Engineering surveys for construction, basic provisions. Engineering surveys for construction, basic provisions. List of necessary surveys for design

1 Application area

1.1 This set of rules establishes general requirements and rules for performing engineering surveys.

1.2 The requirements of this set of rules apply to architectural construction design, construction, reconstruction, operation, demolition (dismantling) of buildings and structures, as well as territorial planning and site planning.

This set of rules contains references to the following regulatory documents: GOST R 8.563-2009 State system ensuring uniformity of measurements. Methods for performing measurements GOST R 8.589-2001 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Control of environmental pollution. Metrological support. Basic provisions of GOST R 51232-98 Drinking water. General requirements to the organization and methods of quality control GOST R 51592-2000 Water. General requirements for sampling GOST R 51593-2000 Drinking water. Sampling GOST R 51872-2002 Executive geodetic documentation. Rules for implementation of GOST R 53778-2010 Buildings and structures. Rules for examination and monitoring technical condition GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Classification of water uses GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Classification of groundwater according to water use purposes GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Indicators of the condition and rules of taxation of fisheries water bodies GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for the protection of groundwater GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Rules for monitoring the water quality of reservoirs and watercourses GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Quality control rules sea ​​waters GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General sampling requirements bottom sediments water bodies for analysis of pollution GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Hygienic requirements to recreational areas of water bodies GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Instruments and devices for sampling, primary processing and storage of samples natural waters. General technical specifications GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for sampling of surface and sea waters, ice and precipitation GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Pollution control terms and definitions GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. General requirements for methods for determining pollutants GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Automatic gas analyzers for monitoring air pollution. General technical requirements GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Nomenclature of sanitary condition indicators GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Soil passport GOST Nature conservation. Soils. General requirements for sampling GOST* Nature conservation. Soils. General requirements for control and protection from pollution GOST Nature conservation. Soils. General requirements for the classification of soils according to the influence of chemical pollutants on them GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis GOST Nature conservation. Earth. Classification of overburden and host rocks for biological land reclamation GOST Nature conservation. Earth. Requirements for determining standards for removing the fertile soil layer during excavation work GOST Nature conservation. Landscapes. Terms and definitions GOST Nature conservation. Landscapes. Classification GOST 21.302-96 System project documentation for construction. Conventional graphic symbols in the documentation for engineering and geological surveys GOST 2761-84 Sources of centralized domestic and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules GOST 5180-84 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of physical characteristics GOST 5686-94 Soils. Methods of field testing of piles GOST 12071-2000 Soils. Selection, packaging, transportation and storage of samples GOST 12248-2010 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of strength and deformability characteristics GOST 12536-79 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of granulometric (grain) and microaggregate composition GOST 19912-2001 Soils. Methods of field testing by static and dynamic probing GOST 20276-99 Soils. Methods for field determination of strength and deformability characteristics GOST 20522-96 Soils. Methods for statistical processing of test results GOST 24846-81 Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures GOST 24902-81 Household and drinking water. General requirements for field methods of analysis GOST 25100-95 Soils. Classification GOST 27593-88 Soils. Terms and definitions GOST 28168-89 Soils. Sampling GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides GOST 30416-96 Soils. Laboratory tests. General provisions GOST 30672-99 Soils. Field tests. General provisions SP Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSP ORB 99/2010) SP 14.13330.2011 “SNiP II-7-81*Construction in seismic areas” SP 22.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.02.01-83* Foundations of buildings and structures" SP 24.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations"SP 31.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.02-84*Water supply. External networks and structures" SP 116.13330.2012 "SNiP 22-02-2003 Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic provisions" SP 126.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.01.03-84 Geodetic works in construction" SanPiN Sanitary protection zones for water supply sources and drinking water pipelines SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the quality of water from non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the protection of coastal sea waters from pollution in places of water use by the population SanPiN Drainage of populated areas, sanitary protection water bodies. Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface water SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (as amended on April 25, 2007) SanPiN Radiation safety standards (NRB-99/2009) SanPiN 42-128-4433- 87 Sanitary standards. Sanitary standards for permissible concentrations of chemicals in soil

Note- When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards and classifiers in information system for public use - on the official website of the national authority Russian Federation on standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information index published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this set of rules the following terms with corresponding definitions are used:

3.1 engineering digital terrain model (EDTM): A form of representing an engineering topographic plan in a digital vector-topological form for processing (modeling) on ​​a computer and automated solution of engineering problems. The DRM consists of a digital elevation model (DEM) and a digital situation model (DSM).

3.2 engineering-geological model: A set of information about the spatial position of engineering-geological elements in the sphere of interaction between the object and the geological environment.

3.3 engineering-geological process: Changes in the components of the geological environment in time and space under the influence of natural and man-made factors.

3.4 engineering and geotechnical surveys: A set of geotechnical works and studies in order to obtain initial design values ​​for the design of foundations, supports, etc. at the sites of capital construction projects and individual design, necessary and sufficient for constructing a computational geomechanical model of the interaction of buildings and structures with the foundation.

3.5 engineering survey materials: Actual data obtained during the execution of engineering surveys, which are the basis for the results of engineering surveys presented in the form of reporting technical documentation.

3.6 technogenic load: The degree of direct and indirect impact of humans and their activities on natural complexes and individual components of the natural environment.

3.7 impact assessment environment: Determination of the nature, degree and scale of the impact of an economic and other activity on the environment and the consequences of this impact.

3.8 engineering-topographic plan: Topographic plan that displays the terrain, objects of the situation, including underground and above-ground communications and structures, with technical characteristics necessary for their design, construction, operation and demolition (dismantling).

3.9 forecast of changes in natural and man-made conditions: Qualitative and (or) quantitative assessment of changes in the properties and state of the natural environment in time and space under the influence of natural and man-made factors.

3.10 groundwater regime: Changes over time in levels (pressures), temperature, chemical, gas and bacteriological composition and other characteristics of groundwater.

3.11 stationary observations: Regular observations of changes in factors (components) of the natural environment or man-made objects at given points.

3.12 technical control of engineering surveys: A system of construction control measures and works, with the help of which the reliability and quality of the performed engineering surveys are determined.

SNiP 11-02-96

1 DEVELOPED by the Industrial and Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction (PNIIIS), GO "Rosstroyizyskaniya" with the participation of Geonadzor of Moscow, NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov, JSC "Institute Gidroproekt", MGSU, JSC "TsNIIS", Mosgiprotrans JSC, Lengiprotrans JSC, Teploelektroproekt JSC, Giprokauchuk JSC, Giprorechtrans JSC, Lengiprorechtrans JSC, Energosetproekt Institute, Soyuzdorproekt, GSPI RTV, VNIPIISTROMSYRYE, LenTISIZ JSC, Department of Architecture and urban planning of the Tver region, Committee on architecture and urban planning Leningrad region, Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning Krasnodar region, TsNIIEPgrazhdanselstroy, SPC "Ingeodin", MAEN, JSC "Morinzhgeologiya", JSC "Geoehitus"
2 INTRODUCED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Work of the Ministry of Construction of Russia
3 ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on November 1, 1996 as building standards of the Russian Federation by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 29, 1996 No. 18-77
3 INSTEAD SNiP 1.02.07-87
Introduction 2
1 Application 2
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 General provisions 3
5 Engineering and geodetic surveys 12
6 Engineering-geological surveys 21
7 Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys 33
8 Engineering and environmental surveys 41
9 Ground surveys building materials 48
10 Research of water supply sources based on groundwater 54
Appendix A. Terms and definitions 58
Appendix B. Scope of topographic surveys performed during engineering surveys for the construction of buildings and structures 59
Appendix B. Heights of the cross-section of the relief of topographic surveys at maximum dominant angles of inclination of the surface 59
These building codes and rules of the Russian Federation are developed on the basis of legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and contain general provisions and requirements for the organization and procedure for engineering surveys carried out during the economic development and use of territories for the design, construction, operation and liquidation of enterprises, buildings and structures.
Technical requirements and recommended rules in development and provision of the basic provisions of SNiP 11-02-96 are regulated and detailed by sets of rules that establish the composition and scope of work, technology and methodology for their implementation for certain types of engineering surveys, including various types construction carried out in areas of development of hazardous natural and techno-natural processes, in the area of ​​distribution of specific soils, as well as in areas with special natural and man-made conditions.
Date of introduction 1996-11-01
These building codes and rules establish general provisions and requirements for the organization and procedure for conducting engineering surveys (geodetic engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydrometeorological engineering and environmental engineering, surveys of soil building materials and water supply sources based on groundwater) to substantiate pre-project documentation , design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures for all types of construction and engineering protection of territories, as well as engineering surveys carried out during the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities *.
* Engineering surveys to justify pre-design work, design and construction of new ones, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures for all types of construction and engineering protection, as well as engineering surveys carried out during the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities are hereinafter referred to as “engineering surveys” for construction or “engineering surveys” and “survey work”.
The provisions of this document are binding on management and supervisory bodies, enterprises, organizations and associations, regardless of their forms of ownership and affiliation, as well as other legal and individuals(including foreign ones) carrying out activities in the field of engineering surveys for construction on the territory of the Russian Federation.
These rules and regulations refer to the following documents:
SNiP 10-01-94 “System of regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions".
SNiP 11-01-95 “Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures.”
SNiP 22-01-95 “Geophysics of hazardous natural influences.”
SNiP 2.01.15-90 “Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic principles of design."
SNiP 2.06.15-85 “Engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding.”
SNiP 2.04.02-84* “Water supply. External networks and structures.”
SNiP III-4-80* “Safety in construction”.
GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions for calculation." Change #1.
GOST 21.101-93 “SPDS. Basic requirements for working documentation».
GOST 24846-81 “Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures."
GOST 25100-95 “Soils. Classification".
GOST 21.302-96 “SPDS. Conventional graphic symbols in documentation for engineering-geological surveys."
GOST (STSEV 1364-78) “System of standards in the field of nature conservation and improvement of use natural resources. Basic provisions".
GOST 30108-94 “Construction materials and products. Determination of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.”
These rules and regulations use terms and definitions in accordance with Appendix A.
4.1 Engineering surveys for construction are a type of construction activity that provides a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made conditions of the territory (region, district, site, site, route) of construction projects, making forecasts for the interaction of these objects with the environment, justifying their engineering protection and safe living conditions for the population .
Based on engineering survey materials for construction, pre-project documentation is developed, including urban planning documentation and justifications for investments in construction, projects and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, including expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, operation and liquidation of facilities, maintaining state cadastres and settlement information systems, as well as recommendations for making economically, technically, socially and environmentally sound design decisions.

By order of the Federal
construction agencies
and housing and communal services
(Gosstroy of Russia)
dated December 10, 2012 N 83/GS



SNiP 11-02-96

Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles

SP 47.13330.2012

OKS 91.040.01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the development of sets of rules are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 858 “On the procedure for development and approval sets of rules."

Rulebook Details

1. Executors - "National Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations Based on the Membership of Persons Performing Engineering Surveys", with the participation of: SRO NP "Central Association of Organizations for Engineering Surveys for Construction", SRO NP "Association of Organizations Performing Engineering Surveys in the Gas and Oil Industry "Engineer-Prospector", SRO NP "Ural Society of Prospectors", OJSC "Rosstroyizyskaniya", Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, OJSC "GSPI", Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State Geological Prospecting University, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow State Civil Engineering University, Federal State Institution "GOIN", Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, LLC "NPC Ingeodin", Company "Credo-Dialog", SE MO "Mosoblgeotrest", State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest", OJSC "GiprodorNII", OJSC "National Research Center "Construction", Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, OJSC "Giprorechtrans", OJSC "Lengiprorechtrans", CJSC "LenTISIZ", TsTSN OJSC "Gazprom Promgaz", OJSC "Giprotruboprovod", LLC "Engineering Geology", OJSC "Metrogiprotrans", CJSC "NIiPI of Urban Ecology", LLC "Geogradstroy", Mostdorgeotrest LLC, MIIGAiK, Peter Gas LLC, Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Government of St. Petersburg, Grandgeo LLC, RREC CJSC.
2. Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction".
3. Prepared for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy.
4. Approved by Order of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy of Russia) dated December 10, 2012 N 83/GS and put into effect on July 1, 2013.
5. Registered Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology (Rosstandart).

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.


ConsultantPlus: note.
There appears to be a typo in the official text of the document: Federal Law No. 384-FZ was adopted on December 30, 2009, and not on December 29, 2009.

This set of rules has been compiled taking into account the requirements of Federal Laws of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, dated December 29, 2009 N 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”. Developed by NOIZ (L.G. Kushnir, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences V.S. Sokolov, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A.A. Svertilov - topic leaders. Heads of development of sections: engineering and geodetic surveys - G.G. Kalbergenov , engineering and geological surveys - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences V.V. Dmitriev, engineering and hydrometeorological surveys - Doctor of Technical Sciences M.V. Bolgov, engineering and environmental surveys - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences I. V. Galitskaya, exploration of soil construction materials, search and exploration of groundwater for water supply purposes - A.E. Bury).

1. Scope of application

1.1. This set of rules establishes general requirements and rules for performing engineering surveys.
1.2. The requirements of this set of rules apply to architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, operation, demolition (dismantling) of buildings and structures, as well as territorial planning and site planning.

This set of rules contains references to the following regulatory documents:
GOST R 8.563-2009. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement techniques
GOST R 8.589-2001. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Control of environmental pollution. Metrological support. Basic provisions
GOST R 51232-98. Drinking water. General requirements for organization and methods of quality control
GOST R 51592-2000. Water. General sampling requirements
GOST R 51593-2000. Drinking water. Sampling
GOST R 51872-2002. Executive geodetic documentation. Execution Rules
GOST R 53778-2010. Buildings and structures. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Classification of water uses
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Classification of groundwater according to water use purposes
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Indicators of the condition and rules of taxation of fishery water bodies
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for groundwater protection
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Rules for monitoring the water quality of reservoirs and streams
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Rules for sea water quality control
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for sampling of bottom sediments of water bodies for pollution analysis
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Hygienic requirements for recreational areas of water bodies
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Instruments and devices for sampling, primary processing and storage of natural water samples. General technical conditions
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for sampling of surface and sea waters, ice and precipitation
GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Pollution control terms and definitions
GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. General requirements for methods for determining pollutants
GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Automatic gas analyzers for monitoring air pollution. General technical requirements
GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control
GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Nomenclature of sanitary condition indicators
GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Soil passport
GOST Nature conservation. Soils. General sampling requirements
GOST*. Nature conservation. Soils. General requirements for control and protection against pollution
GOST Nature conservation. Soils. General requirements for the classification of soils according to the influence of chemical pollutants on them
GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis
GOST Nature conservation. Earth. Classification of overburden and host rocks for biological land reclamation
GOST Nature conservation. Earth. Requirements for determining standards for removing topsoil during excavation work
GOST Nature conservation. Landscapes. Terms and definitions
GOST Nature conservation. Landscapes. Classification
GOST 21.302-96. System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic symbols in documentation for engineering-geological surveys
GOST 2761-84. Sources of centralized household and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules
GOST 5180-84. Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of physical characteristics
GOST 5686-94. Soils. Field test methods for piles
GOST 12071-2000. Soils. Selection, packaging, transportation and storage of samples
GOST 12248-2010. Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of strength and deformability characteristics
GOST 12536-79. Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of granulometric (grain) and microaggregate composition
GOST 19912-2001. Soils. Methods of field testing by static and dynamic probing
GOST 20276-99. Soils. Methods for field determination of strength and deformability characteristics
GOST 20522-96. Soils. Methods for statistical processing of test results
GOST 24846-81. Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures
GOST 24902-81. Water for domestic and drinking purposes. General requirements for field methods of analysis
GOST 25100-95. Soils. Classification
GOST 27593-88. Soils. Terms and definitions
GOST 28168-89. Soils. Sampling
GOST 30108-94. Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides
GOST 30416-96. Soils. Laboratory tests. General provisions
GOST 30672-99. Soils. Field tests. General provisions
SP Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSP ORB 99/2010)
SP 14.13330.2011 "SNiP II-7-81*. Construction in seismic areas"
SP 22.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.01-83*. Foundations of buildings and structures"
SP 24.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.03-85. Pile foundations"
SP 31.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.02-84*. Water supply. External networks and structures"
SP 116.13330.2012 "SNiP 02/22/2003. Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic provisions"
SP 126.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.01.03-84. Geodetic work in construction"
SanPiN Sanitary protection zones for water supply sources and drinking water pipelines
SanPiN Hygienic requirements for water quality in non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources
SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the protection of coastal sea waters from pollution in places of water use by the population
SanPiN Drainage of populated areas, sanitary protection of water bodies. Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters
SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (as amended on April 25, 2007)
SanPiN Radiation safety standards (NRB-99/2009)
SanPiN 42-128-4433-87. Sanitary standards. Sanitary standards for permissible concentrations of chemicals in soil.
Note. When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3. Terms and definitions

In this set of rules the following terms with corresponding definitions are used:
3.1. Engineering digital terrain model (EDTM): a form of representing an engineering topographic plan in a digital vector-topological form for processing (modeling) on ​​a computer and automated solution of engineering problems. The DRM consists of a digital elevation model (DEM) and a digital situation model (DSM).
3.2. Engineering-geological model: a set of information about the spatial position of engineering-geological elements in the sphere of interaction between the object and the geological environment.
3.3. Engineering-geological process: changes in the components of the geological environment in time and space under the influence of natural and man-made factors.
3.4. Engineering and geotechnical surveys: a complex of geotechnical work and research in order to obtain initial design values ​​for the design of foundations, supports, etc. at the sites of capital construction projects and individual design, necessary and sufficient for constructing a calculated geomechanical model of the interaction of buildings and structures with the foundation.
3.5. Engineering survey materials: actual data obtained during the execution of engineering surveys, which are the basis for the results of engineering surveys, presented in the form of reporting technical documentation.
3.6. Technogenic load: the degree of direct and indirect impact of humans and their activities on natural complexes and individual components of the natural environment.
3.7. Environmental impact assessment: determining the nature, degree and scale of the impact of an economic and other activity on the environment and the consequences of this impact.
3.8. Engineering-topographic plan: a topographic plan that displays the terrain, objects of the situation, including underground and above-ground communications and structures, with the technical characteristics necessary for their design, construction, operation and demolition (dismantling).
3.9. Forecast of changes in natural and man-made conditions: qualitative and (or) quantitative assessment of changes in the properties and state of the natural environment in time and space under the influence of natural and man-made factors.
3.10. Groundwater regime: changes over time in levels (pressures), temperature, chemical, gas and bacteriological composition and other characteristics of groundwater.
3.11. Stationary observations: regular observations of changes in factors (components) of the natural environment or man-made objects at given points.
3.12. Technical control of engineering surveys: a system of measures and construction control works, with the help of which the reliability and quality of the performed engineering surveys are determined.

4. General provisions

4.1. Engineering surveys for construction refer to a type of urban planning activity carried out for the purpose of studying natural conditions and factors of technogenic impact for the preparation of data on the justification of materials for architectural and construction design, construction, operation, demolition (dismantling) of buildings or structures, as well as for territorial planning documents and territory planning documentation.
4.2. When performing engineering surveys, regulatory standards must be observed legal acts of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, as well as the requirements of regulatory documents adopted by the contractor and/or developer or technical customer.
Engineering surveys carried out for capital construction projects in certain industries must take into account additional requirements relevant codes of design rules, organizational standards, and, if necessary, the requirements of Article 6, paragraph 8.
4.3. Engineering surveys for the preparation of territorial planning documents and territory planning documentation must ensure the receipt of initial data in accordance with the requirements.
4.4. Engineering surveys for the preparation of design documentation must ensure the receipt of:
materials on the natural conditions of the territory where construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects will be carried out, and factors of man-made impact on the environment, on the forecast of their changes;
materials to justify the layout of buildings and structures for making structural and space-planning decisions, assessing hazardous processes and phenomena, developing a scheme (project) for engineering protection and environmental protection measures, a project for organizing the construction or reconstruction of a facility;
initial data for calculating foundations, foundations and structures, as well as for designing engineering protection structures, performing excavation work and making final design decisions in the preparation, examination, coordination and approval of project documentation.
If necessary, engineering surveys are carried out in stages. In cases where the stages of performing engineering surveys are not defined in the assignment for performing engineering surveys (hereinafter referred to as the assignment), the stages of performing engineering surveys are justified by the contractor in the program for performing engineering surveys.
4.5. Engineering surveys during the construction, operation, demolition (dismantling) of objects must ensure the receipt of materials necessary to confirm and/or clarify the conditions laid down in the design documentation, as well as geodetic support and geotechnical control of the construction of the object and assessment of the condition of buildings and structures located in zone of influence of construction. The scope of engineering survey work during construction, the methodology for their implementation, the requirements for the scope of work and the content of reporting documentation are determined by the relevant regulatory and technical documents.
4.6. The results of engineering surveys must be reliable and sufficient to justify design and space-planning decisions, establish design values ​​and characteristics of buildings or structures, engineering protection measures and environmental protection measures. The calculated data as part of the results of engineering surveys must be justified by the executor of the engineering surveys and contain a forecast of their changes during the construction and operation of buildings and structures.
4.7. The main types of engineering surveys (geodetic engineering, geological engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydrometeorological engineering and environmental engineering) are carried out separately or in combination.
Engineering surveys for construction also include the following special types of engineering surveys:
geotechnical studies;
examination of the condition of soils in the foundations of buildings and structures; search and exploration of groundwater for water supply purposes;
local monitoring of environmental components;
exploration of soil construction materials; local surveys of soil and groundwater contamination.
In addition, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, specialized organizations that have necessary equipment and specialists, the following work can be performed on subcontract terms:
search, examination of existing cultural heritage monuments, archaeological research;
search, discovery and identification of military burial sites;
search, inspection of the territory for the presence of explosive objects in places of military operations and in the territories of former military formations.
The implementation of the listed examinations is regulated by Federal legislation, as well as relevant norms and instructions.
The composition of engineering surveys, methods of execution and volumes of individual types of work are established by an engineering survey program developed on the basis of the instructions of the developer or technical customer.
4.8. When performing engineering surveys, buildings and structures are identified in accordance with Article 4.
The functional purpose and level of responsibility of buildings and structures is determined by the developer or technical customer.
To determine the composition and scope of engineering surveys, it is necessary to identify the level of responsibility of the designed capital construction facility and determine the categories of complexity of engineering and geological conditions (see Appendix A).
4.9. The basis for carrying out engineering surveys is an agreement concluded in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation between the developer or technical customer and the contractor. The contract must be accompanied by a task and a program for carrying out engineering surveys. Engineering surveys must be provided with the necessary initial permitting documents established by legislative and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, including technical and urban planning regulations.
4.10. The assignment for carrying out engineering surveys must contain basic information about the survey object necessary for drawing up a work program, and basic requirements for materials and results of engineering surveys.
4.11. The task is drawn up and approved by the developer or technical customer and agreed with the executor of engineering surveys. Responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the data in the task rests with the technical customer, and in his absence, with the developer.
4.12. The assignment for performing engineering surveys for the preparation of design documentation must contain the following information and data:
name and type of object;
identification information about the object ( functional purpose, level of responsibility of buildings and structures);
type of construction (new construction, reconstruction, conservation, demolition (dismantling));
information about the stage of work, terms of design, construction and operation of the facility;
data on the location and boundaries of the site(s) and (or) construction route(s);
preliminary characteristics of the expected impacts of construction projects on the natural environment, indicating the limits of these impacts in space and time (for particularly hazardous facilities);
information and data about the designed objects, dimensions of buildings and structures;
the need to perform certain types of engineering surveys;
a list of regulatory documents in accordance with the requirements of which it is necessary to carry out engineering surveys;
requirements for accuracy, reliability, reliability and security of data and characteristics obtained during engineering surveys;
additional requirements for the performance of certain types of engineering surveys, including the industry specifics of the structure being designed;
requirements for assessing and forecasting possible changes in the natural and man-made conditions of the survey area;
requirements for materials and results of engineering surveys (composition, timing, procedure for submitting survey products and formats of materials in electronic form);
name and location of the developer and/or technical customer, surname, initials and telephone (fax) number, email address responsible representative.
The requirements for the results of engineering surveys and the timing of their implementation provided for in the assignment can be clarified by the executor of the engineering surveys when drawing up a work program and in the process of performing survey work in agreement with the developer or technical customer.
The task is accompanied by graphic and text documents necessary for planning and organizing engineering surveys: copies of existing engineering topographic plans, situational plans (schemes) indicating the boundaries of sites, sections and directions of routes, with the contours of the designed buildings and structures (if they are defined) and other documents determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.
4.13. Changes in the type or size of the designed object, volumes and timing of engineering surveys must be formalized in the form of a new task or addition to the task.
4.14. The assignment is not allowed to establish the composition and scope of work, the methodology and technology for their implementation, with the exception of assignments for certain types of work for the contractor’s subcontractors.
The composition of engineering surveys, volumes, methods and technologies of work necessary and sufficient to complete the task are determined and justified by the performer of engineering surveys in the engineering survey program.
4.15. The engineering survey program for the preparation of design documentation should contain the following sections:
General information - name, location, identification information about the object; boundaries of surveys, goals and objectives of engineering surveys; brief description natural and man-made conditions of the area; information about the developer (technical customer) and the contractor.
Assessment of the exploration of the territory - a description of the source materials and data provided by the developer (technical customer); results of analysis of the degree of knowledge of natural conditions; assessment of the possibility of using previously completed engineering surveys, taking into account their age and representativeness; information about materials and data additionally purchased (received) by the contractor.
Brief physical and geographical characteristics of the work area - a brief description of the natural and man-made conditions of the work area that affect the organization and implementation of engineering surveys.
Composition and types of work, organization of their implementation - justification of the composition and scope of work, methods and technologies for their implementation, instruments and equipment used, including software; sequence of work types; information on metrological support of measuring instruments; organization of field and office work, etc.
Special conditions (if necessary) - justification for the use of non-standardized technologies (methods), the need to carry out research work, scientific support of engineering surveys, etc.
Quality control and acceptance of work - types and methods of quality control work; registration of the results of field and (or) desk control and acceptance of work.
Regulatory documents used - list of regulatory documents technical documents substantiating methods for performing work.
Labor protection and safety requirements during work. Submitted reporting materials and deadlines for their submission
The appendices to the engineering survey program contain: a copy of the assignment, a list of normative and technical documents or their parts justifying the methods of performing the work, copies of documents determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation of its constituent entities required for performing engineering surveys, and graphic applications for planning and organizing the work. etc.
4.16. The draft engineering survey program is submitted to the developer for consideration along with the tender documentation.
The final version of the engineering survey program is drawn up after the signing of the contract, collection and processing of survey and research materials from previous years and can be adjusted in accordance with 4.17.
The engineering survey program, agreed upon with the developer or technical customer, is an integral part of the contractual documentation, the main and mandatory organizational, guiding and methodological document when performing engineering surveys.
4.17. If during the engineering survey unforeseen complex or dangerous natural and man-made conditions are identified that may have an adverse effect on the construction and operation of structures and the environment, the engineering survey performer must notify the developer or technical customer of the need for additional study and changes and additions to the engineering survey program and to the contract in terms of changing the volumes, types and methods of work, increasing the duration and (or) cost of engineering surveys.
4.18. The results of engineering surveys must comply with the requirements of 4.6, presented in the form of a technical report in accordance with the requirements of 5.6, 6.7, 7.6, 8.5, 9.7 and 10.8.
The technical report is transferred to the developer or technical customer in accordance with the terms of the contract.
Results of engineering surveys for certain species works, research, stationary observations or monitoring can be drawn up in the form of conclusions containing received materials, data, conclusions and recommendations.
4.19. In order to implement during the construction process the architectural, technical and technological solutions contained in the design documentation, engineering surveys for working documentation can be carried out at the capital construction site. The composition and volumes of types of engineering surveys for working documentation are determined by the program for performing engineering surveys in accordance with the assignment.
The results of engineering surveys for working documentation clarify the materials of previously completed engineering surveys.
4.20. The developer ensures compliance assessment of engineering surveys for their sufficiency and reliability in accordance with the requirements of 4.2 - 4.6.
Technical control of field and desk work, including acceptance of field materials, is an assessment of the reliability of engineering surveys. The technical report on technical (construction) control must contain the following documents: field control reports; acts of acceptance of field and laboratory materials; photographic evidence of work performed.
The reliability and quality of engineering surveys are determined in accordance with the internal quality control system of the contractor (internal control), as well as technical control of engineering surveys by the developer or technical customer or the individual or individual they engage on the basis of a contract legal entity(external control).
4.21. Assessment of the compliance of engineering survey results with the requirements of technical regulations and their sufficiency is determined by the examination of technical reports in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.22. Measuring instruments used in engineering surveys are subject to state metrological control and supervision. The software used must be certified. The use of non-standard, unique or innovative equipment must be justified in the work program approved by the customer.





1 DEVELOPED by the Industrial and Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction (PNIIIS), GO "Rosstroyizyskaniya" with the participation of Geonadzor of Moscow, NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov, JSC "Institute Gidroproekt", MGSU, JSC "TsNIIS", JSC "Mosgiprotrans", JSC "Lengiprotrans", JSC "Teploelektroproekt", JSC "Giprokauchuk", JSC "Giprorechtrans", JSC "Lengiprorechtrans", Institute "Energosetproekt", Soyuzdorproekt, GSPI RTV, VNIPIISTROMSYRYE, JSC "LenTISIZ", Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Tver Region, Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the Leningrad Region, Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory, TsNIIEPgrazhdanselstroy, SPC "Ingeodin", MAEN, JSC "Morinzhgeologiya", JSC "Geoehitus"

2 INTRODUCED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Work of the Ministry of Construction of Russia

3 ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on November 1, 1996 as building standards of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 29, 1996 No. 18-77

3 INSTEAD SNiP 1.02.07-87


1 Application area

3 Definitions

4 General provisions

5 Engineering and geodetic surveys

6 Engineering-geological surveys

7 Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys

8 Engineering and environmental surveys

9 Research of soil building materials

10 Research for water supply sources based on groundwater

Appendix A Terms and Definitions

Appendix B Scope of topographic surveys performed during engineering surveys for the construction of buildings and structures

Appendix B Heights of the cross-section of the relief of topographic surveys at maximum dominant angles of inclination of the surface


These building codes and rules of the Russian Federation are developed on the basis of legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and contain general provisions and requirements for the organization and procedure for engineering surveys carried out during the economic development and use of territories for the design, construction, operation and liquidation of enterprises, buildings and structures.

Technical requirements and recommended rules to develop and ensure the basic provisions of SNiP 11-02-96 are regulated and detailed by sets of rules that establish the composition and scope of work, technology and methods of their implementation for certain types of engineering surveys, including for various types of construction, carried out in areas of development of hazardous natural and techno-natural processes, in the area of ​​distribution of specific soils, as well as in areas with special natural and man-made conditions.


Engineering surveys for construction




Date of introduction 1996-11-01


These building codes and rules establish general provisions and requirements for the organization and procedure for conducting engineering surveys (geodetic engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydrometeorological engineering and environmental engineering, surveys of soil building materials and water supply sources based on groundwater) to substantiate pre-project documentation , design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures for all types of construction and engineering protection of territories, as well as engineering surveys carried out during the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities *.

The provisions of this document are mandatory for management and supervisory bodies, enterprises, organizations and associations, regardless of their forms of ownership and affiliation, as well as for other legal entities and individuals (including foreign ones) carrying out activities in the field of engineering surveys for construction on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Updated edition

SNiP 11-02-96

Official publication

SP 47.13330.2012


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the development of sets of rules are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 No. 858 “On the procedure for development and approval sets of rules"

Rulebook Details

1 PERFORMERS - “National Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations Based on the Membership of Persons Performing Engineering Surveys”, with the participation of: SRO NP “Central Association of Organizations for Engineering Surveys for Construction”, SRO NP “Association of Organizations Performing Engineering Surveys in the Gas and Oil Industry “Engineer” -Prospector", SRO NP "Ural Society of Prospectors", OJSC "Rosstroyizyskaniya", Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, OJSC "GSPI", Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State Geological Exploration


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,


Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, LLC "NPC Ingeodin", Company "Credo-

SE MO "Mosoblgeotrest",

State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest",

JSC "GiprodorNII"

"Construction", Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS,

JSC Giprorechtrans,

JSC Lengiprorechtrans,


OJSC Gazprom


JSC Giprotruboprovod,

LLC "Inzhenernaya"


OJSC "Metrogiprotrans"



Geogradstroy LLC,

Mostdorgeotrest LLC,

LLC "Peter"

Gas", Committee on

urban planning and


Government of St. Petersburg, Grandgeo LLC, RREC CJSC 2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation

(Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) from

and put into effect from

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet

© Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, 2012 Present normative document cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated or distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without permission

Ministry of Regional Development of Russia

SP 47.13330.2012

1 Scope of application................................................... ........................................................ ...............

3 Terms and definitions........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

4 General provisions................................................... ........................................................ ...................

5 Engineering and geodetic research........................................................ ...................................

5.2 Engineering and geodetic surveys for selecting a site (route) for the placement of capital construction projects………………………………………………………………..

5.3 Engineering and geodetic research for the preparation of territorial planning documents and territory planning documentation…………………………………………………………

5.4 Engineering and geodetic surveys for the preparation of design documentation for the construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects………………………...

5.5 Geodetic observations of deformations and settlements of buildings and structures, movements of the earth's surface and dangerous natural processes………………………

5.6 Results of engineering and geodetic surveys……………….………………………..

6 Engineering-geological and engineering-geotechnical surveys....................................

6.2 Engineering-geological research for the preparation of territorial documents

planning and documentation on territory planning and decision-making regarding the choice of construction site or route option...………………..……………….…………

6.3 Engineering-geological surveys for the preparation of design documentation……...

6.4 Geotechnical Engineering research for the preparation of design documentation…….

6.5 Engineering-geological surveys and geotechnical studies during construction, operation and demolition (dismantling) of capital construction projects……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..

6.6 Engineering-geological surveys in areas of development of hazardous geological and engineering-geological processes and phenomena and the distribution of specific soils..

6.7 Results of engineering-geological and engineering-geotechnical surveys for the preparation of design documentation......................................................................................................

7.1 General requirements........................................................ ........................................................ ................

7.2 surveys for the preparation of territorial planning documents and territory planning documentation....................................

7.3 Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for the preparation of design documentation when choosing a site (route) for the placement of a capital construction project.................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................

7.4 Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for the preparation of design documentation at the site (route) for the placement of a capital construction project...........

7.5 Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures.................................................. ........................................................ ............................

7.6 Results of engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for the preparation of design documentation................................................... ........................................................ ........................

8 Engineering and environmental surveys.................................................... .......................................

8.1 General requirements………………………………………………………………………………………

8.2 Engineering and environmental surveys and studies to justify the preparation of territorial planning documents……………………………………………………..

SP 47.13330.2012

8.3 Engineering and environmental surveys for the preparation of documentation on the planning of the territory and the preparation of design documentation for the assessment and decision-making regarding the site of new construction or the choice of route option…………………..

8.4 Engineering and environmental surveys for the preparation of design documentation………

8.5 Results of engineering and environmental surveys for the preparation of design documentation……………………………………………..………………………………………………………...

9 Exploration of soil building materials.................................................... ...........................

10 Search and exploration of groundwater for water supply purposes.................................................... ......

Appendix A (mandatory) Categories of complexity of engineering and geological conditions.......

Appendix B (mandatory) Scope of topographic surveys performed during engineering and geodetic surveys for the construction of buildings and structures.......................... ........................................................ ............................

Appendix B (mandatory) Heights of the cross-section of the relief of topographic surveys at maximum dominant angles of inclination of the surface...................................

Appendix D (mandatory) Basic technical requirements for the creation of reference and survey geodetic networks................................................. ........................................

Appendix E (for reference) Creation of an engineering topographic plan in the form of an engineering digital terrain model.................................................... ........................

Appendix E (mandatory) Types of basic laboratory determinations of physical and mechanical properties of soils for geotechnical and engineering

geotechnical surveys................................................................ ...................................

Appendix G (mandatory) Goals and methods of field research of soil properties during engineering-geological and engineering-geotechnical surveys............

Appendix I (recommended) Determination of physical and mechanical characteristics of soils based on the results of static and dynamic probing during engineering-geological surveys................................... ...................................

Bibliography................................................. ........................................................ ...................................

SP 47.13330.2012


This set of rules has been compiled taking into account the requirements of Federal Laws of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, dated December 29, 2009 No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”. Developed by NOIZ. (L.G. Kushnir, Ph.D. V.S. Sokolov, Ph.D. A.A. Svertilov - topic leaders. Heads of section development: engineering and geodetic surveys - G G. Kalbergenov, engineering and geological surveys - V.V. Dmitriev, engineering and hydrometeorological surveys - M.V. Bolgov, engineering and environmental surveys - M.Sc. I.V. Galitskaya, exploration of ground construction materials, search and exploration of groundwater for water supply purposes - A.E.

SP 47.13330.2012



Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles

Date of introduction: _______-___-___

1 Application area

1.1 This set of rules establishes general requirements and rules for performing engineering surveys.

1.2 The requirements of this set of rules apply to architectural design, construction, reconstruction, operation, demolition (dismantling) of buildings and structures, as well as territorial planning and site planning.

IN This set of rules contains links to the following regulatory documents:

SP Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSP ORB 99/2010)

SP 14.13330.2011 SNiP II-7-81 * Construction in seismic areas SP 22.13330.2011 SNiP 2.02.01-83 * Foundations of buildings and structures SP 24.13330.2011 SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations

SP 31.13330.2010 SNiP 2.04.02-84* Water supply. External networks and structures SP 116.13330.2012 SNiP 02/22/2003 Engineering protection of territories, buildings and

structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic provisions of SP 126.13330.2011 SNiP 3.01.03-84 Geodetic work in construction

GOST R 8.563-2009 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement techniques

GOST R 8.589-2001 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Control of environmental pollution. Metrological support. Basic provisions

GOST R 51232-98 Drinking water. General requirements for organization and methods of quality control

GOST R 51592-2000 Water. General requirements for sampling GOST R 51593-2000 Drinking water. Sampling

GOST R 51872-2002 Executive geodetic documentation. Execution Rules

GOST R 53778-2010 Buildings and structures. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Classification of water uses GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Classification of groundwater by

water use purposes

Official publication

SP 47.13330.2012

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Indicators of the condition and rules of taxation of fishery water bodies

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for groundwater protection

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Rules for monitoring the water quality of reservoirs and streams

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Rules for sea water quality control

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for sampling of bottom sediments of water bodies for pollution analysis

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Hygienic requirements for recreational areas of water bodies

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Instruments and devices for sampling, primary processing and storage of natural water samples. General technical conditions

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for sampling of surface and sea waters, ice and precipitation

GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Pollution control terms and definitions

GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. General requirements for methods for determining pollutants

GOST Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Automatic gas analyzers for monitoring air pollution. General technical requirements

GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control

GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Nomenclature of sanitary condition indicators

GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Soil passport GOST Nature conservation. Soils. General sampling requirements

GOST* Nature conservation. Soils. General requirements for control and protection against pollution

GOST Nature conservation. Soils. General requirements for the classification of soils according to the influence of chemical pollutants on them

GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis

GOST Nature conservation. Earth. Classification of overburden and host rocks for biological land reclamation

GOST Nature conservation. Earth. Requirements for determining standards for removing topsoil during excavation work

GOST Nature conservation. Landscapes. Terms and definitions GOST Nature conservation. Landscapes. Classification

GOST 21.302-96 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic symbols in documentation for engineering-geological surveys

GOST 2761-84 Sources of centralized domestic and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules

GOST 5180-84 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of physical characteristics

GOST 5686-94 Soils. Field test methods for piles

SP 47.13330.2012

GOST 12071-2000 Soils. Selection, packaging, transportation and storage of samples

GOST 12248-2010 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of strength and deformability characteristics

GOST 12536-79 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of granulometric (grain) and microaggregate composition

GOST 19912-2001 Soils. Methods of field testing by static and dynamic probing

GOST 20276-99 Soils. Methods for field determination of strength and deformability characteristics

GOST 20522-96 Soils. Methods for statistical processing of test results GOST 24846-81 Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of building foundations and

structures GOST 24902-81 Water for domestic and drinking purposes. General requirements for

field methods of analysis GOST 25100-95 Soils. Classification

GOST 27593-88 Soils. Terms and definitions GOST 28168-89 Soils. Sampling

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30416-96 Soils. Laboratory tests. General provisions GOST 30672-99 Soils. Field tests. General provisions

SanPiN Sanitary protection zones for water supply sources and drinking water pipelines

SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the quality of water from non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the protection of coastal sea waters from pollution in places of water use by the population

SanPiN Drainage of populated areas, sanitary protection of water bodies. Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (as amended on April 25, 2007)

SanPiN Radiation safety standards (NRB-99/2009)

SanPiN 42-128-4433-87 Sanitary standards. Sanitary standards for permissible concentrations of chemicals in soil

Note – When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards” ", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published this year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this set of rules the following terms with corresponding definitions are used:

SP 47.13330.2012

3.1 engineering digital terrain model (EDTM):Presentation formengineering-topographicalplan in digitalvector-topologicalform for processing (modeling) on ​​a computer and automated solution of engineering problems. The DRM consists of a digital elevation model (DEM) and a digital situation model (DSM).

3.2 engineering-geological model: A set of information about spatial positionengineering-geologicalelements in the sphere of interaction between the object and the geological environment.

3.3 engineering-geological process: Changes in the components of the geological environment in time and space under the influence of natural and man-made factors.

3.4 geotechnical engineering research: A set of geotechnical works and studies in order to obtain initial design values ​​for the design of foundations, supports, etc. at the sites where capital construction projects are located

And individual design, necessary and sufficient for constructing a calculated geomechanical model of the interaction of buildings and structures with the foundation.

3.5 engineering survey materials: Actual data obtained in the process of performing engineering surveys, which are the basis of the results of engineering surveys, presented in the form of reporting technical documentation.

The degree of direct and indirect impact of man and his activities on natural complexes and individual components of the natural environment.

3.7 environmental impact assessment:Determination of character, degree

And the scale of the impact of an economic and other activity on the environment and the consequences of this impact.

3.8 plan engineering topographical: A topographic plan that shows the terrain, objects of the situation, including underground and above-ground communications and structures, with the technical characteristics necessary for their design, construction, operation and demolition (dismantling).

3.9 forecast of changes in natural and man-made conditions: High quality and

(or) quantitative assessment of changes in the properties and state of the natural environment in time and space under the influence of natural and man-made factors.

3.10 groundwater regime: Changes over time in levels (pressures), temperature, chemical, gas and bacteriological composition and other characteristics of groundwater.

3.11 stationary observations: Regular observations of changes in factors (components) of the natural environment or man-made objects at given points.

3.12 technical control of engineering surveys:A system of construction control measures and works, with the help of which the reliability and quality of the performed engineering surveys is determined.

4 General provisions

4.1 Engineering surveys for construction refer to a type of urban planning activity carried out with the aim of studying natural conditions and factors of man-made impact to prepare data on the justification of materials for architectural and construction design, construction, operation, demolition