Projects. Projects Pilot:plm - automated management system for engineering data and product life cycle

An online resource that will help you significantly save time on learning the KOMPAS-3D Home system and other ASCON products.

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Training on software products ASCON is conducted by all ASCON regional offices and partners with certified teachers on staff. Also, certified courses on ASCON methods can be taken at, organized on the basis educational institutions. All students who successfully complete the courses are issued certificates of the established form.

You can undergo training in the following areas:

Course name Number of academic
Training program

KOMPAS-3D - three-dimensional modeling system

New features of KOMPAS-3D V16 4
Design and development of design documentation in the KOMPAS-Graphic system 32
Three-dimensional modeling of parts and assembly units in the KOMPAS-3D system 32
Administration of KOMPAS-3D 16
Design methods in KOMPAS-3D 24
Methodology for designing harnesses in the KOMPAS-3D system 3
Pipeline design technologies 24
Properties and reports in KOMPAS-3D 8
Design of metal structures in the KOMPAS-3D system. Appendix "Equipment: Metal structures" 16
Element design mechanical gears using the “KOMPAS-3D: Mechanics” kit 16
Construction design in KOMPAS-Graphic 32
Construction design in KOMPAS-3D 32
Design of plans for buildings and structures 4
Design of reinforced concrete and metal structures 4
Design of electrical lighting and power supply systems 4

VERTICAL - automated process design system

CAD TP VERTICAL. User course 32
CAD TP VERTICAL. Administrator course 40

LOTSMAN:KB - automated design management system and electronic archive of design documentation

LOTSMAN:KB. User course 8

LOTSMAN:PLM - automated management system for engineering data and product life cycle

PILOTS:PLM. User course for engineering data management system and product life cycle in design pre-production 24
PILOTS:PLM. User course for engineering data management system and product life cycle in technological preparation of production 16
Engineering data and product life cycle management system administrator course LOTSMAN:PLM 48

Pilot-ICE - project organization management system

Pilot-ICE. User course 8

Pavel Grekov
executive director
"Ascona" company

Over the past seven years, Askona has accumulated enormous experience in the field of enterprise management and has an impressive collection of successful retail cases in its portfolio. Until recently, our connections, no matter how wide they were, were limited, for the most part, to the furniture community. At the same time, Askona has always had a desire to share knowledge with the outside circle. We want to involve as many entrepreneurs from a variety of industries as possible into our orbit. And, in our opinion, it is most correct to do this on the basis of the company’s educational center. Over the past two years, we have been actively reforming it and turning it into a kind of club for those who want to develop and grow professionally.

Remotely and continuously

Like any company involved in large wholesale and franchising, Askona pays serious attention to the training system for employees and partners. The training center and electronic portal for coordinating educational services have been operating for quite a long time. At the end of 2015, we decided to expand the powers of the “training” and made this structure more open - this is how the “Corporate Center for Personnel and Business Development” appeared. Inside the company we call it in English - learning center. But on Facebook you can find us as “Askona Training Center”, where you can also get information about upcoming events.

The updated center is working a little more than a year. The cornerstone of this structure is electronic educational portal, which all our partners have access to today. Before the official opening of the training center, the portal’s collection of materials was aimed at training line personnel - employees of the stores of our franchisees and wholesale partners. Today, the Askona Training Center is represented by two online directions. The first includes a wide variety of practices and modules for self-study. The second is represented by proprietary courses and webinars taught by Askona trainers. There are real masters among them.

Electronic practical courses and programs are separated by sales channels, as well as by specific tasks and specializations. Ascona's trading partners, Hilding Anders franchisees and wholesale partners have their own websites. All employees of retail companies, who are supervised by the Askona manager who is responsible for the local training process, have access to the materials. He ensures that courses and certifications are carried out according to the standard at least once a quarter, and upon request they can be carried out at least every day.

Basic information is posted in the methodological office. Users are provided with a comprehensive toolkit: training manuals (presentations) on specific products, videos, sales technique scripts for specific products, information letters, declarations of product conformity, certificates, assembly diagrams commercial equipment, a workshop on the basics of effective store management, the latest edition of the consumer rights law.

The current training program for retail specialists involves three practical stages, at each of which the required number of lessons is determined and criteria for online certification are set. An employee can be examined right in the store. The system itself will give him a final grade, depending on the points scored. The calculation is carried out on a 100-point scale, taking into account the number of completed online webinars. As soon as a specialist passes all the stages (and the training program is designed for 9-12 months), he has the opportunity to participate in personal training from TOP managers of the Askona company. This, I must say, is an excellent motivator. Believe me, the top officials of Askona know how to motivate for success. In April, for example, personal training “Business with meaning”, designed for managers, was conducted by the founder of Askona, Vladimir Sedov. The feedback and reaction from the audience was beyond all expectations.

The work of the portals is absolutely transparent. If an account has not been active for a month, the system blocks it. In order to continue training, the partner needs to recover the password. This algorithm allows us to monitor the demand for educational services and the intensity of the training itself. To my joy, over the past year and a half, the number of restored accounts has decreased to 5 units per month, and Askona now has more than 2,500 partners, and each has from 10 to 100 employees. Plus partner retail networks with a solid staff - at least a thousand people each.

Partners whose managers are registered on the portal can, upon request, carry out scheduled or unscheduled certification of employees. We, in turn, regularly create summary tables of training by region. Dealers thus have information about where their employees are in the ranking in terms of qualifications and knowledge. Let's say, in June of this year, the Ryazan franchise salon Hilding Anders became a leader. And the salon from Michurinsk is in the lead in Askonov’s franchise network.

Our electronic academy works well, system is well developed distance learning for line personnel. But we continue to form a complete base of training courses. At the moment, we want to achieve deeper involvement of business owners themselves in the educational process. An enhanced cyclical program for directors, managers and store owners is currently being developed. At the same time, the possibility of attracting entrepreneurs from related industries to this resource is being considered.

Close contacts outdoors

In addition to online learning, there is another, no less important, area of ​​activity of the teaching center - offline education. Askona trainers regularly visit regional partners to conduct full-scale training of their teams on site, identify areas that require improvement in staff performance, and correct system errors. We have a standard training program that covers all aspects of a retail company’s activities, and there are what are called out of the box programs that a business owner can order from our specialists for his personal needs. The training is prepared on a topic specified by the partner and is conducted at a time convenient for the trainer. By the way, there is a queue for programs from especially talented and efficient corporate trainers - their trainings are ordered almost six months in advance. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that on an individual basis, trainers can advise our partners not only in the mattress area. In most cases, these seminars cover all aspects of the retail business.

As part of the corporate programs of the Askona Training Center, original trainings were conducted by Maxim Batyrev, Igor Mann, Dmitry Norka, Evgeny Zhigiliy, Igor Ryzov. By the end of the year we plan to arrange performances by Radislav Gandapas and Gleb Arkhangelsky.

“Star” trainings imply not only a broader view of business as professional sphere activities. They also form a circle of like-minded people, introduce and unite people who want to communicate in the same language and, possibly, implement joint projects. That is why we are interested in making our events as accessible as possible to all interested entrepreneurs and businessmen.

This year, about two hundred partners and colleagues attended Ascona’s “star” seminars. A lot of interesting things await the training participants ahead. The Askona Training Center maintains contacts with all speakers and business trainers included in the Russian TOP-20. Perhaps over time we will begin to invite foreign consulting stars.

“Ascona,” I want to note, does not earn anything from these events. The ticket price includes the speaker's fee and operating expenses: hall rental, two coffee breaks and lunch. At the same time, the cost of participation turns out to be several times lower than, say, in Moscow or large regional centers.

We conduct all classes and trainings in Dobrograd. A comfortable four-star hotel was put into operation here in June. Today we are ready to work with audiences from 10 to 700 people. If necessary, we can accommodate up to one and a half thousand listeners - the Dobrograd venues allow this.

People come to us for knowledge, impressions, emotions. In addition, many are interested in seeing with their own eyes the first private city in Russia, invented by Vladimir Sedov. Now Dobrograd is actively developing new facilities. There are beautiful views, fresh air and an amazing friendly atmosphere. We also feed our guests deliciously - the chef of the best Dobrograd restaurant, “The Stork’s Nest,” creates real gastronomic miracles, so no one has ever left us hungry. Many training participants prefer to stay in Dobrograd for a couple of weekends. And, believe me, there is something to have fun here.

At the end of each event, we collect feedback from listeners and try to make the next program even more interesting and exciting. For those who want to receive information about Ascona’s educational events, we invite you to contact us at email. Let me note right away that we do not send spam, only surveys on training topics and announcements of the next meetings.

The Pixel Plus company has created a portal for training and advanced training of personnel for the Ascona company engaged in the production and sale of orthopedic mattresses and sleep accessories.
The website implements an employee certification system, a seller rating system, a training schedule, an online communication system and notifications about events and competitions.

Success stories

Non-state pension fund electric power industry was founded in 1994, it is one of the top 10 non-state pension funds in Russia. In 2010, to work with corporate clients, at the request of the Electric Power Industry Non-State Pension Fund, AREALIDEA developed a turnkey CRM system. Four years later, this was not enough.
Tyumen TSUM is a shopping complex in the city center with an area of ​​35,600 sq. m. m. (GBA) with customer traffic of 5 million people per year. Rental and own business. Product range: 250,000 SKU.
« Total dictation" - This educational project, which helps test your knowledge of the Russian language.
The new website was supposed to become a convenient resource where you can easily and quickly obtain information about the projects of the United Metallurgical Company. The AIC+QSOFT alliance was chosen to implement the project. The developers advised making a website on the 1C-Bitrix CMS - they already had projects in their portfolio for large companies created on this platform.
How to put on a conveyor belt the automatic production of balloons with a personal design and avoid human errors? The managers of the Veselaya Zateya chain of stores entrusted this key business process to the 1C-Bitrix website management system and the developers from ANIART. After complete reconstruction, the new online store began to bring in more than 100 orders per day, which exceeded all expectations.
For recent years topic healthy image life is increasingly raised in the media and actively supported in the corporate sector. People are beginning to give preference to natural foods, exercise and drink purified water. An important role in this was played by the Ukrainian company Ecosoft, which has developed dozens of alternative solutions for water purification systems and supplies them to 46 countries around the world. They managed to place on one online platform the entire product catalog, a water quality map, detailed documentation for all solutions, unique product cards with client cases, online support and launch full-fledged B2B sales.
In December 2015, the management of Ivashka decided to create a single website for all branches, with common system accounting and analytics and a unified design, and connect it with the enterprise management system. The development of the new website was undertaken by the studio. They also made previous versions of the site for the company. There was no doubt about the choice of CMS. The developers had used 1C-Bitrix before, but this time they chose the Enterprise version - it had more functions that were important for large businesses.
For the past eight years, our website has been running on an outdated CMS without support. Slow loading of site pages, lack of mobile version, problems of line employees (not developers) with interaction with the CMS — all this limited the potential of our company. We decided that the website of the market leader must meet all modern requirements that apply to it as search engines, as well as users — employees and clients.
The resource was tasked with effectively broadcasting corporate and product information. It was necessary to convincingly and emotionally talk about the developer. Show history, experience, business reputation brand. It was also important to effectively present the projects under construction: to provide comprehensive information and allay buyers’ concerns.
One of the pioneers of online sales of Apple products in Russia was the specialized store re:Store. Over the years, the company has consolidated several of these sites, and its revenue from online sales is growing at an astronomical rate. The reason for their success is the technological platform, which was able to unite online stores that were very different in nature into a single whole.
The Kiev department store "Detsky Mir" has grown to become the largest trading platform for children's stores in Ukraine and is not going to stop. But over the course of 6 years, the planned online project turned from a functional website into an old-fashioned resource that no longer attracted clients. Having reconsidered the possibilities of online business, the company relaunched the online store on a new platform and increased its traffic by 11 times.
In a rapidly changing world, every minute is precious. But how to fill it with positive emotions? The owners of the online store KAANNI found the answer in the creation and sale of handmade decorative pillows. They convey the warmth of the hands and soul of the masters who create them. Such a gift acquires special value, evokes warm memories every time a hand touches or a glance falls.
Land Rover is a legendary car brand that Landstore has been working with for many years. They not only know a lot about repairing and servicing these cars, but are also actively involved in selling original auto parts for all models starting from 1995. Land Rover owners know how to value the quality of products and services. Therefore, the company always tries to take care of its customers and wants to offer the most convenient and high-quality online service to both individual users and wholesale partner companies.
“Spend a weekend away from the bustle of the city and civilization, in an ecologically clean place surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, and enjoy nature.” This is exactly what one of the most popular desires of every second city resident sounds like. And I really want someone to take care of all the hassle of booking, leaving only the feeling of a good holiday. With the help of a new website, the mountain hotel “Karpatski Polonyny” made this dream come true and began selling it to its clients. After moving to the new platform, mobile traffic increased by 48%.
To make a significant profit, it is not at all necessary to spend money on signs, display windows and crowds of service personnel. The online store of children's goods Esky on the 1C-Bitrix platform can compete with offline networks. This became possible after optimizing the operation of the warehouse and delivery service. In seven years, the project reached the federal level. He took a significant part of the clients from the multi-channel business and did not spend a single ruble on organizing his own physical network.
One of the most successful segments for online sales is shoes. The Obuv Rossii group of companies has thought through a detailed concept for the development of Internet business and one by one launched several of its brands onto the Internet. The efforts were not in vain; the website of the online store on the 1C-Bitrix platform is visited monthly by more than 100 thousand people.