How Rich and Dobry juices are made. Juice production: description of manufacturing technology Home installation for making concentrated juice

Organize manufacturing business The food processing industry can be challenging as there are many complex challenges involved in the process. But if you approach the matter with all responsibility, without missing a single detail, you can set up a highly profitable enterprise that will recoup all costs in the shortest possible time. But a novice entrepreneur should choose to release a product that is in high demand. And here we include the production of juices and juice-containing drinks. And in order not to make huge investments at first, you can buy equipment for the production of medium-capacity juices by organizing a mini-workshop. Juices and nectars based on fruits and vegetables are in constant high demand among consumers, and especially in summer period when it's hot outside. The variability of technology, raw materials and assortment will allow an entrepreneur to organize a business in this niche, taking into account his financial capabilities and skills.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 3,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 8/10.

The production of natural juices in Russia, due to the demand for products, is a highly competitive niche. There are many manufacturers on the market, large and small, supplying their products to store shelves. But you hardly need to be afraid of high competition, since even when selling fruit and vegetable juices Only on the regional market can you make a good profit. Business in the production of fruit juices is quite possible even for novice entrepreneurs - the main thing is to take into account important nuances.

Registration of a future enterprise

The business plan must necessarily contain information about the organizational form in which the entrepreneur intends to register the future enterprise. There is no way without this, because we are talking about the food industry, which requires mandatory certification of products and compliance with all norms and sanitary standards.

Not a single large store will sell fruit juices from an entrepreneur who does not have any permission from the supervisory authorities.

After the juice production workshop is registered, in parallel with the search for premises and the purchase of equipment, you need to submit a package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor, which will subsequently give the entrepreneur permission to conduct production activities.

Search for production premises

The premises where the production of juices from concentrates will be located in the future may be located even outside the city. And many entrepreneurs do this - they rent a workshop in the area of ​​the city that is closer to the suppliers of raw materials, since in this case they can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing all the necessary components.

As practice shows, 100-180 m2 is enough to accommodate a small-capacity plant.

Industrial juice production must have not only a workshop with equipment installed here, but also 2 warehouses - for storing raw materials and for storing manufactured products. Also, do not forget about sanitary rooms for staff and office premises.

To obtain permission from the supervisory authorities to conduct activities, the premises must be carefully prepared for work - there must be light, water, sewerage installed, ventilation systems. And this will take away a significant part of the entrepreneur’s investment, if he does not immediately rent premises with good conditions labor.

Purchasing raw materials for juice production

The technological process of juice production involves the use of a variety of raw materials - everything will depend on the assortment that the entrepreneur plans for production.

Each of the names is produced on the basis of juice concentrate. And depending on its quantity in the finished product, all drinks are divided into:

  • natural juices (100% concentrate),
  • nectars (25-75% concentrate),
  • juice drinks (up to 10% concentrate).

The production of concentrated juice is the most expensive of all possible directions. But such products, due to their higher value on the market, will bring greater profit to the entrepreneur. Therefore, it is clearly not worth forming an assortment only from cheap juice drinks. Best option– develop a line of juices from 8-15 flavors, where most of the assortment is represented by nectars.

Juice concentrates are not produced in Russia. These raw materials are imported from Asia, Brazil and Turkey. It will be difficult for novice entrepreneurs to establish direct contacts with foreign suppliers, since it is not profitable for them to supply products in small quantities. This means that you will have to cooperate with intermediaries.

The production of reconstituted juice, in addition to the concentrate, will require a number of components:

  • water,
  • sugar,
  • food additives.

Juice can be sold in different containers - glass, plastic, cardboard. And it is better to provide for the supply of Tetra Pak packaging to the enterprise. Juice packaged in this way will be stored longer and transported better.

Development of juice production technology

To work out the recipe and production scheme, you can either buy ready-made specifications or invite an experienced technologist to cooperate. And the second option is sometimes more profitable from a financial point of view, since ready-made documentation is quite expensive. And the specialist, taking into account the available equipment and the planned assortment, will select specific ingredients and a production scheme.

Production flow diagram apple juice

Although the production scheme may vary depending on the specific type of product, the juice production technology as a whole can be described as follows:

  • Heating the juice concentrate to a boil.
  • Cool the concentrate to room temperature.
  • Adding purified water to the concentrate.
  • Adding various components (vitamins, flavors, preservatives) to the juice.
  • Bottling finished products.

And the production of directly pressed juice begins with obtaining the initial component - concentrate. This scheme is rarely used at domestic enterprises, since it is not always profitable due to the high cost of the process and the resulting product. But if you have such equipment, you can set up the production of not only natural juices, but also fruit purees within the walls of the workshop. By selling juices and purees, an entrepreneur will be able to earn more profit and enter new markets.

Technical equipment of the future workshop

Juice production line

The juice production line can be of different capacities, configurations and degrees of automation. And in order to receive at the exit quality product, it is important to pay special attention choice technological equipment, taking into account the planned product range and available finances.

The production of apple juice uses the following names of machines and devices:

  • water treatment system,
  • containers for mixing components and storing the finished product,
  • pasteurizer,
  • homogenizer,
  • automatic machine for filling juice into cardboard containers,
  • washing equipment.

The line for the production of direct-pressed juices is practically no different from other technological complexes - it only adds a machine for producing natural juice from whole fruits and vegetables. And such equipment costs a lot - from 500,000 rubles.

European production lines are famous for their quality - they can operate continuously for a long time without failure.

The cost of the entire production line will be influenced primarily by its capacity. But even in the case of machines of low or medium power (0.5-1 t/h), the price of equipment for the production of juices will be quite high - starting from 2,500,000 rubles. And the only way to save money here is to purchase a supported line. But such transactions must be approached with great caution, since there is a high risk of buying a low-quality installation that will very soon fail.

Problems of selling finished products

It is not difficult to open a mini juice production; it will be much more difficult for an entrepreneur to look for wholesale buyers of finished products. And everything gets complicated high level competition. Most likely, a novice businessman will have to offer his products to private stores, stalls and wholesale food warehouses. But at first you don’t even have to think about large supermarket chains - they prefer to cooperate with those manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market. In addition, a small production of tomato juice may not be able to meet the price that federal chains charge for space on the shelves of their stores.

To overcome high competition, you need not only to make your product excellent in quality, but also to somehow distinguish it from other similar products. And here certain funds will have to be invested in marketing:

  • promotions,
  • advertising (at least in local media),
  • POS materials for highlighting on the shelves of retail outlets.

Profitability of the planned enterprise

Equipment for squeezing juice and bottling it into containers will begin to pay for itself as soon as all manufactured products are shipped to customers. And as practice shows, this moment can come quite quickly. And this even taking into account the fact that investments in business are considerable:

  • Registration of an enterprise - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Development of recipes and development of technology - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and its commissioning – from RUB 2,500,000.
  • Purchase of raw materials – from 500,000 rubles.
  • Preparation of the workshop for work - from 300,000 rubles.

And it will be even more expensive to introduce direct pressing into the work of the workshop. Therefore, experts advise leaving this idea until the workshop reaches the break-even point.

If the juice bottling equipment produces at least 0.5 t/h of finished product, you can sell up to 90 tons of finished product per month. As for the prices of nectars, it all depends on its specific type and pricing policy in the region. On average in Russia, juice is sold at a wholesale price of 20-50 rubles/l. It turns out that by selling all the products received, even at the minimum price, you can receive monthly revenue in the amount of ≈2,000,000 rubles. And to calculate net profit, you will need to know the amount of variable costs that will be spent on producing new batches of juices every month.

Canned food « Pumpkin nectar» produce:

  • directly pressed - from fresh pumpkin, with or without added sugar, citric acid;
  • reconstituted - from pumpkin puree, with or without added sugar, citric acid.

Canned food is packaged in glass jars, bottles, hermetically sealed and sterilized.

Incoming raw materials and materials must be accompanied by quality certificates and declarations of conformity from suppliers.

Canned pumpkin nectar. Delivery, acceptance, storage.

Pumpkin arrives at the plant in bulk in vehicles.

Pumpkin acceptance is carried out in batches. When accepting a pumpkin, the production laboratory determines the quality characteristics.

Each accepted batch of raw materials must be provided with a label in the prescribed form indicating:

  • names of raw materials;
  • commercial grade;
  • lot numbers;
  • date and time of receipt at the plant.

When processing raw materials, it is necessary to observe the order of receipt of raw materials (FIFO principle - first in - first out) for production, taking into account its quality condition.

Canned pumpkin nectar. Washing.

The pumpkin is washed sequentially in a drum-brush washing machine and in a fan-washing machine with rinsing at the outlet.

To carry out a quality wash:

  • it is necessary to change the water in washing machines as the water becomes contaminated, but at least once per shift;
  • water pressure must be at least 2.5 atm.

Canned pumpkin nectar. Inspection.

During the inspection, pumpkins that are of poor quality, defective, or affected by diseases and agricultural pests are selected.

Canned pumpkin nectar. Preparation of raw materials.

Sugar. The bags are opened, observing the requirements to prevent the entry of foreign objects.

Citric acid. The bags are opened, observing the requirements to prevent the entry of foreign objects.

Pumpkin puree is inspected, the integrity of the packaging container is checked, the packaging bag is washed and wiped, after which the packaging is opened and the content of dry substances is checked using a refractometer.

Canned pumpkin nectar. Preparation of nectar.

Directly pressed pumpkin nectar.

The pumpkin is inspected, crushed, blanched with live steam at a temperature of 110 0 C for (15 - 20) minutes, squeezed out on a screw press, wiped on a double rubbing machine with a sieve hole diameter of 0.5 mm at the last stage.

Freshly prepared nectar is mixed according to the recipe with the remaining components, the dry matter content and pH value are checked. Adjust the pH value with citric acid.

pH standard:

  • for pumpkin nectar with pulp 4.7;
  • for pumpkin nectar with pulp and sugar 4.7;
  • for pumpkin-apple nectar with pulp and sugar 3.8;
  • for pumpkin-apricot nectar with pulp and sugar 3.8.

Pumpkin nectar is homogenized at a pressure of (10 - 15) MPa. The temperature of the nectar entering homogenization should be (60 – 70) 0 C. Homogenization of pumpkin nectar is carried out to prevent separation of the juice during storage, by reducing pulp particles.

Deaeration of pumpkin nectar is carried out to remove air from the fruit tissues. Deaeration is carried out at a residual pressure of (86.5 - 93.1) kPa.

After deaeration, pumpkin nectar is heated to (85 – 96) 0 C and served for packaging.

Reconstituted pumpkin nectar.

Pumpkin puree is mixed according to the recipe with the other ingredients, the dry matter content and pH value are checked. At positive results Pumpkin nectar is homogenized, deaerated, heated and served for packaging.

The results of monitoring the homogenization and deaeration process are recorded in the journal "". The frequency of control is once every 2 hours.

Canned pumpkin nectar. Packing, capping.

Prepared glass jars or bottles are filled with pumpkin nectar at a temperature not lower than 90 0 C. The degree of filling is determined by the set volume.

Before sterilization, it is necessary to control the volume of pumpkin nectar in at least 6 jars, the frequency of control is once an hour.

The results of volume and temperature control are recorded in the journal "".

Volume deviation for individual cans is allowed ±3%.

Filled jars are sealed with lids on seaming machines. After capping, a visual inspection of the cans is carried out, and cans with sealing seam defects and other defects are rejected.

Quality control of the closure is recorded in the journal "". The frequency of control is once per hour.

Canned food "Pumpkin Nectar". Sterilization.

Conducted in autoclaves.

Canned food sterilization modes:

Type of container Packing temperature, 0 C, not lower Sterilization mode Pressure in the autoclave, atm
time, min temperature, 0 C
Pumpkin nectar with pulp
1-82-500 90 20-45-25 120 2,8
1-82-650 90 20-50-25 120 2,8
Pumpkin nectar with pulp and sugar
1-82-500 90 20-40-20 120 2,5
1-82-650 90 25-45-20 120 2,5
Carrot-quince nectar with pulp
1-82-500 90 25-30-25 120 2,8
1-82-650 90 25-35-25 120 2,8
Pumpkin-apple nectar with sugar and pulp
1-82-500 92 15-20-20 95 2,5
1-82-1000 92 20-25-25 95 2,5
1-82-3000 92 25-30-35 95 2,5
Pumpkin-apricot nectar with pulp and sugar
1-82-650 92 15-20-20 95 1,2
1-82-1000 92 20-25-25 95 1,5
1-82-3000 92 25-30-35 95 1,5

If you are tired of going to a boring job every day and listening to complaints from incompetent bosses, this means that it’s time for you to change something in your life. Changes will be possible if there is not only desire, but also a certain amount of money.

Quit your previous job and start your own business. Despite the apparent saturation of the markets, in fact, there are still enough niches to launch your own commercial activities.

Sweet business

Fruit juice production provides an excellent opportunity for capital accumulation. With the right approach, an analytical mind and luck, you can make good money in this business. Natural juices can be obtained from both freshly picked fruits and dried fruits. In general, there are many different classifications of types and types of these products.

So, juices are:

  • fruit obtained as a result of direct extraction;
  • fresh squeezed juices (as a rule, they do not contain dyes or preservatives);
  • fruit with a high concentrate content;
  • reconstituted juices (they are made from concentrated nectar with the addition of drinking water).

Experts also divide natural juices into unclarified and clarified. It should be noted that this is only a small part of such products. Branded juices are considered to be the highest quality and elite. They are produced only from special selected types of raw materials. Manufacturers of natural juices, as a rule, strive to make a clarified product. Although it is inferior to nectars with pulp in nutritional value, it contains significantly more vitamin C and is more loved by consumers.

Only within the law

If you decide to start producing juices, then the sanitary and epidemiological service may become your frequent guest. SES requirements are a set of rules, the implementation of which is mandatory for every entrepreneur involved in catering.

When it comes to the sanitary and epidemiological service, for some reason many businessmen have a phrase in their heads like: “They no longer know what to complain about.” In fact, all the requirements of this service are consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation. These rules are very strict, but they must be followed in order to prevent mass poisoning of consumers. Let us bring to your attention a few of them.

For example, the SES must check how perishable products are stored at the enterprise. The standards require that raw materials be kept in appropriate specialized equipment in order to ensure optimal temperature. There are also clear time limits for storing vegetables and fruits. All primary processing of raw materials must be carried out in specialized workshops of the enterprise in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards. In case of violation of these rules, the entrepreneur faces administrative liability.

Don't forget about competitors

Before starting your own business, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the market. You should know how many companies currently exist, what product they supply, and what they focus on in their marketing policies. Knowing your competitors and understanding their strengths and weaknesses will make it easier for you to enter the market and fight for its share.

A business plan (juice production must be planned when drawing it up) should take into account not only favorable conditions developments of affairs, but also force majeure. For example, what to do if new companies appear, where to get raw materials if the main suppliers fail, and so on. If you think through all sorts of risks in advance, then your business will be reliably protected. Do not ignore the detailed development of the business plan. Be a strategist, and then you will certainly be able to make good money in this business.

Fresh fruit juices

Let's say you've thought of everything. You have financial resources or have secured the support of influential sponsors. Now it’s time to delve into how the technology for producing vegetable juices, as well as fruit and berry juices, is carried out. It consists of several operations: concluding contracts for the supply of raw materials, their inspection, delivery, washing, re-inspection, crushing process, obtaining juice, filtering it and bottling it into containers.

During the first inspection of raw materials, your specialists must sort the fruits. They should all be approximately the same size. In addition, there should not be any foreign impurities - twigs, leaves, stalks, etc. Inspection must be carried out while the raw material is on the conveyor belt. As a rule, several people are employed at this stage of production. If one employee is inattentive, others must correct his mistake.

Rinse thoroughly

Next, all the most selected fruits end up in special washing drums, where they are thoroughly washed. The berries are processed slightly differently. They require careful processing. After all, as you know, currants and raspberries are delicate berries, and they must be washed very carefully so as not to damage the thin skin and preserve all the nutrients.

Therefore, equipment for the production of juices necessarily includes special mesh baskets. They are immersed in water for a short time. After this, the fragile raw materials are additionally rinsed under a light shower. Technologists admit that it is impossible to immediately remove particles of earth and sand from fruits and berries, so immediately after the first washing it is necessary to send the raw materials for a second cycle.


When the raw materials are carefully selected and washed, it is necessary to grind them. This is done in order to obtain juice. At the same time, it often happens that after crushing some raw materials release liquid very poorly. In this case, it is sent for additional processing, after which it is possible to achieve the technological maximum.

Pumpkin is considered the “queen of the vegetable garden.” This is very healthy vegetable, which contains many useful substances and vitamins for the body. It is rich in iron, carotene, vitamins C, B, PP, D, E, as well as vitamin T, which is responsible for accelerating metabolic processes in the body.

Pumpkin is very useful for liver and kidney diseases, as it has a choleretic, diuretic, and laxative effect. Beneficial properties were transferred and pumpkin juice.

It can be used for edema associated with kidney and heart disease, as a diuretic. In addition, it has a slight sedative and antipyretic effect.

Our company produces natural pumpkin juice, the quality of which complies with all GOST standards. When preparing pumpkin juice, only natural products are used; no preservatives or additives are added that could be harmful to health. To improve the taste of pumpkin juice, you can add other juices or honey, which doubles its beneficial properties. In our assortment you can find apple-pumpkin and pumpkin-carrot juice. In addition to production, we independently sell our products, so you can buy natural pumpkin juice, one might say, straight from the assembly line.

It is worth noting that pumpkin juice has cleansing properties for both the digestive system and the whole body. It is recommended for anemia, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, bladder diseases, and constipation.

Pumpkin juice is also considered a dietary product. It is recommended for obesity, diabetics, baby food and for those who want to lose weight.

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice with pulp is especially useful. It can be used both as a drinking beverage and as a medicinal product for external use. It is used to get rid of acne, burns, eczema and acne.

Men should drink pumpkin juice for inflammation of the prostate gland.

Women can also take it for inflammation of the appendages. Moreover, pumpkin juice improves the structure of hair and nails.

You can use 1-2 glasses a day before meals 30 minutes every day. For insomnia, take a glass of it at night, or with the addition of honey. For stones in the bladder and kidneys, half or a quarter glass of juice three times a day. Treatment is recommended for ten days.

A juice production line can become very profitable if the business is organized correctly. This drink is in quite high demand, and not necessarily, only in the summer; people drink juices with great pleasure all year round. So, many people will prefer on their own festive table at any time of the year see juice, not mineral drinks with dyes.

Premises for organizing production

The premises where you plan to set up your business should have enough space to purchase at least one juice production line. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the space where raw materials will be stored, where the finished product warehouse will be located, as well as household premises. If you want to save money, then the office can be located on the territory of the plant.

It is more profitable to locate production outside the city, and there are several good reasons for this. Firstly, you will be able to save significantly on rent, and secondly, accordingly, housing and communal services tariffs will be lower (and this is important, since you will have to spend large number water). As for the area of ​​the room, for starters you can stop at 150 m2.

Required Equipment

If you decide to purchase a juice production line, its price will vary from 2 to 6 million rubles. Basically, the cost depends on the country of origin, service life and year of manufacture (if you purchase used equipment). Naturally, before purchasing, you should do a market analysis of the manufacturers of the relevant equipment in order to have an idea of ​​the manufacturers.

Technological lines for the production of juices consist of the following equipment:

Water treatment systems (includes several filters for water purification).

Fresh product conveying line
  • Pumps and filters for finished products.
  • Mixing jars.
  • Homogenizer.
  • Pasteurizer.
  • Heat exchanger.
  • Tank for aseptic storage.
  • Filling machine.
  • Washing equipment.
  • A device for removing packages and packaging them into containers.

If you decide to acquire used equipment, then the price of such a juice production line will be much cheaper. However, before purchasing it, you need to consult with specialists, since it often happens that repairing and debugging the old line will cost you exactly the same amount of money as the difference between the new and old equipment.

Types of juice and technologies for its production

Based on what raw materials will be used on the production line, juices are divided into:

  • fruit;
  • vegetable;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • vegetable and fruit.

Juice that is made from one type of fruit is called monojuice (ordinary) juice, and juice from several is called blended (mixed).

Depending on the preparation technology, juices are:

  • direct spin;
  • restored.

Freshly squeezed juice (fresh)

Freshly squeezed juice (fresh) is directly squeezed juice that is not subjected to industrial processing; it is consumed immediately after the squeeze process. Most people believe that this type of drink is the healthiest. In fact, this is true, subject to certain conventions. For example, if the juice is obtained exclusively from ripe and fresh fruits, which are grown in an area with a clean ecological situation.

Therefore, if you think carefully, the usefulness of fresh juices can be questioned. For example, a line for the production of freshly squeezed orange juice. The fruit itself is “overseas” and takes a very long time to arrive to us; moreover, it is collected when it is still unripe (which means that it does not contain the necessary vitamins). Another unpleasant fact is that before a long journey it is treated with certain substances so that it simply does not disappear. Conclusion: fresh juice from such a fruit can hardly be called healthy.

Directly pressed juice

Filtration of freshly squeezed juice Directly squeezed juice is freshly squeezed juice that is preserved for long-term storage. To obtain such juice, it is necessary to use exclusively fresh and ripe fruits.

Directly pressed juices are canned only physically, which involves short-term heating.

Concentrated juices

On the line for the production of concentrated juices, a certain amount of water is removed from the freshly squeezed drink.

That is, freshly squeezed juice undergoes a process of evaporation or freezing of water.

During the evaporation process, the juice is heated in a vacuum, however, it is not boiled, as it may lose all its beneficial properties. The end result is a viscous mass.

The freezing process is identical to evaporation, the only difference is the temperature.

Sugar is usually not added to concentrated juices. Such juices can be stored from 6 months to 1 year if all the rules for their maintenance are followed.

Reconstituted juices

The following processes occur on the reconstituted juice production line. The concentrated juice is quickly heated to 100-110 degrees, and then cooled to room temperature. After this, water is added to it in the amount that was evaporated. If you follow all the subtleties, you can ultimately get 100% juice.

Containers and packaging of finished products

Paper container for juice

IN modern world Most juices are sold in packaging called Tetra Pak because it is considered more practical than glass and helps prevent the decomposition of certain useful properties, which the product may lose when exposed to sun rays. In addition, glass is heavier, which is of particular importance during transportation (transportation services will cost you more).

Also, if you decide to deal with Tetra Pak packaging, then your juice production line must be suitable for working with it. Finished product Packed in boxes with several bags each and covered with plastic film. Thus, another issue to worry about is the cardboard for the containers.


As for the personnel who will service the production, at the initial stage you will need no more than 30 people (including office workers). Pay great attention to the choice of technologist, as he will set up and test the juice production line.

Start of production process and implementation

What is needed to start your own production:

Juice containers can be paper or plastic
  • At least one production line.
  • One barrel of concentrated juice.
  • Package.
  • Boxes for packaging.

On average, one line produces about 2 tons of finished products per hour.

At first, it is best to supply juices to kiosks, small shops and supermarkets, and shopping pavilions. You should also not forget about promoting your products, for example, by organizing promotions, various bonuses, gifts for sellers and distributors so that they are more willing to cooperate with you.

Video: Juice production