Energy saving in a hotel. Five simple steps to reduce costs and increase comfort and safety in a hotel. Resources and energy-saving technologies Project energy-saving technologies for hotels

  • How quickly does a smart home hotel management system pay for itself?
  • Why is it advisable to place electrical panels at each room?
  • Why install a refrigerator with a transparent door in the kitchen?

Hotel managers often ask themselves questions: what resource-saving technologies should be used in business? Doesn't this approach scare away guests? Will it help improve business profitability? Let's try to figure it out.

The main task of environmental management is to preserve and protect environment through proper waste disposal, saving water and energy. However, it is important to understand that hotel guests are not always ready to make sacrifices and, having paid for the room in full, sit in semi-darkness or dry themselves with one towel for several days. The guest has the right to count on the fact that we are professionals and will be able to significantly reduce the impact of our business on the environment without reducing the level of comfort. Therefore, it is very important to consider environmental aspects when designing a building, engineering systems and design development. There are several possibilities to create and operate a hotel in eco mode.

Smart home building management system

Of course, the use of such a system will increase the total cost of engineering solutions by 20–50 US dollars per 1 sq. m. m of total area (this depends on the size of the building and technical requirements to the operation of engineering systems). For a building with an area of ​​15 thousand square meters. m price increase will be $20 per 1 sq. m. m; for smaller ones - more. However, theory and practice have proven that the use of environmental technologies in the construction and equipping of buildings reduces operating costs (including utility bills for water, sewerage, and electricity) by 20%. This occurs due to the fact that the system selects the most economical mode, and the building's engineering systems switch from daytime to nighttime tariffs. According to experts, the use of smart home technologies makes it possible to recoup costs in the third to fifth year of operation, and then the “intelligent” building begins to bring net profit to the owners (5–7% of all operating costs).

Hypoallergenic coatings

The goal of any hotel is to become a comfortable home for people with different habits, lifestyles, anthropometric data and even diseases. For example, hypoallergenic coatings, professional hotel cleaning products and multi-stage air purification will make the hotel attractive to allergy sufferers (in modern conditions this is a significant part of potential clients). The air purified using a filter system will attract guests during cataclysms, which are not uncommon in large cities. Thus, in the hot summer of 2010, the Garden Ring Hotel was overcrowded: the guests were not only businessmen who came to Moscow on business, but also residents of the capital fleeing the smog - business meetings and events were moved here, and this brought significant profit to the hotel.

Ecological design of guest spaces

Rooms and public areas should be designed to make maximum use of natural light. It is better to divide the light in the room into groups (up to 6–8 groups for a standard room), and also use LED lamps. Place the table in your room closer to the window. It is advisable to install electrical panels for each room, maximum one for two (an electrical panel common to the corridor significantly increases energy losses). It is useful to install card readers (switches) that turn off electrical equipment when a guest leaves the room, as well as buttons to turn off all lighting by the bed (otherwise, in remote corners of the room, the lights will be on all night). It is necessary to provide a sufficient number of sockets: the use of tees and extension cords increases the resistance of the network and increases electricity losses. When the power consumption of the entire room is turned off, the guest should be able to charge a mobile phone or laptop using the sockets installed in the safe (then he will not insert some kind of calendar or plastic rectangle instead of a key into the card reader when leaving the room). Curtains should not block heating radiators.

Many modern resource-saving technologies also exist for bathrooms: aerating (adding air to the water flow) nozzles for taps and showers, economical flush tanks, faucets and urinals with diodes, thermostatic mixers, taps with metal-ceramic inserts instead of rubber gaskets, shower handles with a flow breaker water.

Green back office design

Lighting fixtures should be located where employees are comfortable and equipped with dimmer controls. Use light wallpaper roller blinds or blinds up to the window sill so as not to block the radiators.

Energy efficient equipment

This is especially true for laundries and catering establishments: it is worth using induction cookers and washing machines that operate on hot water. Choose equipment of energy consumption class A. An accurate calculation of capacity is required washing machines(When washing, the tank should be as full as possible). Automatic dosing of professional detergents in washing machines will significantly reduce pollution waste water. Install dishwashers with the function of recycling water for rinsing the next batch of dishes. The use of water treatment makes it possible to avoid or significantly reduce the formation of scale, which allows you to save electricity. Install refrigerators with transparent doors in your restaurant kitchen - this will significantly reduce heat loss from useless opening in search of the desired product. Access to freezers through the refrigerator also significantly reduces cold loss. Energy-efficient placement of equipment is also important: for example, refrigerators and cold rooms should be located far from stoves, stoves and radiators.

It is advisable to consider a central dust removal system that will save electricity due to one source of energy consumption and hood interrupters located on the hose handle. The vacuum cleaner should not run in vain.

Effective solutions for engineering systems and networks

Automated energy accounting systems (dispatching) allow you to control the operation of equipment: they take measurements in real time, eliminating the risk of energy loss due to equipment malfunction. It is necessary to adhere to the regime of optimal temperature control and illumination of premises, especially back-office rooms (offices, warehouses, basements, boiler rooms, etc.). The widespread installation of presence and motion sensors will allow you to control lighting. The guest should not notice that we are saving on his comfort.

The human factor should be excluded. Employees often forget to turn off computers (use card readers and switch to sleep mode), leave the light on in the toilet and other office areas (occupancy sensors will help).

Energy efficient building envelope

Walls, windows, doors must retain heat. For example, using a revolving door at the entrance to a hotel significantly reduces heat loss.

What will give a stable result?

It is not enough to install energy-saving equipment. In order for your hotel to constantly reduce costs, but at the same time remain attractive to customers, I recommend following a number of rules.

1. Savings have become the goal of the entire team. If the engineering service monitors the rational operation of lamps and timely repairs plumbing, you will get a much greater effect from the funds invested in the construction and equipment of the building. Standards for service personnel should include all the necessary little things that a hotel operating in an environmentally friendly manner cannot do without. For example, from the point of view of heat loss, ventilating the room during cleaning is more profitable than opening the windows slightly long term. Using sleep mode for computers in the back office and on counters will help significantly reduce energy costs. You can save energy resources by washing windows and chandeliers, cleaning faucet sprayers, and timely removing scale from appliances.

The individual performance criterion applied to them, which is the basis for calculating the monthly bonus, depends on how well employees follow standards in their work. In addition, the resource conservation management system itself contributes to environmental education and staff education.

2. Correct positioning. Success and long term The operation of the hotel is largely ensured by its concept and recognition. It’s not for nothing that they say: before building a hotel, you need to determine at least ten of its distinctive features. The practice of Western hotel chains and individual hotels shows that the environmental concept allows them to stand out from their competitors. Modern man is concerned about health, so he prefers to breathe clean air, eat organic products, and sleep on a bed made of natural fabrics. And all other things being equal, most likely he will choose a hotel with an eco-concept. In addition, many guests are pleased to know that their stay at a hotel where they enjoy high-quality services does not harm the environment, since the hotel uses the latest environmental developments. Therefore, our company confidently positions its hotels as “modern eco-friendly hotels in the center of the metropolis.”

I think that very soon everyone will be forced to use “green” technologies in construction and design, because energy resources are becoming more expensive every year, and people are becoming more and more demanding of the environment. Accordingly, those hotels that already implement technologies that save on operating costs while maintaining high quality services will be more attractive for investment than their non-green competitors.

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The growing shortage of energy resources and global environmental problems are pushing producers of goods and services everywhere to introduce energy-saving technologies. Russian hoteliers cannot stand aside either - e annual increase in tariffs for public utilities in all regions, it has a negative impact on the profitability of accommodation facilities and forces their owners to seriously think about saving.

In Europe, resource-saving - “green” - technologies began to be mastered back in the late 80s of the twentieth century. In our country, this movement was given an official start by the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

The largest percentage of all operating costs falls on electricity, heat, and water supply. How can you save money?

The first step is to invite specialists to conduct an energy audit in order to draw up an energy passport for the building, which will describe in detail the structure of energy and heat consumption for all departments: rooms, public and work areas, kitchen and restaurant, laundry, etc. Specialists will be able to identify problem points where energy is being wasted. Based on the analysis, they will offer one or another technical solutions, will help you choose equipment, train personnel in the basic rules of its operation and organize warranty and service maintenance.

A significant reduction in energy costs is possible with the widespread use of energy-saving equipment in the building, careful instrumentation of resources and automation of the control of all engineering systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply, etc.). Of course, an integrated approach gives the greatest economic effect. And today, during the construction of new hotel facilities, the expression “smart home” is increasingly heard - this is a functional and effective system for automating all engineering solutions. It allows you not only to save money, but also to easily manage equipment, control all processes, and also create a safe, functional and beautiful interior.

Implementation of full automation of systems in an existing hotel - It’s a very labor-intensive and expensive pleasure, so let’s look at the available options.

Energy saving technologies

Lighting typically accounts for 25 to 40 percent of hotel electricity costs. The simplest and most affordable step to reduce energy costs - installation of energy-saving equipment. These can be presence and motion sensors, twilight switches, energy-saving lamps, which not only significantly reduce operating costs and reduce CO2 emissions. Motion and presence sensors allow you to turn on the lights technical rooms- corridors, warehouses, staircases, etc. - only at the moment when a person appears there. After he leaves, after a while (depending on the settings), the light goes out.

The electricity supply in the room can be controlled using an intelligent energy-saving device, which is activated by a key card for electronic locks. The device is able to distinguish between guest and service cards, and depending on the information read, it activates one or two relays (for example, it turns on electricity for all types of cards, but television only for guests). The time to turn off the light after the card is removed is also programmed - it should be comfortable for people. This device guarantees that when leaving the room, the guest will not leave any electrical appliances on, and allows saving up to 30-40% of electricity in the rooms.

The simplest and affordable way saving energy - replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones with a dimmer or LED. Experts have calculated that savings can range from 40 to 80% of costs, since these lamps have low energy consumption compared to conventional and fluorescent lamps. They are more durable (service life - up to 50,000 hours or 15 years), have protection against power surges and do not flicker, they are environmentally friendly (do not contain mercury, there are no problems with disposal).

And although their price is higher than regular ones, most pay for themselves in less than a year. Thus, replacing 40 halogen lamps with LED lamps in one of the Moscow hotels resulted in annual savings of 130 thousand rubles. They paid off in the first year, and in the subsequent period of their service the hotel’s profit amounted to more than 500 thousand rubles.

Such simple solutions provide a total of about 30-40% energy savings.

When organizing the energy supply of a hotel, experts recommend installing systems emergency lighting and uninterruptible power supply, as well as provide for the possibility of further expansion of the energy system.

Depending on the hotel’s budget, more complex solutions can be applied: install energy-saving elevators, TVs and refrigerators; automatic light intensity controllers, a system for turning off the air conditioner when the window is opened, etc.

Non-traditional energy sources

In certain geographic areas, it is advisable to use non-traditional energy sources - solar panels, wind generators. In Europe, the first wind power plant was launched back in 1900, and today there are millions of them. On average, 1.5% of the world's electricity consumption is generated by wind power plants. The European Environment Agency EEA (European Environment Agency) predicts that by 2020, 60-70% of total electricity consumption will be provided by wind power plants, with about 10% coming from water-based ones. . In Russia, wind generators are practically not used on an industrial scale, but in recent years There are many offers on the market for small businesses and personal households. There are about 1,600 small wind power plants with a capacity of 0.1 to 30 kW in operation in the country.

A small wind generator allows you to fully meet the needs of a small hotel. The installation, weighing 150 kg, produces up to 32 thousand kW/h of electricity per year. It starts working at a wind speed of only 3 m/s. With a generator power of up to 75 kW, no permits or approvals are required.

Solar panels (SB) are installed on the roofs of buildings and side panels of houses, one of the walls of which is oriented to the south. They allow you to get from 1 sq. m of surface up to 150 W electrical energy, durable (service life - more than 20 years). IN middle lane A solar system with a capacity of 1 kW will produce 800 kW/h per year, in the south of the country - up to 1500 kW/h. The cost of one panel today is about 15 thousand rubles, the payback period is from 2 to 20 years.

The market continues to develop rapidly, and solutions have already appeared that offer “solar pipes” for indoor lighting. Using special lenses and reflectors, natural sunlight“collected” and transmitted to the interior of the building, which can partially replace artificial light.

Insertion: Expensive energy saving technologies are actively used where authorities go to compensate for business costs. Thus, the administration of the Krasnodar region, within the framework of the regional target program “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency,” provides subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses. Entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to reimburse up to 50% of the costs they incurred as a result of implementing energy-saving measures, Larisa Grishina, director of the State Public Institution KK Center for Energy Saving and New Technologies, spoke about this in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper.

Saving heat resources

One of the most effective energy-saving heating technologies is the use of heat accumulators, which accumulate heat and ensure the return of thermal energy from waste water, which significantly reduces the cost of electrical heating of the room. Heat storage devices are small in size and weight, and have relatively low cost. They have a simple design, making them durable.

The ideal option is when cost-effective solutions are included in the building design. If this has not been done, then a number of measures can be carried out in the existing hotel to reduce heat loss, starting with a basic inspection. It often happens that some problems can be solved using operational methods (for example, adjusting poorly closing window sashes). Such measures can save resources by 10-15%. More serious work:

To ensure a thermal contour, line the outer walls, technical floors, roofing, floors above the basement with thermal insulation slabs (foam, mineral wool, foam glass and basalt fiber), this will reduce heat loss by up to 40%;

Eliminate cold bridges in the walls and in the junctions of window sashes using heat-protective plasters - effect 2-3%;

Install modern windows with multi-chamber double-glazed windows and frames, with increased thermal resistance, on the glass of which a reflective heat or cold coating is applied;

Glazing facades to accumulate solar radiation can provide an effect of 7 to 40%;

Glazing balconies and loggias - effect 10-12%;

Ensure thermal insulation of the entrance group and interior doors.

The microclimate control system automatically maintains the set temperature in the room; it is programmed depending on the presence of the guest. In a free room, the mode is set to “Economy” (15◦C), upon check-in - “Comfort” (22◦C). The temperature regime is changed by a motion sensor or by a signal from a card switch, or remotely upon check-in.

The integrated use of energy efficient technologies can reduce utility costs by up to 50%. But no equipment will help if the employees themselves do not treat the company’s resources with care. Therefore, as experts advise, “it is necessary to introduce energy management standards, the requirements of which oblige everyone, from the general director to the cleaning lady, to treat energy as a valuable resource.”

INSERT In the global hotel industry, the initiator of the movement to protect the environment was the Rezidor Hotel Group - in 1989 it launched a program ResponsibleBusiness, which subsequently united the following directions.

  • Energy management: Think Planet's five-year campaign (2012), which aims to reduce energy consumption by 25% across all Rezidor Group hotels in Europe, the Middle East and Africa by 2016.
  • Optimization of water resource consumption.
  • Reduce waste.
  • Eco-labeling: today about 220 hotels of the group have the Green Key certificate. The company aims to have all its hotels eco-labeled by 2015.

The Rezidor Group is a partner of the World Cleanup 2013 movement, is a participant in the UN Global Compact initiatives and is a regular participant in the Earth Hour campaign.

The first stage of the program ThinkPlanet was a large-scale energy audit of the company, as a result of which an action plan for energy conservation was developed, which included key project priorities.

Within operational activities hotels emphasize developing good energy conservation habits, such as turning off lights and turning off electrical appliances, optimal use of heating and cooling, careful attention to any issues related to energy conservation, and timely preventive maintenance. The main tools of the Think Planet program are simple and inexpensive solutions:

  • installation of sensors daylight and motion sensors for lighting;
  • reuse of condensate from the air conditioner;
  • installation of an alarm device on freezers.

Significant investments have been made to ensure a complete transition to energy efficient lighting in all hotels, install adjustable exhaust systems in kitchens, and optimize management engineering networks, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Depending on the natural and climatic conditions of the location of the hotels, additional energy-saving measures are carried out in each of them. So in Park Inn by Radisson Tete All sanitary water is heated by just two solar panels, which is 100% renewable energy. In addition, the water used in the hotel, after purification, is used to water the hotel garden. IN RadissonBluHotelEastMidlandsAirport up to 90% of the energy consumed comes from renewable sources, their integrated combined heat and power engine runs on pure vegetable oil. The hotel also has a rainwater harvesting system that is used to flush the toilets. Building RadissonBluWaterfrontHotelStockholm- b More energy efficient than a smart home. Its glass facades are solar collectors that collect 1 mW of energy daily. The building is cooled using water coming from the lake. About 20,000 cubic meters were used for the construction of the hotel. m of recycled materials.

Ksenia Galina

Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation Humanitarian University


Faculty of Social Psychology

Specialty “Social and cultural service and tourism”


Discipline: Engineering and technology in SKSiT

On the topic: Energy saving technologies in modern hotels

Part-time form of study

Course 4 (2008)

Full name student Maksimov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Teacher: Minina O.Yu.



Types of energy

Ways to save energy



energy saving costs energy savings

One of the most expensive types of energy at the moment is heat and, simply, reducing heat loss by insulating premises leads to large savings amounts of money. And today there are a great variety of technologies for reducing costs for this and other types of energy, which justifies the relevance of choosing this topic for an essay.

In the course of the work, we will consider modern, used types of energy, as well as ways to save them and the applied use of the latter in the modern hotel industry.

1. Types of energy

Electricity is the most common type of energy today, although it is the youngest. Only in the second half did the first attempts at the beneficial use of electricity begin, with the invention of the telegraph, electroplating, and also for military purposes (experimental ships and machines with electric motors, electric fuses).

The first sources of energy were chemical reactions when metals interacted through an electrically conductive liquid, in other words, “batteries.” Mass production of electricity began in the late 19th century with the invention of generators. Since that time, electricity has become not only a physical term, but also an economic one of industrial significance.

Why is electrification so important for economic development?

Scientific and technological progress is impossible without the development of energy and electrification. Most modern means of mechanization and automation have an electrical basis (from calculators to complex computing devices and computers), in addition, the partial replacement of human labor with machine labor can significantly increase its productivity. Electrical energy is especially widely used to drive electric motors. The power of electrical machines (depending on their purpose) varies: from fractions of a watt (micromotors used in many branches of technology and in household products) to enormous values ​​exceeding a million kilowatts (power plant generators).

It is worth noting that today there are quite a lot of ways to generate electricity (about a dozen), however, only 3 are predominantly used - these are thermal electric power, nuclear and hydropower, and the first 2 methods are similar in the principle of energy production, only in the case of nuclear energy is thermal energy It is released not by burning organic fuel, but by nuclear fission in a reactor. Therefore, we conclude that thermal energy ranks second in terms of use after electrical energy.

Heat energy - most often the average person encounters thermal energy in the form of heating supplied to our homes during cold seasons, as well as in the form of numerous heating devices.

It is clear from history that heating is an integral part of human life, especially in those regions of the world where summer does not last forever, so the simplest and, therefore, the earliest heating system is a fire built inside a home. Later, there were various philistine forms with clay vaults or heater stoves, which allowed heat to be accumulated, but the combustion products still went first into the room, and only then into the street.

In the 1st century BC. In ancient Rome, there was a more advanced heating system called “hypocaust”, which made it possible to obtain “pure” heat from a stone floor heated from below by stove flue gases. Around the same time, similar systems appeared in different parts of the world, for example, the Korean “ondol”, which exists to this day, or the “gloria” that existed in Spain until the beginning of the twentieth century. Around the same time, the “Russian” heating system appeared, which made a small revolution, since it was mainly designed for two-story buildings. With the advent of large production premises factories and workshops, as well as multi-storey buildings, in the 19th century there was a need for a more heat-intensive system than an air one. So in 1802 in Russian Empire The first articles appeared about the possibility of heating with steam, and in 1816 such a greenhouse already existed in St. Petersburg. Actually, the impetus for steam heating systems was given by the widespread use of steam engines, so the waste steam came in handy. The century gave rise to water heating systems with forced circulation carried out using pumps. This came true with the industrial production of electric motors.

Ways to save energy

Electrical appliance Consumption kWh/year Radio (10 W; 12.5 hours per week) 22 Printer (42 min. per week) 33 Coffee maker (800 W, 4.5 hours per week) 37 Electric kettle (1770 W, 1 liter per day) 38 Iron ( 1500 W, 1 hour per week)39 Deep fryer (2000 W, 24 minutes per week)42 Vacuum cleaner (1200 W, 50 minutes per week)53 VCR (standby)61 Electric grill (1500 W, 1 hour per week)78 Bread maker (600 W, 6 once a week)108Washing machine (3000 W, 3 times a week)110Fax with answering machine (34 W, standby)114Oven (2000 W, 1 hour per week)121Microwave (1400 W, 1.5 hours per week)122Color TV (95 W, 20 hours per week) 146 Air conditioner (1130 W, 4.5 hours per week for 3 months) 203 Electric radiator (2000 W, 7 hours per week for 8 months) 224 Refrigerator (250 W, constantly) 226 Computer (250 W, 20 hours per week) 237 Lamps (180 W, 3 bulbs per 4 hours per day) 250 Dishwasher (3000 W, 4 hours per week) 344 Freezer (30 W, constant) 400 Electric stove (2000 W, 1.25 hours per day )438 Refrigerator with freezer(160 W, constant) 550 Small volume water heaters (2000 W, 20 l per day) 694 Large volume water heater (2000 W, 95 l per day) 2461 Electric toothbrush (20 W), stereo system (50 W), tape recorder (20 W), waffle iron (1000 W), electric drill (500 W), toaster (1000 W), kitchen hood (100 W), sewing machine(70 W), electric mixer (150 W), coffee grinder (20 W), electric meat grinder (200 W), curling iron (40 W), electric juicer (60 W), radio alarm clock (10 W), electric shaver (10 W), hair dryer (600 W), cordless telephone (20 W) Maximum 20 kWh per year, negligible


· maximum use of daylight (increasing transparency and window area, additional windows);

· increasing the reflectivity of surfaces (using interiors in light colors);

· use lighting devices only when necessary;

· replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones;

· Go to LED lighting

Electricity (total):

· optimal placement of electric heating devices to reduce the time and required power of their use;

· use of temperature control devices, incl. devices for automatic switching on and off, power reduction depending on temperature, time timers;

· replacing electric heating with heating using heat pumps;

· replacing electric heating with gas heating or connecting to centralized heating, in cases where such replacement is beneficial taking into account the required investment;

· high-quality insulation of the body (walls), doors of the refrigeration unit, refrigerator, transparent lid in the refrigerator for food, with high-quality insulation;

· purchase of modern energy-saving refrigerators;

· prevent the formation of ice and frost in the refrigerator, defrost in time;

· high-quality heat dissipation - it is not recommended to place a household refrigerator near a radiator or next to a gas stove;

· When air conditioning, windows and doors must be closed - otherwise the air conditioner will cool the street or corridor;

· clean the filter, do not allow it to become heavily soiled;

· it is necessary to configure the automatic maintenance mode optimal temperature without cooling, if possible, the room below 20-22 degrees;

· consider the extent to which it is necessary to install and use air conditioners, including from an architectural point of view (air conditioners hanging on the facades of houses);

· It is necessary to ensure that the air conditioner is turned off at night;

· do not leave chargers for mobile devices plugged in unnecessarily (very important due to the increasing volume of such devices);

· Try to avoid using extension cords, and if necessary, use high-quality extension cords with large gauge wire.

Heat saving

· Reducing heat loss (use of heat-saving and heat-insulating materials during construction/modernization, exterior decoration of buildings)

· Installation of heat-saving window systems and doors.

Energy saving in modern hotels

Accounting for energy resources is a fundamental condition for saving them, although the metering devices themselves cannot be considered as energy-saving equipment.

“The meter records the actual consumption of energy resources at the facility. In accordance with his testimony, settlements with the supplier occur,” comments Tatyana Kislyakova, director of sales and marketing of the Russian representative office of Kamstrup. - Thus, the meter stimulates energy saving, making it economically beneficial to the consumer. In addition, competent operating engineers need instrument readings to analyze the efficiency of the building’s engineering systems and determine the most promising areas for its optimization.”

The meter records only the actual consumption, and in accordance with its indicators, settlements are made with the energy supplier. Allows you to track the volume of use of a particular resource and thus stimulates energy saving. In addition, the readings from the metering device allow competent operating engineers to analyze the efficiency of building systems, as well as identify problems.

But installing metering devices alone is not enough to save resources. For example, some hotels of old construction (before the 90s) are still connected to heating networks using a dependent circuit and have elevator units. Most of them are already equipped with metering units. However, the outdated heat supply scheme does not allow regulating the amount of incoming heat and makes any measures to reduce heat costs pointless. In some cases, it is even necessary to use special collectors for additional cooling of the coolant at the exit from the building, since the penalty for returning overheated water to the city network is much higher than the possible savings on heating.

For this reason, it is recommended to accompany the installation of a metering device with measures to modernize the outdated heating system: equipping the hotel with an ITP (individual heating point) with control loops at the level of heat supply to the building and at the level of heat distribution by zones and types of consumers (ventilation, radiator heating, heated floors, hot water supply, etc.), balancing the load of the heating system among consumers. According to Danfoss specialists, thermal energy savings due to these measures are at least 30%. The same regulation principle should be applied to the refrigeration center when creating a building refrigeration system.

Even if the hotel is equipped with modern energy-saving equipment and has control loops at the level of heat/cold supply of the building and at the level of heat/coolant distribution by zones and types of consumers, its operating modes are most often set manually on local, unrelated controllers, which leads to to uncoordinated operation of the entire system as a whole. The vast majority of hotels do not have detailed accounting, which is why regulation has to be carried out virtually “blindly”, without the ability to assess the effect of a particular action.

According to Vyacheslav Golubev, chief engineer of the Moscow Budapest Hotel, the hotel has installed an ITP with modern system automation, allowing the dispatcher to control the main parameters of the heating system and hot water supply as a whole. However, the temperature in the rooms is maintained using thermostats - devices not under the control of the hotel engineering service dispatcher, which negatively affects energy savings (heat, cold) both in the occupied and in the free room. The guest often, in order to quickly achieve the desired temperature in the room, sets the extreme positions of the thermostat selector, usually min. + 10 and max. + 30°C, while he himself may then be outside the room, which leads to an unreasonable “overheating” or “hypothermia” of the room. After the room is vacated, the maids are responsible for setting the thermostat to economical mode (approximately +18°C), but it is not possible to monitor this.

That is, the efficiency of energy saving here depends on human factor- conscientiousness of hotel staff and conscientiousness of the guest.

The lack of remote control and differentiated accounting does not allow monitoring the correct operating modes of the equipment. Accordingly, the possibilities for planning and assessing the effectiveness of energy saving measures are limited. In addition, any malfunction in the operation of engineering systems can only be detected by a direct visit from an engineer or upon receipt of complaints from guests.

These measures are effective when implemented together. However, in our country, as always, Western experience is adopted very selectively and fragmentarily, in principle negating its effectiveness.

Thus, for the vast majority of Russian hotels, the pinnacle of the struggle is to reduce energy costs by installing energy-saving lamps, motion sensors, and using access keys to supply electricity to the room. At the same time, energy saving measures rarely affect the heating, refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning systems of a hotel, although they account for the lion's share of costs.


Supplement to Kommersant Business Guide 2010

Articles from the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia:



Thermal power engineering

Nuclear energy

Energy saving

Electronic magazine of the energy service company "Ecological Systems" No. 9 2008

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Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation Humanitarian University


Faculty of Social Psychology

Specialty “Social and cultural service and tourism”


Discipline: Engineering and technology in SKSiT

On the topic: Energy saving technologiesliving in modern hotels

Part-time form of study

Course 4 (2008)

Full name student Maksimov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Teacher: Minina O.Yu.



1. Types of energy

2. Ways to save energy



energy saving costs energy savings

Today, energy saving is one of the priorities. This is due to the gradual depletion of basic energy resources, the increasing cost of their production, as well as global environmental problems. Energy saving is the efficient use of energy resources through the use of innovative solutions that are technically feasible, economically justified, acceptable from an environmental and social point of view and do not change the usual way of life. This definition was formulated at the UN International Energy Conference (IEC). Energy saving in any area essentially comes down to reducing wasteful energy losses.

One of the most expensive types of energy at the moment is heat, and simply reducing heat loss by insulating rooms leads to large sums of money saved. And today there are a great variety of technologies for reducing costs for this and other types of energy, which justifies the relevance of choosing this topic for an essay.

In the course of the work, we will consider modern, used types of energy, as well as ways to save them and the applied use of the latter in the modern hotel industry.

1. Types of energy

Electricity is the most common type of energy today, although it is the youngest. Only in the second half did the first attempts at the beneficial use of electricity begin, with the invention of the telegraph, electroplating, and also for military purposes (experimental ships and machines with electric motors, electric fuses).

The first sources of energy were chemical reactions when metals interacted through an electrically conductive liquid, in other words, “batteries.” Mass production of electricity began in the late 19th century with the invention of generators. Since that time, electricity has become not only a physical term, but also an economic one of industrial significance.

Why is electrification so important for economic development?

Scientific and technological progress is impossible without the development of energy and electrification. Most modern means of mechanization and automation have an electrical basis (from calculators to complex computing devices and computers), in addition, the partial replacement of human labor with machine labor can significantly increase its productivity. Electrical energy is especially widely used to drive electric motors. The power of electrical machines (depending on their purpose) varies: from fractions of a watt (micromotors used in many branches of technology and in household products) to enormous values ​​exceeding a million kilowatts (power plant generators).

It is worth noting that today there are quite a lot of ways to generate electricity (about a dozen), however, only 3 are predominantly used - these are thermal electric power, nuclear and hydropower, and the first 2 methods are similar in the principle of energy production, only in the case of nuclear energy is thermal energy It is released not by burning organic fuel, but by nuclear fission in a reactor. Therefore, we conclude that thermal energy ranks second in terms of use after electrical energy.

Heat energy - most often the average person encounters thermal energy in the form of heating supplied to our homes during cold seasons, as well as in the form of numerous heating devices.

It is clear from history that heating is an integral part of human life, especially in those regions of the world where summer does not last forever, so the simplest and, therefore, the earliest heating system is a fire built inside a home. Later, there were various philistine forms with clay vaults or heater stoves, which allowed heat to be accumulated, but the combustion products still went first into the room, and only then into the street.

In the 1st century BC. In ancient Rome, there was a more advanced heating system called “hypocaust”, which made it possible to obtain “pure” heat from a stone floor heated from below by stove flue gases. Around the same time, similar systems appeared in different parts of the world, for example, the Korean “ondol”, which exists to this day, or the “gloria” that existed in Spain until the beginning of the twentieth century. Around the same time, the “Russian” heating system appeared, which made a small revolution, since it was mainly designed for two-story buildings. With the advent of large production facilities in factories and workshops, as well as multi-story buildings in the 19th century, the need for a more heat-intensive system than the air system arose. So in 1802, the first articles about the possibility of steam heating appeared in the Russian Empire, and in 1816 such a greenhouse already existed in St. Petersburg. Actually, the impetus for steam heating systems was given by the widespread use of steam engines, so the waste steam came in handy.

The 20th century gave rise to water heating systems with forced circulation carried out using pumps. This came true with the industrial production of electric motors.

2. Ways to save energy

electrical appliance

Consumption kWh/year

Radio (10 W; 12.5 hours per week)

Printer (42 min. per week)

Coffee maker (800 W, 4.5 hours per week)

Electric kettle (1770 W, 1 liter per day)

Iron (1500 W, 1 hour per week)

Deep fryer (2000 W, 24 minutes per week)

Vacuum cleaner (1200 W, 50 minutes per week)

VCR (standby)

Electric grill (1500 W, 1 hour per week)

Bread maker (600 W, 6 times a week)

Washing machine (3000 W, 3 times a week)

Fax with answering machine (34 W, standby)

Oven (2000 W, 1 hour per week)

Microwave (1400 W, 1.5 hours per week)

Color TV (95 W, 20 hours per week)

Air conditioning (1130 W, 4.5 hours per week for 3 months)

Electric radiator (2000 W, 7 hours per week for 8 months)

Refrigerator (250 W, constant)

Computer (250 W, 20 hours per week)

Lamps (180 W, 3 bulbs per 4 hours per day)

Dishwasher (3000 W, 4 hours per week)

Freezer (30 W, continuous)

Electric stove (2000 W, 1.25 hours per day)

Fridge-freezer (160 W, continuous)

Small volume water heaters (2000 W, 20 l per day)

Large volume water heater (2000 W, 95 l per day)

Electric toothbrush (20 W), stereo (50 W), tape recorder (20 W), waffle iron (1000 W), electric drill (500 W), toaster (1000 W), kitchen hood (100 W), sewing machine (70 W) ), electric mixer (150 W), coffee grinder (20 W), electric meat grinder (200 W), curling iron (40 W), electric juicer (60 W), radio alarm clock (10 W), electric shaver (10 W), hair dryer (600 W), cordless telephone (20 W)

Maximum 20 kWh per year, negligible


· maximum use of daylight (increasing transparency and window area, additional windows);

· increasing the reflectivity of surfaces (using interiors in light colors);

· use lighting devices only when necessary;

· replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones;

· Transition to LED lighting

· use of lighting control devices;

Electricity (total):

· optimal placement of electric heating devices to reduce the time and required power of their use;

· use of temperature control devices, incl. devices for automatic switching on and off, power reduction depending on temperature, time timers;

· replacement of electric heating with heating using heat pumps;

· replacement of electric heating with gas heating or connection to centralized heating, in cases where such a replacement is profitable taking into account the required investments;

· high-quality insulation of the body (walls), doors of the refrigeration unit, refrigerator, transparent lid in the refrigerator for food, with high-quality insulation;

· purchase of modern energy-saving refrigerators;

· prevent the formation of ice and frost in the refrigerator, defrost it in time;

· when air conditioning, windows and doors must be closed - otherwise the air conditioner will cool the street or corridor;

· clean the filter, do not allow it to become heavily soiled;

· it is necessary to set the mode to automatically maintain the optimal temperature, without cooling, if possible, the room below 20-22 degrees;

· consider the extent to which it is necessary to install and use air conditioners, including from an architectural point of view (air conditioners hanging on the facades of houses);

· It is necessary to ensure that the air conditioner is turned off at night;

· do not leave chargers for mobile devices plugged in unnecessarily (very important due to the increasing volume of such devices);

· try to avoid using extension cords, and if necessary, use high-quality extension cords with large gauge wire.

Heat saving

· Reduction of heat loss (use of heat-saving and heat-insulating materials during construction/modernization, exterior decoration of buildings)

· Installation of heat-saving window systems and doors.

3. Energy saving in modern hotels

Experts identify three main conditions for reducing energy costs in buildings: instrumentation of resources, integrated use of energy-saving equipment and automation of control of all engineering systems of the building, including heating, refrigeration, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply, etc. Various system solutions have already been tested in practice abroad, where three decades ago they faced the problem of reducing operating costs.

Accounting for energy resources is a fundamental condition for saving them, although the metering devices themselves cannot be considered as energy-saving equipment.

“The meter records the actual consumption of energy resources at the facility. In accordance with his testimony, settlements with the supplier occur,” comments Tatyana Kislyakova, director of sales and marketing of the Russian representative office of Kamstrup. - Thus, the meter stimulates energy saving, making it economically beneficial to the consumer. In addition, competent operating engineers need instrument readings to analyze the efficiency of the building’s engineering systems and determine the most promising areas for its optimization.”

The meter records only the actual consumption, and in accordance with its indicators, settlements are made with the energy supplier. Allows you to track the volume of use of a particular resource and thus stimulates energy saving. In addition, the readings from the metering device allow competent operating engineers to analyze the efficiency of building systems, as well as identify problems.

But installing metering devices alone is not enough to save resources. For example, some hotels of old construction (before the 90s) are still connected to heating networks using a dependent circuit and have elevator units at the entrance to the building. Most of them are already equipped with metering units. However, the outdated heat supply scheme does not allow regulating the amount of incoming heat and makes any measures to reduce heat costs pointless. In some cases, it is even necessary to use special collectors for additional cooling of the coolant at the exit from the building, since the penalty for returning overheated water to the city network is much higher than the possible savings on heating.

For this reason, it is recommended to accompany the installation of a metering device with measures to modernize the outdated heating system: equipping the hotel with an ITP (individual heating point) with control loops at the level of heat supply to the building and at the level of heat distribution by zones and types of consumers (ventilation, radiator heating, heated floors, hot water supply, etc.), balancing the load of the heating system among consumers. According to Danfoss specialists, thermal energy savings due to these measures are at least 30%. The same regulation principle should be applied to the refrigeration center when creating a building refrigeration system.

Even if the hotel is equipped with modern energy-saving equipment and has control loops at the level of heat/cold supply of the building and at the level of heat/coolant distribution by zones and types of consumers, its operating modes are most often set manually on local, unrelated controllers, which leads to to uncoordinated operation of the entire system as a whole. The vast majority of hotels do not have detailed accounting, which is why regulation has to be carried out virtually “blindly”, without the ability to assess the effect of a particular action.

According to Vyacheslav Golubev, chief engineer of the Moscow Budapest Hotel, the hotel has installed an ITP with a modern automation system, which allows the dispatcher to control the main parameters of the heating system and hot water supply as a whole. However, the temperature in the rooms is maintained using thermostats - devices not under the control of the hotel engineering service dispatcher, which negatively affects energy savings (heat, cold) both in the occupied and in the free room. The guest often, in order to quickly achieve the desired temperature in the room, sets the extreme positions of the thermostat selector, usually min. + 10 and max. + 30°C, while he himself may then be outside the room, which leads to an unreasonable “overheating” or “hypothermia” of the room. After the room is vacated, the maids are responsible for setting the thermostat to economical mode (approximately +18°C), but it is not possible to monitor this.

That is, the efficiency of energy saving here depends on the human factor - the conscientiousness of hotel employees and the consciousness of the guest.

The lack of remote control and differentiated accounting does not allow monitoring the correct operating modes of the equipment. Accordingly, the possibilities for planning and assessing the effectiveness of energy saving measures are limited. In addition, any malfunction in the operation of engineering systems can only be detected by a direct visit from an engineer or upon receipt of complaints from guests.

These measures are effective when implemented together. However, in our country, as always, Western experience is adopted very selectively and fragmentarily, in principle negating its effectiveness.

Thus, for the vast majority of Russian hotels, the pinnacle of the struggle is to reduce energy costs by installing energy-saving lamps, motion sensors, and using access keys to supply electricity to the room. At the same time, energy saving measures rarely affect the heating, refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning systems of a hotel, although they account for the lion's share of costs.


1. Appendix to Kommersant Business Guide 2010

2. Articles from the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia:



Thermal power engineering

Nuclear energy

Energy saving

3. Electronic journal of the energy service company “Ecological Systems” No. 9 2008

4. Online magazine “School of Life” 2009-2012.

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The new era in the development of technology poses the task of improvement to all spheres of social life. This problem definitely applies to the manufacturing industry, where it is necessary to move production forward in order to remain a competitive enterprise. The modern consumer reacts very sensitively to innovations in the service of the enterprises with which he deals, and often the presence of such is included in the range of his expectations from the services provided to him. Thus, the hotel sector is one of the most changing service sectors, since the comfort and positive impression of their guests directly depends on the availability of technologies that meet the latest requirements in accommodation facilities. Considering the current situation with the confrontation between the difficult environmental situation and the inexorably increasing pace of production, one of the reasonable ways out of the crisis is the use of the latest developments in scientific and technological progress, and specifically resource-saving technologies. Their implementation is necessary at the early planning stage of hotel projects, in order to adequately calculate the required amount of project investments, correctly take into account the needs of the enterprise for certain types of resource-saving technologies in accordance with the type and category of accommodation facility, etc. Resource-saving technologies are technologies that ensure the production of products with the minimum possible consumption of fuel and other energy sources, as well as raw materials, materials, air, water and other resources for technological purposes. Resource-saving technologies include the use of secondary resources, waste disposal, as well as a closed water supply system, etc. In other words, these are environmental innovations, i.e., the latest, safer from an environmental point of view, types of impact on the environment . The main problem with the introduction of resource-saving technologies remains their high cost, as well as the high cost of maintenance. At such a moment, the entrepreneur faces a choice between the risky but humane use of innovation and the implementation of a conservative approach to running a hotel business. Questions such as “will the implementation of this system be profitable with a stable flow of clients?” , “will the enterprise be able to fully function with such innovations?”, “do customers need these changes?” etc. Therefore, in order to correctly set priorities, it is worth approaching the implementation of resource- and energy-saving programs with full responsibility, having considered this question from all sides. The subject of this course work is a hotel project and its components. To study the problem in detail, it is worth considering all the largest stages of a hotel project and taking into account the high cost of introducing resource-saving technologies. The main goal of this work is to study the types of resource-saving technologies, as well as determine their role in the creation and development of a hotel project. To the tasks set in this course work, include: calculating the profitability of introducing resource-saving technologies, identifying relationships between types of accommodation facilities and types of resource-saving technologies, studying regulatory documents regulating the introduction of resource-saving technologies in the hotel business, a description of the improvements associated with the emergence of such technologies, using examples of specific hotel chains, and forecasting the development of technologies for preserving the environment and resources in the coming years.

Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of resource-saving technologies in hotel projects. 6 Chapter 2. Park-InnbyRadisson and the use of resource-saving technologies. 11 2.1. Description of the Park-Inn hotel chain. 11 2.2. Resource-saving technologies in the Park-InnbyRadisson hotel chain. 13 Chapter 3. Prospects for resource-saving technologies in the Russian hotel business. 19 Conclusion 26 References 27


1. Orlova A.M. Resource-saving technologies: role in increasing the efficiency of a hotel enterprise and problems of implementation // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2014. No. 12 2. Polyakova A.G. Innovative activity as a factor in the modernization of the economic space of the region // Scientific works Free Economic Society of Russia. 2010. T. 137. P. 419–427 3. Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” . 4. Protocol No. 3 of November 30, 2010 “Rules for determining the list of standard measures for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency” // SRO NP “TriE” 5. GOST 31532-2012 Energy saving. Energy efficiency. Composition of indicators. General provisions 6. Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2010 No. 262 “On the requirements for energy efficiency of buildings, structures and structures” 7. Hotel and restaurant business, tourism. Collection of normative documents; Phoenix - Moscow, 2010. - 736 p. 8. O.P. Efimova, N.A. Efimova. Economics of hotels and restaurants: Textbook. Ed. 10, corrected. Moscow, 2014. 9. Kabushkin N.I., Bondarenko G.A.K 12 Management of hotels and restaurants: Textbook. - 2nd ed. - Mn.: New knowledge, 2001. - 216 p. - (Economic Education). ISBN 985-6516-61-7. 10. E.V. Pecheritsa. Theoretical aspects of resource-saving technologies in the hotel business // St. Petersburg State Economic University (SPbGEU), 191023, St. Petersburg 11. Electronic journal of the energy service company “Ecological Systems” No. 9 2013

Excerpt from work

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of resource-saving technologies in hotel projects. In order to clearly understand what is meant by resource-saving technologies, it is worth defining the boundaries of such a concept as innovation. Fig.1. Criteria for the boundaries of innovation. In the absence of one of these criteria, the technology is no longer classified as an innovation. Creators of hotel projects also need to take these criteria into account when introducing innovations at the project development stage. The hotel design process is extremely important when implementing accommodation programs; it is labor-intensive and costly, and includes several stages: 1. Pre-design proposal (architectural concept). This is the most inexpensive design stage. The customer receives an album in A4 or A3 format, consisting of 10-15 sheets with the most general information about the future object: general plan sketch, facades, plans, sections (all without detail), 3D computer visualization. This type of work is ordered by those developers who have not yet decided on the volume construction work, with sources of financing, with an architectural concept for a future structure, or those who are looking for partners for equity participation in construction. 2. A preliminary design or feasibility study (EP.TEO) usually includes: a situational plan, a general plan, facades, sections, plans with basic dimensions, with the arrangement of furniture or engineering equipment, with calculation of areas and volumes, with a final architectural solution -artistic tasks. The cost of such a project is usually 15-30% of the cost of a full design. 3. Detailed documentation - the most complete set of design documentation, including sections: architectural and construction, constructive solution, water supply and sewerage, heating and ventilation, electrical equipment, estimates. Price working documentation is 70-85% of the cost of the full design and can be adjusted in each specific case. In accordance with these stages, a parallel calculation of the profitability of introducing innovations into the project, such as resource-saving technologies, takes place. Based on the architectural, target and commercial design, a decision is made to include certain types of resource-saving technologies in the hotel system.