How to know if there is a ghost in your house. How to know if we live in a haunted and haunted house? Scary and recurring dreams

Are you wondering if you've ever met a spirit? Have you ever thought there were spirits in your home? Or maybe he's trying to contact you close person?

Before proceeding directly to the signs of the appearance of spirits, you must first understand what types of energy you may encounter. Ghosts, spirits, angels, demons, fairies, residual energy and elementals may come to you.

Ghosts are usually called spirits that have not passed on to another world. The spirits themselves are those who have already crossed over to the other side of the “light”.

There are several key differences between ghost and spirit visits.

Usually, in the presence of spirits, a person feels calm and comfortable. Spirits may appear in your dreams or as visions. Regardless of how exactly the spirits come to you, you will always be enveloped in a feeling of calm.

The presence of ghosts, on the other hand, will make you feel uncomfortable or even afraid of something unknown. They may appear as apparitions, shadows, orbs, or mist. Also, a ghost can be attached to a person or some object.

Here are 16 distributedeThese are the signs that you are being visited by someone from the other world:

Unexplained sounds: You can hear various sounds, such as footsteps, tapping, banging, scratching, or the sound of something falling. At first, such sounds are quiet, and then become louder.

Doors open: Any doors, cabinets or drawers that open on their own without any rational explanation.

Light turns on/off: Lights may inexplicably turn on or off on their own, or new bulbs may fail quickly.

Electronic equipment is turned on/off: The TV or radio may turn on or off on its own, change channels, hiss, or change the volume. You can also hear the favorite song of a loved one who is no longer with you.

Vanishing Items: Your things may disappear from their usual place, and then appear again after a few days.

Personal item of a deceased loved one: You may accidentally stumble upon an item of a loved one who is no longer with you.

Shadows: You can see inexplicable shadows out of the corner of your eye.

Feeling like you're being watched: You may have a general feeling that you are being watched, or you may only have this feeling in a certain part of your home. You may feel something ominous, but this does not mean that the energy itself is ominous.

Sudden temperature changes: You may experience extreme temperature fluctuations in a particular area of ​​your home.

Touches: You may feel someone else's touch or push. If you are surrounded negative energy, you may even have an inexplicable feeling that someone is scratching you.

Unexplained odors: Smells that are unusual for your home or any unpleasant aromas may indicate negative energy.

Things move on their own: This rarely happens, but things can still fall off shelves on their own, and furniture can move on its own. Such phenomena mean the presence of a ghost or some kind of negative energy.

Phantoms: A human figure with clear outlines, transparent or consisting of fog may appear in front of you. Also, you can notice bright multi-colored orbs. Blue orbs mean the presence of spirits, and white orbs mean angels.

Items underfoot: A spirit or loved one may send you coins, stones, or feathers that suddenly appear at your feet.

Pet reaction: Your pet may act strangely in a certain area of ​​the house or react to something you cannot see.

It is important to understand that usually “strange sounds at night” does not mean the presence of a spirit or ghost. Moreover, in most cases, any strange inexplicable sounds are attributed to manifestations of residual energy.

Remnants of energy are imprints of pre-existing energy.

You can get rid of residual energy by fumigating your home with sage or incense.

If we talk about spirits and ghosts, then a person can intuitively understand who exactly is visiting him by analyzing his feelings.

Often, ghosts are attached to a specific object or house, while spirits usually appear if they want to deliver a message.

If you experience paranormal activity in your home, try to understand what type of energy you are dealing with.

If a friend or loved one appears to you, be open to their messages, and if it is a ghost, set boundaries and do everything possible so that you can live peacefully in your own home.

A haunted house with stomping ghosts is a scenario we've all seen in movies. The family moves to new home to start new life and this is where the problems begin. The household members experience all sorts of strange adventures and, suffering from inexplicable difficulties, end up falling prey to mysterious creatures.

People try to find a logical and rational explanation for everything that happens to them, often denying paranormal interventions in their lives. Many people don't want to believe that the above is more real than you think. So, it's time to reveal the reality of events: the only explanation is that the house is haunted.

Next, we will look at some signals that allow us to identify objects from other dimensions in the house. Before we begin, let's take a quick look at the question that all skeptics ask: are ghosts and apparitions real?

Are ghosts real?

Although there is no scientific evidence to prove the existence of ghosts or spirits, people believe in their existence. However, it is important to note the difference between spirits and ghosts. As we have noted in various publications, spirits usually manifest themselves visually and often want to convey a message. But ghosts rarely demonstrate their benevolent presence to humans.

Ghosts appear visually on rare occasions and are usually entities that have failed to "transcend the limits". Experts on the subject say that usually ghosts are the ones who provoke paranormal activity in the house. They came to attract our attention or to let us know that they were present.

It is with the appearance of ghosts and apparitions that real hell begins for the living inhabitants of the house. At this point, we must take into account the signs that may indicate that our home is often visited by otherworldly entities.

Failures in electronic devices.

While supernatural beings don't often manipulate our devices, ghosts can definitely interact with technology. For example, have you picked up a phone that is ringing, only to hear strange and unsettling silence on the other line?

Do your lights suddenly turn on and off on their own and flicker? Does your TV suddenly turn off or change channels on its own? - These are outstanding signs.

Ghosts exist in another dimension, so supernatural beings need “channels” to establish contact in our world. And electricity is a great way to reveal your presence to beings of other dimensions.

Therefore, if you are interested in communicating with a ghost, you can try using an audio or video recording device and register any anomaly that appears in the house.

Unusual scents.

If your home smells a little strange and it's something new, one of the most common ways to determine the presence of an otherworldly entity is by smell. Often these are ordinary and familiar smells to us, for example, perfume, cologne or the smell of tobacco from a cigar.

And although there may not be people smoking in the house, these aromas are a little more pleasant than the smell of sulfur that accompanies it.

Be very careful with the last signal - the smell of sulfur. It may indicate that the creature coming into the house will be of a negative character or have a low astral value. In this case, to another dimension.

Object movement and sounds

Have you heard a knock on the stairs, seen doors open, or noticed that the photos in the house have lost their sharpness? Unexplained physical changes in environment is another way to identify a haunted place.

It's not often that ghosts generate enough energy to actually interact with objects; after all, it is not easy to cross dimensional transition portals. Ghosts that manage to interact with physical world, are called "poltergeists", which literally means "".

Poltergeist sightings are both rare and worst, as they announce their presence with a very aggressive action. Sounds such as loud bangs, furniture moving or heavy objects flying at high speed are explained by the presence of a poltergeist.

Strange behavior of pets.

If a pet constantly goes to a certain area of ​​the house or shows a reaction to something unseen, then it could have detected a paranormal entity. Animals can perceive sounds, smells and visions that are beyond the capabilities of humans.

As is well known, animals can detect imminent tsunamis, tornadoes and other natural phenomena. Therefore, it is not surprising that our pets can also sense a ghost and inform us about its appearance.

If you don't have a pet but are curious to try this technique, ask a friend if they can bring their cat or dog.

See how animals interact with unknown space: what they look at or what they avoid. If the animal reacts to something with unusual behavior, then this confirms that you are in a haunted house.

Look for logical reasons for events.

Those who have experienced some of the above phenomena have reason to believe that the home is being haunted by otherworldly visitors. But this is not always true. In fact, according to experts, in most cases the conclusion about the appearance of an otherworldly entity in the house is wrong.

The human mind is easily deceived by feelings. We can accept explainable events in a house with paranormal activity. Therefore, before declaring, it is best to look for rational explanations for what is happening.

Almost everything the listed phenomena may have completely natural causes. The source of the noise may be the “old age” of the pipes or even the tricks of mice. Doors may open on their own due to wear on the hinges or air currents. Flickering electricity can be a power grid failure or even the antics of “naughty” children.

Items that disappear in unexpected ways may be the victim of carelessness or forgetfulness. Shadows can be just that: shadows: shadows caused by street lighting or the headlights of a passing car.

Of course, the more extreme what is happening in the house, the more difficult it will be to reject them. And if several witnesses experience the same phenomenon, it is likely that the house has been invaded by paranormal entities.

At the same time, remember that it is possible that the spirit, apparition or specter that appears in the house is not a completely negative character. Maybe he just wants to inform you of his presence or communicate, after all, these entities are conscious.

You seem to remember exactly that you turned off the light in the bathroom... but it’s on. And you begin to chalk it up to your forgetfulness, thinking that you simply forgot to turn it off.

If this happens often and you remember exactly that you turned off the light or left something on the shelf, stop deceiving yourself. The fact that there is an otherworldly force in your home can be scary, but you need to accept it.

Ghosts, as a rule, do not harm people, they simply return to the place where they lived before. If you rented an apartment, don’t be surprised by uninvited guests.

And you will learn about the signs by which you can determine whether there is an otherworldly force in your home from the article.

10. Feeling of being watched

Some people are more sensitive and find it easier to perceive things that others cannot feel. If you feel someone watching you, this, of course, may mean that you watched enough horror films before going to bed, and perceive any shadow on the wall as a ghost.

But if you are not under the impression, have not watched horror stories, and feel quite comfortable and fearless, and suddenly something numbs you, this is not without reason. You may notice something unusual and realize it is a ghost.

9. Noises

You can lie down in your bed, nothing will portend trouble... You look around - you are in your favorite bedroom, you are surrounded by familiar things, and you close your eyes, hoping to quickly fall asleep...

But some time passes and your eyes become wide open - the whole point is that the whisper scared you very much, and now your whole sleep is interrupted. Someone was breathing or whispering something in your ear.

In addition to whispering, ghosts can emit hissing and muffled footsteps. Don't be afraid, the spirit just wants to show itself to you and start interacting. As a rule, such noises are made at night, and if you are brave, follow the sound, it is quite possible that you will meet a ghost.

8. Feeling of heaviness

Throughout your house, you may have the windows open, all the bedrooms ventilated, but you still experience heaviness in the sternum area. It’s hard for you to breathe, in addition, you feel heaviness in the space itself, and you even want to go outside, find a river to sit by the water and freshen up.

The presence of heaviness indicates that there are ghosts in your house, and if you want to drive them away, you need to call a priest who will read a prayer and also sanctify the entire house with sacred water.

7. Moving objects

Some ghosts like to play with things by moving them around. You can put your hair tie on the table, go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, and when you return, you won’t see the scrunchie. Of course, if you are a skeptic, you will think: “I just forgot, I actually put it somewhere else.”

Some time will pass, you decide to vacuum under the bed, and you see your hair tie there. This means that the ghost likes to play, in addition, sometimes poltergeists move objects right before their eyes.

6. Strange dreams

Dreams usually originate from the subconscious - it accumulates impressions and images, and then shows us the pictures. But if you often dream about buildings that you definitely haven’t seen - neither in movies nor in life, people you don’t know, abandoned cities, and generally have nightmares - this may mean presence of mind.

5. Smells

The souls of the dead can interact with mortals through scents. If you begin to smell strange smells in your home that weren’t there before, it’s not just like that.

If you smell a familiar smell - for example, one of your deceased relatives used a certain perfume or smoked, and you began to smell this smell, this means that the ghost wants to contact you. Do not be afraid of him, most likely, his soul cannot find peace and returns to the mortal world.

4. Temperature changes

The presence of a trait can be recognized by changing temperature. If it has not changed in the house, for example, you are usually warm, but suddenly you began to feel severe chills, like your legs and arms are freezing, then this may mean that a ghost has come to you. Don't be afraid of him - he won't harm you.

But you should be afraid if you feel constantly hot, and at night in the cold winter you want to throw off the blanket - this indicates the appearance of a hostile ghost in your house.

3. Mood swings

The presence of the souls of the dead greatly affects your mood. If you were usually in a calm, peaceful state, and suddenly began to scream, easily lose your temper, this may mean that a ghost has visited you.

In just one hour you can experience severe sadness, depression, and then strong inexplicable euphoria and a flight of feelings. Keep track of when it starts, and if you cannot explain your mood, then you are faced with an otherworldly force.

2. Eye contact

100% proof of the presence of a ghost is eye contact. The otherworldly entity does not even try to hide itself; on the contrary, it shows itself to the person. You may see the silhouette of a person walking through a wall or door, a moving glow.

The ghost can sit on a chair or even lie on the bed with you. He may start talking to you... But if the ghost shows himself so clearly, this may indicate that he wants to warn you about something important - listen to him.

How can you understand that knocking in the walls is not a problem with the pipes, but a spirit that has taken up residence? Below are a few signs that a house is haunted.

You hear heavy footsteps in the upstairs hallway when no one is there. Doors knock occasionally. Constantly used items disappear and appear elsewhere. The light in the kitchen starts to turn on and off on its own. You also smell a strange perfume in the air.

All of these could indicate that there is a ghost in your home. True cases are very rare, and it is quite difficult to determine whether this strange phenomenon exists in your home or not. But if you think you've got a ghost, what do you do about it?

Signs of a haunted house.
The first step is to determine, as precisely as possible, what your case is. Not all haunted houses are the same, and the phenomenon can manifest itself in different ways. Some represent one phenomenon - for example, the sudden opening of doors, others - a whole group - from strange sounds to the appearance of phantoms.

Here is a list of signs:

1. Inexplicable sounds - steps, tapping, sounds of falling. Sometimes they can be quiet and hard to notice, at other times they can be quite loud.
Doors, cabinets, and secretaries are the most common objects affected by this phenomenon, however, it is very difficult to see. You may also hear the sounds of doors opening and closing (tenants of the house, as a rule, are well aware of all the sounds of their home) or when you return, you find that the door to the room is closed or open, which was not the case before you left the room. Sometimes someone rearranges furniture, such as kitchen chairs. It is very rare that you can witness this phenomenon.

2. The light turns on and off - this phenomenon very rarely happens in reality. Usually, this happens when a person knows that the light has been turned on/off before. This may also go to household appliances: TV, radio, etc.

3. Disappearance or appearance of objects. This symptom is often called the “borrowing phenomenon”; it is a very common phenomenon, however, there are many options for borrowing items. For example, take your car keys, which you know exactly where you put them. But they disappeared, and you turned the whole house upside down in search. And after a while you find them in the same place, as if someone had put them back. Sometimes someone doesn't return an item for days or weeks. But if this does happen, the entity chooses the most obvious place, where you have already searched a hundred times, in order to return what was lost.

4. Unexplained shadows - sitting or floating shadows, usually seen out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes the shadows are human-shaped, sometimes they are not, they are large or small.

5. Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet begins to behave strangely. The dog may bark at something invisible for no reason and refuse to enter the room. Cats can also watch something. Animals have much better developed senses, so many researchers believe that this makes animals respond better to these entities.

6. The feeling of being watched is not the strangest sensation, but it can be attributed to the source of the paranormal. Usually felt in a certain part of the house at a certain time.

These are just the most common and recurring signs that a house is haunted. No one is immune from stranger things...

Many souls of deceased people are in no hurry to leave their homes after their physical death. They prefer to stay there until they feel the threads of freedom calling them on an endless journey across the vast expanses of the Universe. According to mediums, such souls wander the earth in the form of ghosts, staying in those places that they treasured during life.

If any inexplicable things are happening in your home and you cannot understand the reason for them, then perhaps you live next door to an otherworldly entity. But don’t rush to call psychics and drive the phantom away, because you can still help him and learn to live with him, as they say, soul to soul. How to recognize an otherworldly guest, signs of presence?

Signs that an otherworldly entity lives next to you

1. Mood swings. Of course, ghosts are not always visible to our human eye, but the psyche is able to detect their presence in 90% of cases. People who forcibly contact an otherworldly guest experience a whole bunch of moods - depression, despondency, which are quickly replaced by euphoria. Quite often, this leads to the fact that such people unconsciously try to stay at home less, loading their day with various work activities, while their children wander aimlessly around the streets.

2. The feeling that someone is watching you. You may feel like someone is watching you. But don’t rush to classify yourself as crazy, but rather look around. There are many cases where, at first glance, fictitious surveillance turned out to be quite real. The whole secret is that some people are able to sense the other world better than others, so they can feel the gaze of the dead on them. Perhaps you will notice something unusual, indicating the presence of another entity studying your habits. Usually ghosts are most observant when new residents move into their abode, or when a family with whom they have quietly lived side by side for many years has appeared new person, especially a child. If your child suddenly becomes afraid of the dark, then this behavior should serve as a good signal to you.

3. Soreness. Regardless of whether a good or evil spirit has settled in your home, illnesses of the residents always come with it. This can be expressed in general weakness, difficulty breathing, a feeling of heaviness and tension in the whole body, frequent headaches or colds. The human body reacts to foreign radiation in a similar way. Of course, you can turn to a specialist and with his help expel the uninvited tenant, but you must also remember that in most cases, a ghost is a lost soul or a messenger of Heaven, and not a demonic entity at all.

4. Unusual behavior of animals. Animals are not afraid of ghosts. They become silent in their presence or, on the contrary, begin to bark loudly, howl, sing or meow. Often they themselves follow the movements of ghosts, clinging to you or huddling in a corner. Sometimes they, refusing to sleep in the designated place, can climb into your bed or hide somewhere. It also happens that for some reason the animal does not want to enter a certain room with you. Over time, their fear may go away, but the habit of watching for a ghost will definitely remain.

5. Changes in room temperature. The appearance of ghosts is always accompanied by a change in the temperature in the room: an increase or decrease. Your legs may become numb and you may feel very chilly, or you may suddenly become sweaty in your sleep and want to throw off the covers. Some people always feel a ghost, and this is constantly accompanied by a temperature signal - they are always cold or hot at home, although the rest of the residents are quite comfortable. So be careful if one of your household members is constantly freezing at home, although outside he never suffers from the cold even in cool weather. ghost

6. Strange smells. New smells that come from nowhere are also signs of the presence of ghosts. They may seem sharp or subtle: the smell of sweat, cigarette smoke, flowers. If your home is visited by the ghost of a person whom you used to know well, then the smell may correspond to him: the smell of his body, his perfume, or the place with which you associate him. So in one apartment, before the appearance of an otherworldly entity, the smell of hay began to spread. The residents assume that the restless soul of their grandfather, who lived in the village all his life and loved this particular smell, lives next to him.

7. Noises. And in another house some strange sounds were periodically heard: knocking and grinding, hissing, someone’s whispering and muffled steps. Most often these sounds were heard at night, but could be heard at any other time of the day. Thus, the spirits do not at all seek to scare the residents, but on the contrary, they want to express their desire to make contact with them. Having heard something like this, go to the source of this noise, and if it turns out to be not the wind outside the window or a cat, then you will be able to meet face to face with the otherworldly guest. The main thing is not to be afraid of him, even if outwardly he turns out to be far from the sweetest creature.

8. Moving objects. Some phantoms really like to move various things from place to place. As a rule, this happens during the absence of the owners. Thus, ghost hunters often take photographs of rooms where a ghost may live, then leave them, and after some time they check the location of the things in the room. If a poltergeist moves things right before your eyes, then this means one of three things: he wants to play with you, he lived in this house during his lifetime and he does not like the new residents and their habits, or he wants to scare you and force you to leave your home . In the latter case, your dishes may be broken, clothes torn, flowers broken, furniture overturned. Keep in mind that it is very difficult to get rid of an unfriendly entity; it will be easier to make peace with it. Try to cajole her by starting to do something that will please her. If a ghost sometimes plays the keys on the piano, then learn to play some pleasant melody and play music periodically. If out of all your plants he does not destroy only the orchid, then place these flowers throughout your house, saying that you are giving them to the phantom and asking for his friendship. Such actions quite often help improve the situation.

9. Touch. You may wake up feeling a touch or suddenly look up because someone tapped you lightly on the shoulder, or you may see a hand reaching towards your face. Hostile poltergeists can throw a person into the air, put strong pressure on his chest, unexpectedly push him or even hit him. Their presence requires a mandatory exorcism ritual. Non-aggressive ghosts will pat you on the head, adjust your clothes, play with your children, or even kiss them. A terrible tragedy happened in one apartment: the mother of twins died during childbirth. Six months after this incident, when the girls said their first word, their father was very surprised. The fact is that the children said the word “mother,” although they could not hear it from anyone, because the father was raising them alone. But the most interesting thing happened a year later, when the girls learned to more or less express themselves. The little ones began to tell their father that their beds were rocked at night by their dead mother and that she always kissed them before bed. The father installed hidden video cameras in the children's room and, after watching the videos, he was simply shocked. Every time he left the children's room, the essence of his wife appeared in it. She not only rocked her children at night, but also played with him during the day.

10. Eye contact. In the example described above, there is another one hundred percent proof of the presence of an otherworldly guest - this is eye contact. In this case, the entity seems to demonstrate itself to you: you can see a moving foggy haze, a glow, or even see the silhouette of a person. In this case, the ghost can lie on the bed, sit in a chair, stand in the corner of the room, walk through the walls of your apartment, etc. You should not be afraid of a ghost if it does not show any aggression towards you. On the contrary, try to talk to it to get an answer from it to the question of why it came to your house - it wants to warn you about something or needs your help.

11. Dreams about people you don't know and about places you've never been to. It is much easier for the world of the dead to communicate with the world of the living in dreams, which is why we sometimes see our deceased relatives during dreams. They give us some advice, tell us about something, or are simply next to us. If a phantom has settled in your house, he can also contact you through a dream and tell not only the story of his death, but also what he needs now. In a dream you can see quite strange people, quaint buildings and empty, abandoned cities. You may either feel very calm or terribly scared. In any case, you should definitely pay attention to your dreams, and even better, try to keep a diary of your dreams, recording each of your dreams in detail. By re-reading these archives, you may be able to understand what the ghost wants from you.

Ask the ghost what he needs

If you suspect that your home is being visited by beings from the other world, try talking to them directly. Ask the ghost who he is, what he wants, and why he is haunting your home. Although the ghost will most likely not want to talk to you, you may be able to detect evidence of its presence through other signs, such as doors opening and closing on their own or changes in the environment, which may indicate its goals.

Try asking the ghost the following questions: “What is your name?”, “Why are you here?”, “What do you need?” and “Why did you die?” Before asking questions, make sure you can figure out the possible answer.

Interpret disturbing dreams

Sometimes ghosts appear in dreams, when the wall between our world and the other world becomes most permeable. If you have vivid anxiety dreams, write them down and notice your feelings. Meeting in a dream with strangers or receiving encrypted messages may indicate that a ghost is trying to contact you.

If a dream leaves you confused, consult an experienced medium. Among other things, mediums can decipher and interpret dreams.

Realize that you are not in danger

Chances are the ghost in your home doesn't want to harm you. During his lifetime he probably was an ordinary person, just like you. With this in mind, you may begin to calmly accept his presence and stop wanting to get rid of him at any cost. The ghost may believe that this is still his home, and it is possible that the phenomena that frighten you only indicate his desire to prolong his usual existence.

Ghosts rarely harm people. As a rule, their activities are almost invisible. If you believe in the existence of ghosts, then you probably know that they are present almost everywhere. Therefore, it should not come as a big surprise to you if one or two ghosts turn up in your home.

Smudge the house with sage

It is believed that burning sage leaves helps purify the air in the home and get rid of negative and evil influences. This method will be useful to you if you suspect that an evil ghost lives in your house. Take a bunch of dried white sage, light it until it smolders, and walk through each room with it, thinking about bringing peace and prosperity into the house. Sage smoke will help calm a restless ghost and calm you down.

Sage has long been used as a medicine, and many believe it protects both body and soul. Use sage with holy water: Ask a priest to bless your home and sprinkle it with holy water.

Try to convince the otherworldly creature to leave

During one-on-one communication, gently request that the ghost leave your home. It is believed that ghosts are often tied to a certain place by some unfinished business. Try to dissuade the otherworldly creature and tell him that he no longer needs to stay in your house. Perhaps the ghost will understand you and leave your house alone.

In a sympathetic but firm tone, ask the ghost to leave your home. Use arguments such as “this is my home now and there is nothing left for you to do here” or “don’t be afraid to leave this place, there is no need for you to stay here.” To establish a connection with a ghost and further communicate with it, it may be useful to know some of its details. past life. Try not to communicate in a hostile tone. An angry ghost may try to take revenge on you.

  1. Research the history of your home to understand what ghosts may have haunted its walls.
  2. Speak to ghosts in a soft, respectful tone.
  3. Treating a ghost disrespectfully and rudely can attract negative energy towards you.
  4. Be patient. Ghosts very rarely answer questions addressed to them. Their energy can increase at certain times or when favorable conditions. Don't lose hope and be prepared for the ghost to manifest itself in one way or another.
  5. Those who are especially susceptible to the influence of otherworldly forces should “ground” their energy before opening a channel of communication with these forces. In other words, you need to clear your mind, suppress your fear, and perceive the presence of ghosts as something neutral in an emotional sense.
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