Datura herb: healing effects and safe use. Datura vulgaris is a poisonous plant with beneficial properties. Use of Datura vulgaris in medicine and cosmetology Description of Datura vulgaris

Datura common - Datura stramonium L. " style="border-style:solid;border-width:6px;border-color:#ffcc66;" width="250" height="334">
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Other names: Badura, Thistle, Divtree, Stinking Datura, Cocklebur, Stupefyers, Duryea Potion, Stupid Grass, Crazy Grass, Prickly Apples.

Diseases and effects: neuralgia, bronchial asthma, convulsive cough, whooping cough, persistent hiccups, epilepsy, excessive sexual desire in women, severe spasms of the stomach and intestines, partial prolapse of the uterus and colon, rheumatism.

Active substances: tropane alkaloids: hyoscyamine, scopolamine, atropine.

Time to collect and prepare the plant: June - October.

General information about Datura common

Nightshade family (Solanaceae).

The name comes from the Arabic word tatura(tat - to prick); stramonium— from the Latinized French: “smelly weed.”

Common names are divtree, dope potion, prickly apples, stinking dope.

Datura is also called the "holy flower" North Star" Recently, in Ukraine and Crimea, the closest relative of wild dope has been bred - decorative badura, which can be a decoration for literally every flowerbed.

Some types of dope - Datura alba And Datura snow- have long been notorious in India. There was even a profession called “datura poisoners.” The poisoner carefully blew dope seed powder into the sleeper's nose through a tube. The man fell asleep even more deeply and then everything valuable that was in his house was calmly taken away. Datura caused the same poisoning as henbane.

Datura seed oil applied to the temples causes hallucinations.

Botanical description of Datura common

Annual herbaceous plant up to 1 (in some sources - up to 1.5) m high.

Root core, branched.

Stem thick, erect, smooth, forked-branched, hollow.

Leaves alternate, large, ovate, long-petiolate, notched-toothed, with a pointed apex, dark green.

Flowers solitary, apical or axillary, large, white, fragrant, on short stalks. Blooms in June - August.

Fetus- a large ovoid capsule, densely covered with unequal spines, opens into four valves when ripe. The seeds are matte black, flattened, kidney-shaped.

The plant is poisonous. Its smell is weak, narcotic, and its taste is salty-bitter.

Spread of Datura common

Datura is common in central and southern Russia, Crimea, Ukraine and the Caucasus. It grows in deposits near housing, in landfills, littered places, along river banks, along roads, in gardens and orchards.

The main collection and procurement areas are Ukraine, Georgia, southern Russia, Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories.

Harvesting Datura ordinary

The medicinal raw materials are leaves, grass (tops) and seeds. Leaves and grass are collected while the plant is flowering using gloves. Dry immediately in the shade, in a well-ventilated attic or in a dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. Seeds are harvested in the fall from ripe fruits, sorted and dried in a dryer or oven. Store in closed jars or boxes with well-closing lids for 2 years.

Stocks of Datura are renewed annually, and last year's unused raw materials are burned.

Datura is poisonous, so you need to be careful when collecting, drying and storing its leaves and preparing medicines from it, and wash your hands thoroughly after working with the plant.

Chemical composition of Datura vulgare

The leaves of this plant contain tropane alkaloids such as hyoscyamine, scopolamine and atropine. Their content must be at least 0.25% by weight of dry medicinal raw materials.

Datura vulgaris is characterized by the general pharmacological properties of atropine-like compounds, which are defined mainly as m-cholinolytic agents that block the functional activity of the body's m-cholinoreactive systems. In its native form, Datura vulgaris is used for the preparation of complex herbal preparations.

In addition to a stronger anticholinergic effect than atropine, hyoscyamine has a pronounced bronchodilator effect, tones and stimulates the respiratory center. Like belladonna preparations, hyoscyamine reduces the tone of smooth muscle organs, reduces the secretion of sweat, salivary and gastric glands and the secretion of the pancreas, and also reduces the vagal effect on the heart.

Preparations from Datura leaves have a calming effect on the central nervous system, relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of internal organs and reduce the secretion of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract.

Use of datura vulgare

In folk medicine, Datura is used for neuralgia, bronchial asthma, convulsive cough, whooping cough, persistent hiccups, epilepsy, excessive sexual desire in women, severe spasms of the stomach and intestines, for the treatment of partial prolapse of the uterus and colon, as well as for long-term treatment of rheumatism ( externally).

The pharmaceutical industry produces a number of Datura preparations: anti-asthmatic collection, Astamol, Asthmatin, Datura oil.

Anti-asthma collection contains 2 parts belladonna leaves, 1 part henbane leaves, 6 parts datura leaves and 1 part sodium nitrate. This mixture is a brownish-green powder with a peculiar odor, which is used for bronchial asthma. To do this, burn 1/2 teaspoon of the powder and inhale the smoke or smoke a cigarette filled with raw materials. The powder produced in the form of cigarettes is called "Astmatol".

Astamatin(Astmatinum) is a mixture containing 8 parts of datura leaves, 2 parts of henbane leaves and 1 part of sodium nitrate. It is prescribed for bronchial asthma. Used in the form of cigarettes.

Stupid oil- a transparent oily liquid from yellow to yellow-green color with a peculiar odor. Prescribed externally for rubbing for neuralgia and rheumatism. Included in liquid ointments used for rubbing.

Also used for inhalation infusion of datura leaves. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into 1 glass of boiling water, keep it in a water bath for 5 minutes, then inhale the vapors of the drug through the nose for 15-20 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of Datura vulgare

Datura preparations are contraindicated for glaucoma.

The active ingredients of Datura are alkaloids, which have antispasmodic properties (reduce the tone of smooth muscles), dilate the pupil, relax the muscles of the bronchi, reduce secretion and intestinal motility.

Signs of Datura poisoning

Datura - poisonous plant. It causes very strong hallucinations and is so dangerous that even researchers are afraid of it.

In case of mild poisoning, dry mouth, speech and swallowing disorders, dilated pupils and impaired near vision, photophobia, dryness and redness of the skin, agitation, sometimes delirium and hallucinations, and tachycardia appear.

At severe poisoning complete loss of orientation, sudden motor and mental agitation, sometimes convulsions followed by loss of consciousness and the development of a coma. A sharp increase in body temperature, cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the mucous membranes, shortness of breath with the appearance of periodic breathing of the Cheyne-Stokes type, irregular, weak pulse, drop in blood pressure.

Death occurs due to symptoms of paralysis of the respiratory center and vascular insufficiency.

A specific complication of atropine poisoning is trophic disorders - significant swelling of the subcutaneous tissue of the face, in the forearms and legs.

Syn.: stinking dope, div tree, stupid drunk, foolish potion, stupefying grass, crazy grass, prickly apples, badura, thistle, cocklebur.

An annual herbaceous plant with an unpleasant odor. Known as a poisonous and medicinal plant, it has anticholinergic, antispasmodic and analgesic properties.

The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

Formula of Datura flower: *CH5L5T5P2.

In medicine

The leaves are mainly used for medicinal purposes; preparations from them are used to treat bronchial asthma, respiratory diseases accompanied by spasms of the bronchial muscles; anti-asthmatic drugs (asthmol, asthmatin), as well as Astmatin cigarettes, are prepared from them. The leaves are included in anti-asthma mixtures for smoking for bronchial asthma. Datura oil is included in liniments used for rubbing against rheumatism and neuralgia.

All parts of the plant are highly poisonous, especially the seeds!

Main symptoms of poisoning: dilated pupils, dry mouth, hoarseness, rapid pulse, headache, hyperemia of the skin of the face and neck, severe thirst, motor agitation, hallucinations, unrelated speech, up to a coma. There are frequent cases of poisoning of children who tried to eat dope seeds.

Help with poisoning - gastric lavage with weak solutions of potassium permanganate, administration of anticholinesterase and cholinomimetic substances (eserine, proserine, pilocarpine), morphine, administration of adsorbents followed by gastric lavage, and then carrying out symptomatic restorative therapy.

In floriculture

Despite the poisonous properties of the plant, Datura can often be seen in flower beds. However, gardeners know this plant as "datura", the word comes from Latin name– “datura”. Its beautiful large bell-shaped flowers are loved by many. The flowers of the plant open in the evening and emit a strong intoxicating aroma. The aroma of datura (datura) is very attractive to insects, which pollinate it. By the way, this plant is absolutely harmless to insects. There are many varieties of Datura, differing in the appearance of the flowers. There are varieties with double flowers, as well as different colors corolla - yellow, violet, purple.

Datura (Datura) is an easy-to-care crop that is distinguished by its long flowering time and abundance of flowers. The plant blooms from July until the end of summer, and sometimes even until the onset of frost.

Datura grows in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. This is especially important when planting seeds. The plant feels good in both sun and partial shade. During the growth and flowering of the plant, it needs to be watered, especially in hot weather, and sometimes fed.


Datura common or stinking dope (lat. Datura stramonium L.) belongs to the genus Datura (lat. Datura) of the Solanaceae family (lat. Solanaceae). The Datura genus unites 25 species, whose homeland is the tropics and subtropics.

Botanical description

An annual, unpleasant-smelling plant 100-120 cm high. The root is branched, spindle-shaped. Stems are bare, erect, forked. Branches, leaf petioles and veins are soft-hairy. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, ovate, pointed, wedge-shaped at the base. Young upper leaves are heavily pubescent. The leaf blade is up to 25 cm long and up to 20 cm wide. The upper side is green, the lower side is light green with strongly protruding veins. Flowers, large (8-10 cm long), solitary. The calyx is half as long as the corolla, five-toothed. The corolla is white, up to 12 cm long, tubular-funnel-shaped, with a folded, wide five-lobed limb. Formula of Datura flower: *CH5L5T5P2. The fruit is an ovoid capsule with numerous hard and thick spines, opening with four doors. Seeds are 3-3.5 mm long, black, small, rounded-reniform, laterally compressed. Blooms long time, from June to autumn. Fruits in July.


Datura common is the only species of the genus that grows in the south and in middle lane In the European part of Russia, in Crimea, in the North Caucasus, in the northern regions - rarely. The homeland of Datura vulgare is the tropics and subtropics, where the other 10 species grow. Prefers rich, loose, fairly moist soils. It often grows in small groups near homes, in vegetable gardens, in vacant lots, landfills, manure heaps, along the edges of roads, along rivers. Cultivated in Krasnodar region.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Datura leaves are mainly harvested, starting from the flowering phase and the beginning of fruit formation until autumn, 3-4 times during the growing season as the plant grows. Freshly picked leaves are quickly dried in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 0 C. Raw materials are obtained only from cultivated plants in our country - in the Krasnodar Territory.

Chemical composition

All organs contain alkaloids, mainly hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine: in leaves - 0.23-0.37%, stems - 0.06-0.24%, roots - 0.12-0.27%, flowers - 0 .13-1.9%, seeds - 0.08-0.22%. In addition, Datura leaves contain up to 0.04% essential oil, up to 0.1% carotene and 1.7% tannins. Datura seeds contain 17-25% fatty oil, which contains glycerides of linoleic - 45%, oleic - 40%, palminic - 12%, stearic - 2% and lignoceric acids.

Pharmacological properties

The therapeutic effect of Datura vulgare is due to the anticholinergic, antispasmodic effect of hyoscyamine and other alkaloids. Preparations based on the leaves of Datura vulgare are effective for convulsive coughs and for relieving spasms of the bronchial muscles.

Use in folk medicine

Datura has long been known as a poisonous and medicinal plant. Already in the Middle Ages, Datura leaves were used in Europe as a painkiller. In folk medicine in many countries around the world, it was used for mental and nervous diseases, chronic and acute rheumatism, neuralgia, and shortness of breath.

Historical background

Among the people, dope has many names: stinking dope, divderevo, duropyan, dope potion, dope-grass, crazy grass, prickly apples, badura, thistle, cocklebur. All these names are associated with the poisonous properties of the plant.

It has been used as a medicinal plant since the 16th century. People have long paid attention to the effect of toxic substances contained in dope; they used it to rub horses against gadflies, and they fumigated contagious patients with dope. Datura was used as a hallucinogenic drug. Datura was spread throughout Europe mainly by nomadic peoples. In the 16th century, Datura appeared wild in the vicinity of Innsbruck and Vienna. In vegetable gardens and garden plots it became a “great miracle”; its seeds were thrown onto hot coals; after inhaling toxic smoke, people fell into the bliss of intoxication. In France, Datura was called “Herbe aux sorciers”. Arab peoples mixed dope into smoking tobacco and drinks to induce euphoria. In history, there are many facts of dope poisoning of many people who became victims of political conspiracies or scammers.


1. Blinova K.F. et al. Botanical-pharmacognostic dictionary: Reference. allowance / Ed.

K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovleva. - M.: Higher. school, 1990. - P. 187. - ISBN 5-06-000085-0.

2. State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR. Eleventh edition. Issue 1 (1987), issue 2 (1990).

3. State Register medicines. Moscow 2004.

4. Ilyina T.A. Medicinal plants Russia (Illustrated Encyclopedia). - M., "EXMO" 2006.

5. Zamyatina N.G. Medicinal plants. Encyclopedia of Russian nature. M. 1998.

6. Medicinal plants: Reference manual. / N.I. Grinkevich, I.A. Balandina, V.A. Ermakova and others; Ed. N.I. Grinkevich - M.: graduate School, 1991. - 398 p.

7. Medicinal plants of the state pharmacopoeia. Pharmacognosy. (Edited by I.A. Samylina, V.A. Severtsev). - M., “AMNI”, 1999.

8. Medicinal plant raw materials. Pharmacognosy: Textbook. allowance / Ed. G.P. Yakovlev and K.F. Blinova. - SPb.: Special. Lit, 2004. - 765 p.

9. Lesiovskaya E.E., Pastushenkov L.V. "Pharmacotherapy with the basics of herbal medicine." Tutorial. - M.: GEOTAR-MED, 2003.

10. Mannfried Palov. "Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants". Ed. Ph.D. biol. Sciences I.A. Gubanova. Moscow, "Mir", 1998.

11. Mashkovsky M.D. "Medicines." In 2 volumes - M., Novaya Volna Publishing House, 2000.

12. Nosov A.M. Medicinal plants in official and traditional medicine. M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005. - 800 p.

13. Plants for us. Reference manual / Ed. G.P. Yakovleva, K.F. Blinova. - Publishing house "Educational Book", 1996. - 654 p.

14. Plant resources of Russia: Wild flowering plants, their component composition and biological activity. Edited by A.L. Budantseva. T.5. M.: Partnership of scientific publications KMK, 2013. - 312 p.

15. Sokolov S. Ya. Medicinal plants. - Alma-Ata: Medicine, 1991. - P. 118. - ISBN 5-615-00780-X.

16. Sokolov S.Ya., Zamotaev I.P. Handbook of medicinal plants (herbal medicine). - M.: VITA, 1993.

17. Turova A.D. "Medicinal plants of the USSR and their use." Moscow. "Medicine". 1974.

18. “Herbal medicine with the basics of clinical pharmacology”, ed. V.G. Kukesa. - M.: Medicine, 1999.

Plants containing alkaloids without heterocycles

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Antispasmodic, M-anticholinergic, analgesic, local irritant.

Rice. 10.8. Datura common datura - Datura stramonium L.

Datura leaves-folia stramonii

Datura common- datura stramonium l.

Sem. Solanaceae- solanaceae

Other names: stinking dope, durzely, foolish drunkenness, thorns, kings, stupefying grass.

Annual herbaceous plant up to 100 cm high with an unpleasant odor (Fig. 10.8 10.11, A).

Stem erect, succulent, glabrous, hollow, forked-branched in the upper part.

Leaves alternate, pairwise close together, petiolate, ovate, unevenly coarsely notched-toothed, almost lobed, 7-20 cm long, 5-15 (20) cm wide.

Flowers solitary in the forks of the stem and its branches, regular, five-membered, with a double perianth. The calyx is tubular, pentagonal, 4-6 cm long, the corolla is white or bluish, tubular-funnel-shaped, 6-12 cm long.

Fetus- a polyspermous, erect, egg-shaped capsule, covered with hard, hard spines, with the remainder of a calyx at the base, opening with four valves.

Seeds flattened, rounded kidney-shaped, matte black.

Blooms in June - September, bears fruit in July

Datura leaves contain

the amount of tropane alkaloids (0.23-0.27%), consisting mainly of

hyoscyamine and

In addition, the leaves contain

phenolic acids,

Datura vulgare is characterized by M-anticholinergic properties caused by the presence of tropane alkaloids.

Hyoscyamine has

pronounced bronchodilator effect,
tones and stimulates the respiratory center,
reduces the tone of smooth muscle organs,
reduces the secretion of sweat, salivary and gastric glands and the secretion of the pancreas,
reduces the influence of the vagus nerve on the heart.

Use of Datura

Datura leaves ordinary are included in the anti-asthma collection.

Oil extract from the leaves is used as an external irritant, pain reliever for rubbing during

Spreading. Distributed quite widely, found mainly in the middle and southern zone of the European part of the country, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Cultivated in specialized farms in Ukraine and Krasnodar region (Russia).

Habitat. Ruderal plant. It grows in vacant lots, vegetable gardens, along roads, near housing, in cities. Usually grows in clumps, less often scattered.

Rice. 10.11. Datura common (A):
1 – fruit 2 – leaf.

Preparation. Datura leaves are harvested from the flowering phase to the end of fruiting, always in dry, clear weather. The leaves are collected by hand without petioles. When collecting raw materials, you must take precautions: do not touch your eyes, lips, or nose with your hands. After work, wash your hands thoroughly.

Drying. The collected leaves are dried without delay, spread out in a thin layer (2-3 cm), in attics under an iron roof, in a room with good ventilation or outdoors in the shade, with frequent stirring. The best quality raw materials are obtained by drying them in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C. Drying is considered complete when the midrib becomes brittle. The yield of dry raw materials is 12-14%.

Standardization. GF XI, issue. 2, art. 24.

Storage. The leaves are hygroscopic and quickly become damp, so they should be stored in well-packed containers in a dry, well-ventilated area. Shelf life: 2 years. Raw materials are stored according to list B.

Whole raw materials.
Whole or partially crushed leaves are ovoid, glabrous, pointed at the apex, mostly wedge-shaped at the base, unevenly coarsely notched-toothed or deeply notched-lobed cylindrical petioles along the edge. The venation is pinnate. The veins on the lower side show slight pubescence. The veins, main and lateral, are of the first order, strongly protruding from the lower side, convex, bare, yellowish-white. Leaves length up to 20 cm, width up to 20 cm.

Leaf color dark green on the upper side, somewhat lighter on the lower side.

Smell weak, specific, intensifying when the leaves are moistened.

The taste is not defined (!).

Crushed raw materials.
Pieces of leaves of various shapes, passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm.

Color green. Smell weak, specific, aggravated by moisture.

The taste is not defined (!).

When examining the leaf from the surface, epidermal cells are visible: on the upper side - with slightly tortuous walls, on the lower side - with more tortuous walls.

Stomata on both sides of the leaf, on the underside there are more of them, surrounded by 3-4 parastomatal cells, one of which is significantly smaller than the others (anisocytic type).

Hairs two types: simple and capitate. Simple hairs are large, consisting of 2 (less often 5) cells with thin walls and a roughly warty surface, located mainly along the veins and along the edge of the leaf. Capitate hairs are smaller, with a multicellular (less often unicellular) rounded or obovate head on a short, slightly curved unicellular stalk.

Rice. 10.9. Microscopy of a Datura leaf

In young leaves There are significantly more capitate hairs than in old ones. In the parenchyma cells, blunt-ended drusen of calcium oxalate are visible in large numbers (Fig. 10.9).

Rice. 10.9. Microscopy of a Datura leaf:

A - epidermis of the upper side
B - epidermis of the lower side
B - epidermis above the vein:
1 - simple hairs
2 - capitate hairs
3 - calcium oxalate drusen

4 – cells with crystalline calcium oxalate sand.

Whole raw materials.

The amount of alkaloids in terms of hyoscyamine, determined titrimetrically, not less than 0.25% humidity not more than 14% total ash not more than 20% blackened and yellowed leaves not more than 5% other parts of the plant (stems, individual fruits, flowers) not more than 2% crushed particles passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 3 mm, no more than 4% organic impurity, no more than 0.5% mineral impurity, no more than 0.5%.

Crushed raw materials.

The amount of alkaloids in terms of hyoscyamine is not less than 0.25% humidity is not more than 14% total ash not more than 20% pieces of yellowed and blackened leaves not more than 5% of other parts of the plant (pieces of stems, individual fruits, flowers) not more than 2% of particles, not passing through a sieve with holes 7 mm in diameter, no more than 8% of particles passing through a sieve with holes 0.5 mm in size, no more than 10% organic impurity, no more than 0.5% mineral impurity, no more than 0.5%.

The leaves are part of an anti-asthma collection.
Datura oil, oil for external use (oil extract). Irritant, pain reliever.
Datura oil is part of combined liniments (“Saliniment”, “Kapsin”, complex methyl salicylate liniment, etc.).

Datura common: properties and description of the plant, history of the flower herb, types of Datura and photo

Datura vulgaris is considered a poisonous plant. By the way, it is called differently: “angel’s pipe”, “crazy grass”, “moon flower”, “drunk cucumber” and “henbane”. It is known that this flowering plant belongs to the nightshade family, and therefore is a relative of tomatoes, potatoes and even eggplants.

People also call it dope grass. A description of this flower can be found in many botany textbooks, and photographs of it are also included.

Properties of Datura common

Datura plant can be found in large quantities in any area. Typically, Datura chooses the following territories for its habitat: vacant lots, roadsides and vegetable gardens.

This flower plant grows up to 1.5 meters. It has a thick stem and huge leaves with small teeth. The root of this herbaceous plant is completely white and quite long, taplike. Fragrant and large flowers most often white, but lilac can also be found.

In their shape they resemble a small lily. They grow in the convolutions of the stem, and there can be no more than one of them in one place. There are only five flower petals. The buds bloom only in the evening.

The fruits of “salun-grass” consist of a capsule in which there are four sections covered with small spines. Each box contains approximately 800 grains. Datura begins to bloom in July and ends its flowering only at the end of September, and already in October the fruits begin to ripen.

The bushes of this plant most often grow in small groups. Currently, biologists have counted 13 species of this plant, and it is worth noting that they are all poisonous. You can find it on the Internet large number photo of Datura common.

In Europe, the following types of dope are considered the most common:


The amount of poisons in this plant depends on what time this flower is collected and in what place. And for this you need to know the composition of the plant:

essential oils

Datura, of course, maybe natural medicine, used as a remedy, but sometimes leads to the death of a person. It has been proven that alkaloids are contained in all private plants in different proportions:

0.4% – leaves.
0.15% – stems.
0.2% – seeds.
0.25% – roots.
0.2% – flowers.

History of the flower plant

Unfortunately, it is impossible to establish the homeland of this plant. But the first mentions of it are in the legends of Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Therefore, there are two stories of the origin of henbane: American and Asian.

According to the first version, Datura seeds were brought from America by Columbus sailors. The second theory claims that wandering gypsies once found strange and intoxicating seeds in the steppes near the Caspian Sea. They are the ones then they were transported all over Asia.

But these legends do not find their documentary confirmation. And this herbaceous plant became widespread thanks to healers who transported its seeds.

It is worth noting that henbane was also used by soothsayers for mystical rites. And the Aztecs generally considered this herb sacred, as it was used by priests, causing hallucinations that allowed them to communicate with higher powers.

The seed pods of this flower plant sacrificed to the deity. Indian tribes also used this herb to perform witchcraft rituals. Chinese doctors used this plant in medieval times for the treatment of many diseases.

Hindus gave the dancers of the Shiva temple wine and datura to immerse them in ecstasy. But in Europe in the Middle Ages, there was a legend that sorcerers used Datura to prepare a special ointment that enabled them to fly on a broomstick.

The history of Datura goes back far into antiquity, as they appeared based on the name of this flowering plant and surnames in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine: Durmanovsky, Durman and others.

Use of datura herb in medicine

Even in ancient Greek medicine, dating back to the 4th century BC, many healing properties henbane. For example, the 11th century physician Avicenna described this herb as a wonderful narcotic.

But of course, the medicinal properties of a plant depend on its alkaloid content. Thus, hyoscyamine helps reduce the secretion of bile, sweat, saliva, as well as stimulates cardiac function.

IN modern world The pharmacological industry produces a wide variety of drugs that contain dope, and they are excellent for treating the following diseases:

Bronchial asthma.
Stomach ulcers.
Duodenal ulcers.
Sea and air sickness.
Mental illnesses.

In medicine Datura decoctions are used, which is ideal for rinsing and rubbing, enemas or douching. Datura oil tincture is used externally. But for constipation, it is also possible to take it orally. And the oil is great for hair removal. There is also dry powder from dope leaves, which is added to special cigarettes for asthmatics.

“Crazy grass” is also used in veterinary medicine, for example, for the treatment of seizures in cattle or to increase the fat layer of meat in pigs.

But it is always worth remembering that if the dosage for a person is calculated incorrectly, this can lead to death. Therefore, use it without doctor’s recommendations or consultation. Datura is not recommended for self-treatment.

Procurement of plant raw materials

Traditional healers try to collect dope themselves, but to do this they follow several simple rules: worth collecting in the warm season, the weather should be clear and sunny and this must be done no earlier than 10 a.m.

But you should definitely follow some precautions. For example, you should not take this plant with your hands, but use gloves for this purpose. You cannot dry this raw material at home, much less in the oven.

The finished raw materials are divided into leaves, flowers and seeds and prepared separately in tightly closed jars. Such preparations can be stored for 2 years. After any work with the plant it is necessary wash your hands well.

Decorative use of Datura

Some varieties of Datura are used in garden plots and as ornamental plants. Many gardeners like it for its ease of care. Its reproduction occurs by seeds.

In the spring, the seeds, soaked in hot water, are planted in pots with soil prepared in the fall. At the end of May, the resulting seedlings can be planted already in open ground. After 3 weeks, the first buds will begin to appear. Photos of datura grass flowers can be found on many Internet sites or in encyclopedias.

Datura is planted in dachas mainly because beautiful flowering. The natural color of Datura is white, but you can also find hybrid forms of this plant that bloom lilac, violet, purple and yellow flowers. The incredibly pleasant aroma of flowers helps to mask many unpleasant odors in garden areas.

Caring for dope includes three main conditions:

loose soil
timely watering.

But on the other hand, weeds do not form near the dope; the poisonous plant does not allow them to come near it. But it is still necessary to nourish the soil with various minerals.

It is worth remembering that Datura is still a perennial herb, so it you don't have to cut it bush completely, and leave for the second year. By the way, a tincture from this toxic plant can also be used to control pests: spider mites, cabbage moth, lacewing and hawthorn caterpillars.

Beetles and ants are not afraid of this plant, but wireworms can even damage these stems. Bees readily collect nectar from this flower, but humans cannot eat such honey.

For the winter, this grass can be transplanted into pots and even taken home, but provided that they are be in a large room. This plant cannot be placed in the bedroom or on playgrounds.

The danger of datura grass

Datura is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. People suffering from glaucoma should not be treated with drugs based on datura and even it is contraindicated to care for such landings.

Sometimes poisoning with henbane occurs due to negligence. But traditional healers try to prepare their potions without knowing the correct dosage. Recently, more and more young people are dying because they are trying to brew an intoxicating potion from dope, and this leads to disaster.

Small children, finding themselves close to this toxic and poisonous plant, due to the carelessness of their parents, try to open the fruit pods and put the seeds in their mouths. As a result, all these cases lead to poisoning, sometimes severe, and sometimes even fatal.

Datura poisoning can be immediately noticed, since it signs appear very quickly and they are bright:

The pupils dilate, the lips and oral cavity turn blue.
Speech becomes slurred and heart rate increases.
Shortness of breath appears, the temperature rises, and the face swells.

If the poisoning is very severe, then hallucinations and seizures occur. It is very difficult for a person to navigate in space, much less to comprehend reality. If you do not come to the rescue in time, the respiratory center will very quickly become paralyzed, and the person may die.

If the first symptoms of plant poisoning appear, you should call immediately ambulance . Doctors will definitely rinse the victim’s stomach, give injections of proserin or any other psychotropic medications, and also apply cold compresses to the head for such poisoning.

If you do not have any knowledge about Datura herb, then, accordingly, you cannot prepare any preparations yourself, and you cannot collect raw materials from this herb. But conversations with children about the toxicity of this plant must be carried out by showing a photo so that the child can remember and appearance Datura.

But it is worth noting that any drugs containing dope, despite the exact dosage, will still lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is always worth remembering that if such drugs with Datura are used for a long time, this will lead to various mental disorders, glaucoma and depression. Use a medicine that contains atropine only possible temporarily.

Datura common

It should be said right away that in all sources this plant, which belongs to the Solanaceae family, is considered extremely poisonous. Before consuming Datura vulgare, you need to clearly determine the optimal dosage. It is best to purchase ready-made natural preparations in pharmacies.

For a long time, Datura common has a bad reputation due to the fact that it contains dangerous hallucinogens. As a result, the plant acquired several unpleasant nicknames, such as “stupid drunk”, “stupid potion”, “crazy grass”, “prickly apples”, etc. The Latin name of the plant is translated as “smelly weed”. This attitude towards Datura vulgare appeared due to its specific and extremely unpleasant smell. It is through him that a person’s consciousness becomes clouded.

The plant itself is very tall for herbaceous crops - 120 cm. Its root is large and strong, has white color. Datura stems can be either straight or branched. It is highly recommended not to touch, much less rub the leaves of Datura in your hands. After such manipulation, the flower will “stun” you with an unpleasant smell and its intoxicating effect. The same thing will happen if you are close to the white flowers of the plant, which are quite large in size.

The shape of the Datura fruit is an ovoid capsule. As protection, there are spikes on the outside of this shell. Inside one such box you can find up to 800 dope seeds. If you look at them, you can clearly see that all the seeds are black in color and relatively large in size. With their help, all representatives of Datura vulgare can reproduce. If you dare to taste this plant, it will turn out to be salty and bitter.

The flowering period of this plant begins in July and ends only in September. The fruits ripen around October. Datura is widespread almost everywhere and can easily be found as a weed crop. The main areas of distribution are the middle and southern zones of the Russian Federation, including the Caucasus. But on the territory of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula, the common datura also likes to settle.

By the way, this plant is very unpretentious, so it can be seen both on the coastline of rivers and along road routes. Datura will not disdain to settle near garbage dumps, along residential buildings, and simply in littered areas with poor soil.

Are its leaves used to produce medicinal products based on Datura vulgaris? the apical part and the seeds of the plant themselves. The territories of the following countries are usually used to collect raw materials: Ukraine, Georgia and Russia, more precisely its southern part, closer to the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions of the country.

During the entire process of collecting dope, the specialist should only wear gloves. The plant can be dried immediately somewhere in the shade, not far from the place where the raw materials are collected. Then the grass is sent to the attic or to a special dryer. At the same time, you must always remember that the room in which the datura will dry must be constantly ventilated. The temperature during the drying process of the plant can reach up to 50 degrees, but it should not fall below 40 degrees.

Datura seeds are collected already during the period of their full ripening. After sorting the collected material, it is sent for drying. During the entire storage period, you should ensure that the finished raw materials are stored in airtight packaging, or better yet, in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Although grass in the form of a harvest can be stored for up to 2 years, every year it is necessary to update the stock with newer ones. The method of disposal of unused product is incineration. After any contact with dope, even with gloves, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly.

Use in everyday life

Datura has long been considered a witchcraft herb by the Slavic peoples. But thanks to such fame, the plant did not get along in the everyday life of ordinary people, except that various witches and healers had them in their homes, each for their own purposes. Due to its unusual, rather pleasant appearance, the common datura has recently come to be represented as ornamental plant. Avid gardeners take extreme care of Datura to ensure it continues to grow and bloom in their borders throughout the summer. To create improved conditions for the plant, flowerbed owners try to fertilize the soil. Even before transplanting the seedlings, they often add a manganese solution to protect the plant from fungal infection. Despite all of the above, the common datura performs one main role - it cures numerous ailments.

Composition and medicinal properties of Datura vulgare

A distinctive feature of Datura vulgare is the high content of various types of alkaloids: they, as a rule, belong to the same tropane group of these substances. They are hyoscyamine, atropine, and scopolamine.
If the muscles are subject to any kind of spasm, then a medicine based on dope can quickly relieve the resulting discomfort, including its calming properties. With all this nervous system the patient will also be in a complete state of rest. And a variety of lotions from this plant can combat erysipelas of the eyes.
Pharmacists have produced several medications that are actively used in the treatment of a number of diseases. For example, an anti-asthma product is sold in the form of a brown-green powder. The smell of this drug is very specific. One dose contains only half a teaspoon of the presented mixture. In order for it to bring the desired effect, it must be set on fire and inhaled into oneself. Very often, because of this, a homemade cigarette is made for convenience. But you don’t have to worry about creating it, but simply buy such cigarettes ready-made at the pharmacy. They are called none other than Astamol.
Astamatin is another mixture to which crushed dope is added. This drug, like the anti-asthma preparation, is prescribed for bronchial asthma. Astamatine can also be purchased in the form of cigarettes for convenience. The mixture, as in the first preparation, contains, in addition to dope, crushed henbane leaves and sodium nitrate.
Datura oil was created to effectively combat rheumatism and neuralgia. The drug is a clear liquid with an oily base. Its color is yellow-green, and the specific smell remains in this case. The drug, as a rule, is already included in ready-made ointments of liquid consistency, produced for rubbing sore spots.

The use of Datura vulgare in folk medicine

Datura infusion for rectal prolapse (severe cough with pain, as well as convulsions)

5 g of crushed dope leaves are diluted in 3.5 liters of boiling water and infused. Next, the infusion cools to optimal temperature so that you can take baths while sitting. The course of treatment lasts up to 12 days, and the duration of one procedure is 12 minutes.

Datura juice to reduce increased female sexual desire (for depressive disorders and epileptic seizures, priapism)

The daily dose for drinking juice is 1 drop for 2 tbsp. l. boiled water, at least three times a day.

Tincture of Datura seeds for fairly frequent coughing attacks

When used externally, this tincture is useful for mastopathy, as well as for detecting tumors in the mammary glands. First, you need to dilute the crushed seed with alcohol (70%) using a ratio of 1 to 5. The resulting contents are left for further infusion for 2 weeks. You should take the alcohol tincture no more than 4 times a day and always before meals. Each time you need to use 2 drops of tincture per one tablespoon of plain water.

Datura infusion together with Adonis for the detection of stomach cancer

4 g of dope seeds and a fruit capsule, as well as 4 g of adonis, are mixed together, and then the resulting mixture is poured into 200 ml. boiling water After the infusion has stood for half an hour, you can begin to use it. Daily dose – 1 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day before meals.

Datura powder for frequent hiccups (severe stomach pain)

The powder should be taken orally with water. The daily dose is no more than 0.3 g per day. This powder must be consumed 3 times a day.

However, it is better to choose doses in all of the listed medicines that are less than those given in many traditional medicine recipes, so as not to get serious poisoning.

Contraindications for use

This medicine is strictly prohibited for use if you have glaucoma.

Appointment of Datura as medicinal product should only be performed by a doctor. In this case, the entire course of treatment, the medical worker is obliged to monitor the entire treatment process, strictly monitoring the dosage used by the patient.

At the first suspicion of dope poisoning, you must contact an ambulance, and also try to induce a gag reflex by any known means. The main signs of poisoning with this drug: vomiting, dry mouth, speech disorder, redness of the skin, tachycardia and hallucinations. Even researchers in the fields of botany and medicine are afraid of the unpredictability of the latter.

After poisoning, death may occur due to paralysis of the respiratory center or serious complications in the form of swelling that occurs under the skin of the face, as well as the forearms and legs.

In the absence of appropriate knowledge and skills in the preparation and storage of datura vulgare, you should not engage in independent production of medicines based on it. One mistake in handling this plant can also lead to fatal poisoning.

Datura stramonium Datura vulgaris Datura vulgare photo

  • Datura common datura - Datura stramonium L.

    Nightshade family - Solanaceae

    Other names:
    - dur-potion
    - stupid drunk
    - spines
    - kings
    - thistle
    - stupefying grass

    Botanical characteristics. An annual herbaceous plant with a succulent, fistulous, bare, hollow inside, forked, branched stem up to 1 m high. It has an unpleasant odor. Tap root. The leaves are short-petiolate, large, alternate, ovate, notched-toothed, almost lobed. The flowers are also large, white, with a funnel-shaped corolla) located singly in the axils of the leaves; the calyx is tubular, pentagonal, five-toothed. The fruit is an egg-shaped multi-seeded capsule, covered with hard spines, opening with four valves. The seeds are large, flattened, matte black. Blooms in July-September, bears fruit from July.

    Spreading. Mainly the middle and southern zone of the European part of the country. Central Asia, Crimea, Caucasus, Altai. Introduced into culture in Ukraine and the Krasnodar region. Indian datura - Datura innoxia Mill - is also cultivated there.

    Habitat. In vacant lots, vegetable gardens, along roads, near housing, in fields. Sometimes there are industrial thickets.

    Preparation. Developed leaves are collected with caution during the flowering phase of the plant until autumn, but in dry weather. In the fall, the entire plant is pulled out, the leaves are torn off, the stems are burned, and the ash is used for fertilizer. Before burning the stems, shake off the seeds from the pods.

    Drying. Possible in attics under a metal roof, with good ventilation, with frequent stirring. The raw materials are spread in a layer of 2-3 cm. Best quality raw materials are obtained in dryers at a temperature of 40-45°C. Drying is completed when the midrib becomes brittle. Yield of dry raw materials 12-14%

    External signs. According to GF XI, the leaves are dark green above, shiny, light green below, ovoid, with a wedge-shaped base, pointed at the apex, unevenly deeply notched; large lobes sparsely toothed, bare; petioles are cylindrical, of different lengths. The venation is pinnate. The length of the leaf blade is up to 25 cm. The width is about 20 cm. The leaf is dark green on the upper side, lighter on the lower side. The veins are white, round (diagnostic sign), clearly visible, sharply protruding from the lower side. In the raw material, the leaves are partially broken. The smell is weak, narcotic, intensifying when soaked. Poisonous! Defects in raw materials include the admixture of brown leaves, other parts of the plant, crushed parts, weeds, and sand. The authenticity of raw materials is determined by external signs and microscopically. The hairs are multicellular, coarsely warty and small capitate hairs, on a short stalk, with a multicellular, often inclined head. Calcium oxalate in the form of numerous drusen.

    Chemical composition. Alkaloids - hyoscyamine and scopolamine. According to Global Fund XI, their content is required to be at least 0.25%, and the fruits and seeds of the Indian Datura contain 0.2-0.5%. When the content of alkaloids in the leaves of Datura vulgare is more than 0.25%, the leaves are released for the preparation of preparations in correspondingly smaller quantities.

    Storage. The leaves are hygroscopic and quickly become damp, so they should be stored in well-packed containers in a dry, well-ventilated area. Shelf life: 2 years. Leaves and "Astmatin" are stored according to list B.

    Medicines. Cigarettes "Astmatin". The oil is stupid.

    Application. Antispasmodic. Datura leaves are the main raw material for the drug "Astmatin" and are used for smoking for asthma.

    Oil of intoxication (Oleum Stramonii). Transparent oily liquid from yellow to yellow-green in color, with a peculiar odor. It is used externally for rubbing for neuralgia and rheumatism. Included in liniments for rubbing.

    Datura (stinky dope) annual plant of the nightshade family, growing 40-100 cm in height, has a rather unpleasant odor, but its flowers have a sweet smell, which, when inhaled, makes your head stupefy. Mexico is considered the homeland of Datura and North America. Widely distributed as a ruderal weed in southern regions Russia. It can grow both in the garden and on a personal plot. The stem is erect, smooth, branched in the upper half. The leaves are 7-20 cm long, ovate with a pointed tip and sharp lobes, green above, lighter below. The flowers are white, sometimes lilac along the veins, large, funnel-shaped, 7-12 cm long, located singly in the forks of the stem and branches on straight, fluffy pedicels sticking up. Blooms in May-September, bears fruit in July. The fruits are large, 5-7 cm long, ovoid, erect, green capsules, covered with hard thorns. Thanks to the tap root, it can be easily pulled out of the soil.

    To use it in medicinal purposes They mainly use seeds and leaves. remember - Datura is very poisonous, as it absorbs a lot of nitrates; all parts of the plant are poisonous, but the seeds are especially dangerous. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but contact an experienced specialist. In modern medicine, Datura is used to treat whooping cough and asthmatic attacks.

    Collection and storage.

    When preparing Datura vulgare, you must remember that the plant is poisonous. When collecting you should exercise extreme caution. The seeds and leaves of the plant have the main value. The herb is collected only in dry weather, as wet leaves turn black if they are torn from the stem. The time for collecting grass, the beginning of summer, when the plant collects juice. The collection of raw materials must be carried out with gloves. The leaves are plucked after the flower buds emerge. The petioles are torn off. It is impossible to dry the collected raw materials in a living room, much less in an oven. It is better to use an attic or barn roof with good air ventilation. The leaf is dried well if its veins become brittle. Datura grass seeds are stored after the capsules are fully ripe, when they become completely brown. The ripe seed should be black and shiny. You can dry the seeds in an oven. However, it is not recommended to raise the temperature above forty degrees. The finished raw materials are divided into leaves, flowers and seeds and prepared separately in tightly closed jars. Prepared flowers, leaves and seeds are stored separately in tightly closed jars. Such preparations can be stored for 2 years. After any work with the plant, you must wash your hands well.

    Some gardeners grow datura vulgare in their country houses and personal plots. This is a fairly unpretentious plant to grow, but very dangerous, especially for children and pets. Planting and caring for dope yourself requires increased precautions.

    Chemical composition and beneficial properties of Datura vulgare.

    Datura vulgare contains the following elements and substances:
    • Essential oils;
    • Scopolamine, atropine, hyoscyamine;
    • Alkaloids:
    • Tannins;
    • Carotene;
    • Micro- and Macroelements;
    • Fatty oils;
    • Organic acids.
    Thanks to the rich chemical composition Datura herb has the following medicinal properties:
    • Antispasmodic;
    • Antitussive;
    • Calming;
    • Painkiller;
    • Narcotic;
    • Anti-inflammatory;
    • Bronchodilator.

    Preparations prepared from the datura herb plant contribute to:

    The leaves of Datura are used to produce Asmatin cigarettes, used by asthmatics for smoking. In such cases, people recommended breathing in the smoke of leaves burning on the stove. As a painkiller, tincture and infusion of Datura seeds are used for stomach colic and stomach cancer.

    Recipes for medicines from Datura vulgare.

    BREW: Thirty grams of dried and crushed dope leaves, pour 10 liters of water and set the fire to a boil., simmer for 10-15 minutes, cool and strain. Add this remedy to a bath filled with hot water. for the treatment of rheumatism. The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes. The course of therapy is twenty days. Healing baths must be used every other day.

    INFUSION: Pour 20 grams of dried leaves into 1 cup of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then pour it into a bucket of warm water and leave for another 1 hour. Use when a straight line falls out intestines in the form of baths, also with mastitis and tumors in the form of lotions: to do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of infusion in 100 ml of water.

    TINCTURE: 100 gr. crushed seeds, pour 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol and leave for 2 weeks. Take 4 times a day before meals, diluting 2 drops of tincture per tablespoon of water, with severe cough, bronchial asthma. The same tincture is used with paralysis 4 times a day before meals, 2 drops of tincture, diluted in 2 tablespoons.

    INFUSION: Mix 4 grams of dope seeds in a box with 4 grams of adonis and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes and strain. Take 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon, for stomach cancer

    INFUSION: 20 grams of dope seeds pour 200 ml hot water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain and add an equal amount of water. Now you can make lotions, for erysipelas of the eyes

    BREW: Pour 2 tablespoons of dry leaves into 200 ml of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 5 minutes. Do inhalations for asthma, spasms of the respiratory tract, persistent cough and cramps of various kinds. You need to inhale the vapor immediately for 15 minutes.

    For bronchial asthma, Datura is used in the form of cigarettes. To do this, mix 8 grams of crushed dope leaves, 2 grams of crushed henbane and 1 gram of potassium nitrate. Ready-made cigarettes are available for sale at any pharmacy.

    JUICE: Grind fresh datura herb through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice using gauze. Take 2 times a day 1 drop of juice dissolved in 2 tablespoons of water, for depression, epilepsy and acute sexual desire in women.

    BREW: 20 grams fresh leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for another 5 minutes in a water bath. Inhale steam through your nose for 15 minutes for cough, bronchial asthma.

    INFUSION: 1 teaspoon of powdered seeds, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cover and let steep for 30 minutes and strain. Take 2 teaspoons, 3 times a day, for stomach cancer and for pain relief.

    BREW: Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves or seeds into 1 glass of water and place in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then let it brew for 20 minutes and strain. Before taking, 1 teaspoon of the prepared decoction is poured into 100 ml of water and used for external use. for arthritis, arthrosis, inflammatory processes of the eyes, for toothache.

    INFUSION: Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of Datura flower raw material, cover with a lid and let steep for 1 hour. The concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of warm water. Take as a sitz bath 3 times a day for 15 minutes, or until the water cools down, for treatment of hemorrhoids and uterine prolapse.

    BREW: Pour 1 teaspoon of powdered raw material into 2 glasses of water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then cover and let it sit for 30 minutes and strain. Do douching once a day for 2 weeks, for treatment of hemorrhoids and uterine prolapse, but only after agreement with the doctor.

    OIL INFUSION: Datura seeds are sold in pharmacies and used for hair removal. In place of the removed hair, the skin becomes soft and beautiful. The oil infusion is especially effective in removing hair on the legs. It should be used for a long time, 2-3 months, and then it is almost guaranteed that hair will no longer appear there. But even if they do not disappear completely, they will become much lighter, thinner and will be much easier to remove during hair removal.

    Preparations from Datura vulgare have: a bronchodilator effect; helps block the activity of cholinoreactive systems in the human body; reduces the secretion of salivary, gastric and sweat glands; tones the respiratory system well; reduces overall muscle tone.


    The use of Datura is contraindicated:

    • for glaucoma;
    • during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
    • with individual intolerance.