Adiantum: how to care for fern at home. Photos and descriptions of individual types of adiantum Adiantum species

Adiantum is an indoor plant with beautiful green palmate leaves, which are often used in bouquets.

Adiantum: growth pattern

This one of the most popular ferns in various sources is attributed to either the family Adiantaceae, or to the family Pteridaceae. Adiantum's name

The adiantum reaches almost half a meter in height, and a little more in diameter. Over time, mature plants begin to lose their attractiveness - the leaves begin to lighten, some may begin to turn brown: this is the result of the action of spores that develop on the underside of the leaf.

Therefore, as new leaves appear, all old ones need to be cut off at the very base. Thanks to this, the adiantum will not become exposed, remaining attractive all the time.

Maidenhair Reproduction

Another way to propagate adiantum is by dividing the roots of adult specimens. This procedure can be carried out once every three years in the spring when replanting.

To do this, you need to completely remove the adult adiantum from the pot. The plant needs to be divided only if it has many growing points. In this case, the root ball is divided into several parts by hand, each of which sits in a separate pot. After some time, but not immediately, these plants will begin to grow.

Adiantum: growing from seeds

To grow this plant from seeds, you need to scrape mature spores from the bottom of the leaves in the spring. These spores need to be sown on the surface of warm sterilized universal soil for indoor plants. Covering the container with seedlings with glass or film, you need to provide them with a temperature of approximately 21 degrees for three weeks.

Over time, when the first sprouts appear on the surface, the containers with them need to be moved to a bright place. When the plants reach 5 centimeters in height, they should be transplanted into separate pots.

Adiantum: care features

Adiantum Ruddy is a rather whimsical fern; it needs careful care. Thus, it does not tolerate dry soil and air, as well as low temperatures. It should be replanted every couple of years in the spring. The optimal soil composition for it is equal volumes of leaf, peat and turf soil, as well as sand. In addition, this mixture should contain pieces of coal or broken shards - it is important for the plant that the soil is loose.

In summer, the plant requires abundant watering so that the soil always remains moist. In winter, you need to water less often, only after the soil in the pot has dried out. You need to feed twice a month in summer universal fertilizers, in winter - you don’t need to fertilize at all.

Adiantum prefers to grow in a shaded place: too bright light at any time of the year can cause serious harm to it, the same with drafts. In summer, if the air temperature exceeds 21 degrees, adiantum requires frequent spraying. For winter optimal temperature– about 10 degrees.

Possible problems

If the adiantum is placed in a dry place or watered rarely, it will begin to shed its leaves. In this case, all stems where there are few leaves must be removed, and the plant itself must be placed in a container with warm water, as a result of which the soil will be well saturated with moisture. Until new leaves appear on the stems, the adiantum needs to be sprayed with water daily.

As a result of various problems, this plant can change the shape and color of its leaves. So, if you put it in a very bright place, the leaves will begin to lighten - the adiantum needs to be moved to a more shaded place. If the leaves begin to curl and their edges begin to dry out, this is a sign that the soil or air is too dry. In this case, the plant should be placed in a container with warm water. And if the leaves curl, but their edges do not dry, this is a sign of too wet soil or low temperature. In this case, the adiantum should be placed in a warmer place and the soil should be allowed to dry before watering.

Adiantum ( lat. Adiantum)- genus of fern family Adiantaceae. According to some sources, adiantum belongs to the family Pteridaceae.

Other plant names: adianthum, maidenhair fern, fern women's hair", adiantum "Venus hair".

The Latin name of the genus comes from the Greek "a ( α- - not- , without- , and "diaino ( διαινειν - moisten, moisten: since water easily rolls off the plant, leaving it dry.

Adiantum is widely distributed throughout the world, growing primarily in ponds or other moist, well-drained soils in tropical, subtropical and temperate climates. These ferns can be found in the Crimea, the Caucasus and the mountains of Central Asia. There are two centers of species diversity - in the South American Andes and in East Asia.

Maidenhairs They are medium-sized terrestrial ferns, up to 70-80 cm in height, with thin creeping rhizomes covered with matte brown or black scales.

Leaves are alternate or opposite. The leaf petioles are dark, shiny, and also have scales at the base. The leaf blade is wide (up to 50 cm) and long (up to 60 cm), smooth, green, less often bluish, strongly dissected (once or multiple pinnate), with fan-shaped obovate, trapezoid or wedge-shaped segments.

Sori with sporangia are round, oblong or linear, located along the veins on the underside of the leaf segments and covered with a brownish, membranous false veil, which is a modified continuation of the marginal blade of the leaf.

The airy openwork foliage of the adiantum vaguely resembles a woman’s curls, and the thin glossy petioles of the leaves resemble hair. In European countries, species of this genus are called maidenhair fern or lady's hair fern. A number of species are ornamental plants that have long been introduced into cultivation. In Russia, interest in ferns of this species arose at the end of the 19th century.

Adiantums are bred in rooms and greenhouses.

The genus Adiantum has about 200 plant species. The most common types of adiantum are and.

Types of adiantum

- one of the most beautiful and popular in indoor culture ferns. It grows near bodies of water, in the mountains, on limestone tuffs, in all zones of the northern and partially southern hemispheres.

Herbaceous rhizomatous plants. Leaves are doubly pinnate, oblong-oval, 25-40 cm long, leaves of the 1st order are alternate; the leaves are lobed, wedge-shaped at the base, rounded at the top, 2.5-3 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide, delicately herbaceous. Sporangia in the upper part of the lobes. Petiole 10-15 cm long, thin, black, glossy.

Highly decorative (in winter it loses almost all its leaves, so it is unsuitable for growing indoors). In indoor culture, it does not tolerate dry air well and requires frequent spraying. It is undemanding to light and grows well near aquariums.

. A fern native to tropical America, but nevertheless growing well also in the moderate temperature of our rooms.

For successful growth, it requires, like all ferns in general, only that its roots be covered with white swamp moss, which must be constantly kept moist, that the plant itself, at least once a day, be generously sprinkled with water, and that, moreover, it should not be placed too close to stoves, especially iron ones, whose drying heat has a deadly effect on him. With this care, adianthum grows excellently in the grotto of the aquarium, even better than in the greenhouse, and produces luxurious fronds.

However, its first fronds, grown in a greenhouse, are rarely kept in the room and, for the most part, after a month or two they shrink and dry out; but those that grew up in room air do excellently.

Dense, turfy green adianth bushes can also grow well in pots in the corners of the aquarium, but for this they absolutely require that the pot in which they sit be placed in another one, 1-2 inches wider, the bottom of which would be covered with shards, and the empty space between both pots is filled with fresh bog moss, which should be kept moist at all times.

This fern is also good because it does not require too much light and therefore grows well away from windows or on windows facing north.

Adiantum finely pubescent , or fine-haired , or bristle-haired (Adiantum hispidulum) . It grows in the mountains, rising to the snow line in Africa, on the island of Madagascar, India, Australia, and New Zealand.

Perennial herbaceous plants. The rhizome is creeping, thin. The leaves are palmately dissected, 15-22 cm long. The leaves are almost diamond-shaped, 1.5-2 cm long and 0.5 cm wide, bristly pubescent on both sides, finely toothed. Sporangia are densely located. The petiole is strong, 15-35 cm long, brownish, finely bristly.

Widespread decorative species. Grows well in rooms.

. Grows in humid places in Southern China, the Indochina Peninsula, and New Zealand.

Herbaceous perennials 30-40 cm tall. The leaves are pinnate or double pinnate at the base. Leaves of the 1st order are up to 20 cm long and 3 cm wide. The leaves are broadly oval, up to 1.5 cm long and up to 1 cm wide, glabrous, dull green, rounded at the top, concave at the bottom. Sporangia are kidney-shaped, located along the upper edge. Petiole 15-20 cm long, thin.

Decorative look. Used as a potted plant and for cutting leaves.

. Miniature variety. Round leathery leaves on glossy black petioles, raised to a height of 8-10 cm.

. Lives on tree trunks in South America.

Perennial herbaceous, dense, creeping plants. The leaves are triple pinnate, triangular, 25-45 cm long and 15-25 cm wide. The leaves are fan-shaped, 0.6-1 cm wide, wedge-shaped at the base, rounded at the apex, lobed, dense. Sporangia are semicircular, located in the recesses of the leaves. Petiole 20-25 cm long, thin.

A highly decorative species, widespread in culture. Grows well in rooms.

Adiantum is beautiful or beautiful (Adiantum formosum) . Found in damp, shady places in Australia and New Zealand.

Perennial herbaceous plants; rhizome creeping, thin. The leaves are three times, four times pinnate, broadly oval, 45-60 cm long and 30-45 cm wide. The lower pinnate leaves of the 1st order are triangular. The leaves are rhomboidal-lobed, 2 cm long and 0.8 cm wide, herbaceous, dark green. Sporangia are located in the upper part of the leaves, kidney-shaped. Petiole 30-50 cm long, rough.

Decorative look. Grows well in warm and semi-warm rooms.

a species very similar to Adiantum beautiful, unlike which it has horseshoe-shaped sori different shapes, located in recesses along the edge of the segments.

Homeland - South Brazil. Grows in humid subtropical forests.

– fern up to 25 cm high with light green leaves and short purple petioles (the leaves are located almost horizontally). This species can be grown in open ground in areas with a mild climate.

. This type of adiantum is common in Africa, Australia, Norfolk Islands and New Zealand. It grows mainly at the highest locally available altitudes (usually about 600 - 1085 meters). One of the first ferns, described by Linnaeus in 1759.

The height of this fern reaches 45 cm.

Adiantum varieties

The most famous varieties of adiantum:

- variety "Victoria elegans". The leaves are quadruple pinnate, oval or triangular-oval. The leaves are trapezoidal and wedge-shaped, short, 0.3-0.4 cm long. Widely used for cutting and as a potted plant.

- variety Fragrantissima. The leaves are large, up to 70 cm long and up to 25 cm wide at the bottom. This variety of fern is used for cutting and as a potted plant.

- variety "Fragrans". Fast growing plants. They form dense bushes with many leaves.

- variety "Fritz Luthii". The leaves are triangular, up to 30 cm long. The leaves are wedge-shaped. Grown as a pot plant and for cutting.

- variety "Gracillitum".

Adiantum care

Lighting. Adiantums are shade-loving plants and do not like too bright sunlight. Sunlight causes leaves (foliage) to turn brown and die. They grow well near north-facing windows.

Temperature. For good growth in summer, the optimal temperature is 21°C; with low air humidity, the plant cannot tolerate temperatures above 22°C. In winter, the optimal temperature is between 15-20°C; a drop in temperature below 10°C can lead to the death of the fronds, and sometimes to the death of the plant. Tolerates a fairly wide range of temperatures; most bred varieties can grow outside in summer.

Peculiarities. Plants do not tolerate drafts, cold air and dust. Also, the adiantum is badly affected by gas combustion products and tobacco smoke.

Watering. In summer, the adiantum is watered regularly; the earthen ball should not dry out, this can lead to the death of the fronds; waterlogging should also not be allowed. It is optimal to water by lowering the plant into a container of water; as soon as the top layer glistens with moisture, remove the pot, drain off excess water and place it in a permanent place. In winter, water moderately, depending on the requirements of the plant and the dryness of the air. For irrigation use soft water at room temperature.

Hydration. Adiantum loves frequent spraying; in summer, at high temperatures (above 22°C), dry air can lead to the death of the fronds; if this happens, cut them off, spray the plant regularly, and new fronds will soon appear. Place the pot in a larger vessel filled with moist peat, or on a tray with wet pebbles. In winter, you should spray the adiantum with soft warm water every day; if the room is cool, then spraying should be reduced to avoid mold.

Fertilizer. In the summer, once every three weeks when watering, feed the adiantum with half the recommended dose of liquid fertilizer for indoor flowers.
Trimming. Only damaged or very old leaves need to be trimmed. If, by accident, the adiantum bush dries out, cut off the dried leaves, and regularly water and spray what remains twice a day - young leaves will soon appear. Among other things, daily spraying keeps the plant clean. Do not use any preparations to make the leaves glossy.

Transfer. Adiantum is replanted in the spring (if the pot is too small for the plant), after the plant begins to grow. The soil mixture is made up of equal parts of turf, leaf, peat soil and sand (1:1:1:1). Small shards and pieces of charcoal are added to this mixture. When replanting, dead roots are removed, but living roots are not cut off and, if possible, not damaged, since they grow very slowly. Do not press the soil too hard - ferns like the soil at the roots to be loose. After transplantation, the plant is watered and sprayed. The pot for planting should be wide.

Reproduction. Adiantum is propagated by dividing the bush and spores.

Dividing the bush An overgrown bush is usually propagated in the spring, when replanting. Carefully separate the bush with your hands, paying attention to the number of growth points. If there is only one growing point or they are few in number, then the plant cannot be divided, as this can lead to death. Young plants do not immediately begin to grow after division.

You can try to reproduce spore plant, formed on the lower surface of the leaves. They are sown in early spring, preferably in a nursery heated from below, where the temperature is maintained at 21°C.

Cut a leaf from the plant and scrape the spores onto paper. Fill the nursery with a layer of drainage and disinfected soil for sowing seeds. Water the soil well and disperse the spores as evenly as possible. Cover the nursery with glass and place it in a dark, warm place. Remove the glass briefly every day to air it out, but do not let the soil dry out. The nursery should be kept in the dark until the plants emerge (this will happen in 4-12 weeks). Then move it to a bright place and remove the glass. When the plants grow, thin them out, leaving the strongest ones at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other. Young specimens that develop well after thinning can be transplanted into pots with peat soil - 2-3 plants together.

Possible difficulties

Brown dots or stripes on the lower surface of leaf blades appear on healthy adult leaves during sporulation.

The leaves turn yellow from the base, spots appear, and then the leaf dies: The cause may be too dry air.

The tips of the strands dry out: The reason is the air is too dry.

The leaves of the plant are withered: The cause may be improper watering. Adjust watering (more details in the watering section).

Pale color of leaves, traces of burns on the surface of the leaf blade: The reason may be too bright sunlight. In summer, the fern should be shaded from the midday sun.

If the leaves curl but do not dry out: The cause may be hypothermia or drafts with high soil moisture. Move the maidenhair to a warmer place. Do not water until the top layer of soil dries out.


Useful properties of adiantum

Adiant has medicinal properties. The leaves of this fern are included in the pharmacopoeias of some countries Western Europe. The aqueous extract exhibits antibacterial activity. Powder, infusion, decoction, syrup (on its own and in collections) - emollient, expectorant, for respiratory diseases, antipyretic.

IN folk medicine Adiantum is used for respiratory tract infections, diseases of the bladder, liver and spleen, and other diseases. In Indian medicine, the leaves, ground into a paste, are used as a wound-healing agent, and their juice (mixed with honey) is used for gastralgia and respiratory infections; a decoction of the leaves is used as a tonic.

In medieval medicine of Armenia, a decoction of the leaves was recommended for jaundice, urolithiasis, chronic fever, and sciatica. Juice (topically) - for malignant ulcers and as a detoxifying agent for bites of rabid dogs. The ointment was used for eye diseases and scrofulosis.

In Chinese medicine, a decoction of the leaves is used for alcohol and tobacco abuse.

Species of the genus are mentioned in the works of the Roman writer, author of Natural History, Pliny the Elder. The similarity of their lacy foliage to a girl’s curls gave ancient physicians a reason to recommend these plants for hair treatment. In the Caucasus, they still wash their hair with an infusion of this fern to give it shine.

Chemical composition of adiantum

Leaves (fronds) contain triterpenoids (adianthone and 3α,4α-epoxyphyllican, fernene, isofernene, adipedatol), flavonoids (glucosides, rutinosides, glucuronides, sulfates of kaempferol and quercetin, naringenin, luteolin glycosides), lipids (phosphatidylcholine, triacylglycerols, ceryltrimethylhomoserine), steroids (stigmasterol, campesterol, etc.), phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, proanthocyanidins, essential oil, iodine.

Security measures

Adiantum has no obvious contraindications, but allergic reactions to plant spores are possible.

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But in order for the flower to please you and your loved ones, you will have to take care of it, and the adiantum is quite whimsical.


If you are a little familiar with some, you will agree that adiantum is the most delicate and graceful plant of the entire range of ferns. Proof of this is the fact that this plant is often used by florists.

Did you know? Ferns were originally used for wedding bouquets as they were believed to bring happiness to women.

Although, of course, it is better to use ferns as in pots, rather than as decoration in bouquets. The fact is that cut stems fade very quickly: much faster than other components of the bouquet.

The patterned foliage looks very impressive, and its rich, bright green color will give your room a fresh and summery feel even on the coldest winter day.

Adiantum is perennial fern. It can reach a height of 60 cm, and sometimes even higher. The root is creeping and spreading. The petioles usually average 13 cm. They have a glossy surface.

Conditions in the room

The lush green crown (photo of the fern below) will please the eye if you properly care for the plant. Caring for maidenhair at home requires diligence: you need to water, moisten, spray, nourish and trim the fern.

Humidity and temperature

Many plants do not pay attention to such factors as air humidity, but this does not apply to maidenhair. If you do not follow certain tips, you will never be able to achieve the effect of lush leaves and achieve a bright green color - and these are the main advantages of ferns.

Humidity should be high: no less than 60%, and it is better that this value reaches 70%. There are many ways to achieve this effect. For some, the house is quite damp, while for others, on the contrary, the air is too dry, and if you belong to the second category, then you can spray the plant yourself.

High humidity must be maintained at any time of the year.

Important! During the heating season, place the plant away from radiators and other devices designed to heat the air.


Caring for maidenhair at home includes another important factor: lighting should be moderate, ideally diffuse.

It is important to ensure that lady hair the hot sun didn't hit - bright rays are destructive for him. It is better to choose a north or east window to place a pot with

If you still want the adiantum to stand in the room on the south or west side, then in this case you should at least place it not by the window, but further into the room. Move him away from outer wall at least three meters.

In spring, a small amount of sun is allowed in the morning and evening; on a hot day it is better to place the pot in partial shade.

In winter, the fern will not need additional lighting.


During care, constantly ensure that the soil at the root itself is loose; it should have high throughput for water.

Planting adiantum

The plant propagates in two ways: and You can choose yourself, we will only tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them in order to make your choice easier.

Dividing the bush

This option is better suited for propagating those ferns that are old enough, even so much so that they have already lost their aesthetic qualities.

Did you know? From Latin the name of the flower can be translated as “not getting wet.” The fern received this name due to its ability to remain dry even after exposure to water.

This process must be approached with extreme caution, because if something goes wrong, you will not only not get new plants, but will also completely destroy the old one. In addition, the survival rate of new parts is not very high.

Carry out the procedure in the spring. It is necessary to remove the fern from the pot carefully, along with the root. Next, the root is cleared of the soil that remains on it; be careful not to tear off small roots.

Prepare a sharpened knife, it is important that it is sterile. Carefully divide the rhizome into 2 or more parts so that each part contains one (preferably more) healthy leaf.

Sterilize the soil in advance, take some kind of container or pot, pour some of the fern into these containers.

Important! After transplanting, immediately moisten the soil and fern leaves. Place the pots in a shady and warm place.

It is advisable to feed the roots by spraying. Caring for young plants is the same as caring for adult plants.

Don't worry if the growth process takes too long, this is normal for ferns.


The Venus hair flower can reproduce in another way - by spores. This option also has many complications. The room temperature should be about 22 degrees above zero.

Prepare the soil as described above, be sure to add sand. Next, you need to find the largest and healthiest leaf. At the bottom there will be small brown spots - these are spores.

This leaf must be separated from the plant and all spores collected from it.

Important! D To sterilize the soil, you can heat it in the oven or just in a frying pan.

There should be a substrate in the pot and moisten the soil, and after that you can start sowing. There is no need to bury the spores, just sprinkle them on top of the ground. After this, you can sprinkle a little substrate on top and that’s it.

Cover the containers cling film or some kind of glass to create a greenhouse effect. The room should be quite warm and dark, but when the first shoots appear, open the plants and move them to the light.

When, finally, the sprouts have slightly increased in size and become stronger, select the strongest of them and plant them. There should be a distance of at least 3 cm between each.

Caring for a plant at home

Watering and fertilizing are of great importance in caring for Venus hair at home. If the leaves of the adiantum dry out, it means that you did not carry out these procedures carefully enough.


The water should not be too cold and not too hot; it is better to take liquid at room temperature.

It is difficult to adjust the temperature yourself, so to achieve this effect, keep a watering can with water in the room for about an hour. In addition, during this time she will have time to settle.

Very good option It will also be possible to use rainwater, which will definitely not contain any harmful substances.

There is no need to assume that if this is the case, it requires excessive watering. This is not the case, however, and there is no need to allow the soil to become too dry. If you overdo it, you risk killing the entire above-ground part of the plant, and if you don’t water enough, you can ruin the underground part.

To know when it is time to water the flower, touch the soil with your hands. If it is a little dry, then it’s time.


The hair of Venus is a flower that needs periodic fertilization. Most often, the soil is fertilized with flower concentrate.

As you know, it lasts for the plant in spring and summer. Carry out the procedure approximately once every 20-30 days.


Transplantation, like propagation of a bush, by division or spores, takes place exclusively in the spring. Gardeners note that the best results are achieved if do this annually. If you do not have enough time or desire, then replanting is allowed only when you realize that the fern in the pot has become crowded.

The rules are exactly the same as when propagating ferns:

  1. Sterilize the soil.
  2. Remove the plant from its previous habitat.
  3. Carefully clear the root from the soil.
  4. Place in a new pot.
  5. Immediately moisten the soil and fertilize.

Pests, diseases and other difficulties

Caring for Venus hair at home is not limited to watering and fertilizing; it is important to ensure that the plant does not get sick. Although there is no need to worry about this (ferns are very rarely attacked

Name: Adiantum (lat.Adiantum)
Family: Pteris
Origin: Africa and Europe
Humidity: High
Location: Penumbra
Soil: Nutritious, organic
Pests and diseases: Spider mites, scale insects, aphids. Fungus and virus
Required work: Planting, watering, fertilizing, replanting
Growth height: up to 60cm.
Planting seedlings: Any time
Planting in the ground: Any time
Bloom: fern does not bloom
Suitable for cutting

Adiantum is a wonderful fern for the home, also known as "Venus' hair".

Adiantum (lat. adiantum) is a special fern.

Its beauty is refined, fragile, graceful and leaves no one indifferent. Venus hair is another name. The name is not accidental. A beautiful legend about how the goddess Venus shed a strand of hair and in its place a maidenhair tree grew. The name comes from the Greek “a diant” - “not to wet”. The leaves of the plant, they are called fronds, always remain dry, water does not linger on them. The fronds are green or with a grayish tint, arranged alternately or oppositely. Petiole black, hard. Leaf segments of different shapes and sizes with dissected edges. On the reverse side of the leaf there are sacs with spores - sori. The roots are thin, creeping, like lint, covered with dark scales.

Home care

Maidenhair came to our windows from tropical forests Africa and Eurasia. Flower growers immediately appreciated its beauty. But the handsome man’s obstinate character did not allow him to spread widely. It was grown in greenhouses and winter gardens in rich houses. Modern hybrid varieties are not so capricious and take root in our apartments without problems. But you still have to try.

Adiantum is afraid of direct sunlight, prefers partial shade. Windows with east and north orientation are the best place for it. You don't have to put it on the windowsill. The flower loves to spread its “hair”, suffers from drafts and close proximity, so it will be even better inside the room. You need to decide on your place of residence right away; he doesn’t like “moving.” It takes a long time to get used to new conditions, but at the same time stops growing. The plant reacts sharply to the composition of the air. It will never take root in a smoker's house or in a kitchen with a gas stove. The room where he has settled must be regularly cleaned and ventilated. In the summer you can take it out into the garden under the shade of trees. The plant is also demanding in terms of temperature. Already at +23° it slows down in growth. It reacts to higher temperatures by falling leaves. In winter, during the hibernation period, a temperature of at least +15° is needed, otherwise the root system may rot. The leaves of the flower contain substances that repel pests. But if not maintained correctly, the plant can be affected by spider mites, scale insects, and aphids. To combat them, Inta-vir, Fitoverm, Aktelik, Aktara are used. The flower reacts painfully to chemicals and often drops its leaves completely. Therefore it makes sense to use folk remedies. Treatment with a soap solution helps against many pests.

Proper watering

There are two principles proper watering: regularity and moderation. Adiantum does not tolerate even short-term drying out of the earthen coma. At the same time, it loses most of its foliage and takes a long time to recover. Therefore, you need to water it 2-3 times a week with a small volume of water. This is summer mode. In winter, once every 7-10 days is enough. enjoy better method immersion for 10-15 minutes or until a wet sheen appears on the soil surface. Be sure to let the remaining water drain. The flower is not picky about water hardness, but does not tolerate chlorine content in it. Therefore, it is better to let it settle or use filtered water. The plant responds well to rainwater and aquarium water. Watering can be combined with fertilizing. To do this, use fertilizers for decorative deciduous trees in half the dose. In summer - once every 3-4 weeks, in winter there is no need to feed.

Adiantum's leaves are drying up

In nature, adiantum grows near bodies of water, at the foot of waterfalls. Hence its demands on air humidity. Ideally it should be 60-70%. Otherwise, problems begin. The leaves of the flower lose their brightness and become translucent with brown spots. They feel dry and fragile to the touch. In order not to lose the plant, you need to increase the air humidity.

You can use special household appliances, you can use improvised means. To improve the condition of the flower, just place the pot on a tray with expanded clay or pebbles, regularly adding water. You can build a “double” pot. Fill the free space between them with damp sphagnum. Even if you simply spray the plant more often, it will give positive result. It is better to use the smallest spray nozzle. Sometimes the leaves of the adiantum look lifeless, dry, and their edges turn inward. The problem in this case is not low humidity, but cold conditions. The roots began to rot. You need to move the flower to a warm room and adjust the watering. Sometimes dry, colorless leaves indicate excess sun. It is better to move the plant to another place or shade it.

Adiantum withers after transplantation

Replanting for maidenhair is stressful. It takes a long time for him to recover from it; at first he does not show “signs of life.” If the plant does not respond to replanting by completely losing its foliage, you just need to provide it with additional humidity and a comfortable temperature. You can spray with a solution of epin or zircon. It is better to use a solution of succinic acid. This is a natural remedy. Helps the plant in stressful situations. Activates vital processes and root growth. It is better to treat the sheet with a freshly prepared solution.

Choosing soil

Adiantum transplantation must be planned in advance. It will be good if it is April-May. The plant needs nutritious, loose, humus-rich soil with a slightly acidic reaction. You can make it yourself using turf soil, peat, river sand. You can use ready-made potting soil for ferns. Additionally, it is better to add sphagnum moss, charcoal, perlite or vermiculite to it. Sometimes fine pine bark is added to the composition. It makes the soil light and breathable. Each time the pot is replanted, it should be 1-2 cm larger than the previous one. Do not get carried away with large volumes; the roots of the plant develop slowly.

Adiantum propagation

There are two ways to propagate adiantum. The division of the bush is familiar and predictable. Reproduction by spores is a method for the passionate and persistent. In the spring, when transplanting, you can divide the mother bush. It is important to pay attention to the number of growth points. If there are few of them, it is better to refuse division. Each daughter plant needs to be planted in a small pot and created optimal conditions for development. Reproduction by spores is a time-consuming but very interesting method. It has undeniable advantages. From the spores you can get several plants at once, they will be adapted to the current conditions. Ripe spores need to be dried for 1-2 weeks. Sow without deepening. Provide bottom heating and a temperature of at least +22°. Cover the top with film or glass. Regularly ventilate and moisten the soil. In 3-5 weeks the first shoots will appear. At the age of 3-4 weeks, plant in separate pots.

Varieties and types of adiantum

About 200 species of adiantum are known.

They differ in the height of the plant itself, the structure of the leaf segment, color and habitat. Not all species are cultivated in apartment conditions. There are species that still grow only in wildlife.

  • Adiantum stopiform

    Native to North America and East Asia. Frost-resistant variety, able to withstand temperatures down to -35°. It is still cultivated in open ground. Plant height is up to 60 cm. The fronds are long, curved, fan-shaped. Shaped like a horseshoe. Adapted to home conditions. Popular office plant.

  • Adiantum fragrans

    Popular look, easily adapts to apartment conditions. It grows quickly and gains green mass. The leaves are small, oval. The height of an adult plant is up to 50 cm. It comes from South America.

  • Adiantum raddy

    Homeland - South America. The leaves are small, triple pinnate. The fronds are fan-shaped. Plant height up to 25 cm. Not popular as a house plant.

  • Maidenhair Fritz

    Not cultivated at home. Known as an open ground plant. Habitat: South Asia.

  • Adiantum caudate (caudatum)

    Popular house plant. Adapted to apartment conditions. Fronds up to 60 cm long. Recommended as a hanging plant for hanging baskets.

  • Adiantum finely pubescent

    Originally from the island of Madagascar, New Zealand. Height up to 50 cm. Leaves are diamond-shaped, hard, pubescent on both sides. Easily adapts to dry air. Grows well in room conditions. A rarity on the shelves of flower shops.

  • Adiantum imbricatum

    Dwarf variety, height no more than 15 cm. Little known as a house plant.

- one of the most mysterious and oldest plants on Earth. They are more than 350 million years old, and the legends associated with them are still passed down from generation to generation. Many cultures have legends about the mythical fern flower. So, in Rus' they believed that it would give the person who found it all the treasures of the world, and in Latvian mythology lovers look for this flower to find eternal happiness.

And it is still believed that these plants fill the house with positive energy, which is why Adiantums are always popular among gardeners. In their family there are about 200 varieties. To make it easier to make a choice, we will consider the characteristics of the most interesting varieties, as well as the rules for caring for them using the example of one of the most decorative species– Adiantum Venus hair.

The most popular varieties of Adiantum

The most common varieties among gardeners are the following:

  1. Adiantum capillus-veneris. The most popular type of house fern. It is also widespread in the wild - in the Transcaucasus, on the Crimean Peninsula, in North Africa and the Mediterranean countries. In the southern climate it is grown by gardeners in open ground. This variety is a plant about 50 cm in height, with pinnate leaves, the length of which reaches 25 cm. The light green leaf segments are up to 3 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. Distinctive feature Venus hairs are thin, up to 25 cm long, hair-like petioles of a dark brown color, it is thanks to them that the plant received its beautiful name.
  2. Adiantum Pedatum Imbricatum.As you can see from the photo, this variety differs in shape from most ferns. This is an unusual openwork plant about 40 cm tall. Its leaves are flat, round in shape, fan-shaped on shiny black petioles. In general, the bush has a spherical shape. We love it among flower growers not only for its high decorative value, but also for its resistance to frost. Due to its frost resistance, Adiantum stopoformum is successfully grown in gardens in the central and southern regions of Russia.

  3. Adiantum Fragrans. Plant up to 50 cm in height. It grows quickly, forming dense bushes with many leaves. The leaves themselves are oval, 3 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, located on low petioles up to 15 cm high. The plant is very delicate, a pleasant light green shade. IN natural conditions grows in the Andes of South America and South Asian forests.

  4. Adiantum Raddianum. This variety has creeping leaves, distinguished by wedge-shaped segments with rounded edges. The size of the leaf lobes does not exceed 1 cm, and the leaves themselves are quite large, can reach 45 cm in length. Ruddy's petioles are thin and have a brown tint. Adiantum Ruddy has several subspecies, differing in shape and shade of foliage. In nature, Ruddy grows only in South America.

  5. Adiantum reniforme. Looking at this plant with horseshoe-shaped leaves on long petioles, it is hard to believe that this is also a type of fern. A small graceful plant from 5 to 30 cm in height grows wild in the Canary Islands. There are two subspecies of the kidney-shaped Adiantum - Reniforme and P. The first has leaves up to 7 cm in diameter, located on 20-centimeter petioles. The second subspecies is more compact, it is 2 times smaller than the first.

  6. Maidenhair (Adiantum Macrophyllum).As the name suggests, this species is distinguished by its larger foliage. Moreover, it is not the leaves themselves, the length of which is standard for a fern of 30 cm, that are large, but their lobes. They have a triangular or oval-triangular shape, and can reach 10 cm in length. This variety is also distinguished by its unusual crimson-pink color, which is characteristic of the plant at a young age.

  7. Small-haired maidenhair (Adiantum Hispidulum). This fern has a creeping rhizome and dissected leaves reaching 25 cm. The leaf lobes are diamond-shaped, 0.5 cm wide and up to 2 cm long. Strong petioles grow up to 35 cm. This decorative variety takes root well in apartment conditions. And in the wild, this Adiantum can be found in Madagascar, India and North Africa.

There are enough varieties of Adiantum so that you can choose the right plant for any interior. And caring for them is not particularly difficult, so even a novice gardener can breed them. Let's look at the basic rules for planting and caring for this plant using the example of Adiantum Venus's hair, which is especially revered by lovers of indoor ferns.

Rules for growing Adiantum Venus hair at home

In nature, Adiantum is most often found among rocky placers, growing in soil that is clogged between ledges in the rocks. Such plants are called lithophytes, and in order for them to grow well at home, they need to be provided with the most familiar conditions - a similar soil composition and a suitable pot.

The container for Venus's hair should be shallow, because the fern has a shallow root system. For him, the width of the pot will be more important. A prerequisite will be good drainage, which must be placed at the bottom of the container. Soil is poured on top. It should have a slightly acidic reaction, absorb moisture well, but not retain it for a long time.

Tip: To make the substrate nutritious and light enough, add a mixture of humus, perlite, purified peat and sand. Adding bark and charcoal to the soil will also be useful.

During the planting process, place the plant in such a way that the root collar remains above the substrate, because underground it will begin to rot.

Important choose the right place for the plant. Venus hair develops best in partial shade. The plant will grow well on a windowsill that faces east or northwest. If in summer the Adiantum gets straight lines sun rays, it is better to remove it from the window or cover it with a translucent screen. From intense sun exposure, the plant may fade and even wither. But you shouldn’t put it in complete shade either; it will survive there, but it won’t be able to boast of emerald greenery. Venus hair will not grow well even in the presence of drafts and cigarette smoke.

Fern care includes the following activities:

  1. Watering. Adiantum does not tolerate either overdried or overly moist soil. Therefore, watering should be regular and moderate. The content of chlorine in the water will be detrimental to it; for irrigation, use only settled or filtered water. The intensity of watering differs by season - in late spring and summer the plant is watered more often and more abundantly, at this time new leaves are formed, and in cold period Watering once a week will be sufficient.
  2. Feeding. They can only be carried out during active plant growth, that is, from May to September. To do this, you need to use liquid fertilizers every 3 weeks. Only the dosage indicated in the instructions must be halved, because for Adiantum large number fertilizers will do more harm than good.
  3. Maintaining temperature within acceptable limits. During the growth period it is 20-25 degrees, and during hibernation - 15 degrees. In such conditions, the fern will not disturb you with yellowed leaves or the appearance of dark spots. If signs of wilting or hypothermia have already appeared, you need to promptly trim the damaged leaves and create suitable conditions for Adiantum.
  4. Maintaining the required level of humidity. If the leaves of Venus's hair begin to dry out, you need to make the air in the room more humid. You can use both household humidifiers and improvised means, such as a container of water or a wet towel with batteries. Frequently spraying the leaves with water also helps.

By following all the rules for caring for Adiantum, you can easily grow a beautiful, voluminous plant. And then you can learn how to propagate ferns yourself.

Methods of propagation of Adiantum Venus hair

There are two ways to propagate Venus hair at home:

  • Dividing the plant during transplantation.
  • Reproduction using spores.

Adiantum can grow normally in slightly cramped pots, but when the plant reaches too large sizes for the existing capacity, it needs to be planted. The best time For this to happen, it will be spring, and the room should be warm enough, at least 15-20 degrees.

Venus hair is difficult to tolerate transplantation, so the composition of the soil for a transplanted plant is somewhat different from the soil for a young plant. It includes the following components:

In order to plant an adult Adiantum, its root system must be carefully separated by hand. The soil in the pot should be slightly dry, this will reduce the likelihood of damage to the roots.

The divided plant often does not take root or loses its decorative effect. Therefore, in practice, the second method is more often used - propagation by spores, which are located in the lower part of the fern leaves. Spores can be purchased, or you can collect them yourself from an existing plant.

Sow spores into the ground in early spring. To do this, you need to remove them from the fern leaves using any sharp object. The container with crops must be stored in the dark at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, covered with glass on top. Remember to lift the glass from time to time to ventilate it to prevent mold from forming.

Shoots appear in different ways - they may not appear for 3 months, or they may sprout in a month. After the sprouts appear, remove the glass from the container and expose it to light. When the young plants grow up, they can be planted in separate pots.

The more fern you have in your home, the greater the positive impact it will have, because this plant is famous for its positive energy.

Useful properties of fern

At first glance, it seems that Adiantum is very delicate and fragile, but this plant, in fact, has enormous vitality and powerful positive energy. In a house where ferns are grown, an atmosphere of love and understanding reigns. It is believed that with the help of this plant it is possible to restore peace where people are accustomed to constantly quarreling. Fern has a calming effect on people with too violent energy. There is also a belief that the plant protects the house from evil spirits.

Even if you do not believe that plants can energetically interact with their owners, you can make your choice in favor of Adiantum because of its safety for health. The plant is not poisonous, so it is suitable for placement in any room, including a nursery. And the voluminous leaves will effectively purify the air in the room.

Attention: Breeding ferns is contraindicated only for people prone to allergic reactions; for them, the spores can become an allergen.

Adiantum is also widely used in medicine. In the works of ancient healers you can find a description of treatment for baldness using fern decoctions. And in the regions of Transcaucasia, herbal preparations that activate hair growth are still produced.

In pharmacology, Adiantum is used due to the following properties:

Thus, Adiantum is not only beautiful ornamental plant, but also extremely useful. It is worth having in the arsenal of every indoor plant lover. And for flower growers who have encountered problems growing it, we provide a list of answers to the most common questions.

The most common questions about growing Adiantum

Gardeners who have just started growing ferns may have the following questions:

  1. Why did Adiantum's leaves darken and brown dots appear on them? This is a signal to check the acidity of the soil. To do this you need to use litmus paper. The plant feels good only in slightly acidic soil, the acidity level of which is in the range from 5.5 to 6.5. If normal acidity is disturbed, this indicates a large accumulation of salts. You can try to wash the soil with water, but a more painless way would be to transplant the plant into new soil.
  2. Why do the leaves dry out? The delicate foliage of Venus hair can react by drying out to various negative factors. This can also happen due to unsuitable air temperatures for the plant, or from cigarette smoke and a rarely ventilated room. Drafts or hot, dry air rising from radiators can have a negative impact. In order for the leaves to stop drying, you need to try to eliminate all these factors.
  3. What if all the negative factors are eliminated, but the plant still dries out? Take a magnifying glass and examine the Adiantum for harmful insects. There may be aphids on the fern or spider mite. To get rid of them, the plant can be treated with a tobacco-soap solution. To prepare it, you need to purchase tobacco dust, which is a harmless and environmentally friendly product with insecticidal properties. Tobacco dust should be poured with water in a ratio of 1:10, boiled for 30 minutes and left for 24 hours. After which the broth must be filtered, diluted with water 1:3, and soap added to it (20 g per 5 l).
  4. Why do the leaves turn yellow? Yellow foliage indicates a lack of nitrogen in the soil. In this case, you can fertilize with nitrogen fertilizer.

The considered problems in the process of growing Adiantum occur most often. In general, the plant will not bother you much. Ferns are very tenacious, and if the minimum conditions for the normal growth of indoor plants are met, they will literally grow on their own.

Video consultation

About planting adiantums in the video blog “Indoor Flowers”.