Cleaning local sewerage in a country house. Technology for installing sewerage in a country house. How to choose an autonomous sewer system

Long gone are the days when having a sewer system in a house was considered something out of the ordinary. Today it is difficult to imagine a comfortable life without a sewer system. This is not only convenient, but also necessary in our time. If in the city no effort is required to install and connect the sewer system, then in rural areas you will have to be smart and sometimes spend a considerable amount of money. You can install an autonomous sewer system or try to connect to the sewer system already installed in the village.

There are two types of sewer system:
- external: the essence of its work is to remove waste and transfer it for cleaning;
- local sewerage: intended for a separate country house. With its help, you can dispose of waste without connecting to a centralized outlet.

Main types of sewer system for a country house

Cesspool - a quick and inexpensive way

A cesspool is the cheapest and simplest, from a technological point of view, method of waste disposal. Pit by appearance resembles a well, for the strengthening of which resistant materials are used (rings of reinforced concrete, etc.). The principle of operation of a cesspool is quite primitive: water from the house falls into a deep hole where all the waste accumulates. The water then passes through the soil and is distributed evenly underground. As a result, it takes a considerable amount of time to completely fill the hole. To clean the cesspool, they call in specialized equipment - a sewer truck. The disadvantage of such a sewer system is the significant consumption of water.

Disadvantages of using a cesspool:
- unpleasant “aroma”;
- biochemical contamination of the land plot;
- increased accident rate: in the event of heavy rains, “troubles” in the form of fecal matter “floating” to the doorstep of the house cannot be ruled out;
- a cesspool cannot be installed in the same area where the well or water well;
- poor functionality, may fail under heavy loads;
- from time to time you will have to turn to the services of a sewer truck;
- the response efficiency of special services involved in cleaning the pit is extremely low.

As a result, the cesspool is not the most best option sewer system at a summer cottage.

Storage tanks as an option for a sewer system in country house

A storage tank is another simple type of sewage system for your country retreat. The use of this technology is more acceptable in dachas than in cottages or residential complexes. Storage tanks are mainly installed in temporary settlements. The technological process is very simple: contaminated water from the house enters a sealed container. There is a kind of conservation of wastewater inside the container. Water does not seep into the ground.

Pros and cons of this technology:
- quick filling of the container. As a result, there is a frequent need to call out special equipment, approximately several times a month;
- due to “conservation” waste water your area is not polluted, thereby this system considered environmentally friendly;
- depending on the needs of the family, there are different volumes of containers: from 2,000 to 50,000 liters;
- the container can be hidden from prying eyes underground. A storage tank is essentially the same cesspool, but only protected and environmentally friendly.

Mechanical septic tank

What is its essence? The principle of natural purification is its ability to filter wastewater. Installation of this device is only possible on soil with deep water. The cleaning level is provided by a sectional device. Purified water seeps into a special layer of soil where natural drainage occurs. For this, a layer of sand and gravel is used. Distinctive Features a natural septic tank is hidden installation and simplicity of the device. But, like any sewer system, it also has disadvantages: the need for regular maintenance by specialists, as well as daily monitoring of the operation of the device. On average, its volume is about 200 liters per person. From a financial point of view, mechanical is a fairly acceptable method of sewerage.

Choosing a sewer system for a cottage or country house

Before choosing one or another sewer system, you need to answer several questions:
- The importance for you of the level of comfort, the absence of unpleasant odors, as well as aesthetics.
- Are you prepared for possible site contamination due to wastewater?
- How much water do you plan to drain per day?
- Are interruptions in the operation of the sewer system possible?
- Is it possible that there will be a large load on the sewer system?
- Are you ready for significant water consumption?
- Are there plans for additional construction related to sewerage?
- How much are you willing to spend on a sewerage system?
- Is priority given to low cost or service life?

Only clear answers will help you avoid mistakes and make the right decision. You can always contact a specialized service for advice.

If previously a toilet on the street was considered commonplace for a suburban area, now even in dachas, where people come to relax on weekends, homeowners strive to create comfortable conditions. And a lot depends on whether the sewage system was correctly selected, designed and installed. Which treatment plant to choose, how to make a septic tank yourself, when is it better to install one VOC for several houses, how to install a sewer system, what pipes to use and how to lay them correctly in the house and around the area - we discuss these and other questions about organizing sewerage outside the city in this week’s topic .


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Although modern market offers many ready-to-use wastewater treatment systems, users of our portal prefer to roll up their sleeves and make a septic tank themselves. How long does it last, what should be the size of such a well, what should the bottom be made of, how long does it take for wastewater to be processed in a settling tank - we talk about the experience of the participants of our portal.


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Autonomous sewerage. Features of choice. When thinking about draining a sewerage system on a site, you should take a closer look at the market and take a closer look at modern treatment facilities. Autonomous sewerage is perhaps the most popular option, but in order to successfully implement it on the site, it is important to choose the right installation.

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A building with a woodshed, an outdoor shower and an ecological toilet. In order not to waste the site area on various buildings, Andrei Bugaev decided to arrange it in one room summer shower, woodshed and toilet. And in order not to clog the ground and well with sewage from the toilet, he made the structure environmentally friendly.

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Vladimir43 presented to the readers new system drainage system, the design of which is based on a conventional septic tank with a wide neck, which is complemented by a composting module consisting of a composting (storage) container and a grease trap. Topicstarter talks about the advantages of the system, and you can also find out how the tests are carried out.

Not only an important, but also a mandatory component of a comfortable stay is a trouble-free sewer system for a country house that does not require labor-intensive maintenance - what to choose as a structure for drains depends on many factors. The principle “the most expensive is the best” has long lost its relevance. The amount of investment must be justified by the extent to which the chosen model meets the requirements. The latter, in turn, are determined by operating conditions. Thus, before purchasing a ready-made model of a waste disposal unit or starting construction with your own hands, you should carefully calculate both the parameters of the sewer system, choose its type and develop a communications scheme.

Before deciding which sewer system to choose for a country house, you need to find out what capabilities the designs have various types and what conditions are necessary for their trouble-free and trouble-free operation.


This type of recycler has the simplest design, which means that the purchase of materials (or a finished container) and installation will cost less than with any other option. Local sewerage for a country house of this type has a number of disadvantages.

Cesspool or fill up quite quickly, since such systems do not provide for purification and disposal of purified water. To clean the sewer, you will need to call a sewer truck, and this is a paid service. However, even this type of sewage system may not only be in demand, but also optimally suitable. If a country house is visited periodically and only in the warm season, and the number of people gathering on the site on summer weekends is not large, then the installed container will not be filled too intensively, and the vacuum cleaners will not have to be called often.

A storage tank for sewerage in a country house is only suitable for periodic residence and for a small number of people

Note: There is also the possibility of constructing a cesspool without a bottom, if the volume of waste per day does not exceed 1 cubic meter. It will have to be pumped out less often, but the environmental friendliness of such a structure leaves much to be desired.

Septic tank

Local sewerage for a country house with a septic tank is one of the most popular options. This popularity is due, among other things, to the variety of possibilities. You can build a waste disposal unit yourself or purchase a ready-made one, select the number of chambers and the degree of purification.

From the point of view of the need to clean tanks, a septic tank is a compromise between a storage tank that does virtually no waste processing and an expensive and practically waste-free local treatment plant (VSTP). In septic tanks, solid inclusions decompose and settle to form a liquid that can be drained through the filter layer into the ground. Thus, filling the tanks occurs much more slowly. The use of special equipment to empty sewer tanks will be required quite rarely, if at the design stage you do not make mistakes when calculating the required volume of the structure.

It’s more complicated, and you’ll need to spend money to install it. Purchasing a ready-made factory model will cost more, but will significantly save time. Self-construction, on the contrary, means saving money when you need to spend time and effort. An additional advantage of installing a septic tank with your own hands is the ability to create a design in exact accordance with the needs and taking into account the layout of the site. The volume and geometric parameters of sewerage tanks in this case are not limited by the model range in the same way as the shape of the tanks.

Local treatment plants

If you are planning to permanently live in a cottage, and you need a sewer system for a country house, what to choose is decided taking into account the intensive use of the system. You won’t be able to build a VOC with your own hands, but the cost of such structures is quite high. However, once you invest in the purchase (many companies offer free installation upon purchase, and this should be taken into account when considering offers), you will receive maximum comfort.

Local wastewater treatment plant – complex volatile device, the balanced design of which makes it possible to achieve almost complete purification of sewage effluents. After processing the contents of the sewer, we obtain water suitable for irrigation (purification of up to 98% of impurities) and fertile, environmentally friendly sludge - a free and effective fertilizer.

Materials for production

Since the question of which sewer system is best for a country house is, in most cases, decided taking into account the cost of the project, special attention should be paid to considering the properties and qualities of the materials that are used to build waste disposal systems with your own hands. Each of the sewerage options has its own advantages and disadvantages, however, their significance and degree of influence on the choice depends on individual conditions.

  • Car tires, used – budget option, which is more often used for the construction of cesspools in dachas. It will be difficult to build a more substantial structure for a fairly intensively used sewage system from such material.
  • Concrete mortar used for poured construction into formwork, which makes it possible to obtain reliable and durable structures that, after appropriate processing, become waterproof. Advantages of the material: ease of transportation, possibility of construction without the use of lifting equipment. The disadvantage of poured structures is the length of construction time. The walls of septic tanks made of concrete mortar are poured gradually, at a time to a height of no more than 50-70 cm after the previous layer has gained strength.
  • They have the same performance characteristics as products obtained by the poured method, but they can significantly save time during construction. Finished blocks are installed on top of each other. Then all that remains is to seal the seams and cover the external and internal surfaces tank with a waterproof compound. The disadvantage of the material is the large weight of the blocks, which requires spending money on renting lifting equipment for transportation and installation.
  • Brickwork- a compromise option. The construction of such tanks also takes time, but in this case there is no need to wait for time to gain strength. The disadvantage is the need to spend money on purchasing bricks, although recycled bricks can be used to build a septic tank after dismantling old structures or leftovers after building a house.
  • Plastic containers or Eurocubes convenient, but demanding special attention during installation. So, to prevent floating during a flood, they are fixed on concrete base, and the existing metal outer frame is sometimes strengthened by pouring concrete. The advantages of Eurocubes for sewage are their complete waterproofness, simplicity and high speed of installation.
    The use of plastic Eurocubes is an inexpensive and popular option for self-made septic tank

Ready-made models and their features

Before making a choice between self-construction and purchasing a ready-made sewage treatment plant, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the most popular models on the market.

Read about how to do it in a separate article.

We talked about homemade septic tanks from Eurocube containers. The material is inexpensive and quite easy to install.

You will learn how to install sewerage into a house. Nuances of installing internal and external communications.


Energy-dependent equipment that does not require devices for wastewater treatment. The need for pumping appears once every 4 months. Sewage is pumped out using built-in pumps. The structure can be installed in any soil. The degree of purification is 98%.

The cost starts from 76,000 rubles.


A series of energy-independent models with a biofilter with the need for soil purification. The contents are pumped out using a sewer truck once a year. When used as equipment for ground post-treatment of wastewater after a septic tank, the degree of purification can reach 98%.

In the photo

For such a local sewer system for a country house, the price will be about 36,000 rubles (model for 3-4 residents), but there are cheaper and more expensive options, depending on the required volume of the septic tank.


Energy-dependent wastewater treatment plants with four levels of wastewater treatment. Can be installed in any soil. Cleans sewage drains by 98%. A special difference from similar models from other sewerage manufacturers is that the compressor of the Tver septic tank is located not in the equipment itself, but in the house. Cleaning can be done manually, using sewage pumps or a sewer truck once a year.

If there is a power outage, it can work for several days as a regular energy-independent septic tank with mechanical cleaning.

Prices start from 56,000 rubles.


An energy-dependent treatment facility that does not require additional work to pump out the contents. Sludge removal is carried out by automatically turning on the built-in drain pump. For maximum effective cleaning, the installation of a filtration well is required. Installation in rocks and quicksand is not allowed. Wastewater treatment is 98%.

Such a cleaning station will cost at least 62,000 rubles.


Non-volatile three-chamber Triton-T models with the need to install filtration fields for effective wastewater treatment. Sediment removal is carried out once a year.

Also in the line there are such models as Triton-Mini, Triton-Micro and Triton-N (storage capacity).

Cost - 20,000 rubles and more, depending on the volume and model.

It is impossible to imagine a well-equipped country house without a widely branched system of highways used to discharge the remains of human activity (sewage and waste) into the treatment pit. In this article we will tell you how to make a sewer system for a country house with your own hands.

Many modern automated sewerage systems are sold on the market for relevant services, but many summer residents prefer to work according to the old proven scheme. Indeed, the technology for making sewerage in a country house is quite simple, so anyone can master it on their own, without the involvement of third-party workers. This will help save money.

A modern sewerage system is a complete complex of treatment facilities, which usually includes special equipment, pipelines, and a cesspool (the so-called septic tank). The main purpose of complexes of this kind is the collection of waste water from generation centers and transportation to a facility where they must be fully or partially disposed of.

Taking into account all the above requirements, external sewerage in a country house may include the following components:

  • special collection trays used to collect waste;
  • pipelines or channels ensuring their unhindered transportation to the sump (external sewerage);
  • cesspool or septic tank (septic tank).

Thus, the arrangement of a sewer system in a country house should become a reliable guarantee of maintaining comfortable living conditions in it.

Pay attention! Mistakes made during the sewer design process are fraught with unpredictable consequences, including the possibility of permanent blockages. With such violations, there is a high probability of poisoning nearby areas of the territory with fecal waste (including nearby sources of clean water). drinking water).

External part of the sewer

The external circuit of a domestic sewer includes a system of pipelines used to transport wastewater in the direction of a cesspool or sump. Autonomous settling tanks are also most often included in a comprehensive system of treatment facilities. Note that wastewater can be transported in a suburban area in two ways: by gravity (the so-called drainage sewer) or under pressure, using a pump installed in the system.

Pay attention! Before starting work on laying a sewage system for wastewater, you will need to decide on the method of delivering waste to the sump, since the choice of where to prepare the drainage well and its depth will depend on this.

Naturally, when using a drainage drainage option, the level of the cesspool should be lower than the level of the pipeline route, which is installed in this case with a slight slope. If the second option for delivering waste to the sump (with the help of additional pumps that create the required flow pressure) is more suitable for you, you can place the cesspool in any place convenient for you.

The route for wiring sewer pipes is not limited in any way and can be chosen arbitrarily (based on the convenience of carrying out excavation work). If you do not want to have troubles associated with the operation of your sewer system, try to lay the pipes in such a way that their bend angle is always more than 90 degrees (which will eliminate the possibility of blockages in them). When choosing a location for a treatment pit, the requirement for its distance from residential complex no less than 6–7 meters.

The simplest and most common version of an autonomous sump is considered a conventional cesspool. The principle of operation of a classic cesspool is quite simple and is as follows. Sewage that enters the sump through sewer pipes gradually accumulates in it, after which the light fractions are disposed of by seeping into the soil. After the pit is completely filled with heavy fractions, they are pumped out of it using special mechanisms (usually special vehicles from local sewage disposal services are rented for these purposes).

Installation of external drainage sewage system

As a rule, the installation of sewerage in a country house begins after the walls and roof of the main building have already been completely erected.

Sequence of work:

  1. First of all, a trench is dug, running from the waste collectors to the sump itself. To ensure the independent movement of wastewater through the pipeline, the bottom of the trench is arranged with a slight slope (2–2.4 cm per 1 m of length).
  2. Upon completion of the preparation of the trench, its bottom is covered with a sand cushion along its entire length (up to the junction with the storage sump).
  3. After this, you can proceed to the direct laying of the pipes that form the waste main. The junction of the last pipe with the sump will need to be thoroughly sealed, thoroughly coated with sealant.
  4. Now you need to make a filtering field, connecting everything into a single system. You can read about the technology for manufacturing the filtration field.
  • Polypropylene pipes During the installation process, it is advisable to place them in special concrete boxes, which will allow you to protect them from accidental damage. But polyvinyl chloride pipes can be laid directly in the soil (without using a protective casing of one type or another).
  • The depth of laying sewer pipes is selected taking into account the requirement that sewer lines be located slightly above the soil freezing level in this place. This indicator is not standardized for each specific case, but is selected individually for a given climatic region. According to geophysical studies for middle zone it is about 1.3 meters.
  • In the event of severe winters in your region, it will be necessary to additionally insulate the pipeline with the most convenient type of insulation material for you.

Making a cesspool

First of all, it should be noted that in accordance with SES standards, the volume of the sewage pit should be selected at the rate of 0.6–0.7 m³ per resident. In addition, the choice of a structure suitable for your area (as well as materials for its manufacture and location) is regulated by a whole set of provisions and rules, the implementation of which is mandatory under any conditions. It is necessary to be guided by these standards in order to avoid the subsequent release of waste into nearby sources of drinking water, as well as to eliminate the impact of wastewater on surrounding vegetation.

To construct the pit, it is recommended to use the most readily available material, sold at any reinforced concrete warehouse. These are concrete rings with an outer diameter of about 2 meters and a height of 1.2 meters. When choosing a place for a hole, pay attention to the fact that it is located in a low area, which will significantly facilitate the operating conditions of the drainage (gravity) drainage system. Also, take care of a convenient area around the sump that the sewer truck can drive into.

Pay attention! When digging a pit for a cesspool, it is necessary to take into account the diameter allowance for ease of installation of rings and for waterproofing.

As you go deeper into the ground, carefully level the walls of the pit (a regular building level is often used for these purposes). The depth of the well should be calculated taking into account that the cut of the upper ring is slightly below the soil level. This is explained by the fact that the well will be covered from above with a special concrete slab equipped with a hatch.

Before installing the first ring in the hole, its bottom must be reinforced and carefully concreted. All subsequent rings are fixed to the previous workpieces using special reinforcement elements; in this case, the gaps between the walls are sealed with concrete mortar.

You can watch a video on arranging a sewer system for a country house on any of the sites dedicated to this topic.


This video explains how to properly lay sewer pipes in a country house:

When arranging private housing, owners often face the problem of having such a communal system. like a sewer. It is necessary not only for the comfort of living, but also for compliance with basic hygiene standards - it eliminates odors and pathogenic microorganisms. To solve this issue, there are local sewer systems of various types.

This can be either a banal cesspool or a device for cleaning and recycling waste. This article will discuss both the nuances of designing a local sewer system and its types.

Local sewage systems

When drafting a sewer system, we try to take into account the following factors:

Will cleaning be provided at all bends in the laid sewer system to eliminate possible blockages?

When starting to choose the type of sewer, you first need to focus on what exactly will go into the sewer - just feces or water used in everyday life. For the first option, it will be enough to purchase a dry toilet. In it, waste products are mixed with peat and converted into fertilizer, and the peat is replaced with new ones. This is a fairly convenient and functional option in the warm season. Other sewer system options are suitable for processing sewage and water.

It is also necessary to decide how to subsequently deal with waste - accumulate or recycle. For the storage tank, a cesspool is sufficient, the bottom of which is covered with a filter layer. In the second case, biofilters, septic tanks and various biotreatment stations can be used. After processing the waste, these devices release water, which can be used for technical needs.

The third significant feature of sewer systems is their location. It can be vertical and horizontal. Areas with a small area are suitable for vertical placement. The principle of their operation is to move liquids through chambers using so-called airlifts. But airlifts can become clogged and create problems if they are not installed correctly or are not used properly.

If the local sewerage system has a horizontal device, then it requires an area with a larger area than for a vertical one. The principle of liquid movement in it is a natural overflow into the next chamber when the previous one is filled. This system also has several hatch openings for access during maintenance. To emergency situations did not arise - timely cleaning of the chamber from plaque was sufficient.

If the owner uses the installation for aerobic cleaning, then it needs periodic drainage. So, when installing it, it would be useful to take into account the possibility of a sewer truck entering the site.

Local sewage treatment plants are the simplest

Local sewerage – considered a cesspool. Its operating principle is the accumulation of human waste flowing into it. Cleansed naturally - with soil bacteria. In some cases, a sewer truck comes to the rescue. Sometimes the cesspool is modified using concrete walls And ventilation system. The volume of liquids entering the cesspool by sanitary standards, is up to 1 cubic meter. If the volume is exceeded for various reasons, sewer toxins may enter the drinking water sources on the site. And this will lead to a violation of sanitary conditions in all nearby areas. The cesspool should be located no closer than 5 meters from a residential building and 2 meters from the neighbors’ fence.

Concrete settling wells. They are several wells made up of concrete rings. In the first well, primary waste treatment occurs, in subsequent wells, additional treatment occurs. Disadvantages of such wells:

  • The joints of concrete rings may allow waste to pass through.
  • Cleaning using sewer machines.
  • Installed in the ground using special equipment.


  • High strength.
  • The septic tank will not float up due to its weight.
  • Variety of ring diameters.

An option for such sewer systems is not concrete rings, but plastic ones. Such wells are sealed. If the rings are corrugated, then the depth of the well can be changed without purchasing additional sections. The disadvantage of such rings is their lightness. During a flood or rising groundwater, they can float up. To eliminate this problem, the bottom of such a well is made of concrete.

Selection of local sewerage mechanical septic tank

A mechanical septic tank is also a local sewer system and consists of a structure with several chambers inside. The chambers act as waste filters, separating them into liquid and solid waste. This design is quite cheap, easy to install and use, and does not allow odors to pass through. Disadvantages - it does not withstand excess waste well, it can float when the groundwater level rises or during cleaning; cleaning occurs with the help of special equipment. The design requires frequent replacement of soil for drainage.

The most acceptable and practical option is BOS. These are biological treatment systems. The principle of operation in them is based on purification with special bacteria, improved by various biofilters. The waste is filtered using expanded clay, biofilm and shungusite. If the device is equipped with an aeration tank, this allows for wastewater treatment using a film designed for this purpose.

VOCs (local cleaning systems), operating like biological cleaning systems, have several installation options, for example, at the factory or directly on site. They can be made from various materials– from metal to plastic. They are equipped at the buyer's request. Each type of biofeedback has its own advantages. Experts in this field can suggest the most optimal design option for a particular area.

The cost of various cleaning systems depends on their class. It can be: economy, standard and premium. Differences are made in the type of design, ease of use and installation, etc. Costs are calculated based not only on the cost of the cleaning system itself, but also taking into account all subsequent components - pipes, heat-insulating materials, etc.