Breaked up with a Virgo man. How do different zodiac signs cope with a breakup? The exact horoscope of breakups! How to make peace with a Virgo man

Love is a beautiful and exciting feeling. She gives us happiness, but when she leaves, she contemplates only regret, sadness, and sometimes despair. All people experience different feelings at such moments, but in the behavior of many of them there are similarities, which the horoscope of separations tells about.

Many people are unable to separate. And a striking example of this is Virgo. A painful separation will be something terrible for such a person, because it is difficult for a representative of this zodiac sign to endure this. Virgo may have subsequent relationships after a long time. In this regard, you should be careful when breaking up with such a person, so that your partner does not have a scar from the relationship. If a girl of any sign and a Virgo guy break up, then everything can work out for the best. To do this, it is important to do everything differently. Pointless spending, regular lateness, as well as a very simple attitude can make Virgo lonely and his beloved free.

If Virgo’s separation was final and irrevocable, then you should prepare for the fact that the skeleton, which was carefully hidden in the depths of your closet, may soon be on public display. At the same moment, accidentally bumping into your Virgo partner on the street, you can receive an innocent angelic smile and an air kiss from him.

Peculiarities of separation by a Virgo man

For a Virgo man, a breakup is always an extraordinary drama that turns into a tragedy. That is why such a guy will try with all his strength to avoid this. A representative of the Virgo sign can decide to leave a woman only under the influence of some extraordinary circumstances.

Also on topic: How to keep an Aquarius man?

The situation will be completely different if we are simply talking about the end of an ordinary fleeting adventure or a novel that pursued only superficial goals. If the relationship consisted of just a few meetings or a night spent together, then the Virgo guy will simply feel some gratitude for his partner. You will be able to guess this even after many years: you just have to see his look. It’s better to remain friends or simply not hold a grudge against your partner in a situation where a girl and a Virgo man break up. Only your heart will tell you how to behave next.

Knowing how a Virgo man breaks up with women, it is worth understanding that if this happened through the fault of a woman, then the chance of returning such a partner is equal to zero, because representatives of such a constellation are quite vulnerable individuals and painfully experience all grievances. It will be possible to return the Virgo guy only if he sees his partner’s complete repentance. If the reason for the separation was Virgo’s incorrect behavior in relationships, then he can easily return.

Reasons why a Virgo partner may break up with a woman

When a relationship with a Virgo partner ends in a break, only one question begins to spin in a woman’s head: “for what reasons does a Virgo man break up?” This is especially interesting to find out if there are feelings in the couple.

If a Virgo guy leaves for another, then he realizes that he is hurting his current partner, and therefore such a man will try to do everything to somehow soften the offense. He can, for example, continue to see the girl, give her gifts, and compliment her. You should not delude yourself in such a situation, because this does not indicate his desire to return. He just begins to feel like a scoundrel and wants to get rid of it by all available means.

Also on topic: How to get an Aquarius man back?

The reasons for breaking up with Virgo can also be the partner’s desire to relax or terrible disappointment. Most often, the Virgo man sees separation as an educational and punitive measure towards the girl. In any situation, it is important to invite such a man to remain friends, while improving in his eyes.

Is it possible to get Virgo back after a breakup?

Many girls do not understand how to properly break up with a Virgo man, and for some it would be interesting to understand how to return such a partner. If the breakup has already happened, then you should try to invite Virgo on a date and show there how serious your feelings are. You should talk about feelings without hints and openly. At the same time, you should not put pressure, because only a gentle guide to the right decision and delicacy can help. If your Virgo partner offers to be friends, you should agree to this, because soon the relationship may turn into love.

You can become more attractive in the eyes of such a partner only internally. Improving your own appearance will not play any role. It's better to be more patient and smarter. At the same time, the woman’s changes must take place in front of the Virgo guy’s eyes. He must see how a woman tries, trying to appear better in his eyes.

Virgos are pedants by nature and live in their own clean and fair world. If their lover snores at the opera, makes dirty jokes, or behaves inappropriately, Virgo will not notice. But if one of the strangers says: “What kind of person is so strange among you?”, then Virgo will immediately take a closer look and, at her leisure, tell her husband not to behave disgustingly in society anymore. Everything would be fine if Virgos weren’t so dependent on the opinions of others. If their companion once again gets into trouble somewhere in public, Virgos will think, shrug their shoulders and throw up their hands. But for now they are still ready to forgive a lot, and therefore the partner can behave freely for some time, without bothering with the little things in everyday life. However, in public, Virgos do not like all sorts of mistakes and mistakes, and therefore they immediately begin to mutter something inaudibly, make excuses and blush. If their partner does not heed their requests and continues to disgrace themselves in public, Virgos begin to gradually become irritated, but so far this irritation is not noticeable even to the Virgos themselves. They still elbow their lover, step on their feet, grunt, blush, turn white and constantly make excuses to others. This stage lasts for a very long time until Virgo begins to feel double. One part of her continues to laugh and takes everything lightly, and the second constantly says to herself: “I shouldn’t have done such a thing!” However, at this stage, Virgo does not speak out to her partner, so as not to shake the scenario in which they are a common team, family and union. The two of them are against society, and Virgo believes that this is how it should be.
Soon, Dev’s irritation begins to increase every day, this can be seen from her intonation, from the offended expression on her face, and from her constantly bad mood. It is very difficult for Virgo to express what is happening to her, everything is bubbling inside, but Virgo remains in deaf silence. They are one of those people who, having accumulated a lot of grievances, disappointments and claims, cannot stand it and explode. This explosion grows into a real scandal. No sign is capable of tripling such a grandiose scandal as Virgo. And all because they saved for a long time until they were torn apart. Virgo understands that she has exhausted her positive influence on her partner and she is no longer able to do anything. Then they definitely start a scandal, which indicates that Virgo could no longer endure. However, Virgos are quite quick-witted, so after shouting, they quickly recover and are kind and polite again. Here the partner needs to understand that if he wants scandals to never happen again, then something needs to be changed. But if, after the first scandal, he continues to spoil the Virgos’ family idyll, and life with him becomes difficult, then the Virgos use their second weapon.
Virgo is quite a creative person, so she discovers in herself such a quality as pedagogy. Most often this is a game of being a primary school teacher. Here she begins to become a strict teacher of her partner, teaching him correct behavior, responsibility and so on. All this is quite funny and extraordinary. If a lover scatters his socks, then Virgos will try to hang his socks on the chandelier, saying that that’s where they belong. If Virgo has a drinking husband, then on his birthday Virgo will give him a theatrical performance with dressing up so that he comes to his senses and looks at the world with different eyes. Virgo wants her lover to be amazed, stunned and changed. Virgos are ready to invent more and more, sometimes throw beads, fuss, change, play, teach - they will try everything that their creative nature is capable of.
If after this nothing works out in the relationship, Virgo becomes despondent. The time comes when Virgos now perceive their partner as a stranger, and the rest of the world as their own. They make many new acquaintances and friends, to whom they constantly complain that they are offended, not understood, not heard. During this period of life, Virgos become separated from their partner, and the melancholy in the soul intensifies. But now a strange determination appears, which gives more and more strength for revenge. Virgo never goes into emptiness; she always has an old admirer or a young girl in love in reserve. At the moment when the former lover is angry and swears from parting, Virgo sits with the new lover and calmly drinks tea with buns. She is calm and good, but only outwardly, because deep down in her soul she hides a deep longing for unfulfilled happiness. Virgo cannot forgive her partner for everything that he broke and ruined in their union. Virgo gets angry and takes revenge. Due to her temperament, during meetings, she is ready to let go of a hairpin or quarrel. It is better for partners not to date them after breaking up, because this will only cause anger and irritation. Virgo can take revenge on her former lover for a long time.

If you leave Cancer...
When a partner tells him that he is leaving, Cancer will hang on his neck, not allowing him to take a step. He will explain that this is only a temporary misunderstanding, that everything can still be explained and corrected. When a partner disappears around the corner, the abandoned Cancer falls into the abyss of despair. He will call, beg, beg, blackmail, trying to speculate on a pregnancy (in most cases fictitious) or threatening suicide. And all this to the accompaniment of mournful music. The tranquility of an abandoned Cancer after a breakup will be restored when he meets the next love of his life - the only one and forever.

How does Leo break up, how do Leo men and women experience separation?

Leo wants to break up on his own...
Proud Leos are often disappointed in their partners. And when the rose-colored glasses fall from their eyes, then nothing and no one can convince them to continue the relationship; they will still have to part with Leo. He will explain in a royally condescending manner that further journey through life together does not make sense, and for the good of the other party they should separate. Conversations about separation occur without mutual complaints, but often in tears. If the abandoned partner does not give up, Leo can break up very decisively. He simply stops answering phone calls. The exception is Leos who are very much in love, who still believe in their partner, although they are aware of his shortcomings. Such Leos, although they are thinking about divorce, will still fight for the relationship to the end.

If you leave Leo...
An abandoned Leo suffers a lot and, as a rule, without his partner seeing it. In addition to the despair caused by the end of the relationship, he is painfully hurt by his wounded ego. If Leo is abandoned, he usually leaves feeling self-esteem. Sometimes after a breakup, Leo feels the desire to take revenge, but, as a rule, revenge ends at the planning stage.

How does Virgo break up, how do Virgo men and women experience separation?

Virgo wants to break up on her own...
Breaking up for Virgo is a huge personal defeat. She will not allow herself this possibility for as long as possible. As the separation horoscope assures, Virgo avoids a drastic decision to end the relationship. Even if this person is unhappy in his personal life, he still does not want to say the last word, he postpones it indefinitely. Therefore, Virgo's dysfunctional relationships most often end with her being abandoned, not her.

If you leave Virgo...
An abandoned Virgo, faced with a partner’s refusal to continue the relationship, completely loses faith in herself. Parting with Virgo means dooming her to deep thoughts. She sorts out the connection, looking for the moment when she made a fatal mistake. She believes that if she had tried harder, things would have ended differently. Do Virgos return to their former partners? Yes, and quite often, and after the next breakup they take on new blame. The abandoned Virgo believes that if she and her partner separated, then she does not deserve love, and she will never meet anything good in life.

How do Libras break up, how do Libra men and women cope with separation?

Libra wants to break up on their own...
Libras do not like and cannot stand loneliness. They are ready to be in unsuccessful relationships only because they have no alternative. Seeing the shortcomings of their partners, representatives of this zodiac sign withdraw into themselves, but cannot take the last step. How do Libras break up? The ending of the love affair is very vague in their execution. They don’t know how to say that this is the end, they become very distant from their partner or simply disappear. Because of the fear of loneliness, Libra is ready to enter into another unsuccessful relationship after breaking up.

If you leave Libra...
Abandoned Libras experience separation very strongly. They are convinced that they are not attractive enough and can become victims of scammers and marriage swindlers who take advantage of their weakness. If these people truly love, then it will last for a long time. It often happens that years after the breakup, Libra still cannot forget their ex-partner.

How does Scorpio break up, how do Scorpio men and women cope with separation?

Scorpio wants to break up on his own...
Scorpio does not admit defeat in any field, including in his personal life. If he decides that he wants to be in a love relationship with someone, then this person does not change his point of view. How do Scorpios break up if they so purposefully fought for the feelings of the person they are interested in?

The decision to break up forces him to accept the betrayal and disloyalty of his partner. Then Scorpio's love turns into hatred, and he is ready to raze his ex to the ground.

If you leave Scorpio...
Breaking up with a Scorpio is very difficult. He doesn't even want to listen when they tell him that he was abandoned. Firstly, he will first convince his partner to stay and restore the relationship. If this does not help, the abandoned Scorpio falls into a rage, in anger he is ready for his worst words and actions. Of course, Scorpio takes revenge on his ex - sophisticatedly, insidiously, with passion and imagination. Then, when the act of revenge is completed, the ex-partner ceases to exist for him.

How does Sagittarius break up, how do Sagittarius men and women experience separation?

Sagittarius wants to break up on his own...
Sagittarius is confident that all the storms in a love relationship can be overcome if you really want it. Therefore, he gives his partner chances after chances. However, everything has its limit - and Streltsov’s patience too. How do Sagittarius break up? Quite calmly, and after a breakup they often remain on friendly terms with their former partners, they will always help and support him.

If you leave Sagittarius...
The abandoned Sagittarius leaves proudly and with a sense of self-esteem. It is not customary for people of this breed to ask or beg for the continuation of a relationship. They believe that there is no evil from which something good cannot come. After a breakup, Sagittarius knows that everything is still ahead, enthusiastically rushes into the whirlpool of dating and quickly enters into the next relationship.

How does Capricorn break up, how do Capricorn men and women cope with separation?

Capricorn wants to break up on his own...
Capricorn often mistakes passion for love - and is mistaken. Therefore, when he discovers that he was mistaken again, he immediately ends the relationship. How do Capricorns break up? These are quite cruel people in their sincerity who do not spare their partner. Capricorn believes that he should be frank, but does not see or understand how ruthless he can sometimes be.

If you leave Capricorn...
Abandoned Capricorn never looks back. As the breakup horoscope assures, he quickly enters into another relationship and looks into the past without regret. He believes that he lives here and now, and crying for his exes and remembering something is a waste of time. If Capricorn was very passionate about relationships, then he drowns out his sadness with work. He doesn’t tell anyone about his feelings, so often those around him don’t even know that their Capricorn friend is already an “ex”, because... broke up with someone.

How does Aquarius break up, how do Aquarius men and women experience separation?

Aquarius wants to break up on his own...

What keeps Aquarius in a love relationship is their passion and fascination with their partner. When it disappears, he will quietly disappear without a twinge of conscience. How do Aquarius break up? They don't like heartbreaking scenes and despair and do everything to avoid it. He will leave home in the absence of his partner, change his phone number and ignore any attempts to contact him. When he decides that the time of “mourning” for the other half has passed, he himself will contact his ex-partner and check if everything is okay with him. Then, perhaps, a sincere friendship will begin between Aquarius and the former partner, often accompanied by friendly intimacy.

If you leave Aquarius...
Abandoned Aquarius convinces himself that, apparently, an unhappy personal life is destined for him, and he completely devotes himself to his hobbies and work. And this will happen until he loves again.

How do Pisces break up, how do Pisces men and women experience separation?

Pisces wants to break up on their own...
As the breakup horoscope says, for Pisces a breakup love relationship– this is a huge problem. First of all, they are never sure whether they made the right decision. Therefore, just in case, Pisces do not say the last, final word and always leave the door open, preparing a loophole for themselves. Often Pisces start relationships on the side and then shift the entire burden of their breakdown onto their betrayed other half. The stars say that after a breakup, Pisces tend to return to their exes in emergency situations.

If you leave Pisces...
Abandoned Pisces is a completely different matter. They are amazed and outraged by the fact that someone did something behind their back. They begin a mental marathon and eventually come to the conclusion that they are worthless and that the breakup is their fault. The initial anger turns into despair and self-flagellation. Do Pisces take revenge? Yes, but their revenge may be limited to the fact that they will irritate their partner with a detailed clarification of the relationship and attempts to make him feel guilty.

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If, having offended his feelings, you became the reason for the separation, he may well not return: it is not easy for him to forget the insults you caused, it is difficult for him to communicate with you.

Behavior of a Virgo man after a breakup
Why do you need a Virgo man? After all, a representative of this zodiac sign can poison anyone’s life with his tediousness. Moreover, he is a workaholic and a pedant, but not a brave and gallant knight. And although it has a lot of advantages, they are difficult to discern.

A man's behavior after a breakup

First of all, it is necessary to discuss that this article only considers established relationships that have stood the test of time, holiday romances, etc., do not fall into this category.

As paradoxical as it may sound, men are more similar to women emotionally than you think. It’s just that their emotions are less likely to come out and are more often stored inside. It is more difficult for a man to open up to another person (it is more difficult to admit his weakness), so outwardly they sometimes behave easier after a breakup. Let's look at several types of behavior.

The first type of behavior. Boomerang.

As they say, sometimes they come back. Men are generally incomprehensible creatures and sometimes after a breakup they continue to call and try to start a new relationship without paying attention. special attention to our disagreement, they continue to achieve. Moreover, sometimes this happens even after the breakup was initiated by him. In this case further development This relationship depends precisely on ourselves, and must proceed according to our rules.

Second type of behavior. I don't need you, I easily found a replacement.

As it is not difficult to guess, this happens when your ex-man literally the “next day” after breaking up, he finds himself a new girlfriend (as a rule, she turns out to be worse than you, as they say, something that turned up). This does not mean that his feelings for you disappeared the very moment you broke up, it’s just that a man needs protection, he needs confirmation of his status as a male. He just needs someone to be nearby. So don’t rush to consider yourself worse than the “chicken” he found for himself, this is simply a manifestation of weakness.

Third type of behavior. A magpie on its tail brought it.

As we all know, men are even bigger gossips than women. And if you and your ex are part of the same social circle, you may suddenly find out that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you. This someone, of course, is your ex, and I must say that this is very disgusting. In this case, it’s not just the fear of losing face as a man (although he’s not worthy of that name), but also petty revenge and dirty tricks. The person is just trying to annoy you and make himself look like a victim.

The fourth type of behavior. Respect and calm.

One can only dream of such behavior from a man after your breakup, or envy you, if this is your case. This is, as they say, “parted as friends,” in this case, after the breakup, you no longer have a man as a partner in the relationship, but you have a great friend who understands and supports you. And sometimes it's much more better relationship. As a rule, this indicates your and his internal maturity. Well, and also about the fact that you ended your relationship on time.

Fifth type of behavior. Unfamiliar people.

This is the case when, after breaking up, you suddenly realize that you had nothing in common in your relationship, and he understands this too. Then he behaves like a person you don’t know well, there are no calls, no gossip, no friendship, communication is reduced to a minimum. In this case, you can only regret that you were in a relationship, because you are very different people and nothing connected you in life.

Of course, these are not all types of behavior, because in fact, every breakup is unique. These are just general examples and generalities. Also, the reasons for breakups are not taken into account at all, and they also have a strong influence on a man’s behavior after a breakup.

Zodiac signs experience separation differently. Find out how.

Love is a beautiful, exciting feeling. When it is there, it gives us happiness, and when it goes away, it causes sadness, regret, and sometimes despair. Everyone experiences different feelings, and this applies to separation to the fullest. However, the behavior of many people has a lot in common, and the breakup horoscope will tell you about this.

Since relationship breakdown is a very common phenomenon, especially in modern world, it never hurts to know how they behave different signs Zodiac after separation. How do representatives of different zodiac constellations experience it, and do they return after a breakup? All this is important, because the feelings, manners, and actions of our former partners continue to influence our lives - at least for some time.

So, separation according to zodiac signs...

How does Aries break up, how do Aries men and women experience separation?

Aries wants to break up on his own...

These people are very impulsive, quick-tempered and “explosive”. The love relationships of these representatives of the Zodiac are a series of quarrels, endless departures and returns. How do Aries break up when they think it’s time to finally separate? They experience the situation very emotionally, they will cry together with their crushed partner, confess their love, change their mind and... again make the final decision. It is not possible to part with an Aries man or woman immediately and completely. Aries and his ex-partner will probably meet more than once in secret, adventurous circumstances.

If you leave Aries...

A break with Aries not on his initiative is a completely different, far less sentimental story. Abandoned Aries quickly begins to feel not love, but anger and even hatred. Even if he still loves his partner, he will never admit it. The former Aries takes revenge with complete indifference; on the street he will quickly pass by his ex-wife or spouse, often without even saying hello.

How does a Taurus break up, how do Taurus men and women experience separation?

Taurus wants to break up on his own...

Every Taurus connection is carefully thought out. He does not choose random partners, and if he decides to have a relationship, he is already confident in the correctness of his choice. But what if it turns out that he was mistaken, that Taurus wants to break up? This is very painful for him, he feels deceived and cannot believe that he could have made such a mistake. A person of this zodiac sign believes that he has done everything for the relationship that he simply could not miss. For him, a breakup, a divorce, is the last resort. How do Taurus break up? They can leave in English, disappear without words.

If you leave Taurus...

Abandoned Taurus suffers alone. He does not like to share his pain (but above all, the feeling of defeat) with the world. For a person of this zodiac sign, self-esteem and image are very important, so he is not inclined to fight for someone’s cooled feelings and take revenge. Often, after a breakup, Taurus is surrounded by false friends who assure the friend of his/her perfection and the shortcomings of their former partners. For this reason, abandoned Taurus people do not draw conclusions from their failed love experiences.

How do Geminis break up, how do Gemini men and women cope with separation?

The twins want to separate themselves...

Geminis are very practical about love unions. If it didn’t work out with one, then there will be the next one. If a partner does not meet his expectations, Gemini will begin looking for another without remorse. He believes that there is only one life, and it is not worth wasting it on unsuccessful relationships. Therefore, the answer to the question of how Geminis break up almost always implies the answer “Quite easily.” Young representatives of the sign are especially easy to decide to break up.

If you leave Gemini...

Abandoned Geminis, after a forced breakup, will try to drown out the pain and quickly rush into the whirlpool of social life. They will be happy to go with friends to parties or travel. Do Geminis get back together after a breakup? There is no need to delude yourself on this score.

They do not recognize return and believe that it is impossible to enter the same river twice. According to the separation horoscope, Gemini quickly draw conclusions from the past and are ready for another relationship. Having a wealth of experience, they choose a new partner very carefully. As a rule, this is the complete opposite of the former passion.

How does Cancer break up, how do Cancer men and women cope with separation?

Cancer wants to break up on his own...

Cancer believes in big, beautiful, romantic love for life, so he will do anything to avoid separation. He will turn a blind eye to all the first signs and signs of the impending end of the relationship. He himself will never be able to decide on separation. Cancer will give itself more and more chances and interpret all dubious situations in its favor.

If you leave Cancer...

When a partner tells him that he is leaving, Cancer will hang on his neck, not allowing him to take a step. He will explain that this is only a temporary misunderstanding, that everything can still be explained and corrected. When a partner disappears around the corner, the abandoned Cancer falls into the abyss of despair. He will call, beg, beg, blackmail, trying to speculate on a pregnancy (in most cases fictitious) or threatening suicide. And all this to the accompaniment of mournful music. The tranquility of an abandoned Cancer after a breakup will be restored when he meets the next love of his life - the only one and forever.

How does Leo break up, how do Leo men and women experience separation?

Leo wants to break up on his own...

Proud Leos are often disappointed in their partners. And when the rose-colored glasses fall from their eyes, then nothing and no one can convince them to continue the relationship; they will still have to part with Leo. He will explain in a royally condescending manner that further journey through life together does not make sense, and for the good of the other party they should separate. Conversations about separation occur without mutual complaints, but often in tears. If the abandoned partner does not give up, Leo can break up very decisively. He simply stops answering phone calls. The exception is Leos who are very much in love, who still believe in their partner, although they are aware of his shortcomings. Such Leos, although they are thinking about divorce, will still fight for the relationship to the end.

If you leave Leo...

An abandoned Leo suffers a lot and, as a rule, without his partner seeing it. In addition to the despair caused by the end of the relationship, he is painfully hurt by his wounded ego. If a Leo is abandoned, he usually leaves with a sense of self-worth. Sometimes after a breakup, Leo feels the desire to take revenge, but, as a rule, revenge ends at the planning stage.

How does Virgo break up, how do Virgo men and women experience separation?

Virgo wants to break up on her own...

Breaking up for Virgo is a huge personal defeat. She will not allow herself this possibility for as long as possible. As the separation horoscope assures, Virgo avoids a drastic decision to end the relationship. Even if this person is unhappy in his personal life, he still does not want to say the last word, he postpones it indefinitely. Therefore, Virgo's dysfunctional relationships most often end with her being abandoned, not her.

If you leave Virgo...

An abandoned Virgo, faced with a partner’s refusal to continue the relationship, completely loses faith in herself. Parting with Virgo means dooming her to deep thoughts. She sorts out the connection, looking for the moment when she made a fatal mistake. She believes that if she had tried harder, things would have ended differently. Do Virgos return to their former partners? Yes, and quite often, and after the next breakup they take on new blame. The abandoned Virgo believes that if she and her partner separated, then she does not deserve love, and she will never meet anything good in life.

How do Libras break up, how do Libra men and women cope with separation?

Libra wants to break up on their own...

Libras do not like and cannot stand loneliness. They are ready to be in unsuccessful relationships only because they have no alternative. Seeing the shortcomings of their partners, representatives of this zodiac sign withdraw into themselves, but cannot take the last step. How do Libras break up? The ending of the love affair is very vague in their execution. They don’t know how to say that this is the end, they become very distant from their partner or simply disappear. Because of the fear of loneliness, Libra is ready to enter into another unsuccessful relationship after breaking up.

If you leave Libra...

Abandoned Libras experience separation very strongly. They are convinced that they are not attractive enough and can become victims of scammers and marriage swindlers who take advantage of their weakness. If these people truly love, then it will last for a long time. It often happens that years after the breakup, Libra still cannot forget their ex-partner.

How does Scorpio break up, how do Scorpio men and women cope with separation?

Scorpio wants to break up on his own...

Scorpio does not admit defeat in any field, including in his personal life. If he decides that he wants to be in a love relationship with someone, then this person does not change his point of view. How do Scorpios break up if they so purposefully fought for the feelings of the person they are interested in?

The decision to break up forces him to accept the betrayal and disloyalty of his partner. Then Scorpio's love turns into hatred, and he is ready to raze his ex to the ground.

If you leave Scorpio...

Breaking up with a Scorpio is very difficult. He doesn't even want to listen when they tell him that he was abandoned. Firstly, he will first convince his partner to stay and restore the relationship. If this does not help, the abandoned Scorpio falls into a rage, in anger he is ready for his worst words and actions. Of course, Scorpio takes revenge on his ex - sophisticatedly, insidiously, with passion and imagination. Then, when the act of revenge is completed, the ex-partner ceases to exist for him.

How does Sagittarius break up, how do Sagittarius men and women experience separation?

Sagittarius wants to break up on his own...

Sagittarius is confident that all the storms in a love relationship can be overcome if you really want it. Therefore, he gives his partner chances after chances. However, everything has its limit - and Streltsov’s patience too. How do Sagittarius break up? Quite calmly, and after a breakup they often remain on friendly terms with their former partners, they will always help and support him.

If you leave Sagittarius...

The abandoned Sagittarius leaves proudly and with a sense of self-esteem. It is not customary for people of this breed to ask or beg for the continuation of a relationship. They believe that there is no evil from which something good cannot come. After a breakup, Sagittarius knows that everything is still ahead, enthusiastically rushes into the whirlpool of dating and quickly enters into the next relationship.

How does Capricorn break up, how do Capricorn men and women cope with separation?

Capricorn wants to break up on his own...

Capricorn often mistakes infatuation for love - and is mistaken. Therefore, when he discovers that he was mistaken again, he immediately ends the relationship. How do Capricorns break up? These are quite cruel people in their sincerity who do not spare their partner. Capricorn believes that he should be frank, but does not see or understand how ruthless he can sometimes be.

If you leave Capricorn...

Abandoned Capricorn never looks back. As the breakup horoscope assures, he quickly enters into another relationship and looks into the past without regret. He believes that he lives here and now, and crying for his exes and remembering something is a waste of time. If Capricorn was very passionate about relationships, then he drowns out his sadness with work. He doesn’t tell anyone about his feelings, so often those around him don’t even know that their Capricorn friend is already an “ex”, because... broke up with someone.

How does Aquarius break up, how do Aquarius men and women experience separation?

Aquarius wants to break up on his own...

What keeps Aquarius in a love relationship is their passion and fascination with their partner. When it disappears, he will quietly disappear without a twinge of conscience. How do Aquarius break up? They don't like heartbreaking scenes and despair and do everything to avoid it. He will leave home in the absence of his partner, change his phone number and ignore any attempts to contact him. When he decides that the time of “mourning” for the other half has passed, he himself will contact his ex-partner and check if everything is okay with him. Then, perhaps, a sincere friendship will begin between Aquarius and the former partner, often accompanied by friendly intimacy.

If you leave Aquarius...

Abandoned Aquarius convinces himself that, apparently, an unhappy personal life is destined for him, and he completely devotes himself to his hobbies and work. And this will happen until he loves again.

How do Pisces break up, how do Pisces men and women experience separation?

Pisces wants to break up on their own...

As the breakup horoscope says, for Pisces, breaking up a love relationship is a huge problem. First of all, they are never sure whether they made the right decision. Therefore, just in case, Pisces do not say the last, final word and always leave the door open, preparing a loophole for themselves. Often Pisces start relationships on the side and then shift the entire burden of their breakdown onto their betrayed other half. The stars say that after a breakup, Pisces tend to return to their exes in emergency situations.

If you leave Pisces...

Abandoned Pisces is a completely different matter. They are amazed and outraged by the fact that someone did something behind their back. They begin a mental marathon and eventually come to the conclusion that they are worthless and that the breakup is their fault. The initial anger turns into despair and self-flagellation. Do Pisces take revenge? Yes, but their revenge may be limited to the fact that they will irritate their partner with a detailed clarification of the relationship and attempts to make him feel guilty.