1s BSU students pay as accrued. Settlements with students for scholarships and other accruals in “1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution. Settlements with students

“Accounting policy of the enterprise” - Property and liabilities. Factor assessment economic activity. Approaches to setting up accounting. Selected methods. Key aspects The essence of the enterprise's accounting policy. A set of accounting methods. Main aspects of formation. Accounting policy of the organization.

“Absolute and relative values ​​in statistics” - Relative value of intensity. Absolute values. The part of the population chosen as the basis of comparison. Absolute statistical values. Total absolute indicators. Relative magnitude comparison. Relative magnitude of structure. Cost structure data. Statistical indicator. Relative magnitude of plan implementation.

“Indices” - Index of physical volume of trade turnover. Indexed value. Arithmetic mean index. Chain and basic indices. Average price change. Solution. Level of capital productivity. Prices have dropped. Production. Automobile. Let's calculate the basic indices. Isolated action. Symbolic designation. Change in trade turnover.

“Accounting transactions” - Debit. Final balance. Turnover is debit. Journal of business transactions. Accounts. Materials have been received from the accountable person. Account debit. An example of creating an active account. Examples of compiling accounting transactions. Example of creating a passive account. Bank loan received. Credit. Credit turnover. Initial balance.

“History of the development of accounting” - Mesopotamia. The need for property accounting. Gestaltbuchhaltung. Accounting theory. Accounting in Italy. Accounting in primitive society. Ancient Rome. Ancient Babylon. Schools. Ancient Egypt. Accounts and registers. Stages of development of accounting. Political economy. Ancient China. Accounting in Germany.

“Accounting for cash and settlements” - Settlements with personnel for loans provided, compensation for material damage. Payment order. 50 "Cashier". Cash payments. 52 “Currency account”. 3. Payment order. Client. Calculations for temporary disability, payment of benefits. Calculations for loans and borrowings. State Social Insurance Fund.

There are a total of 30 presentations in the topic

In "1C:Accounting" autonomous institution 8 KORP "implemented accounting for payments for paid education of students, as well as for other services provided by an educational institution. A student can study in several faculties (specialties) of an educational institution at once, as well as attend additional paid courses.

For each type of service provided to a student, a payment rate is established. The payment rate is the tariff at which the accrual amount will be calculated. The payment rate can be determined in one of the following ways:

  • fixed rate – does not depend on the actual number of visits;
  • variable rate – the actual number of visits is taken into account;
  • rate per day (visit) – the fee is set for one day (one visit);
  • benefit (discount) – can be established for preferential categories of students.

After the services are provided, charges are made for the paid educational services provided, and acts and invoices are issued.

Payment for educational services can be made to the institution's cash desk or to a bank account. Tuition can be paid by the student himself or by a third-party organization.

Formation of a statement of payments for paid education of students and for other services of an educational institution is provided (Form 809). You can generate a statement for a specific type of service, you can get details of settlements with the student before a specific operation.

Setting up accounting parameters to account for settlements for educational services.

In the program "1C: Accounting of a public institution" ed. 2.0, the ability to keep records of settlements with students for basic and additional educational services has been implemented. To be able to keep records of settlements with students, it is necessary to set the flag for using the specialized subsystem “Accounting for settlements for educational services” in setting up accounting parameters (Administration – Setting up accounting parameters). (Fig. 1, Fig. 2)

According to Instruction 157n in the program “1C: Accounting of a State Institution” ed. 2.0 accounting of settlements with students is maintained on account 205.30 “Settlements for income from the provision of paid work and services.”

If the institution has decided to keep analytical records of settlements with students by department, it is necessary to enable accounting by department (Administration - Setting up accounting parameters - General settings). (Fig. 3)

In the event that invoices for paid educational services are issued collectively for all counterparties, we indicate the counterparty for issuing such invoices (Administration - Services, works, production). (Fig. 5)

Entering student information.

The “Students” directory is intended to maintain a list of students at an educational institution. Analytical accounting of settlements with students is carried out in the program in the context of counterparties, i.e. Each student card corresponds to a counterparty card. An example of entering information about a student is shown in Fig. 6.

First, you should fill in the student’s full name (clause 1). If the student is listed in the “Counterparties” directory, we indicate him by selecting him from this directory.

Next, fill in information about the payer for education services (clause 2). In the event that the payer is the student himself, before specifying the counterparty, the element should be recorded by clicking the appropriate button.

It is also necessary to indicate the procedure for issuing invoices - per payer or collectively (clause 3).

Next, we indicate the training agreement (clause 4); if it is missing, we create it by clicking the appropriate button.

We indicate the start date of validity of the information about the payer (clause 5). For reference, you can provide information about your identity document, citizenship, etc.

Reflection of transactions of enrollment, transfer, expulsion of students.

To change the status of students, for example, “Enrolled”, “Transferred to another faculty”, “On academic leave”, as well as to change the payment rate, assign benefits, etc. The document “Order (education)” is used. The action performed by an order is determined by the “Order Type” attribute.

In the program "1C: Accounting of a public institution" ed. 2.0 all necessary types of orders for educational services have been introduced:


  1. group change
  2. change of course

    change in benefit

    change in payment rate

  3. deduction.

You shouldn't change them unless necessary. New types of orders should be created if students are provided with additional services, for example, accommodation in a dormitory. In this case, you should set the “Additional service management” flag, indicate the service nomenclature and payment rate. An example is shown in Fig. 7.

In the event that the payment rate is not fixed and does not depend on the number of days of visit, but is calculated according to an arbitrary algorithm not provided for in the program (for example, if utility costs the cost of the service for providing accommodation in a hostel is included), set the flag “Fixed rate for the period”, in the tabular part “Accrual procedure” we indicate the accrual periods and the amount payable for the period (Fig. 8).

An example of filling out the document “Order (education)” with the type of order “Enrollment” is shown in Figure 9:

An example of filling out the document “Order (education)” with the type of order “Accommodation in a hostel” (additional service) is shown in Fig. 10.

Reflection of accrual and payment amounts in settlements with students.

To charge payers amounts for educational services that educational institution provides to students, and the document “Accrual for Educational Services” is intended to reflect these amounts in accounting. (Fig. 11)

To fill out the document with a list of students by selection (for example, by group), you can use the “Fill” button. After filling out the tabular part of the document, you should go to the “Accounting transaction” tab, where you need to indicate the accrual details (Fig. 12) and post the document.

When posting a document, the following accounting records are generated, which are shown in Fig. 13:

To accrue to payers amounts for additional services (for example, accommodation in a dormitory) that an educational institution provides to students, as well as to reflect these amounts in accounting, the document “Accrual to students for other services” is intended (Fig. 14).

After filling out the tabular part of the document, you should go to the “Accounting Transaction” tab, where you need to indicate the accrual details and post the document. When posting a document, the following accounting records are generated (Fig. 15):

The following documents are intended to reflect received amounts of payment for paid educational and additional services:

    Cash receipts

    Receipt cash order.

To analyze payments to students, the configuration includes specialized reports (Paid education - Reports on paid educational services). The list of reports is shown in Fig. 16.

Payments to students

Has the following set of functions:

Work of the scholarship committee

Orders on the composition of the commission

Minutes of meetings

Submissions to the Scholarship Committee

Orders on decisions of the scholarship commission

Providing financial assistance

Calculation of scholarships

Support for various types of scholarships:


Academic (basic, advanced, etc.)

Regional coefficient support

Support for surcharge by percentage (for example, to calculate the northern surcharge)

Installing a thin client

This section describes the installation process of the 1C: College thin client.

Installing a thin client

The 1C: College system consists of components designed for the development and use of solutions for record keeping and automation of document flow within an educational institution and the processing of personal data.

Thin client. This is a program for accessing a database hosted on a server. Using a thin client, a connection is established between the database. While ensuring only the downloading of data from the web server. What significantly saves data packet traffic when connecting to the Internet

Stage 1. Download.

Open the browser and go to the site where we have the thin client (http://yakse.ru:8080/), then follow the link “download the thin client.” The thin client will boot automatically. (Figure 1)

Stage 2. Installing the thin client.

After the file download is complete, you need to launch the installation package of the 1C: College thin client. By default it is located in the download folder. (Figure 2)

Figure 2 Selecting an installation package

After launching the installation file, the installation wizard for the 1C: College system will appear in a separate window. (Figure 3)

Figure 3 Installation Confirmation

After clicking, the installation wizard will show the thin client installation path and language settings. (Figure 3)

Figure 4 Selecting installation path and language options

In the next window, the installation wizard will notify you which system language to select “interface language”; the default is the system language. (Figure 3)

Figure 5 Selecting the system language

Figure 6 Completing installation

This completes the thin client installation settings.

Figure 7 Completing installation

Stage 3. Setting up the thin client of the 1C: College system

In order to configure the thin client, go to the 1C “College” portal website, find the name of the educational institution in the list, right-click, and in the dialog box that appears, select “copy link address.”

Save it in notepad or leave it on the clipboard

Figure 9 Adding a new infobase

Figure 10 Selecting the add list type

In the next window we indicate the name of the information. (Figure 8)

Figure 11 Entering the infobase name

Figure 13 Selecting startup options and main mode

As you can see in the figure, an information base has appeared.

Note. After you clicked the “1C: Enterprise” button, you see a window with an error, it is recommended to check that the address line of the infobase is filled out correctly. Also check your internet connection. Check whether antivirus software or Windows Defender is blocking the thin client's access to the Internet.

Figure 14 Thin client login window

Note. There have been cases when, when starting a thin client, the system

Minimum system requirements for a thin client of the 1C: College system

  • 256 megabytes of RAM
  • 40 gigabytes of free hard disk space

Plays an important role when loading the information base. RAM, about 1 gigabyte of memory or higher is recommended.

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Capabilities of the “Educational Institution” subsystem Main capabilities of Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Personnel records for students Accounting for settlements with students Accounting for settlements for tuition Accounting for settlements for scholarships

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Personnel records of students Main opportunities Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Personnel records of students Maintaining lists of students by groups Accounting for personnel movements of students Enrollment in a group Transfer between groups Academic leave Expulsion and reinstatement of a student Expulsion due to graduation (graduation) Other personnel events Registration of orders for personnel changes Transfer of released students to the archive Composition of the order. Each type of order has its own auto-completion mechanism

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Personnel records of students Main opportunities Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Personnel records of students Maintaining lists of students by groups Accounting for personnel movements of students Maintaining personnel records in the context of types of educational services Separate records of students in the context of the list of educational services - basic training, various courses etc. Independent enrollment/expulsion for each type of educational services Possibility of independent formation of study groups for each type of educational services Independent settlement of payments for each type of educational services Independent accounting of contractual relations with contractors for each type of educational services

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Personnel records of students Main opportunities Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Personnel records of students Maintaining lists of students by groups Accounting for personnel movements of students Maintaining personnel records in the context of types of educational services Assignment and cancellation of benefits and scholarships Assignment of scholarships. A student may be assigned several different types of scholarships. The type of scholarship assigned. The counterparty and the agreement for accounting calculations for scholarships may differ from the counterparty and the agreement for payment of tuition. Cancellation of scholarships. Assignment of benefits. A student may be assigned several different benefits (separately by type of educational services). Type of educational services to which the benefit applies Type of benefits applied Cancellation of benefits

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Personnel records of students Main opportunities Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Personnel records of students Maintaining lists of students by groups Accounting for personnel movements of students Maintaining personnel records in the context of types of educational services Assignment and cancellation of benefits and scholarships Flexible accounting of contractual relations with contractors Possibility of specifying various counterparties/agreements for various types educational services Possibility of specifying a counterparty/agreement for settlements on scholarships that is different from the counterparty/agreement for payment of tuition fees

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Personnel records of students Main opportunities Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Personnel records of students Maintaining lists of students by groups Accounting for personnel movements of students Maintaining personnel records in the context of types of educational services Assignment and cancellation of benefits and scholarships Flexible accounting of contractual relations with contractors Reporting on personnel records of students Composition of students of the organization History of student personnel movements

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features of Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for tuition fees Formation of tariffs Formation of tuition rates by type of service and groups If the group is not specified, then the rate is applied to all groups The payment period is determined on based on the type of educational services Formation of rates for calculating benefits

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for tuition fees Formation of tariffs Automated calculation of payment Selecting a payment method: for a student, for a counterparty, for a group, for all groups of a certain enrollment period Reflection of receivables By accounting when calculating tuition fees, or registering the sale of services Writing off accounting advances when calculating tuition fees Setting up a scheme for reflecting provided accounting benefits We indicate the type of services We select the calculation method: For a student For a group For a counterparty For all groups of a given enrollment period We select the calculation object : student / group / counterparty / period of group recruitment Select the academic period Fill out and calculate automatically Explanation of benefits

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for tuition fees Formation of tariffs Automated payment calculation Reconciliation of payment accruals Report for identifying students who were not accrued due tuition fees Monitoring the completeness of accruals made

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features of Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for tuition fees Formation of tariffs Automated payment calculation Reconciliation of payment accruals Setting up sections for accounting for debt on payment Parallel maintenance of accounting and operational accounting of debt Possibility of operational accounting in the context types of training and periods of training

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features of Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for tuition fees Formation of tariffs Automated payment calculation Reconciliation of payment accruals Setting up sections for accounting for arrears of payment Reporting for arrears of tuition fees Reporting on advances (by operational accounting) Setting up reporting sections - for students/contractors Reporting on debt payments Formation of payment statements Formation of payslips Selecting the period Selecting the main report section Indicating the need for decoding by the second section Selecting the main report section Indicating the need for decoding by debt accounting sections Main grouping - by type of service Main grouping - by student/contractor

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features of Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for tuition fees Formation of tariffs Automated payment calculation Reconciliation of payment accruals Setting up sections for accounting for arrears of payment Reporting for arrears of tuition fees Registration of receipt of payment for tuition fees from students Registration of payment using a specialized document Input of accounting documents based on operational data Possibility of entering operational documents based on accounting Distribution of the deposited amount by debt sections Automatic creation of Incoming cash orders and incoming Payment orders

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for scholarships Formation of rates for calculating scholarships Automated calculation of scholarships The frequency of payment of each type of scholarship is set in the directory of types of scholarships Selecting a calculation method: for a student, for a counterparty, for a group , for all groups of a certain enrollment period Reflection of accounts payable in accounting when calculating scholarships We indicate the type of scholarship We select the calculation method: For a student For a group For a counterparty For all groups of a given enrollment period We select the calculation object: student / group / counterparty / group enrollment period We select an academic period period Fill in with accruals automatically

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for scholarships Formation of rates for calculating scholarships Automated calculation of scholarships Reconciliation of scholarship accruals Reporting on debt to students for the payment of scholarships

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Accounting for settlements with students Main features of Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING Accounting for settlements for scholarships Formation of rates for calculating scholarships Automated calculation of scholarships Reconciliation of scholarship accruals Reporting on debts to students for the payment of scholarships Registration of scholarship payments Selecting a payment method: for a student, for counterparty, for a group, for all groups of a certain set period Registration of payments in operational accounting. Formation of statements for payment Formation of Cash Orders and Payment Orders outgoing on the basis of operational data. Generation of Swift files Registration of scholarship payments in operational accounting based on accounting data

1C-Rating: Accounting of a state enterprise. Educational institution Thank you for your attention! Additional information on industry solutions can be obtained on the website www.1c-rating.kz, or by e-mail: Main capabilities Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010 1C-RATING