitoring mechanical quantities
§11.3. Electronic devices for thermal monitoring
§11.4. Electronic devices for monitoring acoustic magnitudes
§11.5. Electronic devices for monitoring optical magnitudes
§11.6. Electronic devices for monitoring the composition and properties of substances
§11.7. Electronic devices for flaw detection
§11.8. Basic principles of electronic device design
Appendix I. Active elements of electronic devices
Appendix II. Passive elements of electronic devices
Appendix III. Classification and elements of symbols of integrated circuits by functional purpose
Appendix IV. Operational amplifiers
Subject index

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