Electric welded pipe GOST 10705 80




GOST 10705-80

Publishing house of standards



Date of introduction 01.01.82

This standard applies to straight-seam electric-welded steel pipes with a diameter from 10 to 530 mm made of carbon and low-alloy steel, used for pipelines and structures for various purposes.

The standard does not apply to steel pipes, used for the manufacture of thermal electric heaters.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).


1.1. The dimensions and maximum deviations of pipes must comply with GOST 10704 -91


2.1. Electric-welded steel pipes are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and according to technical regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Depending on the quality indicators, pipes are manufactured into the following groups:

A - with standardization of mechanical properties of calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 (category 4 according to GOST 16523-89, category 4 according to GOST 14637 -89);

B - with standardization of the chemical composition of calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1 St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 and GOST 14637 -89, from calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades 08, 10, 15 and 20 according to GOST 1050-88, from steel grade 08Yu according to GOST 9045

B - with standardization of mechanical properties and chemical composition of calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 (category 4 according to GOST 16523-89 and categories 2-5 according to GOST 14637 -89), from calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades 08, 10, 15 and 20 according to GOST 1050-88, from steel grade 08YU according to GOST 9045-93, from low-alloy steel grade 22GYu with the chemical composition given in (pipes with a diameter of 140 to 426 mm);

D - with normalization of test hydraulic pressure.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5).

2.3. Pipes are manufactured by heat treatment (throughout the entire volume of the pipe or along the welded joint), hot-reduced and without heat treatment.

The type of heat treatment throughout the entire volume of the pipe is chosen by the manufacturer. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the pipes are thermally treated in a protective atmosphere.

Pipes made from steel grade 22GYu are produced by heat treatment along the welded joint or throughout the entire volume, pipes made from steel grade St1 are made without heat treatment.

2.4. The mechanical properties of the base metal of heat-treated and hot-reduced carbon steel pipes must comply with the standards specified in. The mechanical properties of heat-treated pipes made of steel grade 22ГУ are established by agreement of the parties.

2.5. The mechanical properties of the base metal of pipes with a diameter of 10 to 152 mm inclusive without heat treatment and with heat treatment of the welded joint must comply with the standards specified in Table. . The mechanical properties of the base metal of pipes with a diameter of over 152 to 530 mm inclusive without heat treatment and with heat treatment of the welded joint must comply with the standards specified in.

2.6. . Cracks, spots, dents, flaws and risks are not allowed on the surface of the pipes.

Ripples, nicks, dents, small scratches, a layer of scale and traces of stripping are allowed provided that they do not take the wall thickness and diameter of the pipe beyond the maximum deviations. Edge displacement up to 10% of the nominal wall thickness is allowed.

The surface of pipes heat-treated in a protective atmosphere should be free of scale. The presence of an oxide film is allowed.

Lack of penetration in seams must be welded, and the welding area must be cleaned. By agreement with the consumer, on pipes with a diameter of 159 mm or more, in places where seams are repaired by welding, a displacement of the welded edges is allowed by no more than 20% of the nominal wall thickness and the height of the reinforcement bead is not more than 2.5 mm.

Repairs by welding the base metal of pipes are not allowed.

In the case of repair by welding of pipes that have undergone heat treatment, they are subjected to repeated heat treatment (respectively throughout the entire volume or along the welded joint).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5).

2.7. On pipes with a diameter of 57 mm or more, one transverse seam is allowed.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, one transverse seam is allowed on pipes with a diameter of less than 57 mm.

2.8. External beads on pipes must be removed. At the deburring site, the wall may be thinned by 0.1 mm above the minus tolerance.

At the request of the consumer, on pipes with an internal diameter of 33 mm or more, the internal burr must be partially removed or flattened, while the height of the burr or its traces should not exceed 0.35 mm - with a wall thickness of less than 2 mm; 0.4 mm - with a wall thickness of 2 to 3 mm; 0.5 mm - for wall thickness over 3 mm.

The height of the internal flash or its traces for pipes with an internal diameter of less than 33 mm is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

2.9. The ends of the pipes must be cut at right angles and cleared of burrs. The formation of a chamfer is allowed. The cutting angle for pipes with a diameter of up to 219 mm should not exceed 1 mm, and for pipes with a diameter of 219 mm or more - 1.5 mm. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, pipes are made cut in the mill line.

2.10. At the consumer's request, the ends of pipes with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more must be chamfered at an angle of 25-30° to the end of the pipe and an end ring 1.8 mm wide must be left.± 0.8 mm. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the bevel angle and width of the end ring can be changed.

2.11. The pipes must withstand the test hydraulic pressure. Depending on the test pressure, pipes are divided into two types:

I - pipes with a diameter of up to 102 mm - test pressure 6.0 MPa (60 kgf/cm2) and pipes with a diameter of 102 mm and more - test pressure 3.0 MPa (30 kgf/cm2);

II - pipes of groups A and B, supplied at the request of the consumer with test hydraulic pressure calculated according to GOST 3845-75, with a permissible stress equal to 90% of the standard yield strength for pipes made of this steel grade, but not exceeding 20 MPa (200 kgf/ cm 2).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3, Amendment No. 5).

2.12. Heat-treated pipes made of steel grades St3sp, St3ps (categories 3-5), 10, 15 and 20 with a wall thickness of at least 6 mm must withstand the impact bending test of the base metal. In this case, the standards of impact strength must correspond to those specified in.

2.13. Heat-treated pipes with a diameter of up to 152 mm inclusive, hot-reduced pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of more than 20 to 152 mm inclusive and a wall thickness of 0.06 Dn or less, as well as pipes with heat treatment of the welded joint must withstand the flattening test.

Flattening of heat-treated pipes should be carried out to the distance between the flattening planes H, mm, calculated by the formula


Where A- the coefficient for pipes made of steel grades 08Yu, 08kp, 8ps, 08, 10kp, St2kp is 0.09, and for pipes made of other steel grades it is 0.08;

S - nominal wall thickness, mm;

Dn - nominal outer diameter of the pipe, mm.

Flattening of pipes without heat treatment should be carried out to a distance equal to 2/3 Dn. Flattening of pipes with heat treatment of the welded joint should be carried out to a distance equal to 1/2 Dn.

At the request of the consumer, flattening of heat-treated pipes with a diameter of over 152 to 530 mm should be carried out to a distance equal to 2/3 Dn.

(Changed version of Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 3, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5).

2.14. Pipes with a diameter of up to 108 mm must withstand the expansion test.

Pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of up to 20 mm, as well as with a diameter of 20-60 mm with a wall thickness of more than 0.06 DN, are not tested for expansion.

Increasing the outer diameter of heat-treated ones. pipes during distribution must comply with the standards specified in.

The increase in the outer diameter of pipes without heat treatment during distribution should be at least 6%.

At the request of the consumer, the increase in the outer diameter when distributing heat-treated pipes with a wall thickness of up to 4 mm from steel grades 10kp, St2kp should be at least 12%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 4).

2.15. At the request of the consumer, pipes must withstand the tests provided for in paragraphs. -

The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 219 to 530 mm, which has undergone heat treatment throughout the entire volume of the pipe or heat treatment of the welded joint, must comply with the standards specified in . The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 50 to 203 mm, which has undergone heat treatment throughout the entire volume of the pipe or heat treatment of the welded joint, must be at least 0.9 of the standards specified in .

The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of 50 mm or more must comply with the standards specified in table. And .

2.19. Pipes must be sealed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).


3.1. Pipes are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of pipes of the same size, one steel grade, one type of heat treatment and one manufacturing group, accompanied by one quality document, according to GOST 10692-80

with addition chemical composition steel in accordance with the document on the quality of the enterprise - the manufacturer of the workpiece.

The number of pipes in a batch should be no more than, pcs.:

1000 - with a diameter of up to 30 mm;

600 - with a diameter of St. 30 to 76 mm;

400 - with a diameter of St. 76 to 152 mm;

200 - with a diameter of St. 152 mm.

3.2. In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the chemical composition, at least one pipe from the batch is selected for testing.

3.3. Each pipe is subjected to control of the dimensions and quality of the pipe surface. It is allowed to control dimensions and surfaces selectively on each batch with a one-stage normal level of control in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18242-72. Control plans are established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

3.3a. Welded seams of pipes of groups A, B and C must be subjected to 100% testing using non-destructive methods.

When carrying out non-destructive testing along the perimeter of the entire pipe, hydraulic testing of pipes of the form I is allowed not to be carried out.

Allowed instead of non-destructive testing of welded seams of pipes of the type I test each pipe with increased hydraulic pressure, calculated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3845-75 at a permissible stress equal to 85% of the yield strength for pipes with a diameter of 273 mm or more and 75% of the yield strength for pipes with a diameter of less than 273 mm, but not exceeding 12 MPa (120 kgf/cm2).

Group D pipes must be subjected to hydraulic pressure testing or weld inspection using non-destructive methods.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 3). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). (Amendment,).

3.4. To check the height of the internal flash, 2% of the pipes from the batch are selected.

3.5. To test for flattening, expansion, beading, bending, impact strength, the tendency of the base metal of pipes to mechanical aging, tensile strength of the base metal and weld, two pipes are selected from the batch.

The yield strength of the base metal of pipes is determined at the request of the consumer.

At the request of the consumer, impact strength is not determined.

Pipes subjected to the flattening test are not subjected to the expansion test.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.6. If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of pipes selected from the same batch.

The results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch.

3.7. The welding places of pipes of groups A, B, C must be checked by non-destructive methods, and the repaired pipes must be tested with hydraulic pressure in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.3a of this standard.

Places where seams are welded in pipes of group D must be tested using non-destructive methods, or pipes after repair must be tested with hydraulic pressure.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1, Amended edition, Amendment No. 5).


4.1. For quality control, one sample is cut from each selected pipe for each type of test, and for impact strength testing, three samples are cut for each test temperature. GOST 12351 -81; GOST 12352-81; GOST 12353-78; GOST 12354-81. Samples to determine the chemical composition are taken according to GOST 7565-81.

4.3. Inspection of the pipe surface is carried out visually. The depth of defects is checked by filing or another method.

It is allowed to control the surface and dimensions of pipes using non-destructive methods according to technical documentation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.4. Pipes measure:

length - tape measure according to GOST 7502-89.

outer diameter and ovality - with an adjustable measuring clamp according to GOST 2216-84 or a caliper according to GOST 166-89 or a micrometer according to GOST 6507-89;;

or calipers according to GOST 5378-88. In case of disagreement in quality assessment, the cut angle is checked with a charcoal cutter and a probe;

end ring at the ends of the pipes - a ruler in accordance with GOST 427 -75;

depth of surface defects - using a depth gauge according to GOST 162-90. The outer diameter of the pipe is measured at a distance of at least 15 mm from the end of the pipe for pipes with a ratio of the outer diameter to the wall thicknessD H/ S H equal to 35 or less; at a distance of at least 2/3 D H - for pipes with ratioD H/ S H over 35 to 75; at a distance of at least D H - for pipes with ratioD H/ S H over 75.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

4.5. The impact bending test is carried out on longitudinal samples of type 3 according to GOST 9454-78, cut from a section of pipe located at an angle of about 90° to the weld.

Impact strength is determined as the arithmetic mean value based on the test results of three samples. On one of the samples, a decrease in impact strength by 9.8 is allowed· 10 4 J/m 2 (1 kgf · m/cm 2).

The temperature for impact bending testing of pipes made of steel grades 08, 10, 15 and 20 is selected by the consumer.

4.6. The tendency of the base metal of pipes to mechanical aging is determined according to GOST 7268-82. It is allowed to edit samples with a static load.

4.7. The tensile test is carried out according to GOST 10006-80 on a longitudinal (in the form of a strip or a pipe section) proportional short sample.

When testing on samples of a segmented section, the latter is cut out from a section located at an angle of about 90° to the weld and is not straightened in the calculation part.

Instead of tensile testing, it is allowed to monitor the tensile strength, yield strength and relative elongation of pipes using non-destructive methods.

If disagreements arise, pipe testing is carried out in accordance with GOST 10006-80.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.8. The flattening test is carried out according to GOST 8695 -75

4.9. The expansion test is carried out according to GOST 8694-75 on a mandrel with a taper of 30°. It is allowed to use mandrels with a taper of 1:10 and remove burrs in the distribution area.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

4.10. The bend test is carried out according to GOST 3728-78. Pipes with a diameter of 114 mm are tested on cut longitudinal strips 12 mm wide.

4.11. The boarding test is carried out in accordance with GOST 8693-80. In the flanging area, deburring is allowed.

4.12. Determination of the tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 50-30 mm is carried out on ring samples according to technical documentation.

On pipes with a diameter of 219 mm or more, it is allowed to carry out testing in accordance with GOST 6996-66 on type XII samples with the welded joint reinforcement removed, cut perpendicular to the pipe axis, using a static load when straightening the samples.

4.13. Hydraulic testing of pipes is carried out in accordance with GOST 3845-75 with a pressure exposure of 5 s.

4.14. Inspection of the weld is carried out using non-destructive methods (ultrasonic, eddy current, magnetic or x-ray equivalent methods) according to technical documentation.


5.1. Labeling, packaging, transportation and storage in accordance with GOST 10692-80. -89 -88 -72 -88 -91

5. REISSUE (June 1993) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in December 1986, December 1987, June 1989, July 1991; May 1999 (IUS 2-7, 3-8, 10-9, 10-1; 7-1999). Amendment (IUS 5-2005)




GOST 10705-80

Publishing house of standards



Date of introduction 01.01.82

This standard applies to straight-seam electric-welded steel pipes with a diameter from 10 to 530 mm made of carbon and low-alloy steel, used for pipelines and structures for various purposes.

The standard does not apply to steel pipes used for the manufacture of thermal electric heaters.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).


1.1. The dimensions and maximum deviations of pipes must comply with GOST 10704 -91


2.1. Electrically welded steel pipes are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and technical regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Depending on quality indicators, pipes are manufactured into the following groups:

A - with standardization of mechanical properties of calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 (category 4 according to GOST 16523-89, category 4 according to GOST14637 -89);

B - with standardization of the chemical composition of calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1 St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 and GOST14637 -89, from calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades 08, 10,15 and 20 according to GOST 1050-88, from steel grade 08Yu according to GOST 9045

B - with standardization of mechanical properties and chemical composition of mild, semi-mild and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 (category 4 according to GOST 16523-89 and categories 2-5 according to GOST14637 -89), from calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades 08, 10,15 and 20 according to GOST 1050-88, from steel grade 08YU according to GOST 9045-93, from low-alloy steel grade 22GYu with the chemical composition given in (pipes with a diameter of 140 to 426 mm) ;

D - with normalization of test hydraulic pressure.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5).

2.3. Pipes are manufactured heat-treated (throughout the entire volume of the pipe or along the welded joint), hot-reduced and without heat treatment.

The type of heat treatment throughout the pipe volume is chosen by the manufacturer. By agreement of the manufacturer and the consumer, the pipes are thermally treated in a protective atmosphere.

Pipes made from steel grade 22GYu are produced by heat treatment at the welded joint or throughout the entire volume; pipes made from steel grade St1 are produced without heat treatment.

2.4. The mechanical properties of the base metal of heat-treated and hot-reduced carbon steel pipes must comply with the standards specified in. The mechanical properties of heat-treated pipes made of steel grade 22ГУ are established by agreement of the parties.

2.5. The mechanical properties of the base metal of pipes with a diameter of 10 to 152 mm inclusive without heat treatment and with heat treatment of the welded joint must comply with the standards specified in table. . The mechanical properties of the base metal of pipes with a diameter of over 152 to 530 mm, inclusive, without heat treatment and with heat treatment of the welded joint must comply with the standards specified in.

2.6. . Cracks, spots, dents, flaws and risks are allowed on the surface of the pipe.

Ripples, nicks, dents, small scratches, a layer of scale and traces of stripping are allowed provided that they do not take the wall thickness and diameter of the pipe beyond the maximum deviations. Displacement of edges up to 10% of the nominal wall thickness is allowed.

The surface of pipes heat-treated in a protective atmosphere should be free of scale. The presence of an oxide film is allowed.

Lack of penetration in seams must be welded and the welding area must be cleaned. By agreement with the consumer, on pipes with a diameter of 159 mm or more, in places where seams are repaired by welding, a displacement of the welded edges is allowed by no more than 20% of the nominal wall thickness and the height of the reinforcement bead is not more than 2.5 mm.

Repairs by welding the base metal of pipes are not allowed.

In the case of repair of welded pipes that have undergone heat treatment, they are subjected to repeated heat treatment (respectively throughout the entire volume or along the welded joint).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5).

2.7. On pipes with a diameter of 57 mm or more, one transverse seam is allowed.

By agreement of the manufacturer and the consumer, one transverse seam is allowed on pipes with a diameter of less than 57 mm.

2.8. External beads on pipes must be removed. At the deburring site, the wall may be thinned by 0.1 mm above the minus tolerance.

At the request of the consumer, in pipes with an internal diameter of 33 mm or more, the internal burr must be partially removed or flattened, while the height of the burr or its traces should not exceed 0.35 mm - with a wall thickness of less than 2 mm; 0.4 mm - with a wall thickness of 2 to 3 mm; 0.5 mm - for wall thickness over 3 mm.

The height of the internal flash or its traces for pipes with an internal diameter of less than 33 mm is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

2.9. The ends of the pipes must be cut at right angles and cleared of burrs. The formation of a chamfer is allowed. The cutting angle for pipes with a diameter of up to 219 mm should not exceed 1 mm, and for pipes with a diameter of 219 mm or more - 1.5 mm. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the pipes are made cut in the mill line.

2.10. At the request of the consumer, the ends of pipes with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more should be chamfered at an angle of 25-30° to the end of the pipe and an end ring 1.8 mm wide should be left± 0.8 mm. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the bevel angle and width of the end ring can be changed.

2.11. The pipes must withstand the test hydraulic pressure. Depending on the test pressure, pipes are divided into two types:

I - pipes with a diameter of up to 102 mm - test pressure 6.0 MPa (60 kgf/cm2) and pipes with a diameter of 102 mm or more - test pressure 3.0 MPa (30 kgf/cm2);

II - pipes of groups A and B, supplied at the request of the consumer with test hydraulic pressure calculated according to GOST 3845-75, with a permissible stress equal to 90% of the standard yield strength for pipes made of this steel grade, but not exceeding 20 MPa (200 kgf/cm 2) .

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3, Amendment No. 5).

2.12. Heat-treated pipes made of steel grades St3sp, St3ps (categories 3-5), 10, 15 and 20 with a wall thickness of at least 6 mm must withstand the impact bending test of the base metal. In this case, the standards of impact strength must correspond to those specified in.

2.13. Heat-treated pipes with a diameter of up to 152 mm inclusive, hot-reduced pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of more than 20 to 152 mm inclusive and a wall thickness of 0.06 Dn or less, as well as pipes with heat treatment of the welded joint must withstand the flattening test.

Flattening of heat-treated pipes should be carried out to the distance between the flattening planes H, mm, calculated by the formula


Where A- the coefficient for pipes made of steel grades 08Yu, 08kp, 8ps, 08, 10kp, St2kp is 0.09, and for pipes made from other steel grades it is 0.08;

S - nominal wall thickness, mm;

Dn - nominal outer diameter of the pipe, mm.

Flattening of pipes without heat treatment should be carried out to a distance equal to 2/3 Dn. Flattening of pipes with heat treatment of the welded joint should be carried out to a distance equal to 1/2 Dn.

At the request of the consumer, flattening of heat-treated pipes with a diameter of over 152 to 530 mm should be carried out to a distance equal to 2/3 Dn.

(Changed version of Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 3, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5).

2.14. Pipes with a diameter of up to 108mm must withstand the expansion test.

Pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of up to 20 mm, as well as with a diameter of 20-60 mm with a wall thickness of more than 0.06 DN, are not tested for expansion.

Increasing the outer diameter of heat-treated ones. pipes during distribution must comply with the standards specified in.

The increase in the outer diameter of pipes without heat treatment during distribution should be at least 6%.

At the request of the consumer, the increase in the outer diameter when distributing heat-treated pipes with a wall thickness of up to 4 mm from steel grades 10kp, St2kp should be at least 12%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 4).

2.15. At the request of the consumer, pipes must withstand the tests provided for in paragraphs. -

The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 219 to 530 mm, which has undergone heat treatment throughout the entire volume of the pipe or heat treatment of the welded joint, must comply with the standards specified in . The temporary resistance of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 50 to 203 mm, which has undergone heat treatment throughout the entire volume of the pipe or heat treatment of the welded joint, must be at least 0.9 from the standards specified in .

The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of 50 mm or more must comply with the standards specified in table. And .

2.19. Pipes must be sealed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).


3.1. Pipes are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of pipes of the same size, one steel grade, one type of heat treatment and one manufacturing group, accompanied by one quality document, according to GOST 10692-80

with the addition of the chemical composition of the steel in accordance with the document on the quality of the enterprise - the manufacturer of the workpiece.

The number of pipes in a batch should be no more than, pcs.:

1000 - with a diameter of up to 30 mm;

600 - with a diameter of St. 30 to 76 mm;

400 - with a diameter of St. 76 to 152 mm;

200 - with a diameter of St. 152mm.

3.2. In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the chemical composition, at least one pipe from the batch is selected for testing.

3.3. Each pipe is subjected to control of the dimensions and quality of the pipe surface. It is allowed to control dimensions and surfaces selectively on each batch with a one-stage normal level of control in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18242-72. Control plans are established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

3.3a. Welded seams of pipes of groups A, B and C must be subjected to 100% testing using non-destructive methods.

When carrying out non-destructive testing along the perimeter of the entire pipe, hydraulic testing of the pipe: I is allowed not to be carried out.

Allowed instead of non-destructive testing of welded seams of pipes of the following type: I test each pipe with increased hydraulic pressure, calculated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3845-75, at a permissible stress equal to 85% of the yield strength for pipes with a diameter of 273 mm or more and 75% of the yield strength for pipes with a diameter of less than 273 mm, but not exceeding 12 MPa (120 kgf /cm 2).

Group D pipes must be subjected to hydraulic pressure testing or weld inspection using weld-destructive methods.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 3). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). (Amendment,).

3.4. To check the height of the internal flash, 2% of the pipes from the batch are selected.

3.5. To test flattening, expansion, beading, bending, impact strength, the tendency of the base metal of pipes to mechanical aging, tensile strength of the base metal and weld, two pipes are selected from the batch.

The yield strength of the base metal of pipes is determined at the request of the consumer.

At the consumer's request, impact strength determination is not carried out.

Pipes subjected to the flattening test are not subjected to the expansion test.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.6. If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of pipes selected from the same batch.

The results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch.

3.7. The welding places of pipes of groups A, B, C must be checked by non-destructive methods, and the repaired pipes are tested with hydraulic pressure in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.3a of this standard.

Places where seams of group D pipes are welded must be tested using non-destructive methods, or pipes after repair must be tested with hydraulic pressure.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1, Amended edition, Amendment No. 5).


4.1. To control the quality of each selected pipe, one sample is cut out for each type of test, and for impact strength testing, three samples are cut for each test temperature. GOST12351 -81; GOST12352-81; GOST 12353-78; GOST 12354-81. Samples to determine the chemical composition are taken according to GOST 7565-81.

4.3. Inspection of the pipe surface is carried out visually. The depth of defects is checked by filing or another method.

It is allowed to control the surface and dimensions of pipes using non-destructive methods according to technical documentation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.4. Pipes measure:

length - tape measure according to GOST 7502-89.

outer diameter and ovality - adjustable measuring clamp according to GOST 2216-84 or caliper according to GOST 166-89 or micrometer according to GOST 6507-89;;

or calipers according to GOST 166 GOST5378-88. If there is a disagreement in assessing the quality of the cut, check the cut with a cutter and a probe;

end ring at the ends of the pipes - with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427 -75;

depth of surface defects - using a depth gauge according to GOST 162-90. The outer diameter of the pipe is measured at a distance of at least 15 mm from the end of the pipe for pipes with a ratio of outer diameter to wall thicknessD H/ S H equal to 35 or less; at a distance of at least 2/3 D H - for pipes with ratioD H/ S H over 35 to 75; at a distance of no less D H - for pipes with ratioD H/ S H over 75.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

4.5. The impact bending test is carried out on longitudinal samples of type 3 according to GOST 9454-78, cut from a section of the pipe located at an angle of about 90° to the weld.

Impact strength is determined as the arithmetic mean value based on the test results of three samples. On one of the samples, a decrease in impact strength by 9.8 is allowed· 10 4 J/m 2 (1 kgf · m/cm 2).

The test temperature for impact bending of pipes made of steel grades 08, 10, 15 and 20 is selected by the consumer.

4.6. The tendency of the base metal pipes to mechanical aging is determined according to GOST 7268-82. It is allowed to edit samples with a static load.

4.7. The tensile test is carried out according to GOST 10006-80 on a longitudinal (in the form of a strip or a piece of pipe) proportional short sample.

When testing on samples of a segmental cross-section, the latter is cut out from a section located at an angle of about 90° to the weld and is not straightened in the calculation part.

Instead of tensile testing, it is allowed to monitor the tensile strength, yield strength and relative elongation of pipes using non-destructive methods.

If disagreements arise, pipe testing is carried out in accordance with GOST 10006-80.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.8. The flattening test is carried out according to GOST 8695 -75

4.9. The expansion test is carried out according to GOST 8694-75 on a mandrel with a taper of 30°. It is allowed to use mandrels with a bevel of 1:10 and remove burrs in the distribution area.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

4.10. The bending test is carried out in accordance with GOST 3728-78. Pipes with a diameter of 114 mm are tested on cut longitudinal strips 12 mm wide.

4.11. The typing test is carried out according to GOST 8693-80. In the flanging area, deburring is allowed.

4.12. Determination of the temporary resistance of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 50-30 mm is carried out on ring samples according to technical documentation.

On pipes with a diameter of 219 mm, it is most permissible to carry out testing in accordance with GOST 6996-66 on type XII samples with removed reinforcement of the welded joint, cut perpendicular to the pipe axis, using a static load when straightening the samples.

4.13. Hydraulic testing of pipes is carried out according to GOST 3845-75 with a pressure exposure of 5 s.

4.14. Weld inspection is carried out using non-destructive methods (ultrasonic, eddy current, magnetic or X-ray equivalent method) according to technical documentation.


5.1. Labeling, packaging, transportation and storage according to GOST 10692-80.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy


M. M. Bernstein, N. F. Kuzenko

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated December 25, 1980 No. 5970

3. INSTEAD GOST 10705-63


Item number

Item number

GOST 162-90


GOST 11358 -89 -88 GOST 12351 -80 5. REISSUE (June 1993) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in December 1986, December 1987, June 1989, July 1991; May 1999 (IUS 2-7,3-8, 10-9, 10-1; 7-1999). Amendment (IUS 5-2005)




GOST 10705-80

Publishing house of standards


Date of introduction 01.01.82

This standard applies to straight-seam electric-welded steel pipes with a diameter from 10 to 530 mm made of carbon and low-alloy steel, used for pipelines and structures for various purposes. The standard does not apply to steel pipes used for the manufacture of thermal electric heaters. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).


1.1. The dimensions and maximum deviations of pipes must comply with GOST 10704-91


2.1. Electric-welded steel pipes are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and according to technical regulations approved in the prescribed manner. 2.2. Depending on the quality indicators, pipes are manufactured in the following groups: A - with standardization of mechanical properties from calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 (category 4 according to GOST 16523-89, category 4 according to GOST 14637 -89); B - with standardization of the chemical composition from calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1 St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 and GOST 14637-89, from calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades 08, 10, 15 and 20 according to GOST 1050- 88, from steel grade 08Yu according to GOST 9045-93, from low-alloy steel grade 22GYU with the chemical composition given in table. 1a (pipes with a diameter from 140 to 426 mm); B - with standardization of mechanical properties and chemical composition of calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380-94 (category 4 according to GOST 16523-89 and category 2-5 according to GOST 14637-89), from calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades 08, 10, 15 and 20 according to GOST 1050-88, from steel grade 08Yu according to GOST 9045-93, from low-alloy steel grade 22GYu with the chemical composition given in table. 1a (pipes with a diameter from 140 to 426 mm); D - with normalization of test hydraulic pressure. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5). 2.3. Pipes are manufactured by heat treatment (throughout the entire volume of the pipe or along the welded joint), hot-reduced and without heat treatment. The type of heat treatment throughout the entire volume of the pipe is chosen by the manufacturer. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the pipes are thermally treated in a protective atmosphere. Pipes made from steel grade 22GYu are produced by heat treatment along the welded joint or throughout the entire volume, pipes made from steel grade St1 are made without heat treatment.

Table 1a

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 5). 2.4. The mechanical properties of the base metal of heat-treated and hot-reduced carbon steel pipes must comply with the standards specified in Table. 1. The mechanical properties of heat-treated pipes made of steel grade 22ГУ are established by agreement of the parties.

Table 1

Tensile strength s in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Yield strength s t

N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Relative elongation d5,%

steel grade

08, 08ps, 10kp 10, 10ps, 15kp,
St2sp, St2kp, St2ps 1 5, 15ps, 20kp,
St3sp, St3ps, St3kp 20, 20ps,
St4sp, St4ps, St4kp,
Note. At the request of the consumer, pipes with a wall thickness of 4 mm or more from steel grades St3sp, 15, 15ps are manufactured with a yield strength of 235 N/mm 2 (24 kgf/mm 2), a relative elongation of 23%; from steel grades St4sp, 20, 20ps - with a yield strength - 255 N/mm 2 (26 kgf/mm 2), relative elongation 22%. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, Amendment No. 3, Amendment No. 4 Amendment No. 5). 2.5. The mechanical properties of the base metal of pipes with a diameter of 10 to 152 mm inclusive without heat treatment and with heat treatment of the welded joint must comply with the standards specified in Table. 2. The mechanical properties of the base metal of pipes with a diameter of over 152 to 530 mm inclusive without heat treatment and with heat treatment of the welded joint must comply with the standards specified in table. 3.

table 2

Steel grade

Temporary resistance

rupture s in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2), with outer pipe diameter D, mm

fluidity s t,

N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

with outer diameter of pipes

from 10 to 60 with wall thickness

more than 0.06 D

0.06 D or less

no less

08ps, 08kp, St1ps, St1kp
08, St1sp
10kp, St2kp
10ps, St2ps
10, St2sp
15ps, 20kp
15, 20ps
St4kp, St4ps
Note. At the request of the consumer, for pipes of all grades of steel with a diameter from 10 to 60 mm, the relative elongation increases by 3% compared to the standards given in table. 2.

Table 3

Steel grade

Wall thickness,

Temporary resistance

gap s in,

(kgf/mm 2),

Yield strength s t, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Relative elongation d s, %,

with outer diameter of pipes D, mm

St. 152 to 244.5

St. 244.5 to 377

St. 377 to 530

no less

08.08ps, 08kp 6 or less
10, 10ps, 10kp, St2kp More than 6
St2sp, St2ps 6 or less
More than 6
15, 15ps, 15kp, 6 or less
20, 20ps, 20kpp More than 6
St3sp, St3ps, 6 or less
St3kp More than 6
St4sp, St4ps, 6 or less
St4kp More than 6
22GYU All thicknesses
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 3, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5). 2.6. . Cracks, spots, dents, flaws and risks are not allowed on the surface of the pipes. Ripples, nicks, dents, small scratches, a layer of scale and traces of stripping are allowed provided that they do not take the wall thickness and diameter of the pipe beyond the maximum deviations. Edge displacement up to 10% of the nominal wall thickness is allowed. The surface of pipes heat-treated in a protective atmosphere should be free of scale. The presence of an oxide film is allowed. Lack of penetration in seams must be welded, and the welding area must be cleaned. By agreement with the consumer, on pipes with a diameter of 159 mm or more, in places where seams are repaired by welding, a displacement of the welded edges is allowed by no more than 20% of the nominal wall thickness and the height of the reinforcement bead is not more than 2.5 mm. Repairs by welding the base metal of pipes are not allowed. In the case of repair by welding of pipes that have undergone heat treatment, they are subjected to repeated heat treatment (respectively throughout the entire volume or along the welded joint). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5). 2.7. On pipes with a diameter of 57 mm or more, one transverse seam is allowed. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, one transverse seam is allowed on pipes with a diameter of less than 57 mm. 2.8. External beads on pipes must be removed. At the deburring site, the wall may be thinned by 0.1 mm above the minus tolerance. At the request of the consumer, on pipes with an internal diameter of 33 mm or more, the internal burr must be partially removed or flattened, while the height of the burr or its traces should not exceed 0.35 mm - with a wall thickness of less than 2 mm; 0.4 mm - with a wall thickness of 2 to 3 mm; 0.5 mm - for wall thickness over 3 mm. The height of the internal flash or its traces for pipes with an internal diameter of less than 33 mm is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3). 2.9. The ends of the pipes must be cut at right angles and cleared of burrs. The formation of a chamfer is allowed. The cutting angle for pipes with a diameter of up to 219 mm should not exceed 1 mm, and for pipes with a diameter of 219 mm or more - 1.5 mm. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, pipes are made cut in the mill line. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 2.10. At the request of the consumer, the ends of pipes with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more must be chamfered at an angle of 25-30° to the end of the pipe and an end ring with a width of 1.8 mm ± 0.8 mm must be left. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the bevel angle and width of the end ring can be changed. 2.11. The pipes must withstand the test hydraulic pressure. Depending on the value of the test pressure, pipes are divided into two types: I - pipes with a diameter of up to 102 mm - test pressure 6.0 MPa (60 kgf/cm2) and pipes with a diameter of 102 mm or more - test pressure 3.0 MPa (30 kgf/cm2) cm2); II - pipes of groups A and B, supplied at the request of the consumer with test hydraulic pressure calculated according to GOST 3845-75, with a permissible stress equal to 90% of the standard yield strength for pipes made of this steel grade, but not exceeding 20 MPa (200 kgf /cm 2). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3, Amendment No. 5). 2.12. Heat-treated pipes made of steel grades St3sp, St3ps (categories 3-5), 10, 15 and 20 with a wall thickness of at least 6 mm must withstand the impact bending test of the base metal. In this case, the standards of impact strength must correspond to those indicated in the table. 4.

Table 4

The impact bending test of the base metal of heat-treated pipes made of steel grade 22ГУ is carried out at the request of the consumer, the standards of impact strength are established by agreement of the parties. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5). 2.13. Heat-treated pipes with a diameter of up to 152 mm inclusive, hot-reduced pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of more than 20 to 152 mm inclusive and a wall thickness of 0.06 Dn or less, as well as pipes with heat treatment of the welded joint must withstand the flattening test. Flattening of heat-treated pipes should be carried out to the distance between the flattening planes H, mm, calculated by the formula

Where a - coefficient for pipes made of steel grades 08Yu, 08kp, 8ps, 08, 10kp, St2kp is equal to 0.09, and for pipes made of other steel grades it is equal to 0.08; S - nominal wall thickness, mm; Dn - nominal outer diameter of the pipe, mm. Flattening of pipes without heat treatment should be carried out to a distance equal to 2/3 Dn. Flattening of pipes with heat treatment of the welded joint should be carried out to a distance equal to 1/2 Dn. At the request of the consumer, flattening of heat-treated pipes with a diameter of over 152 to 530 mm should be carried out to a distance equal to 2/3 Dn. (Changed version of Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 3, Amendment No. 4, Amendment No. 5). 2.14. Pipes with a diameter of up to 108 mm must withstand the expansion test. Pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of up to 20 mm, as well as with a diameter of 20-60 mm with a wall thickness of more than 0.06 DN, are not tested for expansion. Increasing the outer diameter of heat-treated ones. pipes during distribution must comply with the standards specified in table. 5.

Table 5

The increase in the outer diameter of pipes without heat treatment during distribution should be at least 6%. At the request of the consumer, the increase in the outer diameter when distributing heat-treated pipes with a wall thickness of up to 4 mm from steel grades 10kp, St2kp should be at least 12%. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3, 4). 2.15. At the request of the consumer, pipes must withstand the tests provided for in paragraphs. 2.16- 2.18 2.16. Heat-treated pipes with a diameter of up to 530 mm inclusive must withstand the bend test. The bend radius for pipes with a diameter of up to 60 mm must be at least 2.5 D N; for the base metal of pipes with a diameter over 60 to 530 mm in accordance with GOST 3728-78, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the bend radius can be reduced. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 2.17. Heat-treated pipes with a diameter of 30 to 159 mm with a D/s ratio of 12.5 or more must pass the bead test. The width of the bent side, measured from the inner surface, must be at least 12% of the internal diameter of the pipe and at least 1.5 times the wall thickness. The flanging angle should be: 90° - for pipes made of steel grades 08, 10, 15, St2; 60° - for pipes made of steel grades 20, St3, St4. 2.18. Pipes with a diameter of 50 mm or more of groups A and B must withstand the tensile test of the welded joint. The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 219 to 530 mm, which has undergone heat treatment throughout the entire volume of the pipe or heat treatment of the welded joint, must comply with the standards specified in Table. 1 . The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 50 to 203 mm, which has undergone heat treatment throughout the entire volume of the pipe or heat treatment of the welded joint, must be at least 0.9 of the standards specified in table. 1 . The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of 50 mm or more must comply with the standards specified in table. 2 and 3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3). 2.19. Pipes must be sealed. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).


3.1. Pipes are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of pipes of the same size, one steel grade, one type of heat treatment and one manufacturing group, accompanied by one quality document, in accordance with GOST 10692-80 with the addition of the chemical composition of the steel in accordance with the quality document of the manufacturer of the workpiece. The number of pipes in a batch should be no more than: 1000 - with a diameter of up to 30 mm; 600 - with a diameter of St. 30 to 76 mm; 400 - with a diameter of St. 76 to 152 mm; 200 - with a diameter of St. 152 mm. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 3.2. In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the chemical composition, at least one pipe from the batch is selected for testing. 3.3. Each pipe is subjected to control of the dimensions and quality of the pipe surface. It is allowed to control dimensions and surfaces selectively on each batch with a one-stage normal level of control in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18242-72. Control plans are established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.3a. Welded seams of pipes of groups A, B and C must be subjected to 100% testing using non-destructive methods. When carrying out non-destructive testing along the perimeter of the entire pipe, hydraulic testing of Type I pipes is permitted not to be carried out. It is allowed, instead of non-destructive testing of type I pipe welds, to test each pipe with increased hydraulic pressure, calculated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3845-75 at an allowable stress equal to 85% of the yield strength for pipes with a diameter of 273 mm or more and 75% of the yield strength for pipes with a diameter of less than 273 mm, but not exceeding 12 MPa (120 kgf/cm2). Group D pipes must be subjected to hydraulic pressure testing or weld inspection using non-destructive methods. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 3). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). (Amendment,). 3.4. To check the height of the internal flash, 2% of the pipes from the batch are selected. 3.5. To test for flattening, expansion, beading, bending, impact strength, the tendency of the base metal of pipes to mechanical aging, tensile strength of the base metal and weld, two pipes are selected from the batch. The yield strength of the base metal of pipes is determined at the request of the consumer. At the request of the consumer, impact strength is not determined. Pipes subjected to the flattening test are not subjected to the expansion test. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 3.6. If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of pipes selected from the same batch. The results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch. 3.7. The welding places of pipes of groups A, B, C must be checked by non-destructive methods, and the repaired pipes must be tested with hydraulic pressure in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.3a of this standard. Places where seams are welded in pipes of group D must be tested using non-destructive methods, or pipes after repair must be tested with hydraulic pressure. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1, Amended edition, Amendment No. 5).


4.1. For quality control, one sample is cut from each selected pipe for each type of test, and for impact strength testing, three samples are cut for each test temperature. 4.2. The chemical composition of steel is determined according to GOST 22536.0-87; GOST 22536.1-88; GOST 22536.2-87; GOST 22536.3-88; GOST 22536.4-88; GOST 22536.5-87; GOST 22536.6-88 GOST 12344-88; GOST 12345-88; GOST 12346-78; GOST 12347-77, GOST 12348-78; GOST 12349-83; GOST 12350-78; GOST 12351-81; GOST 12352-81; GOST 12353-78; GOST 12354-81. Samples to determine the chemical composition are taken according to GOST 7565-81. 4.3. Inspection of the pipe surface is carried out visually. The depth of defects is checked by filing or another method. It is allowed to control the surface and dimensions of pipes using non-destructive methods according to technical documentation. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 4.4. Pipes are measured: length - with a tape measure according to GOST 7502-89. outer diameter and ovality - with an adjustable measuring clamp according to GOST 2216-84 or a caliper according to GOST 166-89 or a micrometer according to GOST 6507-89; or a caliper according to GOST 166-89, or a micrometer according to GOST 6507-89; internal diameter - with a plug in accordance with GOST 14810-69, or with a caliber in accordance with GOST 2015-84, or by subtracting two wall thicknesses from the outer diameter; curvature - with a straight edge according to GOST 8026-92 and a feeler gauge; wall thickness, wall thickness and height of the internal burr - with a micrometer according to GOST 6507-90 or a wall gauge according to GOST 11358-89; displacement of edges - using a template according to technical documentation or a micrometer according to GOST 6507-90 or a depth gauge according to GOST 162-90; The bevel of the cut is ensured by the design of the equipment for processing the ends of pipes, the bevel angle of the chamfer is ensured by a goniometer in accordance with GOST 5378-88. In case of disagreement in quality assessment, the cut angle is checked with a charcoal cutter and a probe; end ring at the ends of the pipes - a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75; depth of surface defects - using a depth gauge according to GOST 162-90. The outer diameter of the pipe is measured at a distance of at least 15 mm from the end of the pipe for pipes with a ratio of outer diameter to wall thickness D H / S H equal to 35 or less; at a distance of at least 2/3 D H - for pipes with a D H / S H ratio of over 35 to 75; at a distance of at least D H - for pipes with a D H / S H ratio over 75. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3). 4.5. The impact bending test is carried out on longitudinal samples of type 3 according to GOST 9454-78, cut from a section of pipe located at an angle of about 90° to the weld. Impact strength is determined as the arithmetic mean value based on the test results of three samples. On one of the samples, a decrease in impact strength by 9.8 · 10 4 J/m 2 (1 kgf · m/cm 2) is allowed. The temperature for impact bending testing of pipes made of steel grades 08, 10, 15 and 20 is selected by the consumer. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 4.6. The tendency of the base metal of pipes to mechanical aging is determined according to GOST 7268-82. It is allowed to edit samples with a static load. 4.7. The tensile test is carried out according to GOST 10006-80 on a longitudinal (in the form of a strip or a pipe section) proportional short sample. When testing on samples of a segmented section, the latter is cut out from a section located at an angle of about 90° to the weld and is not straightened in the calculation part. Instead of tensile testing, it is allowed to monitor the tensile strength, yield strength and relative elongation of pipes using non-destructive methods. If disagreements arise, pipe testing is carried out in accordance with GOST 10006-80. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 4.8. The flattening test is carried out according to GOST 8695-75 4.9. The expansion test is carried out according to GOST 8694-75 on a mandrel with a taper of 30°. It is allowed to use mandrels with a taper of 1:10 and remove burrs in the distribution area. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.10. The bend test is carried out according to GOST 3728-78. Pipes with a diameter of 114 mm are tested on cut longitudinal strips 12 mm wide. 4.11. The boarding test is carried out in accordance with GOST 8693-80. In the flanging area, deburring is allowed. 4.12. Determination of the tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes with a diameter of 50-30 mm is carried out on ring samples according to technical documentation. On pipes with a diameter of 219 mm or more, it is allowed to carry out testing in accordance with GOST 6996-66 on type XII samples with the welded joint reinforcement removed, cut perpendicular to the pipe axis, using a static load when straightening the samples. 4.13. Hydraulic testing of pipes is carried out in accordance with GOST 3845-75 with a pressure exposure of 5 s. 4.14. Inspection of the weld is carried out using non-destructive methods (ultrasonic, eddy current, magnetic or x-ray equivalent methods) according to technical documentation.


5.1. Labeling, packaging, transportation and storage in accordance with GOST 10692-80.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR DEVELOPERS: M. M. Bernshtein, N. F. Kuzenko 2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 25, 1980 No. 5970 3. INSTEAD GOST 10705-63 4. REFERENCE REGULATIVE AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS

Item number

Item number

GOST 162-90

GOST 11358-89

GOST 166-89

GOST 12344-88

GOST 380-88

GOST 12345-88

GOST 427-75

GOST 12346-78

GOST 1050-88

GOST 12347-77

GOST 2015-84

GOST 12348-78

GOST 2216-84

GOST 12349-83

GOST 3728-78

GOST 12350-78

GOST 3845-75

GOST 12351-81

GOST 5378-88

GOST 12352-81

GOST 6507-90

GOST 12353-78

GOST 6996-66

GOST 12354-81

GOST 7268-82

GOST 14637 -89

GOST 7502-89

GOST 14810-69

GOST 7565-81

GOST 16523- -89

GOST 8026-92

GOST 18242-72

GOST 8693-80

GOST 22536.0-87

GOST 8694-75

GOST 22536.1-88

GOST 8695-75

GOST 22536.2-87

GOST 9045-80

GOST 22536.3-88

GOST 9454-78

GOST 22536.4-88

GOST 10006-80

GOST 22536.5-87

GOST 10692-80

GOST 22536.6-88

GOST 10704-91
5. REISSUE (June 1993) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, approved in December 1986, December 1987, June 1989, July 1991; May 1999 (IUS 2-7, 3-8, 10-9, 10-1; 7-1999). Amendment (IUS 5-2005)

GOST 10705-80




Date of introduction 01.01.82

This standard applies to straight-seam electric-welded steel pipes with a diameter of 10 to 630 mm made of carbon and low-alloy steel grades used for pipelines, structures, as well as products for various purposes.

The standard does not apply to steel pipes used for the manufacture of thermal electric heaters.


1.1. The dimensions and maximum deviations of pipes must comply with GOST 10704.


2.1. Electric-welded steel pipes are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and according to technical regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Depending on the quality indicators, pipes are manufactured into the following groups:

A - with standardization of mechanical properties of calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380;

B - with standardization of the chemical composition:

GOST 380;

GOST 1050;

Made from steel grade 08Yu according to GOST 9045;

GOST 19281

B - with standardization of mechanical properties and chemical composition:

From calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380;

From calm, semi-quiet and boiling steel grades 08, 10, 15, 20 according to GOST 1050;

Made from steel grade 08Yu according to GOST 9045;

Made from low-alloy steel grade 22ГУ with a chemical composition according to table 1a (pipes with a diameter from 114 to 630 mm inclusive);

Made from low-alloy steel grades according to GOST 19281 and others regulatory documents with a standardized carbon equivalent of no more than 0.46% (pipes with a diameter from 114 to 630 mm inclusive);

D - with normalization of test hydraulic pressure.

Pipes are made from rolled products in accordance with GOST 14637 (categories 1 - 5), GOST 16523 (category 4), GOST 9045, GOST 19281 and other regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 7)

Table 1a

Steel grade

Mass fraction of elements, %



no more

Note: Permissible deviations in the mass fraction of elements from the standards given in the table must comply with GOST 19281

2.3. Pipes made of carbon steel grades are manufactured by heat treatment (throughout the entire volume of the pipe or along the welded joint), hot-reduced or without heat treatment. Pipes made from steel grade St1 are produced without heat treatment.

Pipes made from low-alloy steel grades are manufactured heat-treated (throughout the entire volume of the pipe or along the welded joint) or without heat treatment.

The type of heat treatment is chosen by the manufacturer. By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer, the pipes are thermally treated in a protective atmosphere.

2.2, 2.3 (New edition, Amendment No. 6).

2.4. The mechanical properties of the base metal of heat-treated and hot-reduced pipes of groups A and B made of carbon and low-alloy steels must comply with the standards specified in. The mechanical properties of the base metal of heat-treated pipes of groups A and B made of steel grade 22ГУ are established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

steel grade

Relative elongation d5,%

steel grade

Tensile strength s in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Yield strength s t N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Relative elongation d5,%

St4sp, St4ps,

08, 08ps, 10kp

10, 10ps, 15kp,

St2sp, St2kp,

20F, 20-KSKH, 06GB

20kp, St3ps,

St3sp, St3kp

09G2S, 09GSF, 13HFA,

17GS, 17G1S, 17G1S-U,

08ХМФЧА, 22ГФ, 26ХМА

Note: At the customer's request, pipes with a wall thickness of 4 mm or more from steel grades St3sp, 15, 15ps are manufactured with a yield strength of 235 N/mm 2 (24 kgf/mm 2), a relative elongation of 23%; from steel grades St4sp, 20, 20ps - with a yield strength - 255 N/mm 2 (26 kgf/mm 2), relative elongation 22%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 6,).

steel grade

Temporary tensile strength s in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2), with the outer diameter of the pipes D, mm

Relative elongation d s,%, with outer diameter of pipes D, mm

St. 19 to 60

St. 60 to 152

from 10 to 60 with wall thickness

St. 60 to 152

more than 0.06 D

0,06 D or less

St1ps, St1kp

10kp, St2kp

10ps, St2ps

St4kp, St4ps

20F, 20-KSKH, 06GB

09G2S, 09GSF, 13HFA, 17GS, 17G1S, 17G1S-U, 08ХМФЧА, 22ГФ, 26ХМА

Note: At the customer’s request, for pipes of all steel grades with a diameter from 10 to 60 mm, the relative elongation increases by 3% compared to the standards given in.

steel grade

Wall thickness, mm

Tensile strength s in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2),

Yield strength s t, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Relative elongation d s,%, with outer diameter of pipes D, mm

St. 152 to 244.5

St. 244.5 to 377

St. 377 to 630

08.08ps, 08kp

10, 10ps, 10kp, St2kp

St2sp, St2ps

15, 15ps, 15kpp, 20, 20ps, 20kpp

St3sp, St3ps, St3kp

St4sp, St4ps, St4kp

All thicknesses

20F, 20-KSKH, 06GB

All thicknesses

09G2S, 09GSF, 13HFA, 13GS,

17GS, 17G1S, 17G1S-U, 08ХМФЧА, 22ГФ, 26ХМА

All thicknesses

All thicknesses

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 7)

2.5. The mechanical properties of the base metal of pipes of groups A and B without heat treatment and with heat treatment of a welded joint with a diameter from 10 to 152 mm inclusive must comply with the standards specified in, with a diameter over 152 to 630 mm inclusive - the standards specified in.

2.6. Cracks, spots, dents, flaws and risks are not allowed on the surface of the pipes.

Ripples, nicks, dents, small scratches, a layer of scale and traces of stripping are allowed provided that they do not take the wall thickness and diameter of the pipe beyond the maximum deviations. Edge displacement up to 10% of the nominal wall thickness is allowed.

The surface of pipes heat-treated in a protective atmosphere should be free of scale. The presence of an oxide film is allowed.

Lack of penetration in seams must be welded, and the welding area must be cleaned. By agreement with the customer, on pipes with a diameter of 159 mm or more, in places where seams are repaired by welding, a displacement of the welded edges is allowed by no more than 20% of the nominal wall thickness and the height of the reinforcement bead is not more than 2.5 mm.

Repairs by welding the base metal of pipes are not allowed.

In the case of repair by welding of pipes that have undergone heat treatment, they are subjected to repeated heat treatment (respectively throughout the entire volume or along the welded joint).

2.7. On pipes with a diameter of 57 mm or more, one transverse seam is allowed.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer, one transverse seam is allowed on pipes with a diameter of less than 57 mm.

2.6, 2.7.

2.8. External beads on pipes must be removed. At the deburring site, the wall may be thinned by 0.1 mm above the minus tolerance.

At the customer's request, on pipes with an internal diameter of 33 mm or more, the internal burr must be partially removed or flattened, while the height of the burr or its traces should not exceed 0.35 mm - with a wall thickness of less than 2 mm; 0.4 mm - with a wall thickness of 2 to 3 mm; 0.5 mm - for wall thickness over 3 mm.

The height of the internal flash or its traces for pipes with an internal diameter of less than 33 mm is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1,).

2.9. The ends of the pipes must be cut at right angles and cleared of burrs. The formation of a chamfer is allowed. The cutting angle for pipes with a diameter of up to 219 mm should not exceed 1.0 mm, with a diameter from 219 to 426 mm inclusive - 1.5 mm, with a diameter of more than 426 mm - 2.0 mm. By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer, the pipes are made cut in the mill line.

2.10. At the customer's request, the ends of pipes with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more should be chamfered at an angle of 25 - 30 ° to the end of the pipe and an end ring with a width of (1.8 ± 0.8) mm should be left. By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer, the bevel angle and width of the end ring can be changed.

2.11. The pipes must withstand the test hydraulic pressure. Depending on the test pressure, pipes are divided into two types:

I - pipes with a diameter of up to 102 mm - test pressure 6.0 MPa (60 kgf/cm 2) and pipes with a diameter of 102 mm and more - test pressure 3.0 MPa (30 kgf/cm 2);

II - pipes of groups A and B, supplied at the customer’s request with test hydraulic pressure calculated according to GOST 3845, with an allowable stress equal to 90% of the standard yield strength for pipes made of this steel grade, but not exceeding 20 MPa (200 kgf/cm 2).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).

2.12. Pipes, heat-treated throughout the entire volume, groups A and B, with a wall thickness of at least 6 mm from steel grades St3sp, St3ps (categories 3-5), 10, 15, 20 and low-alloy steels, must withstand impact bending tests of the base metal . In this case, the standards of impact strength must correspond to those indicated in the table. . The impact bending test of the base metal of heat-treated pipes of groups A and B made of steel grade 22GYU is carried out at the request of the customer; impact strength standards are established by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer.

2.13. Heat-treated pipes with a diameter of up to 152 mm inclusive, hot-reduced pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of more than 20 to 152 mm inclusive and a wall thickness of 0.06D n or less, as well as pipes with heat treatment of the welded joint must withstand the flattening test.

Flattening of heat-treated pipes should be carried out to the distance between the flattening planes N, mm, calculated by the formula

Where A– the coefficient for pipes made of steel grades 08Yu, 08kp, 8ps, 08, 10kp, St2kp is 0.09, and for pipes made of other steel grades it is 0.08;

S– nominal wall thickness, mm;

D n – nominal outer diameter of the pipe, mm.

Flattening of pipes without heat treatment should be carried out to a distance equal to 2/3D H . Flattening of pipes with heat treatment of the welded joint and hot-reduced pipes should be carried out to a distance equal to 1/2D H.

At the customer’s request, flattening of heat-treated pipes with a diameter of over 152 to 530 mm should be carried out to a distance of 2/3D n.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 5,).

2.14. Pipes with a diameter of up to 108 mm must withstand the expansion test.

Pipes with a diameter of up to 108 mm made of carbon steel grades listed in Table 5 must withstand the expansion test.

The increase in the outer diameter of heat-treated pipes during distribution must comply with the standards specified in.

The increase in the outer diameter of pipes without heat treatment during distribution should be at least 6%.

At the customer’s request, the increase in the outer diameter when distributing heat-treated pipes with a wall thickness of up to 4 mm from steel grades 10kp, St2kp should be at least 12%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, , 4,).

2.15. At the customer's request, the pipes must withstand the tests provided for in paragraphs. - .

2.17. Heat-treated throughout the entire volume of carbon steel pipes with a diameter of 30 to 159 mm with a wall thickness of no more than 0.08Dmust withstand the boarding test. The amount of flanging must be at least 24%, while the width of the bent flange, measured from the inner surface of the pipe, must be at least 1.5 times the thickness of the pipe wall.

The flange angle should be:

90° - for pipes made of steel grades 08, 10, 15, St2;

60° - for pipes made of steel grades 20, St3, St4.

The tensile strength of a welded joint of pipes without heat treatment with a diameter of 50 mm or more must comply with the standards specified in and.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, , ,).

2.19. Pipes must be sealed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).


3.1. Pipes are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of pipes of the same size, one steel grade, one type of heat treatment and one manufacturing group, accompanied by one quality document, in accordance with GOST 10692 with the addition of the chemical composition of the steel in accordance with the quality document of the manufacturer of the workpiece.

The number of pipes in a batch should be no more than, pcs.:

1000 - with a diameter of up to 30 mm;

600 - with a diameter of St. 30 to 76 mm;

400 - with a diameter of St. 76 to 152 mm;

200 - with a diameter of St. 152 mm.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.2. In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the chemical composition, at least one pipe from the batch is selected for testing.

3.3. Each pipe is subjected to control of the dimensions and quality of the pipe surface. It is allowed to control dimensions and surfaces selectively on each batch with a one-stage normal level of control in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18242 *. Control plans are established by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

* In the territory Russian Federation GOST R 50779.71-99 is valid **.


3.4. To check the height of the internal flash, 2% of the pipes from the batch are selected.

3.5. To test for flattening, expansion, beading, bending, impact strength, the tendency of the base metal of pipes to mechanical aging, tensile strength of the base metal and weld, two pipes are selected from the batch.

The yield strength of the base metal of the pipes is determined at the customer’s request.

Pipes subjected to the flattening test are not subjected to the expansion test.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1,).