Product neighborhood: what products cannot be stored on one shelf. What cannot be stored in the house! Why you cannot leave paintings from the previous owners

Making your home a real fortress and a place that brings not only relaxation, but also charges you with strength is not only possible, but also necessary. To do this, it is important to promptly get rid of things that accumulate negative energy.

A common cause of domestic discord is pollution of energy flows. If your home has ceased to bring joy, has become a place where negative emotions predominate, and fatigue only accumulates, pay attention to things. Perhaps they are the sources of your mental and physical discomfort.

Old wardrobe items

Clothing is the most likely source of negative energy. Famous psychic Fatima Khadueva spoke about the energy of old things. They are able to preserve people's emotions, so things in which you suffered failure or trouble must be disposed of. This also applies to damaged clothes: old and torn shoes will not bring life to life. financial well-being. Carefully go through your wardrobe and get rid of unnecessary items - this way you can cleanse the energy of your home and at the same time get rid of unnecessary junk clogging up the space.

Crockery and kitchen utensils

Any housewife knows that plates and cups with chips do not look aesthetically pleasing and are collected large number microbes In addition, these items have powerful negative energy and influence your future destiny. The brownie, the keeper of family comfort, will not help careless people whose house is filled with old and unusable frying pans, pots and deposits of broken dishes, which are set aside for possible future use. Feel free to get rid of everything that attracts negativity. After a thorough audit and getting rid of junk, you yourself will feel how positive energy begins to circulate in the house.


Almost every home has living plants, but not all of them bring happiness. Climbing flowers have special energy. Ivy is capable of sucking out vital energy and attracting all sorts of troubles. Such plants negatively affect home comfort. However, if you plant them outside, they will protect the house from ill-wishers. Dry plants also have negative energy, so if you have dried reeds in your home, think about whether this decoration is so important. It is better to get rid of the potential pest and use it instead medicinal herbs. , for example, is an excellent remedy for all kinds of negative influences.

Belongings of the deceased

The thin line connecting our world with the other world can open and let in energy from the outside. It is a known fact that many souls are strongly connected to the world of the living and are able to linger in our space. Not every soul remains righteous after death. Some of them, for various reasons, become bitter and can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is better to take things with which the deceased was associated to the temple and not keep them in your home.

Things of previous owners

Often when moving we find forgotten or unnecessary things left behind by previous owners. They store their energy and significantly influence the surrounding space. Getting rid of these items will help you protect yourself and be confident in the protection of your native walls. Contact the previous owners - perhaps they will pick up the forgotten items. If you don't know the previous owners or they refuse to take what was left behind, get rid of their property. No one knows what kind of energy these things carry, so it doesn’t hurt to protect yourself.

Bottles, waste paper and other garbage

Often in homes you can find a large number of old magazines or newspapers, as well as plastic and glass bottles. This trash fills apartments and balconies and is rarely used. Such things not only clutter up useful space, but also attract poverty and frequent conflicts into the house. Try to get rid of these items.

Get rid of everything unnecessary in your home and don't be afraid of change. Household garbage accumulated over the years does not allow positive energy to circulate in space and cleanse it of negative manifestations. Anything that has to do with bad events in your life will not bring joy. You will again experience negative emotions when looking at these objects. Make your life comfortable and your home a place of power for your family. Cleanse your home of negativity, and you will feel how it responds to you with gratitude and gives you inner strength.

Cleansing your own energy is also important, because every day we encounter not only positive emotions. Frequent contacts with embittered people, unknown objects and envious people can leave a mark on the biofield, so protect yourself from all sides and live a life full of positive things. All the best to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.02.2017 03:10

Any thing has energy. The atmosphere of your...

Often, when arranging their home, creating coziness and comfort in it, people do not even think about the purpose of the things that are in it. Almost every thing has its own energy, on which the home atmosphere, mood, and well-being of its inhabitants depend. Find out what things should not be kept at home, and what items and plants will attract poverty and trouble into your apartment.

Energy properties of things

Things in our home have different energies. It happens that a person who is among things that are contraindicated for him may feel sleepy, irritated, often this is accompanied by feeling unwell and weakness. Each thing has its own “aura” and the stronger their energy, the more it “takes away” part of a person’s space. In addition, any touch to products and materials leaves its own energy trace. First of all, the energy of things depends on a number of factors:

  • material of manufacture;
  • colors;
  • forms;
  • appearance;
  • the surface on which it is located.

Many things bring only positive energy to the home. Pillows, for example, are a talisman of love between spouses, especially for brightly colored tapestry products decorated with embroidery. A drawing in the form of flowers is a talisman of health, and the image of people or animals symbolizes protection from dangers. Pillows with landscapes or buildings will help a person to be successful in all endeavors. In any case, each of us should know what cannot be stored in the house.

Why you can't keep old things

When creating a homely atmosphere, it is worth remembering that old, unnecessary things not only clog up free space, but also attract poverty and negative energy. Old things prevent you from acquiring new things; a person programs himself for poverty and failure. According to Feng Shui, trash interferes with the free flow of life-giving energy and prevents favorable changes, since there is no free space for them.

What you shouldn't keep at home according to signs

According to folk signs There are things that are strictly forbidden to keep at home, as they negatively affect well-being, well-being, financial situation and family relationships. List of things that should not be kept at home according to signs:

  • old, torn clothes and shoes;
  • broken reflective objects, especially mirrors;
  • chipped dishes;
  • bottles;
  • magazines, newspapers and other waste paper;
  • images that cause psychological discomfort;
  • photographs with defects.

Things you shouldn't keep at home

In addition to things that, according to popular belief, disrupt energy, there are a number of other items that contribute to the penetration of negativity:

  • old slippers;
  • dishes with cracks;
  • old calendar;
  • faulty watch;
  • dried or artificial flowers;
  • climbing indoor plants;
  • objects used in magic;
  • reeds;
  • grinning faces of animals;
  • stuffed animals, dressed skins, horns and empty shells.

Particular attention should be paid to figurines that complement the style, decorating the furniture in the house. Not everyone wonders which figurines should not be kept at home. Animal figurines (dogs, bears, tigers, dragons, elephants) protect the house from misfortunes and store financial wealth, but this does not apply to figurines of grinning animals or with open mouths. In this case, the figurine takes away the positive energy of the house and attracts dark forces that affect the surrounding space.


By storing old clothes, and especially slippers, we attract only negative energy. Torn, dirty, unusable items should be thrown away without hesitation. By getting rid of these things, we say goodbye to dark thoughts and poor health, opening the way for positive energy and changes for the better. It’s worth thinking about how long ago we wore this or that clothing? If within last year If we never thought about it, then we should send it to the trash, freeing up space in the closet for new things.

Crockery and kitchen utensils

Dishes with chips and cracks should be disposed of immediately, because they symbolize family relationships. Deformed dishes and damaged kitchen utensils will become a source of bacteria and provoke scandals and negative emotions. Negative energy penetrates food through cracks and cracks, which can have a negative impact on human health.


When researching what not to keep at home, pay attention to indoor plants. The flowers of a house always reflect the state of its owners. If we take good care of our green plants, they will certainly indicate the state of energy in the home. In case of flower disease, it is worth thinking about improving the atmosphere and inspecting the premises. Sudden drying out indoor plants portends female loneliness, divorce or separation. You should not store climbing plants and thorns in your home. If vines are such an attention-grabber, keep them outside your home to protect their inhabitants.

There are different opinions about storing dried flowers in the house. In Russia today they say that dried plants cannot be stored, but on the other hand, a bouquet of dried flowers neutralizes negative energy. Dried herbs hung in the corners of the apartment cleanse the house of negative energy. Some herbs, dried naturally, have a beneficial effect on human health, protecting the house from illness during epidemics.

Belongings of the deceased

Often we keep the things of deceased relatives without thinking about whether this is right. The abundance of belongings of the deceased can change the energy of the house, so you should not use them, but should store them only as a memory. Clothes and items that the deceased used during his lifetime, when he was healthy, should be distributed to those in need. If the deceased was ill before death, then such objects should be burned, as they carry negative emotions. The deceased's belongings should be kept separately.

Former owners

Items left in the home by previous owners should be returned to the owners if they wish to reclaim the abandoned property. Things retain their energy and it is unknown how it will affect the new residents. For safety best option– get rid of forgotten items, thereby freeing the surrounding space from unnecessary trash and protecting yourself.

Cleansing your own energy is also important, because every day we encounter not only positive emotions. Frequent contacts with embittered people, unknown objects and envious people can leave a mark on the biofield, so protect yourself from all sides and live a life full of positive things.

A common cause of domestic discord is pollution of energy flows. If your home has ceased to bring joy, has become a place where negative emotions predominate, and fatigue only accumulates, pay attention to things. Perhaps they are the sources of your mental and physical discomfort.

Old wardrobe items

Clothing is the most likely source of negative energy. Famous psychic Fatima Khadueva spoke about the energy of old things. They are able to preserve people's emotions, so things in which you suffered failure or trouble must be disposed of. This also applies to damaged clothes: old and torn shoes will not bring financial well-being to your life. Carefully go through your wardrobe and get rid of unnecessary items - this way you can cleanse the energy of your home and at the same time get rid of unnecessary junk clogging up the space.

Crockery and kitchen utensils

Any housewife knows that plates and cups with chips do not look aesthetically pleasing and collect a large number of germs. In addition, these items have powerful negative energy and influence your future destiny. The brownie, the keeper of family comfort, will not help careless people whose house is filled with old and unusable frying pans, pots and deposits of broken dishes, which are set aside for possible future use. Feel free to get rid of everything that attracts negativity. After a thorough audit and getting rid of junk, you yourself will feel how positive energy begins to circulate in the house.


Almost every home has living plants, but not all of them bring happiness. Climbing flowers have special energy. Ivy is capable of sucking out vital energy and attracting all sorts of troubles. Such plants negatively affect home comfort. However, if you plant them outside, they will protect the house from ill-wishers. Dry plants also have negative energy, so if you have dried reeds in your home, think about whether this decoration is so important. It is better to get rid of the potential pest and use medicinal herbs instead. Wormwood, for example, is an excellent remedy for all kinds of negative influences.

Belongings of the deceased

The thin line connecting our world with the other world can open and let in energy from the outside. It is a known fact that many souls are strongly connected to the world of the living and are able to linger in our space. Not every soul remains righteous after death. Some of them, for various reasons, become bitter and can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is better to take things with which the deceased was associated to the temple and not keep them in your home.

Things of previous owners

Often when moving we find forgotten or unnecessary things left behind by previous owners. They store their energy and significantly influence the surrounding space. Getting rid of these items will help you protect yourself and be confident in the protection of your native walls. Contact the previous owners - perhaps they will pick up the forgotten items. If you don't know the previous owners or they refuse to take what was left behind, get rid of their property. No one knows what kind of energy these things carry, so it doesn’t hurt to protect yourself.

Bottles, waste paper and other garbage

Often in homes you can find a large number of old magazines or newspapers, as well as plastic and glass bottles. This trash fills apartments and balconies and is rarely used. Such things not only clutter up useful space, but also attract poverty and frequent conflicts into the house. Try to get rid of these items.

Get rid of everything unnecessary in your home and don't be afraid of change. Household garbage accumulated over the years does not allow positive energy to circulate in space and cleanse it of negative manifestations. Anything that has to do with bad events in your life will not bring joy. You will again experience negative emotions when looking at these objects. Make your life comfortable and your home a place of power for your family. Cleanse your home of negativity, and you will feel how it responds to you with gratitude and gives you inner strength.

What things can and cannot be kept at home

Shoes and clothes that have become unusable, should not remain in your home. They carry negative energy and clutter up space, not allowing flows of positive energy to circulate freely.

Broken dishes and spoiled kitchen utensils can not only become sources of pathogenic bacteria, but also provoke scandals in the family. Experts from the site recommend immediately throwing away even your favorite cup if it has unattractive chips or cracks.

Some plants can negatively affect the energy at home, provoke scandals and negative emotions. These include climbing flowers. They should be located on the outside of the house so that they can prevent negativity from entering the house.

Dry plants- for example, reeds and feather grass - can provoke diseases. Ikebanas and other dried flower arrangements have no place in your home.

Broken mirrors carry a powerful charge of negativity, and they are also capable of attracting otherworldly forces into your home that will harm you and your family. Experts from the site recommend treating mirrors with extreme caution and not tempting fate by leaving damaged or broken reflective surfaces in your home.

Take gifts, paintings, figurines and other interior decoration items that you don’t like out of the house immediately. They provoke outbursts of negative emotions that can harm well-being and cause discord in family relationships.

Things with a negative past, furniture with sharp and protruding corners, antiques with an unclear fate can become a colossal source of negativity, so try to get rid of such things.

Never keep the ashes of relatives, belongings of the deceased, stuffed animals or any items that evoke associations with death in your home. Practitioners of esotericism claim that in this way you open the way for dead energy to enter your home, and this is fraught with serious health problems for all household members.

Never store in the house ashes of relatives, things of the deceased, stuffed animals and any items that cause you associations with death. Practitioners of esotericism claim that in this way you open the way for dead energy to enter your home, and this is fraught with serious health problems for all household members.

It is recommended to choose a time and walk through all the rooms of your home, listening to your own emotions. Intuitively, you will feel the negativity or discomfort emanating from things, and you will be able to promptly rid yourself and your loved ones of dangerous energy influences.

Things that bring positivity into the home

Dried bouquets medicinal herbs, ears of rye help cleanse space and have a positive effect on the human biofield. In addition, some plants, for example, wormwood, will perfectly protect you from any manifestations of negative energy.

Amulets and talismans for the home will protect your home from negativity. Use the knowledge of our ancestors to choose suitable amulets and hang them according to all the rules.

Some plants can bring happiness, luck and love into your home and life. You can read a list of such plants on our website.

Honey, apples and garlic Everyone needs to have it in their home. Honey helps attract wealth and happiness, apples are necessary for rejuvenation and positivity in the home, and garlic perfectly disinfects and neutralizes negative energy.

Icons help everyone, so the presence of at least one image is mandatory in every home. With the help of prayers, you can protect yourself and your loved ones, ask for happiness and well-being, and pacify negative emotions.

Any thing you relate to with great sympathy, will be appropriate in the house. Don't forget about items such as figurines. They are able to bring well-being, positive energy into your home and become protectors for all family members. For example, figures of lions, tigers and dragons will protect your peace.

Matryoshka dolls, arranged in ascending order, will fill the house and its inhabitants with positive energy.

We are used to not throwing anything away. All the things that we replaced with newer ones are carefully stored on the balcony or in the pantry - what if they come in handy? However, this is strictly forbidden - many items are brought into the house negative energy, and also do not allow money to be lost.

The site has compiled a list of things that need to be taken to the trash as soon as possible.

Old shoes Schauhuber;

Unloved shoes and worn-out boots are one of the most often left things in the house. Homely Russians keep them just in case. You never know, something will happen to the new shoes! It turns out that it’s not worth doing this - when we save old shoes for a rainy day, we save with them all the negative energy that we managed to receive while wearing them.

Failed devices

In the case of gadgets, we are guided by approximately the same logic - let it lie just in case. For example, if a brand new smartphone breaks down, you can get a gadget from a previous model for the duration of the repair - it’s okay if there are cracks on the screen, it will “go away” for a few days. It’s just that technology, especially those that we hold in our hands for a long time, also absorbs energy. The smartphone accumulates your anger that you felt during correspondence or conversations, your sadness from reading sad posts, and so on, so on, so on... As soon as you pick up the old gadget, all this will come back to you.

Crockery with defects Schmerl

Throw away your favorite cup that has a chip on it; you can’t raise your hand? In vain! Any dishware with defects is an excellent bait for trouble. It’s not for nothing that they say in China: “a crack in the dishes is a crack in life.” Storing plates with chips, mugs with broken handles and frying pans with scratches opens the way to a huge number of troubles in your home.

Broken mirrors

Everyone has heard that you can’t look in a broken mirror. And it would seem that no one would think of carefully storing the fragments former subject interior But what about mirrors with small chips and cracks? Don’t throw away an expensive item because of a tiny flaw! But the principle here is the same as with defective dishes - no violations of integrity are allowed.

Garbage, dust, dirt

In this case, we are talking not only about extreme cases when apartments are literally filled to the ceiling with old rubbish. It is unacceptable to accumulate absolutely any amount of dirt. You should take out the trash can as soon as it is full, and not throw the full bag out the door and start hoarding a second one. It’s the same with dirty dishes—you can’t store them until the house runs out of clean forks. The maximum is what fits in the sink. An excess of garbage and dirt attracts the energies of chaos - and they can easily destroy the usual flow of life.

Old photographs with defects

Wikimedia / Joseph Nicéphore Niépce

Everyone has a family photo album with printed photographs, many of which turned out imperfectly. Somewhere the photo was developed with stains, some pictures were worn out from time to time. It doesn’t even occur to us to throw them away, because this is our history! However, it is still worth doing this, especially if the people in the photo are still alive. The fact is that in each printed frame there appears, as it were, a copy of a person - therefore, the defects present in the picture “disfigure” its energy.

Things of people who have already died Garcia Granthon;

Yes, keeping your late aunt's favorite shawl is a very bad idea. The things of the deceased store their energy - which, following its owner, passes into another world. A funnel is created around the object, into which the energy of those living next to the dead thing will be drawn. Yours energy protection weakens - there is a high probability of illness and major failures.

Empty containers C. Nitu

For Russians, storing empty glass jars with screws is almost a sacred tradition. But this tradition does not bring anything good in itself. The Universe does not like emptiness - and it will definitely put something of its own into an empty but not recycled container. It's unlikely that it will be anything good.

Plants with needles

Alas, unpretentious cacti and graceful roses, beloved by many, are the most unsuitable plants for the home. Everything that has thorns or thorns is a living protective barrier from positive energy. Especially if you put the pot on the windowsill. And in an apartment filled only with negative energies, nothing good can happen.

climbing plants Weber

Yes, such plants look very impressive. However, as they grow, they create not only living wall, but a real shield that does not allow negativity to pass through. Only this shield works the other way around - it blocks negative energies not from entering, but from exiting.

Previously, the site wrote about the signs that are on the day of Nestor the Chronicler.

Of course, I’m writing this more for myself. but I think that, in essence, it can be useful to everyone)) in difficult times, you can’t believe anything, and faith means a lot))) so) I found an interesting article and I’m copying here only what I found really interesting. some moments are repeated from the fact that there are different beliefs, signs, sages)

Flowers in pots always reflect the state of their owners. If you care about flowers, then their condition will always tell you how comfortable the state of energy is inside the house. Sitting near fresh flowers, looking at and even touching them, you get a charge of vivacity and calm. If you are upset or sad, sit near a flower and look at it. After some time you will become more comfortable. You can mentally talk to flowers and then the flowers will try to help you solve problems using their own methods. Growing flowers in the house is always good.
Tanned skins in the home (shop, office...) contribute to successful trade, increase capital, and also protect property. Only the skins need care and attention.

Dried flowers, placed in a vase and creating a unique bouquet, promote well-being, wealth, health and comfort. They neutralize negative energy. True, in Russia today there is a completely erroneous opinion that dried flowers cannot be stored in the house. Flowers and herbs hung in bunches in a certain place or in utility rooms. Remember, before in every village house, bunches of herbs were suspended from the ceiling or tucked behind the ceiling. Herbs and flowers kept in the house and allowed to dry naturally release health energy that protects the house during periods of epidemics.

Animal figurines (not grotesque ones) protect the house from misfortunes and also store financial wealth. Dogs, bears, tigers, dragons protect you. Figures of soldiers, warriors, and nesting dolls, repeating each other and placed in a row, are an excellent cleanser. Elephants, following each other and decreasing in size from larger to smaller, are a universal cleaner. It is no coincidence that elephants used to stand on shelves in many homes.

Pillows are a talisman of marital love. If the pillows are tapestry, with an embroidered pattern, bright, they protect against separation from your loved one and focus attention on your partner. If there are flowers on the pillows, this is a talisman of health; if images of people, animals - protect from dangers; if the image is of landscapes, buildings - this helps to be successful in your endeavors.


Our apartments are full of a wide variety of objects and things - from purely functional to decorating the interior. But not everything is good to have in the house.

Old, worn slippers should not be kept in the house - they attract negative energy. If the slippers are torn, they must be removed from the apartment. Also, you should not store torn, unusable clothes in the house. Always evaluate old shoes and clothes based on whether you will still wear them. If you don't, throw it away.

Dishes with cracks, chips, or defects resulting from use disrupt the energy of food, making it dangerous to human health. No matter how much you like the dishes, if they crack or a piece breaks off, such dishes need to be thrown away. The plate (bowl) symbolizes family. Defects in the dishes indicate possible problems in relationships.

Living plants whose stems cover the walls cannot be inside the house. Climbing plants attract various diseases. If the plant is located outside the house, on the outside, then this is only beneficial - your house is protected. But if such a plant is inside the house, then its growth should be organized in such a way that the climbing stems form a ball in the pot. You can install a wire frame.

Keeping reeds in the house is dangerous. Dried, they attract misfortune and portend illness and death. Feather grass will bring similar troubles if you decorate a room with it. It foreshadows widowhood. At the same time, you can have other dried flowers in the house; most of them process negative radiation, protecting residents from diseases. Flowers such as pansies should not be grown at home either. They are traditionally planted near graves. It is appropriate to place coniferous branches in a vase only during the New Year holidays. It is bad luck to keep these branches in your apartment during the rest of the year. But begonia - a symbol of family well-being - will always help balance the situation. Never bring a donated palm tree into your home - there will be great grief

The magic of everyday things

Every object that we come into contact with in everyday life has certain energy characteristics that affect environment, including us. Knowing the features of this interaction, you will be able to harmonize your life.

All wooden objects are imbued with the energy of the trees from which they are made. But their properties also depend on their shape. So, if you feel that you have been subjected to adverse effects For some, it is useful to have a table with six legs on hand. By climbing under it, you will get rid of minor damage and other energetic dirty tricks.

The mirror has long had a reputation as a magical attribute. According to legend, breaking it means experiencing misfortune for seven years. But this terrible consequence can be avoided if, after breaking a mirror, you perform the following ritual: throw salt over your shoulder, turn counterclockwise three times, and then set fire to the fragments of the mirror. Fire-darkened fragments should be stored for a year and then buried. Then you will have only one bad year instead of seven. Still, mirrors are believed to bring good luck. The more of them in the house, the better. A mirror is necessary in the hallway: it absorbs negative energy that the owners or guests can bring into the house. No wonder there is a sign: if you come back from halfway for a forgotten thing, be sure to look in the mirror, otherwise there will be no way.
If you are in a bad mood, stand in front of the mirror and look closely into your eyes. Your mood will improve. It is recommended to hang a mirror next to the table in the living room or kitchen - it will attract prosperity and wealth into the house. Never hang a mirror in such a position that it “cuts off” the head of someone in the household. In this case, he will suffer from headaches. But you shouldn’t hang it too high. The floors in the rooms are usually covered with carpets. Energy properties The design of a carpet largely depends on its shape.

Round rugs symbolize peace and spirituality. They are best placed on the floor in the bedroom, living room, dining room, where a calm atmosphere should reign.
Square and rectangular carpets and rugs are associated with the material, intellectual and technological spheres. They are suitable for classrooms, offices, libraries, hallways and staircases. Oval carpets have universal energy and therefore will be appropriate everywhere.
If your finances are bad, place a piece of dried moss or seaweed. It attracts money. Under no circumstances should you turn the rug over if you accidentally placed it inside out. Walking on a carpet that is upside down is fortunate.
You cannot place a carpet on an unwashed floor - all the negative energy accumulated in the room will settle under it.
Before vacuuming carpets, scatter fragrant herbs and sprinkle salt on them. This also neutralizes negative energy. From the point of view of bioenergy, the objects in the kitchen have very important properties.

The stove is associated with the element of fire. The Chinese believe that it must certainly face the southeast and, as a sacred object, it must be kept clean. According to legend, you should not cry, swear, kiss or sing near the stove. You cannot cut onions, either on the stove itself or near it. An equally important attribute of kitchen “magic” is the dining table. It symbolizes the home altar, so you need to place it parallel to the wall so that the energy flowing around the foundation of the house flows around it too. You cannot sit on the table, put money or keys on it. This can bring misfortune.

Various technical devices have long become a part of our lives. But we often forget that machines also have a “soul”. Man-made devices are at a much higher energy-information level than ordinary things, due to the possibility of dynamic impact. Therefore, technology acquires some features inherent in a living being rather than an inanimate object. A typical situation is that the device does not work if it is not handled politely. While the owner curses him with the last words: “Oh, you, so and so, so and so!” - the malfunction cannot be eliminated. And it’s worth talking to him kindly: “What are you doing, dear? Come on, darling!” - the machine corrects itself. All electronic devices emit radiation that is not energetically positive. Therefore, it is not advisable to constantly be in a room where there is a TV, computer or microwave.
TV has “vampiric tendencies.” Most people feel a sharp loss of energy after watching television. This often happens. A man comes home from work and the first thing he does is turn on the TV. He changes clothes, has dinner, chats on the phone - all to the accompaniment of the TV. In this state, he practically does not perceive outside information, is easily irritated by trifles, and cannot concentrate on anything. And all thanks to the unequal energy exchange with the blue screen.
The computer is perhaps the most complex of household appliances. Therefore, its energy potential is several orders of magnitude higher. When “communicating” with a computer, the law of reverse interaction comes into force. In other words, we exchange information with the computer. Man adapts to the machine, and the machine adapts to man. As a result, we feel discomfort when working on someone else's computer. And if a stranger sits at our computer, the machine may start to “glitch” for no apparent reason. Tested more than once.
You can neutralize unfavorable energy by placing a small pyramid or other object next to the computer that has the property of protecting against pathogenic radiation. The telephone is also a very sensitive mechanism. Part of our bioenergy potential is transmitted through telephone networks. Therefore, when we pick up the phone, we often already know in advance who is on the line. By the way, if the person calling us has strong enough energy, the phone may break.
When we have a telephone conversation with an unpleasant person, we feel bad, just as when we communicate with him in person. To avoid this, it is better to turn off your phone if you are not in the mood to talk to someone. If the phone rings and for some reason you don’t want to pick it up, don’t do it.

Why are we unhappy?

Have you ever wondered whether you are happy or not, and if not, why not?

We are often unhappy because of our character, sometimes we are unhappy because we take life hard, often because of the situation around us. Why is everyone now fascinated by the newfangled trend, although in fact it is a very ancient art, Feng Shui?

Look around at what surrounds you in your apartment. As we buy new things, we have a very bad habit of storing old ones.

The main rule of home interior:
Where does everything else go? Take it to a warehouse, garage, summer kitchen or bathhouse, but do not keep junk in the house.

Let's start with the dishes. Since dishes emphasize the esoteric meaning of family, throw away all the dishes that have cracks and chips without regret, and before that, break everything in the house.

You should not store torn, unusable shoes (especially slippers) and clothes in the house.

Be careful with mirrors with sharp corners, always give preference to round and oval mirrors. A mirror should always reflect a doorway, worse a window, even worse a wall, even worse a bed.

Arrange furniture so that all dust can be easily removed from underneath it, as dust disrupts the normal circulation of energy in the house.

You need to be very careful with plants in your home. If you don't like plants, it's best to avoid growing them because they "feel" about them. It is not advisable to keep climbing plants in the house; it is better to have them entwined around the walls of the house outside. You cannot keep reeds, feather grass and tumbleweeds in the house. Avoid growing pansies indoors as they are traditionally planted on graves. Immortelle, lemon, golden mustache and all kinds of exotic indoor flowers are good for the home.

It’s good to have small pyramids of the “golden ratio” at home, oriented to the cardinal directions; the only thing that “prevents the pyramids from working” is the reinforced concrete reinforcement of modern city houses.

Subconscious Advice
Before you make any renovations in your apartment, “consult your heart” about what color to choose wallpaper (paint the walls), what curtains to choose, and how to place the furniture.

How to consult your heart? Very simple! Ask yourself, do you like something? If you feel discomfort or indifference inside, this is not for you. And if you liked this thing right away, and perhaps for reasons unknown to you, then you can safely say that your soul (heart) desired it. And the first step towards your heart is the first step towards your happiness!