Heating systems for a country house. Heating for a country house. Heating for a country house.

The issue of heating a room in winter is extremely important for owners country houses. During heating installation, a different scheme can be selected. The circuit represents the components of the system, which are connected in series to each other. About what heating schemes there are, their positive and negative aspects, as well as features, the article will tell you.

Before moving on to considering heating circuits, it must be said that any circuit is a closed system. It consists of a thermal boiler, pipeline, and batteries. Thermometers, shut-off valves, pressure gauges, expansion tank, etc. can be used as additional elements. The heating principle is as follows: the coolant, heated by the boiler, circulates through the pipeline and enters the radiators, which in turn transfer heat to the room. Next, the coolant returns back to the boiler plant. The cycle repeats.

Water heating scheme

In the majority residential buildings and office buildings today are used water heating. The system consists of a boiler, pipes, expansion tank and radiator. This water-type heating scheme has a number of undeniable advantages: high heat transfer of the coolant, excellent heat capacity, medium-section pipes are used.

True, it also has the following disadvantages:

Also in winter water system should not be in an inactive state. If the water in the circuit freezes, it can cause pipes to burst.

When considering water heating systems, the scheme can be classified according to a number of characteristics:

For one-story houses with a flat roof, a system with a horizontal type of wiring is more suitable. And for one-story buildings with a steep roof, the ideal option is that the wiring can be bottom or top, vertical risers are preferable, and natural water circulation. For multi-storey buildings, it is worth choosing two-pipe systems, with lower or upper wiring, vertical risers.

Heating schemes for a two-story building

At the moment, there is a heating scheme for a two-story house with a double-circuit boiler and with a single-circuit boiler. The last option is simple.

Single-circuit boiler

The essence of single-circuit wiring is as follows: the coolant moves from the boiler along the line to the batteries, and returns back to the boiler. In terms of pipe use, this option is more economical. But the coolant reaches the last radiators already cooled. To get out of this situation, some install additional sections, thereby increasing heat transfer.

Heat can also be balanced using shut-off valves that regulate the flow of water into the first heating units. Also, a single-circuit heating system whose circuit does not ensure uniform heat distribution throughout the room can be supplemented with circulation pumps.

Double-circuit boiler

If a single-circuit circuit allows only to heat the room, then a double-circuit gas boiler circuit also provides water supply. This is an ideal option that allows you to save both space in your home and money.

The horizontal type of connection of a double-circuit boiler can be made in the following options: with manifold distribution, with associated movement, dead-end circuits. Also distinguished parallel connection thermal boilers. I must say that the heating scheme with two boilers is very convenient. True, it cannot always be called expedient. It is worth remembering that the boiler heating scheme requires a competent approach.

It is important to choose the most suitable option for heating your home, taking into account the availability of fuel and material capabilities.

A variation of the two-pipe system is the Tichelman heating scheme. This is a return heat supply system with reverse. Popularly, the Tichelman heating scheme is also called three-pipe. The circulation circuits in it are balanced. This is the most favorable option for the coolant. This scheme ensures uniform heating. Of course, there are some disadvantages. For example, greater pipe consumption than with a dead-end installation. The scheme is suitable for houses with a small area.

Alternative heating

Recently, when organizing heating of a two-story house, engineering developments of climate systems that operate on alternative sources energy. In this regard, the most promising is the thermosyphon heating system, the circuit of which involves the use sunlight, and consists of solar collectors, a special heat exchanger and connecting lines. True, such devices are not suitable as the main source of heat, since the generated thermal energy is simply not enough to heat the entire house.

Features of installation of heating systems

A single-pipe heating installation scheme is considered independent of external conditions and less expensive. Installation can be carried out with horizontal and vertical wiring. Single-pipe wiring is often called Leningradka. Its advantages are versatility and cost-effectiveness. You can find out how to connect the Leningradka heating system in a private house.

But heating installation, a two-pipe type heating scheme has its own characteristics. These include: increased costs of components and materials, volume of work. But this scheme is universal and can be used in private houses of any number of floors and any area. But when organizing a heat supply system, other installation methods can be used that increase the operating efficiency of heating units under certain conditions. But in any case, only highly qualified craftsmen should do this.

IN country house the choice of system type should be made taking into account the availability and low cost of energy resources.

For example, if there is a gas main, the ideal option would be a gas heating scheme in a private house (however, in the absence of such a main, many use an autonomous gas boiler room).

With the arrival of cold weather they become current problems heating of country private houses. They come to the fore and worry the owners of such housing the most. Therefore, many residents of suburban villages do not wait for winter and begin to look for ways that would allow them to comfortably survive the cold.

Electric heating

If you like the options for such a system most, you need to consider. The main element in this case is an electric boiler, which includes a heat exchanger, a heating device and a control unit. If we compare such equipment with other types of heat generation sources, we can highlight the absence of the need for human intervention. The user will not have to perform periodic cleaning.

If you are thinking about heating options country house exist, then we can consider electricity as a source of energy. It is especially effective in places where there are strict environmental regulations. The operation of the described equipment does not create vibrations, noise, or leaks of the gas-air mixture, and the devices themselves are completely safe.

If you decide to install an electric heating system in a country house, you can choose one of two types, namely three-phase or single-phase. The choice will depend on the boiler; its power may be more than 12 kilowatts, then it will have a three-phase design. Among other things, such equipment varies in location; boilers can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. The latter variety is small in size and does not require the arrangement of a separate room.

Floor-standing boilers are available if the generator power is more than 60 kilowatts. This causes large dimensions. If you are considering options for heating a country house, then you should pay attention to electricity as an energy source; such systems can be single-circuit or double-circuit. In the first case, water is heated exclusively for heating needs. Double-circuit boilers can additionally heat water for hot water supply. This also applies to gas boilers.

Electric heating: convector system

Before you start arranging any system, you should consider heating options for a country house. Among them, we can highlight the convector circuit, which requires the presence of appropriate equipment with a thermostat and a heating element. Heating of this type can be realized using different models convectors, which are wall-mounted and floor-mounted. The first variety differs in its average height of 45 centimeters and in the method of attachment. Such devices can be installed on the floor or mounted on a wall surface. As for floor-standing devices, they are long and narrow, and are installed under windows, around baseboards or under stained glass windows. Despite the fact that such units are smaller in size compared to wall-mounted ones, their power is quite high, and less time is needed to warm up the room.

Installation of a convector heating system

If you are interested in heating options for a country house, then you can successfully use convectors that run on electricity. Such equipment is quite often used in those houses that are used seasonally. Before starting to build such a system, you should calculate required quantity home heating devices. If the house is well insulated and meets the energy saving standards of the Scandinavian countries, then by 1 cubic meter you will need 20 W. With insulated walls and ceilings, as well as with double-glazed windows on the windows, 30 watts per cubic meter will be required. If the home insulation is insufficient, the power must be increased to 40 watts per cubic meter. Poor thermal insulation increases the power to 50 watts per cubic meter. If you know the above values, you will be able to determine the power that will be needed to heat the room.

Water heating of a country house: gravity or natural system

When considering options for heating a country house, it is worth paying attention to water circuits, which can be gravitational. In this case, the process is carried out due to the difference in the density of hot and cold water. The heated coolant becomes less dense and weighs less, so it begins to rush upward, moving through the pipes. As the water cools, it thickens as it returns to the boiler.

The main advantage of the natural system is its autonomy, since heating does not depend on electricity. Water heating of a country house, the options of which are discussed in the article, is also chosen for the reason that the design is extremely simple. Among the disadvantages is the need to use a huge number of pipes, the diameter of which must be large enough to ensure circulation. Among the disadvantages, one can note the lack of possibility of using modern models radiators that have a small cross-section. Among other things, when installation work a slope of 2 degrees or more must be maintained.

Water heating: forced system

When considering options for heating systems in a country house, you should take into account that the home can also be equipped with a forced circuit, in which the movement of water occurs due to the operation of circulation pump. Excess liquid that is formed during heating enters the expansion tank, which prevents the evaporation of water from the system. Pressure is monitored using a pressure gauge. The advantages of this scheme are the small volume of water, as well as the smaller diameter of the pipe compared to the previous case. The user will have the opportunity to regulate the heating temperature of the radiators; the batteries can have any pipe diameter. The disadvantage is the dependence on the supply of electricity, which powers the pumping equipment.

DIY water heating system

The boiler used can be powered by electricity, gas, solid or liquid fuel. The most economical models are those that run on gas. They involve the installation of a gas main, as well as maintenance and monitoring by specialists. If you use equipment running on liquid or solid fuel, you will ensure complete independence of heating from centralized networks. The user, among other things, will have to arrange storage for fuel reserves. Before heating a country house is implemented, options should be considered. After this, you will be able to understand what power equipment should be used for heated rooms. On average, 10 square meters will require 1 kilowatt of power, which is true for ceiling heights of 3 meters or less.

Pipes are traditionally made of metal, however steel structures, installed by welding, can easily corrode. Therefore, it is best to use stainless and galvanized products that do not have the mentioned disadvantage. The most reliable option is copper pipes, which can withstand changes in pressure and temperature and are not subject to corrosion. If you equip a single-pipe system, the coolant will move from one radiator to another. The temperature of each subsequent battery will decrease. The very last consumer may simply not have enough heat to heat the room.

If it is necessary to repair the radiator, you will have to drain the water from the system; only after this will it be possible to manipulate the failed device. If you use a two-pipe system, it will heat the room better. This is due to the presence of two pipes, each of which fits the radiator. One of them supplies the heated coolant, and the other removes water after cooling. As in the case described above, in the last radiator the temperature will be lower, but will be insignificant.

Heating the house with gas

Heating a country house with gas, the options for which are described in the article, is advisable using one boiler in the case where the home has a large area and the gas source is not cylinders, but a main line. The most economical are condensing type boilers, which can be located in a separate room where good heating a country house, the options of which may involve the presence of a single-circuit or double-circuit boiler, must be safe. So, the area of ​​the boiler room should be 4 square meters or more. An 80-centimeter doorway should lead from the room, and the presence of windows is also important.

From the boiler, pipes should be routed fanwise from one comb into separate rooms. In each room, heating can be arranged using one or two radiators located under the windows on the walls. It is important to remember that a condensing boiler requires a minimum return temperature. In this case, the system can be supplemented with a warm floor, which distributes heat throughout the rooms most evenly. The water initially releases heat to the radiators and then leaves the energy inside the floor. The most simple option In a heated floor system, a snake or spiral protrudes from a metal-plastic pipe inserted into the screed. There should be no fitting connections in this case, as regards the pipes that go from the radiator to the boiler.

Heating options without gas

Today, electricity is considered the most expensive type of heating: if you connect a simple heater, your electricity bills will increase. Electric boilers for this reason, they are quite often used as additional heating sources that work solely to maintain room temperature. When considering the best options for heating a country house without gas, you should pay attention to firewood, which is perhaps the most economical among other solutions. If you equip your home with a stove or fireplace, you can enjoy a burning flame on long winter evenings. This type of heating also has disadvantages, expressed in fire hazard. But, before making a choice, you should remember that the price of firewood is significantly lower compared to the cost of electricity.

If you do not have access to a gas main, you can use solid fuel, which are peat briquettes. On sale you can find granulated chips made of wood.

Liquid fuel

If you choose the most economical option heating a country house, then you can prefer firewood - they are the leader in budget after gas. After them comes in terms of profitability liquid fuel, namely diesel fuel mixed with oil. It can be used for boilers, which are very common today.

Installation of an air heating system

As practice shows, gas heating of a country house, the options for which were described above, is the most economical. If you want to use alternative ways, then you can apply the air scheme. It involves the installation of air ducts through which warm air will move under the ceiling, occupying a large volume. One disadvantage can be highlighted here, which is expressed in the fact that when fresh air enters from doors and windows, the operation of the gravitational system may be disrupted, the upper part of the room will be overheated, this may cause cooling of the lower part. But there is also an undeniable advantage, which is independence from the most expensive type of energy source - electricity.

If the house is three-story, then the heating system may include forced ventilation, pumping heated air using a fan. The latter can operate on electricity, and the coolant is air heated by a generator consisting of a heat exchanger and a burner. If you decide to implement air heating for a country house, you can create DIY options. For this you will need heating elements, grilles, electric fans and air ducts. In the heat exchanger, the air will heat up to 60 degrees, after which it will flow into the rooms. Through the return air ducts, the flows will return to the heat exchanger, where they will begin to heat up; this mechanism will be cyclical.

To refresh the air, just open the windows. Some believe that a significant disadvantage is the noise in ventilation grilles and boxes. If you are equipping such heating for a country house, you can do the options yourself. The air circuit does not provide for the installation of pipes, radiators and boilers that might be needed for water heating. As for generators, they may well work on different types fuel from the burner. Using the above elements, it will be necessary to assemble a fairly simple structure: initially a fan is installed, heating elements are mounted in front of it, and then an air duct is installed. In order to ensure efficient operation, the structure is closed with a box, and holes will be needed for air intake.

Options for heating a country house are the use of a variety of systems and devices that help quickly, evenly and for a long time heat the house and protect it from the cold. About which type of heating is better, more environmentally friendly and cheaper; what and how you can install with your own hands - read below.

Heating options for a country house

Make it so that the country or country house was warm - one of the main tasks of both builders and home owners. And if the former resort to insulating walls and floors for this, the owner of the house solves this problem by installing various heating devices and systems, including alternatives to steam heating. Today, heating options for a country house are:

  • gas heating;
  • heating using electricity;
  • coal systems.

Gas systems or gas boilers are devices that use gas to heat water and ensure its circulation throughout the house. It doesn’t matter what type of gas you use: liquefied or simple.

Electric heating is a better option than gas heating. Exists large number electrical systems. Their main advantage is their low cost and ease of installation.

Coal systems are used in areas where gas simply has not yet been supplied. Most often, these are villages and holiday villages. Coal systems, like gas systems, consist of boilers powered by solid fuel (coal).

In order to find out which of these options will be most preferable for you, we will tell you about each of them in more detail.

Gas heating in a private house

A gas system can efficiently heat all rooms in the house. Heating a house with gas is combustion natural gas and turning it into thermal energy allowing all rooms to be heated evenly. This type of heating can be found more often than others, which is due to the fact that gas boilers are not only easier to install compared to electric or coal ones, but also less expensive to use in terms of paying for energy. In addition, gas boilers are smaller in size, silent and easy to operate.

The gas heating system itself consists of a gas boiler and coolant. Today it is common to use water as a coolant. Gas boilers, in turn, have several varieties:

  • single-circuit;
  • double-circuit.

Single-circuit boilers only allow heating the room. Double-circuit - they heat the house and heat running water.

The heating itself also has several types. You can warm up your home using liquefied bottled gas or by connecting to a gas main.

Boilers powered by cylinders will require more costs, since gas will constantly run out. It will also be necessary to constantly monitor the pressure in the boiler room.

Boilers operating from the mains will be more environmentally friendly and productive.

Both of these types of boilers are suitable for heating a house in one way or another.

Operating principle and components of the device

Having figured out what a gas system is, it’s worth talking about how it works.

And it works simply: gas is supplied to the gas boiler using a pipe system, which is burned and converted into thermal energy. Further, this energy heats up the coolant, also known as water. Hot water, already with the help of a number of other pipes, spreads throughout the house and begins to warm it up. That's it!

The whole system works thanks to the boiler, or rather, the way it is designed. Main parts of the boiler:

  • furnace for burning gas;
  • gas burner;
  • gas supply pipes;
  • pipes and pipes for water supply;
  • chimney for disposal of combustion waste.

Do-it-yourself equipment installation

Installation of gas systems in a private or country house is possible without contacting specialists. Although, it is worth noting that self installation will take longer.

Installation of the system takes place in several stages, namely: preparation of documents (hydraulic calculation of the system, final estimate, boiler specification, radiator layout), drawing up an estimate, purchasing equipment, installing the system, testing its functionality.

The majority of the time will be spent preparing documents. Although once they are ready, everything will go much faster.

We install the boiler in accordance with the requirements of the gas service and installation instructions.

After you have installed the boiler, invite gas workers to install the meter and check the entire system.

Remember! Installation of equipment without approval may result in a fine.

Rules for installing a gas heating system:

  1. The boiler should be installed in a separate, non-residential area. This is done for security reasons.
  2. The boiler room should be in the lower part of the building.
  3. There must be room ventilation.
  4. The instructions provide maximum height boiler installation. Installing above the circuit may be unsafe.
  5. The chimney must be outside. There should also be a compartment (pocket) for debris in the chimney.
  6. The pipeline is installed with a slope of 1 centimeter for each meter of pipe. This allows water to circulate better and helps avoid air locks in the system.

Although do-it-yourself installation options can save almost half of the total cost of work, if you are not confident in your abilities, use the help of specialists.

Electric heating, DIY options

Heating country house, suburban or private, using electricity is not a legend. It really is possible. Using a gas boiler or fireplace to heat rooms is expensive not only in terms of consumables, but also in terms of installation. Installation electrical equipment will not require additional heating tools such as radiators, circuits, chimneys.

If you don’t have the time and money to build a fireplace or collect all the documents for a gas boiler, use one of the many types of electric heating.

Today, electric heating systems include the following subtypes:

  • Electric boilers;
  • Tubular electric heaters;
  • Warm floor;
  • Electric convectors;
  • Infrared heaters;
  • Thermal air systems.

Easy to use: add fuel, close and forget.

Solid materials burn completely in the firebox and provide maximum heat transfer.

One portion of consumables can last for 3-5 days. The exact number of days depends on the quality and type of coal or other fuel.

The operation process of a solid fuel boiler

So how does the coal system work? To begin with, fuel is poured into a container. The capacity can reach 500-600 liters in volume. After the boiler has been loaded, the fuel is ignited.

When the material begins to burn, the heat will be transferred to the heat exchanger. From it, using a system of pipes and pumps for air circulation, the heat will spread to all installed radiators.

Coal selection and cost calculation

For a solid fuel boiler you can use the following types of coal fuel:

  • charcoal;
  • brown coal;
  • coal.

Brown coal has the highest heat transfer and lowest consumption. Charcoal is much worse in this regard. Hard coal is just as good as brown coal. It, however, in turn, has several subtypes: anthracite, gas and long-flame. When used, gas and long-flame coal require additional ventilation, the so-called secondary air. This is due to the fact that during the combustion process they release gas and smoke. Anthracite does not have such qualities, and therefore is better suited for heating a country or country house.

Fuel consumption depends on 2 factors: season and type of coal. For example, to heat a house with anthracite in September, you will need 60 kilograms of coal for 3 days.

In January - 560 kilograms. Well, in March-April - approximately 120 kg.

At first glance, the numbers may seem huge, and trying to imagine how you would have to carry all this coal can scare even the bravest. Don’t despair, don’t forget that the capacity of the boiler is 500 liters, and a regular bucket can hold up to 20 kilograms of coal.

By choosing a coal system, you will not only save money, but also get maximum heat regardless of the time of year.

When installing, follow all instructions and seek professional assistance. If you are installing a gas heating system, do not forget to approve all documents in advance. We wish you a successful choice and warm winters!

Comfort and coziness in the house largely depends on the quality of the heating system. The heating system requires attention because cold period last more than one month. Alternative heating systems for country houses have recently become increasingly popular among owners of country houses and cottages. Such systems include those that operate on thermal generators, on energy sources that have renewable properties. Such heating systems for a country house include geothermal, solar and biological energy. In the organization of heating systems, devices such as heat pumps, boilers, solar panels which collect heat and release electricity.

Traditional systems

Modern heating systems in private houses and cottages stand out for their diversity. They can be classified according to criteria such as the method of heat transfer and the type of fuel used. If you do not take into account systems that heat the room using a fireplace or stove, then water heating systems are considered the most popular. Such heating systems for country houses heat the air in the house due to the contact of air with hot radiators and pipes. The heated air begins to move upward and warms up with the colder air and thus the space in the house begins to warm up. This heating is called contact heating. Contact heating is more effective when air circulates near the radiator more or less freely. Heating devices must be placed in every room.

When drawing up a project for a water heating system for a private house, it is necessary to adhere to such calculations as the area of ​​the house and the number of floors. Heating systems for one-story houses can differ significantly from heating systems for houses with two or more floors. The differences also relate to the types of boilers, as well as the selection of the necessary equipment.

Gas is considered the most profitable type of fuel.

However, not all private sectors have access to the gas pipeline. If there is a street near a private house gas pipe, then it is best to organize a heating system that will run on fuel such as gas. The coolant in a gas heating system will also be plain water, and sometimes antifreeze can also be used. The boiler, as well as its piping, must be designed to burn gas.

Choosing a heating system for a country house powered by electricity is a rather controversial issue. The advantages of such a system include its safety from an environmental point of view and fairly simple installation. But the disadvantages include the high price of electricity and the fact that various interruptions in the supply of electricity can often occur. This forces owners of cottages and country houses to install alternative heating methods.

Electrical systems today include systems such as “warm floors,” wall-mounted electric convectors, and infrared radiation devices.

Warm floor system

This scheme will be the most a good decision for heating a private or country house. During installation of such a system, there is no need to make additional redevelopment. This system also allows you to save money on heating. This system is installed under the floor covering.

Warm baseboard and infrared heating

Infrared efficient heating of a country house has become increasingly popular lately. Modern infrared systems are based on the fact that infrared rays heat nearby objects, rather than the air. They are not capable of harming the residents of the house, they are safe for environment, can quickly bring the room temperature to optimal parameters. Using such a system, you can heat your house, very efficiently and with minimal financial costs. Another advantage of such a system is its ease of installation.

Infrared heaters are fairly compact devices. They are not only able to heat the room, but also decorate the interior of the house.

Infrared film, which is used for systems such as “warm floors,” has also been in great demand lately. This film can be laid under the floor covering, and this makes its installation somewhat easier. There is no need to carry out complex repair work. All that needs to be done is to remove the floor covering, lay infrared film underneath and then re-lay the covering.

The “warm baseboard” system has also recently become very popular among owners of private or country houses. These types of country house heating are installed along the walls. The walls are the first heated elements and, in turn, heat the air in the room. They also prevent warm air from escaping outside.

This alternative method of organizing the heating system of a private home also does not require large expenses and is quite effective.

A warm baseboard system that runs on electricity can be installed in just a few days.

It does not require the installation of additional communications, which means that the interior of the room will not suffer at all. The use of such a heating system allows you to maintain the most optimal air humidity in the room.

Heating system "warm baseboard"

Alternative heating of a cottage or private house based on biofuel

Biogas can be obtained from biomass, which includes various organic wastes - plants, manure, wastewater. The main process for producing biogas is decomposition through bacteria. Houses with one floor will be most efficiently heated using logs, wood pellet chips, and pressed waste from the woodworking industry. To ensure that fuel gets into the boiler, today fully automated heating options for a country house are used. If you install a boiler that runs on fuel such as firewood or logs, it must be loaded manually.

Alternative type heating boilers can operate on pellets.

The implementation of such a heating system can be in several versions, but what they will have in common is the automatic fuel supply. This makes it possible for no person to be near the boiler. Such a system allows you to maintain exactly the temperature values ​​that were set by the residents of the house.

Heating a private house using water-to-water type using a heat pump

In order for such a project to be implemented, a well is needed through which water will be collected and a return drain is required through which waste water will go back into the ground

For a small house you will need 2-3 wells for collecting water and 1-2 for draining waste water. The well must be drilled to a depth of about 50 meters. To do this, you will need permission from the state inspectorate.

Heating a private house using the brine-water type using a heat pump

To implement such a project, a much deeper well will be required; its depth should be at least 200 meters. The pipes in the well should be arranged in a U shape.

It is also possible to equip such methods of heating a country house with a heat exchanger, which must be installed at a depth of at least 5 meters. Such a heat exchanger is needed in order to reduce the difference in heat received in different months.

Wind generators

Alternative heating systems can produce not only energy such as heat, but also electricity. The current can then be used to heat the room. Most a good example Such a system is a wind generator. It converts electricity into wind energy.

Wind generators are very popular in many European countries. They are used not only at the household level, but also in the production cycle of larger power plants.

Some experts believe that the quality of energy produced by wind turbines does not meet industry norms and standards. Such energy is excellent for converting into heat for the needs of hot water supply and heating systems, which are carried out through heating elements.

Heating a private house using solar thermal collectors

A comparison of heating systems for a country house showed that such a heating system will largely depend on how intense the sun's rays are in different periods year. If the weather is cloudy or at night, the collectors will not be able to receive solar energy.

Solar panels are often needed for various household or household needs, as well as for heating water.

Solar panels can also be an additional source of heat energy generation for heating in biovalent storage tanks or for systems through which water is heated.

Solar collectors can be divided into two types:

  • Equipped with a vacuum pipe;
  • Flat.

Vacuum tube manifolds are ideal for use during the winter months. Such collectors can withstand temperatures down to –35 degrees. Using flat collectors, the air can be heated to a temperature of + 60 degrees, and the second type of collector allows the air to be heated to +90 degrees. Collectors equipped with vacuum pipes are an ideal option for organizing optimal heating of a country house. Such devices can heat not only air, but also water at the same time.

The most popular options for heating a country house are gas, electricity, air and water heating, solid and diesel fuel. The heating system is selected depending on the area of ​​the house, the availability of communications and the preferences of the owner. But in any case, heating in a country house will not be efficient enough without high-quality thermal insulation.


For houses larger than 100 m2, gas heating is best suited. The source of heat supply can be not only the main gas pipeline, but also liquefied bottled gas.

Gas is an inexpensive coolant, but it is necessary to obtain a permit, connect communications to the house, and provide an auxiliary room - a boiler room. It turns out that installing heating in a country house is quite expensive.

Boiler room design

The installation of a boiler room, a potentially dangerous room, is subject to strict requirements. The room must be made of non-combustible materials and have a separate exit. Minimum dimensions boiler room: area – 6 m2, volume – 15 m3.

A boiler with a power of less than 30 kW can also be placed in the kitchen, the area of ​​which must be at least 15 m2 and a height exceeding 2.2 m. The chimney is installed after purchasing and installing a gas boiler - all models have different requirements.


To heat the premises, a water heating system or convectors, which are located in the rooms, are used.

The requirements for using gas heating are as follows: availability of uninterrupted power supply for the operation of electric heat pump and the inability to turn off the heating in winter, as the system may freeze.


Installing electric heating systems will cost much less. Permits for their installation are not required, heating installation can be completed quickly, convectors and electric heated floors are relatively inexpensive.

But due to the regulated amount of kW per plot, heating with electricity is rational for houses of no more than 100 m2. This option is the most suitable if you are heating a country house yourself.


Heating a house can be done with various electric heaters or by installing electric underfloor heating, film or cable, which is not difficult to install yourself. From the point of view of heat distribution, heated floors are the most economical - heating occurs throughout the entire area of ​​​​the room, and not just in the places where heating devices are installed.

Enable electric heating can be programmed for a specific time or turned on remotely before arrival via an “SMS socket”. To decide to heat a house with electricity, you need to make sure that the village’s electrical network provides the necessary load.

You should also keep in mind that electric floors can burn out and require replacement.

The advantage of air heating or a centralized air treatment system is the combination of heating and ventilation functions at home.

Operating principle

A duct air heater runs on gas, which heats the air in a heat exchanger. No radiators are required. Rigid, square-section metal ducts located under the floor distribute heat evenly throughout the home.

Warm air enters the premises through openings protected by grilles.

Air flow distribution

The influx of fresh air from the street is carried out through the air distribution grilles of the return air duct. The ventilation system is based on the principle of suction. The operation of any exhaust device in the kitchen or bathroom, as well as natural draft, leads to the intake of the same amount of fresh air from the outside.

Combustion products are removed forcibly through the chimney. Air heating operates silently.

Control and management

The climate system maintains the temperature set on the control device automatically. The temperature can be programmed to vary throughout the day. In addition to the heating and ventilation function, it is possible to install additional functions: air conditioning, fine air purification and humidification. In this case, in the summer, the system can work for cooling and ventilation.

At air heating At home, a capacitor is used for hot water supply gas water heater, which maintains the temperature according to a given schedule.

Water heating

This most popular heating method involves creating a closed system of a heating boiler, piping and radiators.

Operating principle

The coolant, which can be water or a special solution, is heated in the boiler and flows through pipes into the radiators, heating the rooms, cools, and returns to the boiler for heating, after which the process is repeated.

Water circulation in the system can be natural, based on convection, or forced, using a pump. The choice of option depends on the configuration and size of the building.

Natural circulation

It is possible to organize water heating of a country house with your own hands, especially if natural circulation is used. This system is simple and works without electricity.

Its disadvantages include the use of larger diameter pipes and the inability to use modern batteries with a small cross-section of holes. It is also difficult to achieve uniform distribution heat in the rooms.

Forced circulation scheme

The use of a circulation pump compensates for the listed disadvantages: pipes are required of a much smaller diameter, uniform heating of the premises is achieved, but there is a need for a constant power supply to operate the pump.


Depending on the type of fuel, various boilers can be used; the most economical are gas boilers.

An electric boiler is practically comfortable and safe, but it consumes a lot of electricity and is not economically feasible - it is easier to use electric heaters.

Solid fuel heating

This option is usually used in the absence of a gas main and insufficient power of electrical networks.

It is possible to use fossil fuels: coal, peat or oil shale or renewable fuels - firewood.

Compared to the use of traditional stoves, the most convenient and economical stoves are the Canadian-developed Buleryan type stoves or its Russian analogue Breneran.

The stoves operate on any type of fuel: wood, wood waste, coal, peat on the principle of a heater. The room is heated by streams of hot air; the efficiency of such stoves reaches 75%.

A relatively new type of heating equipment is a pellet boiler, which uses pellets made from wood waste as fuel. Installing a pellet boiler allows you to heat your house automatically, loading environmentally friendly fuel into the bunker once a week.

But such a boiler is expensive; it requires a boiler room and a place to store a significant amount of fuel. Also, for the automatic operation of the boiler and heat pump, a constant supply of electricity is required.

Diesel fuel

If it is not possible to connect to a gas main, it may be advisable to use a diesel fuel heating system.

All boilers for this type of fuel are only floor-standing. They are safer than gas ones and, when handled carefully, do not emit a characteristic odor.

There is no special permission to install a diesel fuel boiler, and the requirements for their operation are not too stringent.

Combined heating

To ensure reliable heating of the house, it is possible to provide for the possibility of replacing a temporarily unavailable type of fuel with another. In this case, the most suitable combination suitable systems, For example:

  • gas + solid fuel;
  • diesel fuel + solid fuel;
  • electricity + solid fuel;
  • electricity + diesel fuel;
  • gas + solid fuel + electricity.

A good solution is a multi-fuel boiler, especially for owners who do not live permanently in a country house. While away, you can maintain a positive temperature using electricity, and upon arrival, switch to another type of fuel, more economical, but requiring constant monitoring.