Test dictation. Tests in the Russian language As the day continued, the biter darted about

Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left. She ran to the station and came back.

It began to rain frequently, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha. Silently he crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky.

On the terrace from which the canvas had been removed, the light sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet for a long time. But he soon gave in too. And, when there was no longer any doubt that night had fallen, the dog howled pitifully.

A ringing note, sharp as despair, burst into the monotonous sound of the rain and cut through the darkness.

And to those who heard him, it seemed as if the pitch-dark night itself was groaning and striving for light.. And I wanted to go to the warmth, to the bright fire, to my beloved heart.

(According to L. Andreev) (107 words)

Assignment (students' choice)

  1. Name the signs by which this passage can be called a text. What type and style of speech does he belong to?
    • what words are used figuratively in the text? Find epithets, comparisons, metaphors in the text. What is their role?
    • what is the role of epithets in the text?
  2. Label the part of speech above each word of the highlighted sentence;
    • prove that the highlighted word is an adverb;
    • what is the role of adverbs in this text? Prove;
    • execute parsing complex sentence;
    • What spelling and punctuation rules can be illustrated with examples from the text? Group them.

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Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left, ran to the station and - wet and dirty - returned to the dacha. There she did another new thing, which no one, however, saw: for the first time she went up onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs, looked into the glass door and even scratched with her claws. But the rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka.

A heavy rain began to fall, and autumn darkness began to approach from everywhere. long night. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha; he silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky. On the terrace, from which the canvas had been removed, making it seem vast and strangely empty, the light struggled with the darkness for a long time and sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet, but soon it too gave in. Night has fallen.

And when there was no longer any doubt that it had come, the dog howled pitifully and loudly. With a ringing note, sharp as despair, this howl burst into the monotonous, gloomily submissive sound of the rain, cut through the darkness and, fading, rushed over the dark and naked field.

The dog howled - evenly, persistently and hopelessly calm. And to those who heard this howl, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and they wanted to go into warmth, to a bright fire, to a loving woman’s heart.

The dog howled.

1) determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

2) title the text.

3) determine the style and type of text.

help urgently needed for tomorrow!!!

which no one, however, had seen: for the first time she went up onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs, looked into the glass door and even scratched with her claws. But the rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka.

A heavy rain began to fall, and the darkness of the long autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha; he silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky. On the terrace, from which the canvas had been removed, making it seem vast and strangely empty, the light struggled with the darkness for a long time and sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet, but soon it too gave in. Night has fallen.

And when there was no longer any doubt that it had come, the dog howled pitifully and loudly. With a ringing note, sharp as despair, this howl burst into the monotonous, gloomily submissive sound of the rain, cut through the darkness and, fading, rushed over the dark and naked field.

The dog howled - evenly, persistently and hopelessly calm. And to those who heard this howl, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and they wanted to go into warmth, to a bright fire, to a loving woman’s heart.

The dog howled.

1) determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

2) title the text.

3) determine the style and type of text.

help urgently needed for tomorrow!!!

Topic: compassion and heartlessness as criteria for human morality
thought: the heartlessness of people
text: poor dog
style: artistic
type: narrative or description, sorry, not sure exactly what it is

Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left, ran to the station and - wet and dirty - returned to the dacha. There she did another new thing, which no one, however, saw: for the first time she went up onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs, looked into the glass door and even scratched with her claws. But the rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka. A heavy rain began to fall, and the darkness of the long autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha; he silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky. On the terrace, from which the canvas had been removed, making it seem vast and strangely empty, the light struggled with the darkness for a long time and sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet, but soon it too gave in. Night has fallen. And when there was no longer any doubt that it had come, the dog howled pitifully and loudly. With a ringing note, sharp as despair, this howl burst into the monotonous, gloomily submissive sound of the rain, cut through the darkness and, fading, rushed over the dark and naked field. The dog howled - evenly, persistently and hopelessly calm. And to those who heard this howl, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and they wanted to go into warmth, to a bright fire, to a loving woman’s heart. The dog howled.

This work has entered the public domain. The work was written by an author who died more than seventy years ago, and was published during his lifetime or posthumously, but more than seventy years have also passed since publication. It may be freely used by anyone without anyone's consent or permission and without payment of royalties.

Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left. She ran to the station and came back.

It began to rain frequently, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha. Silently he crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky.

On the terrace from which the canvas had been removed, the light sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet for a long time. But he soon gave in too. And, when there was no longer any doubt that night had fallen, the dog howled pitifully.

A ringing note, sharp as despair, burst into the monotonous sound of the rain and cut through the darkness.

And to those who heard him, it seemed as if the pitch-dark night itself was groaning and striving for light.. And I wanted to go to the warmth, to the bright fire, to my beloved heart.

(According to L. Andreev) (107 words)

Assignment (students' choice)

  1. Name the signs by which this passage can be called a text. What type and style of speech does he belong to?
    • what words are used figuratively in the text? Find epithets, comparisons, metaphors in the text. What is their role?
    • what is the role of epithets in the text?
  2. Label the part of speech above each word of the highlighted sentence;
    • prove that the highlighted word is an adverb;
    • what is the role of adverbs in this text? Prove;
    • parse a complex sentence;
    • What spelling and punctuation rules can be illustrated with examples from the text? Group them.