Advantages and disadvantages of artificial light sources. Types of lighting: advantages and disadvantages Artificial lighting device types advantages and disadvantages

Natural or natural lighting is the view obtained from natural sources Sveta. Internal natural insolation of a room is created due to the directed radiant energy of the sun, light fluxes scattered in the atmosphere, penetrating into the room through light openings, and light reflected from surfaces.

Artificial lighting is obtained using special sources of light radiation, namely: incandescent, fluorescent or halogen lamps. Artificial light sources, just like natural ones, can produce direct, diffuse and reflected light.


Natural insolation has an important property associated with changes in the level of illumination over a short period of time. Changes are random. A person cannot change the power of the light flux; he can only correct it by certain means. Since the source of natural light is located approximately at the same distance from all illuminated objects, in terms of localization such lighting can only be general.

The artificial method, unlike the natural one, depending on the distance and direction of the light source, allows for general and local localization. Local illumination with the general option gives a combined option. Through artificial sources, the light indicators necessary for certain working and rest conditions are achieved.

Pros and cons of two types of lighting

Diffused and uniform light rays of natural origin are most comfortable for the human eye and provide undistorted color perception. At the same time, direct rays of the sun have a blinding brightness and are unacceptable in the workplace and at home. Reducing the light level under cloudy skies or in the evening, i.e. Its uneven distribution does not make it possible to limit oneself to only a natural light source. During the period when the daylight hours are long enough, significant savings in energy consumption are achieved, but at the same time the room overheats.

The main disadvantage of artificial lighting is associated with slightly distorted color perception and a fairly strong load on the visual system, resulting from micropulsations of light streams. By using spot lighting in the room, in which the flickering of the lamps is mutually compensated and whose characteristics are closest to diffused sunlight, the strain on the eyes can be minimized. Also, spot light can illuminate a separate area in space and allows you to save energy resources. Artificial lighting requires a source of energy, unlike natural lighting, but such lighting has a constant quality and intensity of the luminous flux, which can be selected at your discretion.


The use of only one type of lighting in most cases is irrational and does not meet the needs of a person in maintaining his health. Thus, the complete absence of natural insolation in accordance with labor protection standards is classified as harmful factors. It’s hard to even imagine an apartment without natural light. Artificial light sources make it possible to provide maximum comfortable lighting parameters and are also used in the design of the room. Chandeliers are most often used for general lighting of living spaces. Sconces or floor lamps are great for illuminating a local area. Thanks to the lampshade or shade, the light from such sources is soft and diffused. This property allows such lamps to be widely used not only for the practical purpose of lighting, but also to highlight any element of the interior. In addition, modern artificial light sources are so diverse and attractive that they themselves perfectly decorate the interior.

Name the advantages and disadvantages of the combined lighting system. Where is it used?

The combined lighting system, as the most economical one, is used, as a rule, for illuminating precision and highly precise work:

  • 1. In rooms where visual work of categories 1. Pa and Pb is performed.
  • 2. In rooms where visual work with categories 2v, 2d, 3 and 4 is carried out, associated with distinguishing three-dimensional objects to create a favorable brightness distribution on them (assembly of instruments and apparatus, quality control desks, etc.), with work on shiny metal surfaces and glass to eliminate reflected glare.
  • 8. Name the advantages and disadvantages of RL and LL.

Fluorescent lamps have high luminous efficiency, long burning time, and a spectral composition of light that is favorable for the eyes.

Discharge lamps high pressure They generally have high luminous efficiency and long burning duration, but the spectral composition of their emissions may differ from LL and LL. So:

In DRL, green and blue tones predominate in the spectrum, which can distort the color rendition; therefore, they are used in workshops where color discrimination is not required (in high rooms of machine-building enterprises), for outdoor lighting;

DRI (MGL) has an improved spectral composition, but shorter burning duration;

NLVD (DNaT) has yellow rays in its spectrum, the lamps have a high pulsation of the light flux, and have the ability to penetrate dusty environments and fog; used for outdoor lighting, lighting of highways, tunnels; used in workshops with high heights and low light transmission requirements;

DRIZ is close to DRI, provides color rendering, has high luminous efficiency, is used for indoor lighting, for slotted optical fibers, etc.;

HPS has a spectral composition that is closest to natural, has high power, low luminous efficiency and limited combustion duration; used for lighting high workshops, where correct color reproduction is necessary, as well as for outdoor lighting: squares, stadiums, etc.

A number of LL and RL have such disadvantages as large overall dimensions, duration of combustion and re-ignition; stroboscopic effect (distortion of visual perception); dependence on ambient temperature; twilight; ability to create radio interference; pulsation of the luminous flux and its decrease towards the end of the lamp’s service life; high frequency noise; danger of mercury vapor poisoning; high cost of some types, etc.

Experimental part

Measure the total artificial illumination at 8 points of the working surface. On the floor plan, indicate the named points and the level of illumination at them. Give a conclusion about the compliance of the measured illumination with the norm for a given room (or type of work), as well as about the uniformity of the distribution of E in the room.

Rice. 1.

Calculation part

Calculate using the luminous flux method the total illumination on the horizontal working surfaces of the room illuminated by general lighting lamps. The workshop environment should be considered normal. Indicate the characteristics of visual work (category and subcategory), select the illumination standard for it (Table 1 app.) taking into account the lighting system, light source and other influencing factors specified in the task option. Select according to the table. 6 adj. type of general lighting lamp (indicate the light intensity curve KSS) and local (with combined lighting). Determine hst, lst, n, Ф0. Select the lamp power, determine the total power.

Calculation of illumination by the luminous flux method.

Calculate the total illumination of a production room with a normal environment in an artificial lighting system. Initial data: room area - 120x60m2; light source - LN lamp; height of the lamp suspension above the working surface hsv = 12 m; placement at the corners of the square. Reflection coefficients of the ceiling, walls, working surface, respectively: 0.7; 0.5; 0.1.

Determine the power of the light source and the total power of the workshop op-amp. Select the type of lamp and the power of the IC for MO, taking into account the share of illumination attributable to local lighting. There are no conditions affecting a decrease or increase in the norm.

From the table 1 adj. for an object size difference of 0.6 mm, we select the standard of working artificial lighting in the combined system. It is En = 150 lux with discharge lamps.

From the table 8 adj. we accept the safety factor short circuit = 1.3;

Determine the room index (formula 8.3)

From the table 9 for given reflection coefficients (0.7-0.5-0.1), room index i=3.3 and lamp type RSP-17 (G-2), interpolating, we find the value of the op-amp utilization factor. We accept h=0.98;

We determine the distance between the lamps and the number of lamps in the room. From the table 8.1 for KSS type G recommended ratio. We accept

l=1. Then lsv=1H12=12m. The number of lamps when placed at the corners of a square. We accept Z=1.1 (formula 8.2);

We determine the luminous flux of one lamp:

lighting lamp lux meter

According to the table 4. adj. choose a DRL80 lamp with a luminous flux of 41000lm. This is a high-pressure tinder lamp with an improved spectral composition of light, a power of 80 W and a burning time of 6000 hours.

Total power of the general lighting lighting installation


incandescent lamp energy-saving fluorescent

We live in a world of light and the images it creates. Sunlight was the beginning of life and the cradle of Man on Earth. Man's consciousness began to be determined by his imaginative thinking. Natural light, born of the sun, created for us a huge world of sensations and gave us the opportunity to determine our attitude to the world around us, and artificial light became the beginning of human civilization.

Today, electric light determines the quality of our lives and the comfort of the human condition. Bad light, like bad glasses, can cause fatigue, irritability, bad mood and other unpleasant consequences. Millions of people are trying to master the art of lighting when arranging their homes and workplace. Taking on the task of improving light comfort and coziness in own home or apartment, it is useful to have at least the most basic information about lighting technology and the rules of rational


Improving light comfort at home and at work not only creates a person’s mood, but also allows them to maintain working capacity for a long time; and the correct lighting design and well-chosen color scheme of the environment determine the internal state and help maintain health. We should, of course, not forget that we associate a healthy lifestyle with a bright and pleasant-looking environment, which creates a margin of safety for us in all our endeavors in life.

Natural lighting is physiologically necessary and most favorable for humans. However, it cannot fully ensure his normal functioning. Because of this, even in ancient times, people began to look for an addition to it - artificial lighting.

Today, as a rule, incandescent lamps act as sources of artificial lighting. fluorescent lamps or light sources using LEDs.

1. Development of lamp technology

Electric light is international in its place of birth. Outstanding scientists and inventors from many countries of the world participated in its discovery and creation. The first stage of the development of electric light sources, thanks to the discoveries and inventions of Devi, Volt, Petrov, Molien, Gabel, Adamas, Sprengel, Ladygin, Yablochkov, Dedrikson and others, ended in 1879 with the creation by Edison of an incandescent lamp in the design form familiar to us. The first public installations of electric lighting appeared at the end of the 19th century in countries Western Europe, in America and Russia. The electric “Yablochkov candle” created a sensation in Paris and was called “Russian light.” Competition for incandescent lamps appeared with the development of a generation of discharge lamps in the 30s of our century: fluorescent and mercury lamps, which have two outstanding advantages: several times higher energy efficiency and durability work.

Despite the high cost, the need to use special ballasts (ballasts) to turn them on and operate, and many other disadvantages, these lamps began to quickly replace incandescent lamps, and this primarily affected the areas of industrial and street lighting. Since the 50s, fluorescent lamps began to occupy a strong position in the lighting of public buildings (classrooms and auditoriums, offices, hospitals, etc.). At the end of the 60s, discharge lamps were replenished with a new class - metal halide lamps, which, while maintaining the advantages of high-pressure mercury lamps (HPR), are characterized by higher energy efficiency and color rendering. These lamps were first used most widely in lighting sports facilities (to meet the requirements of TV broadcasts). High-pressure sodium lamps with yellow-golden light should be considered the pinnacle in the development of energy-efficient lamps. One such 400 W lamp replaces a 1000 W DRL lamp and 10 incandescent lamps of 300 W each. Due to insufficient color rendering, these lamps are primarily used in street lighting.

To expand the scope of application of discharge lamps in residential and public buildings, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), including those with the same base as an incandescent lamp, were developed in the 70s. By screwing such a lamp into a regular lamp, you can reduce its power by 5-6 times (for example, a 13 W CFL will replace a 75 W incandescent lamp). In those same years, halogen lamps appeared to illuminate displays at exhibitions and museums, differing from conventional lamps in their exceptional compactness, 1.5-2 times greater efficiency and service life. The most efficient and safest lamps are those designed for 12V voltage, although at mains voltage they require the installation of step-down transformers. Today, mirrored halogen incandescent lamps have become an effective and prestigious light source for lighting offices, banks, restaurants, shops and other premises.

The modern history of light sources includes “eternal” lamps with a new operating principle, amazing in terms of operating time. These are so-called compact electrodeless high-frequency fluorescent lamps of the QL type with a power of 85 W and a service life of 60 thousand hours, which are not inferior in other characteristics to the best discharge lamps. Introduced in the early 90s by Philips, these lamps are increasingly used, especially in northern European countries. Most recently they were used to upgrade the lighting of a large classroom in Finland. The authors of the project claim that the next replacement of lamps will be carried out in 2025.

g. - invention of the incandescent lamp

g. - invention of the low/high beam car headlight

g. - introduction of a high-pressure mercury lamp

g. - introduction of a fluorescent lamp

d. - creation of an incandescent lamp of a “soft white” color

g. - introduction of a quartz incandescent lamp

g. - introduction of a halogen lamp

d. - invention of the high-pressure sodium lamp

g.-introduction of metal halide lamp

d. - introduction of low-power fluorescent lamps

d. - introduction of an ellipsoidal reflector

d. - introduction of mirror lamps with a facet reflector

d. - introduction of low power metal halide lamp

g. - introduction of a 40-watt Biax fluorescent lamp

g. - introduction of lamp (Halogen-IR™ PAR)

1991 - introduction of the lamp (ConstantColor™ Presise)

1992 - introduction of the compact fluorescent lamp (Biax™Compact)

g. - invention of the electrodeless fluorescent lamp (Genura)

g. - release of a compact fluorescent screw lamp (Heliax)

2. Types and sources of artificial lighting. Their advantages and disadvantages

.1 Types of artificial lighting

Artificial lighting can be general(all production premises are illuminated by the same type of lamps, evenly located above the illuminated surface and equipped with lamps of the same power) and combined(to general lighting, local lighting of work areas is added by lamps located near the apparatus, machine, instruments, etc.). Using only local lighting is unacceptable, since the sharp contrast between brightly lit and unlit areas tires the eyes, slows down the work process and can cause accidents.

According to their functional purpose, artificial lighting is divided into: working, duty, emergency.

Work lightingmandatory in all rooms and illuminated areas to ensure normal work of people and traffic flow.

Emergency lightingincluded outside working hours.

Emergency lightingis provided to ensure minimum illumination in the production area in case of sudden shutdown of working lighting.

In modern multi-span one-story buildings without skylights with one side glazing, natural and artificial lighting (combined lighting) is used simultaneously during the daytime. It is important that both types of lighting are in harmony with one another. Lighting devices make up the largest group of electrical appliances in every home. Light sources are an important element of everyday life.

.2 Sources of artificial lighting. Their advantages and disadvantages

All modern lamps can be classified according to three main characteristics: the type of base, the method of producing light and the voltage from which they operate. Let's start with the most important thing - the method of obtaining light flux. It is on this that the ability of the lamp to consume a certain amount of electrical energy. Let's take a closer look at some of the features of these lighting lamps.

Incandescent lamps

Incandescent lamps (Fig. 1)belong to the class of thermal light sources. Despite the introduction of more technologically advanced types of lamps, they remain one of the most popular and cheapest light sources, especially in the household sector.

The action of these lamps is based on heating the coil by current passing through it to a temperature of 3000 degrees. The bulbs of lamps with a power of 40 W or more are filled with inert gases - argon or krypton. Household lamps range from 25 to 150 watts. Lamps with a power of up to 60 Watts with a reduced base are called minions. You can check the serviceability of the lamp with a tester; the spiral must have a certain resistance. A lamp with an incandescent lamp has only two possible faults: 1. The lamp has burned out 2. There is no contact in the electrical wiring, as a result of which no voltage is supplied to the base.

Advantages: Simple in design, reliable, do not have additional devices when turned on, practically do not depend on temperature environment, instantly ignite.

Flaws: They do not have a very long service life, about 1000 hours.

Fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps (Fig. 2)refer to low pressure gas discharge lamps. They can be of various shapes: straight, tubular, curly and compact (CFL). The diameter of the tube is not related to the power of the lamp, which can reach up to 200 W. Tubular lamps have two-pin base types depending on the distance between the pins: G-13 (distance - 13 mm) for lamps with a diameter of 40 mm and 26 mm and G-5 (distance - 5 mm) for lamps with a diameter of 16 mm.

Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) (Fig. 3)- a fluorescent lamp that has a curved bulb shape, which allows it to be placed in a small lamp. Such lamps may have a built-in electronic choke (ECG), may be different shapes and different lengths. They are used either in special types of lamps or to replace incandescent lamps in conventional types of lamps (lamps with a power of up to 20 W, which are screwed into a threaded socket or through an adapter).

Fluorescent lamps require the operation of a special device - a ballast (choke). Most foreign lamps can work with both conventional (with a choke) and electronic ballasts (EPG). But some of them are intended only for one type of ballast.

Lamps with electronic ballasts have the following advantages: the lamp does not flicker, lights up better, does not make noise (noise from the throttle), is lighter in weight, saves energy (power losses in electronic ballasts are much lower than in ballasts).

By changing the types of phosphor, you can change the color characteristics of the lamps. The letters included in the name of fluorescent lamps mean:

L - luminescent, B - white, TB - warm white, D - daylight, C - with improved color rendering. The numbers 18, 20, 36, 40, 65, 80 indicate the rated power in watts. For example, LDTs-18 is a fluorescent lamp, daytime, with improved color rendering, with a power of 18 W.

A lamp with fluorescent lamps works as follows (Fig. 4) - a tubular lamp is filled with argon and mercury vapor. The starter is necessary to start the lamp, you need to warm up the electrodes for a short time, the current flowing through the inductor and the starter increases significantly, heats the bimetallic plate of the starter, the lamp electrodes warm up, the starter contact opens, the current in the circuit decreases, a short-term high voltage is formed on the inductor, its accumulated There is enough energy to break through the gas in the lamp bulb. Next, the current flows through the inductor and the lamp, with 110 Volts falling on the inductor and 110 Volts on the lamp. Mercury vapor, using a phosphor, creates a glow that is perceived by the human eye. The inductor consumes almost no energy; the energy it takes during magnetization is almost completely returned during demagnetization, while the wires are uselessly loaded; to unload the network, capacitor C is used. Energy exchange occurs not between the network and the inductor, but between the inductor and the capacitor. The presence of a capacitor reduces the efficiency of the lamp; without it the efficiency is 50-60%, with it - 95%. The capacitor, which is connected in parallel with the starter, is used to protect against radio interference.

Malfunction fluorescent lamp may consist in a violation of the electrical contact in the luminaire circuit or in the failure of one of the elements of the luminaire. The reliability of the contacts is checked by visual inspection and testing by a tester.

The performance of the lamp or ballasts is checked by sequentially replacing all elements with known good ones.

Typical malfunctions of lamps with fluorescent lamps

Malfunction Cause Remedy Protection is triggered when the lamp is turned on 1. Breakdown of the compensating capacitor (from radio interference) at the lamp input. 2. Short circuit in the circuit behind the machine.1. Replace the capacitor. 2. Check the voltage at the contacts of the cartridges and starter. 3. Replace the lamp with a working one. 4. Check the integrity of the lamp spirals. The lamp does not light up. There is no voltage on the lamp socket on the supply side, the network voltage is low. Check with an indicator or tester the presence and value of the supply voltage. The lamp does not light up, there is no glow at the ends of the lamp.1. Poor contact between the lamp pins and the socket contacts or between the starter pins and the starter holder contacts. 2. Lamp malfunction, broken or burnt coils. 3. Starter malfunction - the starter does not close the filament circuit of the lamp electrodes. 4. Malfunction in electrical diagram lamp 5. Throttle faulty.1. Move the lamp and starter to the sides. 2. Install a known-good lamp. 3. If there is no glow in the starter, replace the starter. 4. Check all connections in the electrical circuit. 5. If no broken wires, broken contact connections or errors in the electrical circuit are found, then the inductor is faulty. The lamp does not light up, the ends of the lamp glow. The starter is faulty. Replace the starter. The lamp flashes but does not light up, there is a glow at one end.1 . Errors in the electrical circuit. 2. Short circuit to electrical circuit or socket that may short out the lamp. 3. Closing the terminals of the lamp electrodes.1. Remove and insert lamps, swap ends. If the previously non-luminous electrode glows, then the lamp is working. 2. If there is no glow at the same end of the lamp, check whether there is a short circuit in the socket on the side of the non-luminous electrode. 3. If no short circuit is detected, check the wiring diagram. 4. Replace the lamp The lamp does not blink or light up, there is a glow at both ends of the electrodes.1. Error in electrical circuit. 2. Malfunction of the starter (breakdown of the capacitor to suppress radio interference or sticking of the starter contacts). Replace the starter. The lamp flashes and does not light up 1. The starter is faulty. 2. Errors in the electrical circuit. 3. Low mains voltage.1. Check the network voltage with a tester. 2. Replace the starter. 3. Replace the lamp. When the lamp is turned on, an orange glow is observed at its ends, after a while the glow disappears and the lamp does not light up. The lamp is faulty, air has entered the lamp. It is necessary to replace the lamp. The lamp alternately lights up and goes out. Lamp fault 1. The lamp needs to be replaced. 2. If the blinking continues, replace the starter. When the lamp is turned on, the spirals of its electrodes burn out.1. Inductor malfunction (insulation or turn-to-turn short circuit in the winding is broken). 2. There is a short to body in the electrical circuit.1. Check the electrical circuit. 2. Check the insulation of the wires. 3. Check the electrical circuit for a short to the lamp body. The lamp lights up, but after several hours of operation, blackening of its ends appears.1. Short circuit to the lamp body in the electrical circuit. 2. Throttle malfunction.1. Check for short to body, check wiring insulation. 2. Using a tester, check the value of the starting and operating current; if these values ​​exceed the normal values, replace the inductor. The lamp lights up, when it burns, the discharge cord begins to rotate and moving spiral and serpentine stripes appear1. The lamp is faulty. 2. Strong fluctuations in network voltage. 3. Poor contact in connections. 4. The lamp covers the magnetic field lines of the inductor leakage.1. The lamp needs to be replaced. 2. Check the mains voltage. 3. Check contact connections. 4. Replace the throttle.

Advantages: Compared to incandescent lamps, they are more economical and durable, and have good light transmission. The service life is up to 10,000 hours for imported lamps and up to 5000-8000 hours for domestic ones. Convenient to use where the lamp is on for many hours.

Flaws: At temperatures below 5 degrees, they are difficult to ignite and may burn more dimly.

DRL gas discharge lamps

DRL lamps(mercury arc with phosphor (Fig. 5.6), these are high-pressure discharge lamps. Thanks to additional electrodes and resistors placed in the bulb, the lamp does not need an ignition device, is connected to a network with an inductive ballast and is ignited directly from a voltage of 220 Volts, a capacitor is needed to reduce the current.

After turning on the lamp, it lights up, the luminous flux created by the lamp gradually increases, the combustion process lasts 7 - 10 minutes. When the voltage disappears, the lamp goes out. It is impossible to light a hot lamp; it needs to cool completely; after turning it off, it can only be re-lit after 10-15 minutes. They come in power from 80 to 250 watts.

Repair of lamps with DRL lamps consists of identifying the failed element and replacing it with a known good one.

Advantages: significantly more economical than incandescent lamps, insensitive to temperature changes, so they are convenient to use for outdoor lighting, service life up to 15,000 hours.

Flaws: low color rendering, pulsation of light flux, sensitivity to voltage fluctuations in the network.

Halogen lamps

Halogen incandescent lamps(Fig. 7) belong to the class of thermal light sources, the light radiation of which is a consequence of the heating of the lamp coil by the current passing through it. Filled with a gas mixture containing halogens (usually iodine or bromine). This gives the light brightness, saturation, and can be used in point light sources.

It is better to use lamps from well-known companies - halogen lamps emit ultraviolet rays, which are harmful to the eyes. Lamps from well-known companies have a special UV-resistant coating.

If a malfunction occurs, measure the voltage at the lamp base; if the voltage is normal, replace the lamp. If there is no voltage on the lamp base, there is a malfunction in the transformer or in the contact part of the electrical fittings.

Advantages: Service life 1500-2000 hours, have stable luminous flux throughout the entire service life, smaller bulb sizes compared to incandescent lamps. With the same power as an incandescent lamp, the light output is 1.5-2 times greater.

Flaws: Changes in the mains voltage are undesirable; when the voltage decreases, the temperature of the filament decreases and the service life of the lamp decreases.

Energy saving lamps

Energy saving lamps (Fig. 8)designed for use in lighting fixtures for residential, office, commercial, administrative and industrial premises, in decorative lighting installations.

They can be used in any lamp as a substitute for incandescent lamps. Energy-saving lamps are a type of low-pressure discharge lamps, namely compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs).

The power of energy-saving lamps is approximately five times less than that of incandescent lamps. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the power of energy-saving lamps based on a 1:5 ratio to incandescent lamps.

The main parameters of such lamps are color temperature, base size and color rendering coefficient. Color temperature determines the color of the energy-saving lamp. Expressed on the Kelvin scale. The lower the temperature, the closer the color of the glow is to red.

Energy-saving lamps have different glow colors - white warm light, cool white, daylight. It is recommended to choose the right color based on the interior of the apartment or house and the visual characteristics of the people who are there. Cool white light is designated 6400K. This type of lighting is bright white and is better suited for office spaces. Natural white light is designated 4200K and is close to natural light. This color can be suitable for a children's room and living room. White warm light is slightly yellowish and is designated 2700K. It is closest to an incandescent lamp, better suited for relaxation, and can be used in the kitchen and bedroom. Most people choose a warm color for their apartment.

If flickering appears in an energy-saving lamp, this indicates a malfunction of the device; the lamp is either loosely screwed in or faulty and must be replaced.

Advantages: Lasts 8 times longer than conventional incandescent lamps, consumes 80% less electricity, produces 5 times more light for the same energy consumption, can work continuously in places where lighting is required throughout the day, is less sensitive to shaking and vibrations, heat up slightly, do not buzz or flicker.

Flaws: Warm up slowly (about two minutes), cannot be used in open street lamps (do not work at temperatures below 15 degrees C), cannot be used with dimmers and motion sensors.

LED lamps.

LED lamps(Fig. 9) are another new generation light source.

LEDs serve as the light source in such lamps. An LED emits light when electric current passes through it.

LED main lighting lamps consist of: a diffuser, an LED or a set of LEDs, a housing, a cooling radiator, a power supply, and a base. The cooling radiator is of great importance, since the LEDs and power supply get hot. If the radiator is small or poorly made, then such lamps fail faster (usually the power supply fails). The power supply converts 220V alternating voltage into direct current to power the LEDs.

Available in GU5.3, GU10, E14, E27 cartridges. Lamps are available in soft warm light (2600-3500K), neutral white (3700-4200K) and cool white (5500-6500K). There are LED bulbs that can be dimmed (using a dimmer for incandescent bulbs), but they are more expensive.

Advantages: Economical (electricity costs are 10 times less than incandescent lamps), long service life (20,000 hours or more), safe components are used in production (do not contain mercury), resistant to voltage surges, do not require heating (unlike energy saving lamps).

Flaws: Quite a high price, LEDs gradually lose brightness, cannot work at temperatures above 100 degrees C (ovens, etc.).


Numerous types of lamps have different natures of light and are used under different conditions. To figure out what type of lamp should be in a particular place and what are the conditions for its connection, it is necessary to briefly study the main types of lighting equipment.

All lamps have one common part: the base, with which they are connected to the lighting wires. This applies to those lamps that have a base with a thread for mounting in a socket. The dimensions of the base and cartridge have a strict classification. You need to know that in everyday life lamps with 3 types of bases are used: small, medium and large. On technical language this means E14, E27 and E40. The base, or cartridge, E14 is often called “minion” (in German from French - “small”).

The most common size is E27. E40 is used for street lighting. Lamps of this marking have a power of 300, 500 and 1000 W. The numbers in the name indicate the diameter of the base in millimeters. In addition to the bases, which are screwed into the cartridge using a thread, there are other types. They are pin type and are called G-sockets. Used in compact fluorescent and halogen lamps to save space. Using 2 or 4 pins, the lamp is attached to the lamp socket. There are many types of G-sockets. The main ones are: G5, G9, 2G10, 2G11, G23 and R7s-7. Fixtures and lamps always contain information about the base. When choosing a lamp, you need to compare these data. Lamp power is one of the most important characteristics. On the cylinder or base, the manufacturer always indicates the power on which the luminosity of the lamp depends. It's not the level of light it emits. In lamps of different natures of light, power has completely different meanings.

For example, an energy-saving lamp with a specified power of 5 W will shine no worse than an incandescent lamp of 60 W. The same applies to fluorescent lamps. The luminosity of a lamp is calculated in lumens. As a rule, this is not indicated, so when choosing a lamp you need to rely on the advice of sellers.

Luminous efficiency means that per 1 W of power the lamp produces so many lumens of light. Obviously, an energy-saving compact fluorescent lamp is 4-9 times more economical than incandescent lamps. You can easily calculate that a standard 60 W lamp produces approximately 600 lm, while a compact lamp has the same value at 10-11 W. It will be just as economical in terms of energy consumption.

List of used literature



. “The ABC of Lighting”, author. V.I Petrov, publishing house "VIGMA" 1999

4. Diaghilev F.M. “From the history of physics and the lives of its creators,” M. Prosveshchenie, 1996.

Malinin G. Inventor of the “Russian light”. - Saratov: Privolzhskoe book. publishing house, 1999


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A person is not a cat. For a normal life he needs light. It is advisable to have a lot of light, day and night. Natural light is best, but it is only possible during daylight hours. This article talks about what types of artificial lighting exist, what lamps and fixtures are used in each case, and the advantages and disadvantages of each lighting method.

Types of lighting according to installation location

First of all, lighting is divided into:


decorative or festive.

Industrial lighting

The main function of industrial lighting is to enable people to work indoors or outdoors. Lighting in stores can be classified as industrial lighting. It is carried out by a large number of ceiling lamps of the same type. Outdoors it is installed on poles or fences (walls) around the perimeter of the work site. The design of lamps is usually secondary, the main thing is price and functionality. It is important to ensure uniform illumination.

Indoors, energy-saving lamps are used and, if the ceilings are low, then fluorescent. Recently, LED lights have begun to be widely used. On the street in winter, energy-saving and fluorescent lamps do not work well, so high-power LED lamps and DRL lamps are used. They are less economical than LEDs, but cheaper. High power incandescent lamps have fallen out of use.

Street lighting

Street lighting, as the name suggests, is used outdoors. The lighting requirements for such places are lower than for other places; sometimes lamps are placed only in particularly important places, for example, above the path to the house or above the porch of a residential building. If it is necessary to illuminate a protected area, the illumination level is selected so that the entire area is clearly visible and the absence of strangers is controlled.

Household lighting

This is the lighting of living rooms and utility rooms V residential buildings and apartments. The main purpose of this type of lighting is to create comfortable living conditions. The design of lamps is no less important than functionality. Sometimes equipped with dimmers for smooth adjustment illumination

It is usually carried out with one lamp (chandelier) in the center of the room in combination with local lighting lamps. The lamps and luminaires used are the most different types, as well as LED strips. Read more about the use of LED strips in the article.

Decorative (holiday) lighting

The main purpose of decorative lighting is to create a festive atmosphere or decorate the facades of buildings or shop windows and signs. LED lamps of different colors are used, as well as LED strips, both regular and RGB and (or) with running lights, controlled by controllers.

Types of room lighting by purpose

Based on their intended purpose, lighting is divided into the following types:

working or permanent;



Work lighting

Working lighting is lighting that is turned on the entire time people are in the illuminated area or room. It should create illumination sufficient for normal work or comfortable presence of people. The disadvantage of this type of lighting is that it must be turned on at full power the entire time people are present and must illuminate the entire area well, which leads to increased costs.

Local lighting

Local lighting helps reduce costs. In industrial premises it is carried out by lamps installed at workplaces, energy-saving, fluorescent or LED lamps. In workshops, as required by safety regulations, the voltage supplying the lamps should be no more than 36V.

In everyday life, the role of local lighting is performed by sconces, table lamps and other small lamps, as well as pieces of LED strip glued in the right places.

Emergency lighting

Emergency lighting ensures safe passage through the illuminated area. In production, this is done by turning off part of the working lighting or using individual lamps of lower power.

In everyday life, the role of emergency lighting is played by night lights and low-power lamps that remain on at night. Emergency lighting can be done LED strip, glued to the baseboard.

The disadvantage of this type of lighting is permanent job in the absence of people. This problem is solved using motion sensors.

Emergency lighting can be used as security lighting. This type of lighting provides sufficient illumination to protect the object.

Emergency lighting

Used to illuminate rooms and paths in the absence of electricity. For this purpose, lamps with batteries are used. In large enterprises with two inputs, duty lighting is used as emergency lighting.

Emergency lighting can be used as evacuation lighting. In this case, the exits and arrows indicating the direction of movement to them must be illuminated.

Track lighting system

This is a lighting system in which the lamps are suspended on a special rail on which they can move.

Bus track lighting systems were developed for trading floors and made it possible to quickly move the lamps to the right places. Now track lighting is actively used in a variety of rooms. Track lighting systems for the home allow you to quickly change lighting accents and room design.

The track lighting system can be installed both on the ceiling and on the walls and use a variety of lamps - from incandescent to LED.

Lighting calculation

The required power of lamps in different rooms can be determined from the table.

The data is applicable for room heights up to 3m. If the ceilings are higher, then the required power is multiplied by 1.5.

For example, to illuminate a living room with an area of ​​15 m2, you need to multiply 15 by 20. The total power of incandescent lamps will be 300 W. If you use energy saving lamps, then the power needed is 5 times less, i.e. 60W, and LEDs are 8 times smaller - 37.5W.

This does not mean that hanging one chandelier in the center is enough. It will be lit too brightly and the corners will be dark. It is necessary to additionally use sconces, floor lamps or install spotlights. For example, a central chandelier with a power of 200 W and 4 spotlights with a power of 25 W each.

A more accurate calculation of household lighting, calculation of street lighting and lighting of adjacent areas requires special knowledge and consideration of various factors. The easiest way to do this is to use online calculators.

Lighting at night is very important for a civilized person, and right choice ways to organize it will help create comfortable conditions for work and life, as well as save energy.

Occupational diseases caused by exposure to physical factors include: vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenic, asthenovegetative, hypothalamic syndromes (associated with exposure to non-ionizing radiation), vibration disease, cochlear neuritis (with systematic exposure to industrial noise), electroophthalmia, cataracts, etc.

Artificial industrial lighting: sources; types of advantages and disadvantages; normalization of parameters; color design of rooms

Light sources used for artificial lighting are divided into two groups - gas-discharge lamps and incandescent lamps. Incandescent lamps are thermal radiation light sources. Visible radiation in them is obtained as a result of heating a tungsten filament by electric current. In gas-discharge lamps, radiation in the optical range of the spectrum arises as a result of an electrical discharge in an atmosphere of inert gases and metal vapors, as well as due to the phenomena of luminescence, which is invisible ultraviolet radiation converts into visible light.

Due to their ease of use, ease of manufacture, low inertia when turned on, the absence of additional starting devices, reliability of operation under voltage fluctuations and under various meteorological environmental conditions, incandescent lamps are widely used in industry. Along with the noted advantages, incandescent lamps also have significant disadvantages: low luminous efficiency, relatively short service life, yellow and red rays predominate in the spectrum, which greatly distinguishes their spectral composition from sunlight.

In recent years, halogen lamps - incandescent lamps with an iodine cycle - have become increasingly widespread. The emission spectrum of a halogen lamp is closer to natural and has greater luminous efficiency and service life.

The main advantage of gas-discharge lamps over incandescent lamps is their high luminous efficiency. They have a significantly longer service life. From gas-discharge lamps you can obtain a luminous flux of any desired spectrum by selecting inert gases, metal vapors, and phosphors accordingly. Based on the spectral composition of visible light, fluorescent lamps (LD), fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering (FLD), cool white (LCW), warm white (LTB) and white(LB).

The main disadvantage of gas-discharge lamps is the pulsation of the light flux, which can lead to the appearance of a stroboscopic effect, which consists in distorting visual perception. Disadvantages of gas-discharge lamps also include a long burn-up period, the need to use special starting devices to facilitate ignition of the lamps; dependence of performance on ambient temperature.

When choosing light sources for production premises it is necessary to follow general recommendations: give preference to gas-discharge lamps as they are more energy efficient and have a longer service life; To reduce the initial costs of lighting installations and the costs of their operation, it is necessary to use lamps of the highest power whenever possible, but without compromising the quality of lighting.

Creating high-quality and efficient lighting in industrial premises is impossible without rational lamps. An electric lamp is a combination of a light source and lighting fixtures designed to redistribute the light flux emitted by the source in the required direction, protect the worker’s eyes from the glare of the bright elements of the light source, protect the source from mechanical damage, environmental influences and the aesthetic design of the room.

Depending on the design, luminaires are distinguished as open, protected, closed, dust-proof, moisture-proof, explosion-proof, explosion-proof.

Artificial lighting according to its design can be of two types - general and combined. The general lighting system is used in rooms where the same type of work is carried out throughout the entire area (foundry, welding, galvanizing shops), as well as in administrative, office and warehouse premises. A distinction is made between general uniform lighting (the luminous flux is distributed evenly over the entire area without taking into account the location of workplaces) and general localized lighting (taking into account the location of workplaces).

When performing precise visual work (for example, metalworking, turning, inspection) in places where the equipment creates deep, sharp shadows or the working surfaces are located vertically (stamps, guillotine shears), local lighting is used along with general lighting. The combination of local and general lighting is called combined lighting.

According to their functional purpose, artificial lighting is divided into working, emergency and special, which can be security, duty, evacuation, erythema, bactericidal, etc.

Working lighting is designed to ensure the normal execution of the production process, the passage of people, and traffic and is mandatory for all production premises.

Emergency lighting is installed to continue work in cases where a sudden shutdown of working lighting (in case of accidents) and the associated disruption of normal equipment maintenance can cause an explosion, fire, poisoning of people, disruption of the technological process, etc.

Evacuation lighting is designed to ensure the evacuation of people from production premises in case of accidents and shutdown of working lighting; organized in places that are dangerous for the passage of people: on staircases, along the main passages of industrial premises in which more than 50 people work.

Security lighting is installed along the borders of areas guarded by special personnel. The lowest illumination at night is 0.5 lux.

Signal lighting is used to fix the boundaries of dangerous zones; it indicates the presence of danger or a safe escape route.

Artificial lighting in premises is regulated by SNiP 23-05–95, depending on the nature of visual work, the system and type of lighting, background, contrast of the object with the background.

Artificial lighting is standardized quantitatively (minimum illumination Emin) and quality indicators(indicators of glare and discomfort, illumination pulsation coefficient kE). Separate standardization of artificial lighting has been adopted depending on the light sources used and the lighting system. The standard illumination value for gas-discharge lamps, all other things being equal, is higher than for incandescent lamps due to their greater light output. With combined lighting, the share of general lighting should be at least 10% of the standardized illumination. This value must be at least 150 lux for gas-discharge lamps and 50 lux for incandescent lamps.

To limit the glare of general lighting fixtures in industrial premises, the glare indicator should not exceed 20.80 units, depending on the duration and level of visual work. When lighting industrial premises with gas-discharge lamps powered by alternating current industrial frequency 50 Hz, pulsation depth should not exceed 10.20% depending on the nature of the work performed.