How to properly arrange equipment in a sales area. Effective placement of sales equipment

Let's simulate the situation: a decision has been made to open a trading business, a field of activity has been chosen, a range of goods has been selected, and retail space has been purchased. One of the first problems that you may encounter in the future is commercial equipment (you can choose, calculating the cost of commercial equipment, choosing it, purchasing it, and most importantly, correct placement in the store. Of course, if you are planning to open an online store, then you can get by with a regular warehouse; in any other case, the profitability of the open business will depend on the correct placement of commercial equipment. Let's take a quick look at the basics of placing commercial equipment.

The basics of placing commercial equipment

Surely situations have happened to you when you found yourself in a store with a huge crowd of people, with inconvenient shelves, the location of the cash registers - you want to leave such a store as quickly as possible. The volume of income from sales is directly dependent on the correct placement of commercial equipment. When planning, specialists often use the “golden triangle” rule, at the vertices of which are the cash register area, the entrance and goods in demand.

These three key points should form a triangle with the maximum capture area.

Equipment layout diagrams:

  • Boxing. The arrangement of the equipment uses the principle of a “loop” - where you started to inspect the goods, you will return there. And the store territory itself is divided into zones. If you have ever been to a clothing store, you will recognize this layout.
  • Linear. With a linear layout, rows of display cases and shelving are arranged in parallel, making the most efficient use of retail space. In this case, the rows of equipment can be perpendicular, parallel or mixed in relation to the direction of movement of the client. This system has one drawback - large rows with display cases and shelves quickly get boring and tire the buyer, but since a linear layout is a common option for grocery stores and large supermarkets, where you can’t leave empty, this drawback disappears on its own.
  • Exhibition. This arrangement of equipment provides the opportunity for the buyer to inspect and try out all the samples presented and is more typical for furniture stores.
  • Free This scheme is adopted by expensive boutiques, trying to create a feeling of freedom for their clients. The buyer is not limited by any boundaries and chooses the direction of movement around the store at his own request.

Typical mistakes to avoid when arranging equipment

Every entrepreneur wants to consistently increase profits and maximize turnover. How to do this? One of the main ways is using commercial equipment. But you need to understand what equipment can sell and motivate store visitors to make spontaneous purchases? We will talk about this in detail in our article.

Trade equipment that helps increase sales

When purchasing various commercial equipment, novice entrepreneurs naively think that any simple and cheapest counter, used display cases and simple shelving a la the “Soviet past” will suit them.

But will such equipment impress buyers? And what about the store owner himself? The answer is obvious.

A correctly, beautifully and harmoniously designed retail space is a kind of “quality mark” of any store, and the retail equipment itself is not just racks and shelves, but a powerful weapon in the field of merchandising and marketing.

It is a properly designed store and tastefully selected commercial equipment that will become the best advertisement for the store. The atmosphere inside the store, the quality of retail equipment, light, color, temperature, even smell determine whether an ordinary visitor will become a regular customer.

Soviet-style glass display cases and plastic shelving have long been a thing of the past; now they are being replaced by furniture for stores, made in certain styles, ordered from famous designers - the most comfortable, high-quality and thought out to the smallest detail.

It is the correctly selected retail equipment that helps to display goods in the “best” light so that buyers are interested in them: the products must be properly illuminated, they must be accessible to the buyer.

Modern commercial equipment not only stores and displays goods, but also properly advertises them and protects them from various damages.

When choosing equipment, the retailer should especially pay attention to the following aspects:

  • design of commercial equipment. It should not only “fit” into the interior of the room as much as possible, but also complement it, presenting the goods in the best possible way;
  • reliability and quality of commercial equipment. Reliability and quality do not always directly depend on cost, but, of course, more expensive racks, display cases, mannequins, hangers and counters will last longer. You can always pick up commercial equipment that is in good condition, but used, or have it made to order;
  • safety of commercial equipment. This is perhaps the most important requirement for commercial equipment. If the rack sways and tends to fall on a store visitor when he is choosing a product, this will, at the very least, spoil the image of the store, and at worst, it can lead to injuries. Therefore, any entrepreneur should be extremely attentive to the choice of commercial equipment and pay attention to all these important aspects.

Experienced businessmen and marketers know that different commercial equipment located in a store “brings” different income to it. And knowing this simple secret, you can correctly “vary” the goods on the shelves, maximizing turnover.

As practice shows, in a store in mandatory a special table must be installed: namely trading tables– the most important attribute of any modern retail outlets – they bring more than 50% of the store’s profit.

It is most often located at the entrance to the store, in a visible place, to attract attention even from people passing by. It is the sales tables that stand at the entrance to clothing stores, equipment stores, and bookstores (where, as a rule, “best sellers” are displayed).

Wall-mounted commercial equipment– an equally important attribute of any modern store; it is along the perimeter of the outlet – on racks, shelves, stands – that the largest number of goods are located.

According to various estimates, the turnover of wall-mounted commercial equipment averages from 25-30%. Such equipment must also be selected as carefully as possible: it should not “overload” the space, access to the shelves should be as convenient as possible, and the goods should be “in front of the buyer’s eyes.”

Hangers- this is commercial equipment, which no clothing store can do without today - they bring the owner of the outlet a profit of 15% - this is exactly the number of people who purchase goods from hangers.

Slightly less sales - 10% bring mannequins, their task is to attract the attention of customers, lure them into the store, and interest them in the assortment.

The Business.Ru program will allow you to control sales, receive detailed analytics on the assortment and the history of the movement of goods in just a few clicks!

So, knowing how many sales this or that commercial equipment brings to the store, every entrepreneur can correctly arrange, combine, and try it different options to ensure that the entire area of ​​the store is used as correctly as possible.

By correctly using his commercial equipment, an entrepreneur simply provokes any buyer to make a purchase. A stylishly furnished store using designer retail equipment will definitely not leave any visitor indifferent: here everyone will want to make a purchase and come back here again.

Store design. Where to start? Video

7 tricks to increase sales using commercial equipment

Today, the number of sales is influenced not only by advertising, but also by the interior design of the premises, a properly designed sales area, design, features of the presentation of the outlet and, of course, retail equipment.

Using various tricks when working with retail equipment, a retailer can achieve increased sales. World experience shows that there is commercial equipment that influences the consumer's desire to purchase a particular product.

Motivation for spontaneous purchases is what is truly important in sales today.

Use it correctly light and backlight. There are three types of lighting in stores: general lighting, decorative lighting, and accent lighting for goods and displays.

The light in the store should be dim and calm, providing a “homogeneous” light environment, but the goods, on the contrary, should be properly illuminated, accentuated with light, thereby attracting attention.

It is in the checkout area that the maximum number of impulse purchases are made and it is this area that leaves the buyer with an important final impression of the store, and if he feels comfortable in this area, if the retail equipment in the checkout area is selected and arranged correctly, then the buyer will want to come back here again.

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Another truly important aspect when creating the interior of a store is commercial equipment in the store entrance area.

Exactly interesting organization The entrance to the store is almost the decisive factor in the store’s trading activities.

As mentioned above, the most advantageous option would be to place a trading table here.

That is why on sales tables at the entrance to the store, retailers place promotional goods, bestsellers, products with “tangible” discounts, testers “staggered” - the entrance area to the store should try as much as possible to involve the buyer in action, and it is the actions of other buyers in this area that will attract attention of other people.

Important Note: namely the voluminous display of goods in entrance area store will attract people, as it is really important to show that your products are in great demand, and than more people If they “surround” the goods on the sales table at the entrance, the more new visitors will come in and ask what is being sold there.

This psychological move is also used by retailers around the world.

Another trick to increase sales using commercial equipment is these are extension points.

As a rule, this is typical for the summer period, when, for example, customers do not want to go inside the store because of the heat and they are happy to purchase soft drinks directly on the street from a remote point of sale.

Such remote points are installed right on the street at the entrance to the store, across the traffic and serve as a kind of interception of customer flow and attention - that's for sure.

It is difficult for a person to pass by such a remote point (sometimes even physically), which means that he will stop and take a closer look at the assortment on offer, and then he will want to go inside the store.

Location of commercial equipment. As you know, there are laws for the correct arrangement of equipment in a retail space, and several corresponding zones in which purchases are made in varying volumes.

For example, the first zone is the most popular places in the store, where goods are sold the fastest - the checkout area, the area near the entrance to the store and near the fitting rooms, the area to the right of the entrance.

The second zone is located in the store where goods are purchased worse - this is the center of the sales floor; in the third zone, turnover is the lowest in the store - these are, for example, hard-to-reach shelves or racks above or below customer eye level, hangers.

ModelAIDA. It is the beautiful display of goods that makes them attractive and noticeable to buyers. Today, many retailers in the process of doing business are guided by famous model consumer behavior AIDA.

It is the knowledge of this model that helps to correctly arrange commercial equipment: counters, stands, showcases, racks, hangers, mannequins, mirrors.

Within the framework of this model, according to its creators, there is a sequence of events that help the visitor make a purchase decision: attention - interest - need - action (from English - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).

Aesthetically pleasing, multifunctional shelving and slides will be much more useful if the store design process takes into account each location of their installation so that the buyer moves in a certain direction.

April 16, 2015 Russian companies Russian companies Author Marketing,

Any commercial equipment is created taking into account the fact that it must effectively present the product, emphasizing its advantages. The right counters and display cases installed in the right place encourage the buyer to make a particular purchase.

Aesthetically pleasing, multifunctional shelving and slides will be much more useful if the store design process takes into account each location of their installation so that the buyer moves in a certain direction.

All commercial equipment present in the store, be it counters or display cases, racks or slides, must be involved in organizing the movement of customer flows. When designing a store, it is worth paying attention special attention placement of retail equipment in order to set a favorable direction for the movement of customers. During the existence of such a format as supermarkets, their owners have tried many options for placing shelving.

Nowadays, when designing stores, they quite often use a scheme where shelving and counters with display cases are located parallel to the checkout points. If you use a sales floor layout with straight lines of retail equipment, customers will be tempted to leave as quickly as possible. A person always gives preference to linear movement.

In order for customers to linger in the store, you should use retail equipment of different configurations, which will give people a “hint” and orient them in space. The monotony of straight lines of display cases and counters, racks and slides can dull the attention of a supermarket visitor and make him tired. Such rows visually appear longer than they actually are. A varied configuration of retail equipment will not let customers get bored and will control their attention.

If, when designing a store, a place was found for a counter of complex configuration, then when the buyer sees it, he will perceive it as a composition of several short counters, and not as a single whole. The attention of buyers will be restored due to the appearance of unexpected obstacles on their way. Against their will, they will have to change the direction of their movement.

When designing a store, it is worth finding the opportunity to mount shelving in the center of the hall in the form of the letters Y or X. Such an approach will ensure that the buyer constantly moves “towards the product”, and not parallel to it. No matter how the racks, display cases and counters are installed, the free circulation of customers throughout the store should not be blocked. To do this, you need to design visible department signs and ensure good visibility of each department.

Products in high demand should be displayed in those areas of the sales floor that affect the movement of customers. The equipment is placed parallel to the movement of customer flows in order to ensure that people visit the greatest depth of the hall. If the width of the aisle exceeds 3.5 m, part of its area can be used for mass display of goods. At the same time, it is worth checking the store for excess floor equipment and eliminating it in all departments.

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Competent professional planning and subsequent arrangement of commercial equipment in trading floor is a formula that increases store turnover and profit.
Equipment layout is inextricably linked with the study and development of store trading processes. In addition to a beautiful arrangement, it is important to ensure optimized trade and technological processes. Successful completion of this type of task is the job of experienced specialists in this field. In order to raise a competent specialist in the field of sales floor planning, it usually takes at least 5 years. If you don’t have time to develop your own professional, we suggest using the experience of the specialists of the SBK Group of Companies, who will develop a project for the placement of commercial equipment free of charge, select equipment according to the requirements of your business and your budget.
The first stage requires clarification and detailing of the store’s assortment. It is also necessary to determine the percentage of product groups, highlighting among them products of high and everyday demand and related products to these groups and the most profitable products. Upon completion of this stage, it is possible to determine the type and type of equipment (refrigeration equipment), the number of departments, and the final picture of the display of goods becomes clear.
From a psychological point of view, consumer demand helps determine the zones for the most optimal display of products. Based on experience, we can say that the space in a retail space is not the same in terms of its profitability per square meter. 40% of the turnover of goods of the entire store occurs in the retail space adjacent to the entrance. Further, based on the distance from the entrance, we can distinguish zones that account for 30% and 20% of sales, and finally, the retail area farthest from the facade provides only 10% of all store sales. The redistribution of groups of goods in the hall, taking into account these features, allows you to increase turnover. Products that bring maximum profit should be located closer to the entrance - in the area of ​​intense trade. The route of clients through the trading floor begins precisely from this area. Experts believe that when customers walk around a store, they should encounter products that are related to the group of products at the entrance. It is more advisable to place everyday goods in areas free from an intense influx of buyers. The flow of buyers moving towards the sales area for everyday goods inevitably makes impulse purchases of related products along the way. Thanks to this approach, it becomes possible to increase the turnover of all areas of the trading floor and redistribute zonal influence more evenly. The use of “zonal” influence on turnover is advisable when planning the sales floor of a grocery store. It should be remembered, however, that the effectiveness of the “zone approach” is lost as the supermarket area increases.
And yet standard models are not always suitable for the layout of a sales area. Based on experience, we can say that there is no clear correct scheme placement of various groups of goods in the store. It is more advisable to approach this process creatively and take into account the architecture of the trading floor, the number of floors and the specialization of the market.
The most effective way to place goods on the sales floor is to create consumer complexes. This principle works great in non-food stores, department stores, hypermarkets, etc. The goal is to place interrelated groups of goods in one area. As an example, let’s take the area of ​​leisure and travel goods. Everything that is thematically related to this topic is located next to each other: beach and sports bags, sun loungers and umbrellas, folding tables and chairs, beach shoes, suntan lotion, insect repellent ointment, inflatable rings, swimming pools, skewers, etc. The formation of consumer complexes makes it possible to obtain a convenient store layout and the ability to find in one place everything that relates to thematic interests. Completing this task leads to incentives for impulse purchases. It is necessary to take into account the following circumstances when placing products in consumer complexes: the higher the turnover of a product group, the shorter the route to it should be, and vice versa. It is logical to place products, when purchasing which the client spends a significant amount of time choosing, away from the main consumer flows. Products for the home and for children are usually purchased by women. Therefore, areas containing products for women should be adjacent to products for the home and family. A similar approach should be used when placing product complexes for men. It is advantageous to place men's goods, such as tools, goods for cars and construction, nearby and connect with each other via short routes.
Combining products into consumer complexes and planning the placement of complexes on the sales floor is the first step to a successful store project.

Merchandising is a set of activities carried out on the sales floor and aimed at promoting a particular product, brand or packaging. It deals with the purchasing process itself and aims to influence the behavior of the buyer who is already at the point of sale of goods.

Depending on the equipment arrangement system, use various types technological layout of the trading floor:

Linear (lattice);

Boxing (track, loop);


Free (free)


The linear layout of the trading floor involves placement of goods and aisles for customers in the form of parallel lines. The lines of commercial equipment are lined up accordingly. In this case, the line of the calculation node is located perpendicularly. This layout is used in self-service stores, namely Paterson supermarkets.

In relation to the placement of equipment lines in the sales area, the layout can be longitudinal, transverse or mixed

“Grid” with linear longitudinal placement of equipment, i.e. shelves with goods are mainly located perpendicular to the customer flow entering the hall.

“Grid” with linear transverse placement of equipment, i.e. racks with goods are mainly located parallel to the incoming customer flow.

“Grid” with mixed linear placement of equipment, i.e. combination in the sales area of ​​both longitudinal and transverse placement.

The linear layout of the trading floor allows you to clearly form the flow of customers, creates best conditions for grouping and placing goods, provides a better view of the sales floor. In a linear layout, buyers perceive information about products most effectively. By changing the length of the lines, the concentration of customers in different areas of the trading floor is regulated. Also, the advantages of a linear layout include more efficient use of sales area.

Box layout (track, loop) is used, as a rule, in large department stores, where trade is often carried out over the counter. In this case, the trading floor is divided into departments, sections, pavilions, which are isolated from each other

The box type store layout ("track", "loop") usually consists of a central aisle, with several entrances leading to small sections that look like individual boutiques.

Mixed layout includes a combination of elements of linear and box layouts.

Free-form layout is the most expensive, used in small stores, as well as in boutiques within large shopping centers. There is a relaxed atmosphere here which encourages the customer to buy. The role of incentive that encourages the buyer to walk around the store is performed by salespeople.

The directions of movement of buyers are not limited in any way; people can freely move from one section of the hall to another, approach the racks, counters, display cases, and inspect the goods in any order. Most shoppers like the open layout because they prefer to feel at ease in the store.

Exhibition layout in stores is used very often; this is the sale of goods based on samples displayed on the sales floor.

The main problem in developing a store layout is the presence of a large number of conflicting factors. First of all, customers must move around the store and buy more items than they intended.

When arranging goods on the sales floor, several factors are taken into account:

Optimal use of sales floor space;

Optimal location of product groups;

Location of main and additional points of sale;

Ways to slow down the flow of customers.

There are several possible options location of commercial equipment.

Figure - Types of location of commercial equipment inside the sales area

Location of product groups.

After determining the type of equipment arrangement at a retail outlet, you need to determine the effective arrangement of product groups. When arranging product groups, two factors are decisive:

Priority of space in the sales area

Dividing product groups into categories depending on popularity among regular customers

It is known that priority places in the sales area are determined depending on the flow of customers, i.e. from the path that most buyers take. The highest quality, most widely advertised, and even the most popular product will not sell if it is poorly positioned in the store.

Figure - Dependence of sales on customer movement

Near the cash registers, the buyer spends time in line and is not occupied with anything. Therefore, the checkout area is attractive for those goods that are most often purchased under the influence of impulse. In Paterson supermarkets, such goods include chewing gum, sweets, drinks, cigarettes, etc. It is also good to place newspapers and magazines in this area - the buyer can take them to view and then buy.

Properly placed product will always provide maximum benefit to the manufacturer and store.

Figure - Priority seats in the sales area

Separation of product groups.

In most cases, when planning a purchase, the consumer clearly determines which product groups he wants to purchase (bread, milk, pasta, clothes, shoes, dishes, etc.) Therefore, the entire assortment of the store can be divided into three groups:

Everyday goods. The purchase of these goods is the goal of almost every customer visit to a retail outlet. They are also called store-forming product groups.

Periodic goods. The purchase of these goods is planned once every several visits.

Impulse products. The purchase of these goods is usually not planned.

Since everyday goods are in demand by the largest number of visitors, quite a lot of people accumulate around these points of sale. large number buyers. Therefore, these product groups should be located along the outer perimeter of the sales floor to make shopping as convenient as possible. If customers experience inconvenience, they will tend to leave the sales area as quickly as possible. This not only reduces the amount of time a customer spends in a store (and therefore reduces the number of impulse purchases), but it can also lead the customer to consider visiting another store next time.

Due to the fact that these product groups are in greatest demand, there is a temptation to place them inside the sales area so that not a single product group is overlooked by the buyer. But this can lead to negative consequences.

1. In an effort to force the buyer to go through the entire store, store owners mistakenly believe that the buyer will look for the necessary product, no matter where he is. This is not always the case. If the buyer does not see this product in the store, then he always has the opportunity to simply go to another store.

2. Without exaggerating, we can say that popular product categories often “suffer” due to the fact that they sell well. How many more packages of these goods could the owner of the outlet sell if they were placed along the outer perimeter at the beginning of the customer flow? How much more profit could you make? How much more convenient would it be for customers to shop?

Location of main and additional points of sale.

It is known that all points of sale on the sales floor can be divided into main and additional ones.

The main place of sale is the place where all manufacturers of a given product group are represented.

Additional sales locations increase the likelihood of purchasing goods.

Additional points of sale are an effective tool for increasing sales, because... allow you to increase the number of impulse purchases.

They are organized for:

Impulse goods

Advantageous location in the sales area:

Location in relation to main selling points.

Figure 18 - Favorable location of goods

Additional points of sale must be located separately from the main ones and from each other. Otherwise, this place of sale becomes a continuation of the main one and serves only as a storage place for additional units of products. Consequently, the buyer has only one chance to choose and buy products from this group. In Paterson supermarkets, additional sales points include beer, beer products, drinks, and chocolate.


The best-selling items of the product group must be located at additional points of sale. In this case, the likelihood of impulse purchases increases significantly.

There is always a temptation to place less selling items at additional sales points in order to get rid of overstocking. Unfortunately, this will not allow you to sell many additional units, which in turn is an inefficient use of space on the sales floor.

Example. One brand is sold in quantities of 100 units per day, and the other in quantities of 30. Set extra bed sales, which can lead to a 10% increase in sales. This will result in the sale of 10 additional units of the first brand, but only 3 additional units of the second. Given the same markup on both brands, it is always more profitable to make efforts to increase customer attention to the first brand.

Slowing down the buyer's movement Too wide aisles and the tendency to arrange counters and counters in a strict geometric order lead to the “dehumanization” of the store. The buyer does not have time to notice and want to buy any product when moving from section to section, so it is necessary to slow down the speed of the buyer's movement in the store. In this case, it is necessary not to reduce the passage, but to narrow it in the middle or at intersections with other passages. To narrow the aisle at the Paterson supermarket, the following are used:


Decorative column

Stand with poster

Less obvious, but no less effective way slowing down customer movement in a store is the use of music. Slow, calm music creates a more relaxing atmosphere in the store, encouraging customers to take their time and stay in the store. Fast music has the opposite effect - a walking step turns into a faster one, which is mainly used during rush hours to speed up the movement of shoppers.

The layout of the sales floor begins with clarifying and detailing the assortment in the store, determining the ratio of product groups, identifying groups of everyday and high-demand goods, a list of related products, and product items that bring maximum profit. This allows you to highlight the zones of the most effective arrangement of goods on the sales floor, taking into account the psychology of consumer demand.

There are some general principles placement of product groups and layout of retail equipment. The space in the sales area is not equivalent in terms of sales volume per 1 sq.m. Their importance decreases as customer flows move from the store entrance towards the opposite wall. About 40% of the store's total turnover is realized in the area adjacent to the entrance. The next most important zone gives 30% of sales, and the subsequent ones - 20% and 10%, respectively. Redistributing groups of goods in the hall taking into account these circumstances allows you to increase turnover.

Observations show that most customers, when entering a confined space of a store, begin to walk around it, moving from right to left. Based on this, the placement of the entrance to the store should be thought out (entrance on the right, exit on the left) and the placement of the shelves themselves. A trendy walkway, or “perimeter aisle,” was created where shelves with particularly enticing products are located, as well as promotional new products and products that have a relatively short lifespan and will soon be replaced. It should be borne in mind that 80-90% of buyers bypass all points of sale located along the perimeter of the sales floor and only 40-50% of buyers bypass the inner rows.

Approximately 60% of the retail space must be left for customer traffic to make them feel comfortable.

In the zone of intensive trade, goods are located that provide greater profits, are most attractive to buyers and are characterized by rapid turnover. It is in this area that the route for customers to move around the sales floor should begin. And finally, in areas where the influx of shoppers is not so intense, it is wise to locate everyday goods. Movement towards them past related products stimulates impulsive purchases of the latter. To attract customers to the central part of the store, the attractiveness and sales potential of the most popular products are used, which can help increase the sales of other products located next to them, but which do not have such attractive power.

The distance between departments and shelves is also thought out, so that at shelves with highly profitable goods, customers can calmly, without jostling, select goods.

The route offered to customers through the store should be coherent, smooth, enjoyable and efficient. The buyer should not pass by the same place twice. Accessible signs and clear markings should make it easy to locate goods. At the same time, in order to change the usual route of movement around the store, managers often practice moving goods from one place to another.

In modern store building, it is considered more efficient to place goods on the sales floor in consumer complexes. This principle means placing interrelated groups of goods in one area. The layout of the trading floor based on the formation of consumer complexes stimulates impulse purchases. It's no secret that, for example, chips or dried fish They sell well when placed alongside beer. Breakfast cereals can sell well if they are located next to the dairy group; in other areas of the sales floor they become a “dead” commodity. Systematization of the main groups of goods into consumer complexes and their schematic placement throughout the sales area is the first and indispensable condition for constructing a concept for customer service in a store.

A more scientific justification for some principles of placement of product groups and presentation of goods to the buyer can be solved with the help of modern technologies.

Communication devices are installed in the carts, and the sales area is equipped with receivers and transmitters. Receivers are positioned to monitor critical areas of the sales floor.

The computer system tracks the route of each shopping cart, as well as the time each customer spends in a certain area of ​​the store. As a result of processing data arrays, a thermogram is compiled. The direct measurement result is not convenient enough for analysis, but with appropriate computer processing it becomes possible to:

· calculate the real need for trolleys;

establish average trajectories of customer movement in the sales area;

· identify the percentage of traffic for each product group;

· establish the average time for making a purchase in different areas of the hall.

Such thermograms are built according to trading periods and are very helpful in understanding how to build logistics for supplying goods to the hall in different times. Analysis of these parameters provides important information for marketers, which allows optimizing the distribution of assortment on the sales floor. Effective presentation of goods on the sales floor, including ways to inform the buyer inside the store about various sales promotions, as well as advertising at the point of sale, is called micromarketing. According to research, micromarketing can increase turnover by 5% and the number of items sold by 60%.

One of the most effective means In-store advertising displays stimulate purchasing activity. Or, as they are also called, displays (from the English Point-of-Purchase Displays, or POP-Displays).

“Talking shelves” can be considered as a type of display - branded goods laid out separately from the rest on the same racks with bright indicators of their location. Sometimes a branded showcase or even refrigerated display cabinets can serve in the same capacity. An example is similar equipment from Coca-Cola, widely used in large domestic stores.

According to some data, displays attract the attention of 44% of store visitors, surpassing other point-of-sale communication media in this indicator. Research data shows that sales of laundry detergents increase by 207% with displays, frozen food sales increase by 245%, and soft drinks-- by 138%.

When talking about the marketing communications system at points of sale, it is impossible to ignore such a powerful communication tool as packaging. Its importance is so great that some experts identify packaging as an independent element of the marketing communications system (QMS).

It is important to note the informative role of packaging. Its surface may contain information about the chemical and biological composition of the contents and its nutritional value, terms of production, storage, methods of consumption, etc. Information on the packaging indicates to the buyer of the product that it belongs to one or another trademark. This is achieved through the use of corporate identity elements: trademark, logo, corporate slogan, corporate colors, etc. Sometimes the packaging itself has a “branded” character. For example, the design of a bag for crisps in the McDonald's food chain is even registered as a trademark. This trend is also typical for glass and plastic containers for soft drinks (more often registered as industrial designs).

The stimulating role of packaging is no less significant. Therefore, it is very important to have a bright, eye-catching design of the product, which should evoke a desire to purchase it. Often, extensive advertising messages are applied to the packaging.

The effectiveness of such communication influence increases significantly due to the fact that it occurs at the moment of direct selection of the product by the buyer. In other words, the communicative impact on the consumer and his feedback practically coincide in time.

The interior of the store contributes to the successful sale of goods and increased efficiency of commercial activities. The store must have some attractive features of its own.

A modern store is considered not only as a place for the direct sale of goods, but also as an advertising medium.

The interior of a store plays an important role in attracting new and retaining regular customers.

The most important requirement for modern retail equipment is that it should be less noticeable, not distract the buyer’s attention from the goods displayed on it, and, moreover, present the goods in the best possible way.

Each store should install the same type of retail equipment. Otherwise, the effect of displaying goods is reduced and the attention of buyers is diverted from the goods presented for sale.

The color of the walls is important in the interior of a sales area, as it helps the buyer to get a fairly complete idea of ​​the color, texture and shape of the product. The walls of stores are often painted in soft colors that do not distract the buyer, and not necessarily the same.

No matter how successful the composition of the product display and the selection of displayed goods are, they will not make the desired impression until light becomes a component of the store’s interior design. Lighting solves the problems of not only decorative interior design, it is designed to provide necessary conditions technological process of selling goods and, at the same time, should be harmoniously linked with the interior architecture of the store.

Rational lighting of retail premises helps to attract the attention of customers precisely to those goods that the store considers necessary to advertise intensively. Changing the color of lighting of individual areas and areas of the sales floor from time to time also attracts customers and thereby contributes to the commercial success of the store.

An important role in the sales area is played by signs, which, in addition to their main role of “regulating” the movement of customer flows around the store’s sales area, play another role - advertising. They remind customers of products that are well known to customers and attract their attention to new products. Signs - various kinds of displays, arrows, diagrams, pictograms - help customers navigate product departments and sections and quickly find the product they need.

The pointer can represent a layout of product departments and sections of the store. The name of the department or section is written on it. The inscription can be supplemented with drawings (silhouette of a product that is sold in a department or section). The drawing on the pointer can be made in the form of a sign-symbol (pictogram).

Pictograms are stylized images of products specific to each individual group. Such a symbol is intended to evoke in buyers the need to purchase a certain product and is perceived by them as easily as street signs.

Signs must, firstly, be large enough and expressive to be clearly visible from anywhere on the sales floor. Large letters visible from afar - the best remedy information in the relevant product departments. Signs should be in such places that the information is perceived before the buyer approaches the product directly.

In large halls, where the flow of customers may be disorderly, it is necessary that the signs be duplicated on mutually perpendicular panels.

The second indispensable condition for the design of directional advertising is the visual correlation between the pointer and the department it denotes. If the sign is located too high, then from a distance it is difficult to determine which part of the shopping area it directly relates to. When the sign is located close to shelves with goods, it is necessary that its solution (size, color, shape of letters) be more active than the product itself. Otherwise, it will be “crowded out” by the product.

The third condition is the semantic readability of the index. Letters are better perceived as their size and contrast with the background increases. The greatest contrast is obtained when either the letters themselves or the field around them are illuminated. In this regard, luminous inscriptions are easier to read.

Customers can receive current information about the availability of goods in the store from an installation called an electric display. It is placed at the entrance to the sales area or on a special exhibition area.

Orienting advertising in the form of various signs only leads the buyer to the right product. Further advertising functions are performed by the price tag, so all products must be equipped with it. The price tag must be of sufficient format and printed in large and clear font.

The more difficult it is in its own way technical device product, the greater the buyer’s need for information about it. In addition to the price, the price tag may include: brief description a product, its special properties and advantages compared to others. Almost always this has a positive effect on the buyer and increases his interest in this product.

Internal radio broadcasting can play an important advertising role in a store. In fairly large stores, the administration can make radio announcements about the arrival of any new goods on the sales floor, draw customers’ attention to information about the placement of goods in departments and sections of the store, about additional services, etc.

“Commodity Information Centers” (TICs) have become widespread in the practice of large shopping centers. They are terminals with several video monitors, which constantly show advertising video clips about the products presented in the store. Commercial information is interspersed with local and national news. The same monitors provide information on how to find advertised products in a given retail outlet. The use of TIC allows you to increase sales in some cases up to 75%.

Generators of various smells stimulate purchases: chocolate, apple pie, smoked ham, etc. These smells, synthesized using special devices, are designed to make store visitors feel hungry. And it’s not surprising that Paterson’s own bakery is in great demand; there is always a pleasant smell of fresh baked goods.

In large trading enterprises, the use of public relations techniques is also relevant. These include: holding presentations (of the largest suppliers, new products, etc.), sending out press releases, organizing events of an event nature (N years of operation of a particular store, Jth visitor, etc.).

Along with traditional methods (discounts, seasonal sales, lotteries, competitions, etc.), specific ones can be identified that are used in retail trade enterprises.

These include instant sales (fair sales). At the beginning of their implementation in the shopping center, it is announced via the internal radio network that a discount on all goods is being established in a specific department for a short period of time (for example, 20-30 minutes) (the size of the discount is also announced). At the same time, the owners of the department where flash sales are held count on the fact that customers will linger at the counter even after the end of the announced time.

A specific technique is also the “loss leader”. This is the name for goods whose prices are set at the cost level or even lower. A buyer attracted by such a “bait” will definitely buy something other than it, compensating for the owners’ losses associated with the sale of the “leader”.

An important form of advertising influence on buyers is holding sales exhibitions. Organizing exhibitions and sales requires appropriate preparation. A week before they take place, advertisements can be broadcast on radio, television, and published in the local press (if the store is large enough and can afford it). The store displays and sales area are being decorated. In grocery stores, exhibitions and sales may be accompanied by tastings of goods and dishes prepared from advertised products.

And that's not all. As part of trade marketing, the manufacturer, together with the retailer, can organize promotions to promote the product, namely: conduct tastings, competitions, lotteries, give away prizes, that is, do everything that promotes purchases and encourages the consumer’s desire to purchase a certain brand.

Merchandising Tools

Key merchandising tools include(4):

store design (both external and internal);

store planning (more precisely, planning customer flows);

color blocking;

comprehensive measures.