Kitchen according to Feng Shui - basic rules for design, arrangement, choice of color. Rules for creating an ideal kitchen according to Feng Shui Orange color in the kitchen according to Feng Shui

It has always been natural for a person to take care of comfort in his home. After all, not only the beauty and style of a home is important, but also its harmony and atmosphere. Therefore, it is not surprising that the teaching of Feng Shui is now very popular; with its help, you can arrange all things in the house in a certain way, create the most favorable energy environment, which will be felt by a person as desired comfort.

In Russia, from time immemorial, the kitchen has been a favorite place for the whole family. It just so happens that the wealth of the head of the family and the skill of the housewife are reflected precisely in the appearance and condition of the kitchen. So, the kitchen is the heart of the home, which reflects the well-being and prosperity of the family. Can there be any doubt that it is the kitchen that needs the help of Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Taoist teaching that studies the laws of energy distribution in space and recommends ways for a person to achieve harmony with environment, which allows you to bring more luck and happiness into his life. This is a set of methods with which we can improve our environment, develop an apartment layout and arrange furniture correctly.

Feng Shui is a complex science, and recommendations for harmonizing space are most often given by masters in relation to a given building and the people living in it. And yet, basic rules and recommendations have been developed that can be applied to any circumstances for harmonization with the outside world. And all of them are imbued, in fact, with common sense.

First you need to get acquainted with the basic concepts and terms.

The ideal kitchen is spacious and bright

Visually, the kitchen can be enlarged by installing a large mirror opposite the entrance.

In a small and dark kitchen, light walls (or even white) and enhanced lighting are needed. During the day, keep window openings free of curtains - natural light is most favorable.

Nowadays, in modern urban conditions, the location of the kitchen is already a given, and often it does not coincide with that recommended by Feng Shui. But such a discrepancy can be corrected using the techniques of this ancient teaching.

It's good when you can do a redevelopment. The ideal location of the kitchen according to Feng Shui is in the south, where the element of Fire is concentrated. Beautiful - in the East, corresponding to the element of Wood.

An unsuitable place for a kitchen is the North of the house, associated with Water: since Water conflicts with Fire. In this case, we resort to the help of the element of Wood, which harmonizes the conflict of these opposing elements: we choose curtains for the walls.

It is also important where the entrance to the kitchen is located:

  • the passage to the kitchen opposite the main entrance to the apartment is contraindicated, in order to avoid a direct attack by Sha;
  • in the kitchen, located in close proximity to front door, guests will immediately after the meal have a desire to leave your house as soon as possible, and household members will want to eat often and in excess.

The following techniques will help:

  • Decorate the kitchen door with thread curtains or beaded curtains;

  • Hang or place something bright diagonally from the kitchen to distract the eyes of those entering the house from the kitchen door. It could be a colorful picture or.

There is also a layout where there is a bathroom or toilet next to the kitchen. The proximity of these rooms threatens the owner with a “leakage” of wealth. Counteraction: above the entrance to the kitchen you need to hang a crystal or “wind chime” with hollow tubes.

Color is an important part of harmony

According to Feng Shui, it must correspond to the side of the world on which it is located, which, in turn, has its own specific color.

The main rule is not to use the colors of the opposing element:

  • in a kitchen located on the south side (Fire), it is better to refrain from black and blue shades (Water);
  • in eastern and southeastern kitchens, do not use imitation or metal colors either in decoration or in furniture.

Feng Shui consultants insist: in the kitchen it is better to avoid using too bright and rich colors, especially red and blue, as well as moody shades of gray and black. The flashy colors of “Fire” - red, pink and orange - can induce irritability and set the mood for quarrels.

The ideal kitchen color according to Feng Shui is white, as well as light, delicate shades of green, yellow, and brown. The remaining colors can be used as accents.

Feng Shui consultants are always against the use of mirror tiles, as it resembles a broken mirror.

We arrange functional areas correctly

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the stove, refrigerator and sink form a triangle, and a distance between them of 1.5-2 meters will ensure maximum comfort for the housewife. In this case, Fire objects (stove, oven, microwave oven) must be separated from Water objects (refrigerator, sink) by Wood elements.

Where to put the stove?

The cooking area located in the southern part of the kitchen contributes to financial well-being owner. Both the southwest and northeast sides are favorable, and the unfavorable location of the slab is the northern part of the room. In addition, the stove should not be placed next to a window, so that your wealth does not “fly” out the window.
The location of the hearth opposite the entrance is unfavorable, because the person preparing the food will not be able to see those entering. In this case, you can hang a mirror in the cooking area, which will reflect incoming guests or household members.

Ideal places for refrigerator and sink

The best place for a refrigerator is the south-eastern part of the kitchen, favorable sides are the north and east. It is important that the refrigerator is always full of fresh food!

In the southeast, north and east sides you can place a washing area, dishwasher and washing machine. It is advisable not to place them in the southern, southwestern and northeastern parts of the kitchen.

Arranging furniture

When planning a kitchen, you need to take into account that furniture should not interfere with the free flow of Qi, so try not to clutter the kitchen with it. We remember - good cuisine should be bright and spacious!

The movement of Qi is facilitated by furniture without corners, since negative Sha energy emanates from sharp corners.

The kitchen set must have doors; open shelves are not welcome. If you still have them, then purchase round jars for bulk products. According to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to place hanging shelves and cabinets in the dining area - people sitting at the table will not be comfortable.

While planning your kitchen design, it is important to provide in advance places for storing massive kitchen utensils and electrical appliances, as well as convenient drawers for cutlery, because according to the rules of Feng Shui, knives, forks, and scissors must be hidden in drawers. In any case, make sure that sharp objects are not left in plain sight overnight, especially on the table.

Lunch group

Choose a table according to the size of the kitchen - there is a lot of free space in the house, which means there is room for well-being. Not only the size, but also the shape of the dining table is important. Favorable shapes: square (Earth), rectangle (Wood), circle (Metal). But as noted earlier, the fewer corners the better, so round and oval tables are most suitable for the dining area. Semicircular, L-shaped, triangular configurations are undesirable due to their “instability” and “inferiority”.

The best material for a table is wood. A glass tabletop is not desirable, since food on glass, symbolizing prosperity and abundance, as Feng Shui gurus say, “falls into the void.” If you already have a glass table, then you can simply cover it with a beautiful light one. Chairs with high backs are desirable.

Order in the kitchen means order in finances!

The state of the kitchen symbolically reflects the life and contentment of the family. Therefore, keep order and cleanliness, try not to clutter the space with different objects. Leave only essential items on tables and countertops. And other things should be stored in cabinets and drawers.

All household appliances must be kept in good condition. Perhaps everyone knows this, but let us remind you once again that a faulty item is a source of negative energy.

Fix any leaks from the faucet in a timely manner to avoid wasting your health and money.

There is no need to use dishes that are cracked or have chipped edges; they should be thrown away immediately to make way for new beautiful things.

With all due respect to the teachings of Feng Shui, there is still no need to collect a lot of talismans in the house and kitchen. Cleanliness, pleasant lighting and proper interaction of the elements are the main thing. Create conditions for the harmonious movement of beneficial energy Qi and enjoy prosperity and abundance!

According to Feng Shui, a kitchen is not only the personification of the impeccable taste of the apartment owners, but also the path to material wealth, peace of mind, prosperity and family well-being. It is not without reason that the kitchen is considered a special place in the house, because it is where the whole family gathers at one table.

It is by the design of this room that the Chinese draw conclusions about the well-being of the owners of the house, so it is not surprising that in the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, a special place is given to the arrangement of the kitchen. We invite you to study the basic rules and subtleties of creating an interior according to Taoist practice in order to bring harmony and positive energy to your home.

Experienced masters assure that Feng Shui is quite effective means to improve quality of life. Naturally, if you want to achieve the desired result with the help of Taoist philosophy, then when arranging the room you should be guided by certain principles.

  1. Get rid of old and unnecessary things. Keep only what you actually use and move the rest to the pantry or throw it away. A lot of unnecessary items not only gives the interior a cluttered look, but also interferes with the accumulation and free movement of positive Qi energy.

  1. Maintain order and cleanliness. Try to wash dishes immediately after eating, regularly wipe tables and work surfaces, remove grease from the stove and dishes, and regularly wash the floor. Under purity Taoist masters Feng Shui does not only mean the absence of garbage in the kitchen. They claim that it is absolutely forbidden to quarrel, argue or fuss in this room. It is also contraindicated to store broken items or spoiled food here. Experts believe that disorder can attract failure and also negatively affect the material well-being of family members.

  1. Remove all foreign objects from the kitchen. Try to move a variety of souvenirs, paintings and photos to another room, so that in addition to the kitchen utensils needed for preparing and eating food, there are no others left in the room. Experts also recommend always closing shelves and choosing furniture with rounded corners when decorating a room. Please note that trash and sharp corners interfere with the flow of Qi energy.

  1. If you are not cooking, the countertop should be clean. It is advisable to put the food processor, coffee grinder and other equipment in one of the kitchen cabinets after use.

  1. Store items that are similar in function or use together. For example, set aside a separate corner or a special box for spices, and place cutlery in an organizer for forks and spoons.

  1. Regularly check the condition of the items you use. It is very important to pay attention to every detail. Change light bulbs in a timely manner and monitor their condition kitchen appliances and stoves, do not forget to sharpen your knives. Clocks in a kitchen equipped according to Feng Shui must be promptly wiped with a damp cloth, and do not forget to change the batteries. Even such seemingly insignificant little things can affect your material wealth and success.

  1. Do not crowd the countertop with kitchen utensils and decorative items. It is intended exclusively for cooking, so it is not advisable to store anything on it. Make sure your countertop is always clean and well maintained.

  1. Pay special attention to the kitchen stove. The stove is the strongest symbol of wealth in the family, so it should be treated with special awe and respect. If you want to attract more positive energy into your home, follow the experts' advice and start using all the burners, not just the largest couple. According to Feng Shui, the more burners that work, the better.

  1. Every kitchen should contain elements such as Fire, Water, Earth and Metal. As a rule, there is no Earth energy in this room. You can introduce this element by placing a miniature plant, photo wallpaper or tablecloth with images of plants or fruits in the room. When the above elements are in harmony, you will notice their positive impact on your mood and well-being. The kitchen design shown in the photo demonstrates perfect combination all interior items.

  1. Decorating a kitchen according to Feng Shui is the path to a beautiful figure and a healthy body. For people struggling with overweight, it is not recommended to use photographs, paintings and other decorative elements in kitchen design that even vaguely resemble food. Instead, decorate the interior with images of beautiful landscapes or bright bouquets. Dishes should be stored in closed cabinets, and vases with sweets, fruits and cookies should be removed altogether. Replace them with flowerpots. Place a few magazines or books on the table so that you don't associate the dinner table solely with food and eating.

Now that you have studied the basic rules of arranging a kitchen according to Feng Shui, we invite you to look at several photos of interesting designs.

Feng Shui kitchen location

The location of the kitchen plays a vital role, so when choosing an apartment or starting the construction of a private house, this issue should be given special attention. If you make a mistake with your choice, then in the future you will have to resort to many tricks to ensure that the interior is harmonious and complies with the established rules. There are often cases when, due to the unfavorable location of the rooms, owners have to radically change the layout of the apartment.

Important! The element of Fire is dominant in the kitchen, so it is best to place it in the south or southwest.

If in your house it is located in the northwest, correction or even complete redevelopment may be necessary.

A kitchen located in the west should not only be decorated according to Feng Shui, but also equipped with special decorative elements. Experts note that this room is characterized by a special energy, so it certainly needs to be separated from the rest of the rooms.

A great solution would be to install a kitchen at the back of the house. Among modern designers, studio apartments, common in the West, where the kitchen is located in the central part of the house, are becoming increasingly popular.

This layout involves combining the dining room with the living room and even the hallway, which in turn is unacceptable according to the generally accepted rules of Feng Shui. Followers of this teaching claim that such an arrangement can lead to frequent family conflicts and disagreements. If you nevertheless purchased a studio apartment, then zoning the space will help neutralize the negative impact of the layout.

For these purposes, you can use decorative partitions, thread curtains, screens, as well as various design solutions for individual functional areas. To prevent food smells from bothering you during your vacation, take care of high-quality ventilation and install a powerful hood.

Food is considered a symbol of material well-being, which most people try not only to preserve, but also to increase. This is why experts do not recommend setting up a kitchen near the front door. Indeed, in this case, it is as if you are leaving your wealth on the threshold, from where it can easily slip away.

It is believed that guests who come to a house where the kitchen is at the front of the house intend to leave immediately after a large meal. Another reason why this arrangement is considered unacceptable is the flow of various energies coming from the external environment through the front door. The kitchen becomes defenseless and vulnerable, which can negatively affect the residents of the apartment. Agree, when we enter an apartment, we often leave on the doorstep the fatigue that has accumulated during the day, irritation, and various negative thoughts.

The door can also be associated with unexpected guests, beggars and intrusive neighbors. The kitchen is a special place in the house, so allowing negative energy into it is extremely undesirable. In addition, if the kitchen is located in close proximity to the front door, the owners may develop ailments associated with the digestive system. The fear of losing accumulated funds greatly affects the overall energy of the house. It can cause regular overeating, which in turn has a bad effect on a person’s figure, health and performance.

Of course, redevelopment requires large quantity costs, so if you can’t do it, protect the kitchen with a strong door, extravagant beaded curtains, or place an exotic plant at the entrance that will take all the attention.

The bathroom is an undesirable neighbor for the kitchen, since Water has very strong energy, which simply will not allow wealth to linger in your home for a long time. Perhaps the reason that money constantly flows out of the house like water lies precisely in the incorrect layout.

Perhaps the only room that can make harmonious company with the kitchen is the dining room. If the layout of your apartment is incorrect from a Feng Shui point of view, for example, the kitchen is oriented to the north, do not be upset. You can adjust the influence unfavorable factors using special crystals and wind chimes.

Feng Shui flowers for the kitchen

Many people love to decorate their homes with beautiful flowers. It's not strange, because flowering plants They delight family members with their excellent appearance and give them a spring mood. So, how to choose flowers for the kitchen according to the rules of Feng Shui? Depending on the energy released, plants with male (Yang) and female (Yin) energy are distinguished. The former include flowers such as dracaena, lemon or asparagus, and the latter include violet, petunia and cyclamen.

Note! To achieve harmony, the home is decorated with both flora with masculine and feminine energy.

But even here there are some nuances. The fact is that Yang plants are strictly not recommended to be placed in the kitchen. It is better to decorate with them those rooms in which a male presence should be felt, for example, in the bedroom.

In exceptional cases, such flowers can be placed in the dining room, the windows of which face south. Flowers with Yin energy, on the contrary, will fit perfectly into the interior. Moreover, kitchens located in the north or northeast must be decorated with flowers.

This will help bring happiness and prosperity to the family. In the following photos you can see a kitchen decorated according to Feng Shui, complemented by various flowers and floral arrangements.

Aquarium in the kitchen according to Feng Shui

Many people like to watch exotic fish while cooking and want to place an aquarium in the kitchen. But in this issue There are also some recommendations and precautions to take into account. Followers of Taoist practice do not recommend placing an aquarium in the kitchen for pregnant women. It is believed that it can weaken the baby’s health. As noted earlier, the element of Fire dominates in the kitchen, so by adding a water talisman to the room, you can disrupt the previously created positive energy. A kitchen equipped according to the rules of Feng Shui is shown in the photo.

Note! If you want to add some decorative elements to the room, then hang a beautiful clock in the kitchen.

They will contribute to the speedy completion of assigned tasks and achievement of goals.

The use of Taoist practices in interior design will bring harmony and well-being to your home. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules and recommendations of experts. We invite you to view the photo beautiful designs kitchens according to Feng Shui to choose some interesting ideas for yourself.

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Useful tips

The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the house.

Moreover, there is an opinion that it is she is the heart of the house, and therefore it needs to be arranged so that it attracts positive Feng Shui. It is believed that the health of the family and its wealth are directly affected by the state of energy in the kitchen.

All details of the kitchen, including design, kitchen utensils, furniture, placement and shape can contribute to the creation of good or bad energy in the home, improving or detracting from physical and emotional well-being, financial prosperity and an atmosphere of harmony in the home.

The kitchen contains all the elements of Feng Shui, including wood, water, metal, fire and earth. Therefore, it requires little to no balancing, and you only need to slightly adjust the basic elements.

Feng Shui experts believe that the kitchen corresponds to the element of fire, which ignites energy that activates well-being in the home.

Here's what you need to consider first when arranging your kitchen.

Feng Shui kitchen rules

1. Position the stove correctly

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Your stove, as well as your oven, represents fire and therefore conflicts with any elements that symbolize water. Do not place the stove directly opposite or close to the toilet door, sink or dishwasher.

By ignoring this rule, you risk creating an atmosphere of quarrels and tension between the inhabitants of the house in the house, as well as incurring infertility and other health problems.

In addition to the elements of water, the stove should not be directly opposite or adjacent to the refrigerator, since cold also conflicts with the element of fire.

2. Do not place the stove on the kitchen island.

The stove needs support in the form of a wall, and although kitchen islands (the work area in the center of the kitchen) look quite advantageous, you should not build a stove there.

Feng Shui experts believe that physical support in the form of a wall creates emotional support in the house, and without a wall you may be left without protection from patrons and superiors at work.

3. Hang a mirror opposite the stove

It is better to position the mirror towards the stove so that the burners are reflected in the mirror. This helps create positive energy and helps increase wealth. However, you need to ensure that the mirror always remains clean, free from dirt, stains and scratches.

If you don't want to hang a mirror, you can increase this energy by hanging a metal music pendant above the stove.

Metal complements the element of fire at the stove and contributes to the accumulation of wealth.

4. Use yellow

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According to Feng Shui, yellow represents both the elements of earth and fire, depending on the intensity of the color.

Soft pastel shades symbolize the earth, while bright and rich yellow shades represent the element of fire. Yellow is considered a nutritious color, it stimulates digestion and mental functions.

You can choose a shade of yellow depending on the situation. So, if apartment residents are focused on growth and increasing wealth, choose more intense shades. But remember that an abundance of yellow can lead to an excess of energy, which can manifest itself in the form of feelings of anxiety and frequent quarrels.

5. Bring life to the kitchen

French actress Sarah Bernhardt once said that “Life begets life, and energy begets energy.”

Try to introduce life in any form into the kitchen. It could be fresh fruit, located in plain sight, a plant in a pot or even a vegetable garden on the windowsill, where you can grow your own greens. Bet on basil, sage and cilantro.

6. Use round plates

In Feng Shui, a round shape creates the most harmonious flow of energy, which is necessary for sharing meals with loved ones. Round plates also promote open communication between all family members in the home.

This does not mean that square shaped plates are bad or unsuitable. For example, if there is a hyperactive child in the family, then it will be useful to use square plates that slow down the energy and ground the person.

7. Choose a round dining table

A round dining table is preferable to a square or rectangular table.

If you have a square or rectangular table, make sure that each family member has their own place at the table. There is no need to sit on the corners of the table, since the corners are “poison arrows” that guide negative energy on whoever is on their trajectory.

Here are some more tips to help you properly arrange your kitchen:

Feng Shui kitchen location

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    Ideal kitchen position - on the south or east side houses or apartments. It is also quite acceptable if the kitchen is located in the north, northeast and southeast. The southeast location of the kitchen is good according to Feng Shui, as it represents the element of wood, which is a source of positive energy.

    It is better to separate the kitchen from the eating area. Also, it should not be adjacent to the toilet.

    The location of the kitchen in the center of the house or apartment is considered not very favorable.

    The kitchen should not be located directly opposite the front door, stairs or bathroom, as this can worsen the health of household members and provoke quarrels and failures. If the kitchen is visible from the main entrance of the house, place a screen or curtain made of green crystals.

    It is better to keep kitchen doors closed. Also make sure that kitchen doors open easily to ensure a smooth flow of energy.

Kitchen size and colors according to Feng Shui

A narrow kitchen does not allow you to fully move household appliances and improve vital energy. To open up the space, add mirrors above or around the stove, or hang a plant or musical pendant in the doorway.

    It is best if the kitchen has wooden surfaces.

  • If you're not using wood, you can use light green or blue tiles on the wall between the stove and sink or stove and refrigerator, or use green or blue tiles on the floor.
  • White also creates good feng shui, symbolizing purity.

Primary colors: brown and green

Additional colors: beige, sand, blue, white

Matching paintings in the kitchen: images of water (waterfalls, oceans, rivers), beautiful landscapes, restaurants and cafes, a table with an abundance of fruit, a garden.

Worth limiting paintings with fiery energy: sunsets, images of fire

Sink location

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Fire and water contradict each other, so the stove and sink should be placed in such a way so that they are not close to each other or opposite each other.

    If the sink is not in the right place, place a small plant or something green between the elements to soften the ambience.

    According to feng shui stove, sink and refrigerator should be diagonally apart, forming a triangle, with sufficient distance to prevent conflict between these elements.

    There should be no leaks in the kitchen so that money does not flow out of the house.

Location of household appliances

    The element of fire in the elements household appliances such as oven, microwave or stovetop must be distributed correctly. For example, water elements such as the sink and refrigerator should not be directly opposite or adjacent to fire elements.

    It is best to plan the refrigerator in the south-eastern sector of the kitchen.

    A microwave above the stove is bad feng shui. Moreover, many experts recommend not keeping a microwave in the kitchen, as it is a conductor of radiation.

Get rid of trash

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A dirty or cluttered kitchen creates stagnant and negative energy in the home, which not only makes it difficult to prepare and enjoy healthy and nutritious food, but also to save money.

    Throw out trash regularly. The trash can must be clean and out of sight. Also, do not put your broom on display for everyone to see.

    Throw away food that has passed its expiration date. Don't forget about items in your freezer and pantry that are lasting longer than expected. Get rid of stale, stale products, even if the expiration date has not yet expired. Regularly clean out your food cupboards and refrigerator of unnecessary food.

    Donate any dishes and kitchen utensils you don't use.. These items not only attract stagnant energy, but also take up space. Keep only those utensils in the house that you use regularly or if they do not bother you.

    Stagnant energy can also take the form of odors. Remember that the kitchen should be clean and smell fresh.

    Avoid sharp corners cabinets and shelves, and they should not be pointed at you while cooking.

    Throw away cracked plates and broken cutlery.

    Try to use natural cleaning products instead of harsh chemicals.

    Empty and clean your refrigerator regularly. Treat the inside of the refrigerator with vanilla essence.

Clean the stove

The stove is a source of energy connected to your own fire and passion, so make sure it works properly and the burners are in good condition.

    Check for gas leaks in the house.

    It is best if the location of the stove gives a complete overview of the entire kitchen. If your back is to the entrance while cooking, hang a small mirror near the stove so you can see who comes and goes.

    The stove should not be placed under windows or lamps and not in line with the front door. If it is not possible to move the stove, cover the window with curtains or blinds while cooking.

    If you live in a house, the stove should not be directly under the bathtub.

Avoid processed foods

    Fast food and processed foods are considered unhealthy. They take energy, worsen health and interfere with earnings.

    Try to choose more natural foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Plants and flowers in the kitchen

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    Potted plants or a bouquet of flowers add life and improve energy in the home.

    Green necessary in the kitchen, as it represents the element of wood, which supports the elements of fire and water present in the kitchen.

    Fresh flowers, a plate of fruit and live plants on the kitchen table or windowsill are good idea. However, do not keep spoiled fruit or wilted flowers in the kitchen.

    In general, the kitchen should be well lit and ventilated. Install bright lights and throw away light bulbs that don't work.

Have you ever wondered whether your kitchen is properly decorated? If you want to arrange your home according to the rules of Feng Shui, then, first of all, you need to pay attention to the kitchen, since this part of the home is responsible for health and well-being.

In addition, the kitchen is considered a reflection of the financial status of the family, so it should be kept clean and tidy.

What should a kitchen be like according to Feng Shui?

The kitchen, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, should be bright, spacious and comfortable. The interior and arrangement of furniture should be inviting. This place should make you want to relax with a cup of coffee, and not run for a rag to clean up the mess.

A clean and comfortable kitchen is a source of wealth and prosperity for a family.

The owner must be able to move freely. And for this it is necessary to maintain order.

Here are the basic rules of a harmonious kitchen:

  • Get rid of unnecessary things, throw chipped plates and cups into the trash, and leave on the table only those items that you use every day.
  • Must be in closets must be clean, and place the items so that it is convenient for you to take them.
    Kitchen furniture according to Feng Shui should not clutter the room. The edges of the set should be smooth, and the dining table and chairs should be round.
  • When choosing furniture, keep in mind that kitchen cabinets should not be open. If this cannot be avoided, then place round objects, such as containers for storing spices, on open shelves.

How to properly arrange functional areas in the kitchen?

  1. Firstly, the refrigerator, sink and stove in the kitchen form a triangle, so there should be such a distance between them that the housewife can maximize convenient to use work area.
  2. Secondly, gas stove cannot stand close to the sink or refrigerator, it must be separated by a cutting table, otherwise such an arrangement of objects will provoke conflicts in the family and financial problems.

When designing rooms at home, be sure to consider that the entrance to the kitchen should not be visible from the front door. Feng Shui rules state that in this way bad energy will penetrate into the home, and the owners will experience digestive problems.

If redevelopment in the house is impossible, then closed doors to the kitchen or beaded curtains will help correct the situation. To distract guests' attention from the kitchen, place a beautiful figurine or vase or hang a picture by the front door.

The kitchen in the house should not be combined with other rooms, and cannot be located in the center of the house, since violation of this rule can lead to scandals in the family. You should also not place a bathroom and toilet next to the kitchen, so as not to disturb the well-being of the family.

Feng Shui and kitchen studios

In small apartments, as a rule, the kitchen has a small area, which affects convenience. The owners solve this problem by using a studio layout, when the kitchen is combined with the living room. According to Feng Shui, such a combination can cause conflicts and quarrels in the family.

If you cannot refuse a kitchen-studio, then you should make changes to the zoning of the space. For this purpose, you can use screens, decorative partitions, or paint the walls in different colors.

Kitchen design

Do you dream of decorating your kitchen according to Feng Shui? Use these tips to bring harmony to your kitchen interior.

Color range

For the kitchen, an excellent solution would be to choose tiles in pastel colors, yellow, green, brown and orange.

A white tone can visually enlarge a small kitchen and fill it with light.


A mirror in the kitchen is only allowed to be hung in such a way that it reflects a dining table covered with delicious food.

The reflection of the dining table in the mirror will bring prosperity and well-being to your home.


If you want to decorate the interior of your kitchen, then for these purposes choose canvases with a predominance of green and red colors.

Still lifes, as well as images of fields and trees, would be ideal. This way you will awaken your appetite. The best place for a picture in the kitchen there will be a wall near which there is a stove.

Wall clock

Should you hang a clock in the kitchen according to Feng Shui? Yes.

Because the kitchen is a room with active energy where your family spends time.


Many housewives like to place flowers on the windowsill. But Feng Shui rules prohibit this. In the kitchen you can care for only one plant that does not emit too strong an aroma.

These could be small citrus trees or ficus trees. An excellent choice for the kitchen would be violet, which will bring fidelity into the home.

Kitchen and cardinal directions

But the well-being of the owners will depend not only on the color of the walls, the style of furniture and the placement of kitchen utensils. The location of this room also affects the life of the household. Take a notepad and pen to write down the rules for arranging a kitchen according to Feng Shui and get down to business designing the right kitchen.


If the house project is under development, then select either part of the home for the kitchen. For a kitchen in the south, the preferred design colors would be brown, green, red, bright yellow and orange for the northeast or part of the house, then the preferred shades would be orange, red and yellow. A combination of other colors is allowed, but it is better to use them in kitchen decor elements.


The most unfavorable option is considered to be the location of the kitchen. But you can also decorate a northern kitchen for your own benefit: an aquarium with fish will bring good luck and prosperity to your home.

If you do not have the opportunity to decorate your kitchen with such a tank with exotic inhabitants, then replace it with a painting or poster with a corresponding image. Paint your walls black, blue or teal to soften the negative impact.

The kitchen is the place where the whole family gathers at the dining table. Keep the kitchen tidy, otherwise your family idyll will be disrupted by quarrels and conflicts.

Get rid of broken appliances and unnecessary things in the kitchen so that well-being and family wealth are always present in your life!

Asians take the design of their homes very seriously. The kitchen is considered the heart of their home. The correct interior and color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui is the most.


When decorating a kitchen in the style of a philosophical trend, it is necessary to avoid typical mistakes:

  • The kitchen should be located in the southern or eastern part of the house away from the front door. Otherwise, all savings and cash receipts will quickly leave the house. But if it is impossible to change the layout, you can distract attention from the entrance with the help of a bright crystal or wind chime hung above the door.
  • You should not experiment with the podiums and protrusions that are fashionable today. Furniture and appliances on proper kitchen should be located on the same level as other rooms.
  • The refrigerator, sink and hob should form a triangle. This will create a balance between the elements of fire and water. If this is not possible, then you can separate the elements with wooden objects or slides with green plants.
  • Massive objects located above your head should be avoided. This will cause discomfort and anxiety.
  • Shelves in the kitchen should be closed and there should be no sharp corners.

According to Eastern teachings, forks and knives cannot be stored in open stands or glasses, they must be put away in a drawer.


It is better to finish the walls, ceiling and floor with natural materials: wood, glass, leather, stone. They are representatives of all the elements found in nature and will help balance the natural flow of life.

Metal elements should be used carefully, without piling up. Metal has a heavy earthy energy.

Eastern sages against mirror tiles. It breaks the space into parts, which can also happen to a family living in such a room.

Kitchen color according to Feng Shui: rules

Philosophical teaching considers the ideal color for the room in which food is prepared to be snow-white (and all its pastel shades), especially if it is complemented with forging elements. The metal element goes well with fire (stove, microwave) and water (sink, refrigerator).

Red and bright blue can be present in the kitchen, but in moderation. It is necessary to ensure that one color does not drown out the other. The balance between fire and water will create a moderate atmosphere.

The colors of nature - green, brown, yellow - are the main allies of the oriental interior. Soft shades will fill the space with peace and warmth.

The blue palette, diluted with wood, will create a balance between earth and sky. Such a kitchen will invigorate you in the morning and evoke calm at other times of the day.

All shades of gray, with a pearly tint, are ideal for the kitchen and, despite the apparent boredom, bring notes of airiness and warmth into the space.

According to philosophical teaching, all colors used in the interior should be in harmony with nature. Therefore, it is necessary to choose natural lighting, while keeping the window sills clean, without clutter, and the curtains open.

Paintings for the kitchen according to Feng Shui: photos

Sculptures, plants, objects of natural origin and photographs are an important highlight of the interior. Paintings occupy a special place in the teachings of Feng Shui. The energy of the space and its impact on the life of the owners depends on what is depicted on them and how they are located.

You should immediately abandon paintings depicting military campaigns, sinking ships, volcanoes, grinning predators, crying people - everything that causes negative emotions even on a subconscious level. Pictures should set you up for positivity and give peace. Only then will this decor bring strong relationships and prosperity to the family.

The kitchen is the element of wood and fire, and therefore the selected images should combine shades of green and red. Green supports the element of wood and attracts financial flow, and red stimulates the appetite and gives the kitchen the significance of a family hearth.

Landscapes will look good next to the stove: trees and green lush fields.

For the dining room, it is better to choose still lifes, and they should be placed so that everyone entering can admire them.

But the most important rule for purchasing a painting for the kitchen according to Feng Shui (photo) is your own intuition. If the owners like the selected images, then the energy in the house will radiate kindness and warmth.

According to Feng Shui, the correctly chosen kitchen color can influence all areas of the owners’ lives. Guided by the correct interaction of natural elements, you can create an atmosphere of comfort and excellent interaction between all family members.