Polyvinyl acetate water-based paints - characteristics and composition. Advantages and disadvantages of polyvinyl acetate paints Painting with polyvinyl acetate water-based compositions

Interior decoration at home is a very important undertaking. Often people try to save money and do all the work themselves. This allows you to acquire certain skills, including in the selection suitable materials. When painting walls in small rooms, owners often prefer water-based polyvinyl acetate paint.

Pros and cons

Water-based polyvinyl acetate paints are becoming increasingly popular. The reason for its success lies in the numerous advantages of this material.

  • Such compositions dry out very quickly. The painted surface will be dry within three hours.
  • The composition of the paints is not dangerous for the environment, people and animals.
  • The products do not have a specific odor. There is no need to immediately leave the premises after work.
  • The barely perceptible smell of paint disappears quickly.
  • The products are fireproof.
  • You can create any shade you like. The paint is usually sold in a colorless, less often in a white version. You can buy pigments yourself to create color at home. It is also possible to create the desired tone with a special machine, which is available in every hardware store.

  • The paints are moisture resistant. Although they are not recommended for use in rooms with constantly high humidity.
  • The coating does not change color and does not fade with constant exposure to direct sunlight.
  • The composition does not allow fungi and mold to develop indoors.
  • The products have improved adhesion.
  • They are capable of closing cracks up to 0.7 mm deep.
  • The paints are easy to apply.

The main disadvantage of water-based polyvinyl acetate paint is the inability to carry out work at temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius. Disadvantages also include the difficulty of applying to wooden surfaces. This process consists of a large number of actions that take a long period of time.

Properties and Options

Before purchasing, you need to study the main technical specifications product. Worth checking out:

  • compound;
  • consumption per area;
  • degree of viscosity;
  • weight and density;
  • storage rules.

The paint consists of a latex base, special fillers and thickeners. Also Antiseptics must be included in the composition.

Good consumption considered 200 ml per 1 sq. m when applied in one layer. The number of layers is directly related to the quality of painting and the type of surface being painted. Specific gravity(density) of water-based polyvinyl acetate paint is 1.3 kg per liter.

Drying time may vary due to room temperature and humidity. The minimum time is 2 hours. Such periods are achieved at a temperature of +20 – +22 degrees and air humidity of about 65%.

If you deviate from these parameters, the drying time will increase.


When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that, depending on the polymers, there is large number varieties water-based paint.

Acrylic compositions are the most popular. Their base is acrylic resin. When latex is added, this composition becomes moisture- and water-repellent. Manufacturers claim that walls with this paint can withstand several thousand wet wipes without losing their original color. The paint adheres well to any surface if it has been primed in advance.

Silicone paints are more suitable for decorating rooms that do not have high humidity. Thanks to silicone resins, the composition prevents the development of fungus and mold.

Mineral dyes contain lime or cement. They are used for painting ceilings and walls. This type has the narrowest purpose among all water-based compositions - you can only work with brick or concrete surfaces.

How to remove paint from a surface

When choosing, you should take into account that you may not like the resulting color, or you may want to change the interior in the future. To do this, you need to know how to remove water-based paint from walls. This knowledge will also help you avoid accidentally damaging the coating.

  • Composition based on PVA (polyvinyl acetate) is the easiest to care for and the easiest to remove. To remove a layer of paint, simply wash it off with soap and water.

  • Acrylic composition more difficult to remove. In this case, mechanical removal must be added to the soap solution using a spatula or chisel. You can also use a special chemical composition.

When choosing water-based polyvinyl acetate paints, you must remember that they do not like high humidity, and if water gets on them, they are immediately washed off. The remaining parameters of this type of paint are at a high level.

To learn how to choose the right water-based paints, watch the following video.

Now water-based paints are gaining popularity. This is due to their practicality and low cost. In addition, it is easily applied to a cleaned surface, so even a beginner can use it. The material does not have such an unpleasant odor as others, so it can be used for carrying out interior work. Its use will not cause any discomfort. From this article you can find out what types of water-based paint there are, and what are the characteristics of each.

Advantages and technical characteristics of water-based paints

The water emulsion contains components such as latex, antiseptic, fillers and thickeners. The material consumption is not too large and amounts to 250 grams per 1 square meter. Sometimes it may be necessary to apply several layers. Their quantity depends on how susceptible the surface is to absorption.

Viscosity varies depending on the method in which the product is applied to the surface. If water-based paint is applied to the surface with a brush, then its viscosity is 40-45, but if a spray gun is used for work, then this indicator varies between 20 and 25.

The coating dries within 20 hours, but sometimes this figure may be less. Keep the jar of water-based emulsion away from sunlight in a cool place.

Water-based paint has become highly in demand due to the following qualities:

  • No unpleasant chemical smell when painting;
  • Quick and easy application;
  • Low price;
  • Long period of operation without cracking or peeling;
  • The ability to create any color using tint.

But all these qualities are available only in the material that meets the requirements of GOST.

Main types of water-based paints

Since they contain a variety of polymers, all water-based paints can be divided into several types:

  • Polyvinyl acetate;
  • Silicate;
  • Acrylic;
  • Silicone.

Consumers, in view of such a huge variety, have a fair question about choice. Next, all these types will be considered from the point of view of application and the presence of disadvantages.

Polyvinyl acetate water-based paint

Water-based polyvinyl acetate paint is perfect for all interior work, be it painting walls or ceilings. The basis for it is PVA.

The main advantages of this type are:

  1. Absence of components harmful to human health, complete explosion and fire safety.
  2. Used for painting porous surfaces.
  3. Relatively low cost.
  4. Fast drying.
  5. When adding special substances it gives a glossy or matte effect.
  6. This type is the best water-based paint for wood.

Along with a lot of advantages, there are disadvantages that can be identified if used incorrectly:

  • Weak resistance, so the possibility of painting it is considered only in dry rooms.
  • Susceptibility to moisture, as a result, finishing with such paint is only possible inside the house.

Important! You cannot use PVA paint on metal surfaces.

Its consumption depends on the shade: light color will need 250 grams per 1 square meter. m, and dark 150 grams for the same area.

This type of finishing material is produced in accordance with GOST, but it is also possible to voluntarily certify the material, but only in accordance with the existing GOST. In any case, the manufacturer must have a certificate for water-based paint of this type.

Silicate water-based paint

This type is a solution liquid glass with all kinds of additives. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Silicate water emulsion is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, and has a long service life without constant updating.

This type is mainly used for painting wet rooms inside the house, as well as the facades of buildings that are exposed to groundwater. The coating is breathable with high vapor and air permeability.

Acrylic water-based paint

This type of water-based emulsion occupies a leading position in the construction market, since the acrylic resins included in its composition have a number of advantages. But acrylic paint is noticeably more expensive than all other types.

Features of water-based acrylic paint:

  1. Used for painting walls and ceilings and all related interior work.
  2. Indispensable for painting facades of concrete and brick buildings.
  3. Suitable for decorating plastered walls. But such work must be carried out a month after finishing the plaster work, so that the surface has time to harden.
  4. Protects reinforced concrete from corrosion due to low gas permeability.
  5. Not suitable for painting damp surfaces.

Now they also produce analogues of similar quality, but noticeably cheaper: styrene acrylic, vinyl acrylic and acrylic silicone solutions. A small visual announcement of the material can be viewed at the link:

Washable paint based on latex or silicone

This type is perfect for any damp room or where constant wet cleaning using sponges and brushes is necessary. This coating is resistant to regular brushing, which is possible thanks to the use of latex in the production.

Latex water-based paint is the most expensive among water-based paints due to its water-repellent properties, but at the same time good vapor permeability. In addition, such compositions are capable of bridging small cracks on the surface, which can eliminate preliminary leveling.

Silicone also has similar properties to latex, due to the presence of silicone in the composition. Such colors lead active struggle with fungus, which often appears in damp rooms, and prevent its reappearance.

Separately, we can highlight another type of water-based paints, which is gradually becoming less and less popular - these are mineral ones. They include cement or slaked lime. The main purpose of such compositions is painting concrete and brick surfaces. The main disadvantage of this type of water-based paint is its relatively short service life.

Criteria for choosing water-based paints

Since in the manufacture of water-based paints there is no need to use complex mechanisms and rare substances, then many manufacturers appear who, taking advantage of the ease of production, produce low-quality products. The main rule when choosing this product is a manufacturer who is already producing long time. Tex water-based paint is very popular; it has received a lot of positive feedback from repair masters and simply those who do finishing repairs on their own. Such products have a GOST certificate of conformity.

The jar must have a mark indicating that the material complies with GOST. This is an indicator that this finishing material is not a fake and its production was carried out under strict control.

The choice of material for a certain type of work is carried out according to the markings on the container. First, the can is abbreviated as water-dispersed (WD), after these letters there is a designation of the polymer that is in the composition, and the number after it just indicates the purpose of the product:

  1. External works;
  2. Interior work.

Among the diversity finishing materials The construction market can get confusing. But, if you have chosen water-based paint, then after reading this article, you can learn about its types and the scope of work for which this or that type is intended. Water-based paint is an excellent solution for both exterior and interior work. You just need to choose the right type, carefully studying the composition and the information indicated on the packaging.

Polyvinyl acetate paints (PVA) are emulsion compositions made according to the “oil in water” principle. Such paints are widely used for painting internal surfaces in residential and industrial buildings.

PVA paint and varnish compositions can be purchased in one of two varieties:

  1. One-pack composition, which is a completely ready-to-use paint. Stored and transported in hermetically sealed containers at positive temperatures.
  2. Two-pack composition. It is a semi-finished product that includes paint in the form of a paste, as well as a plasticizer. The composition is prepared by mixing immediately before use.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVA compositions

The advantages of polyvinyl acetate paints include the following:

  • applicability even to highly porous materials (certain types of wood, plaster, cardboard);
  • high drying speed;
  • simple preparation of the composition and simple application to the surface;
  • high explosion and fire safety;
  • absence of unpleasant odors, since PVA contains no solvents;
  • non-toxicity of paint and varnish material;
  • the existence of additives, despite the limited color palette, thanks to which it is possible to obtain a matte or glossy surface;
  • competitive prices for products;
  • an excellent option for other smooth surfaces (due to high adhesive ability);
  • possibility of use for re-painting after surface treatment with oil paints;
  • water solubility;
  • UV resistance;
  • ability to resist fungus and mold;
  • elasticity of the formed coating.

The PVA composition also has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Small color palette.
  2. PVA is unstable to low temperatures during painting, since, according to manufacturers' recommendations, the minimum air temperature should be 6 degrees above zero (paint freezes at temperatures below zero).
  3. For internal finishing works Not any paint is suitable, but only those containing acrylate and verstat components.
  4. There is a tendency for PVA paints to become more expensive, as manufacturers often add new components to the compositions.
  5. Painting with polyvinyl acetate water-based compositions is carried out only after preparing the rough layer, since PVA gives a high surface tension (items need to be cleaned several times and then sanded).
  6. The paint and varnish material is not resistant to high humidity, so it is rarely used for painting the external parts of buildings (the problem is partially solved by adding an acrylic component to the composition).
  7. PVA cannot be applied to chalk whitewash, alumina, alum and vitriol primers.

Composition and characteristics of paint

The cost of PVA paints is low, since they do not contain complex components. Polyvinyl acetate compositions include the following components:

  1. Water emulsion based on polyvinyl acetate. It is a solution with a creamy consistency. Since the emulsion contains water, do not forget about the freezing point - zero degrees Celsius. An unplasticized emulsion can withstand no more than 3-4 cycles of complete freezing.
  2. Pigmenting substances, due to which the paint imparts color to the surface.
  3. Stabilizers are components that improve certain performance characteristics of a paint and varnish material.
  4. Plasticizers are components that regulate the physical and mechanical properties of paint, and also promote film formation.

As mentioned above, PVA paints dry quickly.

Water-based compositions dry in about 2-3 hours, provided that the air temperature is 17-23 degrees above zero.

The reason for the rapid hardening is that the emulsion contains up to 40% water, which easily evaporates after application to the surface. The emulsion also contains up to 60% resins and pigmenting substances. If there is a need to reduce the viscosity of the composition, water is added to it, and vice versa.

During the evaporation process, resin particles (their size ranges from 1 to 4 microns) first approach each other, creating a dense ring around the pigments, and then merge with them. The result is a dense mass formed from pigments and resin. The mass has very small pores through which water evaporates. After dyeing, the water eventually evaporates and the plasticizers harden and become hydrophobic.

After drying, the film decreases in size - to approximately 60% of the original volume. Since the surface of the film has many pores, it acquires a slightly matte, silky sheen. Thanks to this, excellent decorative qualities are conveyed to the painted surface. In many cases, if the painting technology is followed, polyvinyl acetate paint can completely replace oil-based matte coatings.

Polyvinyl acetate paints can be supplied with corresponding colors. Colorants must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

In order for the paint to acquire moisture-proof properties, an acrylic component is added to water-dispersed polyvinyl acetate compositions. This polymer gives the coloring material the following characteristics:

  1. The surface begins to “breathe”, allowing air to pass through, but not moisture.
  2. The hydrophobicity of the surface increases.
  3. The ability to resist aggressive environmental influences increases.

Thanks to the use of acrylic polymers, improved PVA paints can be used for application to external facades, as well as for surface treatment in wet areas (for example, kitchen, bathroom). To give coatings shine or dullness, special additives are used.

Applying paint to the surface

Painting with polyvinyl acetate water-based compositions is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. We select the most suitable paint and varnish material for the existing conditions.
  2. We carry out a set of preparatory measures before painting the surface: remove dirt and dust, repair all defects (seams, cracks, bumps, etc.), remove whitewash (if any). To save on paint and improve adhesion, it is recommended to prime the surface.
  3. Stir the PVA paint well, removing pre-dried lumps from the container. Dilute the water-based mixture.
  4. Apply paint with a brush, roller or spray.
  5. We wait for the first layer to dry and apply the next layer. If necessary, the procedure is repeated a third time.

GOST, prices and release form

PVA paints are produced in accordance with the rules prescribed in GOST 28196-89. It is worth noting that certification of paints for compliance with GOST is at the discretion of the manufacturing company. The paint packaging indicates the consumption rate, components, and also the method of creating the solution.

The price per kilogram of paint can vary greatly depending on the popularity of the brand and additives. The cost is also affected by the remoteness of the region.

However, it is believed that high-quality PVA paint in any case cannot cost less than the ruble equivalent of a dollar per liter.

Despite the obvious disadvantages listed above, polyvinyl acetate paints and varnishes are in high demand. High drying speed, compatible with different types materials, as well as affordable prices provide PVA paints with continued popularity among consumers.

When starting a renovation, many are faced with the problem of choosing the right paint with which to realize any design ideas. It must be durable, high quality and safe. All of the above requirements are fully satisfied by polyvinyl acetate paints, which belong to the so-called water-dispersion paint materials. The popularity of these paints is due to their unique composition, which combines environmental friendliness, attractive appearance and fire resistance.

Characteristics, types and scope of application

Essentially, polyvinyl acetate paints are an emulsion created as an “oil in water” type. The main components of the material are:

  • emulsion based on polyvinyl acetate;
  • colorful pigments;
  • plasticizers;
  • stabilizers.

Water-dispersion (or dispersion) and emulsion (water-based) paints are almost identical. The principle of their operation is as follows: after application to the surface to be treated, the water included in the emulsion evaporates, as a result of which the binding components harden and acquire water-resistant qualities. It takes 2-3 hours for the paint to dry at a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees, after which a beautiful semi-matte porous film is formed.

The scope of application of polyvinyl acetate paints is quite wide: they are used for both external and internal work in residential, industrial, and commercial buildings. PVA paints fit perfectly on concrete, wood, plaster, as well as oil-painted surfaces and plaster. Polyvinyl acetate paints are not suitable for painting surfaces treated with alum, vitriol or alumina primers.

Differences between PVA water-based and dispersion paint

Although these types of polyvinyl acetate paints have basically the same properties, there are some differences between them.

Polyvinyl acetate water-based paint has found wide application in interior finishing work. It has several clear advantages:

  • the paint contains no solvents;
  • it is practically odorless;
  • the substance has excellent adhesion to the surface being treated;
  • the paint dissolves easily in water;
  • As it dries, it forms an elastic coating on the surface.

Water-based paints are recommended for painting concrete and plasterboard surfaces. Using white polyvinyl acetate paint (as a base) and adding tinting pastes, you can achieve almost any desired shade. This type of paint is used for painting ceilings and walls in dry rooms. Use in conditions of high humidity is not advisable, since the material is not resistant to moisture. A double or triple coat of paint should be applied.

Water-based PVA paints are quite affordable in price.

Water-dispersed polyvinyl acetate paints are more modern version water-based painting materials. Based on them, new types of finishing materials are being developed. Distinctive feature This substance is the addition of an acrylic-based polymer. It functions as a connecting component. Thanks to acrylic, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in the performance of paint. The main advantages of water-soluble acrylic paints are:

  • high level of resistance to adverse environmental factors;
  • increased water resistance;
  • the ability to form a layer of “breathable” coating, permeable to air and impermeable to moisture;
  • hydrophobic qualities of the paint make it possible to use it in rooms with increased level humidity: bathroom, kitchen.

By using various additives, you can obtain a shiny, matte or semi-matte surface.

Advantages and disadvantages

The qualities of PVA may vary to a certain extent depending on the amount and type of polymer binder, but basically they all have the following positive properties:

  • easy to apply, diluted with water;
  • free from toxic ingredients and odor;
  • cover small cracks - up to 1 mm;
  • fireproof;
  • moisture resistant (not applicable to all types);
  • have strength and elasticity;
  • do not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation and atmospheric conditions;
  • wear-resistant;
  • easily tinted to the desired color shade;
  • vapor permeable, thanks to which the treated room will be protected from mold and mildew;
  • have high adhesion;
  • not affected by alkali;
  • durable;
  • do not change color;
  • dry quickly.

The main disadvantages of PVA paints can be considered:

  • the ability to store the substance and carry out painting work at temperatures above 5 degrees - a lower temperature background leads to the loss of some quality characteristics and uneven distribution of paint;
  • for exterior painting and when working in wet rooms, only expensive water-dispersion paints with verstat and acrylate binders are suitable;
  • the significant price of new PVA paints (due to their complex composition);
  • Before applying paint to a wooden surface, it must be carefully prepared: apply one layer, wait until completely dry, sand thoroughly, apply a second layer, sand again. All these measures are necessary due to the increased surface tension of the layer of such paints.

GOST, prices and release form

The production of polyvinyl acetate paints is carried out in accordance with GOST 28196-89. The law of the Russian Federation allows voluntary certification of paints for compliance with GOST. The product is produced in special containers, which must indicate the paint consumption, composition, and method of preparation. The average price per 1 kg may vary depending on the region, but with proper quality it cannot be lower than 1 dollar.

For painting ceilings, floors and external works It is advisable to use water-based paint or, as it is popularly called, water-based paint - an inexpensive, environmentally friendly paint composition. This article will discuss the types of water-based paint, their characteristics, use, advantages and disadvantages.

Contents of the article about types of water-based paint

Main types of water-based paint

Any renovation is not complete without painting the walls and ceiling. Also today, facade painting works are becoming more and more popular. We have already talked about painting with water-based paint, where you will find detailed technologies execution of work and video instructions.

Paint is a water suspension of pigments, polymers and various fillers. After its application, the water evaporates, and thanks to the polymers included in the composition, a thin coating is created. Basically, the use, properties and price of paint depend on its type.

The main types of water-based emulsion: polyvinyl acetate, acrylic, latex, silicate, silicone. Despite the small variety, buyers often ask the question: “Which water-based paint is better?” Let's look at the main types and characteristics of water-based paint.

Water-based polyvinyl acetate paint is the cheapest and highest quality. It is made on a PVA basis and is only suitable for interior work, such as painting walls and painting ceilings. It is inexpensive, which is what causes its popularity.

Advantages of polyvinyl acetate water-based paint:

  • intended for interior painting on cardboard, wood, plaster and other porous materials;
  • used for painting premises subject to high fire safety requirements;
  • does not contain harmful components, fire- and explosion-proof;
  • has a small color palette; thanks to the use of various additives, you can get a shiny or matte surface;
  • is inexpensive compared to other types of water-based emulsion;
  • an excellent option for painting walls lined with plasterboard; it fits well on flat surfaces;
  • dries quickly.

Flawspolyvinyl acetate water-based paint:

  • not suitable for painting metal surfaces;
  • not resistant to moisture, therefore not suitable for painting facades;
  • has poor durability, used only in dry rooms;

As for paint consumption, per 1 m2 you will need no more than 250 g of light-colored paint or 150 g of dark colors.

Domestic companies produce polyvinyl acetate paints in accordance with GOST 28196-89, and the law also allows voluntary certification of paint for compliance with this GOST. The price of polyvinyl acetate water-based paint is from 50 rubles. for 1 kg.

Water-based acrylic paint

Among all types of water-based paint, the leading position in quality and popularity is occupied by acrylic paint, made on the basis of acrylic resins, which are very durable and elastic, but also very expensive. There are also cheaper analogues on the market based on vinyl acrylic, styrene acrylic and acrylic silicone acrylic copolymers, but they are also inferior in quality.

Features of acrylic paints:

  • suitable for interior work such as painting walls and ceilings;
  • used for external work: painting facades made of brick, concrete, etc.;
  • suitable for application on alkaline substrates (plasters), only a month or more after completion of work. This is due to the fact that the hardening process of the plaster takes a lot of time and requires carbon dioxide.
  • their main property is low gas permeability, good protection from corrosion of reinforced concrete;
  • widely distributed, you will find products in any hardware store;
  • are not suitable for painting buildings with poor waterproofing of foundations and damp walls; for these works it is better to choose silicone or silicate paints.

Latex-based water-based cleaning paint

To ensure that the surface is washable and not exposed to moisture at all, latex is added to water-based paints. The paint can withstand 5,000 brushing cycles, but regular paints can only be wiped down infrequently. Therefore, it is suitable for painting walls in the kitchen and bathroom. This is the main advantage of latex paint compared to other types of water-based paint.

It is also important that the water-repellent effect does not interfere with vapor permeability. This is a subtype of acrylic paints, which is the most expensive. The advantage lies not only in good water-repellent properties, but also in the ability to bridge cracks (two layers cover cracks up to 1 mm), due to which pre-treatment with putty is not required.

Popular washing paints from the following manufacturers: Expert, EcoDom, DALI, Premiere, Alpalux (ALPA) for interior and exterior work based on acrylic resins and copolymers. You can find out about the leaders in this market, their products and prices in the article Manufacturers and price of water-based paint.

Silicate water-based paint

Silicate water emulsion is an aqueous solution of liquid glass with the addition of colored pigments. Suitable for painting almost all surfaces, it has a high degree of adhesion, is resistant to high humidity, temperature changes and other atmospheric phenomena.

Features and use of silicate water-based paint:

  • used for painting old buildings, the walls of which are exposed to groundwater, with high indoor humidity;
  • the coating has high air and vapor permeability;
  • service life – up to 20 years;
  • The disadvantage of this type of paint is that it does not protect the surface well from atmospheric moisture;

How to make water-based paint with your own hands?

The composition of all paints is practically the same - it is the astringent part (glue, etc.), filler, dye and various additives in small quantities. The binder part is added depending on the use. For example, oil paints are made on an oil basis, and water-based ones, naturally, on a water basis.

Making water-based paint yourself is quite simple. You will need:

  • PVA glue (as a binding component) – 0.5-1 kg per 10 liters of water;
  • filler in the form of chalk powder – 6 kg;
  • soap solution as a plasticizer – 50 g;
  • a dye required in color, since as a result of mixing all components a white composition is obtained;
  • non-toxic pigments or special colors for water-based paints.

Dissolve the glue in water, add soap solution and chalk to it, mix the mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained. white. Dye is added if necessary. Consistency and viscosity are determined by eye. It is necessary that the resulting mixture lies evenly on the walls and is not too thick. To ensure greater plasticity, glue and soap solution are added. Before applying to the walls or ceiling, the paint is filtered.

Water-based paints are safe to use, environmentally friendly, do not harm health and environment, especially handmade paints.

Video: Water-based paints