Ovulation test strips. When to start conceiving after an ovulation test is positive? Can the test show erroneous results

Recently, various ovulation tests have appeared in pharmacies, offered by several manufacturers. These products have already gained popularity among many women. What are they intended for, and how can they be useful to representatives of the fairer sex?

Ovulation is the most important point in the functioning of the female reproductive system. Ovulation in gynecology means the moment when the egg leaves the ovary and begins its movement along the fallopian tube, where it should meet the sperm. Since the lifespan of an egg is short - no more than 2 days, the period of ovulation is the most favorable moment for conception.

As a rule, during one cycle (lasting from 21 to 35 days), the egg is released from the ovary only once, but there are cases of double or triple ovulation. However, ovulation is a phenomenon that does not happen every day. And that is why many women strive to find out at what point it will come. Is it possible to do this?

How can you determine the moment of ovulation?

Some women may experience certain physiological signs that indicate ovulation is imminent. This may include slight pain in the lower abdomen, slight vaginal discharge, and increased sexual desire. However, all these signs are purely individual and cannot be used as a reliable criterion.

To determine the moment of ovulation in gynecology, various methods can be used:

Particular attention should be paid to the last method. It is quite simple and at the same time effective, which made it possible to develop a number of tests based on it that can be used at home.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a hormone that is synthesized in a woman’s body immediately before ovulation (one to two days). Thus, its increased concentration may indicate that ovulation will take place in the coming days. The highest concentration of the hormone is found in urine or saliva.

Due to this circumstance, several portable systems have been developed to detect hormone concentrations. The chemicals contained in these systems react with LH and make its presence known through visual signals.

Let's consider the operating principle of such systems using the example of a simple strip test. The ovulation test includes several disposable paper strips with a reagent applied to them. It is enough to moisten one such strip in urine, and in a few minutes it will give the result. The appearance of a strip on a piece of paper will mean a high level of the hormone and, as a result, a high probability of ovulation within a few days.

So that the ovulation test would show correct result, a woman should adhere to several simple rules. Firstly, you should not use the very first urine after waking up for testing. The optimal time for urine collection is from 10.00 to 20.00. In addition, you should not drink a lot of fluid before urinating, as this can dilute the urine and reduce the concentration of the hormone. In addition, repeat testing is recommended to increase the reliability of the results.

Ways to use ovulation tests

What can an ovulation test be useful for? Firstly, it can be useful for women who passionately want to get pregnant. After all, ovulation and the few days preceding it are the most favorable period for conception.

Some women use tests as a means to plan the sex of their child. There is a theory according to which sperm carrying the male chromosome are less tenacious, but more mobile compared to sperm carrying the female chromosome. Therefore, the closer to the moment of ovulation sexual intercourse was performed, the greater the chance that the egg will be fertilized by a male sperm.

In other cases, an ovulation test can be used by women who, on the contrary, want to avoid pregnancy. After all, after two days after ovulation, sperm will no longer be able to fertilize the egg. However, this method requires more frequent testing, and given that test strips cost some money, it is associated with some material costs. In addition, this method of protection cannot be called very reliable. After all, ovulation tests report only the concentration of LH, and not the moment of ovulation itself. Not to mention the high probability of obtaining false negative results due to non-compliance with the testing methodology or poor-quality (expired) test strips.

Types of testing systems for PH

In total, the pharmaceutical industry produces several testing systems:

  • using disposable strips,
  • using disposable cartridges,
  • jet systems,
  • electronic devices with disposable strips,
  • optical instruments for determining LH from saliva.

Testing with disposable cartridges is much like testing with strips. The only difference is that a drop of urine must be dropped into one window of the cartridge, and the result will be displayed in the other window.

The device with disposable strips is similar in principle to devices for testing blood sugar levels. A strip soaked in urine is inserted into a special connector, and the test result appears on the indicator. Read on the official Frautest website about what types of ovulation tests exist.

Carrying out an ovulation test, instructions

Let us describe in more detail the method of testing for PH using disposable strips (strip tests). The most popular ovulation tests of this type are produced under the brand names Frautest, Eviplan, Solo.

Typically, an ovulation test includes several strips for testing for LH. Some also come with additional pregnancy test strips.

Test strips are removed from the packaging immediately before testing; they should not be stored unpacked. To start the test, place the urine in a clean and dry container. By the way, many kits are equipped with special containers for urine. Then the strip should be immersed in the urine for about 5 seconds, then pulled out and placed in a dry place.

Normally, the test strip should be white. After a few minutes (it’s better to check the instructions for the exact time, but usually no more than 10 minutes), the strip may change its appearance.

Possible options strip changes:

  • there are no lines - poor quality or expired test;
  • only one (control) line appeared - no PH;
  • one line appeared and next to it a pale second line - there is no LH or its concentration is very low;
  • a control line appears, as well as a second line, darker than the control line or of the same intensity as it - a high concentration of LH, ovulation should be expected.

Optical testing systems

Special mention should be made about optical systems that determine the concentration of LH not in urine, but in saliva. They are essentially small microscopes designed to examine droplets of saliva. Analysis results in some of these devices can be provided automatically. In other devices, it is necessary to manually compare the pattern visible in the eyepiece with the template. It has been established that in case high level LH in saliva under a microscope becomes visible a certain structure, similar to a tree leaf or a snow crystal. In general, optical instruments are considered more reliable than systems based on chemical urine testing. In addition, they are much more convenient - after all, it is not always convenient for a woman, especially a busy one, to carry out some manipulations with urine. The disadvantage of such devices, however, is their high price. However, given that devices of this type are reusable, they can be cheaper than traditional strip tests.

Can ovulation test strips show a positive result during pregnancy?

Theoretically, this cannot happen, but in practice such a phenomenon still occurs. The reason for this is that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), released during pregnancy, is similar in structure to LH. Therefore, the LH test may mistake hCG for LH. But this curiosity most likely indicates the low quality of the test for PH.

When should you start testing for ovulation?

You can, of course, carry out the test every day throughout the menstrual cycle, but in most cases this is irrational from a financial point of view (one test strip costs at least 60 rubles, and with an increase in quality, and as a result, accuracy, its price, naturally , increases). Therefore, most women calculate the approximate time of the onset of ovulation. As a rule, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. That is, if a woman’s cycle is normal and lasts 28 days, then ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day. The first day of the cycle is the day the menstruation begins.

However, the exact time of ovulation is impossible to predict (otherwise there would be no need for any tests). The following factors may influence the timing of ovulation:

  • infectious diseases,
  • psychological and emotional state of a woman,
  • changing weather conditions.

Also, the time of ovulation may be “off” after childbirth, abortion, or when menopause approaches. It is for this reason and because it is best to know about ovulation in advance, it is best to start testing a few days before the expected date of this event. Most experts recommend starting testing on the 11th day of your period. In this case, you can conduct not one test per day, but two, every 12 hours. If the cycle length is more than 28 days, then it is recommended to start testing 17 days before the start of the next period.

If a woman’s cycles have different durations, then it is necessary to focus on the shortest cycle. That is, if a woman has cycles of 26 and 32 days a year, then it is better to assume that the expected day of ovulation is the 13th day. Or you can subtract 17 days from the minimum cycle and start testing from that day.

Is testing always reliable?

In what cases are false positive tests possible? LH levels may increase not only due to upcoming ovulation, but also due to ovarian depletion syndrome, hormonal dysfunction, renal failure, and postmenopause. Also, the level of the hormone is highest in the morning - which is why it is not recommended to take the first morning urine for testing. In addition, tests can also respond to increased levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, as well as to phytohormones that can enter a woman’s body with food.

All this suggests that relying only on tests is not the wisest decision. Other diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound, are more reliable than rapid tests.

Planning a pregnancy always begins with determining the day of ovulation. For this purpose, tests are used, the range and variety of which are very abundant today. The instructions for each type describe the basic rules, as well as identifying the initial period for testing, i.e. what time to take an ovulation test.

When is the best time to test?

Considering the types of tests, it is worth mentioning the main ones: strip strips, cassettes with a cap, strips or inkjet-type devices and microscope-type devices. The operating principle of all this variety is the same. It is based on the concentration in the urine of the level of luteinizing hormone, which is detected using a reagent. It is known that it reaches its maximum value (burst) on the eve of the cell’s exit from the ovary.

Calculation of the day

To determine what time to do an ovulation test, a woman must know the duration of the menstrual period and subtract the number 17 from it. For example, with a regularity of 28 days, we carry out a simple operation: 28-17 = 11. In this case, the first test should be done on day 11. If regularity is not observed, then 17 must be subtracted from the expected date of the next menstruation.

In case of an irregular cycle, for such calculations the length of the shortest one in recent months is taken.

Morning or evening

When figuring out what time is best to take an ovulation test, morning or evening, the answer is ambiguous. Experts call the range from 10 to 20 hours as the most relevant. The following rules should be taken into account:

  • It is better not to use the first portion of urine after sleep, so as not to get a false answer.
  • For greater reliability of the result, testing is recommended to be done 2 times a day with an equal interval all days until a clear effect is detected. This option is also relevant for girls with a short duration of ovulation.
  • You should stop drinking liquid or limit its amount 1-4 hours before.
  • Refrain from urinating 2, or preferably 4 hours before this moment.

Instructions for implementation

Let's look at an example of how and at what time to do the Ovuplan ovulation test. This is a standard strip test that can be easily performed at home. It will indicate the moment of the LH surge, i.e. with a positive effect, the girl will have up to 24 hours before the cell itself comes out. The box contains 5 strips, each of which is packaged separately and is opened only immediately before the procedure. This number of probes should be enough for one-time testing.

Having calculated the day of the test and collected the urine correctly, we begin the study. Dip the strip into the liquid for 5 seconds until the mark on it, take it out and set aside to wait (about 10 minutes). Then we evaluate the result:

  • If 2 lines of the same color are visible or the test line is brighter than the control line, the LH surge has occurred and the cell will appear no later than 24 hours, that is, the optimal time for conception has arrived. This is a positive result.
  • If the answer is negative, the test line becomes paler or does not appear at all. There is very little hormone in the urine; the cell will not appear soon. It should be repeated tomorrow, observing the cycle (time of fluid collection).
  • If both or only the control strip are missing, there is an error in the test or the test is of poor quality (expired, broken packaging). The procedure should be repeated with another strip.

Operating principle and choice of ovulation test

The principle of using inkjet and digital devices is very similar. The difference lies in the decoding of the result. When using digital devices, answers appear on the screen in the form of certain symbols. When choosing trademark It's worth reading the reviews. But overall positive feedback Every brand has enough.

Microscope for ovulation

In one of our articles we looked at all types of ovulation tests on the market, here is the sample we liked, which you can order on AliExpress.


To properly conduct testing and determine at what time to do an ovulation test, the instructions, carefully studied by you, will help you go through all the steps correctly and get an up-to-date answer.

If a woman wants to calculate the most favorable time for conception, she can resort to the most convenient and reliable method - an ovulation test. During ovulation, a follicle ruptures in one of the ovaries and an egg that is mature and ready for fertilization is released into the abdominal cavity.

At this time, a number of changes occur in the woman’s body, preparing it for possible pregnancy. Including 24-36 hours before ovulation, the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine increases sharply. By determining the amount of this hormone in the urine using a test, you can calculate the time of ovulation. An ovulation test, like a pregnancy test, is done using freshly collected urine. For example, Frautest is one of the most effective tests on the market, has a sensitivity of 15 mIU/ml and is available in several versions to increase the accuracy of the test. The effectiveness of this method depends on how regular the woman's menstrual cycle is.

With a regular cycle, ovulation occurs approximately in the middle (See “Signs of ovulation in women”). How to calculate the days of ovulation with an irregular cycle can be read in the article “Favorable days for conceiving a child.”

When to take the test?

The high level of luteinizing hormone required for a positive ovulation test lasts about a day, so it is recommended to test twice a day. After all, it may happen that the hormone level reaches its peak in the morning, and the test is done only in the evening - by this time the hormone level may have already decreased.

The approximate time when you should start taking an ovulation test can be determined by the formula:

  • cycle duration minus 17.

That is, if the length of a woman’s menstrual cycle is constant, the test can be started 17 days before the start of menstruation. Therefore, with a cycle of 28 days, the test should be performed on the 11th day, with a cycle of 35 days - on the 18th.

How to do an ovulation test correctly?

When conducting the test, you must follow some rules:

  • do not accept medicines containing luteinizing hormone;
  • do not use first morning urine for testing;
  • 1 – 4 hours before the test, limit fluid intake;
  • the test must be carried out any time from 10 am to 8 pm;
  • the test should be carried out every day at the same time;
  • do two tests a day, morning and evening;
  • do not throw away tests from previous days; by comparing tests (the brightness of the second strip) you can determine at what specific moment ovulation occurred (test with the brightest strip).

How to “read” test results?

Ovulation tests, like pregnancy tests, have two zones. One shows the suitability of the test for use, the second contains a control line, on which a chemical reagent sensitive to luteinizing hormone is applied. A positive result can be determined by the second line, the brightness of which in this case will match or be darker than the control (if the second line is pale, then continue doing ovulation tests). This means that in the next 24-36 hours the egg will be released from the ovary and will be ready for fertilization.

How to choose a test?

Tests can be in the form of test strips, which are immersed in a container of urine, or in the form of jet systems, which are placed under a stream of urine (or also immersed in a container). The time it takes to see test results depends on the brand. It can range from three minutes to half an hour.

The brand is very popular when determining the time of ovulation Frautest. These tests come in the form of strip and inkjet tests and are 99% reliable. The kit contains 5-7 tests. This is exactly how much it may take to determine the moment of ovulation. Inkjet tests are characterized by the same high reliability. ClearPlan. The same company produces similar electronic tests. Inkjet tests and test strips, which can be purchased either in sets of 5-7 pieces or individually, are produced by the company OVUPLAN. The disadvantage of tests is their price, because for reliability testing needs to be carried out more than one day, and often even a week.

Be aware of anovulatory cycles

If you were unable to determine the time of ovulation in one menstrual cycle, do not be upset. It often happens that even healthy women with a regular cycle do not ovulate in any month. This cycle is called “anovulatory”. Usually it happens once or twice a year (but not in a row). If ovulation is not detected for two or three months in a row, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Diagnosing the onset of ovulation using a test is well known to those who have taken a responsible approach to pregnancy planning. Modern rapid tests allow you to calculate ovulation without material and time costs at home. The tests operate on the principle of detecting changes in a woman’s hormonal levels in body fluids.

The range of ovulation tests is very wide and makes it possible to choose the ideal option for every woman. Modern technologies allow you to leave conception at random in the past. Ovulation tests are suitable for everyone who wants to become pregnant: they have no contraindications, are easy to use at home, and do not require constant medical supervision.

Ovulation concept

Ovulation is the process of the release of a mature egg from a ruptured follicle into the fallopian tubes, where fertilization becomes possible. Predicting ovulation is an important period for intentional conception, and the use of tests to determine ovulation occurs according to specific instructions.

Ovulation itself occurs in the middle of the cycle in most women, so for the reliability of testing it is necessary to conduct observations continuously for five days. The use of tests allows you to accurately determine the moment of ovulation - the day of the cycle suitable for conception.

Why do you need an ovulation test?

Ovulation tests respond to an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone (in the blood, urine, saliva). This hormone is responsible for the onset of ovulation. Determining the value during the ovulatory peak allows future parents to plan sexual intercourse with the highest probability of successful conception. The viability of an egg ready for fertilization is limited to a day, so ovulation tests are used twice a day to obtain accurate data, covering a period of several days before and after expected ovulation.

What does it look like

The ovulation test is similar in appearance to a pregnancy test - a strip with indicators designed for one-time use.

The control strip of the test system acts as a color standard, and the second strip, whether or not it appears as a result of a urine test, is a confirmation of ovulation if the shades of color match. Thus, ovulation tests are carried out by analyzing collected urine or stream and give the result with the described symbols.

How it works: instructions for use

The time for using the test can be calculated independently or by seeking help from a doctor. Estimated ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, so tests should be used 2-3 days before it begins to monitor bodily changes. If a woman’s cycle is not stable, then predicting ovulation takes several months to identify individual patterns.

Types of ovulation tests:

  • Strip test (strip).
  • Tablet.
  • Jet test.
  • Reusable test system (reading device).
  • Digital test (for collecting saliva).

In accordance with the instructions for a specific test system, it is necessary to lower the strip with the reagent into a container with freshly collected urine and wait for the specified time, and then wait for the result to appear - the strip or the icon stated in the description. There are also ovulation tests that do not require urine collection: to use them, just one drop or placing them under the stream is enough.

During normal menstruation

The standard menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days. If a woman’s cycle is stable over a long period of time (according to her observations), does not change from month to month, and proceeds without disturbances, then the day of ovulation can be calculated by calculating the middle of the cycle from the first day of menstruation. For example, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. Therefore, to confirm such calculations, you should start using an ovulation test from the 11th day of the cycle, that is, three days before the expected rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg.

With an irregular cycle

Even a stable cycle can undergo changes under the influence of these factors. If the menstrual cycle is not regular, then its stabilization should take place under medical supervision. In case of an irregular cycle, it is possible to calculate the exact time of ovulation provided that the hormonal levels correspond to the norm. Otherwise, the test results will not be reliable, despite the longer period of their use.

Ovulation is associated not only with features female body, but also external influences. Its timing is influenced by stress, heavy loads, the use of aggressive medications, and climate change.

How to do research correctly

An ovulation test package usually contains five tests and detailed instructions by application. Each company's system is different, which is reflected in the instructions. At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to allocate time to carry out the analysis in accordance with what is indicated on the packaging, and purchase containers for analysis in advance.

How to use

As for any other analysis, urine to determine the release of an egg using a test system is taken fresh, not stagnant, collected in the middle of the urination process. Each test has a reagent surface that will turn the color of the control strip when elevated level luteinizing hormone.

If the shade of the second stripe that appears is paler than the control, this only means the body is beginning to prepare for ovulation. Within a day or two, the second test strip will reach the color of the control one, which will indicate impending ovulation in the coming hours.

How many times a day to do

Accurate tracking of ovulation involves taking the test twice a day: in the morning, about an hour after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. This method allows you to record the smallest changes in test data, which makes it possible to select the optimal time of conception. However, testing twice a day is more expensive financially, so many couples settle for testing once a day.

Biomaterials for determining ovulation

Determining the preparation of the female body for a possible pregnancy is possible by analyzing the following biomaterials:

  1. blood;
  2. urine;
  3. saliva.

In the first case, research is possible only by a qualified specialist. Blood collection for biochemical analysis occurs in a medical facility. As a result, data on various indicators appears, including hormone levels. This method is the least convenient of all possible, since it does not involve careful tracking of ovulation and serves to check the general hormonal background of a woman.

In the second case, a rapid ovulation test can be performed independently. Test systems for urine analysis are inexpensive, easy to use, and allow you to monitor any changes.

The third option for determining ovulation, which involves analyzing a saliva sample, is the most expensive. The reusable system consists of a powerful but compact microscope and a glass slide onto which you need to drop saliva (in the morning, on an empty stomach). During ovulation, a pattern resembling fern leaves will be clearly visible in your saliva. At any other time of the cycle, such “frost” is not detected on the glass.

When and at what time of day is it better to do it: morning or evening

To take into account the smallest changes in the test result, measurements can be taken both in the morning and in the evening. However, to detect an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone, a daily analysis with daily frequency is sufficient. In this case, you should stop at the morning test, when the urine has not yet been affected by the liquids consumed during the day.

From what day of the menstrual cycle should the test be done?

The specific days of diagnosis are purely individual and directly depend on the length of the cycle.

The start of testing is counted from the first day of menstruation, focusing on the middle of the cycle.

So, with the most common cycle of 28 days, ovulation tests should begin on the 11th day from the start of menstruation. For a cycle of a different duration, the given diagram will serve as a starting point: for a shorter one, the difference in days must be subtracted, for a longer one, add.

How to determine the result yourself

The result is determined within a maximum of 10-15 minutes, depending on the selected test system. Possible indication options are described in detail in the instructions for a specific test, and may be:

  • the second strip, which must be compared with the first, control;
  • reagent window that changes color;
  • digital symbols (plus sign, smiley, etc.).

As a negative answer will show

If the concentration of luteinizing hormone is still insufficient, the test indicator will either not appear at all or will be pale and barely noticeable.

If after the analysis the test has not changed in any way, then this may be an indicator of either a negative result or a poor-quality test system. Therefore, when choosing an ovulation test at a pharmacy, you should pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging in order to exclude a false negative result.


A positive result is a stripe bright color, electronic icon or specific pattern on the microscope glass (depending on the type of test). If the ovulation test result looks positive, it means that the egg will be released from the follicle soon. Cases have been recorded when the ovulation indicator even exceeds the color norm described for confirmation, which indicates that the egg is ready for fertilization within a few hours.

Weakly positive

The indicator may also show an ambiguous result - a stripe that is visually distinguishable, but does not correspond to the intensity of the control color.

This can be either the result of an incorrectly performed procedure or an indicator of the very beginning of the production of luteinizing hormone.

In this case, it is necessary to continue testing according to the selected scheme.

False positive: reasons

Testing that shows ovulation when there is no ovulation is called a false positive. Its causes may be hormonal imbalances, increased production of luteinizing hormone due to drug therapy, or incorrect analysis. A false positive result is obtained when testing stagnant urine, so for reliable data it is necessary to use not the first urine after a night's sleep.

Types of tests to determine ovulation: which one to choose

The main criteria for choosing a test are the cost of the system, the reliability of the results, and the speed of their detection. Ease of use is also an important characteristic. In addition, it is worth considering the factor of reusability.


The strip test is a thin paper strip with a luteinizing hormone-sensitive zone and a control mark.

It needs to be lowered into a container with urine for 10 seconds and wait for the result to appear within 10 minutes. This test system is inexpensive.


The test tablet is a plastic case with two windows, into one of which you need to drop urine, and in the other, an ovulation indicator will appear after 3 minutes. This method is rated as more reliable than strip tests, but is more expensive.


They look identical to strip strips, but work using a different method: a strip of paper with a reagent is placed under a stream of urine and the result is obtained on the indicator after 5 minutes.

Reusable highly sensitive

They consist of an electronic device that provides information about the result in words on the screen, and a set of strips for immersion in urine. The advantage of such a system is the ease of evaluating results and the possibility of reusable use.

Electronic reusable

Outwardly they resemble a lipstick case, the device itself is a microscope that analyzes a saliva sample and reveals in it a specific “frost on glass” pattern characteristic of luteinizing hormone. The electronic (digital) test eliminates errors in the interpretation of the result.

What determines the accuracy of the results?

The accuracy of the results is important to consider in any research.

During ovulation, it is worth considering the following points that can affect the results:

  • luteinizing hormone concentrations;
  • correctness of the procedure;
  • using fresh samples of body fluids.


Using any type of ovulation test is, first of all, a confirmation of the confidence of future parents in their desire to conceive a child.

Accurate determination of the period suitable for conception allows you to achieve the desired pregnancy in the shortest possible time. Besides, this method pregnancy planning has no contraindications and is characterized by highly reliable results.


The disadvantage of testing using blood sampling is the inability to track periodic changes, since the test is one-time and may simply not cover the required period.

One of the possible ways to diagnose ovulation is ultrasound, but this method has a number of limitations: it is carried out only in the clinic, completely depends on the experience of the ultrasound specialist, and costs a lot of money.

Modern ovulation tests are varied and give the opportunity to choose based on various characteristics:

  • prices;
  • method of application;
  • declared reliability of the results;
  • preferences of the woman using them.

Express systems have virtually no disadvantages. The only disadvantage is the inevitability of material costs for the purchase of consumables. A financially free method of calculating ovulation is to measure basal temperature and plot graphs based on daily procedures, but this method requires a preparatory period of at least three months to identify patterns of temperature changes.

Useful video on the topic

The ovulation test is one of the most reliable, which is used when planning pregnancy.

The most common ovulation tests work on the principle of pregnancy tests, namely, they give a result after contact with urine. Unlike pregnancy tests, which detect the level of hCG (hCG) in the urine, ovulation tests measure the concentration of another hormone, luteinizing hormone, or LH. LH levels rise in the blood and urine shortly before ovulation.

What types of ovulation tests are there?

There are several types of ovulation tests, which differ in ease of use, price and accuracy of results:

  • The ovulation strip test looks the same as the pregnancy strip test and will also show one or two stripes after contact with urine. To perform the test, you need to collect the urine in a small, clean container and then drop the test into it. Test results usually appear within a few minutes. This is the most inexpensive type of ovulation test.
  • The jet ovulation test is more convenient to use, as it does not require preliminary collection of urine into a container. To perform the test, simply pee on the sensitive end of the test. Test results in the form of one or two stripes appear within a few minutes.
  • A digital (electronic) ovulation test is the most accurate, but also the most expensive type of ovulation test. To carry out the test, simply place the sensitive end of the test under a stream of urine. The test results are usually shown on a small display within one minute of contact with the urine.
  • A reusable ovulation test is a special type of test that determines an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone based on an indirect sign - changes in saliva. In fact, a reusable ovulation test is a pocket microscope that can look at changes in saliva that indicate ovulation. The price of this test depends on the manufacturer: for example, foreign tests (Maybe Baby Ovulation Microscope, Geratherm OVU Control) cost about $70-100, while the domestic “Cycle” mini-microscope produced by Zenit is several times cheaper.

Why do an ovulation test?

  • If you are already planning a pregnancy more than a year, but conception never happened.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy, but for some reason you cannot have sex throughout your menstrual cycle. In this case, you can plan sexual intercourse for the most “lucky” day.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy during...
  • If you are planning, thyroid diseases and other hormonal disorders accompanied by menstrual irregularities.

In what cases is it useless to do an ovulation test?

In some situations, the use of ovulation tests is not advisable:

  • If you often have long delays. In this case, it is almost impossible to calculate the days on which ovulation is most likely, so you will be forced to test every day for weeks or even months. Given the high cost of ovulation tests, their use may be prohibitively expensive. Consider purchasing a reusable ovulation test (a mini-microscope that detects signs of ovulation using saliva), or see your doctor and discuss the possibility of folliculometry.
  • If you are not planning a pregnancy and want to avoid sexual intercourse on “dangerous” days. Ovulation tests are not a reliable method of contraception. About proven methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy you can read on our website: .

On what day of the cycle should I take an ovulation test?

So, you purchased a package of ovulation tests and were wondering what day of the cycle to start taking tests. It all depends on how regular your menstrual cycle is and how many days pass from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period.

If you have a regular menstrual cycle, subtract 17 from your cycle length and you will get the day of your cycle on which you need to start taking ovulation tests. For example, if the menstrual cycle is 28 days long (28 – 17 = 11), start doing tests starting on the 11th day of the cycle (the first day of the cycle is the first day of menstruation).

For irregular periods, choose the shortest menstrual cycle in the last six months and subtract 17 from that number. Keep in mind that in your situation, some cycles may be anovulatory (without ovulation), so it may take a little longer to conceive a child (from several months to year).

How to use an ovulation test?

In order for the ovulation test to give a reliable result, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Do not use your first morning urine for testing.
  • Take an ovulation test at the same time of day every day.
  • For more accurate testing, it is recommended to do tests twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. This will allow you not to miss the moment when the LH level reaches its maximum.
  • Before you start using the test, carefully read the instructions included in the package. Pay attention to how many minutes it takes to read the test results. Before or after this time, an ovulation test may give an incorrect result.

How to understand the results of an ovulation test?

An ovulation test provides results based on the level of luteinizing hormone (LH), which rises in the days before ovulation and peaks several hours before the egg is ready to be fertilized.

Within a few minutes of contact with urine, one or two lines will appear on the ovulation test. The first strip is called the control strip: it always appears and is an indicator that the test is valid and carried out correctly. The second strip is called a test strip: it is by it that we determine when ovulation occurs.

The appearance of two lines on an ovulation test does not mean that you are ready to conceive a child. In this case, it is important to pay attention to how intensely colored the test strip is:

  • If the test strip is paler than the control or is not detected at all (only one strip appears in the test), the ovulation test result is negative. This means that ovulation most likely will not occur in the next 24 hours and you should repeat the test the next day.
  • If the test strip is intensely colored and has the same color as the control strip (or even darker than the control strip), the ovulation test result is positive. This means that ovulation will most likely occur in the next 24-36 hours, which means you have a high chance of conceiving in the next 24 hours.

What to do if you have a positive ovulation test?

A positive ovulation test is the green light for couples planning a pregnancy. On the day when the ovulation test shows two bright stripes, the couple is recommended to have sex.

Having sex too often (every day), as well as infrequent sex (once a week or less) can adversely affect the quality of a man's sperm, making it incapable of fertilizing an egg. Fertility specialists recommend making love every 2-3 days to maintain optimal sperm quality and increase the chances of successful conception.

When can you take a pregnancy test?

Most pregnancy tests show a positive result 2-3 weeks after conception, so doctors recommend first waiting for a missed period and only then doing it.

If you are impatient to find out if pregnancy has occurred, you can take a test, which shows a positive result 11 days after conception.

What to do if there was ovulation, but pregnancy did not occur?

First of all, don't despair. Sex on the day of ovulation, calculated using ovulation tests, does not always lead to successful conception. Conception can be influenced by many factors that we cannot always control. For most healthy couples, conceiving a child can take several months to a year. If pregnancy does not occur after several months of tracking ovulation and regular sexual intercourse, you should contact your gynecologist or a specialist from a pregnancy planning center. Both you and your sexual partner may need testing.