Durian fruit - description and beneficial properties of the fragrant fruit. Durian - hell outside, heaven inside How durian grows

Durian is one of the most unusual healthy tropical fruits in the world. Its homeland is India, Indonesia, Thailand. Grown in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, India, Cambodia. The most best fruits grown near Bangkok. The benefits and harms of durian have not been fully studied.

What does durian look like and where does it grow?

The name comes from Malay words resulting in the phrase “thorny fruit”. Indeed, durian is a large, oblong ball of yellow or greenish color. The weight is up to eight kilograms, the diameter is up to thirty centimeters, and is covered with long pyramidal spines. In cross section, durian looks like a large nut, divided into hemispheres. It consists of five chambers, with white veins, each of which contains yellow or yellow-red pulp.

Nine of the thirty-four known species are allowed for consumption. Durian provides benefits, but in some cases it can cause harm to the body, so you need to carefully study the composition and properties.

Taste and smell of durian

This healthy fruit leaves no one indifferent. Taste qualities are so ambiguous that everyone associates them with something individual. Most agree that the taste of durian is similar to a delicate cream made from milk and eggs. For many, it is a favorite fruit; others cannot be in the same room with it.

This is due to a specific smell. Despite all the benefits, many people don’t dare try it because of the unpleasant aroma.

This property is explained by the chemical reaction of sulfuric acid and oxygen during cutting. The smell does not come immediately; it takes several minutes for the elements to interact. They compare the odor emitted to sewerage or stale socks.

Important! In countries where the healthy fruit is common, it is forbidden to take it with you on a plane or to a hotel, since the unpleasant aroma does not disappear for a long time and is not masked by air fresheners.

At the same time, this unpleasant fact does not cause any harm to the human body. Rather, on the contrary, a strong smell indicates maturity and the focus of benefit.

For the same reason, durian is exported in dried or canned form.

Chemical composition and calorie content of durian

It has a huge number of beneficial properties for humans. The calorie content is high, about 147 kcal per 100 g.

  • water – about 60 g;
  • proteins – 1.5 g;
  • fats – about 5 g;
  • carbohydrates – about 23 g;
  • fiber – about 4 g;
  • ash – 1 g.

It also contains useful micro- and macroelements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Durian is a treasure trove useful vitamins: A (beta-carotene), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), niacin, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 ( folic acid), C (ascorbic acid).

The composition contains no elements that are harmful to the body. The benefits are enormous for many organs and systems.

What are the benefits of durian?

The benefits of durian for women and men are beyond doubt; it has unique properties and can have a beneficial multifaceted effect on the body.

It is the only edible fruit containing organic sulfur. This is a useful element that is part of the cells of human hair, skin, nails, as well as nervous, bone and cartilage tissues of organs, proteins and some hormones. As a component of insulin, sulfur ensures blood sugar balance, which is beneficial for patients diabetes mellitus. It also fights aging, promotes the removal of toxins, and has natural anthelmintic and antiviral properties.

Due to its high mineral content, it benefits the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems. In addition, it has bactericidal properties.

Thanks to its high calorie and fiber content, it is very nutritious. It quickly saturates the body, and the feeling of hunger subsides for a long time.

Does not contain cholesterol, so it can be consumed without it by those who adhere to healthy image life.

Durian has particular benefits for women. Due to the content of the hormone estrogen, it increases the chances of getting pregnant and bearing a healthy child.

Benefits of durian for men

In addition to the general beneficial properties for women and men, the latter provides invaluable assistance in restoring and maintaining sexual function. It is an excellent aphrodisiac. Thanks to the hormone estrogen, it restores and increases potency, improves sperm quality and sperm activity.

Can pregnant women eat durian?

Extremely beneficial, but may be harmful to pregnant and breastfeeding women, so they should use it with caution.

There is no categorical prohibition. A woman carrying a child can assess her condition and the opportunity to try the fruit herself. The beneficial properties will be beneficial for her and the baby. But if a pregnant woman suffers from edema and high blood pressure, it can cause harm and worsen the problems.

How to properly eat and clean durian

Despite the variety of forms (dried, jam), fresh raw fruit has the greatest beneficial properties. Only fully ripened fruit should be consumed immediately after opening. To do this, you need to cut the durian into several parts; the pulp is easy to extract. You can do this with your hands or a spoon, as it will be difficult to get rid of the smell. The indigenous people of Thailand eat with salted water. More detailed instructions for cleaning durian can be found in the video:

Why durian is dangerous

Although it has many beneficial properties, in some cases it can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to components can lead to allergic reactions;
  • It is forbidden to eat it for people suffering from hypertension, as it increases blood pressure;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • The simultaneous consumption of durian and alcohol is prohibited and extremely dangerous.

Durian and alcohol

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to combine the consumption of alcohol and durian, as this can cause enormous harm to the human body.

Durian in cooking

Its beneficial properties, as well as its delicate taste, have ensured its constant use in various recipes.

  • Cocktails, ice cream and jam are made from it.
  • Also used to prepare a specific dessert, popular in Thailand. It consists of glutinous rice, which is doused in syrup and juice. sugar cane. Durian pieces are added to it.
  • We also love durian dodol. This pie is a frozen baked mass of durian pulp, glutinous rice, sugar and coconut milk.
  • The seeds are used as a seasoning.
  • In Indonesia, the pulp is used to make a sauce with mint, which is served with rice.
  • Used fried as a side dish for meat.

What is the difference between jackfruit and durian?

Jackfruit is no less popular in Thailand than durian. This is also an extremely healthy fruit, having a specific smell and a whole range of useful substances and elements. But the difference between them is great.

These are the fruits of completely different trees. Jackfruit grows on the breadfruit tree; the fruits can be enormous in size, weighing up to thirty kilograms. As it grows, it is covered with green spines; as it matures, these spines become less pronounced. Ripe jackfruit is gray-brown in color. Its seeds are eaten; they contain milky juice, which is very difficult to wash off skin and clothes.

By appearance are also different. While durian pulp consists of two large oblong halves, jackfruit seeds are small and randomly located inside the fruit.

How to choose durian

Ripe fruits are the most useful. To select the maximum ripe fruit, you need to know what characteristics it should have:

  • it should be soft to the touch, but also elastic at the same time; bends in one direction or the other indicate immaturity or overripeness;
  • the spines must be mobile, otherwise it indicates immaturity;
  • when tapping, a dull sound should be heard;
  • the unpleasant odor should not be distinct;
  • color may be green or yellow;
  • the fruit should not be peeled, as it has a short shelf life;
  • there should be no stains or damage on the surface.

How to store durian at home

Peeled durian cannot be stored, it must be consumed immediately, otherwise everything will be lost beneficial properties. And in an unrefined form it can last for two days at room temperature, in the refrigerator - up to five days.

To extend the shelf life of durian, it is made into a kind of dried fruit. But the pulp is not just dried for this, but prepared - this method allows you to preserve the benefits and taste qualities.


The benefits and harms of durian are incomparable. Due to the content of a large number of useful substances and elements, durian has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body. It will not cause any harm if you use it wisely, follow all the rules, and abstain from alcohol.

I tried durian for the first time back in 2012, when I went to study in China. I had briefly heard about this fruit, but didn’t know much. Once I bought a tempting fruit, but after trying it, I felt the taste of rotten onions. It seemed to me that the fruit was spoiled, as it was soft and smelled strongly. In fact, I just didn’t understand that this is normal for durian.
In 2015, I went to Vietnam with my husband. He dreamed of trying this fruit, even despite my excuses. My husband fell in love with durian and bought durian-flavored candies as souvenirs so that he could enjoy this fruit in Russia. That time I was afraid to try durian a second time.
This year I rediscovered durian. We realized that This fruit should be eaten immediately after opening. If you buy already cut durian on the street, there is a risk that it will be spoiled. I have personally seen how sometimes spoiled whole durians are cut up and placed on plastic trays for sale.

Taste The freshly opened durian is amazing. This is a whole range of sensations: banana, mango, ice cream, nut. Yes, there is a slight onion taste, but it in no way spoils the experience.
Quite a few articles have been written about the benefits of durian, I will not duplicate them. Let's just say: this is an incredibly healthy fruit, but you don't need to overdo it!

Useful tips from personal experience!!!

1) Buy undamaged fresh fruit.

2) Take 1 durian weighing 3-5 kg ​​for a company of 4 people. A small durian weighing 2 kg can easily be eaten by two people. Keep in mind that there is not much edible pulp in a whole fruit (about 30% of total weight fruit), so it’s quite possible to handle a fruit of this weight.

3) In Vietnam, 1 kg costs 50,000 dong (about 150 rubles). So keep in mind, if they “bump you up” on the price, then you can safely bargain. However, it is worth considering that the entire fruit with a heavy peel will be weighed!

4) Eat the fruit immediately after opening.

5) Do not mix fruit with alcohol! This is dangerous for the heart!

6) Try to eat durian separately from other foods. It is better to eat fruit 2 hours after and 2 hours before meals.

7) Don't use large number Durian, as it can cause diarrhea, but it can help with constipation. This fruit contains a large amount of dietary fiber, so it is better to eat no more than 200 grams of pulp per day.

If you are hesitant to buy an expensive fruit, you can first try other durian-flavored products. Asian countries have many durian-flavored goodies: candies, cookies, ice cream and much more.

Where to buy???

Of course, it is best to buy fruit in Asian countries: China, Thailand, Vietnam. Good durians are sold in Russia in Moscow at the Danilovsky market. However, the cost is quite high, about 1000 rubles per 1 kg of whole fruit.


Be sure to try it! We only live once, so it's worth investing in this special fruit, revered in Asian countries. If you follow the above tips, then consuming durian will give you only the most positive emotions!

The durian is considered the king of fruits in southeast Asia, where the fruit was actually discovered about 600 years ago. Its inimitable taste and softness captivated all local residents, and soon curious tourists. Durian is also found in the tropical part of distant Australia. The fruit itself can be the most unpredictable and therefore even more attractive in shape - from round to heart-shaped and triangular. The diameter of the selected fruit reaches about 30 cm, and the weight is about 8 – 9 kilograms. The creamy pulp is stored in oblong compartments and has a yellowish-cream color.

Durian is a source of vegetable protein, healthy fats and fructose. Local residents of Asian countries believe that its pulp can cure many diseases. This fruit is rich in vitamins with antioxidant properties. In addition, the fruits contain ascorbic, pantothenic, folic and nicotinic acids, riboflavin, carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Durian also contains a large number of hormones similar to human ones. This feature helps maintain the activity of the reproductive system and thyroid gland. Natural saccharides present in fruits are in an easily digestible form and completely charge the body with energy.

Evergreen durian tree. When do the fruits ripen?

The tree itself is an evergreen giant with shiny fleshy leaves, upper part which are smooth and attractive, while the lower one is rougher and fleecy. The height of durian can reach 40 meters. At the moment of short-term night flowering, the tree is inimitably transformed. Its flowers acquire a brown-yellow color and a sour aroma. With the appearance of the first rays of dawn, it completely sheds its color. The king of fruits, durian, ripens in the spring and summer: in Thailand, they rejoice at the ripened durian during the rainy season (from mid-April to September), the wonderful Philippines, more precisely, the island of Davao, feasts on the fruit all year round, and beautiful Indonesia treats itself to creamy flesh during the winter months.

Use in cooking

A European traveling in Southeast Asia can consider himself very lucky if he finds a good ripe durian on sale at the market that he likes the taste.

And for local peoples, eating durian is the most common thing, although they also consider it festive dish undoubtedly respected. It is even called the king among fruits.

In the summer season, when the plantations begin to bear fruit at the same time, it is not possible to sell everything to tourists, then the fruits are processed.

The Thais and Malays have accumulated a wealth of experience using the thorny king in cooking:

  • Durian is included in the recipes of many confectionery products: sweets, ice cream, cocktails.
  • The fruits of the plant are used to make jam or jam and dry them, like chips and dried fruits. In this form, you can keep it for a long time and even bring it home from a trip.
  • Quite unexpectedly, this fruit (mostly unripe) is even fried. It turns out something similar to fried potatoes.
  • The seeds are dried, ground and added to vegetable and meat dishes.
  • Fresh pulp is added to main courses and soups.
  • How fresh vegetable, consume the young shoots of the plant.
  • Local residents bake tubes and pies filled with durian.
  • The peel and bark of the tree are used to smoke fish.

The national Thai dessert "Dodol" is made from durian, glutinous rice and coconut milk. It is similar in color and consistency to toffee, and tastes very sweet!

The specific smell in the dessert remains. It is sold in Russia if you try hard to find it.


The exotic fruit durian is considered an unsurpassed aphrodisiac; its pulp contains a significant amount of estrogens, which normalizes the hormonal balance of women and, accordingly, fertility. The exotic king, in addition to estrogens, contains a powerful supply of iron, vital zinc, manganese and copper; in fact, durian hid half of the periodic table.

Also, the smelly durian fruit is considered a storehouse of vitamins and macroelements: the most important vitamins A, B and even C are supplemented with folic acid and a quartet of calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Regular consumption of the miraculous pulp allows you to restore the body’s strength and regulate all processes.

Composition, calorie content, beneficial properties

The energy value of the product reaches 147 kcal per 100 g due to the following nutrients:

  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fats - 5.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 23.3 g.

The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of water (65%) and fiber (3.8%).

The mineral composition is quite rich, includes compounds of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron.

A characteristic feature is the presence of organic sulfur. Its volatile compounds, together with indole, create a renowned aromatic bouquet.

Biologically active substances of the fruit are B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin A.

People's opinion

As for the taste of the unusual fruit itself, those who have tried the king are divided in their opinions. Some consider the taste to be unsurpassably soft, cheesy with notes of ripe nuts, while others highlight the invincible taste of custard cream that is burnt in places, while others - bright notes of strawberry, banana and onion. Vietnamese gourmets speak of durian as an edible source of organic sulfur, which improves the condition of hair, nails, cartilage and even the nervous system.

What does a durian fruit look like?

Durian fruits are oval or oblong in shape, reaching up to 20 cm.

One such fruit can weigh about 8 kilograms.

The fruit is covered on top sharp hard thorns, thus protecting its contents from various animals.

The color of the fruit is most often yellow-green, but different variations are possible.

About 34 types of this plant, however, only a few are edible (about 9 species), most often with the most unpleasant odor.

Inside there are five so-called compartments, one of which contains a seed, preferably orange-brown in color.

In the remaining sections there is a delicate soft substance of white, pale yellow or pink color.

How to choose?

To enjoy durian, you should learn how to choose the right unusual fruit:

  • To begin with, you should carefully sniff the smell of the fruit in the tail area: the richer the aroma, the tastier its pulp will be;
  • Next, you should knock on the greenish-brown peel of the durian - if in response you hear an empty, dull sound, it means the fruit is not ripe, only a gurgling, barely audible sound can indicate the ripeness of the fruit;
  • The last indicator of maturity is the color of the durian thorns: they should be slightly yellowish and their tips slightly brown.

What does durian smell like?

Durian is truly the stinkiest fruit in the world. It is because of this that it is practically not exported and is consumed exclusively in the place where it grows, so many tourists do not lose the opportunity to try this fruit, which smells bad, during their vacation.

In Thailand it is highly valued; it is traditionally believed that its smell brings hellish visions, and its taste gives heavenly pleasure.

We can say that it smells different for everyone, so precise definition its smell does not exist. However, it is unanimously noted that it is the unpleasant notes in the aroma that predominate. So, to some it resembles a mixture of the smell of rotten eggs and boiled onions, dirty socks and sewerage, garlic and stale fish, and sometimes you can find descriptions that contain a hint of turpentine. The unpleasant smell of durian has long become a legend, so most people want to try at least a piece of this strange fruit. However, after cutting the fruit and the pulp of the fruit and smelling the smell, many refuse to taste its pulp.

How to eat?

The next stage of acquaintance will be eating the fruit. You need to eat the capricious durian fruit very quickly. Reviews from many gourmets advise eating the fruit within the first 5 minutes after opening, otherwise the taste and aroma will become equally specific. It is possible to store durian for no more than 5 days from the date of purchase, but it is worth ridding the king of possible proximity. Durian is a rather active fruit; its aroma can easily spoil nearby vegetables and foods.

You should enjoy the fruit in an open space, without leaving pieces “for later.” Constant contact with oxygen turns the already rotten smell of the fruit into unbearable. Also, experts from Vietnam advise not to buy prepared and peeled durian: during storage in a plastic container, the smell will only intensify and the taste of the pulp will become too scanty.

How to clean and eat durian

How do Thais and Asians eat durians? Residents of Asian countries make paste from them. The dish is used as a spice. If there is a desire to consume a fresh product, then it is eaten immediately after purchase, without bringing it into the room. To eat the pulp, use a spoon. The fruits are not peeled; the shells are split into two parts. Fruits with cracks are considered ripe. The fruit can also be broken off piece by piece. However, the corrosive smell is difficult to wash off from the skin. Once you have tasted the pulp, you should eat it quickly to avoid causing stomach upset.

Asians drink the fruit pulp with salted water. The fruit can be combined with a coffee drink or spices. The seeds of exotic fruits are roasted and used as an exotic spice. Residents of the island of Java add the fruit to ice cream, and Indonesians prepare a sauce for rice dishes from the product.

The fruits are also soaked in coconut milk and sprinkle with sugar. This delicate sweet dessert is especially loved by Asian children. You should not purchase already cut pieces of fruit in plastic packaging. It is better to buy a ripe large fruit, crack the shell and taste the pulp with a spoon.

What to combine the fruit with?

Ripe and high-quality fruit is amazingly satisfying. Its creamy consistency makes it easy to scoop with a spoon or pair with fruit salads, and some have also described it as coffee-like or candy-like durian. The fruit, a photo of which can be found in many modern cookbooks, is often rejected or replaced by housewives with mango or avocado. But once you open and cut the fruit correctly, many opponents of the exotic fruit join the ranks of its admirers. Gourmets especially appreciate the delicious combination of natural high-quality coffee and slices of peeled durian. Breakfast spent in the company of the king of fruits is considered an excellent start to the day.

Many people are afraid to try it because of the smell that the durian fruit gives off. What it smells like is rotten sweetness, sometimes rotten meat and spices; many consumers also emit a tart, rotten smell of fish and onions. To get used to the intrusive aroma of the king, you should inhale the air in small sips and eat the slices with held breath; this will perfectly balance all the receptors and eating a specific fruit will become easier.

Durian taste

Ripe durian has very tender flesh. Durian tastes like nuts and cheese at the same time. Many people compare the taste of the product with custard pastry cream. The exotic fruit combines the flavors of bananas, vanilla, papaya, mango and pineapple. The taste of durian has no analogues.

Housewives prefer to make jam, ice cream and candy from the fruit. Sweet desserts have the most delicate texture and a very pleasant subtle taste. Durian can also be fried in coconut oil or just cut into slices.

There is a lovely tale about how the durian came to be. The fruit was created as a result of the charms of a sorcerer who tried to help a king in love gain the favor of his chosen one. The king, who treated the beauty to a fantastic creamy fruit with an unsurpassably delicious aroma, completely forgot about gratitude to the sorcerer. He became angry and cursed all existing durian fruits. After the wedding, the king decided to once again taste the fruit of enchanting love, but the tree greeted him with thorny fruits with an invincible rotten smell. Angry, the king smashed the picked fruit on the ground and only then saw that the pulp inside was the same as before.

Harm and contraindications of durian

The fruit should be consumed with caution during pregnancy. Some doctors recommend abstaining from fruits while carrying a child. This is due to the high content of folic acid in the fruit pulp. It is also undesirable to eat the product while breastfeeding.

It is important to know that fruit can be not only useful, but also dangerous. It should not be consumed in large quantities. In such a situation, allergies and swelling of the nasopharynx may develop. When you first try it, you should not combine the product with other fruits. You need to try a small piece of pulp from the shell and wait a while. The European body is accustomed to completely different foods; you need to be careful when consuming Thai fruits.

Exotic durian and alcohol do not mix. Alcohol compounds cause unwanted reactions from the body.

Under no circumstances should you drink fruit pulp with an alcoholic drink. You may feel worse and develop a heart attack. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed no earlier than 5 hours after the fruit.

Trying the exotic durian fruit will not leave anyone indifferent. Not everyone will like the very corrosive sweetish putrid smell and can kill the appetite. However, in Southeast Asian countries the fruit is very popular and durian is considered the king of fruits. For an unaccustomed European, it is better to consume the product only fresh and only a few slices after opening the shell. This will avoid discomfort in the digestive organs, allergies and dyspepsia.

Discussions of specialists. Contraindications

Many experts discuss the durian fruit. The beneficial properties of this fruit are quite stunning; many people decide to try it. exotic fruit, without really knowing about the side qualities of the fruit. Durian is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and women during pregnancy and subsequent feeding. Too much fruit intake can lead to allergic reactions. Also, people with individual intolerance to vitamins or individual substances, of which there are a lot in the pulp of the fruit.

What is useful and harmful

Thais and Malaysians eat durian all their lives.

Here are their observations about the influence of this fruit on the functions of the human body:

But the consumption of any exotic product must be dosed. Its beneficial qualities have a positive effect only on local residents who have been eating this fruit since childhood.

But the result can be unpredictable for a tourist, even to the point of individual intolerance.

First of all, it is worth remembering these rules:

  • You should eat durian in the morning, no more than 200 g at a time.
  • No alcohol in combination with durian! Yes, many people boast that they washed this fruit down with alcoholic drinks. But not everyone's experience was successful.
  • Southern exotics are definitely contraindicated for allergy sufferers: foreign substances in the composition can cause an unexpected allergic reaction.
  • The tonic properties of durian can play a bad joke on people with hypertension.
  • Children under 5 years of age and pregnant and lactating women should consume the fruit with caution - primarily due to unexpected manifestations of allergies.
  • Another unpleasant consequence of eating is belching with a repulsive odor.

Chinese opinion

The Chinese, on the contrary, glorify durian. The fruit is easily divided among the smallest members of the family, and small children decide for themselves how much of the fruit to eat at a time. Medicinal plant experts attribute durian to its unsurpassed ability to renew the body's cells. With regular use, the human body rejuvenates, metabolic processes and blood flow are significantly adjusted.

Chinese scientists also reveal the calorie content of durian - 100 g of fresh (or frozen for 2-3 days) contains about 145 kcal, but the carbohydrate content compensates for the lack of fat. Therefore, scientists prohibit people with a predisposition to being curvy from getting carried away with durian. A tasty fruit can add a couple of kilograms in the shortest possible time.

What does a durian tree look like and grow?

In general, the tree has a fairly wide distribution and scope of use.

The tree can reach a height 40 meters, while the plant is quite spreading. The diameter of its straight trunk can reach up to 150 centimeters.

The leaves are dark green in color, their upper side is absolutely smooth, while the lower side has golden hairy scales.

Placement of sheets is alternate. The flowers of this plant are large, most often white or red.

The petals can be white, pink or brown and reach up to 7 cm in length.

Flowers can form both on the trunks and on large branches of the tree.

The plant is usually pollinated at night bats, however, it is possible that bees are also involved in this process.

Around the fourth year of its life, the tree begins to bear fruit.

Flowers and fruits usually once a year, but some species may become an exception and produce fruit more often.

What do they think about the fetus in Asian countries?

Many Asian countries strictly prohibit bringing durian into public places, especially transport and hotels. The specific aroma of the fruit does not dissipate for several hours, and sometimes even days (overripe fruits have a corrosive putrid odor). Therefore, gourmets, having found their favorite fruit, enjoy it not far from the place of purchase.

In colorful Thailand, there are about 200 types of durians - from the smallest and almost odorous fruits to the largest and incredibly tasty durians. The mass ripening and trading season in Thailand falls in hot May and August. Fans of the exotic fruit plan their vacation in advance in order to get to the durian feast on time.

Durian in Thailand

It was the peculiarity of the persistent heavy odor that vetoed export of Durian fruits from Asian countries, and if you try to take even a little of it for yourself or for friends and relatives, you will definitely be detained at customs control with the ensuing consequences.

One of the places on Earth where the Durian plant is actively cultivated is Thailand, where you can get up close and personal with such a unique fruit.

Properties of Durian

Durian in Thailand It is very popular as a national dish with a special taste and a mind-blowing health effect, but strict rules apply to its sale and consumption. That is why the fruits cannot be found for sale in stores, but only in open markets, and after purchase, visiting public places or transporting them on public transport is simply prohibited.

It is also recommended to eat it in an open area without storing any leftovers; it is for this reason that friendly Durian fruit sellers are ready to peel the fruit right at the point of sale. When eating fruit, it is recommended not to touch it with your hands, but always use cutlery, because The specific aroma permeates the skin very quickly and it is extremely difficult to wash your hands of the smell.

Properties of Durian truly unique:

  • This is a high-calorie fruit with a calorie content of about 100 kcal/100 g, so when consumed, the feeling of hunger disappears very quickly, and regular consumption in large quantities leads to rapid weight gain. The fruit is often listed in various Asian diets as a high-energy product that perfectly invigorates, satisfies hunger and improves mood, so it is recommended to eat it in the morning.
  • Consider beneficial properties of Durian necessary because of its composition, which contains a huge amount of micro and macroelements, minerals, and their concentration is simply off scale in comparison with other fruits. This is a unique fruit of its kind, because... only it contains a large amount of organic sulfur compounds, which have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiac, nervous and reproductive systems. The fruit is also actively used as medicine for people of all ages, and as a "growth promoter" for young people.
  • A large number of special easily digestible substances that affect the activation of the body in the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) include Durian fruit to strong aphrodisiacs with an effect similar to a narcotic. For this reason, its use should be limited and controlled in terms of changes in physical health, because Metabolism is activated and blood pressure rises.

Fruit composition

The nutritional properties of Durian fruit are much higher compared to other plants.

The fruit pulp (approximately 243 grams) contains:

  1. Calories: 357.
  2. Fat: 13 grams.
  3. Carbohydrates: 66 grams.
  4. Fiber: 9 grams.
  5. Protein: 4 grams.
  6. Vitamin C: 80% of RDI.
  7. Thiamine: 61% of RDI.
  8. Manganese: 39% of RDI.
  9. Vitamin B6: 38% of RDI.
  10. Potassium: 30% of RDI.
  11. Riboflavin: 29% RDI.
  12. Copper: 25% of RDI.
  13. Folic acid: 22% of RDI.
  14. Magnesium: 18% RDI.
  15. Niacin: 13% RDI.


The table of each tree, as well as the durian branches, are overgrown with semi-umbrellas of flowers with no more than three petals. different shapes and size. As a rule, the flowering period is extremely short and lasts only a few hours:

  • open in the evening;
  • fall off in the morning.

In addition to all of the above, durian fruits, without any exceptions, have their own ripening period. Full ripening of the fruit occurs from the beginning of spring to the end of summer.

The fruits of these trees are, of course, harvested precisely at the end of the period of full ripening. At the same time, this process is not as simple as it might seem and requires some preparation from the person involved in the collection.

How to select and store durian

Durian is a perishable fruit. For consumption, you need to choose fresh and ripe fruits. The short shelf life is due to the unpleasant odor that quickly spreads throughout the room. It is recommended to eat the fruit immediately on the day of purchase, without bringing it into the house.

How to choose a ripe durian:

  • the fruit's spines should be yellowish in color with brown tips;
  • small cracks are visible on the peel;
  • when tapping, a dull “gurgling” is heard;
  • the tail, located at the top of the fruit, has a more pronounced odor.

Durian is a fairly popular fruit in eastern countries. Its unpleasant smell is repulsive, but if you overcome this dislike, you can enjoy the unique taste of the healthy fruit, which will not leave even the most notorious gourmets indifferent! This product can be viewed in our catalog.

The smell of durian

Opinions about the fruit are divided. Some consider it a divine fruit, others call it a fiend of hell. Why does the fruit stink so much? Gas chromatography studies have identified 44 components - chemicals that produce distinctive aromas. These included: hydrogen sulfide, acetaldehyde, methanethiol, ethylsulfanyl, methylsulfanyl. Thus, durian combines the smells of fruit, honey, onion, rot, sulfur, caramel, soup seasoning, and rotten egg.

You can hear reviews about the controversial fruit in the video:


Experts warn: after you eat a mango, do not touch alcohol for at least two hours. It is forbidden to snack on mango alcoholic drinks - there is a danger food poisoning. The fact is that the acids that these fruits contain irritate the gastric mucosa, and alcoholic drinks aggravate the situation. The result is intestinal problems, colic, diarrhea.

It is especially unsafe to eat overripe mangoes, since these fruits contain pathogenic bacteria that also multiply quickly. Here you can’t get away with diarrhea alone; the danger of food poisoning is very real.

By the way, mangoes are generally an insidious fruit. For people suffering from allergies, mangoes can cause skin rashes (such as hives) and lips may become swollen. Allergy sufferers are generally advised to use gloves when peeling these tropical fruits. These are the problems that risk adding to your treasury of troubles if you decide to use mangoes as a complement to alcohol.

Fans of fruit-alcoholic cocktails should not forget about the possible danger. Experiment with papaya, carambola, avocado, but not mango.

Rules for selecting and cleaning durian

On sale you can find fruits of various shades, but due to the variety of varieties, green peel does not always indicate immaturity. In order to choose the most appetizing specimen of the fruit, you must adhere to the following rules:

Rules for choosing durian / Photobank Lori

  1. Fully ripe fruits crack and open naturally.
  2. Uncut durian has a slightly tart flavor.
  3. The pulp of the fruit should be of a tender consistency.
  4. Do not pick durian directly from the branches. Ripe fruits can be found under the tree; they will be the most juicy.
  5. If you tap the surface of a ripe fruit, you will hear a dull sound.

When purchasing cut durian, you need to make sure that its flesh is uniform and without spots. It is best to buy the fruits whole. You will most likely have to eat it on the street, so for convenience, you can ask the seller to peel and cut the fruit.

In order to get to the core yourself, you need to crack the hard shell and remove the pulp into a prepared container. You can use a spoon. If you plan to store the peeled fruit in the refrigerator, it is important to place the pulp in an airtight container so that the rest of the food does not become saturated with a repulsive odor.

Product No. 4. Grapefruit

Unlike other citrus fruits, grapefruit significantly enhances the effect of alcohol on the body. This manifests itself in the blocking of liver enzymes, which are responsible for the breakdown of toxic substances ingested. If we talk in simple words, then grapefruit simply does not allow the liver to cope with alcohol, limiting its work. That is why a person who has eaten a juicy fruit gets drunk faster than everyone else, and remains in this state much longer. The hangover will definitely not be easy either.

That is why you should not abuse alcoholic drinks, which contain grapefruit juice.

Health Benefits

All parts of the durian plant - leaves, husk, roots and fruit parts - are used in traditional Malaysian medicine to treat a variety of symptoms, including high fever, jaundice and skin conditions.

Research has shown that fruits can have a positive effect on:

  1. Reducing the risk of cancer. Antioxidants neutralize cancer by absorbing free radicals. The extract prevents breast cancer cells from spreading.
  2. Prevent heart disease. Several compounds in durian may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  3. Fighting infection. The peel contains antibacterial and antifungal components.
  4. Reduced blood sugar levels. Durian has a lower glycemic index than other tropical fruits. In addition, the fruit can prevent glucose absorption and stimulate insulin production.

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of this fruit

Many thousands of years ago, there lived a king in Asia. He fell in love with a beautiful girl who did not reciprocate. Then he turned to the magician for help. He gave a magical fruit with a wonderful aroma and a charming sweet taste. The girl tried the fruit and immediately fell in love with the king. And the ruler was so happy that he completely forgot to thank the magician. The wizard became furious and cursed these wonderful fruits. When the king came to the garden for a new “fruit of love,” he saw a thorny fruit emitting a stench on the tree. Angry, the king threw it to the ground, but when it split open, the fruit inside turned out to be as tasty as before. That is why the king called it “durian”.

Botanical description of durian

The durian plant is a straight-trunked tree, wildlife reaching a height of 46 meters (the growth of grafted cultivated plant species is much lower). The trunk is covered with alternate leaves. The upper surface of the leaves is glossy and green, the lower surface is bronze-silver. Like many tropical plants, durian blooms at night. Its white flowers are arranged in clusters of 3-30; their strong scent attracts flocks of small bats (Eonycteris spelea) that pollinate the tree.

Durian fruits grow up to 30 cm in length. Their weight often exceeds 5 kilograms. The flesh of the exotic fruit is hidden under a greenish-brown hard shell (shell) studded with spines. When ripe, the durian shell splits into five segments, revealing pinkish, yellowish or creamy white flesh containing large seeds.

Popular varieties and varieties of durian

There are thirty types of durian in nature, of which only eight can be eaten:

  • durio zibethinus (durian);
  • durio dulcis (durian maragang, lahong);
  • durio grandiflorus (munjit);
  • durio graveolens (durian merah, kuning, tabelak);
  • durio kutejensis (durian kulu, pulu, lai);
  • durio lowianus (chaarian);
  • durio oxleyanus (durian sukang, keratogan);
  • durio testudinarum (kura-kura).

The most popular among the species is the civet durian (Durio zibethinus).

Seed germination

Depending on climatic conditions, different subspecies and series of fruit are grown in countries:

  1. Popular in Thailand are Gaanyao, Montong, KOB Picul, Chanee, Kradoom Tong and Chompoosri.
  2. In Malaysia - D2 (Dato Nina), D10 (Durian Hijau), D16, D24, D98 (Katoi), D99 (Kop Kecil) D116 (Batu), D117 (Gombak), D123 (Rim 2/Chanee), Hew 3; D145 Tuan Mek Hijau/Beserah D158 Kan Yau/Tangkai Panjang, D159 Mon Thong/Bantal Mas, D169 Tok Litok, MDUR 78, MDUR 79, MDUR.
  3. In Indonesia: Sitokong, BaKul, Mas, Sitebel, Simanalagi and Simadat.
  4. In the Philippines, the following local varieties are recommended by the National Seed Industry Council (NSIC): Fancy, Arancillo, Atabrine, Duyaya, GD 69, Lacson Uno, Lacson Dos, Mamer, Nanam, Oboza, Puyat, Sulit and UPLB Gold.

Why durian is dangerous

Durian is a tasty and healthy tropical fruit, rich in a whole range of vitamins and minerals. However, it can be consumed in small quantities, and at the first try it is not advisable to combine it with other exotic fruits.

The body of Europeans, not accustomed to such exotica, may react negatively to new product, which will manifest itself as swelling of the nasopharynx and an allergic rash. Stomach problems may also occur after consuming it.

When trying an unusual fruit from eastern countries for the first time, you should limit yourself to a small portion of the pulp. If there is no reaction, you can enjoy it the next time you use it unusual dessert, not forgetting that any exotic fruit should be eaten in moderation.

Durian increases blood pressure, so it should not be consumed by people suffering from hypertension.

Durian and alcohol

Under no circumstances should durian be combined with alcoholic beverages. The consequences can be very serious, including death.

What reactions may occur after consuming fruit with alcohol:

  • significant increase in blood pressure;
  • severe poisoning and intoxication of the body.

- a real king among exotic fruits, and its peculiarity is so great that it is prohibited from being exported from the countries where it grows, and people who have tried it are divided into two categories: ardent opponents or admirers.

Differences between Durian fruit

The king of all fruits cannot be confused with other fruits. Externally Durian somewhat similar to chestnut, it is sometimes even called Asian chestnut, because the fruit is covered with rather powerful spines, and when the peel is broken, edible segments of the fruit are revealed.

Only the size of the Durian fruit, unlike chestnuts, is much larger, because its fruits reach a size of up to 30 cm with a weight of about 8 kg.

What does Durian smell like?

The dense, thick peel with spines ensures the fruit ripens under the scorching sun without damage, which is extremely important for taste and shelf life. This amazing fruit constantly gives rise to disputes among gourmets and even scientists about what Durian smells like and what it tastes like, because each fruit is in some way unique, although there are general taste impressions.

This text was stolen from the site

Taste and aroma directly depend on the variety, place of growth, weather conditions, moment of collection relative to ripening, timing and storage conditions, so from one seller you can buy fruits that are completely different in taste.

Durian- an evergreen powerful plant up to 40 m high with original pointed leaves, and this mystical plant blooms for only a few hours with golden-brown, golden or white flowers that open only once at dusk and close at dawn.

Despite the spectacular flowering, it is recommended to observe it away from the plant, because the flower exudes a sharp, fetid odor, which also affects the original “aroma” of the fruit. The smell of Durian cannot be confused, because the amber emitted is so bright and persistent that it is difficult to get rid of it, and its comparative description is very vague, because everyone has their own associations.

Some argue that Durian fruit smells rotten eggs, others - rotten onions, still others compare it with the “aromas” of sewage, and still others claim that the smell is very similar to moldy cheese.

The secret of such a fetid odor lies precisely in the peel, which is saturated with elements of organic sulfur with rich volatile substances. It was precisely this natural protection that hid in the depths of the fruit a pulp unique in its properties and taste.

Durian fruit taste

Due to the fact what does Durian fruit smell like?, few manage to highly appreciate the taste of the pulp, because the persistent aroma leaves a lasting impression on the taste buds.

To taste the taste of a fruit, you need to abstract yourself from the smell, and it is very difficult to convince those who have a strong negative reaction to the smell of the sophistication and sophistication of the taste of the pulp itself.

Attempts to block the nose with cotton swabs are not always effective, so only abstraction and compliance with the rules and techniques of use Durian fruit allows them to enjoy.

Durian flavor is very diverse and causes different taste impressions and effects, because the fruit is not only a “taste chameleon”, but also saturated with a large number of substances that actively affect the body like drugs.

That is why the description of the taste of the Durian fruit is more subjective than real. Most often, the taste is reminiscent of a creamy dessert with vanilla notes or fresh French pastries, but cases of comparative descriptions reminiscent of the taste of the original are not uncommon. delicious salad with mayonnaise or just fried onions in oil.

Flavor notes of nuts, bananas and even strawberries are also noted. It is simply impossible to find two absolutely identical fruits that taste the same.

The consistency of the pulp is quite tender, although it holds the shape of the slices, so it is consumed both as an independent, by the way, very high-calorie dessert, and as a popular component of dessert masterpieces and cocktails.

It is not recommended to store more than 3-5 hours, because... not only does the taste change due to oxidative effects, but the persistent odor actively accumulates. It is not recommended to freeze or carefully package the pulp, because... in the first case, the structure and taste of the fruit completely changes, and in the second, the smell will definitely make itself felt after some time.

Durian in Thailand

It was the peculiarity of the persistent heavy odor that vetoed export of Durian fruits from Asian countries, and if you try to take even a little of it for yourself or for friends and relatives, you will definitely be detained at customs control with the ensuing consequences.

One of the places on Earth where the Durian plant is actively cultivated is Thailand, where you can get up close and personal with such a unique fruit.

Properties of Durian

Durian in Thailand is very popular as a national dish with a special taste and amazing health benefits, but there are strict rules for its sale and consumption.

That is why the fruits cannot be found for sale in stores, but only in open markets, and after purchase, visiting public places or transporting them on public transport is simply prohibited.

Properties of Durian truly unique:

  • This is a high-calorie fruit with a calorie content of about 100 kcal/100 g, so when consumed, the feeling of hunger disappears very quickly, and regular consumption in large quantities leads to rapid weight gain. The fruit is often listed in various Asian diets as a high-energy product that perfectly invigorates, satisfies hunger and improves mood, so it is recommended to eat it in the morning.
  • Consider beneficial properties of Durian necessary because of its composition, which contains a huge amount of micro and macroelements, minerals, and their concentration is simply off scale in comparison with other fruits. This is a unique fruit of its kind, because... only it contains a large amount of organic sulfur compounds, which have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiac, nervous and reproductive systems. The fruit is actively used both as a medicine for people of all ages, and as a “growth stimulant” for young people.
  • A large number of special easily digestible substances that affect the activation of the body in the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) include Durian fruit to strong aphrodisiacs with an effect similar to a narcotic. For this reason, its use should be limited and controlled in terms of changes in physical health, because Metabolism is activated and blood pressure rises.

Benefits of Durian for the body

  • Pulp fiber Durian fruit activates and cleanses the intestines, while antioxidants actively affect the rejuvenation of the body. The bactericidal properties of the fruit are activated immune system to combat pathogenic organisms. The fruit even has an effect on cleaning the lungs, because... activates mucosal drainage.
  • Special properties of durian fruit They cope well with female and male diseases and problems, so many tourists specially arrange tours to undergo a treatment course in Thailand with this fantastic fruit.
  • The overall healing effect on the body is simply impressive, which is why the fruits are often used in complex preventive and treatment systems nutrition, but it is recommended to use it gradually, because bright and active impact can be unpredictable.
  • As an aphrodisiac, the pulp of the fruit is ground and added to cocktails, and for those trying this fruit for the first time, it is advisable to select small-sized fruits with incomplete ripening. By the way, the price of such Durian somewhat lower, although the fruit itself is not that expensive.
  • This choice is justified by the fact that as the fruit ripens, it becomes increasingly rich in both taste and smell, the harshness of which can become unbearable for beginners. For this reason, the fruit is actively used to treat migraines and as an antidepressant.
  • The chemical composition of the fruit is very concentrated, so its effect on the body is felt as a powerful energy drink. Copper, iron, potassium, B vitamins, folic acid, sucrose and fructose quickly tone and energize the body, so the fruit is very useful before active training.
  • Benefits of Durian It is noted especially on the cardiovascular system when consumed regularly, therefore it prevents and even cures diseases such as anemia. For the same reason, changes in the skin are quickly observed, which become more elastic and firm. A rejuvenating effect is felt.
  • The high content of organic manganese and fructose has a beneficial effect on diabetics, so the fruit is simply indicated for them as prevention and treatment. Add to this great content folic acid and copper – positive result effects on the hormonal system. The effect on the thyroid gland is similar to the effect of iodine.
  • Potassium, calcium and phosphorus support and strengthen bone tissue, so those who regularly use Durain fruit, note strong healthy teeth and bone structures.

Energy value of Durian

Substance Contents per 100g % NSN
Energy 147kcal 7%
Carbohydrates 27.09g 21%
Squirrels 1.47g 2,50%
Total fat 5.33g 20%
Cholesterol 0 0
Fiber/dietary fiber 3.8g 10%
Vitamins Content in 100g % NSN
Vitamin A 44ME 1,50%
B vitamins 91,50%
Vitamin B 1 thiamine 0,374 31%
Vitamin B 2 riboflavin 0.200mg 15%
Vitamin B 3 Niacin PP 1.074 mg 7%
Vitamin B 5 pantothenic acid 0.230 mg 4,50%
Vitamin B 6 pyridoxine 0.316 mg 24%
Vitamin B 9 folic acid 36 mcg 9%
Vitamin C 19.7 mg 33%
Electrolytes Contents per 100g % NSN
Sodium 2mg <1%
Potassium 436 mg 9,50%
Mineral things Contents per 100g % NSN
Calcium 6mg
Copper 0.207 mg
Iron 0.43 mg
Magnesium 30mg
Manganese 0.325 mg
Phosphorus 39mg
Zinc 0.28 mg
Phyto-nutrients Contents per 100g % NSN
Carotene-α 6µg
Carotene-ß 23mcg

Where to buy Durian

You can buy durian in Thailand only in markets and street stalls. Today, in popular tourist places they want 80-150 baht for 1 kg of durian, but it happens that the price tag is announced very high (for a fool, so to speak). However, in inconspicuous shops for local residents, you can see prices of 40-50 baht per kg.

Due to its high popularity, in Thailand the fruit is sold all year round, despite the spring and summer ripening season. To avoid buying unripe fruit in winter, you need to pay attention to the absence of odor and hardness.

As already mentioned, the cost of 1 kg of uncut fruit ranges around 100 baht. The peeled pulp is offered on a foam support at a cost of about 80 baht for the contents of one chamber of the fruit. It is worth recalling once again that the export of durian from Thailand is prohibited due to its characteristics.

Durian - why not?

Durian is very fragrant in its whole form, and even more so when cut. In this regard, it is prohibited to carry and consume it in hotels, transport and other public places. Especially for tourists, signs with a crossed out image of the fruit are installed in these places.

The very specific smell of durian is perceived differently by different people. Some people think it smells like the musty smell of garlic, rotten meat or overcooked onions. And to some it reminds me of floral aromas. This is a very interesting and mysterious fruit.

The room where the durian was brought and cut will preserve the memory of it for a very long time - the aroma will remain in it for a long time. And as stated earlier, it will be different for each person.

How to store Durian

Cut durian can be safely stored in the refrigerator for three to four days. When peeling the fruit, use gloves, because... If you move carelessly, you can injure your hand on the spikes.

So, we cut the fruit lengthwise with a knife and take out all the pulp from it, as if we were cutting a melon, and separate the seeds. In Thailand, local residents also eat durian seeds. Roasted, they taste vaguely like almonds.

In fact, durian is a very popular fruit among Thais for various culinary delights. For example, it is added to ice cream, when baking buns, and even cocktails are prepared with it.

It is worth considering that along with the beneficial properties of the Durian fruit, its use is associated with a special taste, smell, and should also be limited and justified for medical reasons due to its strong effects. For this reason, there are restrictions on use for people with blood pressure, personal incompatibility, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Durian is one of the most unusual exotic fruits. Returning from tropical countries, tourists talk about its heavenly taste and fetid smell. The fruits of this plant can only be appreciated by true gourmets, since most people simply cannot stand their pungent and unpleasant aroma. However, not everyone knows that they are endowed with many healing and beneficial qualities. In this article, we will take a closer look at this fruit and decide whether it is worth overcoming our disgust and daring to try it.

Durian is a tropical tree belonging to the Malvaceae family and reaching 40 m in height. It has been cultivated in Malaysia, India, Thailand and other countries of Southeast Asia for more than 600 years. This plant primarily grows in humid climates. Currently, about 30 of its varieties are known, but only 9 of them are edible.

Durian has quite large fruits, some of which reach 30 cm, and the largest can weigh up to 8 kg. They are completely covered with a hard skin with pyramidal spines, have a spherical shape and a fibrous structure. Only dried or canned fruits are suitable for export. Fresh fruits can be consumed only in the growing area.

The unpleasant odor imposes certain restrictions on the consumption and distribution of durian. It is strictly forbidden to carry it on public transport and serve it in hotels. This characteristic aroma appears due to the fact that the pulp of the fruit contains large accumulations of organic sulfur. However, people who are accustomed to this fruit can bravely endure the stench thanks to the pleasant and sweet taste, reminiscent of a mixture of ripe bananas, mangoes, persimmons, various nuts and strawberries.

Durian is a source of vegetable protein, healthy fats and fructose. Local residents of Asian countries believe that its pulp can cure many diseases. This fruit is rich in vitamins with antioxidant properties. In addition, the fruits contain ascorbic, pantothenic, folic and nicotinic acids, riboflavin, carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Durian also contains a large number of hormones similar to human ones. This feature helps maintain the activity of the reproductive system and thyroid gland. Natural saccharides present in fruits are in an easily digestible form and completely charge the body with energy.

  • In the area where it grows, durian is used as a remedy for constipation. Scientists have proven that it enhances microflora and intestinal motility. Coarse dietary fiber acts as a kind of brush, freeing the gastrointestinal tract from obstruction and severe congestion. In addition, eating fruits improves the absorption of nutrients by the walls of the esophagus.
  • Despite the fact that durian is not a low-calorie product and contains fats, it has dietary properties. The fruit is quickly absorbed by the body, removes cholesterol, saturates the blood with oxygen and promotes natural weight loss.
  • In our country, these fruits are used to treat and prevent anemia, due to their high iron content. Durian increases hemoglobin levels and tightens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Folic acid present in the composition is an effective means of combating infertility.
  • The mineral compounds and proteins contained in the fruits are responsible for the condition of hair, skin, bones, teeth and gums.
  • Durian is rich in thiamine, which has a positive effect on digestive processes, normalizes appetite and improves the digestion of foods.
  • Due to its high content of ascorbic acid, the fruit is beneficial for people with weak immune systems. It will provide protection against heavy metal salts and increase resistance to viral diseases and infections.
  • The presence of a large amount of water and fiber allows the fruits to be used to cleanse the cavities of internal organs from poisons and toxins. Some substances contained in the composition are added to drugs aimed at treating oncology.

  • Durian should not be consumed by people suffering from hypertension, as it increases blood pressure.
  • The fruit is an allergen, so its consumption can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It should be borne in mind that fruits provoke thirst, which is often quite difficult to quench.
  • Durian is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • This fruit should not be combined with alcoholic beverages. This can cause severe poisoning and other unpleasant complications.

Durian is often used to prepare a variety of nutritious dishes for children and adults:

  • Resorts in Southeast Asian countries serve creamy and fruity ice cream with pieces of fresh fruit.
  • In prestigious cafes in Malaysia and Thailand, milkshakes with ripe fruit pulp are very popular.
  • Dried durian fruits are a healthy and high-calorie snack. Bags with them can become an original souvenir brought from vacation. When dried, this fruit can be stored for a long time and does not oxidize as quickly as fresh fruits.
  • “Khao Nam Ka Ti Turian” is the name given to the famous Thai dessert with sticky rice, coconut syrup and durian.
  • Dodol is one of the traditional dishes of Malay cuisine. It is a candy similar to toffee. In addition to the fruits of the “prickly” delicacy, they contain rice, palm sugar and coconut milk.

Durian bark is used for smoking fish and other products, which thereby acquire a pleasant taste and aroma. Its pulp is used to prepare various sauces and is added to national fruit soups. A paste-like mass is prepared from a mixture of this fruit and pumpkin, which is a popular spice in many Asian countries.