Septic tanks for dachas - what they are and how to choose the right model. Bio septic tanks for a private home: operating mechanism and analysis of the range Biological septic tanks for a private home

Installing a septic tank is a practical way to solve the problem of wastewater disposal when arranging a local sewage system. But, you must admit, it is sometimes not easy to make a choice among the variety of ready-made designs.

To simplify the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main types of treatment facilities and popular models from leading manufacturers. We will tell you which septic tank to choose based on the characteristics of its operation, and outline the main parameters of the device that must be taken into account when purchasing.

For a better understanding of the issue, we have supplemented the information with photographs of various models of waste disposal units, as well as diagrams for their installation.

A septic tank is a waterproof structure consisting of one or more sections or divided into two or three compartments or chambers. But any sewage treatment plant has its own characteristics.

Therefore, in order to choose a recycler wisely, it is necessary to analyze the types of equipment on the market, understand the principle of their operation and determine for yourself the feasibility of using a particular model.

Types of materials used

Septic tanks serving as the main element local sewerage, are classified according to different criteria.

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It is difficult to install a centralized sewer network to a country house. The only solution for summer residents is to build a cesspool or septic tank. Most often the choice falls on the last option. Today on the market is wide range bio septic tanks. This article will tell you which bio is better, and whether it is possible to equip a septic tank on your own.

A septic tank is a container separated by a partition. One compartment serves as a sump, and the second is a drainage system. Most models have a compact shape. The quite reasonable cost of septic tanks for houses makes them very popular among summer residents. Bio septic tanks are also available for sale. They differ from a standard treatment plant by additional biological treatment using bacteria. Their price is slightly higher.

In principle, the operation scheme of a septic tank is quite simple. The drains flow through into the first compartment. Here the sewage is divided into two groups: the heavy ones settle to the bottom, while the light ones enter the second compartment. Heavy particles that are at the bottom of the septic tank begin to ferment and decompose under the influence of bacteria. Most often, this process takes no more than 3 days. As a result, sewage is separated into carbon dioxide, water and a thick mass. Bacteria are unable to completely destroy sediment. Therefore, sludge accumulated at the bottom of the compartment should be periodically removed manually. The water is purified by approximately 60%.

Pros and cons

Today, most summer residents prefer bioseptic tanks. After all, their use eliminates many problems and is simple and convenient. Considering the reviews of owners about septic tanks, we can highlight the following advantages of these installations:

  1. Long service life - about 30 years. Most often, stabilized propylene is used to produce the housing. This material is resistant to corrosion and other harmful influences.
  2. Wastewater treatment reaches 100%. The resulting water becomes harmless and can be poured into nearby soil. Some summer residents also use it to water their gardens and flowers.
  3. Easy to maintain. Scheduled inspection and the septic tank can be cleaned every 2 years.
  4. Easy to install. No heavy equipment is required to install a septic tank. After all, the device body weighs little and is equipped with mounting loops.
  5. No unpleasant odor. The same cannot be said about ordinary cesspools.
  6. Energy independence. There are models that clean drains without connecting to an electrical outlet.
  7. Waterproof housing. Due to complete tightness and waterproofness, untreated wastewater does not enter the ground.

Bio septic tanks also have a disadvantage - a high price. The cost depends on the type of device. So the purchase of anaerobic septic tanks will cost 22,000 rubles and more. The price of aeration systems starts from 70,000 rubles. In addition, the system needs constant replenishment of bacteria. And this is an additional cost of about 5,000 rubles per year. Not all summer residents can afford to buy a septic tank. And therefore they are interested in making this installation with their own hands. After all, knowing how to make a septic tank correctly, you can get an effective cleaning facility at minimal expense.

Model overview

The modern market is full of different ones from different manufacturers. Products from the Russian plant Alta-Group are especially popular. The company produces septic tanks under the Alta BIO brand. The series is represented by various modifications designed for different numbers of users.

The smallest volume septic tank is designed to serve 3 people, and the largest model can easily cope with wastewater from 10 residents.

Having analyzed the reviews about the Alta septic tank, we can name the following advantages of this model:

  • High degree of sewage purification.
  • Compactness of the product.
  • The septic tank is capable long time work without cleaning. The catalyst in the bioreactor sector requires replacement every 5 years.
  • Wide range of standard sizes.
  • Possibility of periodic use. The structure can not be used for 3 months in a row without harm to the vital activity of bacteria. Therefore this great option for houses in which people live non-permanently.
  • Simplicity and speed of installation. All that is required from the owner is to dig a pit, pour a layer of concrete at the bottom, arrange an anchor for a stable position of the septic tank, install the structure on foundation bolts, and add a cement-sand mixture between the septic tank and the walls of the pit.
  • It is possible to connect an ultraviolet purification module for additional sterilization of purified water.

The products of the domestic manufacturer Triton Plastic have also proven themselves well. The company produces septic tanks of the Biotank and Microbe brands.

Biotank is a relatively new model of the company, which has managed to gain good popularity among consumers due to its many advantages. True, there are also negative reviews about the Biotank septic tank - the device is volatile. Therefore, the use of the structure is possible only where there are no interruptions in power supply. And the cost of installation is considerable.

But positive reviews about the Biotank septic tank still exceed the negative ones. Consumers note that when the device operates, there is no unpleasant odor, the model is simple to maintain and does not require equipment for a filtration platform, and the quality of cleaning is at a high level. In addition, the system is economical and undemanding in terms of wastewater quality. The septic tank of this brand is reliable. Breakdowns occur extremely rarely and are mainly caused by improper installation or operational errors.

Septic tank Microbe refers to installations that purify water from impurities by no more than 75%. You cannot drain such water into the ground. Therefore, to use a septic tank of this brand, you need to install additional filters.

The Triton Plastic company produces the Microbe Mini septic tank in several modifications, which are designed for different volumes of wastewater. So, for a dacha where 2-3 people periodically rest, the Microbe 450 installation is suitable. The product is compact and can be easily transported to passenger car. A more productive option is Microbe 600. The structure is capable of purifying up to 200 liters of wastewater.

But for a house with permanent residence of no more than 2 people, Microbe 900 is suitable. If the cottage is used for periodic recreation of 4-5 people, this model is also suitable. The advantages of the system include independence from power supply. Installation and maintenance are quite simple. The product is inexpensive. In addition, you can buy a Microbe 900 septic tank at the lowest price during promotions held by the store. You can also buy it a little cheaper on the Internet.

The domestic company Yubas also produces high-quality septic tanks. Cleaning facilities of the Eurobion brand are known to many summer residents. Owners of private houses decide to buy a Eurobion septic tank due to the many positive characteristics of this device. The samples Eurobion 5 and Eurobion 8 are in greatest demand.

Considering the reviews about the Eurobion septic tank, it is worth mentioning the following advantages:

One of the disadvantages is that the price of the Eurobion septic tank is quite high. On average, purchasing a structure will cost 60,000 rubles. You will have to pay another 20,000 rubles for installation. Of course, the price depends on the model and size. The cost is also affected by the geometry of the site and the composition of the soil. If these parameters are not problematic, then the price will be acceptable. It should be noted that the price with turnkey installation of a Eurobion septic tank is more profitable for consumers.

The biological treatment station is also very popular among summer residents. waste water Biodeck. The device is made of durable polymer, which is characterized by thermal insulation properties and durability. The station operates autonomously and does not require daily maintenance. Reviews about the Biodeka septic tank are mostly positive.

The advantages of the structure include cleaning efficiency, design reliability, and low cost.

But there is one drawback - dependence on electricity.

The Bioxi septic tank is also quite in demand. It is intended for sewage water treatment in private sectors, cottages, holiday villages, and recreation centers. The range of models is wide and allows you to choose the best option depending on the number of people living in the house.

Having analyzed the reviews about the Bioxi septic tank, we can highlight a number of positive aspects in the operation of this station:

  • You can clean the installation yourself.
  • Wastewater is purified up to 98%.
  • The device is simple to maintain: there is no need to regularly replenish the bacterial mass.
  • The septic tank operates economically.
  • The model is non-volatile.
  • The body of the product is very durable.
  • All parts are resistant to corrosion.
  • Service life reaches 50 years.

The average price of a Bioxi septic tank is quite acceptable for most owners country houses.

The Biotal septic tank is also popular among summer residents. The station is characterized by high operating efficiency and thoughtful design. Setting up and installing the equipment is quite complex. Therefore, it is better to use the services of specialists. The manufacturer positions the products of this brand as “septic tanks are not for everyone,” so the price of the Biotal septic tank is quite high.

Biological products for cleaning septic tanks

Some septic tank models require periodic replenishment of bacteria. After all, after prolonged use of the device, the death of microflora is possible. Today there are many manufacturers of these mixtures for treatment stations. But the most popular is the Bioforce septic tank.

The Bioforce septic tank has the following characteristics:

  1. prevents clogging of the drainage sewer system and overflow of the septic tank;
  2. reduces the frequency of sludge pumping;
  3. accelerates the settling of organic waste;
  4. eliminates unpleasant odor;
  5. restores working microflora;
  6. The cost of this biological product is about 5,200 rubles per package.

Thus, today summer residents use bioseptic tanks to equip their sewerage system. These are structures that effectively clean wastewater and eliminate unpleasant odors. The cost of these devices is considerable. There is a wide range of different models on the market. Therefore, you can easily choose an option depending on the number of residents in the house. In some septic tanks, after prolonged use, the microflora is destroyed. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the number of bacteria. There are special biological products available for sale for this purpose.

Many people on summer cottages and country houses use a septic tank as a treatment facility, but not everyone knows what kind of design they need and how the system generally works. So what is it - a septic tank in a private house and how does it work?

Sewerage septic tank in a private house: what is it?

A sewer septic tank is a special treatment facility () that operates without the consumption of electricity, where wastewater is processed in a sump, and an underground filtration system decomposes without access to oxygen.

How does this system work?

The treatment plant can be located up to 20 meters from the building; dirty water flows through outlets into a common container. Elements that cannot dissolve remain at the bottom, and with the help of anaerobic bacteria, the water part begins to ferment. During the life of bacteria, methane is released; to remove it, a pipe installed 1-2 meters above the roof of the building is used.

From 50 to 75 is the percentage of water purification, after which the incompletely purified liquid flows into the ground for final purification. The insoluble sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the septic tank is cleaned out by the pump of a sewage disposal machine. Depending on the intensity of use, the structure must be cleaned at least once a month.

To improve the quality of wastewater, a specialized biofilter is installed in the system, the most common option is made of expanded clay.

Here, wastewater can also be purified aerobically, that is, using oxygen. Before the water enters the biofilter, it is clarified. Afterwards, anaerobic bacteria break down the impurities, turning them into sludge; the resulting sediment on the filter must be removed after a certain period of time.

The percentage of water purification in this design is much higher and is about 90%. Once the water is purified, it goes into the well to process the remaining impurities with the help of aerobic bacteria and oxygen. In this interaction, all elements are finally decomposed. To completely clean the liquid, the next stage is to drain the water into the soil.

The most common and effective method wastewater treatment is underground filtration. To install the system on the ground, layers of filter sand will be required.

The structure is made of pipes with small holes, lined with crushed stone around the perimeter. This cleaning system has a small throughput and is suitable for use by families of 2-3 people.

To increase volumes, additional filter layers of gravel and sand are used, with the use of additional cleaning trenches.

Types of sewer septic tanks for home

Cleaning systems are divided according to their operating principle:

  • with soil filtration;
  • with biological treatment;
  • cumulative.

Septic tanks are divided according to the material used for the manufacture of structures:

  • plastic;
  • brick;
  • reinforced concrete rings;
  • metal.

Designs differ in installation method and shape:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

Treatment facilities can be installed both on the surface of the earth and underground.

Classification of septic tanks

The choice of a particular type of design depends on the intensity of use, and calculations of daily throughput will be required.

The septic tank is cleaned using the pump of a sewer truck.

A storage septic tank is presented in the form of a container where wastewater coming from the building is collected. The operating principle of the device is simple: the entire incoming mass is divided into heavy fractions, which settle at the bottom and light impurities that float to the top.

In modern cleaning devices, the liquid is stored in a container until the cleaning stage. Containers are cleaned as they are filled using a special equipment pump. The main advantage of the design is its ease of use, but the disadvantage is the need for constant cleaning during operation.

Storage type devices are recommended for use in buildings not intended for residential use. all year round, for example, in summer cottages. When choosing a septic tank, for uninterrupted operation it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • It is better to choose a large-volume container, which will subsequently reduce costs for the services of a sewage disposal team;
  • The design of the container must be made of high-strength material so that the container is not damaged during operation under soil pressure.

If in country house If you plan to live permanently, it is better to choose an overflow septic tank design, not just draining of liquid occurs here, but also cleaning. Using such a device, you will have to call a sewer truck a maximum of 3 times a year.

To increase the period between container cleanings, bacteria for septic tanks are also used; with their help, you can significantly reduce the mass of undecomposed particles.

Advantages of the cleaning system:

  • the septic tank is easy to maintain and use;
  • wastewater treatment;
  • saving money on the services of sewage disposal equipment

The cleaning structure cannot be installed on clay terrain.. The disadvantage of this type of septic tank is that it will not be possible to produce a functional filtration field if groundwater is located close to the surface, and it also cannot be installed on clay soil.

Do-it-yourself installation of an autonomous sewer system

The construction of a septic tank with your own hands occurs in several stages.

Calculation and construction of the pit

To dig a pit with the correct parameters, you need to accurately calculate the daily volume of wastewater discharge, and increase the data obtained by 3 times with a 20% margin. The volume of the first chamber of the septic tank is equal to the volume of the drain. 30% of the volume of the first chamber is the second. The approximate depth of the pit is 2.5 meters; here it is necessary to take into account the composition of the soil where the treatment facility is installed.

The lower edge of the drain pipe should be located 80 cm from the bottom of the 1st chamber.

Construction of internal formwork

Here we will consider the construction concrete septic tank, you can also use plastic containers, reinforced concrete containers and other materials.

The construction of the formwork takes place according to the parameters of the future septic tank, that is, the filling takes place in two parts. A 10 cm tee is used as a partition. The upper edge is installed 2-5 cm below the drain pipe.

Pouring the walls of the structure with concrete

The filling is done in several layers, everything is compacted and strengthened with stone. After pouring the next layer, time is given for complete drying. You need to remember about the hole for the drain pipe. The partition is poured at the same time as the walls. As a result, a solid structure is formed. Any metal is used for reinforcement, and fine crushed stone or gravel is used to dilute cement.

Construction of a septic tank roof

After building the walls, the septic tank structure is left to dry completely for 3-4 days so that the concrete gains its maximum strength. The septic tank is covered with a wooden deck.

Metal reinforcement is installed on top; if necessary, it can be nailed in some places.

One board wide formwork is installed around the perimeter of the cleaning device. A 5-10 cm ventilation pipe is installed in the ceiling of the 2nd chamber, it should be 2-3 meters above ground level, in the ceiling of the 1st chamber it is necessary to leave a connector for the hatch.

The lid is filled with concrete in a 15 cm layer, the filler is crushed stone. After the concrete has completely dried, the surface of the lid is completely covered with earth, and the resulting area is used for its own needs.

If the design of the septic tank in the 1st chamber is made with a solid bottom, and a layer of crushed stone is laid in the 2nd chamber, then additional soil treatment will not be needed, the main thing here is to correctly calculate the required volume.

The process of installing a sewer-septic tank in a private house with your own hands is shown in the video:

As one could see, in construction autonomous sewerage there's nothing complicated, but this matter requires a special approach and responsibility. The entire processing process is carried out by bacteria, and we create all the conditions for their life.

The construction market offers many septic tank designs that can be used in almost all conditions, even in cases of clay soil or groundwater flowing close to the surface. There are treatment facilities where wastewater is filtered up to 100%, and therefore liquid can be discharged into rivers, lakes or onto the ground.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


To save yourself from the need to inhale odors from cesspools, it makes sense to buy a septic tank for a private home, having first studied its features and given preference to a specific variety. The device will save the residents of the house from any troubles. For permanent residence large quantity people on the territory of a private house, the drainage pit simply cannot cope with the task and it will need an assistant, which can be a septic tank.

What is a septic tank

Private houses or country cottages differ from ordinary apartments in that there is no central sewerage system and the use of a special device will be required to remove domestic water. A septic tank is a sealed container in which liquid waste accumulates. Some models have a biological treatment function, but they cannot be classified as full-fledged treatment facilities.

What is it for?

When installing sewer systems, owners of country houses must ensure wastewater treatment, taking into account sanitary standards and soil characteristics. A reliable option would be a septic tank, also called a septic tank, whose function is to accumulate and purify waste leaving the premises. It passes impurities through itself, not allowing it to penetrate into the soil. Before making a septic tank in a private home, it is worth understanding its structure and operation.


When building a cottage, it is necessary to pay special attention arrangement of an autonomous sewer system, since there is no central sewer system according to the project. Installing a septic tank in a private home allows you to solve problems with the removal of household waste and its cleaning. The work is carried out in three stages:

  • Sewage leaving a private home is collected in sealed plastic containers at a local treatment plant.
  • Inside the septic tank, particles are separated into heavy and light. The former settle at the bottom of the well, and the latter enter the next compartment.
  • Aerobic cleaning is not always possible, so anaerobic cleaning often occurs. The sewage is filtered, and the resulting methane is removed through the exhaust pipe.

Types of septic tanks for a private home

Local sewage treatment plants are divided into two large groups - old and new. The first group is represented by brick septic tanks and reinforced concrete structures. These types are used less frequently for private homes due to time, power and material costs. However, concrete structures are considered more durable. The new ones include ready-made plastic septic tanks for the home, which have several more subtypes. The undoubted advantages include low cost, practicality of plastic, and lightness of the product.


Manufacturers of septic tanks installed in private homes understand that it is impossible to do without a sewer system, so they offer a wide selection. The use of special tanks is often a solution to the problem. A storage septic tank is a container into which domestic water flows through pipes and is pumped out as it fills. You need to make calculations of the volume of liquid yourself and, based on this, order a storage tank of the required size. This option has a number of features:


It is impossible to ensure a comfortable life for permanent residence in a private house without sewerage. A bioseptic with the help of special bacteria solves the problem of wastewater treatment, giving a kind of guarantee of soil safety. The process looks like this:

  1. Sewage enters the first chamber of a popular septic tank, undergoing primary treatment there. Large particles and fats are separated and settle at the bottom.
  2. The waste is sent to the second tank of a three-chamber septic tank, where cleaning continues more actively.
  3. The sludge enters the first chamber, and the treated wastewater enters the third, where the final and main stage occurs.
  4. Completely purified water enters the well through a secondary settling tank.

With post-treatment

Waste that has passed through a septic tank cannot be considered completely clean water, which can be discharged into a reservoir or soil. Sometimes it is impossible to do without soil purification. The design of a treatment plant for a private home depends on various parameters: the characteristics of wastewater and soil. Soil filtration is more expensive, since it will be necessary to install:

  • absorption trench;
  • sand and gravel filter;
  • filter well;
  • filter fields.

Septic tanks for home

It is not easy to make a choice from the assortment available for sale. Initially, the eye falls on those devices that are cheap:

  • Name: KNS Unipump Sanivort.
  • Price: 11,328 rubles.
  • Characteristics: the device pumps out wastewater, accumulating it in a tank.
  • Pros: low price.
  • Cons: small capacity.

More serious septic tanks installed in private homes are many times more expensive. However, they are often worth it:

  • Name: EcoProm Rostock.
  • Price: 55900 rubles.
  • Characteristics: design containing a biological filter for wastewater treatment.
  • Pros: high degree of purification.
  • Cons: large dimensions.

There are entire autonomous deep biological treatment stations. In a private home they would be appropriate:

  • Name: Unilos Astra 3.
  • Price: 66,300 rubles.
  • Characteristics: a container for collecting and filtering sewage that occurs in several stages.
  • Pros: easy to use, copes well with the tasks.
  • Cons: none.

Price for installing a septic tank

Retail and online stores are full of sales, promotions and discounts. Before installing a septic tank for filtering waste in a private home, you need to purchase it. It is not recommended to order delivery by mail; it is better to use the services of a transport company. Depending on its type, you can buy a septic tank for your home at a price ranging from 12,000 to 70,000 rubles. However, purchasing is half the battle. Installation costs may vary:

How to choose a septic tank for a private home

The market for devices for organizing sewerage in a private home is wide and offers devices for every taste. The regions are not lagging behind big cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, it is necessary to approach the choice of materials responsibly in order to avoid problems in the future. It is necessary to initially calculate the volume of waste and the location for installing the structure. Which septic tank to choose for a private home will depend on the length of stay:

  • If your goal is to move to private house on on an ongoing basis, then it is better to opt for bioseptics. This will ensure better wastewater treatment.
  • Those who come to a private home for a weekend or summer period You can limit yourself to a storage septic tank. The design is simple, does not require electricity, but requires periodic emptying of the tanks.

When planning the construction of a country house, along with drawing up a project for the building itself, it is necessary to design engineering systems, including drainage and wastewater treatment systems. To do this, you need to find out what types of septic tanks are used today so that you can choose the most suitable option.

Previously, the installation of an outdoor shower and a “birdhouse” toilet was considered the pinnacle of dacha improvement. These days, more and more owners prefer to equip their homes with a full set of plumbing fixtures.

And in this case, it is necessary to build a local drainage system. To dispose of wastewater from private households, a septic tank is usually used. Let's consider what types of this equipment exist and what features they have.


Septic tanks, which can be included in local sewerage systems, can be classified according to several criteria:

  • by cleaning method;
  • by body material;
  • according to the installation method.

Varieties based on operating principle

For private households, the following types of septic tanks can be used:

  • storage tanks;
  • settling tanks with soil filtration;
  • installations with forced aeration, providing deep biopurification.

Let's look at the features of each option

Storage tanks

This is the simplest type of equipment; it is a volumetric sealed tank used for collecting and storing wastewater. It works on the same principle as a cesspool, the difference being the environmental safety of the storage tank. After all, the storage tank, unlike cesspools, prevents contaminated liquid from entering the ground.

As the storage tank fills, it will need to be cleaned. This work is carried out using sewage disposal machines. The contents of the container are pumped out by a pump into a tank installed on a vehicle and transported for disposal in the prescribed manner.

This option for organizing wastewater disposal can be recommended for a summer residence, provided that the volume of wastewater is small. Otherwise, the drive will need to be cleaned frequently, which will incur additional costs.

Septic tanks

This option is universal, it is recommended for small summer cottage or for a spacious country cottage. The difference in this case will be only in the volume of the settling tanks and the area of ​​the devices for post-treatment. The greater the daily volume of wastewater, the more capacious the settling tanks should be. To ensure best quality cleaning, multi-stage settling is organized.

Advice! For an ordinary private house, it is recommended to purchase or build a two or three chamber septic tank. In such an installation, two chambers serve as a sump, and in the last one additional cleaning is carried out using biofilters.

These treatment plants work like this:

  • The first section of the installation, as a rule, is the most voluminous. Here the accumulation of wastewater and its primary settling occurs;
  • water enters the second section, which has already been freed from most of the large inclusions, here the liquid settles additionally, smaller undissolved particles that did not have time to precipitate in the first section settle to the bottom;
  • then the water enters the compartment with a biofilter, if it is included in the design of the treatment plant, and then is supplied to the soil filtration unit, where it is finally purified;

  • the sediment at the bottom of the settling tanks gradually becomes denser. Bacteria contained in wastewater initiate methane fermentation processes, due to which the sludge partially decomposes and decreases in volume. Due to this, it is not necessary to pump out sludge frequently; it is enough to perform this operation annually.

Advice! If the settling tanks are not cleaned in a timely manner, the sediment will begin to thicken, gradually reducing the volume of the chambers. And reducing the volume of settling tanks will lead to a deterioration in the quality of cleaning.

The advantages of this option:

  • simplicity of the device, reliability;
  • fairly high efficiency;
  • inexpensive and easy maintenance.
  • Significant volume of containers. In order for the water to settle well, it is necessary for the water to remain in the sump for at least 72 hours. Therefore, when water consumption is high, it is necessary to use large-capacity tanks.
  • The need to build soil filtration devices. This increases construction costs. It is especially difficult if the area has clay or high groundwater level.

Deep biopurification

A modern septic tank is no longer just a septic tank, but a station that provides complete cleaning in the shortest possible time. Due to this, the installations are compact in size, and there is no need to build devices for soil treatment. Working principle:

  • the first stage of processing is to settle the liquid;
  • but in the second section it is installed additional equipment- aerator. Through the holes of this device, air is supplied to the cleaned environment, which ensures the creation of conditions for the occurrence of biological aerobic processes;
  • then the liquid settles again and is sent to the outlet.

Advice! To ensure maximum high level cleaning, you can install an additional water disinfection unit using ultraviolet light.

Advantages of the option:

  • high quality waste treatment;
  • compactness, choosing a place to install a biorefinery station on a site near a country house is much easier than allocating space for installing settling tanks and filtration fields;
  • complete absence of odors, so residents and guests of the country house will not feel discomfort.

  • high installation cost;
  • need to connect electricity.


There are special requirements for materials for the manufacture of septic tanks, namely:

  • corrosion resistance;
  • strength;
  • tightness.

When equipping the local sewage system of a country house, the following septic tank options are most often used:

  • Brick. Previously, this was the most popular option, since tanks of any volume and shape can be made of brick. Moreover, the wave work can be done independently, without the involvement of construction equipment. This is important if the owners of a private house decide to do the construction on their own. The disadvantages of this option are the insufficient tightness of brick tanks and the need for additional waterproofing work.

  • Plastic. Currently, plastic septic tanks are the most used option for treatment plants recommended for use in autonomous sewage systems of a private home. Such installations can be purchased ready-made, or assembled yourself using ready-made plastic containers of the required volume. Plastic models have a lot of advantages and only one drawback - they are too light and can float during the seasonal rise of groundwater.
  • Reinforced concrete. Reliable, heavy-weight structures. They can be prefabricated (from prefabricated reinforced concrete parts) or monolithic. The latter are more airtight, since they do not have seams, but prefabricated structures can be assembled much faster. The disadvantage is the complexity of installation, as well as the need to use special equipment.

Advice! Metal tanks are practically not used in the construction of sewerage systems for a private country house. Due to the metal's susceptibility to corrosion, a metal septic tank will not last long, and the use of stainless steel will make the treatment plant prohibitively expensive.

Installation method

According to the location of the sections, all treatment plants are divided into horizontally and vertically oriented. Vertical type treatment plants are the preferred option for a private home, as they require much less space during installation.

However, this option can only be used at low GWL. If the level of soil water is high, then you have to choose the horizontal option. In this case, the depth of the reservoir will be small, but the area for installing the septic tank will require a significant amount. In addition, according to the installation method, underground and surface ones are distinguished. The latter option is chosen if local conditions do not allow installation in the ground.

What to consider when choosing?

To make the right choice of treatment plant, you need to consider the following factors:

  • daily amount of waste;
  • frequency of use (permanent, seasonal or periodic residence);
  • features of the geology of the site;
  • construction budget.

So, for a summer house used for periodic recreation, an inexpensive storage tank is quite suitable, but for a country house it is better to use more productive models - settling tanks or bio-treatment stations.

So there are different types septic tanks, so for any operating conditions you can choose the most optimal option. A properly selected and installed septic tank will last a long time, ensuring fairly high efficiency in the disposal of sewage wastewater.