Do-it-yourself electrical wiring: from diagram to installation. Electrical wiring diagram in an apartment: electrical wiring for different rooms Installing electrical wiring in an apartment: stages of work

What should be the electrical wiring diagram in a private house under construction? How to properly distribute wires throughout all rooms? I will tell you what wiring cross-sections modern electrical appliances need, and how to provide protection against electric shock and short circuits. And as a bonus, I’ll clearly explain how to connect a voltage stabilizer and generator to your home panel.

Required elements

Let's start with the main thing - with protective elements. Electrical panel in your home should include:

Image Element

General switch or circuit breaker at the input, breaking the phase and neutral wires.

Residual current device(RCD), which is triggered when current leaks through damaged insulation, when a person or pet touches the terminals or wires. Its sensitivity should allow it to respond to a leakage current of 30 mA.

Slot machines for certain groups of consumers (sockets in a separate room, lighting, boiler, electric stove, etc.). Circuit breaker is placed on the phase wire and is triggered when the rated current is exceeded. Its task is to prevent overheating and fire of the wiring.

The tripping current of the circuit breaker must minimally exceed the calculated peak load on the wiring section. Let's say, for a circuit with a peak power consumption of 5 kW, you should choose a 25 ampere machine (which at a voltage of 220 volts corresponds to a power of 25x220 = 5500 W).

Grounding is provided with a separate terminal block for all sockets and metal housings of electrical appliances. The ground wire must not be interrupted by switches or connectors. The source of ground can be the body of the shield (if there is ground at the input) or electrodes buried in the ground.


The following are often connected to the panel:

  • Voltage stabilizer, providing stable parameters of the current supplying household appliances in case of serious deviations from the nominal value at the input.

It makes sense to install a stabilizer only on certain groups of consumers who are most sensitive to power (this includes televisions, computers, audio equipment, refrigerators, etc.). Powerful heating devices (boilers and electric stoves) operate over a wide voltage range and, when it drops, only proportionally reduce power consumption.

  • Generator, allowing with minimal costs time to switch to autonomous power supply when the lights are turned off.

What will be the wiring diagram in each of these cases?


The stabilizer is connected to the phase wire break. Zero remains common with the meter and consumers. The stabilizer housing is connected to a common ground.


The actual power switching is ensured by a reversing switch having three operating positions:

  1. The consumer is powered from the input;
  2. The consumer is disconnected from both current sources;
  3. The consumer is powered by the generator.

The signal lamp (LS-47) is needed to indicate the mains voltage. It will allow you to notice the moment the light turns on without assistance. measuring instruments(multimeter or indicator screwdriver).

Regulatory documentation

How to install wiring in a house taking into account all the requirements of regulatory documentation? The source of information for us will be SNiP 31-02 (design engineering systems cottages) and a manual from the Russian Ministry of Construction, supplementing its requirements, issued in 1997 and again regulating the construction of engineering systems of single-family houses.

For the convenience of the reader, I will bring together the most relevant and most relevant important points both documents.

  • Installation of electrical wiring in a private house must be carried out with a grounding loop. The ground must be separate: the neutral wire cannot be used as it;

  • Power limit determined by the owner of the house. The minimum values ​​are 5.5 kW in a house without electric heating systems and electric stoves and 8 kW if they are present. If the total area of ​​the house exceeds 60 square meters, the minimum input power increases by one percent for each square meter of area in excess of 60;

The local administration may limit the maximum power depending on the condition of the local power grid and the capabilities of the substation.

  • Open wiring can be performed directly on walls and other building structures, as well as in boxes and baseboards with cable ducts. In this case, open wires without protective tubes or boxes are mounted on building structures at a height of at least 2 meters;
  • Hidden wiring Can be mounted at any height in ceilings and walls. We allow its installation in structures made of flammable materials;

  • For wiring installation Only copper wires can be used. With the same cross-section as aluminum, they provide almost twice the resistivity, which means less heating at high currents;
  • Wires and cables in protective sheaths can be passed through walls without bushings and pipes. The output of the unsheathed input cable through external walls is carried out in a plastic tube;

The pipe is installed with a slope towards the street to prevent leakage through the wire into the house.

  • Electrical wiring in the house should not experience mechanical stress in places of branches and connections. All wire connections are insulated, and the thickness of the insulation should not be less than the thickness of the insulation of a solid wire;
  • At connection points hidden wiring to sockets, junction boxes, switches and lamps, the wire must have at least a 5-centimeter reserve length. The supply will be useful when replacing fittings or repairing wiring;
  • If the wiring goes from a dry room to a damp one(shower room, toilet, etc.), all connections are installed from the dry room side. There should be no junction boxes in the bathroom;
  • Recommended installation height sockets - 80-100 cm, switches - 1.5 meters from the floor level;

In my opinion, it is much more convenient to adhere to European standards: 90 cm for switches and 25 cm for sockets. Low-lying sockets will allow you to get rid of household appliance wires hanging untidy on the walls, and switches will be accessible even to a child who has recently started walking.

  • At the dacha made of timber or logs, in frame house and on wooden in the attic, do-it-yourself electrical wiring is done in metal pipe(steel, copper or corrugated stainless steel). Even if it happens short circuit, it will not cause a fire: before the pipe has time to heat up to a dangerous temperature, the machine will turn off the power to the circuit;

  • Switches are set to phase. Zero does not open;
  • When distributing one group line to several outlets, the ground branches off to each of them(either in the junction box or in the socket housing). It is impossible to connect the ground in series to several sockets;

  • Metal enclosures in damp areas lamps and other electrical appliances must be grounded. If the lamp is suspended on a metal hook, it must be insulated from the body (for example, with a plastic shell) so that in the event of a breakdown on the metal parts of the lamp, a phase will not occur on the entire fitting reinforced concrete structures Houses;

However: a device with a two-pin plug belonging to electrical safety class zero can be connected to an outlet without grounding, only to zero and phase. In this case, the installation of electrical wiring must be carried out with an RCD on the corresponding line: it will turn off the power in case of leaks accompanying electric shock to a person or animal.

  • If the sockets in the apartment or house are installed at a height accessible to children, they need to be protected with lids or plugs;

  • Hidden wiring should not be placed on chimneys and heating panels with an operating temperature above 35 degrees: vinyl insulation of the wiring has limited heat resistance and softens when heated;
  • Wires must not cross. The reason is the same: during peak currents at the intersection, the insulation may overheat;
  • Switches placed at the entrance to the room, from the side of the door handle.

A number of document requirements specifically stipulate electrical installation in rooms with high humidity:

  1. If possible, wiring should be routed to adjacent, dry rooms. The lamps are placed on the wall closest to the input;
  2. For lighting with incandescent lamps, lamps with housings made of dielectric materials (plastic, ceramics, etc.) should be used.

What should the wire cross-section be? SNiP 31-02 specifies only lower limits:

  • Copper group lines - not less than 1 mm2;
  • Aluminum group lines - not less than 2.5 mm2;
  • Copper risers and circuits to which the meter is connected are at least 2.5 mm2;
  • The same risers and chains, but aluminum - at least 4 square millimeters.

First, examples of a cottage wiring diagram.

Now - several practical advice regarding how to do electrical wiring in the house.


I recommend making connections to the meter and input using single-wire copper wire VVG with a cross-section of at least 4 square millimeters per core with an input power of up to 10 kW and 6 mm2 with an input power of 10 - 15 kW.

In other areas the following are used:

  • For wiring sockets - VVG 3x2.5 mm2;
  • For lighting distribution - VVG 3x1.5 mm2.

It is better not to use stranded wire: its price is slightly higher than that of single-wire wire, and it provides a smaller area of ​​electrical contact on the terminal blocks.

In general, the cross-section of hidden wiring is calculated as 1 square millimeter of copper per 8 amperes of peak current, open - 1 mm 2 per 10 A.


Do-it-yourself electricians are most easily mounted on brass blocks: they reliably connect the ends of the wires and, unlike sleeves and welding, leave the connection detachable. If necessary, you can connect an additional socket to the distribution box at any time.


In my opinion, it is most convenient to lay the wiring in a baseboard with a cable duct. Why? Here are the arguments:

  • Installation of wiring in this case practically does not involve dirty work. In the worst case, you will have to drill a series of holes for dowel-screws securing the baseboard;
  • The wiring remains accessible for repair, and there is no need to open the walls to replace a section of it;
  • If you need to connect an additional socket, it will not require much effort: you just need to strip the wire and install three blocks on it (zero, ground and phase), making a branch.


Now you know what the wiring diagram might look like and how to install it correctly. As always, additional materials will be provided to your attention by the video in this article. I look forward to your comments and additions to it. Good luck, comrades!

Any work related to electricity requires a serious, competent approach, therefore wiring diagram in the apartment, must be well thought out and executed with high quality. It is with the electrics that renovations begin in a new apartment or house. Any major home renovation should begin with it. The main stages of repair are as follows. First, wires are laid along all the walls, then they become overgrown primer, painting mesh,plaster, putty and wallpaper. Under this thick layer,

The electrical wiring will remain in place for decades. That is why, before installing it, you need to think very carefully about the future wiring diagram in the apartment.

Where to start

As a rule, at the first stages of renovation, people usually have little idea of ​​the final result. And for proper electrical wiring, it would be very desirable to present it. Since the functionality and logic of the location of sockets, switches, lighting, and, in general, all wiring in general will depend on this. The electrical wiring diagram in a private house or apartment should always start the same way, with drawing up an electrical plan. And here's why. Let’s say you made a repair, but didn’t think much about the end result, as the electrician advised, so you did. Everything is ready. We put the furniture in its place, arranged the consumer electronics, and what did we get? Catastrophe! All sockets turned out to be in cold reserve, one was blocked by a closet, another by a sofa, a third by a chest of drawers and a fourth by a bedside table, even near the TV and favorite stereo system, as by the law of meanness, there were no sockets within a radius of 3-4 meters. And here begins a very fun and exciting game called, scatter extension cords and pilots throughout the apartment. The question is, why did you make new electrical wiring so that you could then walk around and trip over extension cords? Of course not. And in an apartment, this is half the trouble, but an incorrectly executed electrical wiring diagram in a private house promises more global consequences. After all, if in apartments the wiring changes on average every 20-25 years, then in private residential buildings, much less often or never at all. And how many extension cords are needed for a two or three story house, and there are still more of them Do I need to buy it, how much money will it cost? And how many nerves will be spent every time, like you again, you'll stumble about the pilot wire lying on the floor.

What to do? Sit down and think calmly, decide on the arrangement of furniture and household electronics. Be sure to note what new electrical appliances you plan to purchase in the coming years. For example: air conditioner, dishwasher, freezer, electric water heater, electric oven or hob, and so on, and where, after these acquisitions, existing cabinets, sofas and bedside tables can be moved. Consult with your family, wife and children; in practice, their advice turns out to be very useful.

Drawing a diagram - power part

The installation of electrical wiring from the very beginning to the end is described in as much detail as possible, with all explanations and pictures, in a step-by-step guide

So, you've made your decision. Now, you need to put all your ideas and plans on paper. We draw a plan of your premises. How to do this? Let's take a standard one-room apartment as an illustrative example. To complete the scheme we need:

  • notebook sheet
  • ruler
  • pen
  • colored pencils or markers

The diagram shows the location of the walls and doorways. No specific dimensions required, just a general idea.
Here we have a diagram of the apartment. Simple and clear.

To make it clear what we are talking about, I will number and label the rooms:

  • Room 1 - hall
  • room 2 - kitchen
  • room 3 - bathroom
  • room 4 - hallway

Now, we need to draw on our diagram the locations of furniture and household appliances.

Room 1 - hall:
  • 1 - wardrobe
  • 2 - sofa,
  • 3 - chair
  • 4 - stereo system (home theater)
  • 5 - TV (plasma TV)
  • 6 - computer
Room 2 - kitchen:
  • 13 - kitchen set(work area)
  • 14 - dishwasher
  • 15 – refrigerator
  • 16 - chairs
  • 17 – table
  • 18 - gas stove
  • 19 - microwave oven
Room 3 - bathroom:
  • 8 - wall cabinet
  • 9 - toilet
  • 10 - sink
  • 11 - bathroom
  • 12 - washing machine
Room 4 - hallway:
  • 7 - cabinet

Items marked in red are consumers of electricity, which means we will need sockets in these places. Now, we simplify the diagram, remove the furniture, and draw in the places where consumer electronics will be designation of sockets on the diagram. This is the diagram we should get.
Now, let's be clear symbols, which we have used and will continue to use in our schemes.

I will duplicate the signatures, from top to bottom:

  • socket
  • double socket
  • single-key switch
  • two-gang switch
  • lamp, chandelier, light bulb
  • junction box (distribution box)
  • end of the wire for further connection of equipment
  • power shield

Specific dimensions and locations of sockets will need to be indicated on the diagram as soon as you have finally decided on the placement of furniture and equipment.

Drawing a diagram - lighting part

In our example, all chandeliers and lamps will be located in the center of the room. Let's start drawing with room number 1 - the hall. The coordinates of the location of the lamps, length and width, if the exact dimensions of the room are available, can be indicated immediately. For our example, there are no specific dimensions, so we will take all the necessary measurements during the first stage of installation - marking. For example, I’ll show you how to find the center of a room. First, measure the width of the room and divide the resulting value in half. For example, if the width turns out to be 4 meters, we divide it in half, 4: 2 = 2, it turns out to be 2 meters.
Now, measure the length of the room and also divide it in half. For example, the length is 6 meters, divide in half, 6: 2 = 3, it turns out 3 meters. We know the coordinates of the middle. Using the given values, we mark the center of the room. I marked it with a cross.
Similarly, we mark out all the other rooms.
We divide the L-shaped room, number 4 (hallway), into two parts and also mark it out.
Now, we replace the crosses with the symbols of the lamps and get this picture.
To complete our diagram, we need to draw switches. To do this, we need to think again and decide, this time, on the interior doors. Namely, which side they will open to, left or right, and where, inward or outward. This is done so that some kind of switch does not turn out accidentally outside the door when the repairs are done fully ready. Usually, doors are opened at the smallest angle. Here, the usefulness of the space on the left and right is taken into account, but neither forget about the furniture, the door should not rest against it. So, we decided on the doors.

Now, we can draw the switches. As a rule, switches are located inside rooms. So that when you open the door and enter the room, you can immediately turn on the light, and turn it off when leaving. Control of the light in a particular room will be entirely in the hands of the person in it. We went to bed, turned off the light, but did not need to leave the room. Comfortable. The exception is damp and damp areas, such as the bathroom and toilet. Here, the switches are taken outside, since the constant entry of moisture into the switch will lead to its rapid failure.

We draw switches on the diagram using conditionaldesignations. Before you begin installing the electrical wiring, you will need to indicate on the diagram the specific dimensions of the switches, the height and distance from the edge of the door.

So, in the end we got two pictures:

  1. socket layout diagram
  2. diagram of lamps and switches

The first stage is completed. Based on its results, we have the first and main part of the electrical circuit.

Stage two, wiring diagram

To begin with, you need to calculate and think through the route of laying the wire in detail. To do this, you need to carefully inspect the room in which installation is planned. Know exactly what finishing and finishing work will be done. What you should be interested in:
Suspended, stretch ceilings
Will the walls be plastered, if so, what will be the thickness of the layer?
For monolithic houses, you need to know which walls are load-bearing
The location of the floor slabs, how the channels run and how clean they are
Why is this important? I will explain with a specific example.
Let's say that in our one-room apartment, which we took as an example in the first part, suspended ceilings are planned. From an electrical point of view, this is simply wonderful. The fact is that now, if electrical installation work is carried out independently, you can save a lot of effort and time, as well as a lot of money, on materials. Savings occur due to the fact that now it becomes possible to choose a combined method of installing hidden electrical wiring.
We install the wire along the ceiling in a non-flammable corrugated pipe, we make descents to sockets and switches in vertical grooves.
Look at how many benefits we get using this installation method:
If the electrical wiring is being replaced, hidden, without updating the plaster layer, there is no need to do the lion's part heavy work for the production of horizontal grooves for laying wires. This type preparatory work, takes almost 50% of the time spent on the entire electrical wiring installation cycle.
There is no need to run wires through the ceiling slab channels. This method gaskets are used to covertly lay a wire to the center of the room to power a chandelier or lamp. We save effort and time, the channels of floor slabs are not always clean, in some situations you have to tinker.
We significantly reduce the amount of wire required. When laying it along the walls, you have to go around extra distances, installing it along the ceiling, you can lay it along the shortest path.
This example shows how the ratio of time and money spent on the entire installation cycle can change. That is why, to this issue should be approached so carefully.
What you should pay attention to if the installation of electrical wiring will be carried out using the standard installation method, hidden along the walls.
It is highly advisable to try to avoid concrete floors located above windows and doors. The first reason is that ditching them is very problematic. Second, in the future, incidents may arise when installing curtains for curtains.
It is necessary to correctly determine how the channels run in the floor slabs, since wires for chandeliers and lamps will be laid in them.
Calculate location distribution boxes. With the correct quantity and location, you can significantly reduce the amount of wire required for installation.
If the house is monolithic concrete, you should calculate the location of sockets and switches so that they do not fall on load-bearing structures. Violating their integrity is strictly prohibited!
After we have taken into account all the points, we move on to sketching the wiring diagram. To do this, we use two schemes that we obtained in the first stage. We superimpose the diagrams on top of each other and get the overall picture.

Let's start with room number 1. Here, there will be standard ceilings for painting, therefore, the wires will be mounted on the walls, for the chandelier in the channel of the ceiling slab. In this room there will be two double sockets, one switch and a chandelier. We pull the wire, starting from the farthest corner, since it contains the first double sockets in the chain. We stop at the exit from the room, where the junction box will be located.

I would not recommend making sockets in a ribbon cable; this will significantly reduce the throughput capacity of the last socket. It will be more correct and reliable to make all connections in the junction box. Therefore, we run the wire directly, from each outlet, to the box. We sketch the route of the wire from the second double socket.

Now, we draw the route for laying the wire, from the chandelier to the junction box.

From switch to box.

All the wires are collected in one place, sketch out the location of the junction box.

Similarly, we sketch the routes for laying the wires of other rooms.
Electrical wiring in the kitchen. Here, it is possible to use the floor slab channel to shorten the wire route to one of the sockets. We pass the wires through the channel of the stove, thereby saving time and wire.

All work that is in one way or another connected with electricity in the house will require a competent and serious approach from you, therefore the electrical wiring diagram in an apartment or private house must be well thought out, and most importantly, correctly and efficiently manufactured. It is with the electrical circuit and its installation that renovations in a new home or major renovations in an old one will begin. The sequence of actions for installing wiring in the house will be as follows. Firstly, wiring is laid along the walls, which will subsequently be covered with plaster and wallpaper. Under this finish, all electrical wiring will lie for many years and will not bother you. It is for this purpose that before installation begins, you need to very carefully calculate the entire electrical wiring plan for the apartment.

Electrical wiring diagrams - where to start?

Most often, when it comes time to install electrical wiring in a house or apartment, people do not imagine the end result. And the wiring diagram should be presented in colors. This is because the overall functionality, as well as correctness and logic, etc., will directly depend on the correctness of the circuit. The electrical wiring diagram for a house or apartment will always start with one thing - thinking through a plan for all the electrical wiring. Let us explain why. Let's say you carried out a renovation without thinking about the end result. We finished all the renovations, installed furniture and household appliances and... You may end up with a bunch of problems.

Sockets and switches may be covered by a sofa or closet, and where it is needed it is not there and vice versa. And in such cases, you will begin to happily unwind extension cords throughout the apartment to the necessary electrical receivers. Naturally, you don't want something like this. new electrical wiring in the apartment. Errors in apartments are still relatively tolerable. But if the house wiring diagram is done incorrectly in a private house, then this promises more serious problems. This is because apartments are usually subject to major renovation with replacement of wiring every 20-25 years. But in private homes this is all done either much less often or is never done at all. Assume that a mistake has been made in several storey building, then the problems will seem even more fun.

In order to avoid all such problems, you just need to calmly think through everything and decide how to install household appliances and furniture in the house. It is also worth noting that in the near future you will be buying and will depend on electricity. It is best to discuss all these issues with the family, because everyone will have their own vision of the situation, which will not be superfluous.

Related articles:

Electrical wiring diagram - power section

So, you've thought it over calmly. Now you need to start putting all the plans and ideas that have emerged on paper. Draw a plan of your home. For example, we will look at a standard one-room apartment, but everything is exactly the same for a private house. In order to fulfill wiring diagram For electrical wiring of the apartment, you will need a sheet of paper, a pen, a ruler, colored markers or pencils.

The diagram should indicate the location of doorways and walls. You don't need exact dimensions, you only need to do general position. If you haven’t found out yet, we recommend that you refer to the article of the same name.

Following the example, you should get the following picture.

For completeness and simplicity, number and label all rooms:

  • No. 1 – hall;
  • No. 2 – kitchen;
  • No. 3 – bathroom;
  • No. 4 – hallway.

After this, you need to mark on the electrical diagram the places where the household appliances and furniture. All items must be numbered, labeled and color-coded for electricity consumers.

It is for electricity consumers, highlighted in red, that will need sockets. Now you need to simplify your circuit, i.e. We remove all objects, and in those places where electronics will be located, we will mark the sockets on the electrical wiring plan. It should look something like this.

It would be a good idea to include the symbols used in the diagram to avoid confusion.

The specific sizes and locations of the outlets will need to be indicated on the diagram after you have decided on the exact locations of the electronics and furniture.

Electrical diagram in the apartment - lighting part

In the example under consideration, everything lighting fixtures will be located in the center of the room. Let's start with the first room - the hall. If you know the exact dimensions of the room, the coordinates of the location of the lamps can be indicated first. In our case, we do not have exact dimensions, so we will take all the necessary measurements during the first stage of installation, i.e. marking. We hope there should be no problems with determining the center. But just in case, let’s say that first you measure the width of the room, and divide the resulting measurement in half.

The same must be done with the length of the room, i.e. measure and divide by half. This way you will get the coordinates of the middle of the room. Using these obtained coordinates, you need to designate the center of the room and mark it with a cross on the diagram.

In exactly the same way you mark the middles of all rooms.

The hallway, which is L-shaped, needs to be divided into 2 parts and also marked.

If you change the applied crosses to the symbols of lighting devices, you will get a similar wiring diagram.

To complete your home's wiring diagram with your own hands, you need to draw switches. To do this, you need to decide on finding interior doors. By the way, look at this useful article. Here you need to understand in which direction the door will open, i.e. inward or outward, and also to the right or left. This must be done so that the installed switch does not end up behind some door.

The next step is to draw the switches on the wiring diagram. Usually they are located inside rooms in such a way that when entering a room and opening the door you can easily turn on the light, and when leaving you can turn it off. An exception will be rooms with high humidity - bathrooms and toilets.. This is due to the fact that constant moisture will quickly damage the switches, unless, of course, you use special devices with increased protection.

Draw the switches on your diagram using symbols. Before you begin installing the electrical wiring, you must mark the exact dimensions of the switches on the diagram - the distance from the doors, as well as the height from the floor.

As a result, you will draw up two electrical wiring diagrams - a diagram of sockets and a diagram of switches and lamps. The first stage is over. Now you have the main part of the electrical circuit.

Wiring diagram

First, you need to think through and calculate the entire route of wiring in the house. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an inspection of the room in which the work is planned. It is also necessary to decide finishing works that will be held. Namely, you need to know: what kind of ceilings there will be, whether plastering will be done and its thickness, where the load-bearing walls are located, whether it will be necessary. Let's look at all this with an example.

For example, you are planning to install suspended ceilings. In terms of electrical wiring, this option is simply excellent. In this case, you can do all the wiring work yourself, and also save a lot of time and effort, as well as materials. This is due to the fact that combined installation of electrical wiring can be used. That is, the installation of cables is carried out on the rough ceiling in corrugated non-flammable pipes, and descents to switches and sockets are carried out in the walls - in grooves.

This method of installing electrical wiring has the following advantages.

If it is necessary to replace the electrical wiring, all work is carried out without updating the plaster layer, and there is also no need to perform heavy work on arranging grooves. But it is the preparation of channels for laying cables that takes up the bulk of the working time. There is also no need to pull them through the ceiling ducts. This also allows you to save your energy, because... channels are not always clean. In addition, the consumption of wires is greatly reduced. This is due to the fact that when laying along the walls you need to avoid various obstacles, and if you lay along the ceiling, then the electrical wiring is laid along the shortest path.

If you install electrical wiring in the standard way along the walls, then you need to pay attention to the following points.

  • We recommend going around concrete floors that are located above doors and windows. This is explained by the fact that it is very difficult to make grooves in them, and the second reason will be problems during the installation of cornices or curtains for hanging curtains.
  • It is necessary to correctly find the channels in the interfloor slabs, because... they will need to be wired for lights.
  • Accurately calculate the location of distribution boxes. If this is done correctly, you can also significantly reduce material consumption during electrical wiring installation.
  • If your house is monolithic concrete, then you need to design the switches and sockets in such a way that they do not fall on the main supporting structures, because It is highly undesirable to violate their integrity.

After taking into account the above nuances, you can begin to draw up a wiring diagram. To do this, you need to use the diagrams that were obtained at the first stage of preparation. The wiring diagrams should be superimposed on each other and the overall picture will be obtained.

We start with the first room in the house. Here the usual ceilings will be located for painting. Therefore, here the installation will be carried out along the walls, and for the chandelier it will be laid in the channels of the ceiling slab. This room also has two double sockets, a switch and a chandelier. The wire should be pulled from the farthest corner, because the first double socket in the chain is located there. You need to stop at the exit from the premises, because... there will be a junction box there.

It is not recommended to make sockets with a cable, because... this will greatly reduce the power of the last outlet in the chain. It would be safer and more correct to make all connections in the junction box. Therefore, you need to run the wire directly from each outlet to the box. Draw the cable route from the second double outlet.

After this, sketch the wire from the chandelier to the junction box.

When all the cables are collected in one place, you need to designate a place for the junction box itself.

In the same way, you need to designate the wiring routes in other rooms. Electrical wiring in the kitchen - here you can use channels in the floor slabs to reduce the path of the wire from one of the outlets. By passing them through these channels, you save both material and your time.

Making a wiring diagram for the bathroom.

Diagram in the hallway. Installation is planned in this room suspended ceiling made of plastic, and therefore it is possible to throw electrical wiring along the ceiling in corrugated tubes.

After the above described manipulations, designate the location of the power shield. As a rule, it is located next to the entrance to the apartment.

Let's begin. From the hall to the shield.

From the kitchen to the dashboard.

From the bathroom to the power panel.

And finally from the hallway to the shield.

So the electrical wiring diagram for an apartment or private house has been drawn up, and then you can implement it without hesitation.

The next step for installing electrical wiring in the house is to calculate the wire cross-section. It is extremely undesirable to neglect such a calculation, because Each equipment has its own power consumption, which the supply wire must withstand. Well, after that you will definitely have to figure it out.

While working on electrical engineering, a person may come across symbols of elements that are conventionally marked on electrical wiring diagrams. The variety of electrical circuits is very wide. They have different functions and classifications. But all graphic symbols are conventionally reduced to the same forms, and for all schemes the elements correspond to each other.

An electrical wiring diagram is a document that indicates the connections between the constituent elements of different devices that consume electricity according to certain standard rules. This image in the form of a drawing is intended to teach specialists electrical installation so that they understand from the diagram the principle of operation of the device, and from what components and elements it is assembled.

The main purpose of the wiring diagram is to assist in the installation of electrical devices and instruments, simple and easy detection of faults in electrical circuit. Next, we will understand the types and types of electrical wiring diagrams, find out their properties and characteristics of each type.

Electrical diagrams: classification

All electrical diagrams, as documents, are divided into types and types. According to the relevant standards, you can find a division of these documents by types of schemes and types. Let us analyze their detailed classification.

The types of wiring diagrams are as follows:
  • Electrical.
  • Gas.
  • Hydraulic.
  • Energy.
  • Divisions.
  • Pneumatic.
  • Kinematic.
  • Combined.
  • Vacuum.
  • Optical.
Main types:
  • Structural.
  • Assembly.
  • United.
  • Locations.
  • General.
  • Functional.
  • Principled.
  • Connections.

Considering the electrical diagrams, the listed designations, the type and type are determined by the name of the electrical diagram.

Symbols in electrical circuits

In the modern period, both domestic and imported elements are used in electrical installation work. Foreign parts can be presented wide range. In diagrams and drawings they are also designated conventionally. Not only the size of the parameters is described, but also the list of elements included in the device and their relationship.

Now you need to figure out what each specific electrical circuit is intended for and what it consists of.

Schematic diagram

This type is used in distribution networks. It provides full disclosure of the operation of electrical equipment. The drawing must indicate the functional units and their connections. The diagram has two types: single-line, complete. The single-line diagram shows the primary networks (power). Here is her example:

The full version of the electrical circuit is depicted in elemental or expanded form. If the device is simple, and the drawing includes all the explanations, then a detailed plan will suffice. For a complex device with a control circuit, measurement, etc., the optimal solution would be to depict all the nodes on separate sheets to avoid confusion.

There is also a schematic electrical diagram, which shows a copy of the plan with the designation of a separate unit, its composition and operation.

Wiring diagram

Such electrical diagrams are used to explain the installation of any wiring. They can depict the exact position of the elements, their connection, and the characteristics of the installations. The apartment wiring diagram will show the placement of sockets, lamps, etc.

This scheme guides electrical installation work, gives an understanding of all connections. For the installation of household devices, this scheme is better suited for operation.

Combined scheme

This type of circuit includes different types and types of documents. It is used in order not to clutter the drawing and to indicate important circuits and features. More often, integrated schemes are used in industrial enterprises. For home use it hardly makes sense.

Having studied the symbols and prepared the necessary documentation, it is not difficult to understand the operation of any electrical installation.

Assembly procedure according to the electrical diagram
The most complicated matter for an electrician is to understand the interaction of elements in a circuit. You need to know how to read and assemble a diagram. Assembly requires certain rules:
  • During assembly, it is necessary to be guided in one direction, for example, clockwise.
  • It is better to first divide the circuit into parts if there are many elements and the circuit is complex.
  • Start assembly from phase.
  • With each assembly step performed, you need to assume what will happen if voltage is applied at that moment.

After completing the assembly, a closed circuit must be formed. As an example, let’s look at connecting a chandelier consisting of 3 shades at home using a double switch.

First, let's determine the operating procedure of the chandelier. When you turn on the 1st key, one light should light up, if you turn on the 2nd key, then the other two. According to the diagram, there are 3 wires going to the switch and the chandelier. There are two wires coming from the network, phase and neutral.

Using the indicator, we identify and find the phase, connect it to the switch without interrupting the zero. We connect the wire to the common terminal of the switch. 2 wires will go from it to 2 circuits. Connect one of the wires to the lamp socket. We take out the second conductor from the cartridge and connect it to zero. One chain is ready. To check, click the first button of the switch, the lamp lights up.

We connect the 2nd wire from the switch to the socket of another lamp. We connect the wire from the cartridge to zero. If you click the switch keys in turn, different lamps will light up.

Now let's connect the third lamp. We connect it in parallel to any lamp. In the chandelier one wire became common. It is made distinctive by color. If your wires are all the same color, then to avoid confusion, you must use an indicator during installation. Connecting a chandelier usually does not require much work, since this circuit is not particularly complicated.

An obligatory part of renovation work in an apartment is replacement or installation electrical cables, distribution boxes, electrical panel. A well-chosen electrical wiring diagram will protect your home from accidents and unforeseen situations.

We will tell you what you need to consider when replacing or installing electrical wiring yourself. Here you will learn how to draw up a diagram and distribute electrical points in one-room, two- and three-room apartments. Taking into account our recommendations, you can provide yourself with a trouble-free energy network.

Modern household technologies made a significant breakthrough at the end of the 20th century. In addition to televisions, homes now have computers, security and video surveillance systems, powerful household appliances, and wireless communications. In this regard, wiring electrical cables has become much more complicated, although the principles of the device have not changed.

Difficulties begin from the very first stage - design. In order to correctly draw up a wiring diagram in an apartment, you need to know in advance the approximate power of household electrical appliances and their locations. At the same time, you need to think about the lighting system in all rooms.

If you do not take into account the laying of a computer cable and the installation of a router for your home network, you will end up with wires hanging on the wall or stretched along the floor. At best, they can be hidden in a plinth or sewn into a box

Except large quantity New devices have one more difference: along with the power network, there is always a low-current system, which traditionally includes telephone and television wires, as well as computer, security, acoustic equipment and an intercom.

These two systems (power and low-current) cannot be separated, since all devices are powered from 220 V power sources.

Wiring diagram of a low-current system in an apartment. Includes three networks: computer, telephone and television. Each network has its own types of cable and equipment

The number of devices and cables used simultaneously has changed. If previously it was enough to install one chandelier in the hall, now many people use a lighting system that includes, in addition to the chandelier, spotlights and backlight.

In addition to the increase in the number of equipment, it is necessary to add an increase in power - for this reason, the old cables are no longer suitable, and the size of the electrical distribution board has increased noticeably.

Why do you need a wiring diagram?

It turns out that installing modern electrical wiring in an apartment is a real art, which only a professional electrician can handle.

If you do not want to constantly change the decoration of the walls in order to mask cables that appear here and there, we recommend that before renovating an apartment or building a house, draw up a drawing indicating all significant objects related to electricity: sockets, switches, electrical panels, lighting fixtures.

Let's consider the electrical network from the point of view of its component parts:

  • Automatic protection devices installed in the electrical panel. The functioning of all home equipment and the safety of users depend on their quality and proper installation.
  • Cables, wires with the correct cross-section and good insulation.
  • Sockets and switches with high-quality contacts, safe housings.

In private houses, a mandatory element is an introductory machine and power cable from him to the shield. They help regulate power consumption and, if necessary, turn off all electricity at home.