Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (Madi) correspondence faculty. Faculty of part-time (evening) studies Dean of correspondence studies

Gzhelsky state university(GSU) has been training specialists at the Faculty of Correspondence Studies since 1958. During this time, hundreds of specialists from various industries received education here. national economy. Not only citizens study at the Faculty of Correspondence Studies Russian Federation, but also students from neighboring countries. Training is provided in various specialties and areas.

Tasks and functions of the dean's office

The purpose of creating the faculty is to provide the population with the opportunity to receive high-quality higher education by correspondence. The important tasks of the dean's office are:

Creating conditions for continuous improvement and qualitative improvement of the educational process of distance learning;

Formation of a student’s personality: his ability for active self-realization in modern conditions and practical activities are important in economic and other spheres of society.

The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Distance Learning coordinates and controls the educational process, ensuring that students fulfill curricula and programs, analyzes records of academic performance and attendance.

The tasks of the dean’s office are to solve a number of pressing problems:

1. Coordination of the educational process at the faculty.

2. Ensuring that students comply with curricula and training programs.

3. Analysis of student performance and attendance training sessions.

4. Increasing the efficiency of the educational process.

5. Study and generalization of student proposals for organizing lectures and seminars.

6. Systematic work with university departments, curators and group leaders in order to improve the quality of students’ knowledge.

7. Organization of introductory, industrial and pre-diploma internships for students.

8. Timely provision of students with scientific and methodological literature.

To implement the assigned tasks, the dean’s office performs the following functions:

1. Carries out calendar and long-term planning of the work of the department of correspondence education.

2. Participates in the work of commissions for the final state certification of graduates of the faculty.

3. Communicates with GSU graduates.

4. Promotes use latest technologies in the educational process.

5. Conducts organizational meetings with the new intake of students.

6. Promotes the active participation of students in the work of scientific societies and conferences.

The faculty is constantly working to improve the technology of distance learning:

New specialties and directions are opening;

The educational process is provided by modern computer technology and laboratory equipment;

New ones are being developed and published teaching aids, the introduction of modern teaching technologies is underway.

The educational process at the Faculty of Correspondence Studies is provided by the teaching staff of ten departments of the university. The dean's office of the correspondence faculty is connected with all structural divisions of the university. Qualified staff of the dean's office provide high-quality support for the educational process. The university has laboratory-practical, computer, lecture and other types of classrooms, which fully allows for high level learning process for distance learning students.

Correspondence education is one of the most popular and developing forms of education. This form allows you to organically and painlessly combine education with active work. Using this form of training, you can obtain higher education in areas of interest.

Dear students and applicants of the correspondence faculty! We are pleased to welcome you and promptly inform you about all the news of the faculty on the MADI website. Please understand us correctly. The dean's office of the correspondence faculty is not the manager of the site, but publishes information through the MADI computer center, which may affect the efficiency of the information. Write to us, we will definitely answer.

The following sections are at your service:

  • About the correspondence faculty - here you will learn how and when the correspondence faculty was created at MADI, the current state of the faculty and its achievements, as well as plans for the future.
  • Management and employees - here you will find out the last names, first names and patronymics of the dean and dean’s office employees with whom you will have to contact, as well as their area of ​​competence, which is necessary for prompt resolution of emerging issues.
  • Information for applicants - here an applicant can obtain the information necessary to make a decision on admission to the correspondence faculty of MADI.
  • Information for students is the central section of the site for persons studying at the correspondence faculty. Here you will find information about the educational process, schedule of classes, tests and exams for the next session, practice and diploma design, tuition fees. In a special section you can download and view application forms, orders for transfer and expulsion of students.
  • Contacts - here you will find the postal address, address email, phone number of the correspondence faculty of MADI.

Please send your requests for additional information to the email address. They will be taken into account whenever possible.

News and announcements

20.12.19 Schedule of the winter examination session 2019/2020 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (except for groups of graduate courses, for these groups the schedule will be posted later) - download

Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account changes after 12/21/19, will be available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of correspondence courses for groups of students).

08.11.19 ATTENTION! We remind you that in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for transfer and reinstatement of students at MADI, reinstatement of students expelled at the initiative of the university is possible within five years after expulsion, including from the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. For questions regarding restoration, please contact the dean's office of the correspondence faculty from January 9 to January 22, 2020."

25.10.19 . Schedule of the autumn semester 2019/2020 academic year for weekend groups of the correspondence faculty (from 09.11.19 to 21.12.19) - download

02.11.19 no classes!

02.10.19 Schedule of the autumn orientation session of the 2019/2020 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (session from 10/07/19 to 10/19/19) - download


18.09.19 Schedule of the autumn orientation session of the 2019/2020 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (session from 09/23/19 to 10/05/19) - download

Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students).
P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.

17.09.19 Schedule of the autumn semester 2019/2020 academic year for weekend groups of the correspondence faculty (until October 26, 2019 inclusive, the full schedule will be added later) - download

Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students).

P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.


In accordance with order No. 459 o.d. dated August 27, 2019, the following procedure for eliminating academic debt was established:

  • first repeated intermediate certification - until September 28, 2019
  • second repeated intermediate certification (commission) - until October 19, 2019

16.08.19 Announcement for students of the field of study:
03.23.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes (profile Automotive service)


07/19/19 We inform you about the preparation of an order for expulsion for academic failure -


You must have with you:

Registration will take place for groups 3ZbSs1-7, 6ZA1-2, 3ZbSMS from 11:00 to 13:45 ONLY in the dean's office of the correspondence faculty; for groups 3ZbDs1-3, 5ZbDp1-2 from 11:00 to 13:45 ONLY in the dean's office of the correspondence faculty.


The presentation of diplomas to graduates of the correspondence faculty will take place on the following dates:

You must have with you

Registration will be held from 11:00 to 15:45 ONLY in the dean's office of the correspondence faculty.

Students who did not receive diplomas within the specified time frame will be able to receive diplomas from the dean's office of the correspondence faculty. Bring your passport and original document of previous education with you."

30.05.19 Schedule of the summer test and examination session for groups of students of the correspondence faculty - download.

Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account changes after 06/01/19, will be available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of correspondence courses for groups of students). P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install Google Sheets."

16.04.19 ATTENTION TO ALL STUDENTS who have SUMMER (educational or industrial) PRACTICE in their educational schedule!!!

Please read carefully and complete the necessary documents in a timely manner!

22.02.19 Announcement for graduates of the correspondence faculty!

A section on final qualifying work has been added to the Information for Students page. Please read the information carefully in order to defend yourself and receive your diploma!

07.02.19. Spring semester schedule for groups of correspondence faculty students (weekend groups) - download.

Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students). P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.


The presentation of diplomas to the defended masters of group 3ZmU will take place on February 7, 2019 at 16:00, gathering near room. 508l.

You must have with you: passport and a sheet from the HR department about submitting a bypass sheet.

Students who did not receive diplomas on 02/07/2019 will be able to receive them on any other weekday at the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty. Have your passport and a document from the HR department with you about submitting the bypass sheet.

22.01.19. Announcement for graduates of the correspondence faculty of the 2018/2019 academic year -. Please read carefully!

14.01.19. download .

Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students).
P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.

12/18/18. ANNOUNCEMENT on organizing internships (especially for GRADUATES) for this academic year!!!

The regulations for registering internships in the 2018/2019 academic year have been determined. Please read carefully -
1. In accordance with the regulations, before December 30, 2018, it is necessary to fill out an application form for internship in electronic form (a link to the questionnaire is in the regulations).
2. Before January 20, 2019, provide the dean’s office of the Polar Division with the necessary documents for internship (specified in the regulations with forms and samples).

17.12.18. Schedule of the winter test and examination session of the 2018/2019 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty - download. Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed - Operational changes in the schedule - .

The schedule taking into account the changes is available (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students). P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.

02.11.18 ATTENTION!

We remind you that in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students at MADI, reinstatement of students expelled at the initiative of the university is possible within five years from the date of expulsion, including from the second semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. For questions regarding restoration, please contact the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty from January 10 to January 25, 2019.

24.10.18 Announcement for students who have not paid for the first semester of the 2018/2019 academic year! We would like to inform you that an order has been issued regarding expulsion due to violation of contractual obligations - read this. We remind you that in accordance with clause 4.1 of the Regulations on the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students studying at MADI, reinstatement of students expelled for violating the terms of the contract is possible after payment of tuition fees.

01.10.18 Schedule of the autumn orientation session of the 2018/2019 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty, the dates of which are from 10/08/2018 to 10/20/2018 - download

Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students).
P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.

17.09.18 Schedule of the autumn orientation session of the 2018/2019 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty, the dates of which are from 09/24/2018 to 10/06/2018 - download

P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program

07.09.18 Schedule of the autumn semester 2018/2019 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (weekend groups) - download

Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students).
P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program

08/23/18 Announcement for students with academic debt!

In accordance with the order of the Vice-Rector for educational work No. 67-R dated 08/07/2018 establishes the following procedure for eliminating academic debt:

  • First retake until September 28, 2018
  • Second retake (commission) from 10/08/2018 to 10/20/2018.

Retake schedules for debt elimination are posted on the notice boards of the relevant departments. Also, information transmitted to the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty is published on this page -

In case of non-liquidation of academic debt within the established time frame, students are subject to expulsion from the university in accordance with Article 58 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 273-FZ.”

08/23/18 Announcement for students who have not paid tuition in the first semester of the 2018/2019 academic year.

Payment must be made in accordance with the terms of the contract for the provision of paid educational services (usually before September 1 or 30, 2018). After payment, please come with the receipt to the dean's office of the correspondence faculty to register the payment!

Students who do not pay for tuition on time will be expelled due to violation of the terms of the agreement.

07/25/18 ATTENTION!

Academic performance has been added taking into account the summer session of the 2017/2018 academic year!!! -

If you have a debt in a discipline (highlighted in red in the corresponding column), but you have passed it, it is recommended to contact the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty after 08/20/2018!

19.07.18 Announcement for students of training areas:

  • 03.23.01 Technology of transport processes (profile Organization of transportation and transport management);

  • 09.03.01 Informatics and computer technology (profile Automated systems information processing and management);

  • 05.23.01 Ground transport and technological means (specialization Automotive technology in transport technologies).



    We remind you that in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students at MADI, reinstatement of students expelled at the initiative of the university is possible within five years from the date of expulsion, including from the first semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. For questions about reinstatement, please contact the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty from August 22 to September 10, 2018.

    PROCEDURE for transferring students of the correspondence faculty to the next year in 2018 -. Please read carefully!

    04.07.18 AWARD OF DIPLOMAS!

    The presentation of diplomas to graduates of the correspondence faculty will take place on the following dates:

    You must have with you: passport and original document of previous education.

    Registration will begin at 11:00 in the dean's office of the correspondence faculty. From 16:15 registration will take place in the auditorium. 303.

    Students who did not receive diplomas on 07/09/2018 will be able to receive them on any other weekday at the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty. Bring your passport and original document of previous education with you.

    06.27.18 AWARD OF DIPLOMAS!

    The presentation of diplomas to graduates of the correspondence faculty will take place on the following dates:

    You must have with you: passport and original document of previous education.


    Students who did not receive diplomas on 07/05/2018 will be able to receive them on any other weekday at the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty. Bring your passport and original document of previous education with you."

    09.06.18 . ABOUT announcement for students with academic debt!

    In accordance with Order No. 03-15/03 dated 02/02/2018, the deadline for liquidating academic debt expired on 03/31/2018.

    The Dean of the Correspondence Faculty gave the opportunity to students who did not deign to submit academic debts on time to eliminate them during the summer test and examination session. Students who have not eliminated academic debts by the end of the summer test and examination session will be expelled for academic failure in accordance with clause 5.1.3 of the Regulations on the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students studying at MADI.

    We remind you that in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students at MADI, reinstatement of students expelled at the initiative of the university is possible within five years from the date of expulsion, including from the first semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. For questions regarding restoration, please contact the dean's office of the correspondence faculty.

    06/09/18. AWARD OF DIPLOMAS!

    The presentation of diplomas to graduates of the correspondence faculty will take place on the following dates:

    Date, time and place

    3ZbPs1-6, 5ZbPp

    You must have with you: passport and original document of previous education.

    Registration will begin at 11:00 in the dean's office of the correspondence faculty. From 15:45 registration will take place in the auditorium. 303.

    Students who did not receive diplomas on June 20, 2018, will be able to receive them on any other weekday at the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty. Bring your passport and original document of previous education with you.

    04.06.18 Schedule of the summer test and examination session for groups of students of the correspondence faculty - download. Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students).

    P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.

    17.04.18 Announcement for students who have not paid for the second semester of the 2017/2018 academic year! We would like to inform you that an order has been issued regarding expulsion due to violation of contractual obligations - read this. We remind you that in accordance with clause 4.1 of the Regulations on the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students studying at MADI, reinstatement of students expelled for violating the terms of the contract is possible after payment of tuition fees.

    04/17/18 ATTENTION to students undergoing summer internship! The regulations for the preparation of documents for internship have been updated -

    Please read carefully and complete the relevant documents at least two weeks before the start of the internship (after this period documents will not be accepted)!

    01.03.18 Academic performance has been updated based on the results of the winter test and examination session of the 2017/2018 academic year. Check your progress -

    09.02.18 Announcement for students of “weekend” groups going to classes on 02/17/18!

    On February 17, 2018, in the Assembly Hall of the main building at 13:15 there will be a meeting of students of the correspondence faculty to nominate delegates to the conference of MADI workers and students to elect the MADI Academic Council! To elect delegates, a quorum is required (at least 50% of the list of students).
    We kindly ask all students to be at this meeting!

    Schedule of the spring semester of the 2017/2018 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (weekend groups) - download. Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students).
    P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.

    01/29/18 Announcement for students who are in session until 02/03/18 - groups of the classical (session) form of education and graduates of “weekend” groups! On January 31, 2018, in the Assembly Hall of the main building at 13:00 there will be a meeting of students of the correspondence faculty to nominate delegates to the conference of MADI workers and students to elect the MADI Academic Council! To elect delegates, a quorum is required (at least 50% of the list of students). We kindly ask everyone to come to this meeting!

    23.01.18 Please familiarize yourself with the regulations for registration and organization of internships for students and act in accordance with them. We remind you that in case of failure to complete the internship established in the educational schedule, the student is subject to expulsion! Regulations for registration and organization of internship for students -

    16.01.18 Announcement for graduates and undergraduates of the 1st and 2nd years of study!

    In accordance with the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities according to educational programs of higher education, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the transfer of days off in 2018”, changes were made to the schedule of the educational process for the 2017/2018 academic year. The changes affected the timing of internships (mainly pre-diploma) and state final certifications. The updated schedule of the educational process can be viewed here (changes are highlighted in red) - watch (link to attached file).

    I draw the attention of graduates and undergraduates of the 1st and 2nd years of study to the need to conclude internship agreements in accordance with the newly approved deadlines. The contract form for individual practice can be downloaded. No later than February 1, 2018, it is necessary to provide the graduating department with a signed agreement from the organization (in two copies!!!) for them to be signed by MADI and the subsequent preparation of an order for placement into practice!

    27.12.17 Schedule of the winter orientation session of groups of students of the correspondence faculty (session form of training) - download. Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning for groups of students). P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.

    20.12.17 Announcement for students who have not eliminated their academic debt by December 15, 2017!

    A draft order on expulsion for academic failure has been prepared -. It will be given for signature on Friday 12/22/2017.

    We remind you that in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students at MADI, reinstatement of students expelled at the initiative of the university is possible within five years from the date of expulsion, including from the second semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. For questions regarding restoration, please contact the dean's office of the correspondence faculty.

    14.12.17 Schedule of the winter test and examination session for groups of students of the correspondence faculty - download. Changes are possible in the schedule, which will be displayed on - Operational changes in the schedule -. The schedule, taking into account the changes, is available on - (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of correspondence courses for groups of students). P.S. To access the schedule online from mobile devices, you must install the Google Sheets program.


    29.11.17 The schedule of the installation and examination session of the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year is available for groups of students transferred from the Sochi branch -

    29.11.17 Announcement for students who have not paid for the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year! An order for deduction for violation of contractual obligations was signed -. We remind you that in accordance with clause 4.1 of the Regulations on the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students studying at MADI, reinstatement of students expelled for violating the terms of the contract is possible after payment of tuition fees.

    16.11.17 Announcement for students with academic debt!
    We remind you that academic debt for the last academic year must be eliminated during the period from December 1 to December 15, 2017. The work schedules of departmental commissions for debt elimination are posted on the notice boards of the relevant departments. Also, information transmitted to the dean's office of the correspondence faculty is published on this page - In case of failure to liquidate academic debt within the established time frame, students are subject to expulsion from the university in accordance with Article 58 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" N 273-FZ."

    16.11.17 We remind you that the terms of study, including the dates of examination and orientation sessions in the 2017/2018 academic year, are published on the Information for Students page - section Schedules of the educational process"

    29.09.17 Announcement for groups of students of the correspondence session form of education studying in the areas of training 03/23/03 Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes, 05/23/01 Ground transport-technological means, 03/38/03 Personnel management (bachelor's degree) and 03/38/02 Management, who have an installation session from 10/09/2017 to 10/21/2017!
    Schedule of the autumn orientation session (from 10/09/2017 to 10/21/2017) - download

    29.09.17 Schedule of classes for groups of students of the correspondence faculty for the autumn semester of the 2017/2018 academic year (weekend groups, from 11/11/2017 to 12/23/2017) - download
    You can find out about operational changes in the schedule

    22.09.17 Pursuant to the order of Vice-Rector Karelina M.Yu. We inform you that there is arrears in payment for the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year - Students who have not paid tuition in the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year will be expelled for violating the terms of the contract from October 3, 2017. If you find yourself on the list, but have paid for your tuition, please send proof of payment (a copy of the receipt) to the dean's office of the correspondence faculty.
    PS. Lists are updated periodically"

    19.09.17 Announcement for groups of correspondence session students studying in the areas of training 03/08/01 Construction, 03/23/01 Technology of Transport Processes and 04/38/03 Personnel Management (Master's Degree), who have an orientation session from 09/25/2017 to 10/07/2017!
    Schedule of the autumn orientation session (from 09/25/2017 to 10/07/2017) - download
    You can find out about operational changes in the schedule

    15.09.17 Pursuant to the order of Vice-Rector Karelina M.Yu. We notify you that there is arrears in payment for the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year - .
    Students who have not paid tuition in the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year will be expelled for violating the terms of the agreement from October 6, 2017. If you find yourself on the list, but have paid for your tuition, please send proof of payment (a copy of the receipt) to the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty. .
    PS. View all departments, as some part-time students are listed in the main department lists!

    08.09.17 Announcement for students of “weekend” groups!
    Class schedule for groups of correspondence faculty students for the fall semester of the 2017/2018 academic year (weekend groups, from 09.16.2017 to 10.28.2017) - download. The class schedule from November 11, 2017 to December 23, 2017 will be available no later than October 1, 2017.
    Operational changes and the current schedule are also available on (MADI website - Schedule - Schedule of distance learning - Schedule for groups of students).

    16.08.17 Announcement for students enrolled in the first year of the correspondence faculty in 2017 -

    26.07.17 Student performance has been updated based on the results of the summer session. We ask all students to check their progress and in case of discrepancies, contact the dean's office in September! You can check your progress using your student ID number -

    04.07.17 The schedule of the educational process for groups of students of the correspondence faculty for the 2017/2018 academic year is available -

    04.07.17 For persons wishing to transfer or reinstate to the correspondence faculty, it is necessary to bring a certificate of study to the dean’s office by July 26, 2017 to verify the curricula. You can see the results of the curriculum comparison on the page -. Applications for restoration/transfer and documents (if necessary) will be accepted from 08/21/2017 to 09/15/2017.

    10.05.17. Announcement for students graduating this year!
    To avoid misunderstandings, please go to the dean's office of the correspondence faculty before May 26 inclusive to check your diploma supplement!

    27.04.17. You can find out the dates of the summer session for students of the correspondence faculty from the approved schedules of the educational process posted on this page -

    25.04.17. Announcement for students - citizens of foreign countries!
    At the request of the international service of MADI, we hereby inform the students listed below about the need to obtain a medical policy, office 382! -

    18.04.17. We hereby notify that in case of non-payment of payment for the second semester of the 2016/2017 academic year until April 24, 2017 the following correspondence students of the correspondence faculty will be expelled from the university due to violation of contractual obligations - (information updated 04/21/2017)

    06.04.17. Announcement for correspondence students who have been reinstated or transferred to correspondence or to MADI from other universities from May 2016 to March 2017, go to the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty and familiarize themselves with the re-certification and re-credit protocols and receive assignments on academic debts. The deadline for submitting debts (academic differences in plans) is set until June 30, 2017. Students who have not eliminated the difference in plans (upon reinstatement, transfer) before June 30, 2017 will be expelled for academic failure. In order to check your debts, you can use a special service -

    03.04.17. Attention! The dean's office asks students to familiarize themselves with the notice of inclusion in the draft order of expulsion for violating the terms of the contract as not paying for tuition in the 2nd semester of the 2016-2107 academic year. You can sign the notification sheet at the dean's office of the correspondence faculty. If you have paid for your tuition, please submit copies of payment documents to the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty (Osadchuk Olga Nikolaevna) -

    02.03.17. In accordance with Order No. 357st dated February 20, 2017, students of the correspondence (session) form of education were transferred back to the correspondence faculty! Message from the Dean of the Correspondence Faculty Karagodin Viktor Ivanovich - ()

    15.02.17. The class schedule for the spring semester of the 2016/2017 academic year has been updated for groups of “weekend” students of the correspondence faculty - ()

    01.02.17. The schedule for the spring semester of the 2016/2017 academic year is available for weekend groups - ().

    19.01.17. On the “Information for Students” page, a section “Electronic information and educational environment” has been added (see).

    30.12.16. The current schedule for December 30, 2016 for the winter session is available on the MADI website (). Please review as changes have been made! From 01/09/2017, all operational changes to the schedule will be published (). Please stay tuned for ongoing changes!

    17.10.16. Due to increased security measures, admission to the territory of MADI for students of the correspondence faculty is carried out ONLY with a student card (pass by phone is no longer provided)! Please take into account and do not forget your student cards!

    14.10.16. Schedule of work of commissions for accepting academic debts (download).

    10/13/16. Notice of expulsion due to breach of contractual obligations. Please read (download).

    19.09.16. Schedule of classes for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (weekend groups) from 09.24.16 to 10.29.16 *(download). The schedule for the rest of the semester will be available at a later date.

    05.09.16. Lists of groups of correspondence faculty students enrolled in the first year in 2016 (download).

    19.08.16. Announcement for students enrolled in the first year of the correspondence faculty regarding the organizational meeting, issuance of student cards and the start of classes! (download )

    29.06.16. ATTENTION! When filling out an internship agreement, carefully fill in the name of the area of ​​training and the duration of the internship. You can view the correct name of the training area and practice dates for your group

    21.06.16. Order on the procedure for eliminating academic debts by students for the 2015/2016 academic year with explanations (download).

    14.06.16. Information on practice dates has been updated in accordance with the educational process schedule -.

    03.06.16. Schedule of tests and exams for groups of correspondence students of all faculties (download).

    18.05.16. ATTENTION TO ALL CORRESPONDENCE STUDENTS OF ALL FACULTIES! Announcement on the organization of summer educational and industrial practice(download ). Please read carefully!

    27.04.16. Dates of the summer examination session for part-time students of all faculties (download).

    12.04.16. From 04/08/16, in order to improve the quality of education, groups of students of the classical correspondence course of study were transferred to the contingent of the main faculties. The distribution of student groups by faculties is presented in the attached file (download). Students are asked to contact the dean's office of the relevant faculty with any questions!

    03.03.16. In connection with the change in the name of the university and the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education in certain areas, information for graduate students of the correspondence faculty in 2016 has been updated (announcement dated 02/09/16) (download).

    02.03.16. ATTENTION!!! In connection with the entry into force of the updated Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, all students must write applications for the transition from the educational program of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education to the same educational program Federal State Educational Standard VO! In the absence of such applications, we will not be able to issue you state-issued diplomas! Detailed information and application samples are provided in the attached file (download).

    29.02.16. Order of expulsion No. 410st dated February 24, 2016 (download).

    20.02.16. Schedule of classes for the spring semester of the 2015/2016 academic year for students of urban cycle groups ("weekend") (download).

    11.02.16. Announcement for students of the 6ZEp group! State exam for students of group 6ЗЭп specialty 080502 “Economics and management in an enterprise (transport)” will take place on February 20, 2016, at 16:00, room. 303.

    09.02.16. Information for graduate students of the correspondence faculty in 2016. Please read carefully! (download ).

    29.01.16. Due to the postponement of holidays and holidays in 2016, the start of classes for the 2nd semester of the 2015/2016 academic year for groups of urban cycle students (weekend) is postponed from 02/20/16 to 02/27/16. The availability of the class schedule for the 2nd semester of the 2015/2016 academic year will be announced additionally.

    Schedule of the winter laboratory examination session for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (download).

    04.12.15. Due to increased security measures, admission to the territory of MADI for students of the correspondence faculty is carried out ONLY with a student card (pass by phone is no longer provided)!

    We kindly ask you to have your student ID with you, otherwise you will not be able to enter the MADI territory!

    11/16/15. Dates of the winter session for groups of students 2ZbDs2 (Bal), 3ZbDs2 (Bal) (download).

    Dates of the winter examination and laboratory session and the beginning and end of the spring semester of the 2015/2016 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (download)

    03.11.15. The information in the section For students - Academic process schedules has been updated. Added schedules of the educational process for the first semester of the 2015/2016 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty.

    10/14/15. Class schedule for groups of correspondence faculty students studying in the urban cycle system (weekend) from 11/14/15 to 12/26/15 (download )

    10/14/15. Class schedule for groups of correspondence faculty students transferred from VTU and enrolled in separate groups 2ZbDs2 (Bal) and 3ZbDs2 (Bal) (download)

    14.10.15. Due to renovation work in the premises of the dean's office of the correspondence faculty, the entrance to the dean's office from 10/14/15 will be through another porch. Scheme of access to the dean's office of the correspondence faculty from 10/14/15 (download)

    28.09.15. Schedule of classes for the orientation session (05.10.15 - 17.10.15) for groups of students of the correspondence faculty:

    Weekly schedule 05.10.15 - 11.10.15 (download)
    - Schedule for the week 10/12/15 - 10/18/15 (download)

    25.09.15. Dates of the orientation session for students transferred from the Military Technical University and enrolled in separate groups 2ZbDs2 (Bal), 3ZbDs2 (Bal):

    2ZbDs2 (Bal) 10/19/15 - 10/31/15.
    - 3ZbDs2 (Bal) 10/21/15 - 11/07/15.

    The class schedule will be available one week before the start of the session.

    15.09.15. The organizational meeting with correspondence faculty students enrolled in the first year, studying according to the urban cycle system (weekend), will take place on September 21, 2015 at 18:00 in the Assembly Hall of MADI (on the 3rd floor of the main building).

    15.09.15. schedule of classes for groups of students of the correspondence faculty studying according to the urban cycle system (weekend) from 09/21/15 to 11/07/15 (download).

    14.09.15. Lists of groups of correspondence faculty students enrolled in the first year:

    Students using the classical correspondence session system (download);
    - students studying under the urban cycle system ("weekend") (download).

    14.09.15. Schedule of classes for the orientation session (21.09.15 - 03.10.15) for groups of students of the correspondence faculty:

    Schedule for the week 09/21/15 - 09/27/15 (download);
    - Schedule for the week 09/28/15 - 10/04/15 (download).

    02.09.2015. Announcement for students of group 3ZmU!

    The meeting on pre-graduation practice will take place on 09/03/2015 at 9:00, room. 511l.

    28.08.15. Announcement for students of the correspondence faculty enrolled in the 1st year.

    You can obtain student cards, which serve as a pass to the territory of MADI, at the dean’s office of the correspondence faculty. Before receiving a student card to enter the MADI territory, you must have your passport with you!

    The general organizational meeting with students studying under the classical correspondence session system will take place on the first day of the orientation session; the time and place will be specified in the class schedule, which will be available a week before the start of the session.

    The general organizational meeting with students studying in the correspondence system of the city cycle (“weekend”) will take place on September 21, 2015 at 18:00 in the Assembly Hall of MADI (on the 3rd floor of the main building). Lists of first-year students by group will be available a week before the start of classes.

    16.07.15. Memo for applicants to the correspondence faculty in 2015 (download). The memo provides comprehensive information about the conditions of enrollment, and also indicates when training begins, where and when the class schedule and the announcement of the organizational meeting of first-year students will be posted, where and when student cards and grade books will be issued.

    23.06.15. The dates of the autumn orientation session for students of the correspondence faculty studying in the classical correspondence system, as well as the start and end dates of the autumn semester for students in the “weekend” system in the 2015/2016 academic year (download).

    23.06.15. Instruction for applicants to the correspondence faculty of MADI (download).

    23.06.15 The deadline for accepting applications for reinstatement and transfer to the correspondence faculty of MADI is 08/24/15 - 09/11/15.
    Please note that to transfer from another university to MADI you must be registered as a student! Reinstatement of students who did not study at the correspondence faculty for transfer to another university is not carried out!

    15.06.15 Schedule of tests and exams for the summer examination session of the 2014/2015 academic year for groups of students of the correspondence faculty (download)

    27.04.15. ANNOUNCEMENT for students of "weekend" groups!!!


    Due to the postponement of weekends and holidays, May 11, 2015 has been declared NOT WORKING, therefore the SCHEDULE of classes scheduled for May 11, 2015 is CHANGING!

    Detailed information is available on the correspondence faculty page "