Main technical characteristics of a fire pump. Hydrant stand Fire pumps types of device technical characteristics

Need for testing

Testing of fire-fighting equipment, which undoubtedly includes hydrants, is an obligatory part of preventive work, during which various problems that can lead to tragedy can be discovered and subsequently eliminated. When checking a hydrant, first of all, pay attention to its proper supply of water. There is a pressure gauge on the barrel of the water meter, the readings of which also need to be checked periodically. These inspections are carried out every 6 months and only in the warm season. Temperature and climatic factors are regulated by GOST 15150. When checking a hydrant, the following items are subject to inspection: the sign indicating the equipment, the nipple thread, the hydrant body itself and the drain channel. The ability of the hydrant to release water is carried out during heaviest load. It is also important to check the radius covered by the equipment, which should be sufficient for normal maintenance of the objects assigned to it. After testing with a fire hydrant, a report must be drawn up, which remains with the owner of the facility (the building served by the hydrant).

When checking internal fire water supply systems, special attention is paid to fire hydrants and flywheels. Fire hydrants must be in good working order, because... they are an important element of the entire fire protection system. The diameter of fire hydrants should be similar to the diameter of the valves used. When checking, pay attention to the level of water flow required to extinguish the fire (fire) and the height of the jet. The data obtained during the tests must fit into the SNiP standard 2.04.01-85. Such work is carried out either before putting the hydrant into operation, or after repair work. Testing is an important part of any fire protection system because... it allows you to promptly identify equipment malfunctions and eliminate them. Any inspection of fire-fighting equipment always begins with an external inspection to identify external problems. If an external inspection of the hydrant does not reveal any malfunctions, then a column is placed on it, after which the water is started and pumped out of the riser. As a rule, any work on the plumbing network requires a permit, but fire officials do not need one.

Hydrant operation

It is very important to follow all the rules when using a hydrant, because... if it breaks down, there may be no access to water, which is fraught with serious consequences. Before starting work with a hydrant, a warning sign is installed, which should be well lit at night. If work is carried out at sub-zero temperatures, then after completion, the remaining water in the riser must be drained into the drain hole to prevent freezing and icing of the hydrant. Before working with a hydrant winter time employees must be notified about this water service. To gain access to the fire hydrant, you must open the well hatch. This can be done using a crowbar or a special hook. IMPORTANT to know that various gases can accumulate in wells; for this reason, smoking is strictly prohibited in wells. Before installing a dispenser on the hydrant, all valves must be closed. When the column is installed, it is necessary to open the hydrant valve, which will be accompanied by the noise of filling water. All work on the hydrant must be carried out only by specialists.

By using fire pump KPA open or close an underground hydrant located in a well. A hose line is connected to the outlet pipes of the fire column, through which water is delivered to the source of the fire.

The KPA fire stand consists of a body that has a threaded ring at the bottom for screwing it onto an underground fire hydrant. A tee is bolted to the upper part of the column body, onto two pipes of which connecting pressure heads are screwed, as well as shut-off valves. A pressure wrench passes through the KPA column, designed to open the hydrant valve. The fire column valves are blocked due to the fact that when the pressure pipe is open, the valve handwheel does not allow the handle of the central key to be rotated. The column should be removed only when the hydrant valve is completely closed.

The principle of operation of the KPA fire column:

  • The fire dispenser KPA is installed on the hydrant so that the square end of the hydrant rod fits into the square coupling of the dispenser's socket wrench.
  • The KPA fire column is screwed onto the hydrant by rotating its body clockwise (the socket wrench does not turn).
  • Then the hydrant valve opens (with the column valves closed) by rotating the socket wrench counterclockwise (the hydrant valve opens completely at 10-14 turns of the socket wrench) and water from the water supply network enters the cavity of the fire column.
  • After connecting the hoses to the nozzles of the fire column, the valves open and water from the fire column enters the hose line.

Hook for opening the hydrant cover Used to simplify opening the fire hydrant well cover. Made of steel. L=530 mm, d=10 mm.

100 rub.

The main purpose, design and principle of operation of the fire pump is to provide the required volume of water by connecting to a centralized water supply system. In this case, the device, in fact, is a kind of valve that regulates the pressure and provides the possibility of obtaining additional functions.


The technical characteristics of fire pumps allow you to perform the following actions necessary when extinguishing fires:
Open and close a hydrant located underground without the need to descend into sewer wells.
Regulate the pressure of the incoming liquid. Capacity up to 70 l/s. Working pressure 1 MPa.
Ensure fluid flow from the fire truck into the hose.

The technical conditions of GOST 7499 95 imply that the installation of the control unit will be carried out using threaded connection. How is installation carried out in practice?
The Ministry of Emergency Situations team, who arrived on call, opens the fire well located on the sidewalk and screws the column onto the hydrant.
Fire hoses are connected to the KPA column using flanges located in the upper part of the device.
Using the top valve, the water supply mode is adjusted. The fluid can be pumped from a fire truck or supplied to two outlets with hoses attached.
The valves on each flange open.

The pressure and water pressure are adjusted for each outlet separately.

The purpose of the column and the procedure for use are regulated by GOST 7499 95. The minimum requirements are also indicated there. technical requirements requirements for CPA.


fire pump cabinet with hoses The fire pump is intended exclusively for extinguishing fires, as well as cleaning and maintenance of water pipelines. The design of the KPA column is, in fact, a complex valve design. During regular maintenance, the tightness of connections is checked and throughput valves.

The installation standard defines the following requirements:

  • Hydraulic resistance - maximum value no more than 10 units.
  • Water flow through the column - with the valves fully open, the liquid should flow at a speed of 70 l/s; closed shut-off valves ensure complete sealing of the device.
  • Installation in a water well - performed using a threaded connection. The block is screwed onto a fire hydrant. The water supply is fully opened after 10-14 turns of the socket wrench.
  • Working pressure 1 MPa.
  • The body is painted red.

If at least one of the listed conditions does not meet, maintenance is carried out.

An urgent need when extinguishing fires is: the need to change the water supply mode, change the pressure and pressure depending on the fire extinguishing tactics used.

To determine the reliability of the dispensers used, equipment must be tested with a control water intake. During the study, the throughput of the control unit, the tightness of the valves and threaded connections are checked. Additionally, the ability to regulate water pressure and liquid flow per minute is tested.

Today, many different stands for hydrants from various manufacturers are produced and the products are made from various materials, from steel, cast iron, from polyethylene pipes and other materials. All of them have standard fastenings for a fire hydrant and are designed to attach its underground part to an industrial water supply. Welded supports are welded to water pipe and then a hydrant and a water intake column are installed on the stand.

Flanges for mounting

Steel flanges are available for installation of fire standpipes and hydrants. On sale is a set of bolts for mounting the flange and hydrant to the stand.

Socket wrench for opening hydrant

The key is designed to open and adjust the water pressure from the hydrant to the kpa column.

Hook for opening hydrant covers, manholes and wells

The hook is designed to open the cover of a sewer well for the installation of a fire hydrant.

GOST 8220-85

(look full version document is possible)

UDC 621.643.52:614.843:006.354 Group G88




Underground fire hydrants. Specifications

Date of introduction 01/01/87


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated 02.09.85 No. 283

3. INSTEAD GOST 8220-62


Item number

Item number

GOST 2.601-95

GOST 9013-59

GOST 9.032-74

GOST 10354-82

GOST 9.104-79

GOST 13837-79


GOST 14167-83

GOST 12.2.037-78

GOST 15150-69

Introductory part; 6.1; 7.4

GOST 12.3.006-75

GOST 15151-69

Introductory part

GOST 12.4.009-83

GOST 16093-81

GOST 18140-84

GOST 18321-73

GOST 18924-73

GOST 1020-97

GOST 24297-87

GOST 1412-85


GOST 2405-88

GOST 24738-81

GOST 25347-82

GOST 5525-88

Introductory part; 8.1

GOST 26358-84

GOST 5632-72

GOST 26645-85

GOST 6357-81

GOST 29329-92

GOST 7338-90

TU 2-034-225-87

GOST 7499-71

Introductory part; 2.8; 6.16

TU 25-1819.0021-90

GOST 7502-98

TU 25-1894.003-90

5. The validity period was removed by Gosstandart Decree No. 1174 dated June 28, 1991

6. EDITION (August 2002) with Change No. 1, approved in June (IUS No. 9 1988)

This standard applies to underground fire hydrants installed in the water supply network on a fire stand in accordance with GOST 5525 for water extraction using fire pumps in accordance with GOST 7499 and manufactured for the needs of national economy and export.

Hydrants must be manufactured in versions U and T, placement category 5, for atmosphere type II in accordance with GOST 15150 and GOST 15151.

Fire pump KPA is always available in stock.

A fire column KPA (GOST 7499 DSTU 2801-94) is screwed onto the upper threaded end of the hydrant. The column regulates the supply of water from the water supply, and also has outlets for connecting fire hoses to it and supplying water to the source of the fire or the pump of a fire truck.

2 fire hoses with a diameter of 77 mm with connecting heads GR-80 are connected to the KPA column

The KPA column is screwed onto the upper threaded end of the fire hydrant

Operating principle

The operating principle of the KPA fire pump is based on opening and closing the fire hydrant valve to supply water from the water supply. The KPA column is installed on the fire hydrant so that the square key at the bottom of the column fits into the square end of the hydrant rod. The fire hose is screwed onto the hydrant by rotating its body clockwise (the socket wrench does not turn). After this, the hydrant valve opens (with the column valves closed) by rotating the socket wrench counterclockwise (the hydrant valve opens completely at 10-14 turns of the socket wrench) and water from the water supply network enters the cavity of the fire column. After connecting the hoses to the nozzles of the fire column, the valves open and water from the fire column enters the hose line.

KPA column device

Fire hydrants

Fire pump KPA is always available in stock. A fire column KPA (GOST 7499 DSTU 2801-94) is screwed onto the upper threaded end of the hydrant. The column regulates the supply of water from the water supply system, and also has outlets for connecting fire hoses to it and supplying water to the source of the fire or the pump of a fire truck. The KPA column is connected to 2 fire hoses with a diameter of 77 mm with GR-80 connecting heads. The KPA column is screwed onto the upper threaded end of the fire hydrant. Operating principle The operating principle of the KPA fire column is based on opening and closing the fire hydrant valve in order to supply water from the water supply. The KPA column is installed on the fire hydrant so that the square key at the bottom of the column fits into the square end of the hydrant rod. The fire hose is screwed onto the hydrant by rotating its body clockwise (the socket wrench does not turn). After this, the hydrant valve opens (with the column valves closed) by rotating the socket wrench counterclockwise (the hydrant valve opens completely at 10-14 turns of the socket wrench) and water from the water supply network enters the cavity of the fire column. After connecting the hoses to the nozzles of the fire column, the valves open and water from the fire column enters the hose line. Construction of the KPA column Fire hydrants

Working pressure – 1.0 MPa (10 kgf/cm2);

Conditional passages:

inlet pipe – 125 mm;

outlet pipes – 80 mm;

The opening and closing force of locking devices at operating pressure is 450 N (45 kgf);

The torque on the handle of the socket wrench when it rotates (without pressure) is 20 N.m (2 kgf.m);


length (according to the fangs of the connecting heads) – 430 mm

width (along the speaker body) – 190 mm

height – 1090 mm

Weight – 16 kg.

To draw water from the water supply network, a fire stand is installed on the fire hydrant. Pressure-suction fire hoses are connected to it and the pump of the fire truck (through the water collector) (one pressure hose is allowed, and the other is pressure-suction). Then, by smoothly rotating the fire pump socket wrench handle counterclockwise, open the hydrant valve. By rotating the handwheels of the fire column head counterclockwise, the valves of the pressure pipes of the column are opened. After this, water from the water supply network flows through the hydrant, standpipe and fire hoses into the pump of the fire truck. Close the hydrant valve in the reverse order with the valves of the dispenser pressure pipes closed. When removing (unscrewing) the fire column, its socket wrench must be stationary. The remaining water in the hydrant riser must drain through the drain hole. If the drain hole is clogged or closed, after finishing work in the winter, water from the fire hydrant riser can be removed (pumped out) using a fire pump foam mixer (working as when taking foam concentrate from an external container).

In the absence or low productivity of a water supply system, a non-piped water supply is used for fire extinguishing.

Non-pipe water supply is carried out from natural (rivers, lakes, seas, etc.) and artificial (ponds, reservoirs) water sources. Natural water sources, compared to artificial ones, have the advantage of an almost inexhaustible supply of water. However, there are also disadvantages - it is not always possible to freely and quickly withdraw water from them due to high, steep or swampy banks. To ensure reliable water intake, natural and artificial water sources are equipped with fire entrances or piers (see Fig. 5.33) capable of withstanding the load of fire trucks.

The access area (pier) is located no higher than 5 m from the level of the low water horizon (LWH) and above the horizon high waters(GVV) by at least 0.7 m. Piles and load-bearing beams of the site are made of wood, reinforced concrete and metal. The width of the platform flooring must be at least 4 - 4.5 m, with a slope towards the shore and have a strong side fence 0.7 - 0.8 m high. At a distance of 1.5 m from the longitudinal edge of the platform, a thrust beam with a section of not less than 25x25 cm. If the water depth is less than 1 m (taking into account freezing in winter), a pit (pit) is constructed at the point where it is collected. In winter, to ensure quick water intake, non-freezing ice holes are installed near entrances and piers (at water intake points). To do this, a wooden barrel is frozen into the ice so that most of its height is below the bottom surface of the ice (see Fig. 5.34).

The barrel is filled with insulating material, closed with an upper bottom and a lid, and covered with snow. The location of the fire hole is indicated by a sign. Before drawing water, it is necessary to remove the lid and the upper bottom of the barrel, remove the insulation from it and knock out the lower bottom.

If it is impossible to access the water source (swampy banks, etc.), gravity (receiving) wells are installed (see Fig. 5.35), connected to the water source by gravity pipelines.

Gravity wells have dimensions of at least 0.8×0.8 m in plan. They are made of concrete or stone and equipped with two covers, the space between which is filled with insulating material in winter to protect water from freezing. The well is connected to the water source by a gravity pipe with a diameter of at least 200 mm. The end of the pipe on the side of the water source is located at least 0.5 m above the bottom and at least 1 m below the low water horizon. The intake end of the pipe is protected metal mesh preventing the entry of foreign objects. The depth of water in the well must be at least 1.5 m. The gravity well is provided with free access, designed for the simultaneous installation of two fire trucks.

If it is not possible to use natural water sources for fire extinguishing, construction of fire reservoirs is provided: digging ponds or reservoir reservoirs (see Fig. 5.36).

Reservoir reservoirs are more permanent structures than trench reservoirs and are more reliable in operation. Reservoir reservoirs can be of different types

forms. Their depth ranges from two to five meters. Each tank has a 0.6x0.6 m hatch with a double lid and a ventilation pipe. The hatch is used for water intake by fire fighting equipment and for inspection of the tank. A pit with a depth of at least 0.4 m is provided under the hatch. The bottom of the tank must have a slope towards the pit. The capacity of fire reservoirs is based on extinguishing fires within three hours.

If direct collection of water from a fire reservoir is difficult, receiving wells are installed, which in design resemble the gravity wells discussed earlier. In this case, in front of the receiving well, on the connecting pipeline (its minimum diameter is also 200 mm), a well with a valve is installed, the steering wheel of which is located under the manhole cover.

Water must be drawn from each fire reservoir by at least two fire pumps. Driveways with turning areas for fire trucks measuring at least 12×12 m are arranged to reservoirs and receiving wells. Illuminated (fluorescent) indicator signs are installed at the location of fire reservoirs and gravity wells, on which symbols indicate the type of water source, and the water supply in digital values m3 and the number of fire trucks that can be installed at the same time.