Icon of the Mother of God with seven arrows. Icon of the Mother of God with seven arrows meaning. Prayers before the Icon of the Seven arrows

Despite large number saints and miracle workers who have a believer a person can ask for protection and patronage The Mother of God remains the most beloved image in Russia. There are a huge number of varieties of her icon - alone or with the Infant Christ. The single type includes the image “Seven Arrow Icon” or “Tenderness of Evil Hearts”.

Origin story

Like many icons, the first Seven-Arrow Icon was found miraculously. It was found by a peasant from Kadnikovsky district (near Vologda) in the Church of St. John the Theologian, located on the banks of the Toshni River. Until the moment it was found, people walked around the icon, mistaking it for an ordinary floorboard or step. After the revolution in 1917, the icon disappeared and not even a trace has been found to this day.

According to legend, the image was obtained in 1830, when a cholera epidemic occurred in Vologda. According to some legends, the peasant who found the shrine immediately recovered from a serious illness, after which Our Lady helped the entire district overcome the disease. According to another version, the peasant suffered from severe lameness and weakness. The Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to find her icon and pray in front of it.

Historians cannot name the exact time when the image was painted. Written sources of the 19th century indicate that its age is already more than the 5th century, that is, the time of writing is no later than the 14th century. However, since the icon was painted on canvas, which was then pasted onto a board, the date of painting is often considered to be the 18th century. According to some assumptions, the Seven-Shot Icon was copied from an unknown image of the Virgin Mary of the 17th century.

Description of the Seven Arrow Icon and its meaning

The icon depicts the Virgin Mary waist-deep, her head slightly tilted to the right and down, her eyes directed upward. The Virgin Mary in closed robes- usually red, but there are also options with blue fabric embroidered with gold patterns. She holds her hands near her chest, and 7 swords or daggers are aimed at her heart - 3 s right side and 4 from the left. The background can be solid gold or with angels on it. Angels and Christ himself may also be present on the icon.

The image looks similar to the image of the Virgin Mary "Softening Evil Hearts", in which the Mother of God is also pierced with 7 swords. The difference is mainly in the placement of the swords: in this variant they pierce the heart with 3 daggers on each side and 1 at the bottom. Today, both options are considered varieties of one general iconographic type. The meaning of the images and prayers of both icons are the same. Sometimes the full name is written as “Seven Shore Mother of God, Softening of Evil Hearts.”

7 arrows or swords piercing the Mother of God are a symbol of the grief and pain that she experienced when she saw her son and God on the cross. The number “7” itself has different interpretations:

  1. 7 human sins or passions who are trying to break through the protection of the Mother of God;
  2. The number itself is a symbol of completeness, excess - that is, the piercing of the Mother of God with exactly this number of arrows shows that she experienced the highest, most complete pain from the execution of Christ both as a mother and as a believing woman.

How does prayer help?

Since immediately after the miraculous discovery the peasant who found her was healed, first of all they come to her for health. But her help is not limited to this. She helps:

In other words, the image protects people from physical or mental illnesses, the machinations of ill-wishers and envious people, and from enemy weapons.

Days of veneration and location of the icon

The days of veneration of the Seven Shore Mother of God are:

  1. Her "holiday" - August 26.
  2. The first Sunday after the Feast of the Holy Trinity.
  3. Sunday of All Saints' Week - 9th Sunday after Easter.

These days it is worth ordering a prayer service to the Virgin Mary.

In churches and monasteries there are several lists (copies) of the Seven Shot Icon, where you can also purchase a “home version” that will protect your family and apartment. The most famous lists can be found:

From these places it is worth bringing not only the image itself, but also holy water or blessed oil.

Rules for choosing a place for an image

To pray to the Seven Shore Mother of God, you don’t have to travel to different cities. The icon can also be placed in the house so that you can pray to it regularly. There are several general rules on choosing the right place for the image:

How to pray correctly

The prayer of the Seven Shot Mother of God “Softening evil hearts” is the Troparion, tone 5: this is a prayer-request for protection from all kinds of misfortunes. Then they pronounce Kontakion, voice 2: a request to soften evil hearts. Both texts can be found on the Internet and rewritten. Then they say the request itself and be sure to thank you at the end for your help.

But the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “Seven Shooter” can be independent, the main thing is that the words come from a pure heart.

  1. It is best to set aside morning or evening for prayer - a time when you can communicate with the Mother of God without fuss.
  2. Before prayer, you need to wash yourself (clean yourself externally) and throw all problems and grievances out of your head (clean yourself internally). This will help you get the correct installation.
  3. Standing facing the icon, you need to cross yourself and turn to the Mother of God, then make the request itself. The latter must be polite, not harm anyone (you cannot ask harm even for a bad person), and completely sincere. They usually address themselves as “Mother Comforter.”
  4. In the end, you need to thank the Mother of God herself and God. They end the prayer with the word “Amen.”

According to legend, the Seven-Shot Icon of the Mother of God was painted more than five hundred years ago. Today it can be found in almost every temple and home. People come to her with many requests and pleas, when all other methods and authorities have already been tried. But not every person knows where to hang the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God in the house so that she always hears the prayers offered to her.

Description and history

Those unfamiliar with the history of the origin of the image may be surprised by such an unusual appearance icons. After all, on it the Mother of God is depicted pierced by arrows. Such writing can be explained only by turning to the Gospel.

If you believe history, then when on the 40th day the baby Jesus was brought to church to be baptized, the elder Simeon met his parents, to whom the Lord God himself predicted that he would die only after he saw the holy Infant of God. When he saw the child in the temple, he said that now he could rest in peace. But it was he who predicted to the Mother of God that she would have to endure many sorrows, and that a weapon of pain would be pierced into her heart.

Seven arrows piercing the heart of the Virgin Mary, indicate the completeness of the mother’s grief, who saw the humiliation and death of her son. But the icon also has another meaning: the seven arrows in it represent the seven human sins that pierce the heart of the Mother of God.

The initial appearance of the image dates back to the 15th century. It was at this time that in one of the villages near Vologda there lived an old man who suffered from lameness. He prayed to God to heal him. And then one night the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and said that he must climb the bell tower of St. John the Evangelist and find there the image of the “Seven Shooter”. That's what the old man did. He prayed near the face and received the long-awaited healing.

But the most interesting and unusual thing was that that the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary was located in the temple in the form of one of the steps, along which they climbed the tower. No one could even imagine that on the back side of the boards of the step there was an image of the Seven Shore Mother of God. The clergy were in great confusion. They urgently washed the icon and brought it to perfect condition. A prayer service was served before her. Since then, the holy face has been kept in this temple and continues to perform miracles.

How do you approach an icon?

In the image, the Virgin Mary is depicted pierced by seven arrows: four on the left and three on the right. But there is another image with similar symbolism - it is called “Softening Evil Hearts.” There are three arrows on each side of it, and one of them is at the bottom. In general, the prayer meaning of these faces is identical. Both faces are approached with a request to reconcile the warring parties and soften their hearts.

But most often the following requests are made to Our Lady of Seven Shoots:

  • get rid of envious people and ill-wishers;
  • protect from injuries and illnesses and give healing;
  • protect from enemies and murderers, which is why it is considered a protective icon of warriors.

Prayers offered to the icon of the Seven Shore Mother of God help to find peace and get rid of worries. It also helps soften the hearts of those people who want to harm the owner of the image.

Which temples have an image

The face of Semistrelnaya gained its greatest popularity in the 20th century, when cholera was rampant in Russia. It was then that the residents of Vologda, having lost all hope of healing, turned to the Comforter with prayer. After the prayer service and religious procession took place, the disease subsided and gradually disappeared completely. This was not the first and not the last miracle that the Holy Mother performed.

Today, myrrh-streaming icons with her image are in the Moscow region. One of the images is located in the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, and the second is in the village of Bachurino near Moscow. The story of finding a second face is very interesting. This image is printed, not written. It was printed specifically for Margarita Vorobyova. But some time after receiving it, she noticed that the face was streaming myrrh. The icon was transferred to the church and recognized as miraculous. It is this image that is transported to different cities of Russia, and anyone can touch it.

One of the copies of the icon is in Venice. Her appearance in Italy is also associated with a miracle. During Patriotic War In one of the cities of Russia, Italian soldiers found the face of the Virgin Mary in a burnt house. It was this that was handed over to the Italian priest Policarpo. Since then it has been kept in a chapel in Venice. But the Italians call him the Don Mother of God, although he has nothing in common with her. A little later, the Italians were defeated and the chapel was destroyed. But the priest managed to escape to the city of Maistre along with the face of the Mother of God. It was in this place that a chapel dedicated to the Seven Arrow Icon was built. And today people flock to her to offer prayers for those killed during the war years.

Knowing what the Seven Arrows icon means and what it warns against, each person can turn to the Mother of God with their problem and ask for protection. It is enough to hang the image of the Mother of God in your home.

Features of face placement

In almost every home there is an icon of the Seven-Shot Mother of God, the meaning of which is protection from sins and from harm that they may want to cause to the family that lives in the house or apartment. But people don’t always know where to hang the Seven Shots icon in an apartment so that it can protect its inhabitants.

The ideal place would be a specially equipped corner for images. Today you can buy these in a church shop at any church. It is in this corner that all the icons that matter to all family members will be stored.

But there are no special requirements for placing the image in the house. You just need to follow some recommendations:

  • the icon should hang in the eastern part of the house so that it can protect it from misfortunes and enemies;
  • it is often placed above front door so that no one can enter the house with bad intentions;
  • it is allowed to hang the image opposite the front door, in which case it will perform the same function as above the door;
  • many priests advise adding an embroidered towel to the image;
  • it is prohibited to place the image of the Mother of God next to amulets and talismans that do not relate to Christianity;
  • it is necessary to ensure cleanliness in the place where the icon is placed;
  • technology and household appliances should be placed away from the image so that they do not have a negative impact or block protective forces face;
  • photographs and paintings should not hang next to the icon.

Often the image Holy Mother of God The seven-shot weapon is worn as a pendant around the neck. In this case, it will perform its protective functions only for a certain person.

If the icon is placed in the house, then a small amulet should be hung next to it, which will emit a pleasant aroma and calm the one who offers prayers to the image.

Rules for offering prayers

It is not enough to understand what the Seven-Arrow Icon looks like, its meaning and where to hang the image; you need to remember the basic rules for reading prayers in front of it. Many priests say that it is not necessary to go to a temple or church in order to offer prayers to the Mother of God; this can be done at home. But if a person prays before the face of the Mother of God at home, then he must be sincere and honest. The more emotions are put into words, the sooner they will be heard.

Most often, a troparion is read before the icon, which can mean a petition to the Mother of God so that she accepted the request and conveyed it to the Lord God:

But you can also turn to the face of the Mother of God with prayer:

This miraculous icon is one of the most revered in Russia. It is to her that people come with requests to protect them from wars and various misfortunes.

Regardless of how the image looks - painted on canvas or printed, it has a wonderful meaning for Orthodox people.

Number seven for Orthodox faith- a symbol of abundance, wealth, completeness. The swords piercing the Mother of God symbolize her pain and suffering from the persecution of Christ and his crucifixion. The icon shows the comprehensive suffering and sadness that the Mother of God endured during her life. We can say that she, like her son, suffered for all of humanity.

Some believe that the meaning of the seven swords is the seven sins that threaten every soul: gluttony, adultery, pride, envy, anger, despondency, greed. The image is able to discern them in every heart, help get rid of vices, and push a person onto the true path.

Nowadays, the shrine is considered by many to be the most important. The icon protects against:

  • Outbursts of irritation, anger, gluttony, despondency, envy - sins that threaten every heart.
  • Enemy swords. You can ask the image of the Holy Mother for protection of soldiers from the enemies with whom they fight for the sake of the Fatherland and God.
  • Ill-wishers who seek to do mean things to you and your loved ones.
  • Fraudsters and thieves attacking the house.

In front of the icon they often pray for the return of faith, the true spiritual path. The miraculous shrines that exist in Russian churches can relieve bodily ailments. It is important to pray correctly and from a pure heart. Then the Mother of God will hear you and transfer all your requests to God.

Information about the meaning and bestowing help of various icons of the Orthodox Church.

Who does not know our intercessor and protector, the Mother of God? There is not a single church where there is not an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Each apartment or house has an iconostasis, which is headed by the Face of the Mother of God. They pray to Her, they glorify Her, they bow to Her. The Virgin Mary is one of the most prominent personalities in Christian history.

Her life-giving image even now attracts not only believers, but also inveterate atheists. Trouble has come to the house - it is the Mother of God who will help cope with it; There is a problem with the children, we are going to solve it. She will definitely help in any, even the most seemingly hopeless situations.

One of the most widespread and sought-after icons is the seven-arrowed Mother of God.

Whoever saw the seven-arrowed icon of the Mother of God was probably amazed why the Holy Face was pierced with seven daggers; What is the meaning of this amazing icon?

According to Christian sources, the icon of the Mother of God, pierced with seven swords, symbolizes the prediction of Simeon the God-Receiver that he will accept death after seeing the Divine Child. And so it happened.

On the 40th day after the birth of Jesus Christ, his parents brought Him to the temple, where they met the venerable old man.

He, having seen the wonderful Child, said that he could now depart in peace, and to His mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, he predicted great sorrow, and that a formidable weapon would pass through Her soul.

It is the seven swords pierced into the heart of the Mother of God that signify the mental pain that She had to endure when Her Divine Son was crucified. The number seven, in this case, symbolizes the perfect completeness of the “spiritual weapon” with which the Mother of God was struck. From contemplating the unbearable torment of Her Son on the cross, the Most Holy Mary lost consciousness.

It was for these sufferings, which were rightly called a weapon piercing the soul, that the Mother of God was given the ability to see and know the structure of each human soul and see the thoughts of the hearts. This is the second meaning of the seven-arrow icon - the seven deadly sins of fallen human nature.

Have you ever dreamed of the Mother of God, who calls people to cleanse and soften their hearts, to open their Divine All-Forgiving Love? She begs humanity with their sins not to cause Her incredible mental pain, which is why she came to our aid in the form of a seven-arrow icon.

According to legend, an amazing icon was found about 700 years ago. She was found by a simple Vologda peasant in a church, on the bell tower. She lay on the floor face down, and people walked on her as if on a board. That's not all.

A few days before the events described, the peasant had a dream in which the Virgin Mary told him where to look for the miraculous icon. But the miracles did not end there.

It was this same peasant who was the first to be healed of all his ailments.

What does the Most Holy Theotokos protect from in the image of the seven-arrow icon? People turn to her in search of salvation from:

  • enemies, ill-wishers and envious people with a request to soften their hearts and open them to Love and Light;
  • illnesses, injuries and accidents. It is this icon that will protect and heal from physical and mental illnesses;
  • accidental death during wars and armed conflicts, as well as simply from attacks by enemies and murderers. The face of the Most Holy Theotokos will protect you from the use of any weapon against you and will protect soldiers and defenders in the performance of military duty.

The icon will help you find mutual understanding with your children, parents and other loved ones. It will resolve the conflict between spouses and bring peace to people's hearts.

If we sincerely and with great faith turn to the miraculous icon, then the Mother of God will definitely hear us and will not fail to come to the rescue, asking and imploring Her Son, Jesus Christ, for us to have mercy, help and protect.

In order for the icon not only to please the eye, but also to fulfill its protective function, you need to choose for it right place.

If there is space for an iconostasis in the room, then it is best to place the seven-arrow icon next to the icon of Jesus Christ.

However, several conditions must be met in order for it to work and protect all household members:

  • You should not place photographs or any religious posters near the icon;
  • You shouldn’t put the icon in public with other, even very expensive, objects. The Holy Face is intended for individual communication and prayer, therefore, the proximity of other things to the image will be inappropriate;
  • there is also no need to install the icon on bookshelves, next to the TV or hang it near paintings, otherwise the image will lose its power and will be useless.

You can place the seven-arrow icon above the front door. Thus, the Holy Face will protect the home from enemies and ill-wishers.

Prayer is a cry from a suffering soul for help and intercession. To the Higher Powers. If it comes sincerely from the very depths of the heart, then it will certainly be heard, and help will definitely come.

You can pray to the icon at any time; not only when the need arises, but also when everything is fine with a person. Gratitude is the same prayer, and you should not forget about it.

After all, we often remember God only when we feel bad, and when we feel good, and we don’t think that perhaps it was He who helped us in what we have at the moment.

All the best to you, dear ones!

Unpredictable life throws up various surprises. Good and bad. Bearable and unbearable. But what can compare with the suffering of one who sees on the cross not just her Son, but also her God? And he doubts. This is truly a weapon - doubt. How can the One who was born without a man, healed the sick, raised the dead, now endure humiliation and beatings and death?

The mother’s suffering for her Son and doubt about the truth of the most holy thing, what she lived for, what she endured. The limit of hopelessness, despair beyond all measure and... victory. “The thoughts of many hearts will be revealed” - we read the passage in the Gospel describing this event. Traitors will be revealed, and those who loved in secret will also be revealed.

The heart's own thoughts will be revealed and overcome. It is this victory of the Mother of God, this unimaginable intensity of internal pain and struggle that is reflected in the icon, and its true meaning, which the Mother of God sends to us through it as a message - I am with you! No matter how deep your grief is, no matter how unbearably hard and painful it is, know that I am with you. I'm nearby.

The image of the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God is visible proof of that amazing story that happened more than two thousand years ago. And the old man utters the very words that we remember at every service to this day: “Now you are letting your servant go, O Master...” (Luke 2:29). But what kind of story was this? What does the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God help with?

There is an icon of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows in almost every church. This is one of the most revered icons. What does this image mean? How does the Seven-Arrow Icon help?

Icon of the Seven-Shot Mother of God: description

Unpredictable life throws up various surprises. Good and bad. Bearable and unbearable. But what can compare with the suffering of one who sees on the cross not just her Son, but also her God? And he doubts. This is truly a weapon - doubt. How can the One who was born without a man, healed the sick, raised the dead, now endure humiliation and beatings and death?

The mother’s suffering for her Son and doubt about the truth of the most holy thing, what she lived for, what she endured. The limit of hopelessness, despair beyond all measure and... victory. “The thoughts of many hearts will be revealed” - we read the passage in the Gospel describing this event. Traitors will be revealed, and those who loved in secret will also be revealed. The heart's own thoughts will be revealed and overcome. It is this victory of the Mother of God, this unimaginable intensity of internal pain and struggle that is reflected in the icon, and its true meaning, which the Mother of God sends to us through it as a message - I am with you! No matter how deep your grief is, no matter how unbearably hard and painful it is, know that I am with you. I'm nearby. I know what it's like for you because I went through it too.

What does the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God mean?

The Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God is that “portal” to the invisible, but real world, when space and time can become unsteady, the laws of nature can change and what people call a miracle can happen. But a miracle is just an atypical situation. Those who turned to the Mother of God and received consolation from her know why prayer before her helps. Christians pray not to the icon itself, but to the Image depicted on it, and the meaning of the Seven-Arrow Icon reveals to us all its depth and meaning. The Chief Comforter will help you in everything if you turn to her with faith and humility. We are all children for her, and she is our common Mother. Well, how can a mother refuse a child when he turns to her, and even with tears? The answer is known: nothing. Only if it does not threaten his safety.

No safety hazard. “But how does mom know,” the child will think. “How can she forbid me something if I need it. And not someday later, I need it now!” - the child thinks. How we sometimes look like children. The Mother of God hears everyone, accepts everyone and loves everyone, but what is asked may not happen, or may not happen immediately. You need a firm intention to be patient and trust. Trust that you were heard and understood there. She protects us like the apple of her eye. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, any help, any protection is possible for her Son. “Ask, and it will be given to you,” is written in the Gospel. Ask.

There is another meaning of the Seven-Shot Mother of God icon. In the image we see seven arrows - seven human sins. Invisible to the eyes of people, they are visible to the Mother of God - she looks straight into the heart. The sinfulness of fallen man pierces the soul of the Mother of God just like the sight of her desecrated Son.

What does the “Seven Arrow” Icon of the Mother of God protect from and who does it help?

The Mother of God is depicted on the icon, pierced by seven arrows on both sides - right and left. There is a similar icon “Softening Evil Hearts” (“Simeon’s Prophecy”), where there are three arrows (swords) on each side and one at the bottom. In terms of prayer purpose, the icons are identical. Believers ask before the image for reconciliation between the warring parties and deliverance from hardness of heart.

What does the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God protect from?

  1. From envious people and ill-wishers. Our Lady softens their hearts and protects you.
  2. From injuries and illnesses. The Mother of God protects you and grants recovery.
  3. From enemies and murderers. The icon protects against weapons, protects warriors and defenders.

The prayer of the Seven Shore Mother of God helps us find the strength within ourselves to maintain peace; we can also ask that such strength be given to those who are angry with us or want to offend us. This icon of the Mother of God protects everyone who turns to her in prayer, for the sake of the image and meaning that this icon carries. But it is not the Mother of God herself who helps and protects us, but by asking for us from her Son and Lord - Jesus Christ.

Miracle-working icons of the Seven-Shot Mother of God

The holy image was found near Vologda more than 500 years ago. According to legend, the icon was found by a peasant who found it in the bell tower of a church, where people walked on it, mistaking it for a board. In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to a peasant and told him where to look for Her face. After finding the icon, the first healing immediately occurred - the peasant who found it got rid of the tormenting illness - lameness and relaxation.

The icon's miracles continued until its disappearance after the 1917 revolution. The icon became especially famous in 1830 during the cholera epidemic.

Where to hang the Seven-Shot Icon of the Mother of God?

How to hang an icon so that it not only pleases the eye, but also helps protect household members and fill the house with peace and love? The question of choosing a place, how and where to store an icon is not accidental: incorrectly placed icons can give a completely opposite effect.

Previously, the red corner served as a place for icons - a specially designated place for prayer. This method is not the only one; it is enough to follow just a few rules:

  • all icons must be kept in one place and not mixed with photographs and paintings;
  • icons should stand apart, since the place where they will stand is intended for prayer, that is, living communication with the Divine world. Through the prayer of the Mother of God, the Lord hears our requests most quickly, since she is the very first intercessor before us. The proximity of icons to other objects, even very dear and important to us, is not allowed;
  • You cannot put icons on shelves with books, on the TV, or hang them next to paintings. Arranged or hung in this way, they can do more harm than good, since they lose their original meaning as a door to communication with God.

The seven-shot icon is, of course, one of the most revered icons and should stand in the middle of the home iconostasis, where it should be - next to the icon of Jesus Christ. This option is classic, but if there are no other icons in the house, you can place it alone and light a candle or lamp in front of it. At this link you can learn more about this and other icons by purchasing books.

In tradition, believers also have the option of wearing an icon under their heart - on their chest, along with a pectoral cross. In this case, the icon will remind the owner of itself more often and this will provide more frequent communication with the Mother of God through her image. Which, of course, will increase the degree of influence of the icon on our lives.

Where else can you hang the Seven-Shot Icon of the Mother of God? Often believers place this image above the front door. It is believed that the Mother of God will protect the house from the invasion of enemies and envious people.

Seven-shot icon of the Mother of God: the most powerful prayer

Prayer is the communication of specific people with each other. Some are still on earth, while others have died, but lived their lives in such a way that their glory and faith in them lives on. The belief that Divine mediators are our intercessors, advocates whose voice is valuable. And the main intercessor is the Mother of God, who in the image of the Seven Arrows is the embodiment of forgiveness, endless mercy and love.

Troparion and Kontakion of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows

Troparion, tone 5:
Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.

To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, Let us call You: Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Seven-shot icon of the Mother of God: prayer

O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

You can, and sometimes even need to, pray in your own words. Especially when there is something to say. But we should also not forget the experience of conciliar prayers, which are read in one word by all Christians. They create a kind of prayer choir, which is also pleasant in heaven.

Love is the most sacred thing in our life. And maternal love is the strongest of all its varieties. Understanding why the Seven-Shot Icon of the Mother of God helps everyday life- in moments of grief and sadness, mental distress, despair, when we are offended, - we turn to the one who loves, and endures, and waits. She is waiting for prayer and communication, waiting for us to bring all our sorrows and sorrows to her. They told me, as if in spirit, everything that lay like a stone in my heart. And we bring fears, hopes, complaints, requests to her - and receive consolation.

Prayer to the Seven Shot Mother of God for loneliness

In the Orthodox tradition, there are many different iconographic images of the Mother of God. Most of them are little known, being purely local shrines. However, there are also examples marked by general church veneration. Among them, the image called the Seven-Shot stands out for its unusualness. This icon, as well as the prayers offered in front of it, will be discussed in this article.

Meaning of the image

The seven-shot icon of the Mother of God also has another name - “Softening Evil Hearts.” Less commonly, it is also called Simeon’s prophecy. At its core, this icon is an illustration of the event of the Feast of the Presentation, that is, the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord, described in the Gospel. When Jesus Christ was still just a baby, his mother, that is, the Mother of God, brought him for the first time to the Jerusalem Temple. There they were met by a righteous man named Simeon. According to legend, this man was one of the translators of the Holy Scriptures into Greek, which took place in Egypt three hundred years before the birth of the Savior. When Simeon was translating the book of the prophet Isaiah, he doubted whether it was written there correctly that a virgin would conceive and give birth to a son. After hesitating, he finally decided that this was a mistake and wrote the word “woman” in the translation. At that very moment, an angel appeared before him, who informed him that the original prophecy about the virgin conception was true, and in order to dispel his doubts, he would be given the opportunity to see this wonderful baby. And so Simeon waited three hundred years for this meeting (presentation in Slavic) at the temple. And finally, he waited. When Mary handed the baby into his arms, a prophetic spirit descended on him, and he prophesied about the newborn Jesus, noting that “a weapon will pierce the soul” of his mother too. This weapon, that is, the suffering of the Mother of God, is symbolically depicted on the “Seven Shot” icon in the form of seven swords piercing her heart. There are exactly seven swords depicted, since in the biblical tradition this number means completeness and completeness.

This legend is, without a doubt, apocryphal in relation to the original Christian tradition. But this does not detract from its moral significance, which gave birth to a second, more practical interpretation. Since Mary is revered in Orthodoxy as the heavenly queen and spiritual mother of all Christians, the weapon that pierces her is not only grief from the torment Jesus Christ accepted on the cross, but also human sins, for the sake of which he endured this crucifixion. Seven swords in this context mean the seven deadly sins with which the loving and grieving heart of the Mother of God is pierced.

Origin of the image

No one knows where this icon came from. According to a pious legend, she was discovered by a peasant from Vologda, who was seriously ill with lameness and partial paralysis. No doctors could cure him. Once in a dream, he was given instructions to climb the bell tower of the local Church of St. John the Evangelist and take an icon from there. Of course, the clergy of the cathedral did not take this revelation seriously and twice refused the old man’s request, knowing full well that there were no icons there. But the peasant was persistent, and in the end he was allowed to climb the belfry to see for himself the meaninglessness of his own words. However, as soon as he reached the top, he recognized an icon in one of the boards, which served as a step on the stairs. The image was immediately taken down, cleaned, and a prayer service was served. Then the first prayer to the Mother of God Seven Shots was said, as a result of which the peasant was completely healed. Since then, miracles began to occur from the icon. And this, in turn, led to the spread of fame about the miraculous image. They began to make lists from it, of which there are now a huge number in several varieties. Unfortunately, the original image disappeared after the repressions of the 1930s and has not yet been found.

What do they pray for in front of the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God?

As before any icon, the prayer to the Mother of God Seven Arrows can be dedicated to any occasion. However, the specificity of the image has formed a special sphere of needs, mainly in which they turn to Mary in front of this icon. First of all, these are requests for peace and to overcome anger, hatred and vindictiveness on the part of someone. In fact, that’s why she was nicknamed “The Softener of Evil Hearts.” Offended people, stern bosses, strict parents and teachers - in all these cases a prayer can be addressed to the Seven Arrow Icon. How to pray to the Mother of God does not really matter. Examples of prayers will be given below, but in general you can address Mary in your own words, as long as they are sincere. What is important is not the beauty of prayer, but the ardent believing heart. If this condition is met, then without a doubt the prayer to the Seven Arrows icon will be heard. When to pray, how, how much – it doesn’t matter.

Text of the prayer before the Seven Arrow Icon

As an example, we will nevertheless cite several generally accepted texts that believers read in churches during public services and in their homes. The main prayer of the Mother of God Seven Arrows in Russian translation sounds like this:

“Oh, much-suffered Mother of God, surpassing all the daughters of the earth in your purity and your sufferings that you endured on earth! Accept our sorrowful prayers and keep us under the protection of your mercy. Because we have no other refuge and such an ardent protector as you - we don’t know. You have boldness in prayers to the one born by you, so help and save us with your prayers, so that we can freely reach the kingdom of heaven and there, with all the saints, sing the praises of the one Trinity - God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

This is the usual prayer of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows. All-Tsaritsa Christian faith it is presented as an intercessor, which she is, according to the ideas of Orthodox Christians. There are also shorter prayers dedicated to this image. They have a special liturgical purpose and are called troparion and kontakion.

Troparion, tone 5

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and destroy the attacks of those who hate us, and deliver our souls from oppression, looking at your holy image. By your compassion and mercy towards us we are brought to tenderness and we kiss your wounds, but we fear our arrows that torment you. Do not let us, good mother, perish in our hardness of heart from the cruelty of our neighbors, since you are truly a softener of evil hearts.

Kontakion, tone 2

By your grace, mistress, soften evil hearts, send down benefactors, protecting them from all evil, who fervently pray to you for good before your holy icons.

The kontakion, troparion and official prayer of the Mother of God Seven Arrows reflect her main idea - overcoming evil in the hearts. However, this icon also serves as a symbol of heartfelt sorrow, so any suffering of the soul can be poured out in front of this image. For example, this could be a request for help in creating a happy personal life.

Prayer to the icon of the Seven Shot Mother of God for loneliness

O Lady and Lady Mother of God, pour out your great mercy on me, giving me the strength to get rid of the heavy burden of loneliness of the soul. Free me from every evil curse, from the influence of unclean spirits, from the evil brought upon my life. Amen!

Icon of the Mother of God “SEMISHOT”

The “Seven Arrow” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most miraculous icons in Rus'. For many centuries, Christians appealed to the Queen of Heaven through this icon if wars or riots broke out in the country.

The “Seven Arrow” Icon of the Mother of God depicts the Gospel story of how the Virgin Mary and Joseph the Betrothed brought the Infant Christ to the Jerusalem Temple on the 40th day after His birth. The holy elder Simeon the God-Receiver, who was present in the temple, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, saw in the Infant God the Messiah, the Redeemer expected by all the Israeli people. Anticipating the sorrow that the Mother of God would have to endure during the crucifixion of Christ, righteous Simeon turned to Her with the words: “Behold, this One is appointed for the fall and rebellion of many in Israel and as a subject of controversy - and a weapon will pierce your very soul.”(Luke 2:34-35).

The icon depicts the Most Holy Theotokos without the Infant God with seven arrows or swords piercing Her heart. Number 7 in Holy Scripture generally means the “completeness” of something. In this case, seven arrows piercing the Body of the Most Pure One, about which Simeon the Receiver of God prophesied allegorically: "Weapons will pierce the soul", mean the fullness of that grief, “sadness and heart disease” that were suffered by the Blessed Virgin Mary in Her earthly life.

This image is sometimes supplemented by the image of the deceased Christ on the knees of the Mother of God.

There is another interpretation of the image: the seven arrows piercing the chest of the Most Holy Theotokos represent the seven main human sinful passions, which the Mother of God is easily able to read in every human heart. And the passions of fallen nature pierce her soul no less than the vision of a host of demons rejoicing around the desecrated Son, tormented on the Cross.

According to legend, the original miraculous image of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God was painted in ancient times, more than 500 years ago.

The appearance of the icon is associated with the healing help given to a peasant in the Vologda province who was ill for a long time in the Kadnikovsky district near Vologda (on the banks of the Toshni River). He suffered from lameness and lameness for many years and tried unsuccessfully in different ways overcome your illness. One day, in a subtle dream, a Divine voice commanded him to find the image of the Most Holy Theotokos on the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, where the old icons were kept, and to pray with faith before it for the healing of his illness. Arriving at the temple, the peasant was not immediately able to fulfill what was indicated to him in the vision. Only after the peasant’s third request did the clergy, who did not believe his words, allow him to climb the bell tower. It turned out that for a long time this holy image was located at the turn of the stairs of the church bell tower. The icon turned face down was mistaken for an ordinary board, which served as a step in the staircase along which the bell ringers climbed. Horrified by this involuntary blasphemy, the clergy washed the image and served a prayer service in front of it, after which the peasant received complete healing.

Unfortunately, after the revolution miraculous icon disappeared. But there remain numerous lists that are also miraculous. One of them m emitting icon “Seven Arrows” is in temple Archangel Michael on the Maiden Field in Moscow.

Church of the Archangel Michael at the Clinics on the Maiden Field (Moscow, Elanskogo St., 2a)

There is also a very similar type of icon of the Mother of God, which is called Icon of the Mother of God “SOFTENING EVIL HEARTS”, or "Simeon's Prophecy". Its difference lies in the fact that the arrows piercing the heart of the Mother of God in this image are located three on the right and left, and one on the bottom, while the “Seven Arrows” icon has four arrows on one side and three on the other.

In modern iconography, these icons are considered to be varieties of the same iconographic type, and despite the differences, they are often combined and called the same - “Semistrelnaya” (“Softening Evil Hearts”). Moreover, in prayer practice these two images are also combined, because have the same meaning.

Finally, there is another image, similar in iconography to the “Seven Shot” and “Softening Evil Hearts” - this icon is called, which was previously located in the village of Zhizdra, Kaluga region, "Passionate" or “And a weapon will pierce your very soul”. It was established that the celebration should take place on the same day as the “Seven Shot”. Unlike the widespread icons of the Mother of God “Passionate”, which belong to a completely different iconographic type - Hodegetria, the image from Zhizdra depicts the Mother of God in a prayer pose. With one hand she supports the Baby Jesus, and with the other she covers her own chest, at which 7 swords are aimed. It is customary to pray to the Mother of God and ask Her intercession before this icon in the same way as before the “Seven Arrows”.

Zhizdra Passion Icon of the Mother of God or “And a weapon will pierce your very soul”

The celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” takes place once a year - August 26 (August 13, old style). This date coincides with the miraculous deliverance of Vologda from cholera in 1830 after the townspeople fervently prayed to the Mother of God in front of Her image of the “Seven Arrows” and made a religious procession around the city with the icon.

They pray in front of the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos when any discord, quarrel, enmity or complex litigation occurs in a person’s life. This bright image of the Mother of God is also revered as the guardian of the hearth. They pray to the Most Pure Virgin in front of the “Seven Arrows” icon in order to maintain harmony in the house, reconcile with relatives, resolve a long-term conflict with loved ones, and improve relationships between spouses, as well as children and parents.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

O long-suffering Mother of God, who surpasses all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, as you have boldness in the One who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, / and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, / and resolve every tightness of our soul, / looking at Your holy image, / We are touched by Your compassion and mercy for us, / and we kiss Your wounds, / Our arrows, You tormenting, we are horrified. / Do not let us, Mother of the Compassionate, / perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, // For you are truly the softener of evil hearts.

By Thy grace, O Lady, / soften the hearts of evildoers, / send down benefactors, keeping them from all evil, / to those who earnestly pray to Thee // before Thy honorable icons.

The seven-arrow icon: what it helps with and what is its meaning

Icons occupy a special place not only in churches and temples, but also in the home ordinary people. The image of the Seven Shot Mother of God has been one of the most powerful images for many centuries. There is an opinion that if you hang it in the house, it will protect your family from misfortunes and troubles. Every believer must know what, when and to whom the face helps.

Description of the miraculous image

The icon depicts the Mother of God. Her head is slightly tilted to the right, and near her heart in the shape of a circle there are seven swords piercing the heart of the Mother of God. As a rule, three of them are on the right, and four are on the left. This is clearly visible in the photo.

There is an image in a slightly different arrangement, where the seventh sword pierces the heart from below, and the other six on both sides. This face of the Mother of God is also true.

The number seven for Christians means excess and completeness, and in this case they convey bitterness and endless maternal pain. In some cases the value is interpreted as seven human sinful passions, which the icon is able to read in evil hearts. The Virgin Mary asks to eradicate sinful thoughts and is ready to ask her Son to help people.

There is no information in the ancient Scriptures about the date of origin of the image. According to some, the age of the icon is 5 centuries, while others believe that it is much more. The story goes that the image of the holy face was first found in 1830 on an ordinary wooden board.

Miracles of the “Seven Arrow” Icon

According to legend, the image was painted from the words of Simeon, who uttered them on the fortieth day after the Nativity of Christ in the temple of Jerusalem. For a long time, the face was hidden from worldly views in the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian. The icon was placed in such a way that it was impossible to find it without a detailed search.

For the first time, the face appeared to a sick peasant who was suffering from illness. He went to the monastery, however, he was not allowed into the bell tower. Only for the third time did they have mercy on him, and the man immediately found the holy image of the Mother of God. After this, the icon was washed and a service was performed in front of it on the same day. The sick person received healing. This was the first miracle performed by the “Seven Arrow” icon.

Miracles continued until the disappearance of the face after the revolution in 1917. He gained particular fame in 1830 during the cholera epidemic.

Icon “Seven Arrows”: meaning, what it helps with

In front of this face in the temple, people ask for help and intercession in everyday needs. Most Orthodox Christians have this image in their home, since the Mother of God is considered to be quick to obey and the protector of all Christianity. Those who hang an icon in their home need not fear treachery or attacks from evil forces and people. She protects residents from bad and drives away evil.

Often the “Seven Arrows” icon is located in the office on the wall or desktop. Usually, these are small images located opposite the entrance to the office. Often during wars, the miraculous image protected soldiers from dangerous situations and armed conflict.

When people feel angry at others, they should go to the face and read a prayer. Just one glance at the swords is enough for the heart to soften, the mind to clear, and a person to feel calm and relief.

Who does the “Seven Arrow” icon help?

  1. To those who participate in battles. The image protects from the touch of weapons.
  2. For people who have envious people and enemies, their face softens their hearts.
  3. Sick people in need of a speedy recovery. The prayer is said for cholera and lameness.

How to read prayers

A person can say the prayer in his own words, and priests claim that it helps in the same way as the church version.

Prayer is always directed to the Mother of God with all your heart and with the most sincere thoughts. The request for help will be heard and it will come soon. Prayer for the healing of the sick, for the onset of a white streak in life, for the resolution of quarrels and conflicts - this is what the image can help with.

When the holy image is honored

Since all the icons (“Simeon’s Prophecy”, “Seven Arrows”, “Softening Evil Hearts”) are different, they are still classified as a single iconographic type. For this reason, many centuries ago they decided to combine the days of celebrating images.

In liturgical practice, the days of celebration are carried out:

  • August 13/26;
  • on the ninth Sunday after Easter (All Saints Sunday);
  • on the first Sunday after the Holy Trinity.

In which temple can you find a shrine?

In the Moscow region there are two myrrh-streaming icons of the Virgin Mary “Seven Arrows”:

  • in the Church of the Archangel Michael (Moscow);
  • in the village of Bachurino.
The history of the second shrine is incredibly interesting. This image is printed, and it was made by order of Margarita Vorobyova. However, later the owner noted that the face began to stream myrrh. Then she handed it over to the church, which recognized the image as miraculous. Now the icon is often taken to churches in the country and abroad.

Another shrine is located in the Church of St. Lazarus the Righteous in Vologda. It occupies one of the main places in the temple, and the icon has been there since 1945. Previously, she miraculously appeared in the Church of St. John the Evangelist. Nowadays, pilgrimages are held here twice a year.

Image list "Softening Evil Hearts" placed in a Venetian chapel. He came to Italy after the events of the Second World War. Not far from Belogorye in 1942 there was a battle of Italian troops against the German coalition. In one of the houses destroyed by a bomb, soldiers from Italy found an intact icon. She was handed over to the priest Policarpo. Residents of Belogorye say that the face was previously considered property monastery. The Italians gave the icon a new name "Madonna del Don". A year later, the Italians were defeated, and the priest and the icon managed to escape to Mestre. There a chapel was built in honor of the miraculous shrine.

Another of the lists is in the Kaluga province (the city of Zhizdra). In the description, this icon was called “Simeon’s prophecy.” It differs from “Softening Evil Hearts” and “Seven Shots” in that the Mother of God shields herself from swords with one hand, and holds the Baby in the other.

Where in the house should the icon be placed?

Before placing an image in the house, a believer asks the question, where and how best to do this?

The most suitable place for a shrine is a specially equipped corner - iconostasis. Other icons that have special meaning for the family are also placed there. There are no clear requirements in this regard, however, some recommendations should be followed:

  • to attract positive energy it is better to place the face in the eastern part of the house;
  • you can hang the image opposite the entrance, protecting the house from evil, negative energy and evil spirits;
  • the icon is hung right above the front door;
  • You should not place amulets, talismans and other items that are not related to Christianity next to the shrine;
  • on the recommendation of the clergy, it is worth adding a towel to the icon;
  • the place near the icon must always be kept clean, and therefore cleaned regularly;
  • It is not advisable to place other images next to each other and household appliances, photos of family members or relatives.

Where to buy the “Seven Arrow” icon?

The image of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” is popular all over the world. Because there are no restrictions on it Anyone can purchase an icon.

Of course, it is better to buy a shrine from a church, since there will be no fraud or deception in a holy place. Another place where images are sold is the church shop. Here you can find everything from candles to icons and books with prayers.

Despite the fact that most traders claim that the image is consecrated, you should not be lazy - take the face to the church to give power.

People with creative abilities often create icons on their own - cross-stitch and beadwork, or paint.